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The Longevity Essentials Story

In 2002, Mike Nash released his book Aggressive Health, covering everything from peak performance nutrition, detoxifiction, hormone control, mind technology, stress reduction, meditation and neurotransmitter modulation, through to strength conditioning and endurance training and ultimately the impact of these time-tested fundamental principles on longevity. Over 20 years later the Aggressive Health Shop has been renamed Longevity Essentials and is still many people's favourite for essential daily minerals, tonic herbs, medicinal mushrooms, ancestral nutrition and much much more.

Spotlight Brand: The Energy Blueprint

The Energy Blueprint The Energy Blueprint - Ultra Brain 150caps
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM ULTRABRAIN Improved mood (combat depressed mood and increase joy) Improved focus and cognitive performance Improved brain energy levels Decreased brain fog (improved clarity) Decreased anxiety Stimulant-free brain boosting action Long-term decreased risk of neurodegenerative diseases DO YOU HAVE ANY (OR ALL) OF THESE SYMPTOMS?Brain-Related fatigue - Feeling fatigued, exhausted, or sleepy after doing something mentally demanding Chronic low-energy - waking up feeling groggy, feeling tired throughout the day, relying on caffeine or stimulants to keep you alert Brain fog - a type of cognitive dysfunction that includes memory problems, lack of ability to concentrate, and lack of mental clarity Anxiety or depression - persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, guilt, hopelessness, worry, or pessimism Sleep problems - racing thoughts at bedtime or inability to fall asleep quickly, waking up in the night - sometimes repeatedly, insomnia Loss of resiliency - inability to handle and recover from stress Whether you suffer from one or all of these issues, you must understand this critical truth: These symptoms are NOT a normal thing, and they're NOT just a normal part of aging! HERE'S THE REALITY These symptoms are present because you actually have damaged, inflamed, or dysfunctional neurons in your brain more specifically, you have:   Leaky blood-brain barrier – a shockingly common issue where the protective wall between your brain and bloodstream breaks down when it becomes leaky, things get into the brain that shouldn’t be there.   Mitochondrial dysfunction/shutdown –  mitochondria are your cellular energy generators and danger sensors, but, mitochondria cannot be in both energy mode and cell defense mode.  When your mitochondria are weak, they are constantly trying to sense danger and can’t produce energy.   Neuroinflammation – cells in your brain called microglia, which sort of function as your brain’s immune system, are activated too frequently and become stuck in the on position, as a result, they produce inflammatory compounds and oxidative damage.   LET'S FIX THE DAMAGED NEURONS IN YOUR BRAIN! You CAN seal your blood-brain barrier, heal your mitochondria, and reduce the inflammation in your brain! You CAN reverse your brain-related fatigue, brain fog, anxiety and depression, loss of resilience, and sleep issues! To do this you must:   Nourish your imbalanced brain with a wide range of nutrients – nutrients that are scientifically proven to fix your neurons Reverse cellular dysfunction Reduce inflammation Rewire your brain out of fatigue, stress, and depression mode   WHY THESE SPECIFIC NUTRIENTS? The result is a very carefully curated formulation that meets these unparalleled standards:   Absolutely zero pseudo-sciences, facts, or false marketing. Pure science in every serving Each ingredient is in its most potent, bioavailable form. Really nothing else can outperform these brain-boosting compounds. Effective dosages in each and every serving. 6 capsules a day is everything you need to help reverse cellular dysfunction and supercharge your mental capacity   THE PERFECT FORMULATION 15 Premium, carefully sourced ingredients in effective dosages.   RHODIOLA ROSEA   Stabilizes mood Reduces anxiety and depression Improves cognitive performance Reduces feelings of exhaustion, irritability, and burnout Increases resilience (resistance to stress) Functions as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory Fast-acting Rhodiola is a neuroprotective, cognitive enhancing, and mood stabilizing herb that promotes neuronal regeneration, functions as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, facilitates neurotransmission, and regulates several key mediators of the stress response [1–3].   The effects are rapid. In adults with chronic work- and life-related stress, rhodiola significantly reduced feelings of exhaustion, irritability, and anxiety in as little as three days [4].   In a study of working adults suffering from burnout, a third of whom had been unsuccessfully treated for their stress in the past, rhodiola improved every aspect of quality of life and perceived stress after just 1 week, with further improvements seen after 12 weeks [5].   In adults with chronic fatigue syndrome, rhodiola improved every aspect of fatigue after just 1 week, with further improvements seen after 8 weeks [6]. Ultimately, 83% of the participants reported “very much” or “much” improved conditions, with every aspect of fatigue, stress, and global impairment being cut in half.   Improvements in perceived stress, mental fatigue, cognitive performance, anxiety, and depression have also been noted in medical students [7], military cadets [8], and adults with stress-related fatigue [9], mild anxiety [10], and mild-to-moderate depression [11,12].   LION'S MANE POWDER   Reduces anxiety and depression Helps improve memory, concentration, and overall cognitive function Promotes nerve growth and regeneration in the brain Reduces inflammation Stabilizes mood Restores key neurotransmitters Lion’s mane mushroom (Yamabushitake or Hericium erinaceus) is a medicinal mushroom that has been extensively studied for its neurohealth properties [13,14].   Stimulates the production of nerve growth factor [15–17], which promotes neuronal growth, development, and regeneration [18]. Stimulates the production of brain derived neurotrophic factor [19], which has neuroprotective effects, plays a role in neuronal development, and helps in the formation of neuronal connections important for memory and cognition [20]. Restores levels of serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine levels in the brain that can be suppressed due to chronic stress [19]. Reduces neuroinflammation [19,21] Clinical trials have shown that lion’s manse improves cognitive function by 12% compared to placebo in older adults with mild cognitive impairment [22], and reduces symptoms of anxiety (by 27%) and depression (by 39%) in adults with obesity [23].   ALPHA-GPC   Protects neurons in the brain and supports neurotransmission Increases dopamine and serotonin signaling in the brain Decreases risk of vascular dementia More effective than Alzheimer drug (Aricept) at improving cognition Alpha-glycerophosphocholine (Alpha-GPC) is a highly bioavailable source of choline for the brain [24], which plays a critical role in neuronal plasticity, membrane stability, signaling events, and neurotransmission [25].     Having adequate brain choline concentrations is neuroprotective against a variety of brain diseases [26], and numerous clinical trials have found that alpha-GPC improves cognitive function and memory in individuals with neurodegenerative disorders, vascular dementia, and stroke — even being more effective than the standard drug therapy for Alzheimer’s disease [27].   CHOLINE (COGNIZIN®)   Promotes the health of cell membranes Improves memory and overall brain cognition Improves motor function Increases focus and reduces impulsive behavior Improves neuroplasticity (helps the brain adapt to new situations) CDP-choline is a bioavailable source of choline for the brain and the direct precursor for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine [28,29], one of the most abundant and important structural components of cell membranes. Supplementation has been confirmed in humans to increase phosphatidylcholine synthesis within the brain [30,31].   A Cochrane Systematic Review of 14 double-blind, placebo-controlled trials involving older adults with cognitive deficits like dementia reported that CDP-choline was able to improve memory, correct abnormal behaviors, and increase the global impression that physicians have towards the participants [32].   Other studies have found that CDP-choline slows the deterioration of cognition in those with Alzheimer’s disease [33,34], improves motor function and attention in adolescents [35], and improves attention in healthy women [36].   BACOPA   Enhances short-term and long-term memory Enhances learning, visual processing, cognitive performance Improves mood and reduces depression and anxiety Reduces oxidative stress Neuroprotective Reduces β-amyloid deposits Enhances communication between neurons Increases blood flow Bacopa monnieri is an Ayurvedic swamp plant (Brahmi) traditionally used for the enhancement of memory and cognition, as well as a general brain tonic. Its bioactive constituents, the bacosides, have numerous biological effects within the brain that facilitate this use [37–41]:   Reduces oxidative stress and increases antioxidant enzyme activity Reduces inflammation Neuroprotective Reduces β-amyloid deposition Increases the growth of nerve endings to enhance neuronal communication Increase blood flow and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients Numerous clinical trials have found that bacopa supplementation improves working memory, attention, learning rate, information processing, and a variety of other cognitive outcomes in healthy elderly adults [42–44], healthy middle-aged adults [45,46], young medical students [47], and adults with Alzheimer’s disease [48].   GINKGO BILOBA   Neuroprotective Improves memory and cognitive performance Works as an antioxidant Counteracts cognitive impairment Improves neuroplasticity Preserves brain receptors in aging adults Ginkgo biloba possesses neuroprotective and antioxidant effects that preserve brain receptors susceptible to age-related loss, counteract cognitive impairment, enhance neuronal plasticity, and improve memory [49].     A systematic review of 12 meta-analyses found that ginkgo biloba improves cognitive performance, activities of daily living, and clinical global impression in the treatment of dementia [50], provided that at least 240 mg was used daily for several months [51].   COFFEE FRUIT (COGNATIQ™)   Increases Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Powerful antioxidant Improves neuroplasticity Helps to  grow new neurons and prevent neurodegeneration Improves long-term memory CognatiQ™ is a patented extract of the whole coffee fruit, including both the coffee bean and the fruiting body surrounding it, which contains many powerful antioxidant compounds [52,53].   Clinical studies in healthy adults have shown that CognatiQ™ nearly doubles concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) after 1–2 hours [54,55], beating out other forms of coffee bioactives, caffeine, and the phytochemical-rich grape seed extract.     BDNF is a key protein involved in brain health, well established to be critical for:   Neuroplasticity (helps the brain adapt to new situations) [56]. Neurogenesis (the growth, regeneration and creation of new neurons and synapses) [57,58]. Long-term memory [59]. Prevention of neurodegeneration [60]. HUPERZINE A   Promotes learning Used for centuries to treat brain-based illnesses Improves cognition, especially in people with Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia Naturally occurring acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (primary class of drugs for treating Alzheimer’s and dementia) Huperzine-A is a naturally occurring acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, which functions to inhibit the enzyme that degrades acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter responsible for learning new information [61].   A meta-analysis of 20 randomized controlled trials found that huperzine A supplementation improves cognitive function, daily living activity, and global clinical assessments over 8–36 weeks [62]. Other meta-analyses have reported that huperzine A improves cognition in those with vascular dementia [63], as well as in those with major depression [64].   ACETYL-L CARNITINE   Improves brain function, especially memory and attention Reduces oxidative stress Protects against β-amyloid neurotoxicity Reduces mental and physical fatigue Reduces depression – more effective than antidepressant drugs! (And with far fewer side effects) Reduces pain and increases nerve conduction Prevents progression of brain-related disease Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) is a special form of carnitine that achieves two goals: (1) it supplies the carnitine your mitochondria need to produce energy, and (2) it provides an acetyl moiety that your mitochondria use to remain youthful and healthy.   ALCAR easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and preserves mitochondrial function within the brain that otherwise deteriorates with aging [65–69]. Notably, ALCAR concentrations slowly decline as cognitive impairment progresses, ultimately being 36% lower in Alzheimer’s patients than healthy adults [70].     A meta-analysis of 21 randomized controlled trials involving patients with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease found that ALCAR significantly improved cognitive function and prevented the progression of Alzheimer’s after as little as 3 months [71].   In elderly adults suffering from excessive fatigue, ALCAR improved cognitive function by 15%, reduced mental and physical fatigue by 43–52%, and improved the ability to function in daily life by 24% [72].   A meta-analysis of 12 randomized controlled trials found 3 g/d of ALCAR to significantly reduce depressive symptoms with an efficacy similar to antidepressant drugs, but with far less side effects [73].   SAFFRON EXTRACT   As effective as prescription drugs (with less side effects) in:   Reducing depression Treating obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) Improving cognitive function Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory Neuroprotective Saffron is one of the most well-researched antidepressant compounds available, with three separate meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials indicating that 30 mg/d has a potency comparable to prescription drugs but with less side effects [74–76].   Other studies have shown that saffron is as effective as prescription drugs for treating obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) [77], and boosts cognitive function to the same extent as prescription drugs in those with Alzheimer’s disease [78,79].   L-THEANINE   L-theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in tea that alters neurotransmitter signaling within the brain. After consumption, it crosses the blood-brain barrier, interferes with excitatory glutamate signaling, stimulates dopamine release, and promotes inhibitory neurotransmission, thereby helping promote a state of relaxation [80,81].   Electroencephalography (EEG) studies have shown that theanine shifts brain waves towards alpha oscillatory patterns indicative of a relaxed state, particularly in those with high levels of baseline anxiety [82–86]. Accordingly, several studies have found that theanine supplementation improves feelings of relaxation, tension, calmness, and anxiety in the hours following [87,88].   AGMATINE SULFATE   Important neurotransmitter Improves learning and memory Reduces anxiety and depression Protects neurons and enhances cell growth Protects mitochondria More effective at relieving pain than conventional medications Agmatine is a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator (affects neurotransmission of entire neurons) that has anti-seizure, anti-pain, anti-anxiety, and antidepressant effects; modulates some of the processes involved in learning and memory; and interacts with the mechanisms of drug withdrawal [89].   Preliminary research has shown that agmatine supplementation causes a “total/incontrovertible remission of depression” without apparent adverse effects in those who were not responsive to conventional treatments [90].   In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of individuals with back pain from herniated lumbar discs, agmatine reduced pain by 25–28% and improved parameters of general health by 65–76% after just two weeks [91].     POLYGALA TENUIFOLIA   Improves memory and combats forgetfulness Supports neurotransmitters required for learning, memory, and mental health Promotes growth of new neurons in the brain Increases neuroplasticity and cognitive function Polygala tenuifolia is one of the fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine, used to improve memory and combat forgetfulness with aging [92], which it does by:   Inhibiting the breakdown of acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline, neurotransmitters required for learning new information, memory storage, and overall mental health [93,94]. Increasing the expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is fundamental for neuroplasticity and neurogenesis [95]. Promoting the growth of new neurons in the brain [96]. In a clinical trial of healthy adults, Polygala tenuifolia improved spatial, verbal, and working memories [97]. In a separate randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of elderly adults, Polygala tenuifolia improved cognitive function by 5–10% [98].   N-ACETYL-L-TYROSINE   Critical for stress management Boosts cognition, alertness, and information processing Improves memory and mental health L-tyrosine is a conditionally essential amino acid that serves as the precursor molecule from which we create the catecholamines: dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. Your brain needs a steady supply of tyrosine to make the catecholamines and keep your mental health at its peak [99,100], particularly if you are under a lot of stress [101].   Several clinical trials have shown that L-tyrosine supplementation boosts cognition, alertness, and memory in stressful and demanding situations in otherwise healthy adults [102,103], such as those who skimp on their sleep [104], undergo intense physical training [105], or those who endure extreme temperatures [106].   MAGNESIUM TAURATE   Over 300 enzymes require magnesium to function properly! Required for optimal nerve transmission Protects against cell death Prevents mitochondrial dysfunction Prevents migraines Improves anxiety and depression Slows development of and severity of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Reduces risk of stroke Magnesium is required for over 300 enzymes to function properly [107]. Within the brain and nervous system, magnesium is required for optimal nerve transmission and protection against excitotoxicity (excessive excitation leading to cell death) [108,109].   A systematic review of magnesium’s role in neurological disorders found that it plays an important role in the prevention of migraines, treatment of anxiety and depression, severity of Parkinson’s disease, development of Alzheimer’s disease, and protection against stroke [110].   But, not all forms of magnesium are the same. Magnesium taurate demonstrates a superior ability to enter into the brain and increase the brain’s magnesium status compared to other forms [111,112].   References
The Energy Blueprint The Energy Blueprint - Longenesis 150caps
AGING IS A COMPLEX PROCESS   Aging is a complex process that is now understood by gerontologists (aging scientists) to be driven by at least 10 key mechanisms. These include: 1. Mitochondrial dysfunction 2. Inflammation (“Inflammaging”) and disrupted cell communication 3. Cellular senesence (“zombie” cells that secrete pro-inflammatory molecules that damage neighboring cells) 4. Protein accumulation inside and outside of cells that hinders cell functions 5. Epigenetic dysregulation (dysfunctional signaling leading to non-optimal changes in which changes are switched on or off) 6. Oxidative damage 7. Dysfunctional DNA methylation 8. Suppressed autophagy and mitophagy (the quality control process of maintaining healthy cells and mitochondria) 9. Reduced stem cell proliferation 10. Telomere shortening   (And other mechanisms, like DNA damage, glycation of tissues, and more). "When designing Longenesis, our goal was to create the world’s most comprehensive formula using science-backed ingredients proven to impact on these mechanisms of aging." For example, there are ingredients in the formula like ca-AKG proven to act on several of these mechanisms like improving mitochondrial health, reducing inflammation, reducing oxidative damage, and altering epigenetic signaling (gene expression). Or spermidine, which powerfully stimulates autophagy to allow the body to recycle and repair damaged cell parts. Or fisetin, which has been shown to powerfully clear away senescent cells. Or glucosamine sulfate, which has been shown to transiently challenge mitochondria (like exercise for mitochondria), making them larger and increasing their energy producing capacity – and which has been shown to actually translate into the hard outcomes of increased lifespans in animal models, and has been strongly associated with longer lifespans in humans.    All of this is just scratching the surface of the powerful ingredients in Longenesis, and the dozens of mechanisms through which these ingredients are provent to slow down the rate of cellular aging. (A more in-depth examination of the ingredients and the science behind them is below).   In addition, there is an enormous focus on safety in our formula. While there are certain ingredients that may enhance longevity, there side effect profile is highly questionable. Things like rapamycin, C60, and metformin (and many other new synethic compounds) fall into this category. In Longenesis, we’ve included only ingredients which have extremely good safety profiles and virtually no risk of harm – and which are natural (rather than synthetic lab-made molecules).   YOU CAN SLOW DOWN THE PROCESS OF CELLULAR AGING!   To do this you must:   Reduce the oxidative stress and inflammation that drives mitochondrial damage and dysfunction Improve your stem cell production and proliferation Clear senescent cells more effectively Build up your internal antioxidant and detoxification defense systems Optimize your genetic expression through proper epigenetic signaling Reduce or eliminate chronic low-grade inflammation Protect your telomeres Restore proper DNA methylation Rebuild your mitochondria This is what Longenesis has been designed to do.   COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY ON THE LABEL   As always, we operate with complete transparency with the ingredients in our formulas. No “proprietary blends” to hide miniscule dosages of ingredients (as most manufacturers do). We proudly list out all our ingredients and their actual dosages, with nothing to hide.   While most manufacturers list out an impressive list of ingredients, what they don’t tell you is that they are typically using 1/5th, 1/10th, or even 1/20th of the proper clinically effective dosages of those ingredients that were actually used in the studies and shown to have benefits. As always, the dose makes the medicine! Just as there is a big difference in workouts between walking 20 steps vs. running a marathon, there is a big difference between using the proper 1,000 mg dose of a compound vs. using only 50 mg. These do not and will not have remotely the same benefit.   We encourage you to compare the ingredients, and the dosages of each ingredient to any other longevity formula on the market. You’ll quickly see that our formula is radically more comprehensive in terms of ingredients, and simultaneously uses much larger doses – the clinically effective dosages that are actually used in studies and proven to have benefits.   THE PERFECT FORMULATION   12 PREMIUM, CAREFULLY SOURCED, AND SCIENCE-BACKED INGREDIENTS IN THEIR OPTIMAL DOSAGES   ALPHA-KETOGLUTARATE   Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is a key molecule in mitochondrial energy production that determines the overall rate of electron generation within the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. It is also essential for the function of several enzymes involved in gene expression and collagen synthesis. These unique roles have implicated AKG in healthy aging longevity [1].   In particular, AKG binds to the enzyme required for energy production (ATP synthase) and inhibits its function, thereby stressing mitochondria and causing adaptations that lead them to become more efficient energy producers [2]. It basically mimics energy restriction without dieting, causing delays in age-related diseases and increases in longevity.   GLYCINE   Glycine is a conditionally essential amino acid that wears many hats. It is necessary for protein synthesis, particularly that of collagen (the most abundant protein in the body), and an essential component of several biologically important compounds like porphyrins and heme, creatine, glutathione, and purines. It is also an important signaling molecule within the nervous and immune systems.   Mice consuming a diet of 8% glycine, about 1 g/kg body weight for a human, from young adulthood onward experience a 4–6% increase in average lifespan [13], and rats consuming a diet of 8% glycine from adolescence onwards experience a 30% increase in both average and maximal lifespan [14].   GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE   Glucosamine is a naturally occurring component of crustacean exoskeletons and fungi. Best known for reducing joint pain and improving mobility, few know of its profound mitochondrial benefits and lifespan-extending effects [25].   Several studies have associated glucosamine supplementation with 10–32% reductions in dying from all causes, cancer, or diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems, even after taking into account several known risk factors, such as age, sex, smoking, alcohol, physical activity, and metabolic health [26–29].   AC-11   AC-11 is a patented extract of Uncaria tomentosa, also known as cat’s claw, that enhances the body’s natural DNA repair mechanisms. DNA damage is a central feature of the aging process, and its reduction can help counteract virtually all age-related diseases [33].   Much of the DNA repair benefits are owed to the carboxy alkyl ester concentrates within AC-11, particularly quinic acid [34,35]. Supplementation of healthy men and women with 250 or 350 mg of AC-11 significantly increased DNA repair capacity by 12–15% [36].   QUERCETIN PHYTOSOME   Quercetin is a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral properties [41]. In particular, quercetin is able to inhibit the ability or respiratory viruses to enter cells and replicate, essentially reducing the risk of infection [42,43]. It also acts as a zinc ionophore, meaning that it carries zinc ions into cells so that the zinc can prevent viral replication [44].   Even in well-developed countries like the US, respiratory infections are still the 6th leading cause of death and 7th leading cause of lost life due to premature death — that’s more than diabetes, stroke, or breast cancer [45]. In 2020, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, respiratory infections became the 3rd leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer [46].   FISETIN   Fisetin is a naturally occurring flavonol found in fruits and vegetables best-known for its potent senolytic effects — it’s ability to kill off senescent cells that contribute to aging, disease, and dysfunction throughout the body.   Cellular senescence is a natural byproduct of aging. Senescent cells arise when damaged and dysfunctional cells resist removal by normal cell death processes and instead linger in a type of “zombie” state that harms neighboring normal cells.   PTEROSTILBENE   Pterostilbene is a natural molecule found in fruits, vegetables, and nuts, the best source being blueberries, and is a structural cousin to resveratrol. In supplemental doses, it confers a variety of health benefits that delay the aging process.   Two of the most pronounced effects of pterostilbene are its ability to suppress oxidative stress and inflammation, which it does through activation of AMPK (master autophagy controller), activation of Nrf2 (master of the antioxidant response to oxidant exposure), and suppression of NF-kB (master inflammatory signal) [54]. These, in turn, manifest as protection against metabolic, cardiovascular, and neurological diseases of aging.   LITHIUM   Lithium is a non-essential mineral found primarily in rocks. While best-known for its psychotropic effects and use as a psychiatric medication among those with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and depression, it can have a variety of anti-aging benefits when taken at much lower “microdoses”.   Through erosion, lithium can make its way into drinking water, where it correlates to longer lives and reduced premature mortality among those drinking it [103,104]. Other research has documented an increase in telomere-lengthening enzymes from lithium supplementation [105].   In mice, lithium helps offset diseases of aging [106], and psychiatric patients who take lithium show lesser signs of aging compared to those who don’t take it [107]. In older adults with mild cognitive impairment, using lithium for one year slowed the rate of cognitive decline and significantly reduced brain concentrations of tau proteins, a biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease [108].   LUTEIN AND ZEAXANTHIN     Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids abundant in green leafy vegetables and egg yolk that preferentially accumulate in the retina and its supporting structures to protect the eyes against oxidative stress from light [61], which has massive implications for age-related vision loss.   Lutein and zeaxanthin protect the eyes in two ways [62–64]:   They situate themselves in front of delicate functional structures of the retina, such as photoreceptors, and directly absorb blue light (about 40%, on average) before it ever reaches the structures and has a chance to cause oxidative stress.   They are powerful antioxidant molecules that neutralize free radicals produced within the eye when blue light reacts with vitamin A derivatives, chromophores, and mitochondria.   There is strong evidence supporting lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation for the prevention and treatment of age-related eye diseases like macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.   SPERMIDINE   Spermidine is a naturally occurring polyamine that we synthesize and obtain from food. It regulates a variety of biological processes such as cell growth and proliferation, tissue regeneration, DNA and RNA stabilization, enzymatic modulation, and regulation of translation, among others.   The primary mechanism of action of spermidine is its ability to engage molecular pathways that are stimulated through calorie restriction, particularly the promotion of autophagy (the cleanup of old and damaged cells) [85,86]. While we make enough spermidine to satisfy our requirements in young adulthood, our ability declines with age, thus requiring sufficient dietary intake [87].   ERGOTHIONEINE   Ergothioneine is a naturally occurring amino acid that humans cannot synthesize and instead obtain exclusively through their diet. After consumption, it accumulates throughout the body, where it plays a role in many age-related diseases [94]. While levels increase through young adulthood, they begin to decline in old age [95–97].   The American biochemist Bruce Ames has conducted numerous studies looking at how nutrient insufficiencies over the lifetime contribute to mitochondrial decay and degenerative diseases, coining the term Triage Theory as a result [98,99]. Essentially, when nutrients are scarce, the body will prioritize their use for survival rather than long-term health.   References
The Energy Blueprint The Energy Blueprint - Immune Genesis 15.6oz
HERE'S HOW IMMUNE GENESIS WORKS:Bolsters the innate immune systemStimulates optimal function of your mucus membranes (your body’s first line of defense)Stimulates the production of white blood cells and enhance their functionalityStrengthens the adaptive immune responseHelps prevent an excessive inflammatory responseImproves your resilience (and ability to bounce back)Improves breathing and lung health Immune Genesis Ingredients   ELDERBERRY (BERRYSHIELD™)   Elderberries (Sambucus) are dark purple berries native throughout the Northern hemisphere with traditional uses as a food and medicine. Rich in anthocyanins and other phytochemicals, these berries have potent antioxidant and antiviral effects 1.   A meta-analysis of four randomized controlled trials found that elderberry supplementation significantly reduced the duration and severity of respiratory tract infection symptoms, especially those from influenza 2.   For example, in a study that took place during the influenza B outbreak in Panama found that those who started taking elderberry syrup within 24-hours of symptom onset recovered 33% more quickly 3. Roughly 9 out of 10 participants were recovered after just 3 days, compared to just 3 in 10 taking the placebo.   In another study of adults traveling overseas, supplementing with 600–900 mg of elderberry extract from 10 days before travel to 5 days afterwards reduced the overall duration of having cold symptoms (rhinovirus) by 2 days and the severity of those symptoms by 38% 4.   REISHI MUSHROOM   Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) is a bioactive mushroom that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for a variety of ailments, earning it the nickname “mushroom of immortality.” One of its principal uses is as an immunomodulator that enhances immune function against viral and bacterial infections.5 In particular, the polysaccharides within reishi have been shown to:6   Improve natural killer cell activity Improve communication (antigen presentation) within the immune system Increase lymphocyte counts and lymphocyte function Enhance the phagocyte system responsible for engulfing and destroying pathogens Suppress the inflammatory TNF-α Improve T-helper cell activity   BETA-GLUCANS (WELLMUNE®)   Wellmune® is a unique form of beta-glucan isolated and purified from the cell walls of brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Beta-glucans have structural variation that determines their impact on health, and yeast-derived beta-glucans like Wellmune® affect the immune system by mimicking pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and “training” immune cells to better recognize and attack true pathogens 7.   Several studies in marathoners have shown that 250 mg of Wellmune® taken around strenuous exercise reduces the number of days spent being sick and the overall severity of illness from respiratory tract infections 8-10.   For example, in marathoners who took Wellmune® for a month after running a marathon, the rate of respiratory infections were reduced by 53–65% after 2 weeks and by 66% after 4 weeks 10.   Other studies have found similar antiviral effects in older adults and moderately stressed middle-aged women 11,12 . In adults suffering from seasonal allergies, symptom severity was reduced by 52% with 250 mg/d of Wellmune®, along with improvements in physical and mental health, emotional wellbeing, and overall quality of life13.   QUERCEFIT™ (QUERCETIN PHYTOSOME ®)   Quercetin is a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral properties 14. In particular, quercetin is able to inhibit the ability or respiratory viruses to enter cells and replicate, essentially reducing the risk of infection 15,16. It also acts as a zinc ionophore, meaning that it carries zinc ions into cells so that the zinc can prevent viral replication 17. In athletes, supplementing 1000 mg/d of quercetin for three weeks before, during, and 2 weeks after an intense 3-day cycling protocol reduced the post-training rate of respiratory infections by 40% — only 1 in 20 cyclists (5%) using quercetin got sick compared to 9 in 20 (45%) in the placebo group. 18   In healthy and fit middle-aged and older adults, supplementing with 1000 mg/d of quercetin for 12 weeks reduced the duration and severity of upper respiratory tract infections by 31% and 36%, respectively 19 .     Despite these favorable results, there remains a significant problem with conventional quercetin supplements: poor bioavailability 20. Quercetin isn’t well absorbed from the intestinal tract, and any that is absorbed is rapidly metabolized by the liver. The solution to this problem is found within a novel phytosome form of quercetin in which the quercetin is combined with sunflower lecithin to increase its absorption and overall bioavailability 21. Compared to regular quercetin, quercetin phytosome® increased serum quercetin concentrations by 20-fold over 24 hours following supplementation.   BAIKAL SKULLCAP EXTRACT   Baikal Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) is a flowering plant used in traditional Chinese Medicine for the treatment of respiratory infections, inflammation, diarrhea, and dysentery. It’s bioactive constituents, particularly baicalin, have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-viral, and liver-protective effects 22.   Several studies have found that baicalin inhibits the ability of respiratory viruses to replicate 23-25, leading to lower infection rates and severity, lower levels of lung inflammation and damage 26, and a reduced death rate 27,28. It’s also shown antiviral effects against dengue virus 29, enterovirus-71 30, Marek’s disease virus31, and HIV [32–34] and several other viruses.   ACEROLA BERRY   Acerola berries are native to South America and traditionally used both as a food and as a treatment for seasonal allergies. They are an incredibly rich source of phytochemicals and vitamin C 35,36, with the latter being more bioavailable and better retained than isolated vitamin C supplements 37.   Vitamin C is known to play a central role in immune function by stimulating the production of white blood cells and enhancing their functionality, especially those involved in innate immunity and phagocytosis 38, and it’s well-established that vitamin C insufficiency increases the risk of infections 39.   A meta-analysis of 29 studies found that vitamin C supplementation was associated with a lower risk of contracting the common cold, especially in adults who were regularly active 40. This meta-analysis also found that the severity of infection was significantly reduced with vitamin C supplementation.   Another systematic review of studies involving pneumonia found that vitamin C supplementation was associated with an 80% lower incidence of pneumonia and may accelerate healing in those who contracted the infection 41. For example, vitamin C has been reported to reduce the duration of pneumonia hospital stays by 19–36% 42.   CITRUS BIOFLAVONOID COMPLEX   Citrus bioflavonoids are the phytochemicals found in citrus fruits, the most notable being hesperidin and naringenin. They possess potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and have been heavily investigated for their potential to improve cardiometabolic health 43,44. Several studies have reported that citrus bioflavonoids reduce bacterial virulence 45,46, inhibit allergic reactions like the airway inflammation in asthma 47,48, and have diverse antiviral effects 49. A case series of 22 adults with bacterial and viral respiratory infections reported that 600 mg/d of citrus bioflavonoids caused a rapid and notable improvement in symptoms, regardless of the severity before treatment began 50. Vitamin C is known to play a central role in immune function by stimulating the production of white blood cells and enhancing their functionality, especially those involved in innate immunity and phagocytosis 38, and it’s well-established that vitamin C insufficiency increases the risk of infections 39. A meta-analysis of 29 studies found that vitamin C supplementation was associated with a lower risk of contracting the common cold, especially in adults who were regularly active 40. This meta-analysis also found that the severity of infection was significantly reduced with vitamin C supplementation. Another systematic review of studies involving pneumonia found that vitamin C supplementation was associated with an 80% lower incidence of pneumonia and may accelerate healing in those who contracted the infection 41. For example, vitamin C has been reported to reduce the duration of pneumonia hospital stays by 19–36% 42.   ASTRAGALUS   Astragalus is a flowering plant used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of seasonal allergies. Its bioactive constituents have been shown to improve thymus and spleen activity, enhance antigen presentation, modulate cytokine release to enhance immunity under normal circumstances and prevent an excessive inflammatory response, and increase immune cell signaling 51. The polysaccharides of astragalus also demonstrate antiviral activity. Studies in animals and test tubes have shown that astragalus reduces influenza replication and promotes an enhanced early immune response against infection 52–54, and a systematic review of studies in children and adults with kidney disease found that astragalus supplementation reduced the rate of respiratory tract infections 55.   N-ACETYL CYSTEINE (NAC)   N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is the precursor to glutathione production, the body’s master antioxidant and critical regulator of immune function. Glutathione is essential for the proliferation of white blood cells and the process of phagocytosis, which not only destroys pathogens, but also prepares them for presentation to the adaptive immune system 56,57.   NAC supplementation reliably increases glutathione concentrations in situations of increased oxidative stress and immune function, such as during infections, making it of therapeutic interest for the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections 58–60.   In middle-aged and elderly adults, supplementation with 1200 mg/d of NAC for six months reduced the odds of having influenza by 43% compared to placebo 61. It also reduced the severity of the infection and nearly halved the amount of time participants reported being in bed due to the flu.   Moreover, a meta-analysis of five randomized controlled trials found that NAC significantly shortened the duration of intensive care unit stay and tended to reduce mortality in patients suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) — a severe respiratory infection outcome 62.   LARCH ARABINOGALACTAN (RESISTAID®)   Arabinogalactan is a hemicellulose prebiotic fiber that’s been part of the human diet throughout evolutionary history. Through both microbiome-mediated and direct effects, arabinogalactan enhances immune function through increasing the activity of natural killer cells, macrophages, and T-cells 63. In adults prone to catching the common cold, supplementing with ResistAid® reduced the number of individuals who became infected over 12 weeks by 23% compared to a placebo group 64. Other research has shown that it enhances the immune response towards viral and bacterial vaccines 65,66.   VITAMIN D3   Every immune cell in our body has vitamin D receptors and responds to its signal, with the overarching effects being to suppress inflammation, promote immune tolerance, and maintain proper functionality of immune cells 67,68.   Additionally, vitamin D helps maintain tight junctions, gap junctions, and adherens junctions 69, all of which are disturbed by viral and bacterial infections as part of their efforts to establish a stronghold within the body 70,71.   A meta-analysis of 25 randomized controlled trials reported that vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of acute respiratory infection by 12% — only 33 individuals would require supplemental vitamin D to prevent just 1 of them from suffering a respiratory infection 72,73. While everyone will require different amounts of vitamin D to obtain sufficient levels, the Endocrine Society has recommended that the general population obtain at least 2,000 IU per day to achieve vitamin D sufficiency 74.   ZINC   Zinc plays an important role in regulating gene expression, ensuring the proper function of proteins, and catalyzing vital chemical reactions within the body. Deficiencies affect a wide range of functions within the body, including immune function 75. In particular, zinc is required for the normal development and function of all immune cells, particularly those involved in phagocytosis and adaptive immune functions 76. A deficiency of zinc is well-established to increase the risk for infection by inhibiting immune function. Zinc supplementation has been shown to increase resilience against a variety of viral infections, including influenza, hepatitis, coronaviruses, herpes, and HIV 77. A meta-analysis of 17 studies reported that zinc supplementation reduced the duration of the common cold in adults by roughly 2 days 78, an effect later upheld by another meta-analysis of 20 studies 79.   SELENIUM (SELENOEXCELL®)   Selenium exerts various biological effects as part of larger amino acid structures, with some of the best known being involved in glutathione and thyroid hormone production. It’s also critical to all components of the immune system, with supplementation protecting against viral and bacterial infections, particularly as people age 80,81.   Specifically, selenium insufficiency has been reported to reduce the killing ability of neutrophils, reduce the ability of T-cells to recognize antigens and proliferate, and reduce antibody responses to infection 82. It’s been shown that benign strains of influenza virus become virulent, by undergoing genetic mutations, when passed through selenium deficient hosts 83.   However, even under conditions of normal selenium status and intake, supplementing with 100–200 mcg has been reported to enhance the adaptive immune response against infections 84,85. In elderly adults, supplementing with 400 mcg/d increased T-cell and natural killer cell counts, as well as natural killer cell activity 86.   COPPER   Copper is an essential trace mineral and cofactor for numerous redox reactions within energy production, iron metabolism, neurotransmission, and connective tissue development. It also serves as an essential component of the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Within the immune system, copper is used alongside zinc to help kill pathogens 87–89. In particular, copper is used by phagocytes to destroy bacterial membranes and viral envelopes, thereby destroying the pathogen. In addition to a direct role in microbial killing, if your diet isn’t sufficient in copper, then your body will have trouble making white blood cells in response to an infection 90. Some researchers have proposed that impaired immune function could be an effective marker of suboptimal copper intake, since it develops well before frank deficiency 91.   SERRAPEPTASE   Serrapeptase is an enzyme produced by the bacteria Serratia marcescens, originally found in the guts of silkworms and used to eat through their cocoons. In the human body, these proteolytic enzymes travel through the blood and degrade damaged proteins, thereby helping resolve inflammation that comes about from injury or infection.92,93   In mice, for example, serrapeptase is as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for resolving damage-induced inflammation 94. In humans with chronic inflammatory conditions affecting the ears, nose, or throat, 30 mg/d of serrapeptase nearly eliminated symptoms like pain after just one week and led to an “excellent” or “good” improvement in 97% of patients, compared with just 22% of those using a placebo.95     Proteolytic enzymes like serrapeptase are also extremely powerful compounds for improving mucous membrane barrier health. They essentially break down “old” and “stale” mucus that hangs around too long, exposing any viruses or bacteria that try to enter the body to a fresh layer of viscous mucus rich in immunoglobulins that serve as a first-line defense against infection 96.   ANDROGRAPHIS   Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata) is a plant used in Ayurvedic medicine and throughout Asia to treat infectious diseases and fevers. It’s been shown to have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunostimulatory activity 97. In particular, andrographis increases the activity of both the innate and adaptive immune systems.98   A meta-analysis of 33 randomized controlled trials involving over 7,000 adults found that andrographis supplementation during acute respiratory infections reduced the severity and duration of symptoms, including cough and sore throat 99. On average, andrographis reduced the duration of respiratory infections by one day.   Earlier systematic reviews have found similar findings supporting the efficacy of andrographis for reducing respiratory tract infection symptom severity.100–102   References
The Energy Blueprint The Energy Blueprint - Energenesis 432.5g
WHAT'S IN ENERGENESIS?   Energenesis is like a 5-star MEAL for your Mitochondria (LOADED with rare nutrients, energy boosters and powerful antioxidants, because your body needs a variety – each one works differently!) AND… we have gone to amazing lengths to source the highest quality ingredients, with unparalleled potency, purity, biological availability, and effectiveness…   If you want to see a breakdown of the exact ingredients and amounts, you can look in the right column of the image below…   It’s a potent cocktail of the most powerful mitochondrial regenerating ingredients designed to literally CHARGE your cells back up, so you can have the energy you had when you were young – ALL DAY ENERGY.   If you’ve been struggling with fatigue or low energy levels, it’s time to stop dragging yourself through the day with caffeine and stimulants…   It’s time to start building REAL ENERGY.   You can certainly use the information here to go out and buy all these compounds as separate supplements, but I strongly encourage you to simply get Energenesis. It’s obviously far more convenient to get everything in one formula rather than fiddling with 20 different bottles and 25 pills each day. Also, you don’t have to worry about dosing everything correctly.   And, on top of that, I’ve tried to make it a complete no brainer for you by making it way cheaper for you to order it this way (as opposed to buying 20+ different supplements).   Energenesis is simply the most powerful formula ever developed for that purpose.UNLIKE PREVIOUS GENERATION “ENERGY SUPPLEMENTS,” IT CONTAINS NO STIMULANTS, NO CAFFEINE, AND NO SUGAR. THIS ISN’T ABOUT GIVING YOU A FAKE ENERGY BOOST, WHILE ACTUALLY MAKING YOUR ENERGY LEVELS WORSE OVER TIME. Energenesis builds REAL ENERGY! This is not a supplement designed to fill to people’s desire for quick fixes and instant gratification through stimulants and temporary boosts of fake energy. Energenesis is for people looking for REAL ANSWERS, who want to address ROOT CAUSES, and want to build real energy at the cellular level. As a result, the energy your mitochondria produce naturally decreases over time, reducing your health and longevity — and ultimately, causing fatigue. On top of that, stressors in our life — from psychological stress, to environmental toxins (like heavy metals and air pollutants), to a poor diet, to poor gut health, to chronic inflammation — all cause mitochondrial damage, dysfunction and shut down (they shift out of energy mode into a cell protection response). Research is now showing that these three things — the loss of mitochondria, the damage/dysfunction of mitochondria, and the shut down of mitochondria — are the primary factors that drive low energy levels. In other words, if you’ve got low energy levels, it likely simply means that your mitochondria have become weak, damaged, dysfunctional, and switched off over time.   ENERGENESIS INGREDIENTSWhat's Inside The Most Powerful Energy Supplement Ever CreatedMITOCHONDRIAL MEMBRANE SUPPORT COMPLEX   NT FACTOR PHOSPHOLIPIDS   NTFactor® is a digestion-resistant phospholipid complex that supplies the materials necessary to repair and regenerate damaged cell membranes directly to mitochondria, a treatment called lipid replacement therapy [1].    By supplying the bioactive phospholipids that mitochondria require to naturally replace damaged membrane components, NTFactor® is able to regenerate dysfunctional mitochondria, increase energy production, and enhance the energy levels of those using it.   Numerous studies have shown that NTFactor® reduces fatigue by 24–43 percent among those with chronic fatigue syndrome or conditions associated with fatigue, like general aging, obesity, lyme disease, and Gulf War Illness [2]. In older adults, NTFactor® restored mitochondrial function to a level matching healthy 29 year-olds [3].   ASTAXANTHIN   Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful membrane-specific antioxidants in existence. Not only is it 30–85 percent more potent than vitamin E and carotenoids like β-carotene, lycopene, and lutein [4], but it has a unique polar structure that allows it to cross through, protect, and stabilize the entire mitochondrial membrane [5].   Due to astaxanthin’s consistent and powerful ability to prevent oxidative damage and dysfunction to mitochondria [6–8], some researchers have even determined it to be “mitochondria-targeted antioxidant” [9].   Interventions have shown that astaxanthin supplementation increases muscular strength and power output in fatigued adults [10], enhances muscular endurance and recovery in recreational athletes [11,12], and reduces muscle damage and oxidative stress in elite soccer players [13].   MITOCHONDRIAL ENERGY PRODUCTION COFACTOR COMPLEX   ACETYL-L-CARNITINE   Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) is a special form of carnitine that achieves two goals: (1) it supplies the carnitine your mitochondria need to produce energy, and (2) it provides an acetyl moiety that your mitochondria use to remain youthful and healthy.   The carnitine shuttle system is essential for bringing fatty acids into mitochondria to be used for energy production, and carnitine deficits (even mild ones) have been documented in those with chronic fatigue [14]. Moreover, over 20 percent of mitochondrial proteins rely on acetyl moieties to properly function, including those involved in antioxidant defenses and energy production [15,16].   For these reasons, some researchers have proposed that ALCAR should be considered a “mitochondrial rejuvenator” [17]. In chronically fatigued older adults, ALCAR supplementation led to profound benefits to their wellbeing — a 24 percent increase in physical function and close to a whopping 50 percent reduction in mental fatigue, physical fatigue, and overall fatigue severity [18].   CREATINE   Creatine is a molecule necessary for rapid and explosive energy production when energy needs cannot be immediately met by our mitochondria. Supplementation works by increasing the amount of available creatine within our muscles.   This not only increases muscular performance, but also helps stimulate mitochondrial energy production when faced with signals to do so (like being physically active) [24], enhance mitochondrial biogenesis and integrity [25], and protect mitochondria from oxidative damage [26,27].   Accordingly, creatine is one of the most extensively researched supplements for improving exercise performance, muscle strength, and power output in people of all ages [28–32].   COENZYME Q10   Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an essential component of mitochondrial energy production, serving as both an antioxidant and an energy-transferring molecule. As such, deficits in CoQ10 will not only lead to a cessation of energy production, but also an increase in oxidative damage.   Individuals with chronic fatigue regularly show deficiencies in CoQ10 concentrations throughout the body [33], as do those with conditions in which fatigue is a common symptom, like fibromyalgia [34–36], those who have survived heart attacks or heart failure [37,38], and multiple sclerosis [39,40].   Supplementation with CoQ10 improves fatigue, autonomic nervous system activity (the part of the nervous system involved in rest and recovery), and biochemical parameters of mitochondrial energy production in those with chronic fatigue [41–44], and reduces general fatigue and oxidative stress in healthy adults [45,46].   ALPHA-LIPOIC ACID (IDEALLY R-ALA)   Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a mitochondrial molecule involved in energy metabolism and the antioxidant system. It is not only essential for mitochondria to create cellular energy, but also serves to function as an antioxidant, replenish other antioxidants, and stimulate the production of antioxidant enzymes like glutathione [47].   Accordingly, ALA has been heavily investigated as a mitochondrial rejunivator, able to help reverse age-related declines in mitochondrial energy production [48], particularly within the brian [49,50].    By improving mitochondrial function and protecting against oxidative stress, ALA has been shown to benefit metabolic health [51,52], as well as facilitate weight loss among those who are overweight [53–55].   ALA exists as either an S or R isomer, with unspecified ALA being a 50-50 ‘racemic’ solution of both. Most studies use the racemic solution, but only R-ALA has biological activity in the body and is more bioavailable [56], which is why we use it in Energenesis.   NAD+ REGENERATION COMPLEX   TAURINE   Taurine is an omnipresent amino acid within the body, essential for the development and function of our cardiovascular, muscular, nervous, and ocular systems [57]. It’s also essential for mitochondrial energy production and protein synthesis [58,59]   The highest amounts of taurine are in tissues with huge energy requirements and a lot of mitochondria, such as the retina, nerves, kidney, heart, and skeletal muscle [60]. If mitochondria don’t have enough taurine, energy production decreases and oxidative stress increases [61].   Insufficient taurine has been implicated in numerous chronic disease states [62,63], and several clinical trials have shown that supplementing with taurine reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in those with metabolic dysfunction [64–66].   Additionally, a meta-analysis reported that taurine supplementation improved endurance exercise performance, particularly power output and the amount of time that people could run before exhaustion [67].   MAGNESIUM   Magnesium is required for over 300 enzymes to function properly — muscle contractions, blood vessel regulation, insulin signaling, the synthesis of DNA and proteins, and nerve transmission all require magnesium [68].   One of the enzymes that relies on magnesium is ATP synthase, which is responsible for generating cellular energy (ATP) within mitochondria. Without magnesium, your mitochondria simply can’t function efficiently [69,70].   Energenesis provides two forms of magnesium, citrate and malate, which are both cofactors for mitochondrial energy production themselves.   B3 VARIANTS (NMN, NR, NIACIN & NIACINAMIDE)   Niacin is an essential component of energy-carrying molecules within the mitochondria, all of which are derivatives of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). NAD+ is important for energy production, mitochondrial function, and cellular repair processes.   The primary route of NAD+ synthesis is through something called the salvage pathway, in which niacinamide serves as the starting molecule. We can also make NAD+ from nicotinic acid using an alternative pathway, which is why we’ve included both forms in Energenesis to ensure that NAD+ generation is not being impeded by a simple vitamin insufficiency.   MITOCHONDRIAL ENERGY PRODUCTION COFACTOR COMPLEX   POMEGRANATE   Pomegranate is a rich source of ellagitannins, potent antioxidant molecules that can be further metabolized into other antioxidant derivatives like ellagic acid and urolithins [71,72]. These substances have been heavily investigated for their mitochondrial and cardiovascular benefits.   Pomegranate ellagitannins and their derivatives have been shown to enhance mitochondrial function [73] and increase rates of mitophagy (mitochondria + autophagy) [74,75], which is a quality control pathway that preserves mitochondrial health by targeting damaged mitochondria for autophagic degradation, making anything that facilitates mitophagy absolutely vital for optimal health and disease prevention.   In recreational endurance athletes, supplementing with pomegranate extract for just two weeks increased the total time the athletes could cycle before complete exhaustion by 14 percent and increased the amount of time they could rely on their mitochondria to supply most of their energy by 10 percent [76].   Moreover, pomegranate supplementation has been shown to reduce blood lipid oxidation and the accumulation of plaque in arteries [77], particularly in people who have higher levels of oxidative stress [78,79].   GREEN TEA CATECHINS   Green tea (Camellia Sinensis) catechins are four phytochemical molecules, the most potent one being epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). It has been implicated in benefiting almost every organ system in the body in doses you can obtain easily from simply drinking green tea [87–89].   EGCG is neuroprotective [90,91], cardioprotective [92,93], anti-obesity [94–96], anti-carcinogenic [97,98], and anti-diabetic [99], all due primarily to its ability to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, enhance energy production, and protect mitochondria from oxidative stress [100,101].   Supplementation of EGCG plus resveratrol (another ingredient of Energenesis) has been shown to significantly increase mitochondrial function and the use of fatty acids for energy production [102], and several meta-analyses have concluded that EGCG reduces body weight and body fat [103–106], particularly abdominal fat [107].    GYNOSTEMMA   Gynostemma is a climbing vine native to SouthEast Asia and related to Panax Ginseng, containing many of the same bioactive molecules. Unlike ginseng, however, gynostemma also possesses an array of gypenosides that have been shown to upregulate several signaling molecule likes sirtuins and AMPK which facilitate mitochondrial function and biogenesis [108–110].   Clinical trials have shown that supplementation with gynostemma improves metabolic health through these mechanisms. A study of overweight men and women reported that supplementing with 450 mg of gynostemma daily for 12 weeks reduced total abdominal fat by 6%, visceral fat by 10%, and subcutaneous fat by 4% compared to a placebo [111].   Drinking 6 grams of gynostemma in the form of a tea lowered fasting glucose and insulin resistance each by 30% compared to a placebo after 12 weeks in adults with type 2 diabetes [112], and supplementing with 80 mL of gynostemma extract may improve liver health alongside dieting more than dieting alone in adults with fatty liver disease [113].   ASHWAGANDHA (SHODEN EXTRACT)   Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a nightshade revered in Ayurvedic medicine for its physical- and mental-enhancing effects [114]. Today, it’s considered an adaptogen for similar reasons, able to increase a person’s resilience to stress and help reduce anxiety [115,116].   These effects are largely due to its constituent withanolide structures, which have several important neuroprotective effects within the brain, such as scavenging free radicals, reducing neuroinflammation, and promoting neurotransmitter signaling [117]. They also improve mitochondrial function and energy production [118].   In Energenesis, we use the most potent form of ashwagandha, a 35% withanolide concentrate called the Shoden extract. Just 240 mg of Shoden ashwagandha reduces stress and anxiety by 30% in mildly stressed adults [119], while a mere 60 mg can boost DHEA-S and testosterone by 15–18% in middle-aged men [120].   In another large randomized placebo-controlled trial of 150 men and women, supplementing 120 mg has been documented to improve physical and psychological quality of life by 8% and enhance sleep quality by 40% compared to placebo, including dramatically improving the time it took to fall asleep, total sleep time, and nightly awakenings [121].   Other studies have shown ashwagandha supplementation to reduce perceived stress, anxiety, and depression in mildly stressed healthy adults [122,123], adults battling chronic mental stress [124], and adults with an anxiety disorder [125].   PANAX GINSENG   Panax ginseng has been used medicinally for thousands of years in China, Korea, and Japan to alleviate physical and mental fatigue. While there are several types of ginseng on the market, panax ginseng is considered the “true” ginseng.   At a fundamental level, panax ginseng works to protect mitochondria from oxidative damage and improve energy production under conditions of oxidative stress [126,127]. A systematic review and meta-analysis of five studies in chronic fatigue patients found significant benefits of ginseng supplementation for reducing fatigue severity [128], with reductions of 20 percent after one month not being uncommon [129,130].   PQQ (PYRROLOQUINOLINE QUINONE)   Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) is a potent stimulator of pathways involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and antioxidant defenses [131,132]. In particular, it stimulates pathways shared by exercise training and is believed to potentiate and enhance activity-induced benefits on mitochondria [133].   Supplementation has been shown to reduce fatigue and increase vigor by 20 percent in adults complaining of poor sleep and energy levels, as well as improve mood, sleep quality, and overall quality of life [134]. In another study of healthy adults, PQQ reduced inflammation and improved markers of mitochondrial respiration [135].   References