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WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Adrenal Vita-Amino Complex 90caps (WAM Essentials)
The adrenal glands (also known as suprarenal glands) are the star-shaped endocrine glands that sit on top of the kidneys.* The adrenal glands produce a variety of hormones that are essential to life.*  Such as hormones that help to balance your blood sugar, which helps the body to manage daily ebbs and flows of energy.* When blood sugar drops, the adrenals release hormones that cause the blood sugar to rise, and thus increases energy.* The adrenals also release hormones when we're under stress, also releasing energy.* This is the "fight or flight" response from the days when we needed to run away from wild animals, which now kicks in for our modern everyday stressors, such as traffic jams, arguments, and work pressures. But, when the adrenal glands are not functioning optimally, we can develop a condition that is known as adrenal fatigue, or adrenal exhaustion.* Adrenal fatigue / adrenal exhaustion most often occurs in folks after bouts of intense or prolonged stress, but it can also arise during or after acute or chronic infections, especially respiratory infections such as influenza, bronchitis or pneumonia.* And its symptoms can include excessive fatigue to non-refreshing sleep, salty & sweet food cravings, poor digestion, allergies, low stamina and more.* Adrenal Vita-Amino Complex™ was designed to help support tired adrenals.  It contains adrenal glandulars with amino-acid secretagogues (substances that cause other substances to be secreted) supported by the proper balance of vitamins and minerals to help bring harmony and balance to tired adrenals.* Adrenal Vita-Amino Complex™ provides: Adrenal Substance: Glandular’s are whole organs that are dried at low temperatures and ground up and put into nutritional supplements.* In Europe they are used for the support of the particular organ related to the glandular.*   Glandular therapy is one of the oldest forms of supplement therapies, dating back thousands of years, having been used by the ancient Hindus, Egyptians and Greeks and most recently re-popularized by the Swiss and Germans.* Glandular tissues can be rich sources of nutrients, enzymes and other factors that support specific gland-related metabolism and physiological function.* Amino-Acid Complex: l-phenylalanine, l-tyrosine, aspartic acid and methionine is a blend of the essential amino acids necessary to help the adrenals make their own growth hormones.* Vitamins: Adrenal Vita-Amino Complex™ contains the vitamins and minerals that are essential for adrenal function and assist in the making of adrenal secretions.* Supplement Facts: All Ingredients USP Certified* Serving Size: 1 Capsule Amount Per Serving %DV Vitamin A (palmitate) 750IU 150% Iron (elemental as electrolytic) 3 mg 166% Vitamin D3 (cholecaliceferol) 60IU 150% Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol acetate) 5IU 166% Vitamin K (phytonadione) 12 mcg 150% Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B1) 227 mcg ** Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 258 mcg ** Niacinamide 3 mg 150% Pyridoxine HCL (Vitamin B6) 251 mcg ** Biotin 46 mcg 153% Pantothenic Acid (d cal. pantothenate) 1.4 mg 140% Iodine (elemental as potassium iodide) 23 mcg 153% Magnesium (elemental from oxide) 30 mg 75% Zinc (elemental as oxide) 2.3 mg 153% Copper (elemental as gluconate) 303 mcg ** Potassium (elemental from chloride) 26 mg 7% Adrenal Substance 200 mg ** Proprietary Amino Acid Complex providing: l-phenylalanine, l-tyrosine, aspartic acid and methionine 225 mg **   ** Daily Value not established. Excipients Include: Magnesium Silicate, Magnesium Stearate (lubricant) and Natural Gelatin Capsules.
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Andeanessence Maxx™ 90 Caps (WAM Essentials Pharmaceutical Grade Maca)
Andeanessence Maxx™ is a nutritional supplement consisting of a full strength extract of highland maca (with all of its component sterols and nutrients in tact and in the extract) blended with a potent ashwaganda root extract plus a touch of serrapeptidase to enhance the absorption of and utilization of the blend.*The Maca plant was first discovered by "modern science" in 1843 by Gerhard Walpers, who originally designated it to the species Lepidium Meyenii, the Latin name recognized by the USDA and FDA. After further study in the 1960's, most botanists determined the most appropriate name for the maca plant to be L. peruvianum and thus it has become known under this species in our more recent times.\Maca is a hearty plant related to the turnip and radish that is cultivated high in the Andean Mountains at elevations from 13,000-15,000 feet. Maca plants grow in terribly harsh cold with poor agricultural soils. As such, nearly all maca cultivation in Peru is carried out organically, as there are few pests naturally occurring at such high altitudes, and maca itself is seldom attacked.In Peru, Maca has been an important traditional food and medicinal plant for about 2000 years. Historically, it has been used for trade and during the Spanish colonization as a form of currency. Maca is regarded as a highly nutritious, energy-imbuing food, that may enhance strength and endurance while supporting healthy feelings of love and desire.* Maca can be found in several forms: Maca Flour (dried, finely ground powder), gelatinized maca, "standardized" extracts (of part of maca's active ingredients) and whole root extracts (containing all of maca's active ingredients).In an effort to reduce the amount of Maca needed to be consumed and relying on the historical data that traditionally the Peruvians have always cooked maca, we have stopped selling the Maca Flour and developed Andeanessence™ now called Andeanessence Maxx™.   Like Andeanessence™, Andeanessence Maxx™ is a concentrated, full-strength, whole maca root extract thus maintaining the synergy of the entire root and all of its nutritive value.*Ashwaganda is an herb widely used, especially by Aurvedic medicine, since acient times for a wide range of energy, health and pro-immunity effects.*The mixing of the ashwaganda extract into the Andeanessence not only provides a new range of positive physiological actions usually found in strong ashwaganda extracts but also it enhances and speeds the physiological actions of the maca creating "feelable" differences in energy, performance and potency within days instead of weeks.* "Hey Dr. Wong,  All I have to say is wow, the Andeanessence™ is the real deal! I took one about 20 minutes before my workout and I have to say I felt like superman the rest of the day. Usually I do chin ups with a 25lb plate in my backpack, this is my second week on that weight and it has been pretty tough. After taking the Andeanessence, I did my usual 25 pounds and it was easy... I could get off 15 chins for the first set (usually can only do 6 or 7). There was no other change in my diet, routine, etc. so I'm pretty amazed. Thanks for making a real kick ass product!" Mike S.
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Armoured Acidophilus 4oz (WAM Essentials)
Lactobacillus sporogenes is a lactobacillus / bifidus shielded by a spore. This spore "armours" the good bacteria against not only acid but also the other enemies of good bacteria such as heat, light and even antibiotics! While in acid, the spore holds tight. When in the alkaline environment of the intestine the spore opens and releases the good bacteria. In Asia, savvy pharmaceutical companies are blending their antibiotics with Lactobacillus Sporogenes, to prevent the dysbiosis that happens with antibiotic use. Smart! This is the only protected and survivable acidophilus. So survivable it is measured not by how many good bacteria there are per gram but by how well it will re-colonize the intestines! Good bacteria (pro biotic) products abound in the US market. What makes Armoured Acidophilus® different? Let’s look at the matter of survive-ability. 1) Most probiotic products have tens of millions of live bacteria at the moment they are packaged. Usually 15 to 30 billion per gram (1000 mg). Even though the good bacteria is freeze dried and put into suspended animation there is still a die off which starts while in the bottle. After sitting on the shelf for a while at the makers warehouse, the shippers and then at your local store by the time you buy the product and eat it, the count of good bacteria still alive is about half of what it was when it was made. 2) The great enemy of good bacteria is stomach acid which is usually between 2 and 4 pH. Fairly close to pure hydrochloric acid which has a pH of 1. Acid kills most of the good bacteria. By the time the good bacteria reaches the friendly environment of the intestines, its numbers have been greatly reduced to the point where only thousands continue to exist out of the billions the product started off with. That’s why you have to start off with billions and not mere millions. Will this work, yes we know it will but re-colonization of the gut with good bacteria this way will take quite a long time. Q: I noticed that your Armoured Acidophilus product is in a powder form. Why didn't you put it in capsules? How am I supposed to take it? A: Dr. Wong's Essentials™ Armoured Acidophilus is provided to the consumer in a simple powder - not encapsulated. The consumer is recommended to take between 1/4 to 1 teaspoon daily.... sometimes even more! Having the product in its natural powder state makes it easier to consume these quantitites without having worry about taking 10 to 20 capsules or more daily. In an era where people have to take so many capsules it can become quite tiring so we have decided to keep this product as easy and simple as possible to take. Also, acidophilus is absolutely essential in the nutrition of children and having an acidophilus in powder form makes it easier to mix in their milk or juice. Taking the product is quite simple actually: All you need to do is mix it with any beverage. Since it is heat and acid resistant it will not be harmed in tea, coffee or orange juice. If you do not have trouble taking powders then you can place it on or under your tongue and follow it back with the beverage of your choice - making sure not to inhale while doing this. Or, if you enjoy a healthy smoothie or protein shake, you may also add the Armoured Acidophilus. Q: Why does Dr. Wong's Essentials Armoured Acidophilus only have the lactobacillus sporogenes and not other strains of good acidophilus like most of the other products on the market. A: That's a really good question, I'm so glad you asked. We don't include other strains of probiotics because one of the upsides to the lactobacillus sporogenes is that it's survivable! Lactobacillus Sporogenes survive stomach acid, heat, anti-biotic use, etc. One of the reasons other probiotic products have so many units per serving is because you need that much just to make sure something acutally survives: sitting on the shelves, traveling in cold or hot carrier vehicles, stomach acid, etc. Since we now know that most of the other good acidophilus strains never survive the stomach acid why include a product that most likely won't survive to be utilized? While it might look good on paper it just doesn't make sense and is just an added expense to an already great product. And we'd rather take up space with what will work rather than something that probably won't. It's just that simple! Q: I've read that soil based bacteria is better than cultured or milk based bacteria. What is your opinion on this? A: Point #1:  As one expert in fermenting good bacteria told me, when it's in the goat or cow, it's milk or animal based, when the animal poops it out it's then soil based.  One way or the other it's all the same strains.   (I would rather eat it before it was enveloped in some animals poop, wouldn't you)?   Point #2:  If you are looking at the product with the pictures of the fellow who looks like he stepped out of Auschwitz in the first picture and 3 months later he looks like Mr. America, inferring that the use of the soil based products will help you build in the same way..., take a close look at the droop in this fellows pectorals.  That effect is called Gynocomasty, the growth of breasts in men, it is a side effect of synthetic anabolic steroid use.  The probiotics had nothing to do in growing that muscle except helping his digestion.   Suggested Use: 1/4 teaspoon daily as a maintenance dose.       Supplement Facts: Directions: As a dietary supplement, take ¼ teaspoon daily to help maintain healthy flora. Take 1 teaspoon daily for a therapeutic dose Serving Size: ¼ tsp Servings Per Container: 90 Amount Per Serving         %DV Lactobacillus Sporogenes 1 Billion cfu/g            * *Daily Value not established. Contains no fillers or preservatives.
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Candessence 227g (1/2 lb) (WAM Essentials)
It is beyond question that a properly balanced intestinal system has a beneficial, health promoting effect on the body.  As such, it is very important to help maintain a proper balance of good bacteria and yeast in the GI tract. The good bacteria do various super important jobs from simple digestion and the enhancement of food absorption, to turning the colon into the largest organ of immunity in the body.   The intestinal wall, once well colonized with good bacteria, will turn out immunoglobulins by the tens of millions and help the body fight and avoid disease.* When the good bacteria and good yeasts die-off from antibiotic use or long term illness such as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, dysbiosis (the condition of having microbial imbalances within the body – specifically referencing the digestive tract here) can occur.* To fight the build up of  the bad bacteria and yeast as well as the alcohol they produce, different natural agents are blended together in Candessence® to cover the spectrum of 1) reducing candida, 2) providing the most survivable probiotic available, 3) ensuring a colonizing medium for the probiotic to flourish in and 4) including a mineral which short circuits candida’s production of alcohol thereby decreasing the instance of brain fog.  This is how Candessence® covers all the bases for returning the GI tract to an optimal state. Cream of Tartar Potassium bitartrate (cream of tartar), also known as potassium hydrogen tartrate, is a byproduct of winemaking. In cooking it is known as cream of tartar. It is obtained when tartaric acid is half neutralized with potassium hydroxide, transforming it into a salt. Grapes are the only significant natural source of tartaric acid, and cream of tartar is obtained from sediment produced in the process of aging wine. It is found on the insides of the wine barrels and sometimes at the bottom of bottles of wine. It crystallizes out as a hard crust in the barrels. During Dr. Tommy Revis' practice he used Cream of Tartar was an integral part of his program to fight candida overgrowth.* And this is why we have included it in Candessence™. The cream of tartar is a must for supporting the body in the removal of the yeast from the intestines and/or any other place it could be hiding!* Lactobacillus Sporogenes Lactobacillus sporogenes is a lactobacillus / bifidus shielded by a spore. This spore "armours" the good bacteria against not only acid but also the other enemies of good bacteria such as heat, light and even antibiotics!* While in acid, the spore holds tight. When in the alkaline environment of the intestine the spore opens and releases the good bacteria. In Asia, savvy pharmaceutical companies are blending their antibiotics with Lactobacillus Sporogenes, to prevent the dysbiosis that happens with antibiotic use.* Smart! This is the only protected and survivable acidophilus.* So survivable it is measured not by how many good bacteria there are per gram but by how well it will re-colonize the intestines!* Good bacteria (pro biotic) products abound in the US market. What makes the Lactobacillus Sporogenes different? Let’s look at the matter of survive-ability. 1) Most probiotic products have tens of millions of live bacteria at the moment they are packaged. Usually 15 to 30 billion per gram (1000 mg). Even though the good bacteria is freeze dried and put into suspended animation there is still a die off which starts while in the bottle. After sitting on the shelf for a while at the makers warehouse, the shippers and then at your local store by the time you buy the product and eat it, the count of good bacteria still alive is about half of what it was when it was made. 2) The great enemy of good bacteria is stomach acid which is usually between 2 and 4 pH. Fairly close to pure hydrochloric acid which has a pH of 1. Acid kills most of the good bacteria. By the time the good bacteria reaches the friendly environment of the intestines, its numbers have been greatly reduced to the point where only thousands continue to exist out of the billions the product started off with. That’s why you have to start off with billions and not mere millions. Will this work, yes we know it will but re-colonization of the gut with good bacteria this way will take quite a long time. The lactobacillus sporogenes is a must for helping to recolonize the intestines with good bacteria.* Chicory Inulin Inulin's are a group of naturally occurring polysaccharides (several simple sugars linked together) produced by many types of plants.[1] They belong to a class of fibers known as fructans. It ranges from completely bland to subtly sweet and can be used to replace sugar, fat, and flour. This is particularly advantageous because inulin contains a third to a quarter of the food energy of sugar or other carbohydrates and a sixth to a ninth of the food energy of fat. Inulin may also increase calcium absorption[2] and possibly magnesium absorption[3], while promoting good intestinal bacteria and suppressing bad intestinal bacteria*. As normal digestion does not break inulin down into monosaccharides, it does not elevate blood sugar levels and may therefore be helpful in the management of blood-sugar related health conditions.* Because Inulin is indigestible by the human enzymes ptyalin and amylase, it passes through much of the digestive system intact. It is only in the colon that bacteria metabolize inulin, with the release of significant quantities of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and/or methane. Inulin is considered a soluble fiber and as such should dissolve in water and when ingested may help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels.* As Inulin passes through the stomach and duodenum undigested, it is highly available to the gut bacterial flora. This contrasts with proprietary probiotic formulations based on Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in which the bacteria have to survive very challenging conditions through the gastrointestinal tract before they are able to colonize the gut. Many foods naturally high in inulin or fructo-oligosaccharides, such as chicory have been seen as "stimulants of good health" for centuries.[4]* Inulin is a necessary ingredient in any program designed to build healthy intestinal flora because it gives the good bacteria (acidophilus) a colonizing medium from which to cling to and feed from.* It is also a must in any program to eliminate candida infections (systemic yeast infections) as it helps to force out yeast and bad bacteria while giving the good bacteria a home from which to multiply.* Inulin has several actions: It normalizes bowel moisture which can aid both constipation and diarrhea.* Inulin clings to the bowel wall forming a colonizing medium for good bacteria to cling to and feed from.* This keeps the good bacteria from being passed out of the bowel before having its positive action in digestion and in colonizing the gut with good bacteria.* Inulin may help stabilize blood sugar.* It supprts the body in forcing out bad anaerobic yeast and bacteria.* Has been used to help the body rid itself of H Pylori.* Inulin may increase the body's uptake of calcium and magnesium.* May help decrease iron anemia by improving the body's iron uptake from foods.* References 1 Roberfroid M. "Introducing inulin-type fructans.". Br J Nutr 93 Suppl 1: S13-25. PMID 15877886. 2 Abrams S, Griffin I, Hawthorne K, Liang L, Gunn S, Darlington G, Ellis K (2005). "A combination of prebiotic short- and long-chain inulin-type fructans enhances calcium absorption and bone mineralization in young adolescents.". Am J Clin Nutr 82 (2): 471-6. PMID 16087995. 3 Coudray C, Demigné C, Rayssiguier Y (2003). "Effects of dietary fibers on magnesium absorption in animals and humans.". J Nutr 133 (1): 1-4. PMID 12514257. 4 Coussement P (1999). "Inulin and oligofructose: safe intakes and legal status.". J Nutr 129 (7 Suppl): 1412S-7S. PMID 10395609. Text) Molybdenum Citrate Molybdenum is an essential trace mineral in animal and human nutrition. It is found in several tissues of the human body and is required for the activity of some enzymes that are involved in catabolism, including the catabolism of purines and sulfur amino acids.* It is also needed to build strong tooth enamel and it may help prevent dental decay.* Molybdenum may help prevent molybdenum deficiency.* Molybdenum may have putative anti-carcinogenic activity.* As a component of various enzyme systems, molybdenum plays essential roles in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, amino acids that contain sulfur, iron, and genetic material.* Yeast living in you eats the sugars and carbohydrates and urinates out 14% alcohol. This alcohol is responsible for the brain fog and general malaise that candida patients feel. Your basically a walking beer factory. Molybdenum is a mineral which when taken in by the yeast short circuits the alcohol production making it so the yeast urinates out water instead of alcohol.* Thus Molybdenum may help reduce the body's reaction to an overgrowth of yeast including brain fog and bloating.* Molybdenum Citrate is the preferred form of the mineral as it is more highly absorbed and utilized than most any other form of molybdenum.* Where as it would take 500 mcg or more of molybdenum glycinate or gluconate to do the job of stopping alcohol production it only takes 120 mcg of the molybdenum citrate to do the same job. The citrate of any mineral is the best absorbed form of that mineral. The glucinate form are minerals bonded to sugars: sugars slow down mineral absorption. The minerals bonded onto amino acids ignore the fact that proteins need to latch onto a lipid (fat) in order to be transported across the intestinal wall. Anything in the citric acid family, including Vitamin C, gets absorbed instantly with no need to catch a ride onto something else in order to get into the body.*   Note: In reality, there are approximately 163 scoops of Candessence in each "can". At 2 scoops per day, 1 "can" will last approximately 81 days. At 4 scoops per day, 1 "can" will last approximately 40 days. We suggest those who wish to give themselves a quick and hard hitting colon recolonization should use 4 scoops a day for the first "can" and then begin 2 scoops a day until they attain their desired recolonizing. After desired results are had, 1 scoop per day can be used for maintenance.
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Cran-Diazyme™ (Cranberry Extract) 90 Caps (WAM Essentials)
Kidneys are something few think about until the two small organs force themselves into our consciousness by having something afflict them.  Maintaining kidney health should be a mainstay of our natural health practices as detoxing the liver or keeping the bowels flowing and colonized with good bacteria.  But unfortunately few give the kidneys little thought.     There are kidney “dextoing” products on the market but those are either misnamed kidney support products or outright rip offs as the kidneys don’t store anything, even toxins.  The liver and the body fat are the organs of toxin storage.     The kidneys need to be free flowing, free or low on scar tissue build up and free or low on kidney stone build up.    The kidneys want to be kept at just the right level of hydration.  Too little water and the filtering fingers of the insides of the kidneys, the Glomeruli, dry up and scar over with fibrosis.   Too much water and the kidneys distend which also cause scaring.    Too high a protein intake will cause the excess protein not used by the body to be eliminated through the kidneys and that causes two things; an increased ammonia load that becomes caustic and scar tissue formation.  Also the excess protein combines with calcium and sugar to form kidney stones.    Let’s touch on the ammonia issue.   Urine is ammonia based; anyone who’s been around livestock has smelled the stench of ammonia in cow and horse urine.  It’s no different for humans.   Problem is that ammonia is 9.7 pH, highly alkaline.  Now before you tell me that its good for the body to be alkaline let’s point out the physiological fact that while most of the body want’s to be alkaline at 7+ph because it’s supposed to be seawater inside of us from our tears to our blood to our internal body fluid, the stomach and the kidneys are supposed to be acidic.   They are the only two organs in the body that were designed to be acidic and suffer from not being so.     This is where we get to the first of the positive effects of the Crandiazyme.    Of all the cranberry based supplements Crandiazyme has the strongest cranberry content as the 36 to 1 concentration of cranberries far and away out strips the strength found in weaker cranberry extracts or just straight cranberry powder.   Also, the best functioning cranberry product we’ve found so far contained only 5 mg of actual cranberry extract.    While the Crandiazyme formula is a trade secret it does contain several hundred milligrams of the 36 to 1 cranberry extract per capsule.    Cranberry prevents bacteria from attaching to the renal system in several ways: ·      It changes the fimbriae, the tiny arms bad bacteria use to cling onto a surface, so that they don’t work. (1,2). ·      Further, other chemical properties of cranberries keep the bacteria that don’t have fimbriae from attaching on to surfaces of the urinary tract.   (3).   Next we get to the problems of kidney stones, inflammation and scar tissue.   Natural medicine has been working to dissolve renal calculi with magnesium for decades and that works to a point.  (4).   Magnesium bonds, (chelates), onto the calcium of the stone and flushes the calcium out a bit at a time reducing the size stones over time.    The speed of the reduction is governed by the amount of magnesium taken and the amount of fluid passing through the kidney.    While magnesium is not part of Crandiazyme due to restrictions in the amount of magnesium needed to have the chelating effect and the size of the Crandiazyme capsule, use of a separate strong magnesium supplement will work for this effect.   Systemic enzymes have also been used to both reduce kidney inflammation with out the kidney damage that the anti inflammatory NSAID drugs do cause.   The protein lysing enzymes will also lyse away at the fibrosis / scar tissue that grows impeding the function of the glomeruli in filtering.   Serrapeptase, the superior fibrosis lysing enzyme, is part of the Crandiazyme formula.   (5,6).   So between the magnesium and the proteolytic enzymes what’s left to do?    Kidney deposits and formations have what are called sugar notes and these crystalized sugar formations can also be dealt with using a specific sugar lysing enzyme.  (7).   The study shows that the proteolytic (protein cleaving enzymes), worked better at lysing away those deposits to quote the study:    ‘The combination of dextranase plus protease attenuated all components of glomerular injury as judged by clinical and pathologic parameters”.  (7).   While the dextranase used in the study is super expensive, we put an affordable variant of that enzyme in the Crandiazyme.    Crandiazyme was designed to be used alone as a bladder and kidney health support supplement for its very strong cranberry content, and designed to be used in conjunction with our Zymessence and Magscorbate in addressing more serious renal issues.   Used either way taking the Crandiazyme is a significant step in improving ones kidney health.      References: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Digest-Fuerte™ (Digestive Enzymes) 90 Caps (WAM Essentials)
Dr. Wong's Essentials Digest Fuerte™ provides a blend of strong digestive enzymes including cellulase to more fully extract the nutrients from food and ease your digest process. No other digestive enzyme product is as potent or complete in its action as Digest-Fuerte. This blend contains enzymes that are actually fully active, ready to digest proteins, carbohydrates and especially fats.   A great help to those with gall bladder problems who have difficulty digesting fats.    We were the first digestive product to offer cellulase, the enzyme needed to break down the cell walls of plants so the nutrients inside the plant can be available to digestion.   Humans have not made cellulase in 4 million years!   Essential for vegetarians!   One capsule should be able to help you digest a thanksgiving or Christmas feast!  The ginger, cinnamon and cayenne cause the body to secrete added digestive juices also improving digestion.   And finally the aloe vera extract and peppermint help to soothe and protect the digestive tract.    Especially helpful with folks who are fighting GI inflammations and irritations!     Those are to help prevent the digestion and passage of food from increasing bowel irritation and inflammation!   Peppermint Leaf Powder Peppermint has a long history of use in aromatherapy and folk medicine for ailments such as vomiting, abdominal pain, indigestion and bloating. In Germany, the Commisson E monographs show peppermint leaf as being used to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), in addition to other health concerns. Cellulase Cellulase is an enzyme that breaks down cellulose (major component of plant cell walls). Since humans do not produce cellulase, we can only partially break down cellulose through fermentation by the flora in the intestines which greatly reduces the nutrients we can utilize. As a result, in order to properly digest leafy greens, sprouts and herbs, we need to supplement Cellulase in our diet. Pancreatin Amylase: Breaks down starches into sugars to be utilized by the body as energy.Lipase: Breaks down fatsProtease: An enzyme that begins the process of breaking down proteins for energy. Papain Papain breaks down proteins (meat fibres). Pepsin Pepsin breaks down proteins (meat fibres). It is one of the three primary protein-degrading enzymes in the digestive system. Allowing them to be more easily absorbed in the intestines.
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Enkindle 90 capsules (WAM Essentials)
Enkindle® is a full strength herbal extract designed to increase sexual desire (libido) and intimacy in both women and men.* It is not an erection enhancing or anti-ED product. Can and should be used by both men and women in combination with Andeanessence™ for libido, hormone-enhancing, and anti-aging benefits.* New & Improved Formula! Catauba Extract...more Catauba is extracted from the bark of some trees (including Erythroxylum vacciniifolium, Trichilia catigua, Juniperus Brasiliensis, ets) native to Brazil.  In traditional Brazilian medicine, it is used as an aphrodisiac, libido stimulant in men & women, and central nervous system stimulant.   Mucuna Pruriens Herb...more Mucuna pruriens is a tropical legume from an annual, climbing shrub with long vines that can reach over 15 m in length. Mucuna pruriens seeds contain high concentrations of levodopa, a direct precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine.* Which has been the primary reasy it has long been used in traditional Ayurvedic Indian medicine for health conditions including Parkinson's Disease.[1][2] In addition to levodopa, Mucuna also contains serotonin (5-HT), 5-HTP, nicotine, N,N-DMT (DMT), bufotenine, and 5-MeO-DMT. L- Dopa contains natural secretagogues which may support the body's ability to stimulate the natural release of growth hormone. An increase in dopamine levels may also optimize the production of hormones leading to increased sex drive and improved sexual performance for both men and women.* References 1) Manyam BV, Dhanasekaran M, Hare TA. Effect of antiparkinson drug HP-200 (Mucuna pruriens) on the central monoaminergic neurotransmitters. 2004. Phytother Res 18:97-101. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.1407 PMID 15022157 2) Manyam BV, Dhanasekaran M, Hare TA. Neuroprotective effects of the antiparkinson drug Mucuna pruriens. 2004. Phytother Res 18:706-712. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.1514 PMID 15478206 ***Do not use this supplement if you are or think you may be pregnant. Discontinue use if you become pregnant.*** *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Equanimity 60 Caplets (WAM Essentials)
The term "stress" was coined in the 1930's and refers to the body's inability to respond appropriately to perceived emotional or physical threats. Signs of "stress" can include exhaustion, irritability/moodiness, muscular tension, inability to concentrate, agitation, sense of loneliness/depression, headaches, elevated heart rate, and more.* At some point in their lives, most individuals will experience at least 1 "stressful event". Unfortunately, most people will have several. And then others will experience some stressful event almost daily whether it be from their job, their personal life or that of a friend or loved one. These "events" can lead folks to feeling overwhelmed, depressed, angry or withdrawn to name a few. It can also lead to a weakening of the immune system which can contribute to an increased risk of catching colds or the flu. While most anti-stress nutritional supplements advertised on the market contain a complex of b vitamins to help boost the bodies depletion of those much needed nutrients during times of stress, they don't really do much to help the body cope with the actual stress. This is where Equanimity™ comes in. Equanimity™ is not your typical anti-stress supplement; it does not contain any b vitamins! Equanimity™ is an old herbal formula that was given to Dr. Wong by an aged grand master herbalist over 30 years ago. This formula, has the ability to help calm down the user without causing sedation; in layman's words it will calm you down without knocking you out or making you dopey. Quite the opposite. Equanimity™ sharpens thinking while acting to lower stress levels*; it takes the teeth out of what's gnawing at you and also helps you put your stress into perspective.* But don't confuse anti-stress with anti-depressant. Even though these terms have been used interchangeable in both natural health circles and medical circles, they are not the same. Equanimity™ is not an anti-depressant supplement, which are meant to elevate mood. Equanimity™ is for stress and is composed of herbs known since ancient times to help cope with stress. To be physiologically effective each of these herbs needs to be taken by the teaspoon full. In comparison, mere capsules with raw herbs will not do as the average capsule is only 1/5 of a teaspoon. Using a German pharmacological extraction process, each caplet of Equanimity contains more than a teaspoon of each herb and is more potent than a large mug full of herbal tea. Each caplet of Equanimity contains 265 mg of these extracted herbs: Valerian Root has been used as a medicinal herb since at least the times of ancient Greece and Rome. It's historical use has been as a sedative.* Chamomile Flowers is a traditional medicinal herb. It was revered a sacred herb by the ancient Saxons and was valued by the Egyptians. It's traditional uses are many and varied but include sedative and calmative.* Skull Cap is used in herbal medicine as a mild sedative and sleep promoter.* Hops Flowers are used in herbal medicine similar to way valerian is used; for anxiety, restlessness and insomnia.* Please note: Hops are toxic to dogs and thus this product should not be given to them.* Pancreatin is used in this formula to help increase absorption and utilization of the herbs.*
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Hawthorne Berry Extract 60 Caps (WAM Essentials)
"In Germany one of the most frequently prescribed treatments for heart conditions is the herb Hawthorne (Crataegus orycantholdes). Germany, like many European countries, has a government agency called the Kommission E which produces official monographs guiding the safe prescription, usage and manufacture of herbal medicines. Amongst current monographs is one on hawthorne which states that it is useful for heart insufficiency (classes 1 and 2) by strengthening heart contractions, lowering blood pressure and lowering pulse rate, as well as improving physical work capacity and anaerobic capacity (the ability to continue functioning in low oxygen conditions).* The berry from hawthorn is widely employed for arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats, palpitations), high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.* Clinical and laboratory research findings abound that hawthorne may be beneficial in treating heart conditions, including arrhythmia, angina, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels.* Clinical trials have also found benefits in the elderly with no heart conditions but simply deteriorating heart function with age (Hoffmann 1995).* Hawthorne is reported to be beneficial for heart complaints during menopause, anxiety and nervous disorders (Hobbs & Foster 1990).* There is limited preliminary research showing that hawthorne relieves muscle tension and promotes relaxation and sleep (Djumlija 1994) (Chang & But 1986).* These are factors that may be beneficial in heart conditions." The above text is an excerpt from: Click to read the full text with references: Hawthorne berry is a great nutritional supplement to regulate and strengthen heart beat*. However, Hawthorne berry works best as a full strength extract of just the berries as the leaves and stems are not physiologically active parts of the plants.*   To enhance absorption and utilization, Dr. Wong has added the enzyme Serrapeptidase to our Hawthorne Berry Extract supplement.* Heart patients should combine the use of Hawthorne with magnesium to achieve best results.* Arginine and TMG (TriMethylGlycine) can also be used to help dialiate blood vessels and further improve results.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Magscorbate™ 90 Caplets (WAM Essentials)
Dr. Wong's Newly Formulated Magnesium Product is Now In-Stock and Available for Immediate Shipping!  Magnesium is an essential mineral nutrient for life. It is present in every cell type in every organism and is vital to the well being of all organisms.* Adult human bodies contain about 24 grams of magnesium, with 60% in the skeleton, 39% intracellular (20% in skeletal muscle), and 1% extracellular. ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main source of energy in cells, must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active.* Over 300 enzymes require magnesium ions in order to function*. Magnesium in one of its various forms (ie: gluconate, malate, orotate, magnesia, citrate etc) can be found in common laxatives, antacids (i.e., milk of magnesia), and can be used in a number of situations where stabilization of abnormal nerve excitation and blood vessel spasm is required.* The average adult human daily nutritional requirement is set to 300-400 mg per day of elemental magnesium. Inadequate magnesium intake frequently causes muscle spasms, and has been associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, migraines, osteoporosis and cerebral infarction[1]*. Human magnesium deficiency (including conditions which show few overt symptoms) is relatively common, with only 32% of the United States meeting the RDA-DRI,[2] and has been implicated in the development of a number of human illnesses such as asthma, osteoporosis, and ADHD.[3]* Due to its basic struction/function, magnesium may effect muscle relaxation through direct action on the cell membrane.* With the addition of magnesium, more channels may be blocked and the nerve may have less activity which could help support the body in reducing the itching/crawling sensations commonly noticed during periods of rest or sleep.* According to a randomised, double-blind study, done in 2003, scientists found Magnesium citrate to be more bioavailable than oxide or amino-acid chelate (glycinate) forms[4].*  We have blended our own “chelated” magnesium using just enough Vit. C (345 mg) to assure good absorption of the mineral, while providing the full load of elemental mineral stated on the label: 510 mg of magnesium.    We chose to use the more expensive Vit. C instead of the cheaper citric acid as the chelating agent because Vit. C has health benefits to your body that citric acid does not have. Now to answer the question:  Why did we use Magnesium Oxide in our product?  What folks don't understand that Dr. Wong has taught in his shows is that the elemental magnesium in all chelated mag products is magnesium oxide!    All chelated minerals are a blend of the mineral source and the chelating agent.   The chelating agent is always cheaper than the mineral source so they put in a lot of that and little mineral. The industry standard would look like this: 85% citric acid and only 15% magnesium oxide (for magnesium citrate as an example) References:1. Larsson SC, Virtanen MJ, Mars M, et al (March 2008). "Magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium intakes and risk of stroke in male smokers". Arch. Intern. Med. 168 (5): 459–65. doi:10.1001/archinte.168.5.459. PMID 18332289.2. "Lack Energy? Maybe It's Your Magnesium Level". United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved on 2008-09-18. Last paragraph3. University of Maryland Medical Center. Magnesium 4. Walker AF, Marakis G, Christie S, Byng M (September 2003). "Mg citrate found more bioavailable than other Mg preparations in a randomised, double-blind study". Magnes Res 16 (3): 183–91. PMID 14596323. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.    
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Maximum Male Performance book (WAM Essentials)
Table of Contents:   Introduction: The size of the problem   Chapter 1: Freud's Question Answered     What Women Want and the Problems We Face Giving it to Them.   Chapter 2: Restoring Erection Size and Strength     A). Ability and Desire     B). Blood Flow or the Lack of It     C). Austin Powers in Denial   Chapter 3: Peyronies, The Bent Nail Syndrome     How you Get it: How you Fix it!   Chapter 4: It's a Muscle Not a Bone     Exercises to Increase Thickness and Hardness.   Chapter 5: Sex Needs More Than a Little Blue Pill     The real makers of long lasting erections.   Chapter 6: Where the "CHI" for Sex Comes From     What Chinese Medicine says is the root of Sexual Energy.   Chapter 7: Daily Feeding and Pro Sexual Nutrition     Making yourself 18 again.   Chapter 8: When All Else Fails - Pro-Sexual Drugs     Resurrecting the dead.   Chapter 9: Tying It All Together     Appendices   Appendix 1: What are Systemic Enzymes and What Do They Do?   Appendix 2: Soy: The Poison Seed   Appendix 3: Building Manly Men   Appendix 4: Junk Medical Science
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Sinest 60 Caplets (WAM Essentials)
Estrogens are part of the female hormones that are also found in abundance in the foods we eat as well as our surrounding environment. Today, estrogen is found and marketed mostly in foods such as soy, flax and all seeds, beans, pods and peas.   Excess environmental estrogens in pollution and in foods contribute to various estrogen dominant conditions in women from uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, fibrocystic breast conditions, endometriosis and infertility.   While dietary and environmental estrogen from soy formula, pesticides and plastics have been shown to be responsible for very early onset of menstruation in young girls.   In men, it is estrogen dominance that creates DHT, which leads to balding and swollen prostates.  Estrogen dominance is responsible for the onset of Andropause (male menopause) in men between the ages of 40 and 55. And environmental estrogens have been shown as a feminizing and sterilizing agent in boys.   In both sexes, estrogen dominance causes fat gain from the waist to the knees, moodiness, crankiness, lack of libido and depression.  Sinest® is a preparation of proven estrogen blocking or aromatase inhibiting agents to either block the action of estrogen in the body or block the making of estradiol and estrone, the two most dangerous and carcinogenic forms of estrogen.*  While many supplements have these ingredients, they are normally not found in a dosage sufficient to have a physiological effect.   According to the head of hormone research at Georgetown University, these herbs only have the anti estrogenic actions when taken in doses above 1 gram (1000 mg) of the raw powdered herbs.   In creating Sinest™, full strength extracts of the component herbs were used and combined so that in a single caplet there is the equivalent of over a teaspoon (5000 mg) of each herb.
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WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) TMG-DMG Plus (WAM Essentials) 60 Capsules
Dr. Wong's Essentials® TMG-DMG Plus is a blend of Trimethylglycine (TMG), Dimethylglycine, Yohimbe Bark Extract and Serrapeptidase to help the body make Nitric Oxide; increase vaginal lubrication and clitoral engorgement; and increase the making of strong, large and motile sperm.   Dimethylglycine (DMG) and Trimethylglycine (TMG): Amino acids.   Mostly used as an immune modulator to boost immunity, to sharpen thinking and increase attention span and as a methyl donor to the Kreb’s Cycle increasing the production of ATP.   In this product these two amino acids are used for what they biosynthesize in the body, which is Nitric Oxide, the blood gas that dilates blood vessels all over the body.     The difference in the steps needed to make NO between the DMG and TMG allows for the DMG to produce a faster creation of NO while the TMG takes a step longer and starts later and that prolongs the NO making effects of the product.     Yohimbe, is a known vasodilator which also when taken in high doses of the raw powder or in a concentrate will also increase dopamine production and thus have its well known effect of increasing libido with out increasing testosterone level (2). The pharmecutical extract of Yohimbe Yohimbine HCl was the first product approved by FDA for use as an Aphrodisiac.   A novel use of Yominbine HCl is to treat PTSD and Social Anxiety Disorder(1).   Serrapeptidase Proteolytic enzymes greatly increase absorption of anything taken with it, vitamins, minerals, herbs, medications, etc. In Europe and Asia, even antibiotics are mixed with proteolytic enzymes (pancreatin or serrapeptidase) to enhance absorption and utilization. With that thought in mind, many of our supplements have been blended with serrapeptidase to enhance absorption. When the Nitric Oxide increasing effect of the DMG and TMG is combined with the blood vessel dilating effect of the Yohimbe extract, the synergy of the individual ingredients in dilating blood vessels all over the body is enhanced greatly,       Research: Research on DMG and TMG forthcoming in a book. Research On Yohimbe:
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Vitamin E (Dry E) - 500 IU - 60 caps (WAM Essentials)
The forgotten nutrient for heart health, blood flow and sexual function!*    A ton of invalid studies using sub-clinical doses of Vitamin E have said this vitamin is of no use for the heart.   And at the levels of dosing they were using the studies were correct, the studies were concocted to make the Vitamin E fail.     First point:  All of the valid studies on Vitamin E and heart health and sexual function, especially those done at the Univ. of Southern Illinois by Dr. Thomas Cureton  in the 1960’s and ’70’s were done with D Alpha Tocopherol.   It was found back then that the other tocopherols and tocotrinols were mere window dressing, the strongest active component of all of the E’s is the D Alpha.     Secondly:  doses needed to be 400 IU and above to have a physiologic function!   Next: the nutritional industry, seeing their profits from Vit. E drop after the vitamin was made from fermentation instead of being cold pressed from wheat germ oil or soy oil, decided to drop their emphasis on Vitamin E and transfer the heart health claims to the much more profitable CoQ10, and the super profitable Ubiquinol.    There was a way to bring back profitability to Vitamin E:  Again skewed studies seemed to show that the only way Vitamin E worked was to mix in the very expensive tocotrinols and mixed tocopherols!   Lastly: Vitamin E when isolated either from cold pressing and extraction or from fermentation needs to be stabilized in oil or freeze dried into a powder or it looses its effectiveness and has a very low shelf life.    All but 1 company we know of mixes the Vitamin E with soy oil, known for its high estrogen content!    So the product is estrogenic. Our Dry E - 500 IU also has the selenium that is the partner for Vitamin E in performing its actions, especially in maintaining healthy/normal prostate health.*  Dr. Kurt Donsback taught back in the 1980’s that ALL prostate swelling, regardless of what it turned into later, started from a Vitamin E and Zinc deficiency!*     Dr. Wongs Essentials® Dry E - 500 IU, has no estrogens!    Each capsule is at the physiologic activation level of dosing and has no widow dressing, just the known-to-be- active D Alpha Tocopherol form of the vitamin.  Daily dose should be one or two capsules taken daily.  
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Zinc Citrate 60 Capsules (WAM Essentials)
Zinc is an essential mineral, necessary for sustaining all life. It is estimated that 3,000 of the hundreds of thousands of proteins in the human body contain zinc..... Zinc ions are now considered neurotransmitters. Cells in the salivary gland, prostate, immune system and intestine are other types of tissues that highly need zinc. The below information is from Read the full text with references at: Role of Zinc in Human Nutrition Zinc is involved in well over one hundred metabolic process and body functions, Normal growth and development Maintaining healthy skin and bones Essential in various metabolic processes Healing and immune functions Physiologically, zinc is vital for growth and developments, sexual maturation and reproduction, dark vision adaptation, olfactory and gustatory activity, insulin storage and release and for a variety of host immune defenses, among other things. Zinc deficiency can result in growth retardation, immune dysfunction, increased incidence of infections, hypogonadism, oligospermia, anorexia, diarrhea, weight loss, delayed wound healing, neural tube defects of the fetus, increased risk for abortion, alopecia, mental lethargy and skin changes. Zinc may have immunomodulatory activity. It may also have antioxidant activity. Zinc has putative antiviral, fertility- enhancing and retinoprotective activities. Effects of Zinc Deficiency Even borderline zinc deficiency or disturbances in zinc metabolism can have profound adverse health effects. Those at greatest risk of such deficiencies and disturbances include infants, children, the elderly and pregnant women. Due to conditions that can limit the bioavailability of zinc, even when there is adequate zinc intake, zinc deficiency may affect still larger population. Among diseases and conditions associated with zinc deficiency are alcoholism, malabsorption syndromes, acrodermatitis enteropathica, anorexia nervosa, thermal burns and total parenteral nutrition without zinc supplementation. Zinc Supplementation as Zinc Citrate Supplemental zinc may be helpful in some of the foregoing, in some conditions of immune impairment, in some complications of pregnancy, in the prevention of some cases of fetal neural tube defects, diarrhea, oligospermia, delayed wound healing and some cognitive disorders. It may also help against some inflammatory disorders. Zinc is essential for proper formation and maturation of spermatozoa. There is some evidence that zinc can promote and accelerate wound healing in some circumstances. Zinc is also very important to the newborn when breast milk may be its only source of Zinc. Zinc Citrate represents a totally reacted and nutritionally functional Chelate of Zinc and the naturally occurring citrate in the human body. Zinc citrate caters to the need of "optimal mineral nutrition" with respect to zinc by delivering it in a more bio-available, energy rich, tolerant and safe form. Additional information: Adapted from Wikipedia. Read the full text with references at: "Zinc deficiency results from inadequate intake of zinc, or inadequate absorption of zinc into the body. Signs of zinc deficiency include hair loss, skin lesions, diarrhea, prostate swelling, delayed wound healing (epithelial tissue won't heal as well or as fast as it should in a zinc deficient state), wasting of body tissues and white spots on the nails. Eyesight, taste, smell and memory are also connected with zinc. A deficiency in zinc can cause malfunctions of these organs and functions. Congenital abnormalities causing zinc deficiency may lead to a disease called Acrodermatitis enteropathica (Caution: the linked-to website has some rather graphic pictures of infants afflicted with acrodermatitis enteropathica). Obtaining a sufficient zinc intake during pregnancy and in young children is a very real problem, especially among those who cannot afford a good and varied diet. Brain development is stunted by zinc insufficiency in the womb and in youth. It is widely recognized that lack of zinc can contribute to acne. When asked his opinion, here's what Dr. Wong had to say about Zinc Citrate: "This warrants repeating: 'Zinc is the most essential mineral for sexual function' and Zinc Citrate is the best absorbed zinc! Why? Because most zinc supplements are very, very poorly absorbed. The oxides are mostly excreted. Those Zincs that are chelated to amino acids need to further bond to a lipid (fat) to be transported across the intestinal wall. Zincs that are chelated to sugars (gluconates) don’t get in well either. But, anything bonded to anything in the Vit. C family such as citric acid, Vit. C, ascorbates, etc. are taken in instantly and almost completely! That is why, despite all the sales hype to the contrary, calcium citrate, magnesium citrate and zinc citrate are the best absorbed minerals of their kind."