A refresher for your red blood cells
Iron’s main function in the human body is transporting oxygen through the blood. Iron supports a healthy metabolism, overall cellular health, and plays a vital role in many enzyme reactions that help balance hormone levels. This essential nutrient is vital in facilitating many bodily functions every day, including supporting healthy energy levels.
Iron deficiency is most common in women but can occur in men. Symptoms of an Iron deficiency include fatigue, sleepiness, a lack of energy or physical discomforts. Protect yourself with Mineralife’s ionic Iron supplement that provides iron in the form most readily absorbed by your body.
Iron helps the body to manufacture new hemoglobin-packed blood cells and to rid itself of carbon dioxide. Iron, combined with manganese and copper, helps maintain healthy blood chemistry, and facilitates the transfer of oxygen. It also rids the body of carbon dioxide. Additionally, it:
- helps the body to manufacture new hemoglobin-packed blood cells
- helps maintain sufficiently high blood pressure
- and plays a role in metabolism, digestion, elimination, and circulation.
- supports efficient immune system function*
- supports respiratory health*
- supports enzymatic function throughout body*
- supports energy production*
Zemvelo Iron Features
Zemvelo (formerly Mineralife) liquid ionic iron supplement is formulated using a patent-pending MET water, a multi-step purified energy enhanced water that helps activate minerals into their electronically charged ionic state for maximum benefit.
- NATURAL: Prepared from a pure elemental source of iron bis-gylcinate (ferrous bisglycinate), a form of iron that has been shown as highly absorbable within the body with minimal digestive discomforts in various studies.
- MAXIMUM ABSORPTION: Angstrom-sized, water soluble minerals (IsoIonic™) provide the greatest absorption and utilization in the body.
- EXCELLENT VALUE: 5ml (1 cap) provides 56% of the Daily Value for Iron. 8oz bottle provides 48 day supply.
Iron for Improved Energy
Iron ensures that enough oxygen reaches your cells to provide you with ongoing energy. It also assists with the body’s metabolic enzyme processes involved in absorbing nutrients from food and digesting proteins. As such, iron deficiency can cause symptoms such as sluggishness, exhaustion, poor concentration, poor muscle coordination and mood changes.
Iron & Leg Cramping
Iron deficiency can also play a role in helping calm an uncontrollable urge to move the legs that often disrupts sleep. Iron is pivotal in transporting oxygen to the muscles in order to reduce muscle pain and spasms, so a lack of iron can lead to uncomfortable leg contractions which can lead to sleep disturbances.
Why Mineralife Iron?
According to the CDC, as many as 10% of women in the U.S. are iron deficient. Iron deficiency can lead to a lack of developing healthy red blood cells. Low iron levels can be caused by poor diet, blood loss and difficulty with absorbing iron from food.
Iron is important in protein metabolism and hemoglobin and red blood cell production, which helps prevent anemia.
Several risk factors put people at risk for iron deficiency, including:
- being a woman of childbearing age
- following a vegan or vegetarian diet
- exercising a lot
- being pregnant or breastfeeding
- having a history of kidney failure or undergoing dialysis
- having digestive system discomforts
- consuming too much calcium (such as antacids) as it can reduce iron absorption
- having experienced recent blood loss through donation or surgery.
Most people learn that they are iron deficient when trying to donate blood, but a simple blood test at your doctor’s office can also confirm it.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.