Dragon Herbs
Dragon Herbs Astragalus Drops 2 fl. oz. (60 ml)
Astragalus Drops is now available in ¼ oz. miniature dropper bottle at a more affordable price. You can now try out this extraordinary tonic herbal tincture and many others while staying well within your budget.
Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus) is a revered adaptogenic tonic herb from the northern Chinese frontier. It has been one of the premier go-to herbs in Asia for over 2,000 years, and hundreds of modern research papers support its value as a healthy-aging agent. Dragon Herbs uses superior grade Astragalus roots from a pristine, mountainous, Di Tao (authentic) source known to produce the finest Astragalus available. Astragalus Drops is prepared by Dragon Herbs’ advanced extraction technology, resulting in an unmatched range of phytochemicals including all Astragalosides, the active constituents of this famous Qi tonic. Its flavor is rich and satisfying.
Ingredients: Astragalus root extract.
Who can use it?
2 fl. oz. (60 ml)
Other Ingredients
Water, grain alcohol (30% by volume)
3-12 Squirts per day as desired or as directed by a health care professional. Shake well before use.
Mini-size perfect for trial and on-the-go!
Premier Qi tonic herb
Supports “upright Qi” that provides postural energy to resist gravity
Supports Wei Qi, the critical defensive energy in the skin
Supports energy production for consistent vitality
Made from superior quality connoisseur-grade organically grown Astragalus roots
Di Tao – an authentic traditional growing region of superior Astragalus
Rich in Astragalosides
Dragon Herbs
Dragon Herbs Codonopsis and Astragalus 100 Capsules (500mg)
Codonopsis and Astragalus Combination
a.k.a. Ginseng and Astragalus
Codonopsis and Astragalus Combination has classically been called the "King of Combinations." It is a giant among classical tonic formulations. It is traditionally said to promote the production and circulation of Qi, support the digestive system, support nutrient assimilation, support the normal healthy functions of the immune system, and to strengthen muscles that help to support posture and the normal healthy position of the organs. It is also an excellent blood tonic. Codonopsis and Astragalus Combination is used as a tonic by anyone wishing to tonify or maintain a high level of Qi.
This is the classical Ginseng and Astragalus Combination used for many centuries in Asia. What distinguishes Dragon Herbs’ Codonopsis and Astragalus Combination from other brands is the quality of the herbs used to produce it and the production technology.
ALL HERBS in China (and from most places) come in different grades based upon their variety, seed stock, growing source, growing conditions, care of the cultivators or collectors, and processing at various stages of the supply chain and during production.
That’s a lot to consider. But Dragon Herbs does take ALL factors these into account in selecting our raw materials and in producing our herbal products.
Codonopsis and Astragalus Combination is so widely consumed in China that many domestic herb factories produce it. Most of this production uses low grade herbs for price reasons. Many of the peasants of China take Codonopsis and AstragalusCombination, so many factories produce it with very cheap materials so that it costs just pennies.
Dragon Herbs does not use low grade, less effective, raw materials for Codonopsis and Astragalus Combination or any of its products. Dragon Herbs identifies sources of the BEST raw material, the kind preferred in Shanghai or Hong Kong by those who know herbs and want the best. We use this premium material to produce this important formula.
Production technology also matters. Most factories just throw the herbs into a tank and cook the whole thing for a couple of hours, then they make a powdered extract of the tea using a lot of excipient (usually not natural). Dragon Herbs uses low temperature extraction using very pure water and no chemicals. We add the herbs carefully at incremental stages. Some of the herbs in Codonopsis and Astragalus Combination can only be cooked for a few minutes. These “short cook” herbs are cooked separately and carefully and added at the end. For example, the Dang Gui should not be cooked as long as some of the other herbs because of its high aromatic oil content. Aged Tangerine Peel and Fresh Ginger must be cooked for just for a few minutes at most because of their aromatic oil content. This is a true secret (revealed) of superior herbal production.
One very important process that most factories skip involves the collection of aromatic oils from the tea. Real Codonopsis and Astragalus Combination has a sweet-spicy aroma. This is from the aromatic oils in the herbs. If the herbs are overcooked and the oils are allowed to evaporate, the true power of Codonopsis and Astragalus Combination cannot be achieved – even if good quality herbs are used. Since we use superb herbs to make this formula, the result is sublime.
Dragon Herbs always processes its herbs using an “oil trap.” An oil trap is a sophisticated device connected to the extraction system. It captures evaporating aromatic oils and collects them in crystallized form. These collected essential oils are therefore not lost. They are added back into the extract at the end of the process. And this makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE!*
Traditional Functions: Tonifies Qi, ascends Yang, nurtures the Spleen, nourishes the blood.
Concentration: 7:1
Specifications: 100 Capsules 500 mg each
Codonopsis root, Astragalus root, Chinese Licorice root, Bai-zhu Atractylodes root, Aged Tangerine peel, Dang Gui root, Bupleurumroot, Chinese Cimicifuga rhizome, Fresh Ginger rhizome, Red Jujube fruit.
Other Ingredients: Vegan capsules**, rice powder.
Usage: Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word – Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.”
**Pullulan caps 100% natural, water-soluble polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process; vegetable origin; non-GMO; no starch, preservatives or chemical modifications; gluten free.
Jing Herbs
Jing Herbs Astragalus 90caps 450mg
Astragalus is one of the great tonic herbs as it strongly tonifies the vital Qi of the body as well as generates blood and fluids. It is a first class herb for maintaining a healthy immune system. This is a premium energy tonic for athletes and anyone looking for more day to day energy and vitality.
Astragalus is categorized as an Energy (Qi) tonifying herb. It thus directly supports the Lung and Spleen organs in the body. By supporting those organs, energy derived from the foods you eat and the air you breathe is increased.
As an immune system tonic, Astragalus tonifies what the Chinese call "wei qi" or "protective qi" which is the energy that runs just below the surface of the skin. It helps the body to fight off external pathogens that you may come in contact with.
Astragalus also houses what is call "upright qi" which is the energy in the body that supports upright posture and the correct position of the organs. Weak "upright qi" can lead to organ prolapse, slumping or slouching, and general feelings of fatigue.
Category: Tonifies the Qi
Properties: sweet, slightly warm
Organ meridians: Lung, Spleen
Tonifies the Spleen and Lung Qi
Raises the Yang Qi
Powerful Immune tonic
Premeire energy tonic
90 Vegetarian Capsules per bottle
450 mg per capsule
Concentrated extract powder
Astragalus membranaceus root extract
Lion Heart Herbs
Best Before March 2025 - Astragalus Extract 100g (Lion Heart Herbs)
Astragalus is a chinese food grade tonic herb traditionally used as a qi tonic, to increase the vital energy in the body. It has a warming effect and a mild, slightly sweet, pleasant taste. It is traditionally often added to food as its said to tonify the digestive system. Astragalus is high in phytochemicals and polysaccharides.
What are herbal extracts?
Herbal extracts are an excellent way of getting the nutrition and goodness from a herb, without the trouble of sometimes elaborate preparation. They are also a way of getting the goodness in as concentrated a form as possible.
How are herbal extracts made?
The raw herbs are prepared by hot water extraction, the water is then evaporated off until all that is lelf is the essential oils and active ingredients. These are then bound together in an excipient, small amounts of non-GM corn flour. This is the most pure and unadulterated way to enjoy tonic herbal extracts possible.
Purity: this vegan product is free from wheat, gluten, soya, added sugar, salt, test, lactose, preservatives, or any other fillers. Not tested on animals.
Directions: these tonic herbs are food grade and safe to use as you would culinary herbs. They can be added to any foods or drinks. Suggested uses are either to add 1/2 a teaspoon to a healthy juice or smoothie, or to prepare them as an instant tonic tea, but simply putting 1/2 a teaspoon in a cup or mug, and adding hot water.
Recommended upper limit: do not exceed 1 teaspoon of herbal extract today unless guided to by a qualified healthcare professional.
Dragon Herbs
Dragon Herbs Astragalus eeTee in a jar
Astragalus eeTee
Astragalus Root ranks as one of the most potent health tonics in the world. Astragalus Membranaceus is used in traditional tonic herbalism to strengthen the primary energy of the body and all the metabolic, respiratory, and eliminative functions. Dragon Herbs FITT™ Astragalus Granules make a tea that has true Astragalus flavor and actions.
Astragalus is rated as one of the world’s premier immune tonifying (regulating) substances and is considered to be a quintessential protective super tonic herb in the Orient.
As an energizer, Astragalus is famed for its strengthening effects on the outside of the body, in particular to the musculature and skin. Astragalus has long been considered a major tonic for athletes and for those who work hard physically. It helps relieve fatigue and is used by athletes around the world for strength.
Astragalus, like many of the major tonic herbs, has a very complex constituent profile. Primarily, the active constituents of Astragalus consist of triterpene glycosides, polysaccharides and flavonoids. Astragalus also contains numerous amino acids, trace elements and various other components.
The primary active constituents of Astragalus, the triterpene glycosides, are saponins similar to the saponins in ginseng, though all of the Astragalus saponins (triterpene glycosides) have their own chemical identities.
One particular astragaloside found naturally in Astragalus is known as Astragaloside IV. This saponin has been determined to be the most active health-positive constituent in Astragalus. It is believed that Astragaloside IV may be able to help protect telomeres and to prevent their deterioration over time due to stress and toxicity. Telomeres are chemical bindings at the end of our chromosomes that hold our DNA in place; the degeneration and loss of which has been associated with aging. Astragaloside IV has also been found to beneuroprotective to brain cells. Hundreds of studies seem to support the potent immune modulating activities of Astragalus Root as well. The polysaccharides found in Astragalus are extremelypotent immune enhancers. These polysaccharides are similar to those found in Maitake, Reishi mushroom and other immune enhancing herbs.
Astragalus also has significant anti-inflammatory action and has been show toimprove male fertility by improving sperm motility.
What Is F.I.T.T Technology And Why Is It Important?
Dragon Herbs’ new Fingerprint Identical Transfer Technology™ (FITT™) is apatented green extraction technology of the 21st century. It is the most advanced commercial extraction technology in the world. FITT™ is a proprietary process that utilizes mechanical forces to break the raw materials down to micron level. The materials are “shaken” loose at tremendous speed, resulting in instantaneous extraction of both water-soluble and alcohol-soluble components from the raw material into the solvent. FITT™ technology captures the original phyto-chemical profile (the fingerprint) of a botanical and transfers it safely and almost identically into the final extract, perfectly preserving the aroma, color and taste of the freshly collected botanical. The result is an instant granule that tastes and smells just like its original plant. The entire process is performed at a low to moderate temperature that never exceeds 40°C (104° F), thus eliminating the drawbacks of a heated extraction. With the entire process’s temperature controlled under 104° F, FITT™ extracts are really “raw” extracts. FITT™ extracts the raw constituents without damaging them in any way. In fact, far more constituents are released than are released by conventional extraction. What Are The Overall Benefits of FITT?With the extraction ratio usually exceeding 95%, you can enjoy virtually all of the health benefits of the botanicals without missing a beat. •The raw materials are processed to micron level for maximum extraction efficiency.•Starch and saccharides of low molecular weight can gelatinize and become cohesive under heat, preventing the effective release and extraction of active ingredients.•For example, our lab tests show that 95-98% of green tea’s active ingredients, such as the polyphenols - EGCG, ECG, EGC - and caffeine are safely transferred to the extract powder, significantly higher than the 28-38% in home brewed teas. That’s almost 3 times as much!•FITT™ powder extracts dissolve completely, making a clear beverage in seconds, even at room temperature.•You can now truly enjoy premium tonic elixirs with ease! Just add, shake or stir and drink. It is that easy.•No mess, no clean up, and nothing to throw away. eeTee™ takes all the hassle out of making a first class cup or bottle of tonic elixir.
Is FITT Ecological?
FITT is a very green technology.
FITT™ technology uses 33% less energy than traditional extraction methods.
FITT™ technology produces 1/20 the waste of home brewing, and about 1/7 the waste of the conventional extraction. This means FITT™ technology needs much less raw materials to produce the same result, hence a much smaller carbon footprint.
TZero waste of the production residue. With FITT™, the particles of the residue reach micron level, which makes them perfect animal feed or organic fertilizer. Most of our production residue is donated to local farms.
Most of the production water is recycled and only clean, filtered water is discharged.
eeTee™ instant granules made with FITT™ technology save you trouble while saving the earth. eeTee granules are ready to serve within seconds. No more shipping water or heavy glass bottles. No more plastic bottles filling up the landfill. Very “GREEN” teas indeed!
Less raw materials, less energy consumption, recycled production water and automation of the entire production flow all contribute to a lower cost to produce the same amount of active ingredients, making FITT™ products very economical and affordable.
Why Not Traditional Heat Extraction?When a botanical is boiled in water or extracted in alcohol or other solvent, the constituents of the botanical are released from the fiber that contains them and are dissolved into the liquid medium. The resulting “tea,” or paste is highly assimilable. This is much easier to consume because the material has been “reduced” to a much smaller volume and yet the potency is higher. Without the extraction, the body would have to do a digestive “extraction” of the materials bound to the fiber, adding much stress to our GI tract. Since we do not have the digestive tract of a ruminate, this “extraction” method is not very effective, nor is it efficient.
BUT, the downsides of traditional heated extraction include:
It is not suitable for extracting heat sensitive substances such as protein, amino acids, essential oils and enzymes.
Starch and saccharides of low molecular weight can gelatinize and become cohesive under heat, preventing the effective release and extraction of active ingredients.
Substances with no or few pharmacological effects can be released simultaneously.
The heated process accelerates the oxidation process.
It can result in polymerization and decomposition of active constituents.
Specifications: Container Size: 2.5 oz/75 gm Jar
Servings Per Container: 30
Contains 30 Sticks Per Container
Recommended Serving Size: 3/4 tsp or 2.5 gm once per day added to 1 cup of cool, room temperature, or slightly warm water. Do not use excessively hot/boiling water.
Lion Heart Herbs
Astragalus Extract 100g (Lion Heart Herbs)
Astragalus is a chinese food grade tonic herb traditionally used as a qi tonic, to increase the vital energy in the body. It has a warming effect and a mild, slightly sweet, pleasant taste. It is traditionally often added to food as its said to tonify the digestive system. Astragalus is high in phytochemicals and polysaccharides.
What are herbal extracts?
Herbal extracts are an excellent way of getting the nutrition and goodness from a herb, without the trouble of sometimes elaborate preparation. They are also a way of getting the goodness in as concentrated a form as possible.
How are herbal extracts made?
The raw herbs are prepared by hot water extraction, the water is then evaporated off until all that is lelf is the essential oils and active ingredients. These are then bound together in an excipient, small amounts of non-GM corn flour. This is the most pure and unadulterated way to enjoy tonic herbal extracts possible.
Purity: this vegan product is free from wheat, gluten, soya, added sugar, salt, test, lactose, preservatives, or any other fillers. Not tested on animals.
Directions: these tonic herbs are food grade and safe to use as you would culinary herbs. They can be added to any foods or drinks. Suggested uses are either to add 1/2 a teaspoon to a healthy juice or smoothie, or to prepare them as an instant tonic tea, but simply putting 1/2 a teaspoon in a cup or mug, and adding hot water.
Recommended upper limit: do not exceed 1 teaspoon of herbal extract today unless guided to by a qualified healthcare professional.
Dragon Herbs
Dragon Herbs - Astragalus Mini Drops 0.25oz (7.5ml)
Dragon Herbs - Astragalus Mini Drops (0.25 oz)
Miniature Bottle, Maximum Benefits
Dragon Herbs Astragalus Mini Drops now comes in a convenient and affordable 0.25 oz miniature dropper bottle, making it perfect for trial or on-the-go use. Crafted from superior-grade Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus) sourced from a pristine Di Tao growing region, this Qi tonic herb has been revered in Chinese herbalism for over 2,000 years. Prepared with advanced extraction technology, this tincture is rich in Astragalosides, delivering the full spectrum of this legendary herb’s benefits.
Key Benefits:
Supports Qi Energy: Tonifies "upright Qi" to promote postural energy and overall vitality.
Defensive Wei Qi Support: Strengthens the critical protective energy in the skin.
Enhances Energy Production: Aids consistent vitality and resilience.
Superior Quality: Made from connoisseur-grade Astragalus roots grown organically in the authentic Di Tao region.
Convenient Mini Bottle: Perfect for trial or easy portability.
Who Is It For?
Astragalus Drops are ideal for adults seeking an adaptogenic herb to support energy, vitality, and defensive Qi. Whether you’re new to tonic herbs or an experienced enthusiast, this mini bottle is a great way to explore the benefits of this extraordinary herb.
Concentration: 8:1Other Ingredients: Water, grain alcohol (30% by volume)Usage: Take 3-12 squirts daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Shake well before use.
Try the authentic power of Astragalus with Dragon Herbs’ mini Astragalus Drops – a traditional Qi tonic crafted for modern convenience.
Jing Herbs
LARGE Jing Herbs - Astragalus Extract 250g
Astragalus is one of the great tonic herbs as it strongly tonifies the vital Qi of the body as well as generates blood and fluids. It is a first class herb for maintaining a healthy immune system. This is a premium energy tonic for athletes and anyone looking for more day to day energy and vitality.
Astragalus is categorized as an Energy (Qi) tonifying herb. It thus directly supports the Lung and Spleen organs in the body. By supporting those organs, energy derived from the foods you eat and the air you breathe is increased.
As an immune system tonic, Astragalus tonifies what the Chinese call "wei qi" or "protective qi" which is the energy that runs just below the surface of the skin. It helps the body to fight off external pathogens that you may come in contact with.
Astragalus also houses what is call "upright qi" which is the energy in the body that supports upright posture and the correct position of the organs. Weak "upright qi" can lead to organ prolapse, slumping or slouching, and general feelings of fatigue.
Category: Tonifies the Qi
Properties: sweet, slightly warm
Organ meridians: Lung, Spleen
Tonifies the Spleen and Lung Qi
Raises the Yang Qi
Powerful Immune tonic
Premeire energy tonic
50 grams per packet
25 servings per packet
Concentrated extract powder
Astragalus membranaceus root extract
Dragon Herbs
Dragon Herbs Astragalus Advanced 100 Capsules (500mg)
Astragalus Advanced
Super potent Astragaloside IV-rich extract
Dragon Herbs Astragalus Advanced™ extract is made from premium grade Astragalus roots from Northern China and contains a full range of astragalosides (Astragalus saponins) and polysaccharides, as well as all the other constituents of Astragalus root.* It is widely acknowledged that the most important range of active constituents of Astragalus root extract are its astragalosides. Astragalosides are phytochemicals that support adaptability and immunological competence. Dragon Herbs Astragalus Advanced™ has been specially produced by a cutting edge technological process to contain approximately three times the amount of total astragalosides of typical Astragalus root extract produced for the American market. Other brands of Astragalus in the American market typically contain between 2-5 mg per capsule of total astragalosides. Dragon Herbs Astragalus Advanced contains no less than 25mg total astragalosides per capsule. Of the astragalosides, one stands out as the most formidable health-supporting agent: Astragaloside IV. Astragaloside IV has been actively researched for the past 20 years and continues to be the focus of intensive research. Typical Astragalus products in America contain 0.14 -1% Astragaloside IV. Astragalus Advanced contains 5% Astragaloside IV. Many studies have also demonstrated that the polysaccharides from Astragalus play a role in supporting immunological functions. Astragalus Advanced capsules contain over 100mg of Astragalus polysaccharides per capsule. Compare Dragon Herbs Astragalus Advanced capsules with other brands of Astragalus for total astragaloside and astragalus polysaccharide content. If you are looking for potent Astragalus root extract at a realistic price, this is it.*
Traditional Function - Astragalus tonifies the “three burning spaces” (metabolic functions), increases Qi, tonifies the Lungs and Spleen, supports Upright Qi, supports Wei Qi, raises Yang, modulates perspiration, facilitates excretion of water*
Concentration - Pure yield extract (typically25:1 concentrate)
Specifications - 100 capsules, 500mg each
Ingredients - Premium Astragalus root extract standardized to not less than 5% Astragaloside IV
Other Ingredients: vegan capsules**, rice powder.
Usage: Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word – Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.”
**Pullulan caps 100% natural, water-soluble polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process; vegetable origin; non-GMO; no starch, preservatives or chemical modifications; gluten free.
Dragon Herbs
Dragon Herbs Astragalus 100 Capsules (500mg)
Due to various EU legislation it is forbidden for us and all other food business operators to make any claims that the products we sell can in fact support your health and offer health benefits. Many of our customers are aware of these foods and supplements and are happy to come back to us regularly for the items that have helped them in their quest for superior health. The great thing about this legislation is it allows you to exert more responsibility and do further research. We at Raw Perfection Ltd are committed to bring you the finest and most comprehensive health supporting products at great prices. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy researching the products further.
Lion Heart Herbs
Ginseng and Astragalus Extract 100g (lion heart herbs)
Ginseng and Astragalus Extract 100g (lion heart herbs)
Jing Herbs
Jing Herbs - Astragalus Extract 50g
Astragalus is one of the great tonic herbs as it strongly tonifies the vital Qi of the body as well as generates blood and fluids. It is a first class herb for maintaining a healthy immune system. This is a premium energy tonic for athletes and anyone looking for more day to day energy and vitality.
Astragalus is categorized as an Energy (Qi) tonifying herb. It thus directly supports the Lung and Spleen organs in the body. By supporting those organs, energy derived from the foods you eat and the air you breathe is increased.
As an immune system tonic, Astragalus tonifies what the Chinese call "wei qi" or "protective qi" which is the energy that runs just below the surface of the skin. It helps the body to fight off external pathogens that you may come in contact with.
Astragalus also houses what is call "upright qi" which is the energy in the body that supports upright posture and the correct position of the organs. Weak "upright qi" can lead to organ prolapse, slumping or slouching, and general feelings of fatigue.
Category: Tonifies the Qi
Properties: sweet, slightly warm
Organ meridians: Lung, Spleen
Tonifies the Spleen and Lung Qi
Raises the Yang Qi
Powerful Immune tonic
Premeire energy tonic
50 grams per packet
25 servings per packet
Concentrated extract powder
Astragalus membranaceus root extract