Lion Heart Herbs Easy Exhaustion Cure Book by Elwin Robinson
Are you sick of being tired and exhausted? Are you ready to totally transform your health and experience abundant energy every day? Are you ready to feel strong, empowered, energized and vibrant every day? Do you want a complete program that provides lasting results, is simple to understand, easy to implement, gives you fast-track knowledge, is personalized to your needs and guarantees incredible results? If you are truly ready to completely transform your health, and experience an abundance of energy for the rest of your life then this may be the most important book you will ever read....
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Lion Heart Herbs Cleanse Instant Herbal Tea Blend 100g (lion heart herbs)
Cleanse tea, used to detoxify and cleanse the liver, decreases feelings of anger and increases passion, creativity and enthusiasm.Here is a list of the incredible ingredients you will find in your Cleanse Taoist Tonic Tea Blend, as well as just a small, relevant selection of their many, well researched, time proven benefits: Bupleurum -Crucial Key ingredient -Releases energy blockages, relieving muscular tension and allowing toxins to be dealt with, also restoring balance to whole meridian system -Cools Liver relieving headaches and anger -Cleans the Liver allowing it to return to optional functioning, improving circulation, fat absorption and efficiency of environmental toxin processing and removal -Increases the ability of the Liver to clean the blood -Beautifying, especially for the eyes and skin. Schizandra -Liver protective, shown to promote the regeneration of Liver tissue, -Detoxifies the liver -Hydrating to the skin, keeping it moist and supple, protected from the elements -Assists the Liver in optimal functioning Dang Gui -Strong Blood builder, rebuilds red blood cells, and increases Blood volume -Beautifies by detoxifying the skin, is effective for dermatitis, rosacea, eczema, alopecia, vitiligo etc. -Effective to treat painful, irregular or absent menstruation -Mildly sedative action, calms nervous disorders White Peony -Potent Blood purifier and cleanser -Relaxes muscular tension, especially menstrual, foot and leg cramps -Has a pain-relieving, antispasmodic and analgesic effect -An anti aging herb, keeping you looking and feeling young for longer Prepared Rehmannia -Potent Blood builder -Warming effect, balancing several of the other herbs Codonopsis -Strong Blood builder -Keeps energy levels high, so detoxification symptoms are -minimal Ho She Wu -Blood Cleanser -Promotes the growth and development of red blood cells -Increases Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) activity. SOD is one of the body’s most powerful antioxidant free radical scavenger Licorice -Broad Spectrum detoxifier, proven to gently rid the body of over 1000 known toxins -Harmoniser, Helps all other ingredients to work together more easily -Delicious flavour takes away any ‘rough edges’, of any other ingredients Ligusticum -Improves Blood Circulation, especially to extremities -Disperses areas of blood, and therefore also Chi, stagnation This is a small overview of just a few of the most relevant benefits. Books could, and have, been written extolling the virtues of each particular herb, and the sum of all of them combined in this perfectly balanced formula is greater than the individual herbs. If you’re interested I highly recommend you research and find out more, you will be fascinated and enthralled, as I am, by their amazingly diverse benefits and long history of effective use   Instant Herbal Tea Blend  These Taoist Tonic Herbs come in the form of an instant herbal tea blend, the ultimate in ease and convenience. None of the effort, all of the benefit.   How to make The instant herbal tea blends couldn't be simpler to make. All you do is add half a teaspoon to a teaspoon of herbal extract powder to a cup or a mug, pour in (boiling) hot water, stir, add sweetener if required, (liquid stevia is perfect) and drink when it's cool enough. Easy.  
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Lion Heart Herbs Immune Instant Herbal Tea Blend 100g (lion heart herbs)
The Immune blend is used to boost the immune system, strengthen natural defenses and improve the health of the whole immune system. Taking this blend will help you to thrive in extreme conditions, fortify your defenses and improve vitality. It will improve recovery time and reduce the effects of illness. It improves productivity, skin condition and appearence and overall health and vitality. Improves resiliance to illness, infection and disease. Here are the ingredients you will find in your Immune Taoist Tonic Tea Blend, as well as just a small selection of their many, well researched, time proven benefits: Cat’s Claw -Help fight both viral and fungal infections such as Herpes and Candida-Contains glycosides, proanthocyanidins and beta sitosterol which help provide anti-viral and anti-inflammatory support for the body. These alkaloids also exert a beneficial effect on memory.-Reduces pain and inflammation of rheumatism, arthritis and other types of inflammatory problems.-Promotes the healing of wounds.-Can be useful for treatment of gastric ulcers and intestinal complaints.-Helps to relieve chronic pain.-Enhance immunity by stimulating the immune system.-Helps people experiencing stomach and bowel disorders, including colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky bowel syndrome, gastritis and duodenal ulcers, intestinal inflammation. Ligustrum -Powerful immune system enhancer-Proven to prevent breakdown of the immune system, even in cases of chemotherapy Ophiopogon -Yin tonic for the lungs, soothing any inflammation and irritation-Improves vocal quality, excellent for anyone who spends extended periods of time speaking or singing-Excellent for anyone with a dry cough or dry throat Poria -Tonifies the immune system-Induces the production of alpha-interferon, a potent anti viral agent created within our body Astragalus -Tonifies the “Protective Chi,” known as Wei Chi .  This Protective Qi is a special kind of energy which circulates just under the skin and in the muscle. It’s role is to act as a protective shield which keeps out any potential invading organisms, as well as extreme elemental energies like a cold wind-Known as the ‘Great Protector’-Can be very useful for people who just can’t seem to shake a cold, as it can replace the Qi necessary to regain full strength.-Rich in immunomodulating agents, helping the body ramp up immune activity when appropriate, and calm it down when appropriate.-One of the world’s most powerful vitalising herbs Codonopsis -Aids the body in digesting the other herbs-High in immune-stimulating polysaccharides -Powerful tonic for the respiratory, immune and digestive systems Maitake -Rich in beta-D-glucan polysaccharides-Immune stimulating and tumor inhibiting-Lowers blood pressure Agaricus -Traditionally known as the "Gods Mushroom"-The richest natural source of Beta-1,6-D-glucan and Beta-1,3-D-glucan-Powerful supporter of the immune system Chaga -Anti Cancer-Powerful anti-oxidant-Strengthens the immune system Cordyceps -Extremely powerful and effective life enhancing agent -It has enormous renown as a supersonic, and is said to build sexual and physical power, mental energy, the immune system and is universally believed in the Orient to prolong life.-Highly regarded in China as a tonic for those who are recovering from an illness or an operation Reishi -Incredibly effective immune system potentiator, aiding it in optimal functioning-The polysaccharides it contains can play an important role in attacking cancerous cells, but not healthy ones, while simultaneously strengthening the body's overall immune functions. The polysaccharides appear to help the body attack microbial invaders such as viruses, bacteria and yeast. -If the immune system is excessive, as is the case with autoimmune diseases and allergies, Reishi can have significant positive influence. A group of chemicals known as the ganoderic acids help fight auto-immune diseases such as allergies. Ganoderic acids inhibit histamine release, improve oxygen utilization and improve liver functions. Ganoderic acids are also potent antioxidant free-radical scavengers. -Another important Beta-1, 3-glucan, helps regulate and stabilize blood sugar levels. Licorice -Harmoniser, Helps all other ingredients to work together more easily-Delicious flavour takes away any ‘rough edges’, of any other ingredients This is a small overview of just a few of the most relevant benefits. Books could, and have, been written extolling the virtues of each particular herb, and the sum of all of them combined in this perfectly balanced formula is greater than the individual herbs. If you’re interested I highly recommend you research and find out more, you will be fascinated and enthralled, as I am, by their amazingly diverse benefits and long history of effective use  Instant Herbal Tea Blend  These Taoist Tonic Herbs come in the form of an instant herbal tea blend, the ultimate in ease and convenience. None of the effort, all of the benefit. How to make The instant herbal tea blends couldn't be simpler to make. All you do is add half a teaspoon to a teaspoon of herbal extract powder to a cup or a mug, pour in (boiling) hot water, stir, add sweetener if required, (liquid stevia is perfect) and drink when it's cool enough. Easy.  
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Lion Heart Herbs Rejuvenate Instant Herbal Tea Blend 100g (lion heart herbs)
Rejuvenate is used to restore vitality and health to the kidneys, bladder, bones, joints and tendons. It healths the nervous system and relieves nervous conditions, promotes relaxation, recovery, memory, healing. It builds jing and reserve energy. Here is a list of the incredible ingredients you will find in your Rejuvenate Taoist Tonic Tea Blend, as well as just a small, relevant selection of their many, well researched, time proven benefits: Schizandra: -Key Tonic Herb for the Kidneys; -Sharpens the mind, improves lucidity, concentration, precise coordination and focus; -Improves both short and long term memory; -Increases hydration due to its astringent properties;-Prevents the leaking or wasting of Jing, our precious and irreplaceable reserve energy, probably its most crucial quality; -Increases potency in men, fertility in women;-Aids in preventing premature ejaculation, restoring sex drive, and increasing sexual endurance (worth having for this quality alone right?); -Increases sexual desire, vaginal secretions, and genital sensation in women (worth having for this quality alone right?); -Excellent to restore and maintain a youthful appearance and attitude;-Improves hearing and vision Ho She Wu -Strengthens the tendons, ligaments and bones-By encouraging rejuvenation of bone marrow, slows down the aging process-Long term use has been known to restore hair colour in cases where it’s greying-Increases potency and fertility-Promotes greater endurance and stamina-Enhances the capacity to respond and adapt to stressors in the environment Prepared Rehmannia -One of the most potent Kidney tonifying herbs in the world-Slows aging and therefore promotes longevity-Works almost immediately to build Yin Jing, recharging your batteries, allowing you to heal and recover a lot more easily.-Strengthens the Reproductive system especially, increasing fertility. Ligustrum -Relieves aching joints-Improves memory and vision-Helps keep hair from going grey-Increases endurance-Rebuilds reserve energy Dendrobium -Excellent and delicious Yin Jing tonic and longevity herb-Replaces spent "adaptive energy."-Replenish fluids-Effective in treating dryness-Helps to generate beautiful skin Eucommia -Strengthens the skeleton and joints-Considered to be one of the great longevity tonics-Effective marital tonic for men and women-Regulates blood pressure Achyranthes -Guides the other herbs to focus on tonifying the kidneys Horsetail -Also high in Silica, excellent for building bone strength and flexibility-Makes the skin more smooth and supple-Increases nail strength and quality White Atracylodes -A powerful Qi tonic-Invigorates the Yang energy of the body-Provides power and strength to the body-Increased endurance, improved digestion Licorice -Harmoniser, Helps all other ingredients to work together more easily-Delicious flavour takes away any ‘rough edges’, of any other ingredients   This is a small overview of just a few of the most relevant benefits. Books could, and have, been written extolling the virtues of each particular herb, and the sum of all of them combined in this perfectly balanced formula is greater than the individual herbs. If you’re interested I highly recommend you research and find out more, you will be fascinated and enthralled, as I am, by their amazingly diverse benefits and long history of effective use   Instant Herbal Tea Blend  These Taoist Tonic Herbs come in the form of an instant herbal tea blend, the ultimate in ease and convenience. None of the effort, all of the benefit.   How to make The instant herbal tea blends couldn't be simpler to make. All you do is add half a teaspoon to a teaspoon of herbal extract powder to a cup or a mug, pour in (boiling) hot water, stir, add sweetener if required, (liquid stevia is perfect) and drink when it's cool enough. Easy.  
Lion Heart Herbs Longevity Instant Tea Blend - 10:1 Extract containing 7 x Medicinal Mushrooms 100g (lion heart herbs)
Longevity Instant Tea Blend - 10:1 Extract containing 7 x Medicinal Mushrooms 100g (lion heart herbs)
Lion Heart Herbs Lions Mane Extract 100g (Lion Heart Herbs)
Lions Mane Extract 100g (Lion Heart Herbs)
Lion Heart Herbs Siberian Ginseng Extract 100g (lion heart herbs)
Siberian Ginseng Extract 100g (lion heart herbs)
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Lion Heart Herbs Rhodiola Rosea Extract 100g (lion heart herbs)
Rhodiola has been used by the Tibetan people as a powerful adaptogenic vitalizer and as a substantial medicinal agent since the beginning of Tibetan civilization. It was regarded as a life-prolonging, wisdom enhancing "superior herb." Evidence has shown that Rhodiola is in many ways more powerful than Ginseng. It is a superb herb for people who work very hard, either physically or mentally and has been shown to improve endurance and mental capacity. Consumption of a small amount of Rhodiola extract significantly improves a person’s capacity to absorb and utilize oxygen. It has also been proven that Rhodiola reduces stress and fatigue levels. Rhodiola has been found to be extremely beneficial to the cardiovascular system, and has been found to prevent heart disease. It is even considered to be one of the top natural antidepressants. Herbal extracts are an excellent way of getting the nutrition and goodness from a herb, without the trouble of sometimes elaborate preparation. They are also a way of getting the goodness in as concentrated a form as possible. How are herbal extracts made? The raw herbs are prepared by hot water extraction, the water is then evaporated off until all that is lelf is the essential oils and active ingredients. These are then bound together in an excipient, small amounts of non-GM corn flour. This is the most pure and unadulterated way to enjoy tonic herbal extracts possible. Purity: this vegan product is free from wheat, gluten, soya, added sugar, salt, test, lactose, preservatives, or any other fillers. Not tested on animals. Directions: these tonic herbs are food grade and safe to use as you would culinary herbs. They can be added to any foods or drinks. Suggested uses are either to add 1/2 a teaspoon to a healthy juice or smoothie, or to prepare them as an instant tonic tea, but simply putting 1/2 a teaspoon in a cup or mug, and adding hot water. Recommended upper limit: do not exceed 1 teaspoon of herbal extract today unless guided to by a qualified healthcare professional.
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Lion Heart Herbs He Shou Wu Extract 100g (Lion Heart Herbs)
He Shou Wu is a chinese food grade tonic herb traditionally used for strengthening the kidney organ system and improving the primal essence 'Jing', one of the three treasures of health. It has been shown to have high levels of antioxidants and nutrition. It's document use dates back over a thousand yeas and He Shou Wu is now considered to be one the greatest plants in the world to promote health and longevity. What are herbal extracts? Herbal extracts are an excellent way of getting the nutrition and goodness from a herb, without the trouble of sometimes elaborate preparation. They are also a way of getting the goodness in as concentrated a form as possible. How are herbal extracts made? The raw herbs are prepared by hot water extraction, the water is then evaporated off until all that is lelf is the essential oils and active ingredients. These are then bound together in an excipient, small amounts of non-GM corn flour. This is the most pure and unadulterated way to enjoy tonic herbal extracts possible. Purity: this vegan product is free from wheat, gluten, soya, added sugar, salt, test, lactose, preservatives, or any other fillers. Not tested on animals. Directions: these tonic herbs are food grade and safe to use as you would culinary herbs. They can be added to any foods or drinks. Suggested uses are either to add 1/2 a teaspoon to a healthy juice or smoothie, or to prepare them as an instant tonic tea, but simply putting 1/2 a teaspoon in a cup or mug, and adding hot water. Recommended upper limit: do not exceed 1 teaspoon of herbal extract today unless guided to by a qualified healthcare professional.
Lion Heart Herbs Astragalus Extract 100g (Lion Heart Herbs)
Astragalus is a chinese food grade tonic herb traditionally used as a qi tonic, to increase the vital energy in the body. It has a warming effect and a mild, slightly sweet, pleasant taste. It is traditionally often added to food as its said to tonify the digestive system. Astragalus is high in phytochemicals and polysaccharides. What are herbal extracts? Herbal extracts are an excellent way of getting the nutrition and goodness from a herb, without the trouble of sometimes elaborate preparation. They are also a way of getting the goodness in as concentrated a form as possible. How are herbal extracts made? The raw herbs are prepared by hot water extraction, the water is then evaporated off until all that is lelf is the essential oils and active ingredients. These are then bound together in an excipient, small amounts of non-GM corn flour. This is the most pure and unadulterated way to enjoy tonic herbal extracts possible. Purity: this vegan product is free from wheat, gluten, soya, added sugar, salt, test, lactose, preservatives, or any other fillers. Not tested on animals. Directions: these tonic herbs are food grade and safe to use as you would culinary herbs. They can be added to any foods or drinks. Suggested uses are either to add 1/2 a teaspoon to a healthy juice or smoothie, or to prepare them as an instant tonic tea, but simply putting 1/2 a teaspoon in a cup or mug, and adding hot water. Recommended upper limit: do not exceed 1 teaspoon of herbal extract today unless guided to by a qualified healthcare professional.
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Lion Heart Herbs Asparagus Root Extract 100g (Lion Heart Herbs)
Asparagus Root is a fantastic tonic herb that improves the function of the lungs and the whole respiratory system. It also purifies the skin and prolonged use makes the skin smooth, supple and soft, excellent for people who suffer with dry skin conditions. Improves sexual function in both males and females and is used as an aphrodisiac. Moistens and purifies the lungs, helps with breathing and removes toxins from the respiratory system. Strengthens the kidneys and urinary tract. Helps to relieve menstrual cramps and improves the flow of milk when breast feeding. Helps to relieve pain from swelling and rheumatoid conditions as well as helping to combat infections. What are herbal extracts? Herbal extracts are an excellent way of getting the nutrition and goodness from a herb, without the trouble of sometimes elaborate preparation. They are also a way of getting the goodness in as concentrated a form as possible. How are herbal extracts made? The raw herbs are prepared by hot water extraction, the water is then evaporated off until all that is left is the essential oils and active ingredients. These are then bound together in an excipient, small amounts of non-GM corn flour. This is the most pure and unadulterated way to enjoy tonic herbal extracts possible. Purity: this vegan product is free from wheat, gluten, soya, added sugar, salt, test, lactose, preservatives, or any other fillers. Not tested on animals. Directions: these tonic herbs are food grade and safe to use as you would culinary herbs. They can be added to any foods or drinks. Suggested uses are either to add 1/2 a teaspoon to a healthy juice or smoothie, or to prepare them as an instant tonic tea, but simply putting 1/2 a teaspoon in a cup or mug, and adding hot water. Recommended upper limit: do not exceed 1 teaspoon of herbal extract today unless guided to by a qualified healthcare professional.
Lion Heart Herbs Gynostemma Extract 100g (lion heart herbs)
Gynostemma is used as a remedy for gastrointestinal tract disorders, it soothes the stomach and cleanses the system. It has powerful antioxidant, cancer fighting abilities, including reducing and preventing tumour growth and other cancer. It helps reduce anxiety, stress and other nervous system disorders. It fights depression, uplifts your mood and reduces mood swings. It boosts the immune system and the body's natural defence system. It is helpful in reducing migraines and headaches. It lowers cholesterol and regulates blood pressure. it is used to treat asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders. Helps with weight loss and fat loss. What are herbal extracts? Herbal extracts are an excellent way of getting the nutrition and goodness from a herb, without the trouble of sometimes elaborate preparation. They are also a way of getting the goodness in as concentrated a form as possible. How are herbal extracts made? The raw herbs are prepared by hot water extraction, the water is then evaporated off until all that is left is the essential oils and active ingredients. These are then bound together in an excipient, small amounts of non-GM corn flour. This is the most pure and unadulterated way to enjoy tonic herbal extracts possible. Purity: this vegan product is free from wheat, gluten, soya, added sugar, salt, test, lactose, preservatives, or any other fillers. Not tested on animals. Directions: these tonic herbs are food grade and safe to use as you would culinary herbs. They can be added to any foods or drinks. Suggested uses are either to add 1/2 a teaspoon to a healthy juice or smoothie, or to prepare them as an instant tonic tea, but simply putting 1/2 a teaspoon in a cup or mug, and adding hot water. Recommended upper limit: do not exceed 1 teaspoon of herbal extract today unless guided to by a qualified healthcare professional.
Lion Heart Herbs Deer Antler Extract 100g (lion heart herbs)
Deer Antler is mainly used as a rejuvenating and strengthening agent. Short term use is believed to quickly build strength and power, while consistent long-term use is believed to re-build and maintain deep life force, preserve youthfulness and to enhance longevity. Like all yang herbs, deer antler is used to strengthen the back, knees and waste, but deer antler is considered to be the most powerful such agent and is usually the main herb in any formula in which it is included. It is used to strengthen the skeletal structure in both adults and children. It is also widely used to improve mental power. Deer antler has also been demonstrated to improve cardiovascular function and to strengthen the nervous system. Herbal extracts are an excellent way of getting the nutrition and goodness from a herb, without the trouble of sometimes elaborate preparation. They are also a way of getting the goodness in as concentrated a form as possible. How are herbal extracts made? The raw herbs are prepared by hot water extraction, the water is then evaporated off until all that is lelf is the essential oils and active ingredients. These are then bound together in an excipient, small amounts of non-GM corn flour. This is the most pure and unadulterated way to enjoy tonic herbal extracts possible. Purity: this vegan product is free from wheat, gluten, soya, added sugar, salt, test, lactose, preservatives, or any other fillers. Not tested on animals. Directions: these tonic herbs are food grade and safe to use as you would culinary herbs. They can be added to any foods or drinks. Suggested uses are either to add 1/2 a teaspoon to a healthy juice or smoothie, or to prepare them as an instant tonic tea, but simply putting 1/2 a teaspoon in a cup or mug, and adding hot water. Recommended upper limit: do not exceed 1 teaspoon of herbal extract today unless guided to by a qualified healthcare professional.
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Lion Heart Herbs Cordyceps Extract 100g (Lion Heart Herbs)
Cordyceps Mushroom is a food grade tonic herb traditionally used to strengthen yang jing and to increase energy and endurance, as well as optimise the immune system. It was always highly prized in traditional chinese herbalism due to it's powerful effects and extreme rarity. What are herbal extracts? Herbal extracts are an excellent way of getting the nutrition and goodness from a herb, without the trouble of sometimes elaborate preparation. They are also a way of getting the goodness in as concentrated a form as possible. How are herbal extracts made? The raw herbs are prepared by hot water extraction, the water is then evaporated off until all that is lelf is the essential oils and active ingredients. These are then bound together in an excipient, small amounts of non-GM corn flour. This is the most pure and unadulterated way to enjoy tonic herbal extracts possible. Purity: this vegan product is free from wheat, gluten, soya, added sugar, salt, test, lactose, preservatives, or any other fillers. Not tested on animals. Directions: these tonic herbs are food grade and safe to use as you would culinary herbs. They can be added to any foods or drinks. Suggested uses are either to add 1/2 a teaspoon to a healthy juice or smoothie, or to prepare them as an instant tonic tea, but simply putting 1/2 a teaspoon in a cup or mug, and adding hot water. Recommended upper limit: do not exceed 1 teaspoon of herbal extract today unless guided to by a qualified healthcare professional.