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Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Tonic Alchemy 1 x Serving (9g)
View the product label here<< By now you understand that Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0 is a broad superfood supplement that can, and probably will, change your life for the better. Your cells, tissues, organs and systems will be fully nourished every day. Your Jing, Qi and Shen will be nourished every day. Your adaptability will be expanded, and your vitality will be enhanced. Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0 promotes balance, in the ultimate sense of Yin and Yang. You will find that your rhythms are honed, your consciousness is expanded and focused, your mind is sharpened and your will power is manifested. Making Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0 a part of your daily regimen, central to your lifestyle, along with doing your yoga, qigong, and other life cultivation techniques, you will be irresistibly on the path to radiant health and a very long and fulfilling life. Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0 is THAT important! THE WORLD’S ULTIMATE SUPERFOOD BLEND Tonic Alchemy™ is your daily assurance for a perfect diet. With 91 amazing ingredients, Tonic Alchemy™ is the source of thousands of phyto-nutrients. Tonic Alchemy™ is a remarkable, cutting edge blend of superfoods, premium tonic herbs, organic fruits and vegetables, and probiotics from all around the world – from the cleanest oceans, to the most bio-diverse rainforests, to the world’s most remote mountains. Ingredients come from almost every continent and every type of environment on earth. These superfoods are so nutrient dense that just a tablespoon a day of Tonic Alchemy™ blended with a liquid will provide more high quality nutrition and phytochemical support than most Americans assimilate in an entire day. Tonic Alchemy™ is delicious and easy to prepare. You will look forward to each opportunity to enjoy this life-giving superfood matrix. Every serving is a step toward radiant health, including the potential to slow down aging itself. • The ingredients in Tonic Alchemy™ have been collected from the highest mountains in the world (including the Himalayas, Heaven Mountain, Changbai Mountain, the Ural Mountains, etc.), from remote deep blue oceans, and from pristine forests, deserts and jungles throughout the world. Only the finest available ingredients are included in Tonic Alchemy™. • Tonic Alchemy™ is a dietary source of literally thousands of useful phytonutrients including natural B vitamins (normally not readily available from vegan sources) from Ashitaba and Hydrilla super green foods. Tonic Alchemy™ also includes the 20 greatest vegan supertonic herbs from around the world. Tonic herbs are consumed throughout the world on a daily basis to promote radiant health. Herbs like wild Siberian Chaga, mountain grown Duanwood Reishi, organic Ginseng from Changbai Mountain in remote Manchuria, Ashwaganda from the foothills of the Himalayas, two varieties of Rhodiola (one from Tibet and another from Siberia), and so on. • Tonic Alchemy™ nourishes the whole body by increasing balanced energy and vitality, supporting detoxification, boosting immune responses, building the blood, increasing activity and quantity of antioxidants and enzymes, and much more. • Tonic Alchemy™ can be your dietary foundation for radiant health, traditionally defined in Asia as “health beyond danger.” From a tonic perspective, Tonic Alchemy™ abundantly tonifies all three Treas- ures, Jing, Qi and Shen. Tonic Alchemy is vibrant LIFE FORCE IN A BOTTLE. Why Consume Tonic Alchemy? Over the past forty years ten’s of millions of Americans have become aware of the need for better, more natural nutrition. Everyone now realizes that good nutrition is central to health, well being and longevity. Americans can eat large amounts of conventional food and still be undernourished. Of course, we can shop at natural foods markets and purchase plenty of good nutritious, even organic foods, but that is difficult for many people to do all of the time. The U.S. government has recently released its new dietary recommendations urging consumers to consume up to 13 servings per day of vegetables and fruits. This long overdue recommendation affirms what many of us have known for a long time. Still, most Americans will not be able to achieve these standards. Even those of us who eat consciously often find it difficult to eat well all the time. The earth and seas provide incredible nutrition that is accessible and invaluable to our health, well being, aging process and longevity. Luckily, Tonic Alchemy™ can make a huge difference in our actual vegetable, fruit and overall phtytonutrient consumption. Tonic Alchemy™ contains superfoods – foods of extraordinary nutritive value – nutrient-dense greens, super-tonic herbs, tonic mushrooms, antioxidant-rich fruits and sea vegetables, vitamin-rich sprouts, probiotics and naturally fermented foods, all of which contribute to our deeper nutritional needs. Tonic Alchemy™ is a source of concentrated garden vegetables, with a focus on the cruciferous vegetables, the very ones we need to consume virtually every day to enhance our immune system. Tonic Alchemy™ is exactly the concentrated vegetable booster you need in order to achieve and to maintain glowing health. People often suffer from unexplained problems because of a lack of certain nutrients in their diet. Even if you think you are eating a healthy diet, it is quite possible you are being cheated – or just fooling yourself. These deficiencies are not the result of a lack of food quantity, or may not even be the result of eating “poorly.” It is quite possible to eat many “servings” of fruits and vegetables a day and still be coming up short in terms of some nutrients, trace elements and nutritional factors necessary for radiant health.  Nutritional Variety – the Thrival© Factor The body requires a wide range of nutrients and phytochemicals to thrive. We live in extraordinarily complex times. Our lives are complex and our needs are complex. The body is a system of millions of interconnecting functions happening at every moment in a harmonious way – if we are healthy. We know that if certain nutrients are missing from our diet, we are going to suffer from a deficiency. Different cells, different tissues and systems require specific biologically active molecules and chemicals in order to achieve optimum performance, including a wide range of minerals, vitamins, and plant phytochemicals. It is possible to “live” or “survive” without some of these substances, but just living or surviving is not the same thing as “thriving.” Thriving means living life to its fullest in a healthy, happy, flourishing, robust, satisfying way. Nutritional variety plays a very key role in thriving. In fact variety is the ultimate thrival© factor. We all know about the “minimum daily requirements” for nutrition. These are not about thriving. They are the “minimum” requirements to remain marginally healthy, to not slip into a deficiency disease state. Even “average daily requirements” are not about thriving. Thriving requires more and better. Not necessarily more in terms of any one nutrient, but more in terms of a variety of nutrients and phytochemicals and other life-promoting factors that the body can use for optimum living. And better in terms of the quality and completeness of those nutrients. The “minimum daily requirements” system is grossly oversimplified. Since the system was developed, scientists have discovered thousands of new chemicals in the human body that have profound effects on our health and wellbeing. There are too many nutrients that we really require to put on a food product label. The system is only marginally relevant.  The problems associated with consuming “variety,” however, are daunting for many people. If you want to get all these nutritional factors into your diet, you must first find all of them and make sure they’re all genuine, and they’re all organic, and they’re all from the best sources. Secondly, you’d have to obtain all of them – and that would obviously be time-consuming and expensive. Thirdly, you’d have to prepare them all and eat all day long in order to get them all in – every day! Thank goodness there’s an easier way! The solution lies in Tonic Alchemy™. We collect the most nutritious ingredients on earth from the best sources. We’ve created a delicious, 100% natural, easy to prepare, easy to consume blend of superfoods that ANYONE can EASILY get into their body EVERY DAY. The superfoods contain numerous substances that are not available in the everyday diet. These substances contribute to radiant health – the kind of health we are all seeking. It is rich in nutrients that can improve our general state of wellbeing and our overall health, and can contribute to slower aging. Tonic Alchemy™ contains 91 superfoods and probiotics organisms. It is more than a complete food. It is quintessential nutrition! It is your daily assurance for a healthy diet. Who do you know that FOR SURE is getting everything they need nutritionally every day? Well, if you know someone who is consuming Tonic Alchemy™ every day, then you know somebody.  The World’s Greatest Superfoods Are Available in One Amazing Blend Ron Teeguarden’s credo is “When it comes to tonic herbs and superfoods, never settle for less than the best.” We cannot all own the biggest house, the greatest car, or have the best clothes, but when it comes to what we are putting into our body, we should follow this credo. Our health and wellbeing are dependent upon what we put in our body. Our body must be revered as the miracle that it is. If we put premium quality nutrients into our body daily, our body will perform at a dramatically higher level. Tonic Alchemy™ is incredibly nutritious – it is the ultimate superfood mix ever created. Just one serving a day will provide the body, mind and spirit with the most awesome range of nutrients ever combined in one meal or one product. Tonic Alchemy™ is composed of 91 individual superfoods sourced from around the world. Every ingredient is the best material available in the world. We never settle for less than the best.  What’s New about Tonic Alchemy 2.0? 91 Ingredients. That’s a big subject. Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0 has over 20 new ingredients that Ron Teeguarden has decided he wants to consume every day. Organic Ingredients. Although Tonic Alchemy has ALWAYS be pure and chemical free, many of the ingredients were not certified organic. Now 71 of the superfoods, fruits, vegetables and herbs are certified organic. Almost all of the rest of the ingredients are wildcrafted (collected from Nature in the wild). 100% Vegan. The original Tonic Alchemy contained powdered pearls – the other 70 ingredients were plants. The pearl has been removed from Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0, which is now 100% vegan. This product is also largely raw. Only the herbs that cannot be consumed raw have been extracted and condensed. What’s in the New Tonic Alchemy 2.0? This new, significantly upgraded version of Tonic Alchemy™, which Ron Teeguarden is referring to as version “2.0,” features extraordinary ingredients from around the world. Because there are 91 ingredients in Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0, it is not possible to go into all of them fully in here (that would be a “book”). So let’s look at some of the major new ingredients and super-ingredients that are not so well known.  Superfoods Tonic Alchemy™ contains the most powerful superfoods in the world. Tonic Alchemy features several rare superfoods that can have profound health benefits. Ashitaba: Though not so well known yet in America, Ashitaba is recognized as Japan’s greatest superfood. This powerful super-nourishing and rejuvenating green plant promotes nerve growth factor production and thus supports neurological health into deep old age. The Okinawan people who grow Ashitaba are among the three longest lived peoples on earth. Hydrilla: This water plant is known by scientists to be the most nutrient dense food on earth. It is originally from the Russian wilderness. It supplies an abundance of vitamins and other factors, including B vitamins, including vitamin B12. This plant is virtually indestructible in nature, and that capacity to survive ANYTHING is representative of the radical potency of this little green superfood. Moringa: The small leaves of this tree from the Asian subcontinent is becoming recognized as one of the greatest superfoods on earth. Moringa Leaf provides amazing nutrition, rivalling Hydrilla as the most nutrient dense food plant on earth. It has 7 times the vitamin C of oranges. Gynostemma: This green plant that grows in tropical regions of Asia is a supreme superfood. Epidemiological studies have shown that the people who live where Gynostemma is grown and consumed on a daily basis are the longest lived people on earth (more octogenarians and more centenarians per capita than anywhere else). It contains over 100 saponins, similar to those found in ginseng, that improve adaptability, regulate immune functions and slow down aging in numerous ways, starting at the cellular level. Of course, Tonic Alchemy™2.0 also contains the Great Classic Superfoods: Grasses: Oat Grass, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass and Kamut Grass. Grasses are true superfoods. They are loaded with vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, chlorophyll, healthy fibers, and much more. They are provided in Tonic Alchemy™2.0 in two different ways: as grass juices (dried) and as whole grasses. Grass juice is about 40 times more concentrated that the raw grass, while the whole grass provides amazing fiber and enzymes plus an amazing range of phytoneutrients. Non-Grass Superfoods: Spirulina, Chlorella, Alfalfa Leaf, and Dunaliella Salina Algae. These superfoods are known to almost everyone who is into health. There is a difference in quality, however, depending upon sourcing and freshness. Tonic Alchemy™2.0 contains superior grades of all these superfoods. Tonic Herbs: Tonic Alchemy™2.0 contains 20 of the greatest vegan supertonic herbs from around the world. Tonic herbs are consumed throughout the world on a daily basis to promote radiant health. We have added 9 new major tonic herbs to the new blend and deleted one, pearl, that presented an issue to some people because it is not vegan. Tonic Alchemy™2.0 is 100% vegan.  A Few of the New Tonic Herbs Included in Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0  Russian Rhodiola rosea has been acknowledged to be one of the greatest adaptogenic herbs in the world. It is called “golden root” in Russia, where it has been used since prehistoric times as a panacea. It is extremely easy on the body, yet it is a highly potent energy tonic and immune modulator. Dragon Herbs has used Himalayan Rhodiola from the beginning in Tonic Alchemy. And we continue to use Himalayan Rhodiola sacra, known as “red root” in China and Tibet. We are using both in full dose capacities in this new Tonic Alchemy™2.0. We consider them to be different enough to be considered two different herbs, both with great power. Red Ginseng: Changbai Mountain Ginseng has been an ingredient in Tonic Alchemy™ since its first day, but we have received organic certification by the world’s most prestigious certification program, and that makes a difference. It is very, very difficult to grow ginseng organically. It takes from 6 to 8 years to grow a ginseng root. During that time, the tiny, vulnerable plant must survive Manchurian alpine conditions. The plant is so expensive that no farmer likes to risk losing the plant in its 4th or 6th year. Growing ginseng organically takes courage, faith and commitment. Ginseng also comes in various grades. We use the highest grade available, which on uses large 8 year old roots. You will not find 8 year old organically grown Changbai Mountain ginseng in any other superfood product. Wild Siberian Chaga™ is a slow growing woody mushroom that grows naturally on birch trees in Russian Siberia. It is collected wild, from remote, pristine forests in the arctic mountains of Siberia, the premier Di Tao source in the world for Chaga. All of the Chaga mushrooms used in Tonic Alchemy™2.0 are at least 20 years old at the time of collection – that is in comparison to most commercial Chaga which is grown artificially in Southeast Asia and is usually just four years old when collected. This Wild Siberian Chaga is rich in active polysaccharides, melanin, phenolic compounds and lanostane-type triterpenoids. It is a powerful antioxidant. The Chaga is extracted using ultra-modern technology to preserve the complete active constituent profile. It is one of the great broad spectrum tonic herbs known to mankind. It is now a major ingredient in Tonic Alchemy™2.0. Chaga modulates immune responses through secretion of Th1/Th2 cytokines (bioactive chemicals) in immune cells, and Chaga regulates antigen-specific antibody production. This modulatory effect is responsible for Chaga's "double-direction" adaptogenic effect on the immune response. This activity is very similar to the same activities long noted in Reishi mushroom (another classic ingredient in Tonic Alchemy™). Because of its double direction adaptogenic activity, Chaga is suitable to all healthy normal individuals seeking a world class tonic to support a wide range of life functions. Transcendent Nutrition Tonic Alchemy™ presents a means of going beyond “normal nutrition” by providing nutrients that most people simply cannot fit into their “normal diet.” Tonic Alchemy™ is loaded with the essential vitamins, amino acids, minerals and phytonutrients that we need on a daily basis to thrive in this modern world. But Tonic Alchemy™ does not just provide conventional nutrients – it transcends conventional nutrition. This blend of 91 superfoods contains literally thousands of phytochemicals, many of which are extremely rare and yet incredibly valuable to human health and wellbeing. Almost every vitamin, mineral, amino acid and co-factor so far discovered in whole natural foods has multiple roles to play in nurturing and protecting the human body and mind. Yet conventional nutrition in our modern society is very limited for many people due to lack of variety, lack of fresh living foods, and due to the adulteration and destruction of nutrients during food growing and processing. And, of course, many of the foods we find ourselves exposed to are in fact harmful and contribute to disease and degeneration. We all need to eat as well as possible to counterbalance the harsh and often-unnatural environmental forces and stress of the modern world. Tonic Alchemy™ is all about variety. Various forms of fresh water algae have earned a place in the superfood pantheon because of their incredible nutritional profiles and “nutrient density.” A number of seaweeds, especially the brown seaweeds, are included because of their extraordinary and safe detoxification and protective actions in humans and because of their rich nutrient profiles. Certain vegetables and sprouts have likewise been proven to be extraordinary sources of nutrients that promote glowing health. Many superfruits are included for their incredible antioxidant activities and for other reasons. Certain mushrooms are included for their potent immune modulating functions and other benefits, especially for the cardiovascular, neurologic and hepatic functions of the body. Tonic Alchemy™ also features adaptogenic herbs that contain substances that fortify our body in many ways and help us adapt to the harshness of this polluted, hazardous, stressful world. There are thousands of “herbs” in the world, but only those in an elite group are known as the “tonics,” or by the Asian term “superior herbs.” And these are not just the normal commercial grade tonic herbs found elsewhere – these are the premium tonic herbs in the world sourced from the most remote and pristine regions. They are the supertonic herbs. Living probiotic microbes are featured to help re-establish the intestinal microbial balance.   By consuming Tonic Alchemy™, a person is assured that they are consuming a full range of the world’s ultimate life-enhancing foods and tonic herbs. These nutrients help protect our body from toxins, ailments and even accidents. They enhance our immunity, cellular respiration and metabolism, illness control, tissue regeneration capacity, and longevity. Furthermore, they can play a huge role in our performance on every level of our life. Super nutrition can enhance intelligence, intuition, creativity, work performance, athletic performance, sexual performance – and even our personality and attitude toward life, work and family. There is nothing in life that is not influenced by our nutrition, and Tonic Alchemy™ provides amazing nutrients that can help every person to attain optimal personal achievement and well being.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Tonic Alchemy 9.5oz (270g)
some containers misshapen due to air pressure changes when in transit from USA to UK. Product inside not affected. View the product label here<< By now you understand that Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0 is a broad superfood supplement that can, and probably will, change your life for the better. Your cells, tissues, organs and systems will be fully nourished every day. Your Jing, Qi and Shen will be nourished every day. Your adaptability will be expanded, and your vitality will be enhanced. Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0 promotes balance, in the ultimate sense of Yin and Yang. You will find that your rhythms are honed, your consciousness is expanded and focused, your mind is sharpened and your will power is manifested. Making Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0 a part of your daily regimen, central to your lifestyle, along with doing your yoga, qigong, and other life cultivation techniques, you will be irresistibly on the path to radiant health and a very long and fulfilling life. Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0 is THAT important! THE WORLD’S ULTIMATE SUPERFOOD BLEND Tonic Alchemy™ is your daily assurance for a perfect diet. With 91 amazing ingredients, Tonic Alchemy™ is the source of thousands of phyto-nutrients. Tonic Alchemy™ is a remarkable, cutting edge blend of superfoods, premium tonic herbs, organic fruits and vegetables, and probiotics from all around the world – from the cleanest oceans, to the most bio-diverse rainforests, to the world’s most remote mountains. Ingredients come from almost every continent and every type of environment on earth. These superfoods are so nutrient dense that just a tablespoon a day of Tonic Alchemy™ blended with a liquid will provide more high quality nutrition and phytochemical support than most Americans assimilate in an entire day. Tonic Alchemy™ is delicious and easy to prepare. You will look forward to each opportunity to enjoy this life-giving superfood matrix. Every serving is a step toward radiant health, including the potential to slow down aging itself. • The ingredients in Tonic Alchemy™ have been collected from the highest mountains in the world (including the Himalayas, Heaven Mountain, Changbai Mountain, the Ural Mountains, etc.), from remote deep blue oceans, and from pristine forests, deserts and jungles throughout the world. Only the finest available ingredients are included in Tonic Alchemy™. • Tonic Alchemy™ is a dietary source of literally thousands of useful phytonutrients including natural B vitamins (normally not readily available from vegan sources) from Ashitaba and Hydrilla super green foods. Tonic Alchemy™ also includes the 20 greatest vegan supertonic herbs from around the world. Tonic herbs are consumed throughout the world on a daily basis to promote radiant health. Herbs like wild Siberian Chaga, mountain grown Duanwood Reishi, organic Ginseng from Changbai Mountain in remote Manchuria, Ashwaganda from the foothills of the Himalayas, two varieties of Rhodiola (one from Tibet and another from Siberia), and so on. • Tonic Alchemy™ nourishes the whole body by increasing balanced energy and vitality, supporting detoxification, boosting immune responses, building the blood, increasing activity and quantity of antioxidants and enzymes, and much more. • Tonic Alchemy™ can be your dietary foundation for radiant health, traditionally defined in Asia as “health beyond danger.” From a tonic perspective, Tonic Alchemy™ abundantly tonifies all three Treas- ures, Jing, Qi and Shen. Tonic Alchemy is vibrant LIFE FORCE IN A BOTTLE. Why Consume Tonic Alchemy? Over the past forty years ten’s of millions of Americans have become aware of the need for better, more natural nutrition. Everyone now realizes that good nutrition is central to health, well being and longevity. Americans can eat large amounts of conventional food and still be undernourished. Of course, we can shop at natural foods markets and purchase plenty of good nutritious, even organic foods, but that is difficult for many people to do all of the time. The U.S. government has recently released its new dietary recommendations urging consumers to consume up to 13 servings per day of vegetables and fruits. This long overdue recommendation affirms what many of us have known for a long time. Still, most Americans will not be able to achieve these standards. Even those of us who eat consciously often find it difficult to eat well all the time. The earth and seas provide incredible nutrition that is accessible and invaluable to our health, well being, aging process and longevity. Luckily, Tonic Alchemy™ can make a huge difference in our actual vegetable, fruit and overall phtytonutrient consumption. Tonic Alchemy™ contains superfoods – foods of extraordinary nutritive value – nutrient-dense greens, super-tonic herbs, tonic mushrooms, antioxidant-rich fruits and sea vegetables, vitamin-rich sprouts, probiotics and naturally fermented foods, all of which contribute to our deeper nutritional needs. Tonic Alchemy™ is a source of concentrated garden vegetables, with a focus on the cruciferous vegetables, the very ones we need to consume virtually every day to enhance our immune system. Tonic Alchemy™ is exactly the concentrated vegetable booster you need in order to achieve and to maintain glowing health. People often suffer from unexplained problems because of a lack of certain nutrients in their diet. Even if you think you are eating a healthy diet, it is quite possible you are being cheated – or just fooling yourself. These deficiencies are not the result of a lack of food quantity, or may not even be the result of eating “poorly.” It is quite possible to eat many “servings” of fruits and vegetables a day and still be coming up short in terms of some nutrients, trace elements and nutritional factors necessary for radiant health.  Nutritional Variety – the Thrival© Factor The body requires a wide range of nutrients and phytochemicals to thrive. We live in extraordinarily complex times. Our lives are complex and our needs are complex. The body is a system of millions of interconnecting functions happening at every moment in a harmonious way – if we are healthy. We know that if certain nutrients are missing from our diet, we are going to suffer from a deficiency. Different cells, different tissues and systems require specific biologically active molecules and chemicals in order to achieve optimum performance, including a wide range of minerals, vitamins, and plant phytochemicals. It is possible to “live” or “survive” without some of these substances, but just living or surviving is not the same thing as “thriving.” Thriving means living life to its fullest in a healthy, happy, flourishing, robust, satisfying way. Nutritional variety plays a very key role in thriving. In fact variety is the ultimate thrival© factor. We all know about the “minimum daily requirements” for nutrition. These are not about thriving. They are the “minimum” requirements to remain marginally healthy, to not slip into a deficiency disease state. Even “average daily requirements” are not about thriving. Thriving requires more and better. Not necessarily more in terms of any one nutrient, but more in terms of a variety of nutrients and phytochemicals and other life-promoting factors that the body can use for optimum living. And better in terms of the quality and completeness of those nutrients. The “minimum daily requirements” system is grossly oversimplified. Since the system was developed, scientists have discovered thousands of new chemicals in the human body that have profound effects on our health and wellbeing. There are too many nutrients that we really require to put on a food product label. The system is only marginally relevant.  The problems associated with consuming “variety,” however, are daunting for many people. If you want to get all these nutritional factors into your diet, you must first find all of them and make sure they’re all genuine, and they’re all organic, and they’re all from the best sources. Secondly, you’d have to obtain all of them – and that would obviously be time-consuming and expensive. Thirdly, you’d have to prepare them all and eat all day long in order to get them all in – every day! Thank goodness there’s an easier way! The solution lies in Tonic Alchemy™. We collect the most nutritious ingredients on earth from the best sources. We’ve created a delicious, 100% natural, easy to prepare, easy to consume blend of superfoods that ANYONE can EASILY get into their body EVERY DAY. The superfoods contain numerous substances that are not available in the everyday diet. These substances contribute to radiant health – the kind of health we are all seeking. It is rich in nutrients that can improve our general state of wellbeing and our overall health, and can contribute to slower aging. Tonic Alchemy™ contains 91 superfoods and probiotics organisms. It is more than a complete food. It is quintessential nutrition! It is your daily assurance for a healthy diet. Who do you know that FOR SURE is getting everything they need nutritionally every day? Well, if you know someone who is consuming Tonic Alchemy™ every day, then you know somebody.  The World’s Greatest Superfoods Are Available in One Amazing Blend Ron Teeguarden’s credo is “When it comes to tonic herbs and superfoods, never settle for less than the best.” We cannot all own the biggest house, the greatest car, or have the best clothes, but when it comes to what we are putting into our body, we should follow this credo. Our health and wellbeing are dependent upon what we put in our body. Our body must be revered as the miracle that it is. If we put premium quality nutrients into our body daily, our body will perform at a dramatically higher level. Tonic Alchemy™ is incredibly nutritious – it is the ultimate superfood mix ever created. Just one serving a day will provide the body, mind and spirit with the most awesome range of nutrients ever combined in one meal or one product. Tonic Alchemy™ is composed of 91 individual superfoods sourced from around the world. Every ingredient is the best material available in the world. We never settle for less than the best.  What’s New about Tonic Alchemy 2.0? 91 Ingredients. That’s a big subject. Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0 has over 20 new ingredients that Ron Teeguarden has decided he wants to consume every day. Organic Ingredients. Although Tonic Alchemy has ALWAYS be pure and chemical free, many of the ingredients were not certified organic. Now 71 of the superfoods, fruits, vegetables and herbs are certified organic. Almost all of the rest of the ingredients are wildcrafted (collected from Nature in the wild). 100% Vegan. The original Tonic Alchemy contained powdered pearls – the other 70 ingredients were plants. The pearl has been removed from Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0, which is now 100% vegan. This product is also largely raw. Only the herbs that cannot be consumed raw have been extracted and condensed. What’s in the New Tonic Alchemy 2.0? This new, significantly upgraded version of Tonic Alchemy™, which Ron Teeguarden is referring to as version “2.0,” features extraordinary ingredients from around the world. Because there are 91 ingredients in Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0, it is not possible to go into all of them fully in here (that would be a “book”). So let’s look at some of the major new ingredients and super-ingredients that are not so well known.  Superfoods Tonic Alchemy™ contains the most powerful superfoods in the world. Tonic Alchemy features several rare superfoods that can have profound health benefits. Ashitaba: Though not so well known yet in America, Ashitaba is recognized as Japan’s greatest superfood. This powerful super-nourishing and rejuvenating green plant promotes nerve growth factor production and thus supports neurological health into deep old age. The Okinawan people who grow Ashitaba are among the three longest lived peoples on earth. Hydrilla: This water plant is known by scientists to be the most nutrient dense food on earth. It is originally from the Russian wilderness. It supplies an abundance of vitamins and other factors, including B vitamins, including vitamin B12. This plant is virtually indestructible in nature, and that capacity to survive ANYTHING is representative of the radical potency of this little green superfood. Moringa: The small leaves of this tree from the Asian subcontinent is becoming recognized as one of the greatest superfoods on earth. Moringa Leaf provides amazing nutrition, rivalling Hydrilla as the most nutrient dense food plant on earth. It has 7 times the vitamin C of oranges. Gynostemma: This green plant that grows in tropical regions of Asia is a supreme superfood. Epidemiological studies have shown that the people who live where Gynostemma is grown and consumed on a daily basis are the longest lived people on earth (more octogenarians and more centenarians per capita than anywhere else). It contains over 100 saponins, similar to those found in ginseng, that improve adaptability, regulate immune functions and slow down aging in numerous ways, starting at the cellular level. Of course, Tonic Alchemy™2.0 also contains the Great Classic Superfoods: Grasses: Oat Grass, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass and Kamut Grass. Grasses are true superfoods. They are loaded with vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, chlorophyll, healthy fibers, and much more. They are provided in Tonic Alchemy™2.0 in two different ways: as grass juices (dried) and as whole grasses. Grass juice is about 40 times more concentrated that the raw grass, while the whole grass provides amazing fiber and enzymes plus an amazing range of phytoneutrients. Non-Grass Superfoods: Spirulina, Chlorella, Alfalfa Leaf, and Dunaliella Salina Algae. These superfoods are known to almost everyone who is into health. There is a difference in quality, however, depending upon sourcing and freshness. Tonic Alchemy™2.0 contains superior grades of all these superfoods. Tonic Herbs: Tonic Alchemy™2.0 contains 20 of the greatest vegan supertonic herbs from around the world. Tonic herbs are consumed throughout the world on a daily basis to promote radiant health. We have added 9 new major tonic herbs to the new blend and deleted one, pearl, that presented an issue to some people because it is not vegan. Tonic Alchemy™2.0 is 100% vegan.  A Few of the New Tonic Herbs Included in Tonic Alchemy™ 2.0  Russian Rhodiola rosea has been acknowledged to be one of the greatest adaptogenic herbs in the world. It is called “golden root” in Russia, where it has been used since prehistoric times as a panacea. It is extremely easy on the body, yet it is a highly potent energy tonic and immune modulator. Dragon Herbs has used Himalayan Rhodiola from the beginning in Tonic Alchemy. And we continue to use Himalayan Rhodiola sacra, known as “red root” in China and Tibet. We are using both in full dose capacities in this new Tonic Alchemy™2.0. We consider them to be different enough to be considered two different herbs, both with great power. Red Ginseng: Changbai Mountain Ginseng has been an ingredient in Tonic Alchemy™ since its first day, but we have received organic certification by the world’s most prestigious certification program, and that makes a difference. It is very, very difficult to grow ginseng organically. It takes from 6 to 8 years to grow a ginseng root. During that time, the tiny, vulnerable plant must survive Manchurian alpine conditions. The plant is so expensive that no farmer likes to risk losing the plant in its 4th or 6th year. Growing ginseng organically takes courage, faith and commitment. Ginseng also comes in various grades. We use the highest grade available, which on uses large 8 year old roots. You will not find 8 year old organically grown Changbai Mountain ginseng in any other superfood product. Wild Siberian Chaga™ is a slow growing woody mushroom that grows naturally on birch trees in Russian Siberia. It is collected wild, from remote, pristine forests in the arctic mountains of Siberia, the premier Di Tao source in the world for Chaga. All of the Chaga mushrooms used in Tonic Alchemy™2.0 are at least 20 years old at the time of collection – that is in comparison to most commercial Chaga which is grown artificially in Southeast Asia and is usually just four years old when collected. This Wild Siberian Chaga is rich in active polysaccharides, melanin, phenolic compounds and lanostane-type triterpenoids. It is a powerful antioxidant. The Chaga is extracted using ultra-modern technology to preserve the complete active constituent profile. It is one of the great broad spectrum tonic herbs known to mankind. It is now a major ingredient in Tonic Alchemy™2.0. Chaga modulates immune responses through secretion of Th1/Th2 cytokines (bioactive chemicals) in immune cells, and Chaga regulates antigen-specific antibody production. This modulatory effect is responsible for Chaga's "double-direction" adaptogenic effect on the immune response. This activity is very similar to the same activities long noted in Reishi mushroom (another classic ingredient in Tonic Alchemy™). Because of its double direction adaptogenic activity, Chaga is suitable to all healthy normal individuals seeking a world class tonic to support a wide range of life functions. Transcendent Nutrition Tonic Alchemy™ presents a means of going beyond “normal nutrition” by providing nutrients that most people simply cannot fit into their “normal diet.” Tonic Alchemy™ is loaded with the essential vitamins, amino acids, minerals and phytonutrients that we need on a daily basis to thrive in this modern world. But Tonic Alchemy™ does not just provide conventional nutrients – it transcends conventional nutrition. This blend of 91 superfoods contains literally thousands of phytochemicals, many of which are extremely rare and yet incredibly valuable to human health and wellbeing. Almost every vitamin, mineral, amino acid and co-factor so far discovered in whole natural foods has multiple roles to play in nurturing and protecting the human body and mind. Yet conventional nutrition in our modern society is very limited for many people due to lack of variety, lack of fresh living foods, and due to the adulteration and destruction of nutrients during food growing and processing. And, of course, many of the foods we find ourselves exposed to are in fact harmful and contribute to disease and degeneration. We all need to eat as well as possible to counterbalance the harsh and often-unnatural environmental forces and stress of the modern world. Tonic Alchemy™ is all about variety. Various forms of fresh water algae have earned a place in the superfood pantheon because of their incredible nutritional profiles and “nutrient density.” A number of seaweeds, especially the brown seaweeds, are included because of their extraordinary and safe detoxification and protective actions in humans and because of their rich nutrient profiles. Certain vegetables and sprouts have likewise been proven to be extraordinary sources of nutrients that promote glowing health. Many superfruits are included for their incredible antioxidant activities and for other reasons. Certain mushrooms are included for their potent immune modulating functions and other benefits, especially for the cardiovascular, neurologic and hepatic functions of the body. Tonic Alchemy™ also features adaptogenic herbs that contain substances that fortify our body in many ways and help us adapt to the harshness of this polluted, hazardous, stressful world. There are thousands of “herbs” in the world, but only those in an elite group are known as the “tonics,” or by the Asian term “superior herbs.” And these are not just the normal commercial grade tonic herbs found elsewhere – these are the premium tonic herbs in the world sourced from the most remote and pristine regions. They are the supertonic herbs. Living probiotic microbes are featured to help re-establish the intestinal microbial balance.   By consuming Tonic Alchemy™, a person is assured that they are consuming a full range of the world’s ultimate life-enhancing foods and tonic herbs. These nutrients help protect our body from toxins, ailments and even accidents. They enhance our immunity, cellular respiration and metabolism, illness control, tissue regeneration capacity, and longevity. Furthermore, they can play a huge role in our performance on every level of our life. Super nutrition can enhance intelligence, intuition, creativity, work performance, athletic performance, sexual performance – and even our personality and attitude toward life, work and family. There is nothing in life that is not influenced by our nutrition, and Tonic Alchemy™ provides amazing nutrients that can help every person to attain optimal personal achievement and well being.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Spring Dragon Longevity Tea
Spring Dragon Longevity Tea The Healthiest Tea on Earth   The Multifunctional “Magical grass”   In Asia, Gynostemma is known as a “magical grass.” It has been reported to have a wide range of health-promoting benefits   In Asia, Gynostemma is considered to be*   Invigorating (does not cause hyperactivity – not a stimulant) Calming (promotes a sense of peace – not a sedative) Anti-aging (antioxidant and more) Anti-inflammatory (not as a medicine, but to help reduce the factors that cause low grade, sub-clinical chronic inflammation experienced by all humans) Immune-regulating (not as a medicine, but to help support the normal healthy functioning of various immune functions) A respiratory tonic (improve respiratory efficiency) A digestive aid (Gynostemma is very soothing)   Gynostemma has been shown in animal studies to have liver and cardiovascular-protecting benefits and to support normal healthy functioning in these organs.*   The ultimate greatness of Gynostemma lies in its broad spectrum adaptogenic (stress modulating) quality.* Adaptogenic herbs improve the efficiency of the metabolic, neurological, immunologic, respiratory and endocrine systems. Prolonged consumption of Gynostemma tends to have a highly protective quality because it strengthens the adaptive capacity of the person at every level of their life.*   Gynostemma has a double-direction activity in many areas*   Gynostemma has the ability to bring balance to the body under a wide range of stressful circumstances.   Japanese studies have indicated that Gynostemma has a double-direction, regulating, adaptogenic influence on thecentral nervous system. It is calming when one is overexcited and invigorating when one is fatigued. Gynostemma is widely known for its “spirit-lifting” effect on one’s mood. Gynostemma may have a direct strengthening effect on the heart*   Gynostemma has developed an enormous reputation in Asia as a major aid in weight management programs   Gynostemma has been shown to have a double-direction activity with regard to weight. Gynostemma can be useful in reducing excessive body fat, when combined with a reasonable exercise program and a healthy diet that modulates caloric intake.  Gynostemma may also help athletes, body builders or excessively slim people to gain weight. Gynostemma accelerates the body’s metabolism and helps adjust blood sugar and blood fat levels. Adjusting blood sugar and blood fat are critical steps in attaining healthy metabolic function, whether one wants to lose weight by reducing excessive body fat, gain weight by building lean muscle, or maintain healthy weight by helping regulate bodily functions. Although Gynostemma is not laxative, it may help maintain healthy bowel movements. Gynostemma acts as a scavenger in the stomach and intestines, ridding the body of toxins, toxic microbes and waste that otherwise may become lodged in the intestines. Gynostemma protects the stomach lining.*   Gynostemma has potent antioxidant, and concomitant anti-inflammatory activity   Gynostemma is a potent antioxidant that protects cell membranes from oxidative injury which can result in chronic inflammation.*   The main active ingredients in Gynostemma are known as saponins   The saponins in Gynostemma are called gypenosides. There are over 100 gypenosides in Gynostemma. These gypenosides are responsible for the hepato-protective and adaptogenic qualities of this tonic herb.*   The Story of Spring Dragon Longevity Tea   In 1972, a group of Japanese researchers reported that Gynostemma tea was being consumed as a daily “longevity tea” by large numbers of southern Chinese people. It was revered in the regions where it grew as “magical grass” because of its many reputed health benefits. Subsequently, studies conducted first in Japan revealed that Gynostemma was extremely rich in saponins that were extremely close to those found in ginseng and Siberian ginseng. As it turned out, Gynostemma is even richer in these saponins than ginseng. Gynostemma tea had generally been made from wild mountain Gynostemma pentaphyllum plants, but as Gynostemma reputation as a longevity herb grew, farmers learned to cultivate it. Within a decade, Gynostemma was being consumed by millions of Asians as a tonic tea.   in 1992, Ron Teeguarden was traveling to China to oversea a production run of tonic herbal formulations. Because of a ticketing mistake, he was upgraded to first class. By coincidence, he was seated on the long flight from San Francisco to Beijing next to Professor Xiao Peigun. Also, by “coincidence,” Ron had an photocopied article written by Professor Xiao in his travel bag. The article was entitled “Anti-Aging Chinese Herbs.” Xiao Peigun, as it turned out, was Director of the Institute of Medicinal Plant Development inBeijing, a major research institute belonging to the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. He was also head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Traditional Medicine, Commissioner of the Committee on Pharmacopeia for the People’s Republic of China and a Commissioner of New Drug Evaluation for the PRC. In other words, he was one of the most powerful and knowledgeable herbal experts in the world. Because Ron had his article on the plane, Professor Xiao took Ron under his wing. When Ron met with Professor Xiao at the institute, he asked Professor Xiao if he knew of any special tonic herbs with significant anti-aging qualities. Professor Xiao responded instantly that Gynostemma was exactly what I was looking for. Professor Xiao introduced Ron to the supplier of the highest quality Gynostemma in China and Ron was ready to develop a product.   Gynostemma is traditionally consumed as a tea, just like green tea. It is delicious as well. At the same time, Ron had come across a special, traditional Chinese method of brewing “longevity teas” by supersaturating extracted herbs into tea leaves. Ron decided to use this ancient technology to supersaturate Gynostemma leaves with a number of other tonic herbs that had traditional reputations as longevity herbs. With the help of Yanlin, he found a tea master who knew the secret of preparing the “longevity teas.” After experimenting for several months at Yanlin’s parents home in China, the final tea was determined and thus was born Spring Dragon Longevity Tea.   In Addition to Gynostemma   Schizandra – Called the “quintessence of Chinese herbs,” Schizandra is a delicious, exotic tonic fruit that is traditionally used to tonify all the systems of the body, clean the liver, open the lungs, nourish and moisturize the skin, and sharpen the mind. It is a potent antioxidant.*   Goji Berries – Known in Asia as a premier “longevity and anti-aging herb,” this delicious tonic fruit is a true superfood, rich in antioxidants. It is famous for enhancing strength, vision and beauty. Goji is rich in immune-potentiating polysaccharides.   Astragalus – One of the most important herbs in all of herbalism, Astragalus is highly regarded for its immune-regulating, immune-potentiating effects. It is also a potent energy tonic and blood tonic.   Eleuthero – Also known as “Siberian Ginseng,” Eleuthero is famous for its ability to enhance physical and mental endurance, to help us handle stress more efficiently and as a gentle mood elevator. Eleuthero, like ginseng and Gynostemma, is rich in saponins. It is the ultimate adaptogenic herb.   Luo Han Guo – This delicious, exotic fruit has been used for centuries as a lung tonic. It contains mogroside, a potent immune-potentiating glucoside.   Traditional Function  Adaptogenic, antiaging, immune regulating, anti-inflammatory, blood sugar regulating, fat reducing, tonifying to the Lungs, Heart, Spleen/Pancreas, Liver and Kidney, and detoxifying    Who can use it? Anyone   Concentration: Whole cut Gynostemma tea; concentrated herbal extract (8:1)   Specifications: 20 teabags per box   Precautions   If you are under a doctor’s supervision for cardiovascular disease, check with your physician prior to using this or any herbal product.    Usage: Drink 1 – 3 tea bags a day, making from 1 to 10 cups of tea
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Profound Essence 100Caps (500mg)
Profound Essence   Profound Essence is a powerful primal essence formulation. It is suitable for those who require maximum restoration of essence after extreme or prolonged stress, illness or old age. It is particularly suitable for those women who have been pregnant and for those who have just given birth to a child. Essence Restorative tonifies Kidney essence (Yin and Yang), builds blood, tonifies Qi and purges false fire.    The formula is significantly strengthened by combining with Deer Placenta, which is the most potent Jing restorative known to Chinese tonic herbalism. To further enhance the functions of this formula, drink one or two packets of Healer's Tea every day.    The Herbs in Profound Essence   Yin Jing is easily depleted by excessive stress, over work, and by excessive sexual activity (beyond the body’s actual capacity) and drug abuse. As the Yin Jing becomes depleted, Yang is left uncontrolled and false fire conditions can easily develop, resulting in hyperactive Yang. If the condition is left untreated, severe damage will result. Yin Jing is synonymous with life itself.  It protects our youthfulness. When a person runs low on Yin Jing, they age very quickly.  When a person runs out of Yin Jing, they die. Therefore, Yin Jing deficiency is very serious and must be avoided at all cost. But if Yin Jing deficiency does occur, it must be treated as quickly and effectively as possible. That is where Tortoise Shell comes in.  It is powerful, effective, and quick. If the symptoms of exhaustion do include hyperactive symptoms, such as afternoon fevers, inflammation, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, etc., the Tortoise Plastron is blended with cold herbs like raw Rehmannia, Phellodendron and Anemmarhena.  This combination will replenish fluids (Yin) and Kidney Yin (Yin essence). Furthermore, to protect the Jing, “astringent” herbs are important to prevent “leaking” of Jing during the process of restoration.   Plastrum Testudinus (Tortoise Plastrum)   Plastrum Testudinus (Tortoise plastrum) is an important tonic, used routinely in “restorative” formulas for people who are experiencing exhaustion. It replenishes bodily fluids, and settles unruly wind, which manifests in Yin-deficiency cases as inflammation, pain, cramps, fever, dehydration, insomnia, etc.  Due to its Yin nourishing ability and to the fact that it is a cold herb, it is capable of extinguishing false fire conditions anywhere in the body. If some one is thoroughly exhausted but is not yet showing such hot symptoms, or if the hot symptoms have already been overcome but more restorative therapy is required, then Tortoise Plastron and a variety of cooling Yin herbs may be blended with Atractylodes and Poria to create a restorative formula.    White Atractylodes Rhizome and Poria   White Atractylodes and Poria are excellent Qi tonics that provide strength, boost the immune system and eliminate toxic fluids from the body. Dang Gui is the premier blood tonic of Chinese herbalism. White Peony Root builds blood, cleans blood and beautifies the skin. It has a relaxing effect on the muscles when combined with Licorice Root, as it is in this formula.   Eucommia Bark   Eucommia is a superb Yang Jing tonic, used to strengthen the back (especially the lower back), skeleton, and joints (especially the knees and ankles). Eucommia is widely used in China as a safe and effective Yang tonic for men and women. It is very well tolerated so it may be used by those in a very weak condition. Eucommia is believed to confer strength and flexibility to the ligaments and tendons. It is used to strengthen the back, knees, and the entire body. Dipasacus and Cuscuta are also excellent Yang tonics that restore the primal power of the body. They are also astringent and help retain Jing so that it is not easily lost. Dragon Bone is a mineral that is both calming to the nerves and an excellent astringent that controls Yang energy.   Raw Rehmannia Root   Raw Rehmannia confers strength to the Kidney system and relieves false fire.   Profound Essence is thus a blend of Yin and Yang tonics designed to build the entire system up from the roots. Again, Jing Formulation is significantly strengthened by combining with Deer Placenta, which is the most potent Jing restorative known to Chinese tonic herbalism. To further enhance the functions of this formula, drink one or two packets of Healer's Tea every day.   Traditional Function: Tonifies Yin Jing, Yang Jing, Qi, Blood, has Shen stabilizing and Jing astringent actions   Who can use it? It is suitable as a long term "restorative" Jing tonic for those who have been exhausted by overwork, excessive stress, pregnancy, substance abuse, chronic pain or chronic illness. It is also suitable for those who have reached mid-life or old age and who wish to replenish Jing, and who wish to further prevent degeneration.   Concentration: 10:1   Specifications: 100 Capsules 500 mg each   Ingredients: Cordyceps mycelium, Tortoise shell, Raw Rehmannia root, Bai-zhu Atractylodes rhizome, Astragalus root,  Dong quai root, Cuscuta chinensis seed, Dipsacus asper root, Eucommia bark, Achyranthes root, Chinese White Peony root, Aged Tangerine rind, Phellodendron bark, Anemarrhena rhizome, Honey Fried Chinese Licorice root, Dragon bone   Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsules (Pullulan caps 100% natural, water-soluble polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process; vegetable origin; non-GMO; no starch, preservative or chemical modifications; gluten free.), rice powder.      Usage: Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional   Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word –Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.”
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs He Shou Wu (100caps 450mg)
  He Shou Wu He Shou Wu (pronounced huh – similar to English "huh", but not as open – show woo) is one of the most popular and highly revered tonic herbs in Asian herbalism. He Shou Wu is the prepared tuberous root of Polygonum multiflorum, a plant that grows in the mountains of central and southern China. It shares the position as the primary essence (Jing) tonic of Chinese herbalism with the Gojiberry.  By virtue of its ability to accumulate tremendous quantities of Qi into its root, this herb can tonify the human and animal organs and can tonify and nourish the blood. He Shou Wu is not a stimulant. However, it is one of the greatest energy tonics known to mankind. Its action is cumulative, as any truly healthy tonic dietary supplement would be. Because it is a very mild sedative, it will calm the nervous system. So it can be said that He Shou Wu is both energizing and calming. That is the magic of a great tonic herb.   He Shou Wu helps maintain the strength and stability of the lower back and knees. It is used to maintain youthful sexual drive, normally abundant sperm count in men and to support the health of the ova in women. It is widely used in Asia to maintain the youthful condition and color of the hair. It can calm the nervous system. It has components that are potent antioxidants with gentle actions in the liver and the eyes.  Its strength partially comes from its remarkable ability to support and maintain the healthful cleaning functions of the kidney and liver, which in turn clean the blood.  He Shou Wu is a good source of iron. He Shou Wu contains potent antioxidants and in antioxidant-potentiating molecules. He Shou Wu supports the body’s innate ability to efficiently clear superoxide, the highly reactive free radical, from the body. Free radicals are produced at every moment of our life as part of the living process and our health depends upon our clearing them from our body on a moment to moment basis. This support generally comes from foods and herbs humans consume. It is widely believed that the SOD-generating capacity of HeShou Wu is one of the reasons it is considered by many to have “anti-aging” and “longevity increasing” activity. These actions help maintain healthy physical and mental functions and structures.   He Shou Wu contains zinc. Zinc is an essential trace mineral required by all forms of life. Numerous aspects of cellular metabolism are zinc-dependent. Zinc plays important roles in growth and development, the immune response, neurological function and reproduction. Zinc is important to our sexual and reproductive functions.  He Shou Wu has been found to support fundamental immunological functions. He Shou Wu has been found to improve adrenal gland functioning.  He Shou Wu is unsurpassed in its ability to provide deep, primordial energy (Jing, essence) to the cells of the body via the Kidney system as described in Chinese health philosophy. He Shou Wu supports the human body’s “functional reserve.”  He Shou Wu is widely used in Chinese tonic herbalism as a tonic to promote healthy aging by tonifying the Kidney and Liver functions, toning up Jing (vital essence), nourishing the blood, and fortifying the muscles, tendons and bones.  The Legend of He Shou Wu Li Ao from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) wrote a book called “The Legend of He Shou Wu” documenting in detail its discovery.  Neng Si is the name of the man who is said to have discovered He Shou Wu in China. “Neng Si was born with a weak constitution. Due to his chronic frailty, he had never been able to marry and as time went by had given up on the prospect of either marrying or bearing children. In addition, he had taken to strong liquor. Nevertheless, he was an enthusiastic follower of Taoism and often shadowed his Taoist teacher in the mountain.   “One day, at the age of 58, he fell into a drunken stupor in the forest. When he awoke, he observed a pair of vines entwined for more than 3 yards. He thought to himself that they appeared to be making love, and in a whimsical mood he dug up the root of the plant, which he took back to his cottage. No one in the local village recognized the herb. A hermit from the mountain saw it, however, and told him, "This climbing plant struck you as peculiar, now surely it is supposed to serve you as a divine tonic. Why don't you take it”?  “He agreed and ground up the root into powder and swallowed a small amount on an empty stomach. In seven days, he started to “realize the Tao of Muman.” He started to feel an unknown vitality flowing through his veins and after a little while he noticed certain urges starting to develop. Soon this previously hapless guy began to experience something very unfamiliar to him – incredible virility – he could barely control his sexual desire. Over the next several months, he became strong. He decided to continue taking the herb, doubling his dosage. In several years, his hair grew dark again, and his appearance became youthful. Over the next ten years, he fathered several boys and changed his name to Neng Si, meaning “Capable of Bearing Offspring.””  Though the herb called He Shou Wu’s was well famed as an anti-aging tonic and a fertility enhancing sex tonic, it did not gain much attention from the health cultivationists (preservationists) after the He family had made it famous. Revered herbalist Li Shi Zhen, who authored a book named The Great Herbalism (published in 1578), the greatest contribution to the development of Chinese herbal pharmacy, noted that though He Shou Wu had been established for a long while, few people were taking the herb at the time. A royal endorsement from an emperor changed that. Ming Dynasty Emperor Shi Zong (reigned from 1521 to 1566) was gifted an herbal elixir called Seven Treasure Beard Beautifying Pill. He enjoyed “great success,” fathering several royal princes and credited the herbal formula for his success. This formula, with He Shou Wu as the main ingredient, became an instant hit among the commoners and He Shou Wu became a household herb throughout Asia ever since. Li Ao’s Personal Commentary on He Shou Wu Li Ao, the Taoist sage who recounted the Legend of He Shou Wu, is famous as the sage whose walk “resembled a swift wind.” He had this to say regarding his personal experience with the herb He Shou Wu: "I will reveal to you an herbal secret. Taking He Shou Wu helped me to father children. Originally, I preferred peace of mind, and under no circumstances did I want to take this herb, because I had heard it said that it was ‘harmful to peace of mind’ (referring to its stimulation of sexual desire). However, my spouse took it accidentally and we attained the greatest happiness (the highest level of sexual ecstasy). Since then I have continued taking this miraculous herb.” The Story of Li Qing Yuen There is a famous story that has been widely spread about a man named Li Qing Yuen, who, as the tale goes, is said to have lived to be 252 years old. All evidence indicates that this is not possible. Therefore, I believe the story of Li Qing Yuen must be viewed as a legend. Nevertheless, it is widely believed in Asia that Li Qing Yuen did indeed live and that he lived to extended age – certainly to be a centenarian.  The story is worth telling because it expresses the deep interest the Chinese have had in the art of longevity and provides some excellent life lessons. According to the story, Li Qing Yuen was born in  the mountainous southwest of China, he ran away from home at the age of eleven with three travelers. These travelers were in the herbal trade. Together the boy and his three teachers traveled throughout China, Tibet, and Southeast Asia, encountering many dangerous situations, but all the while studying the herbal traditions of all the various regions. As Li Qing Yuen became older, he became a practicing herbalist, and was well known for his excellence of health and amazing vigor. He was particularly interested in Taoist life cultivation and had a deep personal interest in tonic herbs. One day, when he was around fifty years old, he met a very old man who, despite of his venerable old age, could out-walk Li Qing Yuen. This impressed Master Li very much because he believed that brisk walking was both a way to health and longevity and a sign of inner health. Li Qing Yuen inquired as to the old sage's secret. He was told that if every day he consumed a "soup" of an herb known as gou qi zi (Lycium chinensis fruit - known to us as Goji berries or Wolfberries) he would soon attain a new standard of health. Of course Li Qing Yuen knew about this Gojibut had not made it a central part of his daily herbal regimen. Li Qing Yuen did just what the old sage suggested and continued to consume Goji soup from the time forward. Because of his radiant health and longevity, he was greatly revered by all those who knew him and he had many disciples who followed him. Even at a very old age, his sight was keen and his legs were strong, and he continued to take his daily vigorous walks. One day, he was on a journey through treacherous mountains. In the mountains he met a Taoist hermit who was much older than him. Impressed by the great illumination of the old Taoist, Li Qing Yuen begged the sage to tell him his secrets. The old Taoist, recognizing the sincerity of Li, taught him some deep secrets of Taoist Yoga (also known as the "Inner Alchemy") and recommended that Li change his diet and consume Ginseng daily, combined with He Shou Wu. It is said that Master Li also changed his diet accordingly, so as to consume very little meat, and even limited his consumption of root vegetables. He also limited his consumption of grain. Instead, he focused mainly on steamed above-ground vegetables and herbs. He supposedly died in 1930, reportedly after a banquet presented in his honor by a government official. He had married during his lifetime numerous times and lived through many generations of his own descendants, of which he had many.  Ron’s Note: I first reported on this story in 1984 in the book “Chinese Tonic Herbs (Japan Publications).” However, though I have tried, I have found that primary sources of documentation for Li Qing Yuen’s extreme longevity are non-existent. The story had first been reported, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, in a 1933 news agency filing as "the oldest man on earth", having been born in 1680 and just died at 253. The Guinness Book first identified him as Li Chung-yun and later as Li Zhongyun (1993 edition). The Guinness Book noted that “Li Chung-yun was said to have maintained a youthful appearance to the end, crediting it to Taoist wisdom and healthy living.” The story is representative of a tradition that is rich in the lore of Taoists living to ages unimaginable by us. It is well known that among the Chinese population, the Taoists have always far outlived all other people in Asia. Many have lived to be centenarians and few died prematurely. The Taoist art of longevity, known as the "Way of Radiant Health" is one of the great legacies of the East. The Taoist arts of longevity include tonic herbalism, qi gong, tai ji quan, Taoist yoga, Taoist sexual techniques and many of the martial arts.  The Science of He Shou Wu “Prepared” or “not prepared,” that is the difference. The tuber of He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) must be “prepared” in order to be used as a regularly-consumed tonic herb. Unprepared He Shou Wu does not possess the tonic effects and can have unwanted side effects. The freshly picked tubers are sliced, stewed in black bean soup (in a proportion of 10 parts He Shou Wu to 1 part black beans) until the soup is exhausted. The “prepared” roots are then dried. That is all there is to the “preparation.” Of course, no chemicals are used in the making of “prepared” He Shou Wu.   Active Constituents The tuberous root of Polygonum multiflorum (He Shou Wu) has many active constituents. He Shou Wu is rich in anthraquinones, including many phospholipids such as lecithin (3.7%). A stilbene glycoside known as 2,3,5,4-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (henceforth refered to as “he shou wu super-glycoside”) is considered to be the principle active constituent responsible for He Shou Wu’s very powerful antioxidant activity. There are many similar stilbene glycosides present in He Shou Wu. The stilbeneglycosides in He Shou Wu are very similar to resveratrol. Several of the stilbene glycosides in He Shou Wu are stronger antioxidants than resveratrol. Prepared He Shou Wu extract increases the cellular antioxidant activity He Shou Wu supports the body’s innate ability to efficiently clear superoxide, the highly reactive pro-oxidant (free radical), from the body. This is a normal function that occurs trillions of times a day in every human being. All organisms maintain complex innate antioxidant systems to prevent damage by oxidation. Antioxidants are chemicals that reduce the rate of oxidation reactions. Oxidation reactions are chemical reactions that involve the transfer of electrons from one substance to an oxidizing agent.  Oxidation is a constant function of life that is accelerated by stress and many other factors. He Shou Wu is rich in potent antioxidants and in antioxidant-potentiating molecules.  Superoxide dismutase (SOD) Superoxide dismutase, generally referred to as SOD, is a class of closely related enzymes produced within the human body. Of all the antioxidants produced in the human body, SOD is king. SOD proteins are present in almost all aerobic cells and in almost all extracellular fluids. SOD transforms the superoxide radical into ions that are less reactive. These less reactive ions are then further transformed by the antioxidants catalase and glutathione into safe molecules. This transformation, called dismutation, is essential to life. He Shou Wu supports the normal dismutation process. SOD is much more powerful than any other antioxidant. No external antioxidant is comparable to SOD, as external antioxidants may deteriorate by the time they enter our blood stream and because they cannot match SOD’s performance in clearing free radicals.  He Shou Wu has been shown to help maintain youthful levels of SOD in laboratory animals even as they age. It is widely believed that the SOD generating capacity of He Shou Wu is one of the reasons it has been found to have anti-aging and longevity increasing activity. He Shou Wu enhances immunity He Shou Wu has been found to support fundamental immunological functions in mammals.  He Shou Wu enhances adrenocortical function He Shou Wu has been found to support adrenal gland functioning. He Shou Wu supports adrenal fortitude.  He Shou Wu traditionally functions as a Kidney tonic. Jing controls the functions of adrenal cortex.  He Shou Wu’s Blood Tonic Actions He Shou Wu enhances the proliferation of blood producing cells Scientific research supports He Shou Wu’s traditional function as a blood tonic. Prepared He Shou Wu can supports the hematopoietic(blood producing) function of the body. It does this by directly promoting the blood generating hematopoietic stem cells.  Improves red blood cell membranes Extracts of this herb have been demonstrated to help support the membranes of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and to support the growth and development of erythrocytes in test animals.  He Shou Wu is a rich source of lecithin which is an important raw material of red blood cell and other cell membranes (lecithin is also a major component of nervous tissues). Contains iron He Shou Wu contains iron, even more than other blood tonics such as Dang Gui and Goji. Supports Circulation Prepared He Shou Wu supports blood flow and in test animals.  Protects the Liver Classically, He Shou Wu is considered a Liver tonic. Many studies now support He Shou Wu’s protective and function-regulating actions on the liver. Throughout our lifetime liver cells continually replenish themselves. Adult humans do not die with the same liver they were born with. In experiments on mice, prepared He Shou Wu helps maintain healthy structural integrity of the liver. He Shou Wu acts as a powerful antioxidant in the liver. Furthermore, researchers have found that this herb can stabilize liver cells by supporting membrane mechanism. He Shou Wu is a good source of plant lecithin. He Shou Wu has a special tropism (attraction) to the liver.  A zinc supplement He Shou Wu contains zinc. The zinc content of prepared He Shou Wu is as high as 42 mg per 100 grams the herb. This is several dozen times higher than that of most herbs. Animal type foods are considered to be high in zinc, but they only have 3-5 mg per 100 gram, much lower than the 42 mg in He Shou Wu.  Zinc is an essential trace mineral required by all forms of life. Numerous aspects of cellular metabolism are zinc-dependent. Zinc plays important roles in growth and development, the immune response, neurological function, and reproduction. On the cellular level, the function of zinc can be divided into three categories: (1) regulatory, (2) catalytic, and (3) structural. Zinc supports the metabolism of testosterone, and supports sperm quality and motility. Effect on Memory Dietary supplementation with either ethanol or water extracts of He Shou Wu can help maintain brain function and support learning and memory ability. Potential Adverse Effects of He Shou Wu Adverse effects are not common (very rare) with extracts of properly prepared He Shou Wu. Potential adverse effects of this herb are mainly digestive canal reactions, usually resulting in thin stool in cases where the herb is not tolerated, and occasional light abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Raw, unprepared He Shou Wu is a laxative and should not be consumed as a tonic herb, i.e. on a long term basis. Some companies of He Shou Wu products are unaware of this issue and sell unprepared He Shou Wu, resulting in adverse effects.  “Prepared” versus “raw” He Shou Wu The tuber of He Shou Wu must be “prepared” in order to be used as a regularly-consumed tonic herb. The roots are sliced, gently stewed in black bean soup (in a proportion of 10 parts He Shou Wu to 1 part black beans) until the soup is exhausted. The “prepared” roots are then dried. That is all there is to the “preparation.” Of course, no chemicals are used to prepare He Shou Wu.   The Toxicity Difference: Prepared He Shou Wu has extremely low toxicity.  He Shou Wu has been used for over two thousand years as a tonic herb in China and other Asian regions. In Asia, He Shou Wu is considered to be extremely safe and suitable for long term and daily use. The LD50 tests for PREPARED He Shou Wu resulted in NO DEATHS, even after 1000 g/kg. On the other hand, the LD50 of RAW(Unprepared) He Shou Wu is 50g/kg, This means even if rats consume their body weight worth of prepared He Shou Wu, they survived. Prepared He Shou Wu is one of the safest herbs or foods known to science.  With an LD50  value of greater than 1000 g/kg, We are only recommending 6-12 capsules (about 3-6 grams) of He Shou Wu per day as a long term tonic dose. [LD50: The LD50 Alcohol Percolate Test – generally referred to simply as the LD50  is a standard toxicity test used in scientific research. The higher the number, the safer the test object. LD50 (Lethal Dose50) is the amount of a substance that, when administered by a defined route of entry (e.g. oral, injection or dermal, etc.) over a specified period of time, is expected to cause the death of 50 per cent of a defined animal population. If no deaths have occurred when the test subject has consumed its weight in the test substance without ANY deaths, the test substance is considered safe beyond question. A score of 1000 g/kg means that the test animal can consume its weight in test substance with 50% dying. But to have NO deaths at 1000 g/kg means the LD50 is actually much higher, but researchers tend to stop there because no animal or human will ever consume its weight in any substance in a short period of time.]  Chemical Constituent Difference – Why Prepared He Shou Wu Is Much Milder and Safer than Unprepared He Shou Wu The conjugated anthraquinones (such as emodin) present in unprepared He Shou Wu are laxative. After preparation, the amount of conjugated anthraquinones in He Shou Wu decreases, while the free form anthraquinones that have many health-supporting and protective benefits significantly increase. This is why prepared He Shou Wu has a much milder or nil laxative effect compared to raw, and why prepared He Shou Wu is so safe and effective.   Efficacy and Function Difference: The “preparation” eliminates the laxative effect of He Shou Wu and brings out the tonic effect. In addition to toxicity elimination, the special preparation process also enhances He Shou Wu’s therapeutic efficacy. He Shou Wu is known to support macrophages. In a test where mice were fed He Shou Wu prepared by different methods, or not prepared at all, at the dose of 6g/kg, only the prepared He Shou Wu that was stewed and steamed with black bean soup for 32 hours was shown to support the phagocytic activity of abdominal macrophage. He Shou Wu that was raw or prepared differently showed no obvious results.  Raw, un-prepared He Shou Wu is used as a laxative in Chinese herbalism, and is not used in tonic herbalism.  Dragon Herbs He Shou Wu products are always made from PREPARED He Shou Wu. Unfortunately, many nutritional supplement companies and marketers in America are unaware of this distinction between prepared and un-prepared He Shou Wu (Polygonummultiflorum). Raw He Shou Wu is of course less expensive, and that is often the driving force behind the way many herb companies make their purchasing decisions. As a result, He Shou Wu is sometimes blamed for the unwanted side effect of loose stool that results from the use of the incorrect herb (raw He Shou Wu). Again, Dragon Herbs is extremely aware of this issue and only uses PREPARED He Shou Wu to make its tonic products.* Dragon Herbs He Shou Wu Extract Capsules Concentration: He Shou Wu powdered extract is an 8:1 “pure yield” (100% natural) powdered extract of the highest grade Prepared Polygonummultiflorum tubers grown in the remote high mountains of Yunnan province, China.  Specifications: 100 capsules 450 mg each Precautions:  He Shou Wu is considered to be a very mild and safe herb. Mild gastrointestinal disturbance, characterized by soft stool, is the only side effect associated with Polygonum multiflorum. However, moderate doses of processed He Shou Wu rarely result in such an effect. Should this occur, the herb may be combined with certain other herbs, and the problem can be eliminated. Consult your herbalist. Again, this side effect is rare. Ingredients: He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) root extract (Organically Grown, Certified by ECOCERT). Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsules**, rice hull extract. Usage  Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.    Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word – Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.”  **Pullulan caps 100% natural, water- soluble polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process; vegetable origin; non-GMO; no starch, preservatives or chemical modifications; gluten free.  
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs He Shou Wu Drops 2 fl. oz. (60 ml)
He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) is among the very elite healthy-aging tonic herbs in the world. It is traditionally used to support the Liver, Kidneys, Brain and Sexual organs.  Regular consumption of this famous “longevity herb,” the root of Polygonum multiflorum, is used in Asia to help return an aging person to youthfulness and to keep a young person young. It is an unsurpassed Yin Jing tonic, as well as a major blood tonic. It is said to increase energy and to clean the blood. As an essence tonic, it is believed to be a powerful sexual tonic when consumed regularly. He Shou Wu is widely believed in China to increase sperm production in men and to increase fertility in women. It is used in almost all tonics that are believed in the Orient to nurture the hair and teeth. This herb has been consumed by almost every Taoist for the last thousand years, and is fundamental to the practice of the Taoist inner arts. It has been rated on a premier website on Chinese culture as the number one herb in Chinese herbalism for health, well-being and longevity.* Dragon Herbs has an exclusive supplier that provides fully mature He Shou Wu roots that have grown in the ground in a Di Tao (authentic) region for at least 8 years before harvesting (compared to the 1-year-old average on the American market). This He Shou Wu is then prepared by slow cooking in a specific black been for over 36 hours, meeting and surpassing ancient and modern preparation requirements. Dragon Herbs’ advanced extraction process results in a rich, delicious, full-spectrum, complete He Shou Wu tonic elixir that may be used throughout one’s lifetime.* Ingredients: Organic He Shou Wu root extract. Traditional Function Tonifies Blood and Jing, enriches the hair. Enters the Liver and Kidney meridians. Bitter, sweet, astringent flavor. Slightly warming. Who can use it? Adults Specifications 2 fl. oz. (60 ml) Other Ingredients Water, grain alcohol (30% by volume) Dosage 3-12 Squirts per day as desired or as directed by a health care professional. Shake well before use. The king of Yin Jing tonic herbs Made with 8-year-old semi-wild He Shou Wu roots Prepared by the traditional method with black beans Supports blood production Supports Jing restoration AND Jing maintenance Helps protect the brain Supports healthy aging
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Yin Replenisher Drops 2fl oz
Yin Replenisher Drops   The Herbs in Yin Replenisher   Dendrobium is a very important and wonderful tonic herb. Dendrobium stems and pods help replenish Yin Essence (Yin Jing) and generate fluids.   Dendrobium is primarily used in China to replenish fluids. It is commonly used in Chinese herbalism as a Yin tonic which moistens the Stomach and Lungs and respiratory tissues. It may be used by healthy individuals to maintain and support healthy fluid balance in the body.   However, the truly great value of Dendrobium lies elsewhere. Taoist sages, who were the masters of longevity (and much more), have routinely used Dendrobium as a daily tonic for many centuries. Dendrobium (which is the stem and leaf of a number of varieties of Dendrobium orchid that are now cultivated for use as a tonic herb) is a Jing tonic herb. Dendrobium is especially useful in quickly and effectively replenishing spent adaptive energy.   Dendrobium has been traditionally used to replace spent Yin Jing of the Kidney. The Kidney is considered to be the whole body’s reservoir of Yin Jing, so replenishing the Yin of the Kidney replenishes the whole body.   In replenishing and increasing Jing, Dendrobium increases the generative force. Dendrobium is especially famous for relieving temporary fatigue that may result from sexual activity. For those who maintain a balanced sex life, Dendrobium is said to help build superb sexual vigor. Dendrobium, being a Kidney Yin tonic, increases the sexual fluids in men and women.   The Taoists say that Dendrobium fills the Kidney meridian up with new vitality. It nourishes the Yin of the Kidney and nourishes the saliva, which the Taoists call the “Precious Fluid.” It is a superb herb for athletes for the purpose of maintaining fluids during exercise or sports.    Ron Teeguarden's Taoist Master Sung Jin Park, was a great proponent of Dendrobium for anyone who lives an active life and who desires to remain youthful and beautiful. A great benefit of Dendrobium lies in its beauty-promoting quality. Dendrobium helps keep the skin moist and constant use helps generate beautiful skin. When combined in a person’s program with other skin nourishing and cleansing herbs like Goji and White Peony, a person’s skin will become smooth, radiant, supple and clear.    Rehmannia is a Kidney tonic. Raw Rehmannia has a cold, moistening action. Goji is a major Yin tonic that tonifies the Kidneys and benefits the skin and eyes. Ligustrum is a tonic to the Kidney and Liver and Anemarrhena is a Yin tonic that counteracts false fire.*   Traditional Function: Nourishes and replenishes Yin Jing and body fluids*   Who can use it? Anyone who requires Yin replenishment   Concentration: 8:1    Specifications: 2 fl. oz.   Ingredients: Dendrobium stem, Raw Rehmannia root, Goji berries, Ligustrum lucidum fruit, Chinese White Peony root,Anemarrhena rhizome.   Other Ingredients: water, alcohol.   Usage: 3-12 droppers per day or as directed by your health care practitioner   Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word – Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.”  
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Frame Builder 100 Capsules (500mg)
Frame Builder   The Main Herbs in Frame Builder   Eucommia Bark   Eucommia Bark was the second herb ever described in a written text on herbs in China, playing second fiddle only to Ginseng, “the King of Herbs.” Shen Nong, the great founder of Chinese herbalism, described Eucommia bark as “a superior herb that can prolong life.” A “superior herb,” by definition, is an herb that may be consumed daily for the purpose of promoting health and well being without side effects. Eucommia Bark has remained a virtual icon of tonic herbalism in Asia for thousands of years. It has been consumed by billions of people, and is consumed by millions of people today as a superior, life-enhancing tonic.   Eucommia Bark is traditionally used to tonify the Kidney, Liver and Heart functions, as described in Chinese health theory. It has a warm energy and is considered to be very strengthening, but it is not a “stimulant.” In fact, Eucommia Bark calms the nerves while strengthening the core of the body.   Eucommia Bark is the primary plant-sourced herb in Chinese herbalism used to tonify the Kidney Yang functions. Kidney Yang functions include such issues as our inner power, sexual vitality, structural integrity, mental creativity and resistance to disease.Eucommia is a superb Yang Jing tonic because it is simultaneously powerful and gentle. Its safety has been well established over many centuries. There has been no challenge to its safety in either historical or modern literature. It may be used continuously without causing over-excitation or imbalance of any sort. According to Chinese health theory, the Jing stored in the Kidneys is a determining factor in our potential longevity. Diminished Jing will result in premature aging and early death. Eucommia Bark helps restore spent Jing and helps maintain healthy levels of Jing once Jing levels are normal.   Eucommia Bark is traditionally considered to be particularly beneficial to the lower back, legs, and to the skeletal structure. And although Eucommia Bark is primarily known as a powerful Yang Jing tonic, it is also a strong Yin Jing nourishing herb. Because it provides both Yang and Yin, it is a superb herb for men and women alike and can be used by almost anybody to promote the functions of the endocrine system, to strengthen the physical structure, to promote sexual functions, to enhance normal growth, to promote healing, to promote the healthy functions of the cardiovascular system, and to enhance resistance to infection. EucommiaBark is thus the quintessential example of a safe, mild and potent Kidney tonic that builds Jing, Qi and Shen, with an emphasis on its quintessential Jing building capability.    Eucommia Bark's first fame is in its Kidney tonifying effects. It is in fact the primary herb in Chinese tonic herbalism for building a strong, sturdy, skeletal structure and strong, flexible joints.  It is used to strengthen the bones, ligaments and tendons, and has been used for centuries to help mend damage to these tissues, whether the damage is due to stress, age or trauma. Eucommia Bark is also the primary tonic herb of choice to strengthen the lower back and knees. Traditionally, it has been used to help with problems in the joints, including pain, stiffness, dislocation, swelling and weakness*. However, it is not a mere “remedy.” It is a tonic herb that strengthens structural tissue and improves structural competency at a fundamental level. Therefore, it is preferably used as a tonic herb to maintain the structural integrity of the body so that breakdowns in this system are much less likely, even as we age or are exposed to stress.   Drynaria Rhizome   Drynaria Rhizome tonifies the Kidney, promotes mending of bones and related structural tissues and stimulates hair growth. Drynariais considered to be the most important herb in the Chinese pharmacopoeia for healing damaged bone and ligaments. It is used in all formulas for broken bones and torn ligaments. It is also useful in the treatment of and recovery from sprains, contusions (bruises) and stress fractures. Drynaria has been explored deeply by martial arts practitioners in Asia for over a thousand years and its efficacy is very well established. In fact, the literal name of the herb in Chinese is “Mender of Shattered Bones.” Drynaria is usually used in combination with Dipsacus and other herbs to deal with the specific problems. Drynaria can be used like all Yang Jing tonics to strengthen the lower back and knees. It seems to have special efficacy in a high percentage of cases of tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and bleeding gums. Though it is traditionally considered to be effective for toothaches, I recommend you get to the dentist and get the problem fixed.    Dipsacus Root   Dipsacus
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Pearl Powder 100 Capsules (500mg)
Pearl Powder Capsules    “Levigated” Pearl Powder   Dragon Herbs utilizes the very latest technology to produce the finest Pearl Powder available in the world for nutraceutical use. Studies conducted over the past several years have proven that the best way to use Pearl is to use it WHOLE. The traditional problem with using whole Pearl powder was that it was difficult to grind fine enough to make it highly bioavailable. Recent advancements in grinding technology now allow the Pearl to be ground into a powder that is very close to nano-sized. This powder is easily and completely absorbed by the body and is fully utilized once it is in the blood stream.   The technique now used is known as “levigation.”   High grade Pearl is ground in water using circular motion. Fine powder will become suspended in water. The suspended powder is separated from non suspended heavier powder by pouring out the solution. Continue grinding until all pearl powder is “extracted” this way. This will also separate the center impurity (the “seed” that starts the pearl) from actual pearl powder. The solution with “extracted” pearl in suspension is left to settle so the pearl will deposit to the bottom. The deposited pearl is then dried. This “levigated” Pearl powder is almost nano-sized and is thus very easy for the human body to absorb.   Levigated Pearl Powder contains ALL the biologically active constituents of Pearl. It is extremely rich in minerals, amino acids and co-factors that make it one of the premier anti-aging substances.   Levigated Pearl Powder can help prevent the development of melanin, which causes freckles and dark patches on the skin. It can help prevent the skin from becoming old looking, wrinkled and sagging. This is partly due to its stimulation of SOD activity and partly due to other capacities and nutrients. Consistent use of pearl powder can eliminate blemishes such as colored spots and even pimples and boils. Constant use can help assure that the skin will age much more slowly and that it will not be easily harmed by either time or the elements. Pearl is one of the great secrets of the most beautiful women of the Orient.   Levigated Pearl Powder is also a powerful Shen stabilizer. It is among the elite substances of this type known.  It can relieve uneasiness, nervousness, anxiety and tension. Levigated Pearl Powder promotes sound sleep, prevents nerve-disorders and nerve weakness, and is commonly used to prevent or overcome fatigue. Consistent use helps a person maintain their energy and vitality. It is an ideal Shen tonic and is the main ingredient in the finest Shen tonic formulations.   Levigated Pearl Powder contains dozens of minerals, including: calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, strontium, copper, selenium, silicon, titanium, and more. Pearl contains calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium phosphate, ferric oxide, silica. But to many people’s surprise, pearl is not just made up of minerals. Pearl contains many amino acids (eight of the amino acids are “essential” – in other words, they cannot be produced in the body but are required for health). Various components in Pearl participate in DNA and RNA metabolic activities, and thus can promote and accelerate cell renewal. Mucopolysaccharides in Pearl have been shown to prevent wrinkling and to increase libido and sexual potency in humans.   Pearl powder has been shown in China to help the growth of children’s teeth and bones and to improve children’s intelligence. pearlhas also been shown to be beneficial for habitual constipation, acting quickly, gently and effectively. Studies indicate that pearl can lower blood pressure, increase endurance, and can provide the minerals necessary to possibly prevent osteoporosis and to strengthen the cardiovascular system.   Levigated Pearl Powder is extremely safe. Safety studies on Levigated Pearl Powder have shown it to be absolutely harmless. It can be taken by anybody for the course of a lifetime without side effects.      Traditional Function Recent Chinese medical texts credit pearl with the ability to relieve uneasiness of the heart and mind, to benefit reproduction, to relieve “wandering arthritis,” to relieve internal fever, to clear sputum, to remove visual obstacles and improve eyesight, to promote muscle development and to invigorate blood circulation   Who can use it? Anyone    Concentration: 5:1   Specifications: 100 Capsules 500 mg each   Ingredients: 100% pure, premium grade fresh water hydrolyzed pearl powder    Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsules (Pullulan caps 100% natural, water-soluble polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process; vegetable origin; non-GMO; no starch, preservative or chemical modifications; gluten free.), rice powder.    Usage: Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional    Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word –Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.”
Sold out
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Spring Dragon Longevity Tea (3 x tea bag sample)
Spring Dragon Longevity Tea The Healthiest Tea on Earth   The Multifunctional “Magical grass”   In Asia, Gynostemma is known as a “magical grass.” It has been reported to have a wide range of health-promoting benefits   In Asia, Gynostemma is considered to be*   Invigorating (does not cause hyperactivity – not a stimulant) Calming (promotes a sense of peace – not a sedative) Anti-aging (antioxidant and more) Anti-inflammatory (not as a medicine, but to help reduce the factors that cause low grade, sub-clinical chronic inflammation experienced by all humans) Immune-regulating (not as a medicine, but to help support the normal healthy functioning of various immune functions) A respiratory tonic (improve respiratory efficiency) A digestive aid (Gynostemma is very soothing)   Gynostemma has been shown in animal studies to have liver and cardiovascular-protecting benefits and to support normal healthy functioning in these organs.*   The ultimate greatness of Gynostemma lies in its broad spectrum adaptogenic (stress modulating) quality.* Adaptogenic herbs improve the efficiency of the metabolic, neurological, immunologic, respiratory and endocrine systems. Prolonged consumption of Gynostemma tends to have a highly protective quality because it strengthens the adaptive capacity of the person at every level of their life.*   Gynostemma has a double-direction activity in many areas*   Gynostemma has the ability to bring balance to the body under a wide range of stressful circumstances.   Japanese studies have indicated that Gynostemma has a double-direction, regulating, adaptogenic influence on thecentral nervous system. It is calming when one is overexcited and invigorating when one is fatigued. Gynostemma is widely known for its “spirit-lifting” effect on one’s mood. Gynostemma may have a direct strengthening effect on the heart*   Gynostemma has developed an enormous reputation in Asia as a major aid in weight management programs   Gynostemma has been shown to have a double-direction activity with regard to weight. Gynostemma can be useful in reducing excessive body fat, when combined with a reasonable exercise program and a healthy diet that modulates caloric intake.  Gynostemma may also help athletes, body builders or excessively slim people to gain weight. Gynostemma accelerates the body’s metabolism and helps adjust blood sugar and blood fat levels. Adjusting blood sugar and blood fat are critical steps in attaining healthy metabolic function, whether one wants to lose weight by reducing excessive body fat, gain weight by building lean muscle, or maintain healthy weight by helping regulate bodily functions. Although Gynostemma is not laxative, it may help maintain healthy bowel movements. Gynostemma acts as a scavenger in the stomach and intestines, ridding the body of toxins, toxic microbes and waste that otherwise may become lodged in the intestines. Gynostemma protects the stomach lining.*   Gynostemma has potent antioxidant, and concomitant anti-inflammatory activity   Gynostemma is a potent antioxidant that protects cell membranes from oxidative injury which can result in chronic inflammation.*   The main active ingredients in Gynostemma are known as saponins   The saponins in Gynostemma are called gypenosides. There are over 100 gypenosides in Gynostemma. These gypenosides are responsible for the hepato-protective and adaptogenic qualities of this tonic herb.*   The Story of Spring Dragon Longevity Tea   In 1972, a group of Japanese researchers reported that Gynostemma tea was being consumed as a daily “longevity tea” by large numbers of southern Chinese people. It was revered in the regions where it grew as “magical grass” because of its many reputed health benefits. Subsequently, studies conducted first in Japan revealed that Gynostemma was extremely rich in saponins that were extremely close to those found in ginseng and Siberian ginseng. As it turned out, Gynostemma is even richer in these saponins than ginseng. Gynostemma tea had generally been made from wild mountain Gynostemma pentaphyllum plants, but as Gynostemma reputation as a longevity herb grew, farmers learned to cultivate it. Within a decade, Gynostemma was being consumed by millions of Asians as a tonic tea.   in 1992, Ron Teeguarden was traveling to China to oversea a production run of tonic herbal formulations. Because of a ticketing mistake, he was upgraded to first class. By coincidence, he was seated on the long flight from San Francisco to Beijing next to Professor Xiao Peigun. Also, by “coincidence,” Ron had an photocopied article written by Professor Xiao in his travel bag. The article was entitled “Anti-Aging Chinese Herbs.” Xiao Peigun, as it turned out, was Director of the Institute of Medicinal Plant Development inBeijing, a major research institute belonging to the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. He was also head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Traditional Medicine, Commissioner of the Committee on Pharmacopeia for the People’s Republic of China and a Commissioner of New Drug Evaluation for the PRC. In other words, he was one of the most powerful and knowledgeable herbal experts in the world. Because Ron had his article on the plane, Professor Xiao took Ron under his wing. When Ron met with Professor Xiao at the institute, he asked Professor Xiao if he knew of any special tonic herbs with significant anti-aging qualities. Professor Xiao responded instantly that Gynostemma was exactly what I was looking for. Professor Xiao introduced Ron to the supplier of the highest quality Gynostemma in China and Ron was ready to develop a product.   Gynostemma is traditionally consumed as a tea, just like green tea. It is delicious as well. At the same time, Ron had come across a special, traditional Chinese method of brewing “longevity teas” by supersaturating extracted herbs into tea leaves. Ron decided to use this ancient technology to supersaturate Gynostemma leaves with a number of other tonic herbs that had traditional reputations as longevity herbs. With the help of Yanlin, he found a tea master who knew the secret of preparing the “longevity teas.” After experimenting for several months at Yanlin’s parents home in China, the final tea was determined and thus was born Spring Dragon Longevity Tea.   In Addition to Gynostemma   Schizandra – Called the “quintessence of Chinese herbs,” Schizandra is a delicious, exotic tonic fruit that is traditionally used to tonify all the systems of the body, clean the liver, open the lungs, nourish and moisturize the skin, and sharpen the mind. It is a potent antioxidant.*   Goji Berries – Known in Asia as a premier “longevity and anti-aging herb,” this delicious tonic fruit is a true superfood, rich in antioxidants. It is famous for enhancing strength, vision and beauty. Goji is rich in immune-potentiating polysaccharides.   Astragalus – One of the most important herbs in all of herbalism, Astragalus is highly regarded for its immune-regulating, immune-potentiating effects. It is also a potent energy tonic and blood tonic.   Eleuthero – Also known as “Siberian Ginseng,” Eleuthero is famous for its ability to enhance physical and mental endurance, to help us handle stress more efficiently and as a gentle mood elevator. Eleuthero, like ginseng and Gynostemma, is rich in saponins. It is the ultimate adaptogenic herb.   Luo Han Guo – This delicious, exotic fruit has been used for centuries as a lung tonic. It contains mogroside, a potent immune-potentiating glucoside.   Traditional Function  Adaptogenic, antiaging, immune regulating, anti-inflammatory, blood sugar regulating, fat reducing, tonifying to the Lungs, Heart, Spleen/Pancreas, Liver and Kidney, and detoxifying    Who can use it? Anyone   Concentration: Whole cut Gynostemma tea; concentrated herbal extract (8:1)   Specifications: 20 teabags per box   Precautions   If you are under a doctor’s supervision for cardiovascular disease, check with your physician prior to using this or any herbal product.    Usage: Drink 1 – 3 tea bags a day, making from 1 to 10 cups of tea
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Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Lion's Mane Mini Drops 0.25 fl. oz. (7.5 ml)
Lion's Mane is now available in ¼ oz. miniature dropper bottle at a more affordable price. You can now try out this extraordinary tonic herbal tincture and many others while staying well within your budget. Lion’s Mane is a mushroom that has emerged from East Asian Buddhist herbal tradition to become an extremely valued and respected modern brain tonic. This mushroom fruiting body contains nerve growth factor and is believed to support brain plasticity and brain health. Dragon Herbs uses advanced extraction technology to produce this rich, full-spectrum, hydro-ethanolic extract that contains all of Lion’s Mane’s active constituents in just the right balance. You may consume this delicious tonic every day of your life. Ingredients: Lion’s Mane fruiting body extract Who can use it? Adult Concentration 8:1 Specifications 0.25 fl. oz. (7.5 ml) Other Ingredients Water, grain alcohol (30% by volume) Dosage 3-12 Squirts per day as desired or as directed by a health care professional. Shake well before use. Mini-size perfect for trial and on-the-go! Full-spectrum hydro-ethanolic extract containing all of Lion’s Mane’s active constituents. Supports brain plasticity and brain health
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Desert Cistanche Drops 2oz
Desert Cistanche Drops Cistanche, the King of Desert Herbs Desert Cistanche Drops is a very potent Yang tonic preparation made from one of the world’s truly elite tonic herbs, Desert Cistanche. It has been used for centuries by men to enhance male sexual function and power, and many women consume it as well. Desert Cistanche Drops is made with large wild Cistanche (Rou Cong Rong in Chinese) from the desert of Western Mongolia and Inner Mongolia as it rises westward toward the Heaven Mountains of Central Asia. Genghis Khan consumed Desert Cistanche every day. This unrivaled tincture is rich and pleasant to the palette. Traditionally in Chinese health philosophy, a range of functions including the sexual, renal, structural (skeletal), neurological, marrow-supporting and endocrine functions, and their related tissues, are known collectively as the “Kidney.” Desert Cistanche is a superior “Kidney tonic herb” that may be used by men or women, though it is most widely used by men to promote sexual power and virility. It is famously known as the “Stalk Enlarger.” It has gained the traditional reputation of strengthening male erections, intensifying orgasms in both men and women, and for enlarging the penis. Cistanche is also considered to be an excellent mood supporting herb. (No scientific-consensus substantiation is available yet for any of these traditional “benefits.” Cistanche is NOT an E D drug, and is not used to treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is a tonic herb, a kind of superfood that promotes optimal functioning of normal bodily functions.) Cistanche is famous for being simultaneously powerful and gentle. It is both Yang and Yin. Its actions are profound and unmistakable, but its actions as a Yang tonic are said to be “calm and smooth,” meaning that it is not sudden or harsh. Research on Desert Cistanche A set of constituents known as PhGs (phenylethanoid glycosides) are the primary constituents of Cistanche for tonifying Kidney functions. These Cistanche glycosides are quite similar to those of Rehmannia, another well-known Kidney tonic herb. Rehmannia is considered to be a Yin Kidney tonic. In fact, three of the primary glycosides found in Cistanche are also found in Rehmannia, along with Rehmannia’s primary glycoside, catalpol. Rehmannia and Cistanche are both rich in sterols such as sitosterol. Thus, it seems that the “gentle” nature of Cistanche, generally considered a very potent Yang tonic, is due to having constituents that also nourish Yin. Recently, there has been increasing scientific attention on Cistanche for its remarkable anti-aging, antioxidant and neuroprotective bioactivities. Pharmacological studies show that saponins called cistanocides, related to the ginsenosides of Ginseng and the astragalosides of Astragalus, are major active components of Cistanche. These cistanocides contribute to an energy tonifying, adaptogenic range of actions. Cistanche long ago earned the honorable title of “Ginseng of the Desert.” Cistanche also contains a rich array of volatile oils, iridoids, lignans, alditols, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides that contribute to its many tonic functions. Galactitol and the oligosaccharides moisten and nourish the colon and support normal healthy bowel functions. This is one of the primary functions of Desert Cistanche. Cistanche polysaccharides and cistanocides are responsible for improving body immunity. The Rich History of Cistanche Shennong first described Cistanche 2,500 years ago Shennong, one of the founders of Chinese culture and the author of the world’s first herbal text, had this to say about Cistanche: “Cistanche has a salty taste. It mainly treats the five taxations and seven damages, supplements the center, eliminates cold and heat and pain in the penis, nourishes the five viscera, strengthens Yin, and boosts Jing and Qi. In females, it makes pregnancy possible and treats concretions and conglomerations. Protracted taking can make the body light.” In fact, Cistanche is not really salty though it grows in alkaline soil; it is actually sweet and rich-tasting. It is not bitter, salty or pungent. To an herbalist’s palette it is quite delicious. Cistanche has been used in traditional formulations as a tonic to restore and support Kidney functions and to tonify Jing, and thus to help restore and maintain youth and to prevent hasty degeneration with aging. Shennong is one of the greatest herbal geniuses in the history of mankind. He developed the principle of three levels of health practice and of herbs, and virtually single-handedly launched Chinese herbalism. He described 360 herbs in his great herbal text, Shennong’s Pharmacopeia Asian sex manuals always recommend Desert Cistanche as a long term tonic to build primal power and enhance endowment Numerous classical Asian manuals on both herbalism and sexuality describe Cistanche in much detail. For instance, it was mentioned no less than one hundred times in The Essence of Medical Prescriptions (984 A.D.) in the sections on men’s health, sex, Yang tonics and physical empowerment. This is one of the most honored medical texts for Oriental medical practitioners still in existence. One of the sections focused entirely on the bedroom arts, and Cistanche was the primary herb used in numerous formulations for men. It was referred to routinely as the “stalk enlarger,” in reference to the “jade stalk” or penis. The herb remains extremely popular in Asia. Products featuring Cistanche are found in all herb shops. Cistanche has a colorful reputation in China, since everyone knows what it does. Desert Cistanche Drops is made from large three-to-four year old Cistanche stalks collected in the wild Inner Mongolian desert. This product is NOT made with commercial grade Cistanche. It is made with grade A+ wild Cistanche stalks. The infamous Genghis Khan, who fathered literally hundreds of children in his lifetime and who has left the largest substantiated genetic trail of any single man in human history, consumed Desert Cistanche every day as a tonic. His Y-chromosome is today found in an estimated 16 million of his male–line progeny in a vast swath of Asia from Manchuria to Central Asia, and more recently throughout the world. That’s one of every 200 males on earth today. Cistanche grows wild in the regions that were first controlled by Genghis Khan (Inner Mongolia and Heaven Mountain). Wild Cistanche is collected in arid regions that are untouched by civilization. More Research on Desert Cistanche Cistanche may benefit learning and memory A study entitled “Cistanche enhances learning and memory by inducing nerve growth factor” (published in The Journal Behavioral Brain Research, Jan 20, 2011) reports that Desert Cistanche extract increased nerve growth factor (NGF) induction in animal cells. NGF and NGF–like molecules have potent biological activities such as promoting neurite outgrowth, protecting neurons (preventing neuronal death), supporting synapse formation, and enhancing learning and memory functions. Cistanche extract significantly enhanced learning and memory in mice, and the memory improvement function was determined to be a result of up-regulation of the nerve growth factor. NGF has also been demonstrated to have an association with the feelings of romantic love through a pathway associated with dopamine. Cistanche may have cardio-protective and respiratory benefits In a study entitled “Herba Cistanche extract enhances mitochondrial glutathione status and respiration in rat hearts” (published in Pharmaceutical Biology, May 2010), Cistanche has been shown to enhance mitochondrial ATP generation. ATP is the “energy-rich molecule” at the root of all living vitality. Treatment with an alcohol extract of Cistanche enhanced mitochondrial glutathione status and increased mitochondrial membrane potential. Glutathione is one of the three primary innate antioxidants produced by humans to fight off free radicals. In addition, an increase in respiration was observed in mitochondria from Cistanche-treated rat hearts. The enhancement of mitochondrial glutathione status and functional ability may be related to cardioprotection afforded by Cistanche. (Desert Cistanche Drops is both an alcohol extract and a water extract so that all constituents are extracted.) This is the analytical laboratory at the facility Dragon Herbs uses to produce Desert Cistanche Drops and most of our other “Drops.” The equipment is state of the art. More research on the actions of Cistanche PhGs In the review section of an article in the Journal of Food Analysis, it is stated that the major active components of Cistanche deserticola, PhGs, have been reported to have cardioactive, hepatocyte protective, antioxidant, antibacterial, and neuroprotective activities.  Here are some of the established functions of the main PhGs in Cistanche deserticola (Desert Cistanche) mentioned in the review:   Cistanoside A exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect. Cistanoside C possesses DNA-repair effects. 2’-acetylacteoside exhibits antioxidant, DNA-repair and neuroprotective effects. Isoacteoside possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and vaso-relaxant activities. Acteoside exhibits both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects, probably acting as a regulator. Acteoside also exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. Isocistanoside C has antioxidant activity. Echinacoside exhibits anti-inflammatory effect and enhances wound healing. Tubuloside B has a neuroprotective effect. Cistanche deserticola is not endangered but it is a “monitored botanical,” meaning that its collection and exportation in and out of China or region of growth as a raw material is strictly limited and governed by International CITES regulations. Although Cistanche is very popular in China and other Asian countries, and the superior grade Cistanche is coveted in the more affluent Chinese market, it is NOT over-collection that has caused any shortages of the herb. Cistanche is a parasitic herb that grows on another plant, a desert shrub called Saxaul. The stems and branches of Saxaul are heavily relied upon by natives of the desert as a superior fuel wood. As a result, Saxaul has been over-collected, restricting Cistanche availability. The government is trying to provide alternative forms of fuel to the natives of the regions where it grows to mitigate use of Saxaul and thus to allow the Cistanche population to expand again. Dragon Herbs complies with all CITES regulations and is committed to sustainable practices. Furthermore, Dragon Herbs limits the production of Desert Cistanche Drops to a relatively small quantity (far below potential demand), to protect sustainability of this great natural herb. Production and potency For Desert Cistanche, alcohol extraction is considered to be superior to simple water extraction, although both alcohol and water extraction have been traditionally practiced. Desert Cistanche Drops is fully extracted with BOTH alcohol and water to maximize extraction of ALL active constituents. The extract is concentrated to optimal potency in a GMP certified facility, meeting Ron Teeguarden’s strictest standards of excellence. Longan, translated literally as “Dragon Eye” fruit, is a wonderfully delicious, fleshy fruit that is extremely popular in China as a snack. Although in Asia it is consumed fresh in the fall, this unique tasting sweet fruit is usually dried and consumed throughout the year much like raisins or dried apricots. But unlike most other dried fruits, Longan is a major tonic herb. It is used by the Chinese as a blood tonic (an herb that builds blood), as an energy tonic to increase vitality, to nurture the heart, and to enhance the beauty of the skin.  A great blood tonic. Longan is one of the premier blood tonics of Chinese tonic herbalism, it is often combined with other blood tonics such as Dang Gui and Peony to make blood building teas and formulations. Dragon Eye Fruit has a very high content of iron – about 20 times that of grapes and 15 times that of spinach. A great Qi tonic for building up your everyday energy. Consumed regularly, Longan is more than just a temporary energy booster. It is an excellent Qi tonic that increases long-term vitality. Since it is both a blood tonic and a Qi tonic, it can be used to relieve insomnia, forgetfulness and anxiety which are the results of blood and Qi deficiency, according to Chinese philosophy. Promotes calmness. Longan promotes calmness, especially when combined with Shen tonics such as Reishi. It has been found to promote a deep, refreshing sleep. If you have difficulty sleeping, you may enjoy using a classic tonic formulation known as “Ginseng and Longan Combination” that is famous for helping promote a good night’s sleep. A fantastic beauty herb and sex tonic. Longan adds luster and beauty to the skin. It is believed among the Chinese people that Longan is not only great for the skin, but is also a fantastic sex tonic. For that reason, Longan is considered a MUST for women who wish to be both beautiful and sensual – it has a 2000 year reputation as a special love tonic. Longan nurtures the heart. According to traditional Chinese herbal theory, Longan directly nourishes the heart, promoting heart health.   Usage: Logan is a great every day snack. Longan’s iron content makes it an excellent supplement to a vegetarian or low-animal-protein diet. Give it as a healthy snack in your kid’s lunch.  Contents: 1 pound bag dried longan berries
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Young Lungs 100 capsules 500mg each
Young Lungs    The Lungs control Qi. By increasing and decreasing the rate and depth of respiration, one can control one’s energy. Healthy Lungs are moist and clean.    A number of important tonic herbs are traditionally used to enhance the health of the Lungs, and these herbs naturally moisten the Lungs. These herbs are especially useful in dry environments and may be of special importance to those who smoke. All of the herbs in Young Lungs help to improve respiratory efficiency, moisten the respiratory membranes, clear the lungs of phlegm and toxins, and help maintain the immuno-competence of the respiratory system. This is an excellent tonic for those living in poor air quality environments and for those who have experienced weak lungs. It is also an excellent tonic for athletes who require superior respiratory functioning. It is a superb formula for those who are training their lungs and for practitioners of qigong and yoga.   Yin tonic herbs cab help improve the fluid balance in the Lungs. Young Lungs contains the full range of Yin tonic herbs that specifically nourish the Lungs and help remove unhealthy sputum.    American Ginseng is a Yin tonic herb, especially nourishing to the Lungs and skin. American Ginseng is cool in nature. It is an excellent Qi tonic and is widely used to strengthen respiratory function.    Tremella mushroom is strengthens the vital energy, harmonizes the blood and nourishes the brain. It enriches the Kidneys, lubricates the Lungs, promotes the secretion of saliva, nourishes the stomach, and is able to lubricate the intestines.    Glehnia root is a Yin tonic that moistens the lungs and replenishes fluids. Schizandra is a supertonic herb with many actions. It is one of the premier Lung tonics of Chinese herbalism. Schizandra helps rejuvenate the Lungs. Schizandra provides Qi to the Lungs and helps the Lungs further extract Qi from the air we breathe. Adenophora Root has similar properties to Glehnia Root and even looks very similar. It is very useful for resolving and dissolving heated phlegm. Licorice is an excellent Lung tonic. It builds Qi and moistens the Lungs and throat. This herb also helps eliminate toxins from the body and to harmonize the herbs in this formula.   Prince Ginseng (Pseudostellaria Root) is used primarily in tonics to build Qi and to strengthen the Lungs. It is an excellent Lung tonic that generates proper Lung fluids, improves breathing, and helps relieve coughing associated with dryness. Ophiopogon is primarily used as a Yin tonic, and especially as a Yin tonic to the Lungs. It is excellent for moistening any dryness in the body, and especially that of the Lungs. It is cooling and helps relieve dryness due to heat. It is a great herb for people who experience hot, dry lungs.*   Traditional Function: Tonifies Lung Qi, nourishes Lung Yin.*   Who Can Use It: Anyone, and especially those who wish to improve the condition of the Lungs by nurturing the fluids of the Lungs.   Specifications: 100 capsules 500mg each   Ingredients: Tremella fruiting body, Glehnia root, Ophiopogon tuber, Schizandra fruit, Pseudostellaria root tuber, Polygonatumrhizome, Trichosanthes root, White Mulberry leaf, Dolichoris seed, Chinese Licorice root, American Ginseng root.   Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsules**, rice powder.   Usage: Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.   Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word – Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.”   **Pullulan caps 100% natural, water- soluble polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process; vegetable origin; non-GMO; no starch, preservatives or chemical modifications; gluten free.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Strength Builder 100caps 500mg
Real strength comes from the Three Treasures. These are the fundamental energies of life. All strength is rooted in Jing, the primal energy of life. When Jing is abundant, the body has the root power it needs to work and play vigorously and to live a long, successful life. Strength Builder is designed to build and preserve Jing. Strength Builder can be used to strengthen the skeletal and muscular systems and is particularly useful as a tonic for those who use both their brains and their physical strength to succeed.* Morinda root is an excellent Yang Jing tonic. Morinda root is an empowering herb, whose name in ancient times was “Strength Builder.” Morinda root is widely believed in China to increase mental power as well as physical strength. The Qi tonics in Strength Builder strengthen our assimilation and our respiration so that we can produce Qi and use it in our body. Qi tonics are valuable because they build immediate and lasting strength. This formula may be used by men and women wishing to increase athletic and/or sexual power, and by those interested in becoming generally more vital. Strength-building herbs headed by the herb Morinda Root – “the Strength Builder” Promotes vitality Increases inner and outer power (Jing and Qi) Helps strengthen muscle, bones and joints Made with superior grade tonic herbs Ingredients: Morinda root, Astragalus root, Prepared He Shou Wu root, Eucommia bark, Goji berries, Achyranthes root, Dipsacus asper root, Dang Gui root, Chinese Yam rhizome, Cornus fruit, Chinese White Peony root, Chinese Licorice root. Traditional Function Tonifies Yang Jing, Yin Jing and Blood * Enters the Kidney, Lungs, Spleen and Liver channels. Dual direction, both toward the core and exterior channels and collaterals. Sightly warming in temperature. Who can use it? Adults Concentration 8:1 Specifications 100 Capsules, 500mg each Other Ingredients Pullulan polysaccharide, Rice powder, Bamboo extract powder, Rice Extract Blend. Dosage Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Super Jing 100caps (500mg)
Super Jing Super potent Jing restoration and maintenance Deer Placenta, Cordyceps, Dendrobium stems, Eucommia bark and 8 other superb tonic herbs Helps restore lost Jing Supports healthy stress response Made with top quality herbs Supports Taoist yoga practice Quick acting Jing tonification Product DescriptionSuper Jing is a powerful primal essence formulation suitable for those who require maximum restoration of Jing. Super Jing tonifies Kidney essence (Yin and Yang), builds blood and tonifies Qi. This formula contains most of the major Jing tonic herbs. It also contains powerful yet gentle Qi tonics that enhance vitality. Super Jing Formulation is thus a blend of Yin and Yang tonics designed to build the entire system up from the roots. It is suitable for those who seek maximum restoration of Jing.*Ingredients: Cordyceps mycelium powder, Deer Placenta powder, Dendrobium stem, Chinese Asparagus root, Raw Rehmannia root, Astragalus root, Eucommia bark, Prepared Rehmannia root, Cornus fruit, Codonopsis root, Ophiopogon tuber, Phellodendron bark.Traditional FunctionTonifies Kidney essence (Yin and Yang), builds blood, tonifies Qi.* Neutral in temperature formula that enters the interior primarily through Kidney and Liver channels.Who can use it?It is suitable for adults who seek maximum restoration of JingSpecifications100 Capsules, 500mg eachOther IngredientsPullulan polysaccharide, Rice powder, Bamboo extract powder, Rice Extract Blend.DosageTake 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.