Ancestral Supplements Ancestral Supplements - Female Enhancement Mixture (FEM) 180caps 500mg
NOURISH YOUR WAY TO HEALTH & HARMONY WITH FEMALE ENHANCEMENT MIXTURE  (FEM) * For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose to tail) the things we needed for strength, health, and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth. In the modern world, women unknowingly struggle to fulfill their nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where most women are struggling with hormone imbalances, ovarian issues, low libido, and infertility. The solution is to address the root cause with dietary, lifestyle, and behavioral choices. Consuming a nose to tail, ancestral diet nourishes and supports women’s health with proven anthropological practices that are backed by modern science. This includes the consumption of ovary, uterus, , fallopian tubes and of course, liver and bone marrow… all found within our Female Enhancement Mixture with (FEM). WOMEN EVOLVED NURTURING Written by my friend River Universe While men evolved fighting, hunting, providing, protecting, and persevering (they're hard-wired to do so), women evolved nurturing, caretaking, toolmaking, and teaching (we're hard-wired to do so). Our children evolved watching, modeling, and helping us protect and perform. Everyone was needed, everyone was important, and everyone knew their role. Many modern day women are struggling to fulfill all the roles in front of them. So many of us have chosen roles that require us to be away from our homes, away from our families and integrated into the modern world of tech and desk jobs. All the while, we don’t have the nutritional support to keep us going, we burn out, our hormones crash and our drive diminishes. Our sense of purpose is often lost in the monotony of modern day careers and our stress levels increase with every new deadline. Our health is suffering from a lack of quality nutrition, tribal bonding, and proper movement. We’ve been told not to lift weights because it will make us look bulky and less feminine (this is a far cry from the truth)! Our female ancestors were lifting and carrying heavy loads all day long. Imagine these women, with children strapped to their back (and more following closely behind them). They were carrying pots of water, baskets of food, clay, and materials for tool making… often covering multiple miles. Our ancestors were strong, energetic, and found deep purpose in caring for their families. Women have always upheld the archetype of The Great Mother... we were the supreme nurturers who cared for and brought new tribe members into the world. Most women have simply lost touch with one of our most profound true feminine purposes… to nurture and teach the next generation of our people. This starts with nurturing and caring for ourselves, consuming nose to tail nutrition, and adopting lifestyle habits that support optimal female health like weight training, grounding, connecting deeply with our tribe (family), etc. OUR ANCESTORS HONORED THE DIVINE BOVINE Throughout history, humanity has been deeply connected to the bovine. These sacred animals not only provided our ancestors with nose to tail nourishment to support optimal health, they were also regarded as a symbol of fertility and motherhood. Our ancestors honored cattle as an archetypal Great Mother. There are several ancestral creation stories and one of them tells of a great cow goddess… she represented the primal waters, the maternal source for the creation of the world. The cow goddess was said to have given birth to the sun at the beginning of time. Cattle in their various forms have been revered in religions and cultures around the world. In ancient Egyptian astrology, the cow was worshipped as the goddess of joy and the nourisher of all things. In Celtic, Greek, and Norse mythology, cows have been associated with wealth and even credited with ‘mothering’ humanity. These mother creatures represent fertility, femininity, and the virtuous traits of sustenance and abundance. BENEFITS OF FEMALE ENHANCEMENT MIXTURE W/ (FEM) Traditional peoples, Native Americans, and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual. For instance, the traditional way of treating a person with a weak heart was to feed the person the heart of a healthy animal. Similarly, eating the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes and glands of a healthy animal was known to support fertility and optimal female health. This is known as “like supports like”. [ Organs and glandulars were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.*[1] Our early ancestors knew this, which is why their traditional diets included the frequent and nourishing consumption of nose-to-tail nutrients. ] Whole food, nutrient dense organs, and glands can provide great benefit for those seeking fundamental support in harmony with nature — the old fashioned way, the way that our early ancestors did. FEM is a whole food and dietary supplement that provides grass fed and grass finished bovine ovary, uterus, fallopian tubes, gland, liver, and bone marrow with female specific building blocks peptides, cofactors, and enzymes to nourish and support optimal female health. Dr. Royal Lee, and other early nutritional pioneers, believed the degenerative processes of a specific organ / gland could be reversed by ingesting the corresponding raw materials specific to that organ / gland. *[2] OVARY, rich in female-specific hormones, peptides, and enzymes, supports optimal hormone balance.  Located within the pelvic cavity on each side of the uterus are the ovaries, a central part of women’s reproductive system. These female-specific glands perform two major functions...first and foremost, women’s ovaries are responsible for the storage and monthly maturation of the primordial germ cells (undifferentiated stem cells). Essentially these are the eggs from which all new life will come forth. Healthy ovaries are at the forefront of the survival and health of future generations.Secondly, ovaries secrete estrogen and progesterone as well as a small amount of testosterone into the bloodstream. When the ovaries are healthy, these hormones will be secreted in perfect harmony with each other. These hormones are responsible for the release of an egg (ovulation). If these hormones are out of balance, health begins to decline, infertility arises, and women struggle to maintain their energy, drive, and mood.An adequate supply of ovary specific vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and peptides, is required to support the optimal function of the ovaries. Bovine Ovary contains all of these specific nutrients and has been shown to *[3]: Improve the integrity of ovarian cells* Reduce hormonal acne, ovarian cysts, and female facial hair growth* Improve mood and PMS related symptoms* Restore menstruation in those who should have menstrual cycles, normalize menstrual flow* Reduce cramps and hot flashes* Reverse infertility* Support libido* UTERUS, rich in uterine specific peptides and enzymes can help to restore the endometrial lining. While the ovaries produce eggs and are the conductors of hormonal harmony, the uterus (latin for womb) is the cradle of life where the miracle of birth begins. The womb is the space where women derive their strength, femininity, and fundamental womanhood. This hollow, pear-shaped organ provides the structural integrity for the female reproductive system and also supports the bladder, bowel, and pelvic bones. It is a strong muscular organ that has the ability to stretch exponentially, so that it can nourish and support a growing fetus, as well as powerfully contract to move the baby out during birth.Lining the uterine cavity is a moist mucous membrane, known as the endometrium. In the course of a woman’s monthly cycle, the endometrial lining goes through vascularization, a process that synchronizes with ovulation, in which micro blood vessels proliferate causing the endometrium to grow thicker in preparation for pregnancy. If a woman does not become pregnant, the top layers of the endometrium along with blood from the blood vessels are shed and flow out during menstruation.If conception does occur the endometrium will become the nest for the fertilized egg and eventually develop into the maternal portion of the placenta.The networks of blood vessels and nerves in the uterus direct blood flow to the ovaries and to the external genitalia which supports sexual function.An adequate supply of uterine specific vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and peptides are required to support the optimal function of the uterus. Bovine Uterus contains all of these specific nutrients and has been shown to *[4]: Improve the integrity of uterus cells* Reduce inflammation of the lining of the uterus (endocervicitis)* Reduces pain associated with endometriosis* Reduce uterine cysts and aid with uterine displacement* Relieve post-partum depression* Support the uterus to contract back to normal size after childbirth* FALLOPIAN TUBE, rich in fallopian tube specific proteins, peptides, and enzymes has been shown to increase fertility. Extending from either side of the uterus are the muscular j-shaped fallopian tubes that connect the uterues to each ovary. Inside, fallopian tubes are lined with delicate hair-like structures. These “hairs” work in both directions; helping an egg to travel from the ovaries down to the womb (uterus) and helping sperm travel up from the womb towards an egg. Each fallopian tube ends in fimbriae, which are finger-like structures. The fimbriae catch and guide an egg when the ovary releases it. The fallopian tubes play an important role in conception because most eggs are fertilized within the fallopian tubes. If any part of the fallopian tube is damaged, for example by surgery or an infection, they can become blocked by scar tissue and reduce fertility and optimal overall function. Our functional health care practitioners report that an adequate supply of fallopian specific vitamins, minerals, enzymes, protiens and peptides are required to support the optimal function of the fallopian tubes. Bovine Fallopian Tube contains all of these specific nutrients and has been shown to * Reduce inflammation of the fallopian tubes* Increase the chance of egg fertilization* Restore the integrity of the fallopian cells* Reduce scar tissue and aid in recovery from fibroid removal* Reduce pain in the pelvis associated with blocked fallopian tubes* Support the fallopian tube micro biome* , rich in specific peptides and enzymes helps to support the proper development and function of breast tissue. All mammalian mothers hold a great sense of purpose in nourishing their young with the life-giving milk that flows from the glands. It is this specific characteristic that gave our class its name... mammal is derived from the Latin word mamma which means breast.Within the female breast exists a perfect combination of glands, adipose, and collagenous tissue. The gland is composed of milk-transporting lactiferous ducts which expand extensively in response to a woman’s hormone fluctuation during puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and even during her monthly cycle. Breast tissue development begins when a young female is still in the womb of her own mother and will continue up until her first pregnancy when her glands fully develop. After she goes through menopause, the reduction of estrogen causes the connective tissues of the breasts to lose elasticity, and without proper nutrition, breasts can lose their shape. glands are among the most intelligent glands in the female reproductive system. These glands have the ability to decode the saliva of a newborn mammal and generate the perfect quality of milk needed to support the newborn's immune system and gut health. In order to produce breast milk, her glands will derive nutrients from her bloodstream, remove excess iron, and then concentrate sugar, fat, protein, and micronutrients into the sustenance that develops our complex brains and growing bodies.Our ancestors never had access to formula. Native mothers nursed exclusively until age 2 and most children still nursed until age 3-5. Native women didn’t struggle with poor breast health, improper development, fibrocystic breasts, nipple infections, poor milk supply, etc.The topic of breast health in the modern world is often only spoken about in relation to a disheartening statistic... one out of every eight American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in her lifetime. *[5] For most women, it's not a matter of if…. it's simply a matter of when. Supporting optimal breast health should be a high priority for all modern women. An adequate supply of specific vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and peptides is required to support the optimal function of the glands. Bovine contains all of these specific nutrients and has been shown to *[6]: Improve the integrity of cells* Support the proper development of breast tissue* Reduce mastitis, nipple pain, inflammation, congestion, and lactation difficulties* Reduce inflammation of the lymph nodes* Reduce menstrual pain* Reduce fibrocystic breasts* LIVER & BONE MARROW Grass fed liver is one of the most nutrient-dense, health promoting foods you could possibly eat. Grass fed liver is particularly rich in B vitamins, vitamin A, choline, folate, and many other powerful nutrients that most people are deficient in. Grass fed liver also contains compounds that help the human liver function better. Other substances in liver increase energy, improve hormone health, and support brain function.Bone Marrow contains all the nutrients, specialized cells (including stem cells and base cells), collagen, growth factors, fat soluble activators, and substances that the body uses to build, repair, and maintain our living bones, connective tissues, and more. In the Chinese paradigm, bone marrow is considered the deepest tissue of the body and contains the essence of the being. Itʼs an interesting correlation to consider that modern science has shown that within bone marrow are high concentrations of stem cells, the very organizing influences, and genetic material, for the being. It is these essential nutrients that help our bodies continue to build healthy, vital constitutions and repair cellular damage.Many people look to targeted support "like supports like" while neglecting the very fundamental nourishment that governs our biology, health, and well-being. It's no wonder that so many people successfully support organ and glandular related health conditions (thyroid, adrenal, and gut included) by just nourishing their bodies with the fundamentals — Liver and Bone Marrow.   ANCESTRAL WISDOM BACKED BY SCIENCE [FEMALE SPECIFIC PEPTIDES & ENZYMES] Based on the concept of "like supports like," consuming FEM may strengthen and support women’s ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes and glands… This ancestral superfood is especially rich in uterus, ovary, and specific enzymes and peptides. These essential nutrients all work synergistically with each other in harmony with nature, and in harmony with the wisdom of our ancestors.Peptides are tissue-specific information molecules, which influence gene expression, start the process of protein synthesis in cells, and regulate proper cell functioning. Enzymes are biological catalysts that encourage metabolic, catabolic, and digestive processes in the body, in other words, they help cells rebuild and detoxify.A young, healthy womans sex organs consistently produce an optimal amount of peptides and enzymes, but as she ages and is impacted by a number of different stressors ( environmental toxins, poor nutrition, stress, etc.) her ovaries, uterus, and glands will decrease protein synthesis and no longer be able to form new peptides or enzymes. Deficiency of these nutrients results in cellular dysfunction, degenerative diseases, and accelerated aging.One of the most effective ways to counter this deficiency is the consumption of ovary, uterus, fallopian and specific peptides and enzymes, by consuming their respective glandulars (FEM). While ovarian peptides and enzymes are only found within ovarian tissues, the same goes for uterus, and so on... it turns out mammalian specific peptides and enzymes are bio-identical to one another. In other words, bovine peptides and enzymes are accepted by the human body as our own endogenous substances. Consuming FEM supplies a woman’s body with peptides and enzymes her body can recognize and use. 100% NEW ZEALAND  Pasture Raised In New Zealand Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents 100% Freeze Dried & Non-Defatted Third Party Tested For Purity Allergen Free New Zealand — Our product is 100% sourced in New Zealand. In agricultural circles and fisheries, it's known that the clean air and water, green pastures, and animal husbandry is at a higher level — Ultra Pure — Our product is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc) — Freeze Dried — Our product is 100% freeze dried in contrast to the heat processed varieties. This means that you get more of the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors that make organ meats so incredibly nourishing — Safety — There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance programme is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring — CONSIDER THE SOURCE New Zealand seems like it was made for raising healthy animals. Its location and climate produce pristine conditions for cattle, sheep, and fish. The farmers and fishers have uncanny expertise handed down for generations. New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate so the grass in the pastures grows fresh and grows green year-round which means the cows and sheep can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year.  Our nose-to-tail product line is always from grassfed, inspected animals born and raised without the use of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Health of livestock used for manufacturing in New Zealand is closely monitored by a world leading biosecurity system that is second to none, and is a global exemplar. Strict government licensing, auditing and certification procedures mean that our genuine New Zealand freeze dried products can be used with complete confidence in their origin, safety and efficacy. Freeze-drying preserves the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors of components leaving the nutrients in the same balance as found in nature. We care deeply about each and every aspect of our "seed to supplement" way of life... great love and gratitude goes out to the souls of our animal brethren, such beautiful creatures that were sacrificed so that we could be nourished. * Our product line is 100% additive-free. Absolutely no stearates, lubricants, binders, fillers or flow agents... except with our Bone and Marrow (see Other Ingredients) * SUPPLEMENT FACTS Serving Size: 6 Capsules Servings Per Container: 30 AMOUNT PER SERVING Grass Fed Reproductive Tissue (Bovine) 1200MG — Ovary, Uterus, and Fallopian Tubes Grass Fed (Bovine) 600MG Grass Fed Liver (Bovine) 600MG Grass Fed Bone Marrow (Bovine) 600MG OTHER INGREDIENTS:  (Beef Gelatin) Capsules SUGGESTED USE: Six capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. MANUFACTURED IN THE USA: ANCESTRAL SUPPLEMENTS, LLC * FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. GRASS FED OVARY — Ovaries have been on the menu for native women of all ages... since the beginning of recorded history. Ovary is nature's most concentrated source of feminine essence. The potent signaling molecules support balanced hormone expression, libido and fertility (without disrupting internal feedback loops), and aid in the metabolic health of your ovaries. — GRASS FED UTERUS — Bovine Uterus supplies specific proteins, peptides, enzymes & cofactors along with molecular biodirectors (DNA instructions) to code and/or express the building of healthy tissue. High levels of B6 help support oxygen carrying red blood cells for reproductive health. — GRASS FED FALLOPIAN TUBES GRASS FED GLANDS — Based on the ancient ancestral wisdom that "like supports like '' consuming may nourish and support your own glands and breast tissue. The National Cancer Institute has studied bovine tissue with the intention of discovering specific properties that can help prevent breast cancer. — GRASS FED LIVER — Liver is nature's most nutrient dense superfood and it's extremely rich in B vitamins to support optimal hormone balance which can help to improve ovulation regularity, libido, skin health and also reduce hormonal acne, migraines, and PCOS *[9].— GRASS BONE MARROW — Bone Marrow is one of the most traditional and sacred foods cherished by our ancestors. Rich in calcium, Bone Marrow supports the liver in metabolizing estrogen which can relieve severe PMS, fibrocystic breasts, and decrease heavy menstrual bleeding.*[9] — GRASS FED FEMALE ENHANCEMENT MIXTURE W/ (FEM) CONTAINS... Proteins, Peptides, Enzymes, Stem Cells and Molecular Biodirectors Specific to Ovaries, Uterus, Fallopian Tubes, Glands, Liver & Bone Marrow The Super Nutrient Coenzyme Q10 (also known as CoQ10), Vitamin B12, Collagen And Elastin Preformed Vitamin A (aka retinol), Choline, Folate, Copper, Bio-Available Heme Iron Bone Matrix, Bone Marrow And Cartilage, High Concentrations Of Stem Cells, Growth Factors and Fat-Soluble Activators Glycosaminoglycans Naturally Present in Bone Matrix. Bone Marrow also contains high levels of a class of lipids known as alkylglycerols (AKGs for short) that have been shown to boost the immune system and prevent cancer. NOTE: There are two types of bone marrow: red marrow (also known as myeloid tissue) and yellow marrow. Red blood cells, platelets and most white blood cells arise in red marrow; some white blood cells develop in yellow marrow. Our bone marrow is exclusively sourced from calves which contains a predominance of red marrow.*[7] GRASS FED FEMALE ENHANCEMENT MIXTURE W/ (FEM) SUPPORTS...  Ovary, Uterus, Fallopian Tube, Gland, Liver & Bone Marrow Health Based On "Like Supports Like" * Hormone Balance, Libido, & Fertility Cardiovascular & Mitochondrial Health Immune Health, Cartilage, Joint & Collagen Health Methylation & Detoxification Pathways NOTE: For intensive support, consider the combination of FEM, Kidney, and Thyroid to support hormonal health, fertility, and estrogen detoxification. SUGGESTED USE (6 CAPSULES PER DAY) Our Grass Fed Female Enhancement Mixture w/ (FEM) is a whole food dietary supplement that provides ovary, uterus, fallopian tubes glands, liver and bone marrow within the ultimate food matrix. This supplement can be taken with (or) without food (even though it technically is food). The suggested use is 6 capsules a day or as directed by a healthcare professional — for added support, the dose can be doubled or tripled. If consuming more than six capsules at once, the doses should be separated by at least three hours to improve tolerability. As it relates to little ones, our Ancestral Supplements are 100% pure and they're encapsulated in 100% pure bovine gelatin. Since we do not add any stearates, lubricants, binders, fillers or flow agents, (except with our stand-alone Bone Marrow; see Other Ingredients), our products contain all the natural nourishing properties of grass fed organs as they exist in harmony with nature. In other words, if you would consider preparing homemade liver and onions (or) a homemade organ meat paté for a little one, our supplements would be no different — it's just food, whole-food at that! As it relates to dosing for kiddos, most of our functional healthcare practitioner accounts suggest 1 capsule for every 15-20 pounds of body weight. I always tell people that I put the care, attention and quality assurance into my products as if I am giving them to my family... because I am! My young boys, wife and I all take the Beef Liver, Beef Organs and Bone Marrow every day. POTENTIAL ISSUES (DETOX REACTION) Most customers tolerate our supplements without incident; however, approximately 5 to 10% of customers (usually with an autoimmune condition) may experience a detoxification reaction. Detoxification reactions go by many different names including healing reactions, healing crises, cleansing reactions (or) Herxheimer reactions with hallmark symptoms of nausea, headache, lethargy, dizziness and other flu-like symptoms. In this instance, detoxification reactions are generally an indication that detoxification pathways in the body are back online... cells suddenly have an opportunity to release an even greater than normal quantity of stored toxins, metabolic wastes, pathogens and unwanted material.A detoxification reaction is more likely to occur when starting with the full suggested serving size of 6 capsules per day. If you know that you are sensitive to supplements and/or you have an autoimmune condition, you may wish to start slow when adding this product to your current regimen. Tolerability can be greatly improved by starting with just 1 (or) 2 capsules a day and increasing by just 1 capsule every couple of days — this method may take a full few weeks to achieve the desired serving size of 6 capsules per day.If you know that you're ultra-sensitive to supplements, email us and we'll do everything we can to help. HIGH QUALITY ORGANS & GLANDS Okay, you're convinced! You're going to start incorporating nose-to-tail nourishment in your routine because, well... you're educated now... you understand, just as our early ancestors did, that they provide superlative health benefits that are missing in our modern diets. The next step is sourcing it. It's important that you source the highest quality because not all organs, glands and cartilage are created equal. Consider the source. Should Come From An Unpolluted Geographical Region — Isolated, Healthy, Pristine Lands and Waters Should Come From Pasture Raised or Wild Caught Animals Should Come From Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished Animals Should Come From Animals That Are Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free Should Also Be Ultra Pure... Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents, No Allergens Should Be Non-Defatted Should Be 100% Freeze Dried... Freeze Drying Preserves Heat Sensitive Biological Activity SUGGESTED SUPPLEMENTS (3) FOR EVERYONE If you're going to pick just one ancestral supplement to start with, make it our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER... unless you need targeted support with another specific organ system (see below). If you are going to pick two supplements, our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER and our GRASS FED BEEF ORGANS provide complementary and synergistic nourishment. If you can add a third supplement, GRASS FED BONE MARROW fills fat soluble nutrition gaps, provides stem cells, bovine cartilage, glycosaminoglycans and the fat soluble activators that nutrition giant Dr. Weston Price extensively wrote about. Grass Fed Beef Liver Grass Fed Beef Organs (liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, spleen) Grass Fed Bone Marrow On the other hand, if you're looking for targeted organ support, you may be interested in our GRASS FED TALLOW to support hormone health (or) our GRASS FED THYROID to support a struggling thyroid (or) our GRASS FED THYMUS to support thymus function and immune health... you get the picture.* We have a nose-to-tail product line that can be found on our "Products" page. If you can't find what you're looking for (or) you're not sure what you're looking for, send us an email and we'll do everything we can to help.  On the other hand, if you're looking for a complimentary product to take with FEM make it our GRASS FED BEEF KIDNEY... for increased estrogen detoxification support. If you are going to pick two supplements to add to FEM, our GRASS FED BEEF KIDNEY and our GRASS FED BEEF THYROID provide synergistic nourishment. If hormones are struggling because of poor thyroid function, you’ll need to address your thyroid health.  We have a nose-to-tail product line that can be found on our "Products" page. If you can't find what you're looking for (or) you're not sure what you're looking for, send us an email and we'll do everything we can to help. For women, try FEM. For men, try MOFO. FEMALE ENHANCEMENT MIXTURE W/ (FEM) SUMMARY Our genome has evolved with the nourishment of nose-to-tail dining since the beginning of time. Female Enhancement Mixture w/ (FEM) is a whole food and dietary supplement that provides 100% pure bovine ovary, uterus, fallopian tubes, glands, liver and bone marrow. Based on the concept of "like supports like," FEM may strengthen and support your own ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, glands and reproductive health. Many of our modern day functional practitioners use FEM to support fertility, hormone balance, and libido. A common protocol is to combine this product with our Grass Fed Thyroid. If low Thyroid is at play in hormone imbalance this may be the root cause that requires attention.Most customers, clients and patients notice significant improvement with 2 to 3 months of continuous use of FEM, Thyroid, and other Ancestral Supplements products, like Kidney (for extra estrogen detoxification support). Feel free to email us to see what we mean when we say that "we offer a one-of-a-kind ‘guided’ experience." ANCESTRAL PRACTICES TO ADDRESS ESTROGEN DOMINANCE Yes, I’m a man, but you’d be surprised what I’ve learned about estrogen due to how it impacted my own life. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals that favor estrogen dominance in the body are pervasive in our modern world. They have far-reaching health effects warranting concerns for both men and women. When I have this conversation with people, I always go back to the root-cause narrative. You can’t out-supplement these chemicals. To be healthy, and to stay healthy, we need a total systems approach with diet, lifestyle, and behavior. This is because our hormones operate on mostly negative feedback loops, whereby higher levels of a given hormone down-regulate production to maintain balance. Similarly, greater exposure to hormones will down-regulate the activity of receptors they bind to, so there is less hormonal signal being seen by the body.Hence why we need a total systems approach. Balancing estrogen naturally should be a major focus for both men and women, especially considering that almost everyone is bathing in phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens in the modern world. I know I was, ten years ago. I developed a lump in my chest, it grew, my estrogen was way higher than it should have been, I had estrogen dominance — as do many other men and women in the modern world.I eliminated all phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens from my life, which is one reason why I talk about not eating/drinking from, nor wearing non-native materials because this is yet another source of estrogen. I also provided my body with all the things it needs for detoxification, which includes heavily supporting liver and kidney health. Turns out, I am homozygous for the COMT gene, meaning that I have an 80% decreased capacity to clear estrogen (thanks mom and dad!). So, I further supported my methylation metabolism with lots and lots of liver and egg yolks. My estradiol (e2) went from >80 pg/mL to within 22–26 pg/mL, the lump totally went away, and my life is way, way, way better now as a result.Once again, think root cause… and yes, this is only one of them! In biological systems, it’s rarely one (or) the other that produces results (for good or bad), but rather the combination of diet, lifestyle, and behavior. All of that said, I’d like to introduce you to the wife, Barbara Johnson, to share how she avoids the dangers of the modern world with her ancestral lifestyle habits.
-8% sale
BEAM Minerals BEAM Minerals - Women's Complete Mineral Support Kit (Micro-Boost, Electrolyze, Happy-Lytes & Insta-lytes)
£103.95 £112.85
This complete kit has all the minerals and micronutrients a woman needs at every stage of life.  With The Advanced Set, for full-spectrum internal cellular support, plus Insta-Lytes for muscle aches or cramping (even Menstrual) and Happy-Lytes for the natural mood swings associated with hormonal changes.The Kit includes 4 Products:Micro-BOOST™: provides a full-spectrum of trace minerals, electrolytes and micronutrients plus amino acids and B vitamins in a 100% bioavailable liquid format.Electrolyze™: offers maximum support for cellular nutrition and the replenishment of electrolytes in the body.Happy-Lytes™: a rejuvenating electrolyte misting spray with Bergamot that provides a natural mood boost!  Insta-lytes™: a liquid fulvic electrolyte misting spray that provides super-charged electrolytes plus trace minerals and micronutrientsFor more information, view the full description of Micro-Boost, Electrolyze, Happy-Lytes & Insta-lytes.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Natural Woman - Bupleurum & Peony 100 Capsules (500mg)
Natural Woman™     a.k.a. Bupleurum and Peony Combination This traditional formulation is primarily used by women to support healthy hormone balance and establish physiological and psychological balance. It is used to support the regulatory functions that maintain the menstrual cycle. It has the additional function of supporting emotional balance. For that part of the month "when nothing's right." This formulation has been used for centuries with great success. This is the classical "Bupleurum & Peony Combination" made with premium grade herbs. It has been called “Man’s best friend.” Natural Woman™ supports a normal, healthy attitude during PMS. It has been used to relieve mild pain and discomfort. It can help quell mild nervous irritability, stress and frustration associated with the premenstrual and menstrual period.                                                                                                                        In addition to these benefits for premenstrual and menstrual women, Natural Woman™ helps nurture blood and supports the Kidney. By warming the Kidney function, this formula tends to support healthy female libido, metabolism and vitality.   Traditional functions: Nourishes blood, supports menstruation, stabilizes Shen. Supports functions associated with premenstrual balance. Provides mood support to premenstrual and menstrual women.*                    Who can use it? Women who wish to support their female cycle. Those women who experience mild mood changes, cramps, and edema associated with the menstrual cycle Concentration: 7:1 Specifications: 100 Capsules 500 mg each Ingredients Bupleurum root, Dang Gui root, Dried Ginger rhizome, Chinese White Peony root, Bai-zhu Atractylodes rhizome, Poria sclerotium, Tree Peony root bark, Chinese Licorice root, Chinese Mint leaf, Gardenia fruit. Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsules**, rice powder. Usage: Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional. Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word – Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.” **Pullulan caps 100% natural, water- soluble polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process; vegetable origin; non-GMO; no starch, preservatives or chemical modifications; gluten free.
Living Libations Living Libations Body & Breast Brush
The Best Body Brushes Ever! Oxygen atoms make up over 80% of the human body, making oxygen the true elixir of life. We thrive on negatively-charged oxygen ions that are inhaled through the air, absorbed through our drinking water, and ingested in the concentrated form of hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen ions connect us with the earth. They are found in the coastline of a beautiful beach, the elegant rush of a waterfall, each droplet of rain and every sparkling snowflake Oxygen ion levels are increased with air friction, which is created by dry-brushing the skin. Brushing also has massive benefits for the body’s circulatory and nervous systems. Facial Brush Our Facial Brush gently and effectively invigorates the delicate skin on the face, neck and décolleté, infusing each area with life-giving oxygen ions. Dry brush in a gentle, circular motion towards the hairline. Finish by cleansing and moisturizing with one of our  Best Skin Evers. Body and Breast Brush This brush is the perfect size and texture to dry-brush the entire body, while still being gentle enough to caress delicate breasts. While most body brushes are made with course, rough bristles, the Body and Breast Brush is powerful yet gentle enough for all areas of the body. Begin with a single drop of our Verve + Tonic on the bristles of your Body and Breast Brush. Infuse the entire body with negatively-charged oxygen ions before bathing or showering. Post-bath, shower or sauna, glide on our Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever and/or Breast Massage Oil and bask in the glory of truly radiant skin. Energy Dry BrushUpgrade your dry brushing game with our Energy Brush is made with bronze bristles that contain real copper and zinc. The molecular structure of these robust bristles allows ions to be captured by the skin. Energy abounds as the body is revved by this special dry brush. The Body and Breast Brush may be used every day, completely dry or with a single, potent drop of Verve + Tonic on the bristles. To clean the dry brushes, there are a couple of options...either pop them in boiling water for a few moments and let them dry in the sun, or just leave them in the sun, or suds with a pure soap and dry in sun. Clean Your Cleaners: Body Brushes, Dry Brushes, Toothbrushes & Wood Combs   Body Brushes and Dry Brushes Quickly dip the brushes in boiling water and then set them out in the sun for a few hours to dry.   Or, every few months, gently clean the brushes with a pure soap and rinse well. Then put them in the sun to dry.   Toothbrush After using your toothbrush, dip it in food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is safe to put in your mouth and will deter unfriendly bacteria from growing on the brush.   Wood Combs Avoid soaking your wood comb in water to avoid swelling and splitting.   Jojoba and coconut oil are beautiful for cleaning and conditioning our wood combs. Apply a small amount of oil to a clean cloth and carefully run the cloth between each tine to remove debris. If there is build-up from hair products on the comb, use a retired toothbrush to gently scrub it away. For fine toothed combs, try using a piece of unwaxed dental floss between the tines to work out any debris. Using a soft, absorbent cloth, wipe away any remaining oil.
Sold out
Feel Younger Feel Younger - Women's Hormonal Enhancement Formula 60caps
If you’d like to… Ease General PMS Symptoms Improve Your Mood & Anxiety Levels Improve the Health of Your Skin & Reduce Acne Sleep Better Boost Your Energy Boost Your Libido Cut Sugar Cravings that can lead to Poor Diet Choices Improve Your Ability to Cope With Stressful Situations Help Your Body Maintain Hormonal Homeostasis …you may want to give our Women’s Hormonal Enhancement supplement a try!As well as the benefits listed above, this product can potentially give you many other benefits, such as: Relieve Symptoms of the Menopause & Ease Hot Flashes Improved Digestion Support Your Immune System Supporting the Health of Your Eyes Improved Bone & Joint Health Promoting Brain Function & Health Supporting Cardiovascular Health Helping to Regulate Blood Sugar Levels Anti-Inflammatory Support Antioxidant Support Why is it important to Support Your Body Throughout your Menstrual Cycle?As you know, PreMenstrual Syndrome (PMS) can change your body in a variety of different ways, and can wreak havoc on your everyday quality of life.Your body is high in estrogen and progesterone during the first 20 (ish) days of your cycle, as your body prepares for potential pregnancy. Because of the high levels of these hormones, you may feel more confident and in a better mood.But, just over mid-way through the cycle, if pregnancy hasn’t occurred, your body decreases estrogen and progesterone levels in preparation to shed the uterine lining. It is this drop in hormonal levels that many doctors believe to be the root cause of PMS, however this has never been fully scientifically confirmed.There’s also a change in the brain that occurs. Lower estrogen levels can cause norepinephrine (stress neurochemical) to be released, leading to serotonin (relaxation neurochemical) and dopamine (motivation & reward neurochemical) to be produced less, which results in sleeping problems and low mood.We also believe that subsequently lowered endorphins, endocannabinoids and oxytocin further reduce mood and increase pain and discomfort, but further studies need to be done to prove this.PMS commonly begins around day 22-24 of the menstrual cycle. Not everyone experiences all the symptoms of PMS, and the intensity of the symptoms experienced can vary.The symptoms of PMS can include: Mood swings, upset, anxiety and/or irritableness Stomach pain and/or bloating Tender breasts Headaches Acne/greasy/spotty skin Greasy hair Change in appetite Change in libido Overly tired, or trouble sleeping Some women experience these symptoms particularly badly, leading to a condition called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), which is a more severe version of PMS.Addressing as many of these symptoms as possible can lead to a better quality of life in the weeks leading up to and during menstruation, as well as increasing your confidence knowing that your life won’t be affected as much by something that was once out of your control.What can intensify PMS?There are many things that can actually worsen PMS symptoms, so it’s best to reduce or if possible eliminate: Caffeine Smoking Alcohol consumption Not exercising regularly Poor sleep, or not enough of it Poor diet. Although these factors will make PMS worse when done at any time, they can especially make things worse while you are suffering from the symptoms.Can you test for PMS?The most common symptoms of PMS are: Mood swings, upset, anxiety and/or irritableness Stomach pain and/or bloating Tender bosoms Headaches Acne/greasy/spotty skin Greasy hair Change in appetite Change in libido Overly tired, or trouble sleeping If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s best to make all the lifestyle changes in the section below, and give them time to see if they help your situation.If none of these changes help in the long run, consult your physician.The Top 7 Ways to Improve Your PMS SymptomsRegardless of how intense your PMS symptoms are, there are plenty of things you can do to help lessen the effects of the symptoms: Eat a clean, nutrient dense organic diet. Good diet will provide your body with the nutrients and minerals it needs to maintain homeostasis and better deal with the hormonal imbalance you experience during PMS [1].On the flip side, eating foods high in salt can lead to increased bloating and water retention. Excess sugar leads to inflammation and increased cramping. Foods high in saturated fats and trans-fatty acids can also intensify PMS symptoms. Stop Drinking (excess) Caffeine. Drinking too much caffeine can increase stress, anxiety and irritableness [2]. This is because caffeine stimulates the “fight or flight” response, putting your body into high alert predator mode, worried that something is around the corner! Quit Smoking. We all know that smoking isn’t a healthy habit… but did you know that it can actually affect your estrogen and progesterone levels, enhancing the debilitating effects of PMS? [3] Alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol can interfere with women’s hormones, resulting in higher blood estrogen levels causing mood swings and irritability. A sedentary lifestyle. If you’re not exercising enough (a minimum of 150 minutes a week is recommended) you’re not making use of the natural PMS-busting feelings you’ll get from being active [4]. When you’re physically active, you’ll experience improved mood, circulation and blood flow, while also helping to regulate your hormone levels. Poor sleep, or not enough of it. When you’re sleep deprived, or have poor quality sleep, you’re more susceptible to stress [5], and your overall stress levels will be higher. This increase in stress knocks your body's hormones out of balance (fight or flight again).As if more stress wasn’t bad enough, sleep deprivation (or poor quality sleep) also impacts your emotions, appetite and mental clarity.If sleep is something you struggle with, you can try supplementing with our Sleep Aid Ultra product.If stress is something you struggle with, you can try supplementing with our Serenity Anti-Stress Support, 5 HTP and Saffron products - 5 HTP and Saffron can also help with sleep). Provide your body with the nutrients and minerals it needs to better cope with PMS symptoms: B Vitamins 1, 3, 5, 6 & 12. B vitamins play a crucial role in your body to create ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - which carries energy from the food you eat to the cells in your body [6]. Ensuring you have sufficient levels of B vitamins in your body can help to boost your energy.Zinc. An extremely important mineral that plays a part in hundreds of functions and processes in your body. In particular, zinc can help to treat acne outbreaks that may occur as a PMS symptom, by helping to reduce inflammation [7].L-arginine. Nitric oxide plays a crucial role in your body's response to insulin, and L-arginine is needed to produce nitric oxide. By increasing nitric oxide you can help your body manage and use blood sugar more effectively [8]. This can potentially cut sugar cravings when you’re experiencing PMS symptoms.L-tyrosine. Can help boost your mood, because it is an important component for the production of dopamine (a “feel-good” hormone).Studies have also shown that l-tyrosine can help you better manage in stressful situations [9], potentially reducing irritability.Bioperine. A patented formula of piperine (an extract from black pepper) that can help the body to better absorb nutrients. It can also help to reduce inflammation (think acne, stomach cramps and bloating) [10], while also promoting glucose uptake in cells, again helping to reduce sugar cravings [11].Tribulus Terrestris. Can help to boost your libido [12], improve mood [13] and combat inflammation [14].Dong Quai. Also known as angelica root, this herb has been used in traditional chinese medicine for centuries to help treat symptoms of PMS. It can help relieve hot flashes and night sweats you might experience during PMS [15], as well as having a relaxing effect, helping to soothe anxiety and irritableness [16].Damiana. Found in Central America, the West Indies and Mexico - this wild shrub has been used traditionally to help treat stomach complaints and to help boost libido.Panax Ginseng. Animal studies have shown that panax ginseng can help raise energy production in cells, which can help to resolve fatigue [17].Ashwagandha. Classed as an adaptogen (helps the body deal with stress), and has been used traditionally for centuries to help reduce stress and anxiety [18]. It can also help to improve sleep [19].Introducing Feel Younger® Women’s Hormonal Enhancement FormulaWe understand that it’s not always easy, nor practical to implement a variety of lifestyle changes - especially all at once.We’d advise that you make as many of those changes as possible, but do so 1 or 2 at a time, make sure they stick and then move onto more.It’s also important to give these changes time to show if they are effective or not… For example - quitting smoking the day before you’re due to experience PMS symptoms is unlikely to have a profound effect.In the meantime, you can support your body with the essential nutrients and minerals it needs that can help you cope more easily with your PMS.That’s why we’ve included the above ingredients in our Women’s Hormonal Enhancement Formula, along with the following ingredients to further enhance the effects of our formula:Epimedium, Catuaba Powder, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginger, Maca Root, Muira Puama, Mucuna Pruriens Extract, Asparagus Extract & Sarsaparilla Root.By combining these ingredients together into an easy to swallow capsule, we’ve taken the stress out of buying each of these ingredients separately, researching and experimenting how much of each you should take and then incorporating them into your diet/supplement regime.How Do You Take Feel Younger® Women’s Hormonal Enhancement Formula?Take two capsules once a day.For optimum results, we recommend that you take this product for no less than 8 weeks.It’s also best to exercise regularly, and eat as clean and nutrient dense a diet as possible to further enhance the results.DO NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED DOSAGE.Any Cautions?This product is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. If this is you, consult your physician before use.Although rare, some ingredients can cause headaches, irritability, nausea, stomach upset and pain, insomnia, drowsiness, rashes or allergic reactions.If you have diabetes or are on medications such as blood thinners, antidepressants or ibuprofen/naproxen, or any such medications for pain, anxiety and insomnia, you should contact your physician before taking this product.ALWAYS consult a healthcare professional before taking any new supplements. Scientific References
-9% sale
BEAM Minerals BEAM Minerals - Ultimate Wellness Kit (Micro-Boost, Electrolyze, Insta-Lytes, Happy-Lytes)
£119.40 £130.80
Discover total wellness with our curated ultimate wellness bundle. This collection features our best-selling wellness essentials to care for your mind, body and soul. The Ultimate Wellness kit includes:Micro-BOOST™: A powerhouse of trace minerals, electrolytes, micronutrients, amino acids, and B vitamins, all in a 100% bioavailable liquid format, ensuring immediate absorption and effectiveness​​.Electrolyze™: This vital supplement offers unparalleled support for cellular nutrition and electrolyte replenishment, fortifying your body's essential functions​​.Insta-lytes™: A rapid-acting, liquid fulvic electrolyte spray, Insta-Lytes delivers critical electrolytes and micronutrients directly to where your body needs them most, providing instant relief from cramps and aches​​.Happy-Lytes™: An uplifting electrolyte misting spray infused with therapeutic grade Bergamot Essential Oil. Breathe in the goodness for a natural mood boost and an energized body​​.Our hand-selected wellness products work in harmony to promote whole-body health and an overall sense of well-being. The Ultimate Wellness Kit has everything you need to find balance and feel your best.For more information, view the full description of Micro-Boost, Electrolyze, Insta-Lytes, Happy-Lytes.
-8% sale
BEAM Minerals BEAM Minerals - Stress Relief Kit (Micro-Boost, Electrolyze, Happy-Lytes & Boo-Boo-Lytes)
£105.00 £113.85
It's a stressful world we live in, but much of the stress we experience comes from the inside.  This kit provides internal mineral support to fuel your cells and additional support for the momentary mental and emotional stresses of daily life.Micro-BOOST™: provides a full-spectrum of trace minerals, electrolytes and micronutrients plus amino acids and B vitamins in a 100% bioavailable liquid format.Electrolyze™: offers maximum support for cellular nutrition and the replenishment of electrolytes in the body.Happy-Lytes™: is a rejuvenating electrolyte misting spray with the added bonus of 100% pure therapeutic-grade Bergamot Essential Oil. Happy-Lytes™ gives the body a boost and natural mood lift!BooBoo-Lytes™: is a pain-relieving electrolyte misting spray for minor cuts, abrasions, burns, and bug bites.For more information, view the full description of Micro-Boost, Electrolyze, Happy-Lytes & Boo-Boo-Lytes.
-9% sale
BEAM Minerals BEAM Minerals - Ultimate Keto Support Kit (Micro-Boost, Electrolyze, Insta-Lytes & Electro-Boost)
£152.50 £165.80
The Ultimate Keto Support Kit is the key to a successful low-carb life. Providing all the electrolytes and micronutrients you need to maintain healthy ketosis, carb cycling, and muscle tone. These four powerhouses will keep you in a prime balanced state, every day.Electrolyze™ and Micro-BOOST™ provide a highly bioavailable source of electrolytes, trace minerals, micronutrients, vitamins, and amino acids as well as the intercellular delivery capacity to make them especially effective. The Electro-BOOST capsules offer full mineral coverage for people who travel or are particularly prone to chronic cramping or hydration issues. Insta-Lytes provides support for the acute cramping that can happen with deep ketosis.The Kit includes 4 Products:Electrolyze™: offers maximum support for cellular nutrition and the replenishment of electrolytes in the body.Micro-BOOST™: provides a full-spectrum of trace minerals, electrolytes and micronutrients plus amino acids and B vitamins in a 100% bioavailable liquid format.Insta-lytes™: provides fulvic electrolyte misting spray for an instant electrolyte recharge for your cramping musclesElectro-BOOST™: provides an added slow-acting form of micronutrient support for athletes or for very active people. For more information, view the full description of Micro-Boost, Electrolyze, Insta-Lytes & Electro-Boost.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Womans Balance (Bupleurum & Dang Gui) 500mg 100caps
Calms Shen Soothes Nerves Benefits the Liver Nourishes Blood Traditionally known as Bupleurum and Dang Gui Combination Made with superior quality raw materials Oil trap captures all essential oils so they are in this herbal extract   Product DescriptionWomen’s Balance is a famous Blood, Qi and Shen tonic. It is a harmonization formula that has been used widely by women throughout Asia for centuries. Women’s Balance nurtures, vitalizes, smoothes and regulates the flow of Qi and Blood. It normalizes digestive functions, and it is renowned for its ability to help maintain normal female balance and healthy reproductive/menstrual function.The tonic herbs in this formulation calm the central nervous system. Women’s Balance provides menopausal support. It has been used by tens of millions of women in Asia and around the world. It helps mitigate stress response, solidify sound sleep, regulate appetite, and promote healthy reproductive tissues and functions. It supports mood.Ingredients: Bupleurum root, Chinese Mint leaf, Dang Gui root, White Peony root, Fresh Ginger rhizome, Poria sclerotium, White Atractylodes rhizome, Chinese Licorice root.Traditional FunctionTonify Qi and Blood, maintain healthy circulation, and stabilize Shen.*Who can use it?AdultsConcentration8:1Specifications100 Capsules, 500mg eachOther IngredientsPullulan polysaccharide, Rice powder, Bamboo extract powder, Rice extract blend.DosageTake 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional
-26% sale
Organifi Best Before January 2025 - Organifi Harmony 270g
£34.99 £46.99
Feel Good all Month Long We get it, you get to that “time of month” and you are dreading it. A week's worth of moodiness, bloating, headaches, unruly acne and so much more. Between running on caffeine, constant stressors, lack of sleep, chemicals in our environment and food, women are running on fumes. We have a little secret for you... you don't have to deal with those terrible PMS symptoms! Fill your cup with Harmony, so you can move confidently through your day knowing that your body is not only surviving, but thriving all month long. Made for Women. By Women. Here's the deal. We've all tried to pretend as if we are not dealing with fatigue, bloating, and mood swings. It's overwhelming. And we are ready for a change. We partnered with some of the world's best herbalists (who just happen to be women) to design a superfood blend that not only works to balance you body's hormones, but also has the taste of delicious chocolate. We all deserve to feel like the best version of ourselves... all the time! Harmony is made for women, by women, because we get it Carefully Chosen Ingredients for Women’s Health CACAO Criollo Cacao is a rare cacao - the cacao of the Mayas and Aztecs. It is packed full of polyphenols and the bliss molecule, known as anandamide, which helps with the feeling of balance MACA A high-antioxidant superfood originating from the Andes of Peru. Historically used to support balance while promoting enhanced energy and alertness. CHASTE BERRY Native to the Mediterranean. One of the most popular herbal remedies for PMS and cramps. An herb that encourages hormonal balance in women. SHATAVARI A well-known female rejuvenative herb that also has adaptogenic properties and is known to promote overall health. GINGER In addition to being a delicious spice, ginger is a medicinal herb, known for the ability to create balance and energy in the body. TURMERIC Native to India, this ancient medicinal root has been used for over 4,000 years for overall wellness. It’s loaded with antioxidants and health-promoting properties. COCONUT MILK The delicious liquid extracted from the pulp of mature coconuts. It’s an excellent source of medium-chain fatty acids and supports absorption of fat-soluble nutrients. Harmony combines powerful superfoods & adaptogens that have been used for centuries to support inner balance and bliss. With women in mind, this blend is designed so you can feel your very best, everyday. Organifi is Committed to Creating Superfood Blends with the Following Ingredient Quality Standards GLUTEN FREE SOY FREE DAIRY FREE VEGAN   Organifi Harmony is Ready in Less Than A Minute This superfood cacao can be easily added into water milk or milk alternatives. It is the perfect addition to your morning or mid-afternoon routine that will leave you feeling your best!
Living Libations Renegade Beauty: Reveal and Revive Your Natural Radiance--Beauty Secrets, Solutions, and Preparations Book (Nadine Artemis founder of Living Libations)
Rethink conventional notions of beauty and wellness, abandon elaborate regimes and synthetic products, and reveal your renegade beauty. In this essential guide, Nadine Artemis introduces readers to the concept of renegade beauty -  the art of doing less and allowing the elements and the life force of nature to revive the body, skin, and soul so our natural radiance can shine through. Anyone stuck in perpetual loops of new products, facials, and dermatologist appointments will find answers as Artemis illustrates the energizing elements of sun, fresh air, water, the earth, and plants. This book is a comprehensive resource for anyone who wants to simplify their self-care, take their health into their own hands, and discover their own radiant beauty. What is beauty? We all feel that a redefinition is in order, but the pioneers in this shift may come from a surprising arena. That is the intersection of science and spirituality, a vanguard front of change that will transform us from the inside out leaving us feeling nurtured, whole, and finally comfortable in our own skin. Renegade Beauty is a guide to this new terrain, complete with a personal roadmap for your own experience of beauty from the practical to the etheric. More than simply a beauty book, this is one of the most comprehensive guides to the new paradigm of health and medicine including essential myth-busting and evidence-based tips for true health and wellness. A long-time fan and supporter of Nadine's alchemical creations, this text reminds us how to get exactly where we most desire to go - home to the web of wonder that is the natural world. This book has soared to the top of my list for awakened vitality and self-healing. —KELLY BROGAN MD, Holistic Psychiatrist and Author of The NY Times Bestseller, A Mind of Your Own “Renegade Beauty melted me into the revelation that my body will heal –– and beautify –– if I stop short-circuiting it's power with chemicals and quick fixes. The beauty industry is a disempowering (and toxic) industry. Nadine's type of knowledge is the lotion and potion we need to apply.” —DANIELLE LAPORTE, author of The Desire Map and White Hot Truth “Nadine Artemis has been my essential oil mentor since I was 19 years old. She is a savant alchemist whose teachings are on the front lines of the self-care movement. I recommend her products and her teachings of profound visionary service to any and all.” —ALANIS MORISSETTE “Renegade Beauty poetically demonstrates Nadine’s devotion to glorifying true beauty— our inner beauty— and explores the ways we can harmonize with nature’s healing gifts and natural rhythms. A beautiful and unique book that offers far more than the beauty routine you might expect!” —ANTHONY WILLIAM, Author of Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal  “Simply reading Renegade Beauty made me feel more beautiful. Nadine’s scientific and poetic style equals the lavish abundance of nature that she extols to restore. I loved reading about beauty from Nadine's perspective.” —CAROL ALT, health advocate, actor, Fox News host, supermodel and author of A Healthy You The truth will set you free. Seek and thou shall find… These are universal truths that stand the test of time. And these virtues, it seems to me, are at the heart of what these words Renegade Beauty mean. The pursuit of vitality is navigated through deep listening. We quickly burn through our youthful reserves, as few of us have been taught how to replenish. The loss of this vital energy is key as to whether we live an inspired life. (One must have stamina to pursue what one dares to imagine.) Nature has always been my teacher, so to turn to her divine intelligence as the source of my healing, renewed potency, and sustained power simply makes sense. All around us we see what is to become of us: old-age, illness, death… It is mimicked in nature all around us. No flower stays in full bloom forever. The wither comes for us all. Thank you, Nadine, for generously sharing your life’s passion with us. Guiding us and reminding us what we know is true. She ain’t called Mother Nature for nuthin’. She is what we are made of. Therefore, it is she that can heal us. The beauty one seeks IS the gift returned by the vitality lived in pursuit of these Truths. Stay thirsty - and let Them spill unto Thee. There is no way to peace; peace is the way. —LISA BONET ~ LILAKOI MOON  “Finally! The truth about beauty and skincare from someone I love and trust whose book will be a bible on the bookshelf for my three girls.  I am most excited that this book will positively impact the future generations of young girls and women who are becoming aware earlier and younger in their lives of the emphasis society places on appearance and beauty. Nadine's knowledge and her deep wisdom about the body and what TRULY creates beauty is obvious and will be a relief for women everywhere. And, young women will be armed with knowledge of what to avoid and what to embrace and all with the poetic beauty that springs forth from this magical woman's heart.” —MUNEEZA AHMED, Medical Intuitive, Nutrition & Emotional Wellness Coach  Paperback: 448 pages Publisher: North Atlantic Books (Nov. 14 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1583949690 ISBN-13: 978-1583949696 Product Dimensions: 15.5 x 2.3 x 23.1 cm Shipping Weight: 835 g Review(s) A must have for anyone interested in chemical free beauty. I wish I could give this book more stars. Nadine is incredible, I love her products and ethos. I have been looking forward to this book for a long time and it way exceeds expectations. A must have for anyone interested in chemical free beauty. From One of the best books on wellness and healthy, clean, non-toxic lifestyle therre is today. One of the best books on wellness and healthy, clean, non-toxic lifestyle there is today. Nadine is a fantastic researcher and at the same time her language is so poetic, in this book you will find a wealth of knowledge presented to you like a linguistic gift. Selfcare was never as sexy as it comes in this gem. The best beauty book I have ever had the pleasure of reading! The best beauty book I have ever had the pleasure of reading! Highly recommend to those wanting to get away from the chemical rubbish throw into all our products and use natural ways to keep ourselves healthy and happy! Poetically scientific - my new beauty bible I love everything about this book. The amount of scientific information is incredible but not at all overwhelming - Nadine has a way of turning it into poetry so it's beautiful as well as informative. I keep coming back to it, it's my new beauty and wellness bible! I can't wait to have some time to create some of the amazing recipes, Beach Breeze Hair Spray and Cleopatra Charcoal Mascara are top of my list! Every woman who cares about her beauty (inside and out) should own this book. This book is a dream! Get it! This book is an essential, must-have for anyone even remotely interested in wellness and natural healing. Nadine has poured her heart and soul and extensive wisdom in this gorgeous gem of a book. She has generously shared her knowledge on how to spark your own vitality from head to toe and inside and out. She covers so much and has a great index in back that you can easily search to continue using this book as the precious resource that it is - forever. Not only is it filled with great information, tips and resources, it is filled with gorgeous poetry and images throughout which make it even more of a pleasure to read and look things up in. With this fabulous book, we can learn so much more about how to care for ourselves and our loved ones with the beauty and gifts of Nature. This book is a dream! Get it! Feels like a meditation BIG thanks and-if possible-a hug to Nadine for her books and work... I have been for many many years ago happy about aromatherapy and participated in some courses in aroma massage ,.....using etheric oils on and off through all my life.... But when reading -first the "tooth book" and now the "beauty book" from Nadine- it feels like a meditation for me. I resonate so strongly with her words and messages /and the way she says it/ , that I really love and appreciate that. It´s far beyond the cognitive understanding of it...and this is, what feels like a present for me, being normally too much in my left hemisphere... ..Blessed be your products, your company and all of you over there I have been so thankful for this book “I think we must stop treating beauty as a thing or quality, and see it instead as a kind of communion.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I have been so thankful for this book as of late- returning to it over and over again for wisdom and affirmation. Especially within the past few days. Nadine’s view of beauty and life is poetic and makes my heart soar. We need more of this, for as I post more on here I also spend more time scrolling through images of others trying to create space for themselves, which can be inspiring and refreshing but can also be down right infuriating and disheartening. So many popular bloggers are posting about these expensive, luxurious beauty items and supplements and must dos and haves for self care and it's alarming. Women and men alike are getting the message that it's just ONE more item or ONE more to-do before they achieve full satisfaction with themselves; before they feel like they're caring adequately for themselves. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I understand betterment and I understand wishing to help others achieve this. However, I wish more people spoke about this communion as Nadine does; this communion of spirit, physicality, emotionality, and that which is external. Finding a place where we are in reckoning with all of these forces in our lives. This asks us to dive inside to find that beauty and satisfaction that we've been after... that which we thought would come with those new products or new diet. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ This kind of self-care, this kind of beauty-- it's available to anyone because it lies within each of us. “An unimagined beauty flows through you.” Through each of us. @livinglibations A must read I've always thought of witches as botanists. In my mind, the archetype of the witch is a powerful, wild and free woman living in the woods, with a vast knowledge of plants. Nadine Artemis of @livinglibations is the ultimate witch to me ❤️. Her book #renegadebeauty is a must read. Full of scientific information about gut health, safe sun exposure and truly natural beauty. A comprehensive manual for beauty Inspiring, engaging, informative! Reading this book is turning into a meditative soul enriching ritual; I looks forward to carving out time for whenever I can. Thank you for creating this! It is such a comprehensive manual for beauty ~ I am sharing with all the women in my life in hopes to spark their interest towards a greater quality of health, wellness and life. I recommend this brand if you are looking for high quality, natural products. I used @livinglibations years ago and it worked on my acne prone skin. I was crazy to not reorder it. Now my skin is out of control with all the drugstore products because I was too lazy to continue my natural routine. I have repurchased Nadine’s high quality products and also her second book. Chock full of amazing information, recipes, oh my gosh love it! Just want to say what a joy all your creations are! I have tried verve and tonic, sea buckthorn best skin ever, vanilla chocolate, rose best skin ever, breast massage oil, poetic pits pal santos, sea buckthorn shampoo, petal soother, and lover lips cocoa, moccasin flower perfume, and I have loved every product! Just placed another order and am trying trees please for my husband, best skin ever frankincense, poetic pits earth ( can’t recall full name) True Blue shampoo, and a sleep oil for face. I am sooo excited for them to get here. Alchemy at its finest. Purest products and they work! My daughter had some kind of major dry skin issue behind one ear for months and months... and caused her a lot of embarrassment because visually it was very very obvious. we tried prescription creams, pure tea tree, coconut oil, olive oil, a large amount of drug store creams, NOTHING WORKED! Put sea buckthorn best skin ever, cleared up in three days... ❤️❤️❤️ Also reading your book and am in awe of your wisdom! A Masterpiece! Wow! This book is dripping with gems on every page. This book is a treasure and is cherished by me and my daughters. Thank-you Love this book Love this book. I have also been a living libations fan and now having Nadine's wealth of knowledge in a book is fantastic. I really like the way she not only generously shares formulations she addresses "essential beauty" and the cultural context that influences our view of beauty. Working in the health field I really value her up to date research and the poetical language of the book. Much easier for me to absorb than a step by step how to manual. No matter what your age I think you will feel uplifted by how she writes and the book makes me feel more beautiful - Thank you!! Great to be able to step away from the beauty counter without feeling the need to give up on wanting to be beautiful. Review from I love it! I have been waiting for a book from Nadine Artemis. I have listened to her interviews in several podcasts and she has really a fantastic person who helps people to understand the problem with most beauty products and gives wonderful advise how you can make your own beauty products and how your beauty really comes from inside out. Review from Amazon. After reading this book, you will never shop department beauty counters again.... I have been a loyal Living Libations customer for a few years... I love their ethically sourced ingredients/products and the way my 55 year old skin has perked up by using them. Renegade Beauty is a gem... a wealth of information on beauty, botanicals and the science behind it. Nadine Artemis’ book could be considered a Botanical Beauty Bible... her knowledge is vast and backed by science in an easy to read, sometimes poetic, manner. I highly recommend this book for women (and men) of all ages who care about clean products that go in and on their bodies. Review from Amazon. Call me a renegade! Don’t let the pretty cover and all of the vibrant pictures fool you – Renegade Beauty is no fluff read. Artemis addresses every discipline that touches beauty. She starts with history and philosophy, moves to science, and ends with a mixture of botany and cosmetology...or maybe I should say cosmoetics. (When you read it you’ll understand.) There is a lot of science in here. She cites biology, dermatology, microbiology, and botany research studies to back up the assertions she makes in the book: why we need nature, why we really should toss most of our drug store and department store cosmetics, and why clean living and plant products are better alternatives. You don’t need a biology degree to understand these chapters either – her sense of humor and light-handed writing style are the spoon full of sugar that help the medicine go down (the pretty pictures help, too). And there is plenty of “how-to” for the DIY types like me. The last few chapters of the book are all about botanical recipes and tips for using plant oils – and, boy is it comprehensive! This goes way, way beyond fixing sags, bags, and wrinkles. From eye lashes to fingernails, pregnancy to perfume, and digestion to tooth brushing – it’s all in there. I bought the book because I am stepping back from commercialism and rethinking the ethics of the cosmetics industry, and Renegade Beauty is going to be my guide to a saner, natural, and more compassionate sense of beauty. Call me a renegade! I'm officially a fan. Review form Amazon Goddess, genius, this book is everything you need to know! Nadine, you have brought healing and guidance to my life when I needed it most. In a world where we are taught to look outwardly for healing and beauty, you guide the way back to self love and the heart. I’m so grateful every day for the knowledge, purity and integrity you bring to the world. Makes it pretty easy to dive into a beauty routine that involves nature’s gifts While we have never before experienced as much technology as we do today, this also means that we’ve never been so bombarded with ads and other people’s ideas of what would make us beautiful. In direct defiance of that, Nadine Artemis has encouraged women to embrace nature and the elements and to forgo the chemicals, products, facials, and so on. With a bevy of famous women as fans, it’s not hard to see why Artemis’s ideas, and her new tome Renegade Beauty, have a following. It also makes it pretty easy to dive into a beauty routine that involves nature’s gifts—as well as your own. Books That Bring Us Joy: November 2017 from Books for Better Living Learn from one of the most radiant women on the planet how to fall in love with yourself, one practical self-care tool at a time. In case you didn’t know, this legit goddess just dropped some deep wisdom in this gorgeous book about living a gorgeous life from the inside out. I loved every page. Get yours and learn from one of the most radiant women on the planet how to fall in love with yourself, one practical self-care tool at a time. From kellybroganmd on Instagram Her extensive knowledge of women's beauty and health never ceases to amaze me. So excited to have this book in my collection. It arrived today with some other goodies from @livinglibations that I will post about later. Nadine Artemis is my favourite beauty and women's wellness advocate. Her extensive knowledge of women's beauty and health never ceases to amaze me. She shares freely of her wisdom through interviews, podcasts and books. She also creates the most luxurious natural skincare on the market. I cannot wait to read these pages and discover the path to true inner and outer radiance through mindful practices. From wildheart.union on Instagram Get one if you haven't!! Lounging with my copy of Renegade Beauty by Nadine Artemis @livinglibations and loving each words, which I feel are imbued with divine femininity and natural beauty. I find Nadine balances a sense of urgency in abandoning synthetic cosmetics with easy bite sized suggestions on stepping into the world of botanical powers. As a reader, I understand the dire state that we find ourselves in now but without the sinking doomed helplessness that one sometimes get from awakening from what is the norm. The book makes me feel empowered and supported. It is also full of DIY tips for anything from acne to mental health issues.
Ape Nutrition Ape Nutrition - Optimised Female 180caps 500mg
 Optimised Female provides targeted support for key functions of femininity. Made from 50% bovine female reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes) as well as liver and kidney, this product contains many unique compounds that work in tandem to support female health. The nutrients, growth factors and peptides within these glands can support; reproductive health, cycle regulation, hormone regulation, metabolic health, immunity and may help to alleviate cycle symptoms such as cramping, fatigue and irritability. All the organs we source for our nose-to-tail line come from an organic certified and regenerative farm where the cattle are 100% grass-fed and free to roam on pastures. We gently freeze dry the organs raw to maintain as many of the nutrients and enzymes within them. Each jar contains 180, 500mg capsules (30 day supply). Epidermal Growth FactorsThis protein can support healthy egg development and may help with fertility.  ZincFound in high concentration in female reproductive organs, zinc plays an essential role role in ovulation, fertilisation, fetal development, hormone balance, reducing menstrual pain and symptoms.  SeleniumKidney’s are the number one source of bioavailable (absorbable) Selenium, a mineral that plays a critical roll in thyroid function and immune health. 100% Grass-Fed & Regeneratively FarmedAll our organs come from an organic and regenerative farm where the cattle roam freely on pasture consuming a natural diet of grass. This means our cattle graze outside for as much of the year as weather conditions allow. They are completely antibiotic/hormone free and their diet contains no foods contaminated with fertilisers, pesticides or other artificial chemicals.  Optimised Female Eating whole animals, nose-to-tail, was a way of life for humans for the majority of our existence up until recent history. In the past people believed that consuming the organ of a healthy animal would strengthen and enhance the health of their own corresponding organ. For example, if a woman was struggling with with fertility they would be fed the reproductive organs of a female animal, which were considered the most virile part. Interestingly, this is just now being validated by science. Research conducted at the University of Edinburgh in animal models has shown conclusively that when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs of the consumer in high concentrations. Therefore when the reproductive glands of a healthy animal are consumed, the unique growth factors and minerals like zinc within them, which are key for female vitality, travel to your own reproductive organs. This in turn can support female health. Indigenous people also appreciated that animals gave their lives to ensure us as humans could survive and thrive so they left nothing go to waste. And because of their deep connection with the earth and their own bodies they intuitively knew just how nutrient dense organ meat is and would prize this over muscle meats. Fast forward to today and the immense powers of organs have somewhat been forgotten. What was once highly sought after is now rarely consumed and generally people no longer enjoy the taste. We created our nose-to-tail line to help people reintroduce these ancestral superfoods, loaded with nutrients in an easy to consume and flavourless way.  How to use Consume 1-6 capsules per day (500-3000mg). Start out with 1 capsule per day and slowly increase the dose until you feel symptoms alleviate.  When to use Consume 1-6 capsules per day (500-3000mg). Start out with 1 capsule per day and slowly increase the dose until you feel symptoms alleviate. Each jar contains 180 capsules and each capsules is 500mg. Ingredients: Grass-Fed Beef Reproductive Organs (Uterus, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes) (50%), Grass-Fed Beef Liver (25%), Grass-Fed Beef Kidney (25%), Gelatine (Capsule).
Arthur Andrew Medical Femesse 240caps (Arthur Andrew Medical) (Breast & Balance)
These symptoms are far too common because of the imbalanced levels of natural hormones and the increasing exposure to dangerous exogenous sources of oestrogen. In fact, many people believe that the signs of hormonal imbalances are the new normal. The good news is that ladies can start to feel at ease with Femesse once more. Women will be back on track to feeling their best and looking their best thanks to this safe and natural solution that is made to normalise hormonal activity and get rid of external influences. Femesse Product Information We learn from eastern and integrative medicine that the exterior characteristics of the human body are influenced by our organ systems. This demonstrates that the hormonal system controls the health of the skin and breasts. Women generally notice an undesirable difference in their skin and breast tissue when their hormonal system is out of balance and not functioning at its best as a result of toxicity and nutritional inadequacies. In order to support strong and attractive breast tissue, healthy, supple skin, and regulated hormone levels, Femesse is a special blend of herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals, and botanicals. Femesse may also help to lessen a number of unpleasant menstrual cycle and menopausal symptoms. Femesse supports internal health and attractiveness so that women can experience the highest level of wellbeing and external beauty. Promoting Healthy Hormone Levels: How Femesse Works Femesse supports the female body by supplying essential nutrients such as maitake mushrooms, evening primrose, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, and other natural herbs that can support the liver and detoxification systems of the body as well as encourage the health of hormones, skin, and glandular tissue. Since the liver serves as the main location for hormone processing, Femesse is essential to the detoxification process. The ability to treat PMS also depends on having a healthy liver (premenstrual syndrome). Since this delicate tissue makes up the breasts and hormone-producing organs in women, maintaining glandular health is crucial. Because of the sharp decline in hormone levels that occurs as women age, their skin and breast tissue become dry and droop. The firmness of a woman’s breast is due to glandular tissue. The glandular tissue starts to shrivel and is replaced by fat when hormone levels are low. The breasts soften and lose their support as a result of this alteration in the breast tissue. Femesse’s patented herbal blend doesn’t actually include any hormones, but it does contain Pueraria Mirifica, a vital nutrient and phytoestrogen that may help the body generate female hormones in a regular, healthy proportion. Femesse offers the resources required to keep these organs feeling, looking, and performing at their peak levels. Women will soon start to notice and experience the difference. Femesse Product Ingredients Vitamin E A potent antioxidant that has a reputation for being a natural anti-aging food. Organs that produce hormones need vitamin E to operate properly and to shield cells in the body from free radical damage. This vitamin makes the skin’s capillaries stronger, which enhances hydration and suppleness. Along with regulating the menstrual cycle and dramatically enhancing immunological function, vitamin E also assists in reducing the cramps, anxiety, and cravings linked to PMS. Vitamin B6 As a vitamin in the B complex family, vitamin B6 plays a major role in maintaining a healthy nervous system and metabolism. Additionally necessary for healthy skin and eyes, it also supports regular liver function. By controlling blood sugar levels, producing antibodies for healthy immunological function, and transporting oxygen in red blood cells, vitamin B6 participates in most of the body’s major physiological processes. Folate Folate, often known as folic acid, is another B vitamin. Folate is a water-soluble vitamin that helps to maintain immune and nervous system health as well as DNA synthesis. People who don’t get enough folate can develop anaemia. Folate promotes healthy glandular tissue, heart health, cognitive function, and pregnancy. Zinc A specific metal that is a crucial trace element. To maintain numerous essential bodily processes, this metal is required in minute amounts each day. Zinc promotes good digestion, a robust immune system, regular liver function, and healthy hormone production. Selenium A little mineral with a significant physiological function. All antioxidants’ capacity and availability are increased by selenium. Antioxidants wouldn’t be able to scavenge free radicals without selenium, and inflammation would become unmanageable. Selenium increases blood flow, controls thyroid function, and strengthens the immune system. Dong Quai Dong Quai, sometimes referred to as “female ginseng,” has been used for generations as a female tonic. It is a natural plant that relaxes the uterine muscles to facilitate comfortable menstruation. Dong Quai is also used to increase sex desire, enhance cardiovascular health, regulate hormones, relieve stress and anxiety, and raise vitality. Damiana Indigenous people in Central and South America traditionally used the leaves of the Damiana plant to make a relaxing/aphrodisiac tea. Damiana is still widely used as an herbal tonic and body cleanser. The active chemical in this herb, known as Damianin, has been shown to balance hormones as an AROMATASE INHIBITOR, as well as a potent herb for lowering blood sugar. This powerful and natural herb is recognized in the PHYSICIAN’S DESK REFERENCE as an herbal medicine for promoting relaxation, weight loss, and for boosting libido. Saw Palmetto Saw Palmetto, which comes from a palm tree with slow growth, is frequently used to treat enlarged prostates in male patients. However, studies have shown that Saw Palmetto can help women balance their hormones quite well. It encourages gorgeous skin by regulating oil production. Saw Palmetto aids in strengthening vaginal and uterine tissue to prevent stretching or tearing as women become older because these tissues can grow weaker. Fenugreek Fenugreek, a perennial herb also known as Greek hay, belongs to the pea family (Fabaceae). It has a long history of use as an ingredient in traditional medicine and is grown in North Africa, the Middle East, Egypt, and India. It offers antioxidant, balanced blood sugar, and long-term digestive health benefits. Fenugreek is a fantastic supporting ingredient for reducing discomfort related to the menstrual cycle since it supports digestive comfort and proper inflammatory response. Blessed Thistle Since the Middle Ages, this plant has been utilised in herbal therapy. Blessed Thistle is a dietary supplement that supports the health of the liver, gallbladder, and intestines. Additionally, it is recognised for its capacity to elevate mood, particularly in menopausal or menstruating women. Fennel Fennel is a natural plant chemical with antioxidant characteristics that functions as a mild female hormone and is one of the most popular herbs used to improve women’s health. Fennel works well to control menstruation and relieve menopausal symptoms because of this. Additionally, this herb is loaded with nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre. Pueraria Mirifica The main ingredient that gives Femesse its effectiveness is Pueraria Mirifica, sometimes called White Kwao Krua, which has historically been utilised as a vitality booster for older women. This plant supports the body’s capacity to maintain healthy levels of female hormones since it is a potent phytoestrogen. Normal skin elasticity and moisture as well as firm breast tissue are supported by healthy hormone levels. Wild Yam Native Americans have used wild yam to assist the female body’s regular functions. For patients with endometriosis, this herb is frequently used to ease cramping and discomfort during the menstrual cycle. Safely promoting normal digestion and healthy blood sugar levels is wild yam. Additionally, it is well known for easing menopausal symptoms like mood swings, night sweats, and hot flashes. Marshmallow King Tut employed this plant, which is derived from the marshmallow root, to treat stomach issues as well as to support a healthy immune system. This natural herb has been added because it can help maintain healthy skin and reduce fluid retention in people who are going through menopause or PMS. Violet Violet supports liver health and has a long history of use as a calming herb and a mood stabiliser. This plant helps with regular digestion and gets rid of constipation. Women’s menstruation pain has been known to be lessened by violet. Cumin Cumin, a spice that is widely popular in Mexico, India, and the Middle East, has antioxidant characteristics and aids in promoting healthy digestion, blood sugar levels, and sleep. Cumin improves metabolism and helps to curb sugar cravings, making it an ideal supporting food for maintaining a healthy weight. Hops Beer is famous for containing this fragrant flower. Many scientists concur that hops have a calming effect, which may explain why many people report feeling less tense after consuming beer. Additionally, hops can help women balance their hormones. In one study, vaginal gel containing hops was used by 100 postmenopausal women who reported decreased vaginal dryness, itching, and burning as well as less pain during sex. Maitake Mushroom Maitake mushrooms, also known as Grifola frondosa, are indigenous to Japan. A unique kind of fibre found in maitake mushrooms has been demonstrated to support heart health, blood sugar regulation, immunological function, and healthy weight maintenance. Additionally supporting appropriate glandular and lymphatic drainage is this medicinal meal. Lecithin A fatty extract obtained from vegan sources that is the primary constituent of brain tissue and is spontaneously created by body cells. In addition to promoting healthy cell activity, lecithin also helps the heart, liver, and gallbladder work normally. Additionally necessary for skin and breast tissue regeneration is lecithin. Gamma Linoleic Acid Gamma linoleic acid, also referred to as GLA, is an Omega-6 fatty acid obtained from the evening primrose plant. GLA encourages healthy skin and maintains a normal inflammatory response. . Suggested Use Directions: Take four (4) capsules of Femesse two (2) times daily with eight ounces of water or as directed by your healthcare provider. It is recommended that the product be taken for a minimum of three (3) months before assessing results. Individual results may vary. Warning: Temporary soreness of the breast may occur. Do not take this product if pregnant or nursing. Caffeine Warning: Caffeine may disrupt the effectiveness of Femesse. For best results, refrain from consuming caffeinated beverages 30 minutes before and after the consumption of Femesse.
Living Libations Living Libations Breast Health Oil 50ml
Living Libations Breast Health Oil 50ml Cells in our breasts can regenerate.Breast massage with specific botanical oils is a simple step to keep our breasts healthy. The skin on the chest is thin and breast tissue contains a great deal of fat, which readily absorbs the protective blessings of lipophilic essential oils and infused-herbal oils. Working synergistically, these botanicals may prevent and reverse cysts, rejuvenate cells, and increase immune cell activity. Several essential oils show promise in preventing or reversing imbalances that accumulate in adipose and lymph tissue. Grapefruit, frankincense, cypress, and rose otto oils contain abundant amounts of monoterpenes, a class of botanical chemicals. Breasts contain an abundance of lymph vessels that support the circulatory system in maintaining proper fluid balance. The health of our lymphatic systems is intimately connected to our breast health. Lymphatic flow can be obstructed by tight bras, poor posture, lack of exercise, shallow breathing, and tight neck, shoulder, chest and back muscles. Breast massage with Breast Health Oil is a regenerative practice to stimulate circulation and lymph drainage. Cypress, yarrow and laurel oils generate the movement of the fluid that removes toxins and supplies fresh nutrition to the cells. Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, the author of Advanced Aromatherapy, stated that simply "rubbing a few drops of bay laurel on swollen lymph nodes may have an immediate, noticeable effect." Massage encourages the body to release excess stored estrogen, move debris-fluid away from the spaces between cells, and return the fluid to the bloodstream to be eliminated. Over time, massaging the breasts may also enhance the elasticity of the ligaments in the chest providing improved breast support. Breast Health Oil Ingredients: Broccoli Seed Oil, Cumin Seed Oil, Calendula Oil, Saint John’s Wort Blossom Oil infused in Organic Olive Oil, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Rose Otto, Laurel, Cypress, Yarrow, Ylang Ylang, and Chamomile essential oils Breast Health Massage This can be performed at any point in the menstrual cycle depending on your comfort. Our breast tissue extends from the breastbone in the center of the chest to the underarms and from below the collarbone down to the sixth or seventh rib. Put 1-2 drops of Breast Health Oil on each hand and place your hands under the breasts. Massage inward and upward in a circular motion, slowly covering the entire chest. Use this time to become familiar with how your breasts feel. Additional healthy breast practices include: dry brushing with Lymph Tonic, ensuring sufficient intake of dietary iodine and magnesium, creating healthy intestinal flora with fermented foods and probiotics, avoiding aluminum, eating organic, real food, and only caring for your body with authentic, organic botanicals. Dry Brushing with Lymph+Tonic: Living Libations' Lymph+Tonic is an undiluted blend of circulating essential oils for generating Lymphatic flow. Used in combination with dry brushing, Lymph+Tonic helps the rivers of the lymphatic system to flow and function optimally. Pour 1-2 drops on the palm of your hand, then, glide a dry brush across your palm, and dry-brush from up from toes to head, always towards the heart. This invigorating tonic may also be used in massages, body oils and baths. Pure Organic and/or Wildcrafted Ingredients: undiluted and circulating oils of cypress, rosemary, laurel, eucalyptus and yarrow.   Review(s) Honoring my Breasts I have been following your mission and website and after using your essential oil for breasts and watching your talks about our breasts, it had a profound influence on me. I look at my breasts in a much different way and truly nurture and honor them. I can feel a difference in my body. What you are doing and the love and passion in which you do it, is a true gift. I really love the Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever product you make. I can feel such a difference in the integrity of the skin on my face. I am thankful through grace that you came into my awareness. Thanks again, Donna
-9% sale
BEAM Minerals BEAM Minerals - Performance Pack (Micro-Boost, Electrolyze, Insta-Lytes, Electro-Boost)
£204.05 £221.80
Serious Replenishment for Serious AthletesElevate your athletic performance with BEAM Minerals' New and Improved Performance Pack. This enhanced bundle is designed for serious athletes seeking effective hydration, electrolyte replenishment, and cellular nourishment.The Performance Pack includes 6 products:2 Electrolyze™: One for daily hydration and cellular nutrition, and another for intense workout sessions to enhance performance and recovery​​.1 Micro-BOOST™: Provides a broad spectrum of essential minerals and nutrients for overall health and peak performance​​.1 Electro-BOOST™:  Crucial for replenishing nutrients lost throughout the day, it can be taken alongside your daily routine to maintain optimal nutrient levels​​.1  8oz Insta-Lytes™: A quick-acting electrolyte spray for immediate relief from muscle cramps and aches​​.1 2oz Insta-Lytes™: Portable version for on-the-go electrolyte balance, perfect for athletic challenges​​.For more information, view the full description of Micro-Boost, Electrolyze, Insta-Lytes, Electro-Boost.