Ancestral Supplements - Living Bone 180caps 1000mg


Ancestral Supplements - Living Bone 180caps 1000mg

Average rating:  5   (votes: 12) Reviews (4)
Author:  Michelle Perry Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Date:  13.09.2023
Text:  Great calcium supplement, still early days but happy with it so far.

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— “Bones represent an entirely different realm of nutritional content than basic muscle meat, being complex organs playing multiple roles in the body. You see, bone is living tissue, rather than inert structure. It is rigid, true, but it’s actually an organ, placing it squarely in the nutritional all-star camp of liver, heart, brain, kidney, and sweetbreads.” — Mark Sisson [1]


For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) the things we needed for strength, health, and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where our bone health is ailing. The solution is to address the root cause with dietary, lifestyle, and behavioral choices while nourishing and supporting our bodies with proven anthropological ways that are backed by modern science... this includes the use of Living Bone.


Throughout many cultures, bone has been honored as a sacred food that provides us with all of the nutritional building blocks we need to support our robust sapien structure. Our ancestors knew that consuming bones made us strong, resilient, and able to withstand the harsh conditions of our past.

Bones were highly prized by native people across the globe. Intuitively, our ancestors knew they had to eat bones to have strong bones. On every continent, there's evidence of traditional cultures grinding up little birds, small mammals, and fish to consume their calcium rich bones. For those cultures who did not have access to dairy, bones were their only true source of calcium.

Eskimos fermented their fish resulting in bones that were buttery soft. The natives of Africa made fermented bone paste from the bones of small birds and mammals. In Sweden, herring was roasted over the fire and eaten entirely from head to tail. In Cameroon, native people grill fish bones and eat them like chips.

Our ancestors did not struggle with osteoporosis. Broken bones were uncommon. Joint problems were almost nonexistent. Their dental health was perfect. In the modern world, we have lost this native wisdom. Our ancestors never threw away bones and they weren’t consuming dinners from a boneless skinless chicken that came out of a box. They were consuming the whole animal, nose to tail… bones included!

Can you imagine how strong we would be if we all remembered the wisdom of traditional diets? We are now part of a world where many people are encouraged to consume plant based diets. You’d have to choke down 8 cups of broccoli everyday to get the RDA for calcium, and most of it isn’t even bioavailable! You simply can’t get enough calcium from fruits and vegetables.

Whole food, nutrient dense organs, glands, and bones provide great benefit for those seeking fundamental support in harmony with nature — the old fashioned way, the way that our early ancestors did. Living Bone is a whole food dietary supplement that contains pure pasture raised New Zealand grass fed bovine bone. This nutrient-dense food is rich in calcium, phosphorous, type I collagen, essential trace minerals, and bone stimulating peptides (IGF I & II, TGF β, Osteocalcin) as well as proteins, cofactors and enzymes that nourish and support our whole body especially the strength, flexibility, and remineralization of our bones.*


Our Living Bone is a 100% natural microcrystalline calcium protein complex that supports optimal bone mineral composition and overall bone health. Living Bone is derived from the middle shaft section of the long leg bones (the radius, ulna, humerus, femur, tibia, fibula, & hubris) where the bone is most dense and strong with the maximum mineralization – its pure bone!!

Modern-day commercial bone products, like bone meal, are produced from extraneous meat flesh, joints, and bones from any part of the animal. As such, they are highly processed with high heat, degreasing agents, solvents, and acids, and end up being far removed from anything resembling the ancestral "living" bone that our DNA evolved with... these are the raw materials our DNA still expects today to express healthy bones.

Our Living Bone is processed with a low-temperature enzyme digest to remove the non-bone tissue proteins and marrow fat. The next step is vacuum drying over a 20-22hr period and then finally it is milled into a fine powder. Living Bone is teeming with bone stimulating peptides (IGF I & II, TGF β, Osteocalcin) and has the ideal physiological ratio of calcium and phosphorus (2:1) in a microcrystalline structure that enhances absorption and bioavailability. Unlike isolated commercial calcium supplements, our Living Bone is a source of naturally occurring growth factors and cytokines.

“Bone is living tissue, rather than inert structure. It is rigid, true, but it’s actually an organ, placing it squarely in the nutritional all-star camp of liver, heart, brain, kidney, and sweetbreads. Bone is also slightly elastic, owing to the collagen, which combines with the calcium phosphate to lend “elastic rigidity.” (If it weren’t for the collagen, bones would simply be hard with no give, and thus brittle.) Bone is full of minerals, mostly calcium and phosphorus (seeing as how the “bone” part of bone is calcium phosphate, this is no surprise), along with sodium, magnesium, and other trace minerals.” - Mark Sisson. 

Consuming Living Bone supports optimal bone mineral density, bone strength & flexibility, absorption of calcium & phosphorus, as well as muscle maintenance & repair. 

Organs and glandulars were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.*[2] 


Bone has evolved over several hundred million years to become a remarkable tissue... a material that has the same strength as cast iron, yet as light as wood. The front leg of a horse can withstand the 1500 pound load generated while this robust animal travels at 30 miles per hour, while the seemingly weightless bird's upper arm is able to keep it aloft through entire migrations, sometimes over 10,000 miles without landing. Deer antlers used as weapons in territorial clashes with other deer, undergo tremendous impacts without fracturing, ready to fight another day.

We evolved with the same incredibly strong bones as our animal brethren. Unfortunately, our modern diet along with continuous stressful forces of impact (like running on concrete or carrying too much weight without enough muscle mass) have led to a decrease in our bone's strength and structure. Falling on the ice, car accidents, or a tumble down the stairs can cause our modern bones to fail. While fractures are painful and debilitating, our living bones instantly begin healing. Without question, bone is the ultimate biomaterial. It is light, strong, can adapt to its functional demands, and repair itself... given that it has the proper nutrition to do so.

Based on the concept of "like supports like," consuming Living Bone may strengthen and support our own living bones. This ancestral superfood is especially rich in calcium, phosphorus, essential trace minerals like boron, magnesium, strontium, & sodium, as well as type I collagen and bone stimulating peptides (IGF I & II, TGF β, Osteocalcin). These essential nutrients all work synergistically with each other in harmony with nature, and in harmony with the wisdom of our ancestors.

Calcium and Phosphorous in the ideal physiological ratio of 2:1

Living Bone contains calcium and phosphorus in the ideal physiological ratio of 2:1. This harmonious ratio allows the body to retain its optimal mineral balance. Supplementing with calcium alone can lead to mineral deficiencies and other health problems.

The main function of phosphorus is for the formation of strong bones and teeth. It is also necessary for the body to synthesize protein to support the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues. It even plays an important role in how the body uses carbohydrates and fats and is needed for proper absorption of calcium. Calcium plays a key role in supporting our living bones. It is essential for strengthening bones and teeth, regulating muscle function, blood clotting, the transmission of nervous system messages, and enzyme function.

Weston Price found that traditional cultures largely free from disease and tooth decay were consuming more calcium than the RDA (currently 1 gram). The people of the Outer Hebrides consumed 1.76 grams per day, the traditional people in the Swiss Alps consumed 1.76 grams per day, the natives of Canada’s far North consumed 2.3 grams per day, and Eskimos consumed 2.14 grams per day.

“All traditional cultures made use of animal bones in some way… even if they had dairy products, they still took the bones of small animals and ground them up or they made fermented bone paste...” - Sally Fallon

Our ancestors consumed at least 1-2 grams of calcium per day which you can get from a couple glasses of raw milk or several ounces of cheese. Most modern people have a lot of dairy products in their diet, so many of us don’t necessarily have to eat bones. For those of us who are allergic to dairy products, or avoid them for inflammatory reasons, we need bones in our diet.

The majority of nutrition experts insist that humans can get all the calcium they need from several servings of spinach, broccoli, or kale. This is only conditionally true and can be highly toxic.

Keep your bones strong, get plenty of calcium and phosphorus in your diet. Look to whole food animal sources of calcium rich foods like Grass Fed Living Bone, grass fed raw dairy and whole fish (including the bones!) like sardines.

Bone Stimulating Peptides (IGF I & II, TGF β, Osteocalcin)

Bone stimulating peptides are bioactive growth factors found in the protein fraction of "Living Bone" that play an important role in bone remodeling.

Peptides are tissue-specific information molecules, which influence gene expression, start the process of protein synthesis in cells, and regulate proper cellular functioning. Our organs, including our living bones, consistently produce an optimal amount of peptides, but as we age and are impacted by a number of different stressors (environmental toxins, poor nutrition, stress, etc.) our organs will naturally decrease protein synthesis and no longer be able to form new peptides. Deficiency of these nutrients results in cellular dysfunction, degenerative diseases, accelerated aging, and bone loss.

One of the most effective ways to counter this deficiency is the consumption of bone specific peptides. Consuming Living Bone supplies our bodies with peptides our body can recognize and use.

Mineral Reservoir for Essential Trace Minerals like Boron, Magnesium, Strontium & Sodium, as well as Type I Collagen

About ten percent of adult bone is made up of Type I Collagen, which is the most abundant protein in the body. Collagen is very strong but this component is what gives our bones flexibility. Consuming Type I Collagen helps us form strong bones and healthy skin.

In addition to its mechanical functions, bone is a reservoir for minerals like boron, magnesium, strontium and sodium. Bone stores 99% of the body's calcium and 85% of the phosphorus. In times of need or nutrient depletion (for example during pregnancy), calcium and other trace minerals can be removed from the bones. For this reason, it is very important to consume adequate amounts of calcium and trace minerals to ensure we are not removing the nutrients from our own bones making them weak and brittle.

Published scientific research on whole bone microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (MCHA), demonstrates its effectiveness at slowing loss of bone mineral density in post menopausal women, improving symptoms of bone pain in those with osteoporosis and slowing the progression of osteoporosis. [3]

  • Pasture Raised In New Zealand
  • Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents
  • 100% Low-Temperature Vacuum Dried
  • Third Party Tested For Purity
  • Allergen Free


New Zealand seems like it was made for raising healthy animals. Its location and climate produce pristine conditions for cattle, sheep, and fish. The farmers and fishers have uncanny expertise handed down for generations. New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate so the grass in the pastures grows fresh and grows green year-round which means the cows and sheep can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year. 

Our nose-to-tail product line is always from grassfed, inspected animals born and raised without the use of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Health of livestock used for manufacturing in New Zealand is closely monitored by a world leading biosecurity system that is second to none, and is a global exemplar. Strict government licensing, auditing and certification procedures mean that our genuine New Zealand freeze dried products can be used with complete confidence in their origin, safety and efficacy. Low-temp vacuum drying preserves the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors of components leaving the nutrients in the same balance as found in nature. 

We care deeply about each and every aspect of our "seed to supplement" way of life... great love and gratitude goes out to the souls of our animal brethren, such beautiful creatures that were sacrificed so that we could be nourished.

* Our product line is 100% additive-free. Absolutely no stearates, lubricants, binders, fillers or flow agents... except with our Bone and Marrow (see Other Ingredients) *


  • Serving Size: 3 Capsules / 3000MG
  • Servings Per Container: 60


New Zealand Grass Fed Mid-Shaft Long Leg Bones (Bovine)           3000MG

  • Type I Collagen
  • Calcium (microcrystalline hydroxyapatite).                               750MG
  • Phosphorous (microcrystalline hydroxyapatite)                         300MG
  • Glycosaminoglycans
  • Bone Stimulating Peptides
  • Trace Minerals  


SUGGESTED USE: Three capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.


  • FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  • Calcium and Phosphorous in the ideal physiological ratio of 2:1
  • Essential Trace Minerals as well as Type I Collagen
  • Molecular Biodirectors — DNA Blueprints To Build and Repair Healthy Tissue
  • Bone Stimulating Proteins (IGF I & II, TGF β, Osteocalcin)

NOTE: One capsule of Living Bone contains 250mg of calcium. One bottle of Living Bone can support your calcium needs for 60 days!


  • Optimal Bone Mineral Density*
  • Bone Strength and Flexibility*
  • Absorption of Calcium and Phosphorous*
  • Muscle maintenance and repair*

NOTE: For intensive support, consider the combination of Living Bone, Pure Marrow, and Beef Liver to support fundamental health, bone strength, flexibility, and absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins.*


Our Living Bone is a whole food dietary supplement that provides 100% pure (microcrystalline hydroxyapatite) bovine bone. The suggested use of this supplement is to take 3 capsules per day (even though it technically is food) or as directed by a healthcare professional.

Note: Our functional healthcare practitioners don't recommend taking more than 3 capsules per day unless you are working closely with a practitioner that recommended you to do so.


Most customers tolerate our supplements without incident; however, approximately 5 to 10% of customers (usually with an autoimmune condition) may experience a detoxification reaction. Detoxification reactions go by many different names including healing reactions, healing crises, cleansing reactions (or) Herxheimer reactions with hallmark symptoms of nausea, headache, lethargy, dizziness and other flu-like symptoms. In this instance, detoxification reactions are generally an indication that detoxification pathways in the body are back online... cells suddenly have an opportunity to release an even greater than normal quantity of stored toxins, metabolic wastes, pathogens and unwanted material. 

A detoxification reaction is more likely to occur when starting with the full suggested serving size of 3 capsules per day. If you know that you are sensitive to supplements and/or you have an autoimmune condition, you may wish to start slow when adding this product to your current regimen. Tolerability can be greatly improved by starting with just 1 capsule per day and increasing by just 1 capsule every couple of days — this method may take a week to achieve the desired serving size of 3 capsules per day.

For customers that are highly sensitive to supplements and/or have an autoimmune and/or methylation SNPs, I suggest that you "play it safe" by introducing just one new capsule per week. In other words, just 1 capsule during the 1st week... 2 capsules during the 2nd week... 3 capsules during the 3rd week and so on... yes, this will take some time to reach the suggested dosages but this greatly helps to ensure tolerability of this deep nourishment so that it has a chance to do good.

Rating 5 out of 5 stars
Based on 12 ratings and 4 reviews
Review author:  Carol Rider    Review date:  11.12.2023
Review rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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Review text: 
Being 70 years old this month I am using this for protection for my teeth. I use the bone & mrrtow for other needs but just started with little teeth pains & with this it has vanished. I also looked on the companies site for reviews to match my needs. I have the collagen for joints & skin & hope to be mobile for many years to come.
Reply from:  Longevity Essentials (12.12.2023) Great Carol - lovely to hear you're getting the results you wanted!
Review author:  Gloria G    Review date:  20.01.2025
Review rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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Review text: 
Excellent quality
Reply from:  Longevity Essentials (04.02.2025) Thanks again!
Review author:  M G    Review date:  16.04.2024
Review rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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Very satisfied. Hard to get hold of anywhere els in the UK.
Reply from:  Longevity Essentials (27.09.2024) Thanks!
Review author:  Michelle Perry    Review date:  13.09.2023
Review rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Purchase date: 
Review text: 
Great calcium supplement, still early days but happy with it so far.
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