RMAX (Scott Sonnon)
4x7 The Magic In The Mundane DVDset
Have you ever wondered how it all fits together?
Have you struggled to find that FITNESS FORMULA that gives you maximum results in minimum time, with no complicated schedules to memorize?
Have you been frustrated by trying to take all of the exercises you love to do and perform them in a single program?
International Champion and Master Coach Scott Sonnon wanted to find the answers to these questions for his thousands of RMAX athletes around the world. Scott poured through his years of training diaries as a professional coach and athlete and detected a pulse beating underneath, a pulse that connected all of the best athletes together in one thread of life. He detected a common theme, a denominator that all optimal performance athletes held in common.
Do you want to know the secret that all “flow-state” athletes intuitively act upon? Would you like to tap into this universal theme which unites all elite performances?
This formula is like rocket science, but you don’t need to understand how to make gasoline for it to work in your car! All you need to do is follow the easy steps that Scott has made available for you in this revolutionary formula he calls “4x7”.
What is included in this revolutionary fitness formula?
4x7 is a super powered fitness program featuring the following unique characteristics:
Selection: 4x7 includes never before seen exercise variations peculiarly crafted to optimize your health and fitness.
Sequence: the 4x7 circuits are organized in a proprietary manner to guarantee you optimal results.
Cycling: four entirely distinct yet perfectly integrated programs cycled seven times incorporate compensatory movements to balance your growth and active recovery so that you can continue to progress every one of the 28 days.
Protocol and Progression:
Sophistication: 4x7 demonstrates how sophisticating a movement produces a synergistic effect: the complete chain practiced as one movement produces a sum total training effect which is greater than if the individual components were practiced for the same number of repetitions.
Compression: 4x7 observes the powerful tendencies of our biochemistry to adapt to stress according to the Fibonacci sequence. Coupled together with the four day cycle, as your entire neural, endocrine and immune super-systems adapt as one organism, the period of rest grows smaller.
The four day cycle includes special compensatory Prasara Body-Flow™ chains – the Walking Seal and Side Sunset - to prevent your gains from becoming unbalanced, and a specific joint mobility program from Intu-Flow™ – the Spinal Wake-up Series - to ship out toxic fitness byproducts and ship in crucial nutrition and lubrication to your connective tissue.
Is this program easy to follow along?
Insert the disc that corresponds with the specific day of your four day cycle (days 1-4). Practice the techniques. When you're ready, follow along the circuits according to the full-color, hi-definition 28 Day Program Schedule Color Chart included in your program.
If you follow 4x7 for the entire 28 days, we assure you that on the other end you will be a better, healthier, more energetic and vibrant natural athlete.
4 DVD set : Running time: appr. 109 minutes
Equipment required: Clubbells and Pull-up bar
RMAX (Scott Sonnon)
Circular Strength Training Group eXercise 2 DVD Set
Download the CST group exercise brocure http://www.rmaxi.com/cstgx/CSTGXPromoBook.pdf
What People Are Saying About CSTGX I have done the beginner disc of the CSTGX twice now and really love this workout. I have many RMAX products but I believe I like this one the best. Next to Intu-Flow®. This workout really challenges my grip and my cardio but when I am done I fell great. I don't feel tight and beat up. I actually feel energized. I just wanted to tell everyone at RMAX what a great product I think this is, and if anyone is thinking about purchasing it, you won't be disappointed. Thanks Coach Sonnon! - Steve I'm in love with the CSTGX program. I'm a total newbie to CST (started with Ageless Mobility® a month or two ago) and am working up to completing the full beginner workout. Just today I did the mobility warm-up, dynamic warm-up, spiral line, and yoga flow using the 5 lb Clubbells. It's a top notch production -- on par with Ageless Mobility® in quality. Thank you, thank you thank you to Coach Sonnon and everyone at RMAX involved in its creation. I really think this program will be key to my recovery and getting back into more of the activities I enjoy. - Sarah I, too, love this DVD (well, two). Coach Sonnon has again done us health-first fitness practitioners a great service. Here is the essence of CST, the whole shebang. - Kevin Lee Dougherty CST GX is a fantastic program, I love it!!! - Joseph Schwartz, CST I have been doing the CSTG since I received the program and as always Coach and RMAX have created a great program that is lots of fun to work with. I find it flexes well to various timeframes and energy levels. More time – more reps or more time doing each exercise (that’s the method I have been using). It can be a low intensity or high intensity depending on the time and speed used in each exercise. So a very versatile program. But it is more than that. I personal love the thought that goes into the RMAX products. My approach to my martial arts gives me an appreciation for great strategy. CSTG = Circular Strength Training® Group Exercise. While I find this a terrific program for myself to work on the key words are "Group Exercise." If you think of leading a group of folk through this workout, you can see the strategy used to design it for this very purpose. Even though it is done with Clubbells, the movements take little footprint and the swing is controlled. This would be important to leading a group of lined up people. The small footprint would allow a larger class size. The strategic control of the use of the Clubbells allows for a safe workout. Hats off to Coach and RMAX for not only putting out another wonderful personal training product, but a strategically great one for group training – humm just like the name. - Rick Wilson
RMAX (Scott Sonnon)
Flow Fit II DVD
The Evolution of Your Fitness Life...
Pain-Free Flow
It’s here for you right now!!!
What happens when you combine an International Hall of Fame award winning fitness program with a best selling formula for optimal flow in life?
You Get Absolute Magic!
As the industry leader, RMAX has been praised for redefining fitness - even by its competitors! But this didn’t happen without a battle. RMAX had to drag the fitness industry kicking and screaming into the realm of grace, poise… and FLOW.
As a result of many years of behind the scenes one on one training with thousands of personal, elite athletes from around the world, International Champion and Master Coach Scott Sonnon developed two of the most powerful fitness technologies ever created: the Hall of Fame award winning Ground Engagement training program and the best-selling pinnacle of The Path Workshop - the trademarked FlowFit® Formula.
He has now gone beyond even this to fuse them together into his most powerful tool to date!
Please do not watch the trailer of this out-of-the-box fitness sensation if you want to be completely surprised when it arrives on your doorstop. In it you will see Scott demonstrating CST exercises that until now were the exclusive secret of his private circle of coaching professionals.
100% Guaranteed Fitness Secrets!
Scott has been quoted as saying, “There are no secret techniques, only secret training strategies.” The secret training strategies that you will learn here will not only give you access to the elusive quality of FLOW, they will also be the most fun you’ve EVER had while getting fit with your friends and family!
Scott gives you a 100% guarantee
Fast And Furious Fitness! -Jim S., Toronto, Canada
"So Awesome My Kids Joined In The Fun!" -Tammi Pfeuller, Arizona
The strategies documented on this new film will transform your fitness life - 20 minutes at a time
RMAX (Scott Sonnon)
Forward Pressure DVD
It is named the Yang of Yoga to metaphorically refer to the rebalancing emphasis that this style of yoga intends. We’ve seen a recent fixation on the yin aspect of yoga: referring to the releases of connective tissue and joints. The yang aspect, contrarily, alludes to muscle and movement.
This is not to say that Prasara Body-Flow™ is either Yin or Yang. How can it be? One cannot exist without the other. No activity is specifically this or that. It's always integrated. Only our beliefs are separated. But, it is the recent domination of yin presentations of yoga which prevents access to it for many people, if not most men. The generative, yielding feminine aspect has reclaimed its rightful place in fitness and internal work. But like everything, there must be balance, and in this case homeostatic rebalancing. That is what the yang aspect of yoga brings to us: a sensible yogic path which develops sound muscularity through movement.
Before the PC commercialization of yoga in the West, you’d never find a namby-pamby milquetoast guru. Yogi were each and every one tough, strong men who wrestled, swung heavy clubs (even the Indian god of strength, Hanuman, is depicted hoisting heavy clubs), performed acrobatics on ropes and pillars, and practiced very challenging gymnastic movement sessions. Good luck to you if you weren't living up to your potential (just ask Coach Sonnon's athletes!)
Having this style of yoga available gives access to so many more people, especially men who just can’t grasp the contortions of a 105lbs woman. Re-injecting masculinity back into the equation only restores balance to the equation. That's not to say that Forward Pressure is a "men's only yoga". Many women will be absolutely delighted to finally be able to appreciate the muscular movement that you won't find anywhere more present than in Forward Pressure. Women will LOVE this course!
You need a total integrated path for yourself. Sometimes you need to be gentle and release, to concentrate on centering your thoughts and controlling your emotions. Sometimes, on the other hand, you need to take action, to move and writhe in the ecstasy of physical life! It's all in balance.
No style of yoga is superior. No yoga is THE way. Yoga is about creating YOUR way. Forward Pressure will contribute to your opportunity to do just that. The DVD is scientifically, systematically crafted into four equally empowering sections:
I. Introduction: the theory and intentions of Forward Pressure;
II. Instruction: the mechanics of breath, structure and movement in each exercise;
III. Flows: the three follow-along, incrementally progressing multi-movement programs;
IV. Compensations: the specific movements to balance and anchor the gains you make in the Flow Chains.
RMAX (Scott Sonnon)
Immovable Object Unstoppable Force 2-DVD set
Defend against throws and apply your throw attacks from any position! Scott Sonnon, International Champion and former Head Coach of the United States Sambo teams, teaches how to master the art of throwing. Based on universal biomechanical principles, Immovable Object Unstoppable Force (IOUF) breaks down the anatomy, physics and mental components of throwing into bite-size pieces that can be applied to any throwing art.
IOUF Part 1: Hyperfunction This part introduces the first critical principles of anatomy and throwing strategy. The concepts presented can be used to enhance your current takedown practice and enable you to learn new throwing methods more rapidly. Some of the major concepts presented and demonstrated include:
Hyperfunction and why it is preferable to inducing dysfunction
The Triangle Point: What it is, how to find it, and how to use it
Joint Loading and use of natural motion to bypass reflexive bracing
Joint articulation and use of force vectors for enhancing throw effectiveness
Biomechanics of gripping and developing grip strategies
Determining shared force vectors and their applications in throwing
Demonstrations of applications, setups, throws, solo and partner drills and more
IOUF Part 2: Quantum Gripping Coach Scott Sonnon expands on Part 1 and goes deeper, explaining in detail why "a great throw is less." He presents a thorough analysis of how to develop and use grip strategies to gain the upper hand. You will learn:
The 3 primary grip strategies: Confirmation, Counter and Release
Frames and the use of forearm rotation
Countergrasps and use of the "middle space" between attacks
Jacket fencing - use of the belt, lapels and other jacket grips
Spine articulation for increasing throwing speed and power
Exploration of Parallet and Concurrent force vectors
Use of Power Transfer and Locking arms
Use of range, footwork and grip to change the Joint Mass Center relationship
Leg fencing to create more throwing opportunities
Integration of full-body articulation and the principles presented in three dimensions
Solo and Partner drills for development, and how to develop your own original drills
IOUF Part 3: Joint Mass Center "He who controls the middle controls the fight." Improve your ability to prevent being thrown and to throw from virtually any position by knowing how to control the center. Coach Scott Sonnon explains and demonstrates:
Use of three-dimensional and compound hyperfunction in creating opportunities to throw
Fundamental Movement: Figure 8s in developing throws, leg fencing, and other relevant skills
Leg Fencing tactics: Posts, Sweeps, Reaps, Hooks and Elevators
Footwork tactics: pelvis integration, Box Step, Slingshot and Knee Screws
Joint Mass Center: definition and how to take control
Immovable Object: use of the Joint Mass Center and Triangle Point to prevent being thrown
Stance Integrity: alignment, breaching, supporting legs and removal of critical joints
Partner Drills: Practicing principles for defense and offense, examples of incremental progression, putting it all together
Throw Renovation: demonstrations of principles applied to traditional throws and common grappling situations
Practice of the concepts presented will allow you to internalize and express them in your own practice. The methods demonstrated are not presented as rote technique, but as examples of the concepts in application.
2 DVD set
Runing time: appr. 220 minutes
Jing Herbs
Jing Herbs - How to Create Your Own Tonic Bar DVD
Congratulations! You have taken the first step in creating a healthier you! Building a tonic bar in your own kitchen is an amazing way to protect and nurture your health and the Three Treasures as described in the philosophy of Chinese Tonic Herbalism. On this DVD and in the 20 page booklet you’ll find all the recipes, tips, and tricks you'll need to create your own oasis of health. Once you get started, you’ll see how easy it is to make your own herbal combinations and tonic elixirs. It’s a fun way to take care of yourself and impress your friends and family at the same time!
Oxygen Advantage
Oxygen Advantage® DVD Set
Complete Theoretical & Practical video demonstration by Patrick McKeown
If you found The Oxygen Advantage® book to be a game changer, our complete Oxygen Advantage® DVD set is the perfect compliment.Regardless of your level of fitness, the Oxygen Advantage® DVD set will help you to improve both your aerobic and anaerobic capacity within a few short weeks.
The Oxygen Advantage® DVD Set Provides:
120 Minutes Theoretical & Practical Demonstration of each exercise from the book
Each Exercise taught and demonstrated on camera by Oxygen Advantage® creator Patrick McKeown working with an athlete
Complete 30 minute workout instructed on camera by Patrick McKeown to a group of athletes
Double DVD set
Section 1: Practical Demonstration
Nose Unblocking Exercise
The Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT) Watch Preview
Breathe Light to Breathe Right
Oxygen Advantage® Warm-Up
Simulating High-Altitude Training While Walking
Simulating High-Altitude Training While Running
Advanced Simulation of High-Altitude Training
Section 2: Description of Exercises
The Body Oxygen level test
3 Steps to Increasing BOLT score
Nose Unblocking Exercise Watch Preview
Breathe Light to Breathe Right
Breathe Light to Breathe Right Jogging
Breathing Recovery Exercise
Simulate High-Altitude Training Walking
Simulate High-Altitude Training Jogging
Advanced Simulation of High Altitude Training
Program depending on Health and BOLT
Section 3: Theory
Breathing Efficiency
VO2 max. & Running Economy Watch Preview
Measure breathlessness Watch Preview
Nasal Nitric oxide
Oral Breathing in Children Watch Preview
Rhinitis study in asthma
Simulate High Altitude Training Watch Preview
Breath holding in Practise Watch Preview
Breath holding to reduce free radicals
Reduced Acidosis Watch Preview
Conclusion Watch Preview
RMAX (Scott Sonnon)
Prasara: Flow Without Thought DVD
The Evolution of Your Fitness Life...
Pain-Free Flow
It’s here for you right now!!!
What happens when you combine an International Hall of Fame award winning fitness program with a best selling formula for optimal flow in life?
You Get Absolute Magic!
As the industry leader, RMAX has been praised for redefining fitness - even by its competitors! But this didn’t happen without a battle. RMAX had to drag the fitness industry kicking and screaming into the realm of grace, poise… and FLOW.
As a result of many years of behind the scenes one on one training with thousands of personal, elite athletes from around the world, International Champion and Master Coach Scott Sonnon developed two of the most powerful fitness technologies ever created: the Hall of Fame award winning Ground Engagement training program and the best-selling pinnacle of The Path Workshop - the trademarked FlowFit® Formula.
He has now gone beyond even this to fuse them together into his most powerful tool to date!
Please do not watch the trailer of this out-of-the-box fitness sensation if you want to be completely surprised when it arrives on your doorstop. In it you will see Scott demonstrating CST exercises that until now were the exclusive secret of his private circle of coaching professionals.
100% Guaranteed Fitness Secrets!
Scott has been quoted as saying, “There are no secret techniques, only secret training strategies.” The secret training strategies that you will learn here will not only give you access to the elusive quality of FLOW, they will also be the most fun you’ve EVER had while getting fit with your friends and family!
Scott gives you a 100% guarantee
Fast And Furious Fitness! -Jim S., Toronto, Canada
"So Awesome My Kids Joined In The Fun!" -Tammi Pfeuller, Arizona
The strategies documented on this new film will transform your fitness life - 20 minutes at a time
RMAX (Scott Sonnon)
RESET: Rapid Energy Sports Enhancement Technique DVD
RESET: Rapid Energy Sports Enhancement Technique Develop Six Times Faster Recovery and Hit Target Zone Six Times Faster with Scott Sonnon s Revolutionary RESET Program! 5X USA National Sambo Team Coach and Champion Scott Sonnon spent 6 years studying fringe sciences in the former Soviet Union with their National and Olympic Coaches, as well as with their Special Operation Unit Trainers. Upon returning to America, he combined his experience in sports biomechanics, stress physiology and combat psychology to create a unique and powerful ally for those athletes who seek an unstoppable edge over their opponents. He was branded a heretic by traditional Sambo politicians because of his unwavering support for his mixed martial arts and submission fighting athletes. But Coach Sonnon has always shared his discoveries with athletes of any background, because he believes that evolution is more important than preserving an Old World paradigm. Though his tools were forged in the fires of competitive fighting experience, his techniques and methods have trickled out into other amateur and professional sports, including the NFL, NHL and MLB, and even into scholastic sports programs... with incredible success! The Rapid Energy Sports Enhancement Technique (RESET) produces immediate, proven results, and with 2-4 months of consistent practice those results appear to be ongoing and permanent. Through Coach Sonnon s signature blend of performance breathing exercises, solo vibration drills and low-tech biofeedback, RESET improves athletic: - Economy: less total energy expended -Efficiency: more utility from total energy expended -Energy: by releasing unnecessary expenditures Coach Sonnon has such confidence in this trademarked RESET Button that he created for his athletes because they have had a 100% success rate in applying it in the real-world. In this DVD, he s making this Amazing Technique available to the public for the first time.
RMAX (Scott Sonnon)
RMAX-Powered Grappler's Toolbox Reborn DVD
Flow Makes Flawless
The Rebirth of the Hall of Fame Award Winning Martial Art Conditioning Program designed by Distinguished Master of Sport, former USA National Sambo Team Coach and Champion, Scott Sonnon.
Martial artists all admire natural grace of masterful grapplers from Jiujitsu, Judo, Sambo and Wrestling. To an extent, much of that ferocious fluidity is learned. For movement masters like Scott Sonnon, learning didn’t come easily. Persistent, he traveled the world to find and formulate the right methods to match up with the learning requirements of the non-gifted. His unique approach stands on the broad shoulders of his Olympic and national coaching and international success on the mat.
Coach Sonnon designed these “biomechanical exercises” as a powerful form of specific physical preparedness which:
creates a safety valve for when movements deviate from the expected, like they always do in the chaos of and fighting, so that when you or your opponent move too far, too fast, too hard, you can safely recover and stay on target.
three-dimensionally strengthens connective tissue (the “outer bag” of your fascia and the muscle it contains, and the “inner bag” forming the joint capsules and holding in the precious synovial fluid, ground substance, and of course your cartilage and bones.)
provide a movement model for your nervous system to improve your technique without a partner, like a form of “shadow grappling” - probably the most under-estimated form of practice in modern day gyms.
If you practice these as a warm-up, before your practicing the technique with a partner, of if as your form of off-season conditioning, you’ll skyrocket your performance on the mat. Practice consistently for 60 days and you will completely rewire your nervous system.
Running time: 81 minutes
RMAX (Scott Sonnon)
RMAX-Powered QiGong - Volume 1 DVD
Qigong (Chi Kung) has been taught in China for centuries as a health system and longevity program. Qigong can be translated as breath skill or breath work. Almost every culture has taught a system of health and longevity by one name or another. Most of these systems resemble each other in movement, philosophy or both. Qigong systems make bold promises like:
Energize your body and mind to feel more alive
Find and attain deep levels of tranquility
Naturally heal your body
Strengthen your immune system
Enhance your flexibility and mobility to enjoy easier, pain-free movement
Lose weight
Develop muscle tone
Gain control of your movement
The most misunderstood component of the system is that, these benefits will only happen if you subscribe to particular cultures belief system, or spiritual practices. In this ground breaking course, Joseph Wilson demystifies Qigong; he breaks down and explains basic movements that anyone can do. He explains how and why this wonderful ancient practice has been around and been successful for over 5000 years. Join in on a workout that truly anyone can do and benefit from.
Joseph Wilson, a member of the elite performance enhancement squad known as the RMAX Coaching Staff, has been studying martial arts, physical culture and yoga for over 25 years. As a Head Coach of both Circular Strength Training® and FlowFighting™, he travels around the world coaching thousands of his athletes to personal excellence.
Having trained in martial arts from almost every culture and continent, he has devoted his service to the community as a full-time Law Enforcement officer and Internal Affairs detective for over 9 years, as well as owning and operating the Memphis Martial Arts Center – the largest school in Memphis, Tennessee. He brings his experience and expertise in his diverse disciplines to the floor when he teaches.
Running time: appr. 25 minutes
RMAX (Scott Sonnon)
Sambo MMA Leg Attacks DVD
Sambo is one of the top five martial arts to be represented in the realm of No Holds Barred Mixed Martial Arts competitions because of its real-world brutal simplicity and toughness exemplified by fearsome fighters.
One of a few foreigners to ever do so, Coach Sonnon earned the highest athletic distinction of the former Soviet Union - the coveted Distinguished Masters of Sport in SAMBO. A multiple time USA National Sambo Team Coach and Champion, International Combat Sambo Commission Chairman and American Sambo Vice-President. Scott Sonnon provides you with a rare opportunity to distance study in the actual methods and tactics used by masters of Russian Sambo.
There are three branches to Coach Sonnon’s RMAX Sambo: self-defense/combatives, sport (Sambo) specific, and mixed martial art. Coach Sonnon believes that since you will face other martial artists more than you will fight for your life or compete in sport wrestling, you must be able to first face that live resistance victoriously. The mechanics, sensitivity, rhythm and timing transfer into all other realms – critical attributes mandatory for becoming a successful, strong fighter.
Here is what some of the world's greatest grapplers in Sambo and Judo have said about Scott:
"Groundbreaking, universal ideas that can be immediately learnt and immediately applied." - Igor Yakimov , World Sambo, Judo and MMA Champion
"One of the best teachers I have ever trained with!" - Steve Maxwell , World BJJ and Sombo Champion
"Scott is an untapped resource as far as I am concerned. What I always have enjoyed about his matieral is that it is conceptually far reaching. It always furthers my understanding of fighting and I was able to use some of the things from this DVD the first night I viewed it." - Jason Keaton , Brazilian Jiujitsu Black Belt (Renato Tavares) King of the Cage and Extreme Combat Challenge Veteran Owner of Cyclone Mixed Martial Arts Gym: www.cyclonemma.com
RMAX Sambo is “4th Dimension” Grappling!
Coach Sonnon has described Sambo as "4D Grappling" due to the way grappling has changed over the centuries culminating in the world-renown "puzzle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma" that is Sambo.
1st Dimension Grappling: Arms to Arms Attacks – Greco-Roman
2nd Dimension Grappling: Arms to Legs Attacks – Free-Style
3rd Dimension Grappling: Legs to Arms Attacks – Judo-Jiujitsu
4th Dimension Grappling: Legs to Legs Attacks – Sambo
Learn how to integrate RMAX Sambo into your overall fight game so that you create a balanced, comprehensive strategy, and considering the vacuum of current Sambo skill in the MMA world – a 5-10 year advantage over your competition.
Learn the Devastating Throws that Coach Sonnon used to knock out actual opponents in live competition which will dramatically expand your wrestling potential.
Learn the Mercury-like Counter-Defenses which Scott executed to thwart takedown attempts against superiorly experienced opponents which will expand your clinch game monumentally!
Learn the Gravity Defying Leg-to-Leg Takedowns which trademarked Scott’s triumphant competitive career which will catapult your Judo skills into an entire new realm!
Learn the Sinew Separating Leg Locks which Scott successfully applied time and again for victory in high action fights which will open up a whole world of painful submission on your opponents.
Learn the Lower-Body Groundfighting Wizardry known as “fast-wrestling” in Russia , which will double the effectiveness of your Jiujitsu positional domination.
Learn the Spirit-Crushing “Test of Manhood” which has travailed Russian grapplers for over 100 years, and how to WIN immediately!
Recorded live, with fighters participating from around the world, order this rare glimpse into the combative strategies of one of the few Living Distinguished Masters of Sambo, one of the very few outside of Russia.
2 DVDs : Running Time 3 hours 48 minutes