AMB Well Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil (90caps 1000mg each)
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Advantages of Omega-3 PGFO Capsules You receive 90 capsules in 1 bottle of Omega-3 PGFO capsules. 3 capsules/daily will supply you with 1 month of supplementation based on the suggested dosage for optimal health. One bottle of Omega-3 PGFO capsules will last 3 months after opening. Omega-3 PGFO capsules are resistant to high temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celcius and do not need refrigerated AFTER the bottle is opened, so they are perfect to travel with. Unopened bottles of Omega-3 PGFO capsules will last until the expiry date (shelf life) printed at the top of the bottle and should be stored in a cool dry place. Some customers may require less than 3 capsules daily while others may require more capsules daily. Once the daily dosage is determined if treating a specific condition, it is easy to count out the capsules. Omega-3 PGFO capsules are odourless with no flavour versus Omega-3 Liquid Gold where taste can be subjective. The fish oil is protected by a gelatin capsule giving an added layer of protection against oxidation. Omega-3 PGFO capsules have an airtight container which has been inductively sealed with silver foil. The convenient twist top lid has also been sealed for added security and protection. The bottle is white in colour to ensure lack of exposure to light. A-M B-Well Inc. is one of the very few companies that have been selling the natural TG form of Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil since 2001. That is the reason we consider our company to be the "Pioneers of Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil" because of our many years in this business. Disadvantages of Omega-3 PGFO Capsules Elderly people and children may have trouble swallowing a 1 gram capsule. Some customers requiring large dosages of Omega-3 fish oil may have trouble swallowing all the capsules required to treat a specific disease. A-M B-Well™ Omega-3 PGFO Pills A-M B-Well™ Omega-3 PGFO pills have a Natural Product Number ("NPN) 80002607 issued by the Natural Health Products Directorate ("NHPD") of Canada. A-M B-Well™ Omega-3 PGFO fish oil pills have a highly concentrated fish oil derived from ultra refined, molecularly distilled fish oil. Each bottle contains 90 capsules. Each 1,000 mg. capsule contains a minimum of *400 mg. of EPA and *200 mg. of DHA (both as triglyceride, TG), for a minimum summed total of 600 mg. of Omega-3s per capsule. The remaining 400 mg. is made up of glycerin, purified water, and 10 I.U.s of Vitamin E for oxidative stability. Our Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil has been purified using advanced molecular distillation to make it virtually contamination free of PCB's, mercury, dioxins, furans and heavy metals often present in related products containing Omega-3 fatty acids. What is Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil and what are its benefits? A-M B-Well™ Omega-3 PGFO is a highly concentrated triglyceride base fish oil that uses only the finest quality raw materials of cold-water fish oils caught off the coast of Peru. The base oil is 95% anchovy, 2.5% sardine and 2.5% mackerel. Pharmaceutical Grade Fish oil contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoid acid). These fatty acids cannot be made in the body and must be obtained from our diet. There are three types of fish oil: Cod liver oil Health grade fish oil (commonly referred to as 18:12 containing 180 EPA and 120 DHA or 300 mg. Omega 3s per 1 gram capsule) Pharmaceutical grade fish oil (“PGFO”) containing a minimum summed total of 600 mg. Omega 3 per 1 gram capsule) * The 400 mg of EPA and 200 mg of DHA is often expressed as a 40:20TG EPA/DHA product in parts per 100. Remember that it usually takes 100 gallons of health grade fish oil to make 1 gallon of pharmaceutical grade fish oil. What is the Recommended Dosage? Condition 1,000 mg. Capsules *1 Cardio protection 2 capsules *2 Anti-inflammatory 5 capsules *3 Neurological disorders 8 capsules Pregnant or lactating women or anyone with a medical condition should inform their physician that they are taking this product. *1 AHA recommended *2 FDA has stated that up to 3 grams of Omega 3-s is safe for human consumption *3 Stoll AL, Severus WE, Freeman MP, Rueter S, Zboyan HA, Diamond E, Cress KK, Marangell LB. Brigham and Women's Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass, USA. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1999 May; 56(5):407-12 Clinical Benefits of an Omega 3 Diet The best diet is one that is rich in fish, preferably small in size, at the bottom of the food chain. This will help prevent contamination from mercury, PCB's and other toxins in medium to large fish. The minimum daily requirement of Omega-3s as recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ("FAO") is 1.5% of daily caloric needs. For example, if you consume 1,800 kcal per day of food, you should ingest at least 3 grams of Omega-3s. This amount is hard to reach because foods rich in these fats are not very attractive, and not everyone wants or can eat fish every day. If you cannot reach the recommended daily amount of Omega-3s from food, it then becomes crucial to choose an Omega-3 supplement. According to clinical studies, the fatty acids EPA and DHA provide numerous health benefits. EPA may help to prevent or alleviate diseases resulting from chronic inflammation that lead to heart disease, stroke, arthritis and obesity. DHA is important for the brain, eyes and also the heart and is very important in an infant and child’s development.
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Feel Younger Feel Younger - Omega 3 Fish Oil EPA+DHA 720mg 60caps
Do you struggle with… Fatigue Dry skin Mood swings or depression Anxiety Poor memory Heart Problems Poor circulation If you answered yes to any of the above, you may be deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA. Supplementing with omega-3s may be able to help.The potential benefits of omega-3s include the following(1): Reduces Depression and Anxiety Promote Brain Health During Pregnancy and Early Life Reduce Symptoms of ADHD in Children Reduces Inflammation May Improve Bone and Joint Health Improve Eye Health Improve Risk Factors for Heart Disease Reduce Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome May Help Prevent Cancer What are Omega 3, EPA and DHA?Omega-3s are a family of essential fatty acids that play important roles in your body and may provide a number of health benefits (2).As your body cannot produce them on its own, you must get them from your diet. Common foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids include fatty fish, fish oils, flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.There are three main types of omega-3 fatty acids — ALA, DHA, and EPA.ALA Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the most common omega-3 fatty acid in your diet (3).Your body mainly uses it for energy, but it can also be converted into the biologically active forms of omega-3, EPA and DHA.However, this conversion process is inefficient. Only a small percentage of ALA is converted into the active forms (4).ALA is found in foods like flax seeds, flaxseed oil, canola oil, chia seeds, walnuts, hemp seeds, and soybeans.EPA Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is mostly found in animal products, such as fatty fish and fish oil. However, some microalgae also contain EPA.It has several functions in your body. EPA prevents the blood from clotting easily, reduces triglyceride levels in the blood, and has effects that might reduce pain and swelling. (5) Getting more EPA in your diet has positive effects on coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and inflammation. (6)DHA Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is the most important omega-3 fatty acid in your body.It’s a key structural component of your brain, the retina of your eyes, and numerous other body parts (7).Like EPA, it occurs mainly in animal products like fatty fish and fish oil. Meat, eggs, and dairy from grass-fed animals also tend to contain significant amounts.Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis (8).Signs and symptoms of omega-3 deficiency include: (9) Skin irritation and dryness Dry Eyes Hair changes High Blood Pressure Fatigue Depression Joint pain and stiffness High Cholesterol Cardiovascular Disease Poor memory Long term omega 3 deficiencies can lead to severe health issues and chronic conditions over time. If you do not eat a diet high in oily fish, you may be at risk of a deficiency in omega-3s. And if you do eat a diet high in fish you could be at risk for high contamination from neurotoxins like mercury. There is essentially no mercury in omega-3 fish oil (10), as this neurotoxin binds to proteins and not oils.Methylmercury (MeHg) is the major organic form we are exposed to when we eat fish. All fish and shellfish contain some MeHg, but larger, longer-lived predatory fish generally have the highest levels. Methylmercury is particularly hazardous because it can cross the blood-brain barrier causing neurological impairment. (11) For this reason, many health advocates caution against eating a diet very high in fish.It is also important to have the proper ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in your diet (12) because too much omega 6 can be associated with worsening inflammation over time. (13). In fact, chronic inflammation may be one of the leading drivers of the most serious modern diseases. Those who follow a Western diet are typically eating way too many omega-6s relative to omega-3s. Adding an omega 3 supplement to your diet can optimize the balance of the omega fats which can reduce your risk of heart disease, chronic inflammation and cancer. (14)How do you know if you have a deficiency in Omega 3s?The only way to be sure is to get a blood test that tests your levels of Omega 3s, ideally including the ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6. Although this is unfortunately not a test commonly done by MDs (yet), it is available privately at a relatively low cost in many countries.If testing is not an option, second best would be to evaluate if you are consuming an optimal amount of Omega 3 fats, specifically EPA and DHA. If you do not eat oily fish several times a week, then having a suboptimal deficiency is certainly a possibility, if you also don’t supplement this important nutrient, especially if you consume a lot of vegetable oils in your diet.Why use Feel Younger® Omega 3 Fish Oil with EPA and DHA?There are many different omega-3 supplements available. Not all omega 3s are equal in their health providing benefits, and there are a few reasons for this:1. Many company’s Omega 3 supplements don’t contain enough EPA and DHA.Feel Younger Omega 3 has a high amount of DHA and EPA per serving. EPA and DHA are considered the most important omega-3 fatty acids. EPA is extremely important for mood health, reducing blood clotting, pain and swelling.   DHA is necessary for the functional development of the brain and is also linked to improved heart health, better vision, and reduced inflammatory response.2. Many other Omega 3 supplements have a bad ratio of EPA to DHABoth DHA and EPA can reduce inflammation. However, it has been shown that a greater ratio of EPA to DHA seems to address inflammatory risk factors more effectively. (16)  Feel Younger Omega-3 has a higher ratio of EPA to DHA per serving.3. Many dietary sources of omega 3s are contaminated with Mercury and PCBs and other supplements can expose you to vitamin A toxicity. (17)Feel Younger Omega-3 is sourced freshly from high quality anchovies. They have some of the highest amounts of these beneficial fatty acids of all fish and seafood and despite their size, are densely packed with nutrition. Anchovies are a purer source of omega 3s compared to larger species of fatty fish which contain higher levels of pollutants and toxins. Swordfish, ahi and bigeye tuna, marlin, shark, tilefish, king mackerel and other fatty fish all contain high levels of contaminants. These larger fish that are higher up the food chain, and have lived longer, have had more time to accumulate toxins and pose the greatest risk.Feel Younger Omega 3 Fish Oil has 2400mg’s of Fish Oil including 864 mg of EPA and 576 mg of DHA giving you a high amount of essential omega-3s free of heavy metals and a good ratio of EPA to DHA per serving in a high quality supplement.How do you take it?Ideally take with water alongside a meal, for maximum absorption, but can be taken any time, or as directed by a healthcare professional.Any cautions? (19)Though omega-3 supplements are generally considered safe, you should check with a healthcare professional before taking them. If you are allergic to fish or shellfish, seek advice from your healthcare professional first.Fish oil is likely safe for most people in doses of 5 grams or less daily (20).Fish oil might slow blood clotting. Taking fish oil along with medications that also slow blood clotting might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. (21)Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle. Scientific References: