Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - PRO Colostrum LD® Powder - 16 oz. (454 grams)
Colostrum LD Powder :: 16 oz. (454 grams)
16 oz. colostrum powder
Colostrum-LD® is the only substance clinically proven to heal and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Most physicians agree that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a primary cause of chronic disease.
The LD Difference: Colostrum-LD® remains biologically active at the cellular level with maximal effectiveness (up to 4X more effective than regular colostrum).
Colostrum-LD® is the only colostrum certified to contain a minimum of 25-30% Immunoglobulins, 1.5% Lactoferrin, 1.5% Growth Factors and 4.5-5% PRPs (colostrum’s most powerful bioactive component).
Sovereign Laboratories takes a great product (colostrum) and makes it a superior product (Colostrum-LD®). Our proprietary in-house Liposomal Delivery (LD) system is an applied coating which allows colostrum to readily dissolve in liquids and ensures the colostrum will bypass digestion; will be transported through the bowel wall; will circulate throughout the body; will reach the organs and cells; and remain bioavailable at the cellular level. “Liposomal Delivery makes colostrum (and other nutrients) up to 1,500 % more bioavailable” (Robert R. Milne, MD); this makes Colostrum-LD® the most effective colostrum available. Without LD, colostrum loses most of its effectiveness. The LD Difference means that colostrum products from Sovereign Laboratories do what they say. Sovereign Laboratories stands behind its money back guarantee.
Expect Results:
Colostrum does not oxidize in storage.
Colostrum is not digested (digestion destroys colostrum’s bioactivity).
Colostrum components are delivered through the bowel wall into the blood stream to reach all organs and cells wherever needed.
Colostrum components transport through the cell wall to assist in RNA and DNA repair; stem cell initiation and differentiation; facilitation of cellular growth and repair; infection prevention; and identification of damaged and diseased cells.
COLOSTRUM-LD® has been shown to help:
Boost, balance, and maintain unsurpassed immune function
Eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infection
Prevent and eliminate diarrhea from infectious causes
Suppress over-reactivity to environmental pathogens and toxins
Protect and heal GI and stomach lining (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
Increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity
Increase muscle strength and stamina; speed recovery after exercise or injury; burn fat; and maintain blood glucose homeostasis
Provide anti-aging benefits
Effective Use
Colostrum is a food, not a drug or medicine. It is safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic and has no side effects.
Bovine Colostrum is safe, non-toxic and can be consumed in any quantity without side effects or drug interactions. It contains special enzymes that prevent its immune and growth factors from being digested. An article written by Robert Preston, ND, President of the International Institute of Nutritional Research, states, "Bovine colostrum is safe. Colostrum contains an unprecedented combination of nutritional factors with which to fortify the immune system. It is so harmless, it has been prepared by Nature as the first food for infants, intended as their total diet for the first 24 hours." He further states, "It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than colostrum. It is safe for internal consumption by children, adults and animals."
How much should be taken and how often?
You should take enough colostrum to obtain results you desire; this amount varies from person to person. If you are not seeing results with colostrum, you are not taking enough. For healthy adults who want to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, 2 capsules (or 1 teaspoon powder) twice daily are recommended. For anyone whose has compromised health situation, GI or digestive health issues, auto-immune conditions, inflammatory conditions, cancer, heart disease, is recovering from an injury, wants to get rid of allergies, or detects a cold or flu coming on, 4 capsules (1 tablespoon powder) twice a day are recommended. For athletic use and anti-aging, 10-20 grams daily optimizes growth hormone levels which translates to 2 heaping tablespoons of powder twice a day.
The dosage can then be lessened to a maintenance level as long as it continues to produce results. Colostrum has a sixteen hour half-life. It should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Colostrum's benefits are cumulative. The longer and more consistent the use, the greater the benefits.
Most people feel better right away, yet about one in five first-time users experience a detox event or "healing crisis," consisting of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headache coughing up phlegm, skin rashes and low-grade fever. These are called Herxheimer reactions and typically last only a couple of days. The body is ridding itself of long-accumulated toxins, locked in the body's tissues and fat deposits that have suppressed the immune system and encouraged disease. This is normal, and not a reason to stop taking colostrum. You should reduce your dosage to a minimum amount (one capsule per day, or 1/2 teaspoon) until the body adjusts, and then increase your dosage as desired to achieve optimal results.
Colostrum is not just for adults, and remarkable results have been observed in infants and children. Colostrum's test is in the undeniable health of children who receive colostrum and breast milk from their mothers. These children experience less illness, increased mental acuity and have stronger, more vibrant growth. If infants are not breastfed or not breastfed for at least two years, colostrum supplementation is an option. Because children have a tendency to catch colds and illness from peers in daycare and school, colostrum supplementation in these situations will help immensely. Colostrum powder tastes great and is advisable for children who are unable to swallow colostrum capsules.
We can't forget our beloved pets. Veterinary use of bovine colostrum with aging and/or ailing animals (mammals) has proven to be very beneficial. Its ability to halt disease is well documented; aging pets with arthritis or joint problems are particularly responsive to colostrum. And most pets love the taste of colostrum.
It’s important for each one of us to take responsibility for our own health. Like the “Sovereign” in our company name, we believe in individuals taking “sovereign” charge of their health and well-being. If you are convinced by claims, testimonials, or even research stating that a product will stop disease, you must make certain that there is also supporting research showing that the product does not destroy body tissue, interact with other drugs or supplements, or create harmful side effects in the process. Colostrum-LD® is the only clinically proven substance which heals and prevents Leaky Gut Syndrome and does not cause harm to the body.
Effectiveness of Colostrum
This depends on its quality and how it is processed!
Research has shown that colostrum which is water-soluble is more easily assimilated. If you are taking colostrum which is only partially soluble, you will not get the full benefits. Colostrum which has been frozen cannot be made water soluble and it must be specially micronized in order to be soluble. Simply empty a capsule into a glass of water, cover and shake. It should dissolve quickly.
Tests on several different brands of colostrum have shown that colostrum processed with excessive heat will lose most of its biological activity. This is especially true of colostrum tablets. The heat generated when tablets are formed is so high that it severely compromises colostrum's efficacy.
Colostrum that comes from pasture fed herds, who eat healthy green grass produce better milk and colostrum than cows that are fed processed foods.
It is also very important that colostrum is standardized by taking it from large numbers of healthy cows. This insures the maximum possible amount of immune factors. Colostrum that is not standardized should be avoided.
Some colostrum is manipulated to boost immunoglobulin levels. Recent research, however, has shown that higher percentages of immunoglobulin actually diminish colostrum's effectiveness in combating infection. Therefore, our conclusion is that the most effective colostrum is that which is gently processed, but otherwise left with the balance of its immune and growth factors as nature intended.
Let the Buyer Beware!
Not all colostrum is processed in accordance with these strict guidelines.
Currently no standards exist for the collection and processing of colostrum. Some colostrum contains inexpensive "filler" products such as whey by-products, which severely reduce its effectiveness. Also, if the colostrum is not collected during the first 24 hours after the birth of the calf, it will be missing many of the important growth factors.
To help you assess different brands of colostrum, below is a summary of the standard you should look for in high quality colostrum:
It should be full water-soluble.
It should come only from certified healthy, grade A diary cows (after the needs of the calf are met).
It should be collected only from the first milking after the second birth, to ensure maximum biological activity.
It should come only from cows which are pasture-fed, and certified to be hormone, pesticide and antibiotic free.
It should be filtered and homogenized to break down the long-chain proteins (immunoglobulins) for better assimilation.
It should be mixed with the colostrum from thousands of other cows to standardize and maximize the immune factors.
It should be processed to remove excess, unwanted fat, and dried with added heat. This process is significantly more costly and time-consuming than regular high-temperature processing.
It should be laboratory tested for E.Coli, salmonella, pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, other pathogens, a verification of high platelet count (a sign of active "friendly" intestinal bacteria) and immunoglobulin content.
There are only a few producers of bovine colostrum which meet the above standards. Read labels carefully and investigate the company. Another way to find a high-quality colostrum is to contact the Center for Nutritional Research (CNR),, an independent, non-profit research organization. The CNR can provide, free of charge, a list of manufacturers whose colostrum meets our guidelines.
Benefits of Colostrum LD
Purpose: This is life's first food. It was designed by nature to bring perfect health. It was and is the most important GI health combination of powerful healing and immune components ever; or it would not have been your first meal.
Prevents and heals gut permeability (holes in our gut) caused by toxins, pathogens (bacteria), acidic drinks, pain medications and pharmaceuticals and environmental hazards. (The primary cause of chronic disease)
Helps prevent toxins from entering the body
Repairs, optimizes and activates immune function (especially in the GI tract)
Stimulates the repair and regeneration of all body tissue and enhances cellular communication and nutritional intake
Increases energy and stamina, lean muscle mass, activates fat metabolism, and returns our body to vibrant health
The most important food for health and healing or your first meal would have been something else!
Fountain Of Youth
The New England Journal of Medicine (the most prestigious medical journal in the world) reported that the most effective means to stop or slow the aging process would be to replace the hormonal factors that cause us to grow normal cellular structures in the body. After maturity (between the ages of 16-20), the level of growth hormone that our body naturally produces dwindles. We notice this as gravity, unmercifully, takes its toll. Our bodies lose muscle tone and elasticity of the skin, causing us to sag and wrinkle. We lose bone mass and shrink, while our hands, feet, nose and ears get larger. We would all do almost anything to stop this aging process but we may want to think twice before we consider isolated hormone replacement sources and are not identical to the hormones made by the body. Synthesized and isolated hormones can produce body imbalances and side effects that can be life threatening!
There is another answer. A natural answer. Colostrum's perfectly balanced combination of immune and growth factors, administered in human clinical trials with aged subjects, safely increases lgF-1 to pre-puberty levels, producing increased muscle weight and strength. IfF-1 and GH in colostrum also has been shown to tone muscles, melt body fat, return elasticity to the skin and increase bone density. Colostrum, life's first food, has given those of use that are growing older, real hope that there may be a Fountain of Youth after all!
Everything in life springs forth from DNA - flesh, bones, hormones, nervous system, a baby's first word, the euphoria that comes with first love, the ability to learn to speak a foreign language. All of this originates from DNA. This silent intelligence of life, DNA, attracts the chemicals it needs to form new DNA which is an essential part of cell division. DNA is also able to manufacture RNA, which is nearly identical to DNA and participates as its active counterpart. RNA (the active intelligence) is the traveler sent to produce the proteins needed to build and repair the body. Dr. Benjamin Frank, whose research on youth and aging, showed RNA to be one of our most critical anti-aging factors. His research showed that lgf-1 (found naturally in colostrum) is one of the only substances known to stimulate the growth and repair of these key nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.
Colostrum has been shown to help maintain blood glucose levels to serve the brain. Also, IgF-1 and GF, some of the smallest particles known, have been shown to cross the blood brain barrier to help with nerve synapses in the brain, enhancing mental acuity and increasing serotonin levels, to brighten our moods. And just possibly, as we age, this might be one of the most important reasons to take a serious look at colostrum.
The aging process is accelerated if our natural immune defenses are depleted through infection and toxic assault. Colostrum can help by strengthening and modulating our immune function. Colostrum’s unique immune and growth factors cannot be obtained through an other source. It is unequaled in stimulating cellular growth and repair and promoting optimal immune function. It can best be summed up by a statement about colostrum from the world’s leading medical anthropologist and New York Times best selling medical author: Robert Heinerman, PhD “No greater promise of health can be made for a natural product so beloved as this. It can be truthfully said that colostrum nicely maintains the physical elegance of life, which believe it or not, also happens to be its meaning as well.”
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories, LLC The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Capsules: Liposomal Delivery - 120caps (480mg each)
Colostrum LD® Capsules :: Micro-Encapsulated Liposomal Delivery Colostrum - 120caps (480mg each)
Colostrum LD® Capsules :: Micro-Encapsulated Liposomal Delivery Colostrum
1 Bottle = 120 capsules
Colostrum-LD® is the only substance clinically proven to heal and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Most physicians agree that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a primary cause of chronic disease.
The LD Difference: Colostrum-LD® remains biologically active at the cellular level with maximal effectiveness (up to 4X more effective than regular colostrum).
Colostrum-LD® is the only colostrum certified to contain a minimum of 25-30% Immunoglobulins, 1.5% Lactoferrin, 1.5% Growth Factors and 4.5-5% PRPs (colostrum’s most powerful bioactive component).
NOTE: Colostrum LD Capsules and Colostrum LD Powder are the exact same product and differ only in packaging.
Sovereign Laboratories takes a great product (colostrum) and makes it a superior product (Colostrum-LD®). Our proprietary in-house Liposomal Delivery (LD) system is an applied coating which allows colostrum to readily dissolve in liquids and ensures the colostrum will bypass digestion; will be transported through the bowel wall; will circulate throughout the body; will reach the organs and cells; and remain bioavailable at the cellular level. “Liposomal Delivery makes colostrum (and other nutrients) up to 1,500 % more bioavailable” (Robert R. Milne, MD); this makes Colostrum-LD® the most effective colostrum available. Without LD, colostrum loses most of its effectiveness. The LD Difference means that colostrum products from Sovereign Laboratories do what they say. Sovereign Laboratories stands behind its money back guarantee.
Expect Results:
Colostrum does not oxidize in storage.
Colostrum is not digested (digestion destroys colostrum’s bioactivity).
Colostrum components are delivered through the bowel wall into the blood stream to reach all organs and cells wherever needed.
Colostrum components transport through the cell wall to assist in RNA and DNA repair; stem cell initiation and differentiation; facilitation of cellular growth and repair; infection prevention; and identification of damaged and diseased cells.
COLOSTRUM-LD® has been shown to help:
Boost, balance, and maintain unsurpassed immune function
Eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infection
Prevent and eliminate diarrhea from infectious causes
Suppress over-reactivity to environmental pathogens and toxins
Protect and heal GI and stomach lining (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
Increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity
Increase muscle strength and stamina; speed recovery after exercise or injury; burn fat; and maintain blood glucose homeostasis
Provide anti-aging benefits
Effective Use
Colostrum is a food, not a drug or medicine. It is safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic and has no side effects.
Bovine Colostrum is safe, non-toxic and can be consumed in any quantity without side effects or drug interactions. It contains special enzymes that prevent its immune and growth factors from being digested. An article written by Robert Preston, ND, President of the International Institute of Nutritional Research, states, "Bovine colostrum is safe. Colostrum contains an unprecedented combination of nutritional factors with which to fortify the immune system. It is so harmless, it has been prepared by Nature as the first food for infants, intended as their total diet for the first 24 hours." He further states, "It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than colostrum. It is safe for internal consumption by children, adults and animals."
How much should be taken and how often?
You should take enough colostrum to obtain results you desire; this amount varies from person to person. If you are not seeing results with colostrum, you are not taking enough. For healthy adults who want to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, 2 capsules (or 1 teaspoon powder) twice daily are recommended. For anyone whose has compromised health situation, GI or digestive health issues, auto-immune conditions, inflammatory conditions, cancer, heart disease, is recovering from an injury, wants to get rid of allergies, or detects a cold or flu coming on, 4 capsules (1 tablespoon powder) twice a day are recommended. For athletic use and anti-aging, 10-20 grams daily optimizes growth hormone levels which translates to 2 heaping tablespoons of powder twice a day.
The dosage can then be lessened to a maintenance level as long as it continues to produce results. Colostrum has a sixteen hour half-life. It should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Colostrum's benefits are cumulative. The longer and more consistent the use, the greater the benefits.
Most people feel better right away, yet about one in five first-time users experience a detox event or "healing crisis," consisting of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headache coughing up phlegm, skin rashes and low-grade fever. These are called Herxheimer reactions and typically last only a couple of days. The body is ridding itself of long-accumulated toxins, locked in the body's tissues and fat deposits that have suppressed the immune system and encouraged disease. This is normal, and not a reason to stop taking colostrum. You should reduce your dosage to a minimum amount (one capsule per day, or 1/2 teaspoon) until the body adjusts, and then increase your dosage as desired to achieve optimal results.
Colostrum is not just for adults, and remarkable results have been observed in infants and children. Colostrum's test is in the undeniable health of children who receive colostrum and breast milk from their mothers. These children experience less illness, increased mental acuity and have stronger, more vibrant growth. If infants are not breastfed or not breastfed for at least two years, colostrum supplementation is an option. Because children have a tendency to catch colds and illness from peers in daycare and school, colostrum supplementation in these situations will help immensely. Colostrum powder tastes great and is advisable for children who are unable to swallow colostrum capsules.
We can't forget our beloved pets. Veterinary use of bovine colostrum with aging and/or ailing animals (mammals) has proven to be very beneficial. Its ability to halt disease is well documented; aging pets with arthritis or joint problems are particularly responsive to colostrum. And most pets love the taste of colostrum.
It’s important for each one of us to take responsibility for our own health. Like the “Sovereign” in our company name, we believe in individuals taking “sovereign” charge of their health and well-being. If you are convinced by claims, testimonials, or even research stating that a product will stop disease, you must make certain that there is also supporting research showing that the product does not destroy body tissue, interact with other drugs or supplements, or create harmful side effects in the process. Colostrum-LD® is the only clinically proven substance which heals and prevents Leaky Gut Syndrome and does not cause harm to the body.
Effectiveness of Colostrum
This depends on its quality and how it is processed!
Research has shown that colostrum which is water-soluble is more easily assimilated. If you are taking colostrum which is only partially soluble, you will not get the full benefits. Colostrum which has been frozen cannot be made water soluble and it must be specially micronized in order to be soluble. Simply empty a capsule into a glass of water, cover and shake. It should dissolve quickly.
Tests on several different brands of colostrum have shown that colostrum processed with excessive heat will lose most of its biological activity. This is especially true of colostrum tablets. The heat generated when tablets are formed is so high that it severely compromises colostrum's efficacy.
Colostrum that comes from pasture fed herds, who eat healthy green grass produce better milk and colostrum than cows that are fed processed foods.
It is also very important that colostrum is standardized by taking it from large numbers of healthy cows. This insures the maximum possible amount of immune factors. Colostrum that is not standardized should be avoided.
Some colostrum is manipulated to boost immunoglobulin levels. Recent research, however, has shown that higher percentages of immunoglobulin actually diminish colostrum's effectiveness in combating infection. Therefore, our conclusion is that the most effective colostrum is that which is gently processed, but otherwise left with the balance of its immune and growth factors as nature intended.
Let the Buyer Beware!
Not all colostrum is processed in accordance with these strict guidelines.
Currently no standards exist for the collection and processing of colostrum. Some colostrum contains inexpensive "filler" products such as whey by-products, which severely reduce its effectiveness. Also, if the colostrum is not collected during the first 24 hours after the birth of the calf, it will be missing many of the important growth factors.
To help you assess different brands of colostrum, below is a summary of the standard you should look for in high quality colostrum:
It should be full water-soluble.
It should come only from certified healthy, grade A diary cows (after the needs of the calf are met).
It should be collected only from the first milking after the second birth, to ensure maximum biological activity.
It should come only from cows which are pasture-fed, and certified to be hormone, pesticide and antibiotic free.
It should be filtered and homogenized to break down the long-chain proteins (immunoglobulins) for better assimilation.
It should be mixed with the colostrum from thousands of other cows to standardize and maximize the immune factors.
It should be processed to remove excess, unwanted fat, and dried with added heat. This process is significantly more costly and time-consuming than regular high-temperature processing.
It should be laboratory tested for E.Coli, salmonella, pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, other pathogens, a verification of high platelet count (a sign of active "friendly" intestinal bacteria) and immunoglobulin content.
There are only a few producers of bovine colostrum which meet the above standards. Read labels carefully and investigate the company. Another way to find a high-quality colostrum is to contact the Center for Nutritional Research (CNR),, an independent, non-profit research organization. The CNR can provide, free of charge, a list of manufacturers whose colostrum meets our guidelines.
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories, LLC The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Powder - 12 oz. (340 grams)
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Powder - 12 oz. (340 grams)
12 oz. colostrum powder
Colostrum-LD® is the only substance clinically proven to heal and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Most physicians agree that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a primary cause of chronic disease.
The LD Difference: Colostrum-LD® remains biologically active at the cellular level with maximal effectiveness (up to 4X more effective than regular colostrum).
Colostrum-LD® is the only colostrum certified to contain a minimum of 25-30% Immunoglobulins, 1.5% Lactoferrin, 1.5% Growth Factors and 4.5-5% PRPs (colostrum’s most powerful bioactive component).
Sovereign Laboratories takes a great product (colostrum) and makes it a superior product (Colostrum-LD®). Our proprietary in-house Liposomal Delivery (LD) system is an applied coating which allows colostrum to readily dissolve in liquids and ensures the colostrum will bypass digestion; will be transported through the bowel wall; will circulate throughout the body; will reach the organs and cells; and remain bioavailable at the cellular level. “Liposomal Delivery makes colostrum (and other nutrients) up to 1,500 % more bioavailable” (Robert R. Milne, MD); this makes Colostrum-LD® the most effective colostrum available. Without LD, colostrum loses most of its effectiveness. The LD Difference means that colostrum products from Sovereign Laboratories do what they say. Sovereign Laboratories stands behind its money back guarantee.
Expect Results:
Colostrum does not oxidize in storage.
Colostrum is not digested (digestion destroys colostrum’s bioactivity).
Colostrum components are delivered through the bowel wall into the blood stream to reach all organs and cells wherever needed.
Colostrum components transport through the cell wall to assist in RNA and DNA repair; stem cell initiation and differentiation; facilitation of cellular growth and repair; infection prevention; and identification of damaged and diseased cells.
COLOSTRUM-LD® has been shown to help:
Boost, balance, and maintain unsurpassed immune function
Eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infection
Prevent and eliminate diarrhea from infectious causes
Suppress over-reactivity to environmental pathogens and toxins
Protect and heal GI and stomach lining (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
Increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity
Increase muscle strength and stamina; speed recovery after exercise or injury; burn fat; and maintain blood glucose homeostasis
Provide anti-aging benefits
Effective Use
Colostrum is a food, not a drug or medicine. It is safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic and has no side effects.
Bovine Colostrum is safe, non-toxic and can be consumed in any quantity without side effects or drug interactions. It contains special enzymes that prevent its immune and growth factors from being digested. An article written by Robert Preston, ND, President of the International Institute of Nutritional Research, states, "Bovine colostrum is safe. Colostrum contains an unprecedented combination of nutritional factors with which to fortify the immune system. It is so harmless, it has been prepared by Nature as the first food for infants, intended as their total diet for the first 24 hours." He further states, "It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than colostrum. It is safe for internal consumption by children, adults and animals."
How much should be taken and how often?
You should take enough colostrum to obtain results you desire; this amount varies from person to person. If you are not seeing results with colostrum, you are not taking enough. For healthy adults who want to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, 2 capsules (or 1 teaspoon powder) twice daily are recommended. For anyone whose has compromised health situation, GI or digestive health issues, auto-immune conditions, inflammatory conditions, cancer, heart disease, is recovering from an injury, wants to get rid of allergies, or detects a cold or flu coming on, 4 capsules (1 tablespoon powder) twice a day are recommended. For athletic use and anti-aging, 10-20 grams daily optimizes growth hormone levels which translates to 2 heaping tablespoons of powder twice a day.
The dosage can then be lessened to a maintenance level as long as it continues to produce results. Colostrum has a sixteen hour half-life. It should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Colostrum's benefits are cumulative. The longer and more consistent the use, the greater the benefits.
Most people feel better right away, yet about one in five first-time users experience a detox event or "healing crisis," consisting of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headache coughing up phlegm, skin rashes and low-grade fever. These are called Herxheimer reactions and typically last only a couple of days. The body is ridding itself of long-accumulated toxins, locked in the body's tissues and fat deposits that have suppressed the immune system and encouraged disease. This is normal, and not a reason to stop taking colostrum. You should reduce your dosage to a minimum amount (one capsule per day, or 1/2 teaspoon) until the body adjusts, and then increase your dosage as desired to achieve optimal results.
Colostrum is not just for adults, and remarkable results have been observed in infants and children. Colostrum's test is in the undeniable health of children who receive colostrum and breast milk from their mothers. These children experience less illness, increased mental acuity and have stronger, more vibrant growth. If infants are not breastfed or not breastfed for at least two years, colostrum supplementation is an option. Because children have a tendency to catch colds and illness from peers in daycare and school, colostrum supplementation in these situations will help immensely. Colostrum powder tastes great and is advisable for children who are unable to swallow colostrum capsules.
We can't forget our beloved pets. Veterinary use of bovine colostrum with aging and/or ailing animals (mammals) has proven to be very beneficial. Its ability to halt disease is well documented; aging pets with arthritis or joint problems are particularly responsive to colostrum. And most pets love the taste of colostrum.
It’s important for each one of us to take responsibility for our own health. Like the “Sovereign” in our company name, we believe in individuals taking “sovereign” charge of their health and well-being. If you are convinced by claims, testimonials, or even research stating that a product will stop disease, you must make certain that there is also supporting research showing that the product does not destroy body tissue, interact with other drugs or supplements, or create harmful side effects in the process. Colostrum-LD® is the only clinically proven substance which heals and prevents Leaky Gut Syndrome and does not cause harm to the body.
Effectiveness of Colostrum
This depends on its quality and how it is processed!
Research has shown that colostrum which is water-soluble is more easily assimilated. If you are taking colostrum which is only partially soluble, you will not get the full benefits. Colostrum which has been frozen cannot be made water soluble and it must be specially micronized in order to be soluble. Simply empty a capsule into a glass of water, cover and shake. It should dissolve quickly.
Tests on several different brands of colostrum have shown that colostrum processed with excessive heat will lose most of its biological activity. This is especially true of colostrum tablets. The heat generated when tablets are formed is so high that it severely compromises colostrum's efficacy.
Colostrum that comes from pasture fed herds, who eat healthy green grass produce better milk and colostrum than cows that are fed processed foods.
It is also very important that colostrum is standardized by taking it from large numbers of healthy cows. This insures the maximum possible amount of immune factors. Colostrum that is not standardized should be avoided.
Some colostrum is manipulated to boost immunoglobulin levels. Recent research, however, has shown that higher percentages of immunoglobulin actually diminish colostrum's effectiveness in combating infection. Therefore, our conclusion is that the most effective colostrum is that which is gently processed, but otherwise left with the balance of its immune and growth factors as nature intended.
Let the Buyer Beware!
Not all colostrum is processed in accordance with these strict guidelines.
Currently no standards exist for the collection and processing of colostrum. Some colostrum contains inexpensive "filler" products such as whey by-products, which severely reduce its effectiveness. Also, if the colostrum is not collected during the first 24 hours after the birth of the calf, it will be missing many of the important growth factors.
To help you assess different brands of colostrum, below is a summary of the standard you should look for in high quality colostrum:
It should be full water-soluble.
It should come only from certified healthy, grade A diary cows (after the needs of the calf are met).
It should be collected only from the first milking after the second birth, to ensure maximum biological activity.
It should come only from cows which are pasture-fed, and certified to be hormone, pesticide and antibiotic free.
It should be filtered and homogenized to break down the long-chain proteins (immunoglobulins) for better assimilation.
It should be mixed with the colostrum from thousands of other cows to standardize and maximize the immune factors.
It should be processed to remove excess, unwanted fat, and dried with added heat. This process is significantly more costly and time-consuming than regular high-temperature processing.
It should be laboratory tested for E.Coli, salmonella, pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, other pathogens, a verification of high platelet count (a sign of active "friendly" intestinal bacteria) and immunoglobulin content.
There are only a few producers of bovine colostrum which meet the above standards. Read labels carefully and investigate the company. Another way to find a high-quality colostrum is to contact the Center for Nutritional Research (CNR),, an independent, non-profit research organization. The CNR can provide, free of charge, a list of manufacturers whose colostrum meets our guidelines.
Benefits of Colostrum LD
Purpose: This is life's first food. It was designed by nature to bring perfect health. It was and is the most important GI health combination of powerful healing and immune components ever; or it would not have been your first meal.
Prevents and heals gut permeability (holes in our gut) caused by toxins, pathogens (bacteria), acidic drinks, pain medications and pharmaceuticals and environmental hazards. (The primary cause of chronic disease)
Helps prevent toxins from entering the body
Repairs, optimizes and activates immune function (especially in the GI tract)
Stimulates the repair and regeneration of all body tissue and enhances cellular communication and nutritional intake
Increases energy and stamina, lean muscle mass, activates fat metabolism, and returns our body to vibrant health
The most important food for health and healing or your first meal would have been something else!
Fountain Of Youth
The New England Journal of Medicine (the most prestigious medical journal in the world) reported that the most effective means to stop or slow the aging process would be to replace the hormonal factors that cause us to grow normal cellular structures in the body. After maturity (between the ages of 16-20), the level of growth hormone that our body naturally produces dwindles. We notice this as gravity, unmercifully, takes its toll. Our bodies lose muscle tone and elasticity of the skin, causing us to sag and wrinkle. We lose bone mass and shrink, while our hands, feet, nose and ears get larger. We would all do almost anything to stop this aging process but we may want to think twice before we consider isolated hormone replacement sources and are not identical to the hormones made by the body. Synthesized and isolated hormones can produce body imbalances and side effects that can be life threatening!
There is another answer. A natural answer. Colostrum's perfectly balanced combination of immune and growth factors, administered in human clinical trials with aged subjects, safely increases lgF-1 to pre-puberty levels, producing increased muscle weight and strength. IfF-1 and GH in colostrum also has been shown to tone muscles, melt body fat, return elasticity to the skin and increase bone density. Colostrum, life's first food, has given those of use that are growing older, real hope that there may be a Fountain of Youth after all!
Everything in life springs forth from DNA - flesh, bones, hormones, nervous system, a baby's first word, the euphoria that comes with first love, the ability to learn to speak a foreign language. All of this originates from DNA. This silent intelligence of life, DNA, attracts the chemicals it needs to form new DNA which is an essential part of cell division. DNA is also able to manufacture RNA, which is nearly identical to DNA and participates as its active counterpart. RNA (the active intelligence) is the traveler sent to produce the proteins needed to build and repair the body. Dr. Benjamin Frank, whose research on youth and aging, showed RNA to be one of our most critical anti-aging factors. His research showed that lgf-1 (found naturally in colostrum) is one of the only substances known to stimulate the growth and repair of these key nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.
Colostrum has been shown to help maintain blood glucose levels to serve the brain. Also, IgF-1 and GF, some of the smallest particles known, have been shown to cross the blood brain barrier to help with nerve synapses in the brain, enhancing mental acuity and increasing serotonin levels, to brighten our moods. And just possibly, as we age, this might be one of the most important reasons to take a serious look at colostrum.
The aging process is accelerated if our natural immune defenses are depleted through infection and toxic assault. Colostrum can help by strengthening and modulating our immune function. Colostrum’s unique immune and growth factors cannot be obtained through an other source. It is unequaled in stimulating cellular growth and repair and promoting optimal immune function. It can best be summed up by a statement about colostrum from the world’s leading medical anthropologist and New York Times best selling medical author: Robert Heinerman, PhD “No greater promise of health can be made for a natural product so beloved as this. It can be truthfully said that colostrum nicely maintains the physical elegance of life, which believe it or not, also happens to be its meaning as well.”
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories, LLC The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Powder, Organic Vanilla Flavor - 16 oz. (454 grams)
Colostrum LD Powder :: 16 oz. (454 grams)
16 oz. colostrum powder
Colostrum-LD® is the only substance clinically proven to heal and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Most physicians agree that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a primary cause of chronic disease.
The LD Difference: Colostrum-LD® remains biologically active at the cellular level with maximal effectiveness (up to 4X more effective than regular colostrum).
Colostrum-LD® is the only colostrum certified to contain a minimum of 25-30% Immunoglobulins, 1.5% Lactoferrin, 1.5% Growth Factors and 4.5-5% PRPs (colostrum’s most powerful bioactive component).
Sovereign Laboratories takes a great product (colostrum) and makes it a superior product (Colostrum-LD®). Our proprietary in-house Liposomal Delivery (LD) system is an applied coating which allows colostrum to readily dissolve in liquids and ensures the colostrum will bypass digestion; will be transported through the bowel wall; will circulate throughout the body; will reach the organs and cells; and remain bioavailable at the cellular level. “Liposomal Delivery makes colostrum (and other nutrients) up to 1,500 % more bioavailable” (Robert R. Milne, MD); this makes Colostrum-LD® the most effective colostrum available. Without LD, colostrum loses most of its effectiveness. The LD Difference means that colostrum products from Sovereign Laboratories do what they say. Sovereign Laboratories stands behind its money back guarantee.
Expect Results:
Colostrum does not oxidize in storage.
Colostrum is not digested (digestion destroys colostrum’s bioactivity).
Colostrum components are delivered through the bowel wall into the blood stream to reach all organs and cells wherever needed.
Colostrum components transport through the cell wall to assist in RNA and DNA repair; stem cell initiation and differentiation; facilitation of cellular growth and repair; infection prevention; and identification of damaged and diseased cells.
COLOSTRUM-LD® has been shown to help:
Boost, balance, and maintain unsurpassed immune function
Eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infection
Prevent and eliminate diarrhea from infectious causes
Suppress over-reactivity to environmental pathogens and toxins
Protect and heal GI and stomach lining (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
Increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity
Increase muscle strength and stamina; speed recovery after exercise or injury; burn fat; and maintain blood glucose homeostasis
Provide anti-aging benefits
Effective Use
Colostrum is a food, not a drug or medicine. It is safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic and has no side effects.
Bovine Colostrum is safe, non-toxic and can be consumed in any quantity without side effects or drug interactions. It contains special enzymes that prevent its immune and growth factors from being digested. An article written by Robert Preston, ND, President of the International Institute of Nutritional Research, states, "Bovine colostrum is safe. Colostrum contains an unprecedented combination of nutritional factors with which to fortify the immune system. It is so harmless, it has been prepared by Nature as the first food for infants, intended as their total diet for the first 24 hours." He further states, "It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than colostrum. It is safe for internal consumption by children, adults and animals."
How much should be taken and how often?
You should take enough colostrum to obtain results you desire; this amount varies from person to person. If you are not seeing results with colostrum, you are not taking enough. For healthy adults who want to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, 2 capsules (or 1 teaspoon powder) twice daily are recommended. For anyone whose has compromised health situation, GI or digestive health issues, auto-immune conditions, inflammatory conditions, cancer, heart disease, is recovering from an injury, wants to get rid of allergies, or detects a cold or flu coming on, 4 capsules (1 tablespoon powder) twice a day are recommended. For athletic use and anti-aging, 10-20 grams daily optimizes growth hormone levels which translates to 2 heaping tablespoons of powder twice a day.
The dosage can then be lessened to a maintenance level as long as it continues to produce results. Colostrum has a sixteen hour half-life. It should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Colostrum's benefits are cumulative. The longer and more consistent the use, the greater the benefits.
Most people feel better right away, yet about one in five first-time users experience a detox event or "healing crisis," consisting of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headache coughing up phlegm, skin rashes and low-grade fever. These are called Herxheimer reactions and typically last only a couple of days. The body is ridding itself of long-accumulated toxins, locked in the body's tissues and fat deposits that have suppressed the immune system and encouraged disease. This is normal, and not a reason to stop taking colostrum. You should reduce your dosage to a minimum amount (one capsule per day, or 1/2 teaspoon) until the body adjusts, and then increase your dosage as desired to achieve optimal results.
Colostrum is not just for adults, and remarkable results have been observed in infants and children. Colostrum's test is in the undeniable health of children who receive colostrum and breast milk from their mothers. These children experience less illness, increased mental acuity and have stronger, more vibrant growth. If infants are not breastfed or not breastfed for at least two years, colostrum supplementation is an option. Because children have a tendency to catch colds and illness from peers in daycare and school, colostrum supplementation in these situations will help immensely. Colostrum powder tastes great and is advisable for children who are unable to swallow colostrum capsules.
We can't forget our beloved pets. Veterinary use of bovine colostrum with aging and/or ailing animals (mammals) has proven to be very beneficial. Its ability to halt disease is well documented; aging pets with arthritis or joint problems are particularly responsive to colostrum. And most pets love the taste of colostrum.
It’s important for each one of us to take responsibility for our own health. Like the “Sovereign” in our company name, we believe in individuals taking “sovereign” charge of their health and well-being. If you are convinced by claims, testimonials, or even research stating that a product will stop disease, you must make certain that there is also supporting research showing that the product does not destroy body tissue, interact with other drugs or supplements, or create harmful side effects in the process. Colostrum-LD® is the only clinically proven substance which heals and prevents Leaky Gut Syndrome and does not cause harm to the body.
Effectiveness of Colostrum
This depends on its quality and how it is processed!
Research has shown that colostrum which is water-soluble is more easily assimilated. If you are taking colostrum which is only partially soluble, you will not get the full benefits. Colostrum which has been frozen cannot be made water soluble and it must be specially micronized in order to be soluble. Simply empty a capsule into a glass of water, cover and shake. It should dissolve quickly.
Tests on several different brands of colostrum have shown that colostrum processed with excessive heat will lose most of its biological activity. This is especially true of colostrum tablets. The heat generated when tablets are formed is so high that it severely compromises colostrum's efficacy.
Colostrum that comes from pasture fed herds, who eat healthy green grass produce better milk and colostrum than cows that are fed processed foods.
It is also very important that colostrum is standardized by taking it from large numbers of healthy cows. This insures the maximum possible amount of immune factors. Colostrum that is not standardized should be avoided.
Some colostrum is manipulated to boost immunoglobulin levels. Recent research, however, has shown that higher percentages of immunoglobulin actually diminish colostrum's effectiveness in combating infection. Therefore, our conclusion is that the most effective colostrum is that which is gently processed, but otherwise left with the balance of its immune and growth factors as nature intended.
Let the Buyer Beware!
Not all colostrum is processed in accordance with these strict guidelines.
Currently no standards exist for the collection and processing of colostrum. Some colostrum contains inexpensive "filler" products such as whey by-products, which severely reduce its effectiveness. Also, if the colostrum is not collected during the first 24 hours after the birth of the calf, it will be missing many of the important growth factors.
To help you assess different brands of colostrum, below is a summary of the standard you should look for in high quality colostrum:
It should be full water-soluble.
It should come only from certified healthy, grade A diary cows (after the needs of the calf are met).
It should be collected only from the first milking after the second birth, to ensure maximum biological activity.
It should come only from cows which are pasture-fed, and certified to be hormone, pesticide and antibiotic free.
It should be filtered and homogenized to break down the long-chain proteins (immunoglobulins) for better assimilation.
It should be mixed with the colostrum from thousands of other cows to standardize and maximize the immune factors.
It should be processed to remove excess, unwanted fat, and dried with added heat. This process is significantly more costly and time-consuming than regular high-temperature processing.
It should be laboratory tested for E.Coli, salmonella, pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, other pathogens, a verification of high platelet count (a sign of active "friendly" intestinal bacteria) and immunoglobulin content.
There are only a few producers of bovine colostrum which meet the above standards. Read labels carefully and investigate the company. Another way to find a high-quality colostrum is to contact the Center for Nutritional Research (CNR),, an independent, non-profit research organization. The CNR can provide, free of charge, a list of manufacturers whose colostrum meets our guidelines.
Benefits of Colostrum LD
Purpose: This is life's first food. It was designed by nature to bring perfect health. It was and is the most important GI health combination of powerful healing and immune components ever; or it would not have been your first meal.
Prevents and heals gut permeability (holes in our gut) caused by toxins, pathogens (bacteria), acidic drinks, pain medications and pharmaceuticals and environmental hazards. (The primary cause of chronic disease)
Helps prevent toxins from entering the body
Repairs, optimizes and activates immune function (especially in the GI tract)
Stimulates the repair and regeneration of all body tissue and enhances cellular communication and nutritional intake
Increases energy and stamina, lean muscle mass, activates fat metabolism, and returns our body to vibrant health
The most important food for health and healing or your first meal would have been something else!
Fountain Of Youth
The New England Journal of Medicine (the most prestigious medical journal in the world) reported that the most effective means to stop or slow the aging process would be to replace the hormonal factors that cause us to grow normal cellular structures in the body. After maturity (between the ages of 16-20), the level of growth hormone that our body naturally produces dwindles. We notice this as gravity, unmercifully, takes its toll. Our bodies lose muscle tone and elasticity of the skin, causing us to sag and wrinkle. We lose bone mass and shrink, while our hands, feet, nose and ears get larger. We would all do almost anything to stop this aging process but we may want to think twice before we consider isolated hormone replacement sources and are not identical to the hormones made by the body. Synthesized and isolated hormones can produce body imbalances and side effects that can be life threatening!
There is another answer. A natural answer. Colostrum's perfectly balanced combination of immune and growth factors, administered in human clinical trials with aged subjects, safely increases lgF-1 to pre-puberty levels, producing increased muscle weight and strength. IfF-1 and GH in colostrum also has been shown to tone muscles, melt body fat, return elasticity to the skin and increase bone density. Colostrum, life's first food, has given those of use that are growing older, real hope that there may be a Fountain of Youth after all!
Everything in life springs forth from DNA - flesh, bones, hormones, nervous system, a baby's first word, the euphoria that comes with first love, the ability to learn to speak a foreign language. All of this originates from DNA. This silent intelligence of life, DNA, attracts the chemicals it needs to form new DNA which is an essential part of cell division. DNA is also able to manufacture RNA, which is nearly identical to DNA and participates as its active counterpart. RNA (the active intelligence) is the traveler sent to produce the proteins needed to build and repair the body. Dr. Benjamin Frank, whose research on youth and aging, showed RNA to be one of our most critical anti-aging factors. His research showed that lgf-1 (found naturally in colostrum) is one of the only substances known to stimulate the growth and repair of these key nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.
Colostrum has been shown to help maintain blood glucose levels to serve the brain. Also, IgF-1 and GF, some of the smallest particles known, have been shown to cross the blood brain barrier to help with nerve synapses in the brain, enhancing mental acuity and increasing serotonin levels, to brighten our moods. And just possibly, as we age, this might be one of the most important reasons to take a serious look at colostrum.
The aging process is accelerated if our natural immune defenses are depleted through infection and toxic assault. Colostrum can help by strengthening and modulating our immune function. Colostrum’s unique immune and growth factors cannot be obtained through an other source. It is unequaled in stimulating cellular growth and repair and promoting optimal immune function. It can best be summed up by a statement about colostrum from the world’s leading medical anthropologist and New York Times best selling medical author: Robert Heinerman, PhD “No greater promise of health can be made for a natural product so beloved as this. It can be truthfully said that colostrum nicely maintains the physical elegance of life, which believe it or not, also happens to be its meaning as well.”
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories, LLC The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Capsules : Liposomal Delivery - 240caps (480mg each)
Colostrum LD® Capsules :: Micro-Encapsulated Liposomal Delivery Colostrum - 240caps (480mg each)
Colostrum LD® Capsules :: Micro-Encapsulated Liposomal Delivery Colostrum
Colostrum-LD® is the only substance clinically proven to heal and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Most physicians agree that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a primary cause of chronic disease.
The LD Difference: Colostrum-LD® remains biologically active at the cellular level with maximal effectiveness (up to 4X more effective than regular colostrum).
Colostrum-LD® is the only colostrum certified to contain a minimum of 25-30% Immunoglobulins, 1.5% Lactoferrin, 1.5% Growth Factors and 4.5-5% PRPs (colostrum’s most powerful bioactive component).
NOTE: Colostrum LD Capsules and Colostrum LD Powder are the exact same product and differ only in packaging.
Sovereign Laboratories takes a great product (colostrum) and makes it a superior product (Colostrum-LD®). Our proprietary in-house Liposomal Delivery (LD) system is an applied coating which allows colostrum to readily dissolve in liquids and ensures the colostrum will bypass digestion; will be transported through the bowel wall; will circulate throughout the body; will reach the organs and cells; and remain bioavailable at the cellular level. “Liposomal Delivery makes colostrum (and other nutrients) up to 1,500 % more bioavailable” (Robert R. Milne, MD); this makes Colostrum-LD® the most effective colostrum available. Without LD, colostrum loses most of its effectiveness. The LD Difference means that colostrum products from Sovereign Laboratories do what they say. Sovereign Laboratories stands behind its money back guarantee.
Expect Results:
Colostrum does not oxidize in storage.
Colostrum is not digested (digestion destroys colostrum’s bioactivity).
Colostrum components are delivered through the bowel wall into the blood stream to reach all organs and cells wherever needed.
Colostrum components transport through the cell wall to assist in RNA and DNA repair; stem cell initiation and differentiation; facilitation of cellular growth and repair; infection prevention; and identification of damaged and diseased cells.
COLOSTRUM-LD® has been shown to help:
Boost, balance, and maintain unsurpassed immune function
Eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infection
Prevent and eliminate diarrhea from infectious causes
Suppress over-reactivity to environmental pathogens and toxins
Protect and heal GI and stomach lining (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
Increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity
Increase muscle strength and stamina; speed recovery after exercise or injury; burn fat; and maintain blood glucose homeostasis
Provide anti-aging benefits
Effective Use
Colostrum is a food, not a drug or medicine. It is safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic and has no side effects.
Bovine Colostrum is safe, non-toxic and can be consumed in any quantity without side effects or drug interactions. It contains special enzymes that prevent its immune and growth factors from being digested. An article written by Robert Preston, ND, President of the International Institute of Nutritional Research, states, "Bovine colostrum is safe. Colostrum contains an unprecedented combination of nutritional factors with which to fortify the immune system. It is so harmless, it has been prepared by Nature as the first food for infants, intended as their total diet for the first 24 hours." He further states, "It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than colostrum. It is safe for internal consumption by children, adults and animals."
How much should be taken and how often?
You should take enough colostrum to obtain results you desire; this amount varies from person to person. If you are not seeing results with colostrum, you are not taking enough. For healthy adults who want to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, 2 capsules (or 1 teaspoon powder) twice daily are recommended. For anyone whose has compromised health situation, GI or digestive health issues, auto-immune conditions, inflammatory conditions, cancer, heart disease, is recovering from an injury, wants to get rid of allergies, or detects a cold or flu coming on, 4 capsules (1 tablespoon powder) twice a day are recommended. For athletic use and anti-aging, 10-20 grams daily optimizes growth hormone levels which translates to 2 heaping tablespoons of powder twice a day.
The dosage can then be lessened to a maintenance level as long as it continues to produce results. Colostrum has a sixteen hour half-life. It should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Colostrum's benefits are cumulative. The longer and more consistent the use, the greater the benefits.
Most people feel better right away, yet about one in five first-time users experience a detox event or "healing crisis," consisting of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headache coughing up phlegm, skin rashes and low-grade fever. These are called Herxheimer reactions and typically last only a couple of days. The body is ridding itself of long-accumulated toxins, locked in the body's tissues and fat deposits that have suppressed the immune system and encouraged disease. This is normal, and not a reason to stop taking colostrum. You should reduce your dosage to a minimum amount (one capsule per day, or 1/2 teaspoon) until the body adjusts, and then increase your dosage as desired to achieve optimal results.
Colostrum is not just for adults, and remarkable results have been observed in infants and children. Colostrum's test is in the undeniable health of children who receive colostrum and breast milk from their mothers. These children experience less illness, increased mental acuity and have stronger, more vibrant growth. If infants are not breastfed or not breastfed for at least two years, colostrum supplementation is an option. Because children have a tendency to catch colds and illness from peers in daycare and school, colostrum supplementation in these situations will help immensely. Colostrum powder tastes great and is advisable for children who are unable to swallow colostrum capsules.
We can't forget our beloved pets. Veterinary use of bovine colostrum with aging and/or ailing animals (mammals) has proven to be very beneficial. Its ability to halt disease is well documented; aging pets with arthritis or joint problems are particularly responsive to colostrum. And most pets love the taste of colostrum.
It’s important for each one of us to take responsibility for our own health. Like the “Sovereign” in our company name, we believe in individuals taking “sovereign” charge of their health and well-being. If you are convinced by claims, testimonials, or even research stating that a product will stop disease, you must make certain that there is also supporting research showing that the product does not destroy body tissue, interact with other drugs or supplements, or create harmful side effects in the process. Colostrum-LD® is the only clinically proven substance which heals and prevents Leaky Gut Syndrome and does not cause harm to the body.
Effectiveness of Colostrum
This depends on its quality and how it is processed!
Research has shown that colostrum which is water-soluble is more easily assimilated. If you are taking colostrum which is only partially soluble, you will not get the full benefits. Colostrum which has been frozen cannot be made water soluble and it must be specially micronized in order to be soluble. Simply empty a capsule into a glass of water, cover and shake. It should dissolve quickly.
Tests on several different brands of colostrum have shown that colostrum processed with excessive heat will lose most of its biological activity. This is especially true of colostrum tablets. The heat generated when tablets are formed is so high that it severely compromises colostrum's efficacy.
Colostrum that comes from pasture fed herds, who eat healthy green grass produce better milk and colostrum than cows that are fed processed foods.
It is also very important that colostrum is standardized by taking it from large numbers of healthy cows. This insures the maximum possible amount of immune factors. Colostrum that is not standardized should be avoided.
Some colostrum is manipulated to boost immunoglobulin levels. Recent research, however, has shown that higher percentages of immunoglobulin actually diminish colostrum's effectiveness in combating infection. Therefore, our conclusion is that the most effective colostrum is that which is gently processed, but otherwise left with the balance of its immune and growth factors as nature intended.
Let the Buyer Beware!
Not all colostrum is processed in accordance with these strict guidelines.
Currently no standards exist for the collection and processing of colostrum. Some colostrum contains inexpensive "filler" products such as whey by-products, which severely reduce its effectiveness. Also, if the colostrum is not collected during the first 24 hours after the birth of the calf, it will be missing many of the important growth factors.
To help you assess different brands of colostrum, below is a summary of the standard you should look for in high quality colostrum:
It should be full water-soluble.
It should come only from certified healthy, grade A diary cows (after the needs of the calf are met).
It should be collected only from the first milking after the second birth, to ensure maximum biological activity.
It should come only from cows which are pasture-fed, and certified to be hormone, pesticide and antibiotic free.
It should be filtered and homogenized to break down the long-chain proteins (immunoglobulins) for better assimilation.
It should be mixed with the colostrum from thousands of other cows to standardize and maximize the immune factors.
It should be processed to remove excess, unwanted fat, and dried with added heat. This process is significantly more costly and time-consuming than regular high-temperature processing.
It should be laboratory tested for E.Coli, salmonella, pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, other pathogens, a verification of high platelet count (a sign of active "friendly" intestinal bacteria) and immunoglobulin content.
There are only a few producers of bovine colostrum which meet the above standards. Read labels carefully and investigate the company. Another way to find a high-quality colostrum is to contact the Center for Nutritional Research (CNR),, an independent, non-profit research organization. The CNR can provide, free of charge, a list of manufacturers whose colostrum meets our guidelines.
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories, LLC The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Powder, Organic Vanilla Flavor - 50g Sample bag
Colostrum powder
Colostrum-LD® is the only substance clinically proven to heal and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Most physicians agree that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a primary cause of chronic disease.
The LD Difference: Colostrum-LD® remains biologically active at the cellular level with maximal effectiveness (up to 4X more effective than regular colostrum).
Colostrum-LD® is the only colostrum certified to contain a minimum of 25-30% Immunoglobulins, 1.5% Lactoferrin, 1.5% Growth Factors and 4.5-5% PRPs (colostrum’s most powerful bioactive component).
Sovereign Laboratories takes a great product (colostrum) and makes it a superior product (Colostrum-LD®). Our proprietary in-house Liposomal Delivery (LD) system is an applied coating which allows colostrum to readily dissolve in liquids and ensures the colostrum will bypass digestion; will be transported through the bowel wall; will circulate throughout the body; will reach the organs and cells; and remain bioavailable at the cellular level. “Liposomal Delivery makes colostrum (and other nutrients) up to 1,500 % more bioavailable” (Robert R. Milne, MD); this makes Colostrum-LD® the most effective colostrum available. Without LD, colostrum loses most of its effectiveness. The LD Difference means that colostrum products from Sovereign Laboratories do what they say. Sovereign Laboratories stands behind its money back guarantee.
Expect Results:
Colostrum does not oxidize in storage.
Colostrum is not digested (digestion destroys colostrum’s bioactivity).
Colostrum components are delivered through the bowel wall into the blood stream to reach all organs and cells wherever needed.
Colostrum components transport through the cell wall to assist in RNA and DNA repair; stem cell initiation and differentiation; facilitation of cellular growth and repair; infection prevention; and identification of damaged and diseased cells.
COLOSTRUM-LD® has been shown to help:
Boost, balance, and maintain unsurpassed immune function
Eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infection
Prevent and eliminate diarrhea from infectious causes
Suppress over-reactivity to environmental pathogens and toxins
Protect and heal GI and stomach lining (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
Increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity
Increase muscle strength and stamina; speed recovery after exercise or injury; burn fat; and maintain blood glucose homeostasis
Provide anti-aging benefits
Effective Use
Colostrum is a food, not a drug or medicine. It is safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic and has no side effects.
Bovine Colostrum is safe, non-toxic and can be consumed in any quantity without side effects or drug interactions. It contains special enzymes that prevent its immune and growth factors from being digested. An article written by Robert Preston, ND, President of the International Institute of Nutritional Research, states, "Bovine colostrum is safe. Colostrum contains an unprecedented combination of nutritional factors with which to fortify the immune system. It is so harmless, it has been prepared by Nature as the first food for infants, intended as their total diet for the first 24 hours." He further states, "It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than colostrum. It is safe for internal consumption by children, adults and animals."
How much should be taken and how often?
You should take enough colostrum to obtain results you desire; this amount varies from person to person. If you are not seeing results with colostrum, you are not taking enough. For healthy adults who want to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, 2 capsules (or 1 teaspoon powder) twice daily are recommended. For anyone whose has compromised health situation, GI or digestive health issues, auto-immune conditions, inflammatory conditions, cancer, heart disease, is recovering from an injury, wants to get rid of allergies, or detects a cold or flu coming on, 4 capsules (1 tablespoon powder) twice a day are recommended. For athletic use and anti-aging, 10-20 grams daily optimizes growth hormone levels which translates to 2 heaping tablespoons of powder twice a day.
The dosage can then be lessened to a maintenance level as long as it continues to produce results. Colostrum has a sixteen hour half-life. It should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Colostrum's benefits are cumulative. The longer and more consistent the use, the greater the benefits.
Most people feel better right away, yet about one in five first-time users experience a detox event or "healing crisis," consisting of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headache coughing up phlegm, skin rashes and low-grade fever. These are called Herxheimer reactions and typically last only a couple of days. The body is ridding itself of long-accumulated toxins, locked in the body's tissues and fat deposits that have suppressed the immune system and encouraged disease. This is normal, and not a reason to stop taking colostrum. You should reduce your dosage to a minimum amount (one capsule per day, or 1/2 teaspoon) until the body adjusts, and then increase your dosage as desired to achieve optimal results.
Colostrum is not just for adults, and remarkable results have been observed in infants and children. Colostrum's test is in the undeniable health of children who receive colostrum and breast milk from their mothers. These children experience less illness, increased mental acuity and have stronger, more vibrant growth. If infants are not breastfed or not breastfed for at least two years, colostrum supplementation is an option. Because children have a tendency to catch colds and illness from peers in daycare and school, colostrum supplementation in these situations will help immensely. Colostrum powder tastes great and is advisable for children who are unable to swallow colostrum capsules.
We can't forget our beloved pets. Veterinary use of bovine colostrum with aging and/or ailing animals (mammals) has proven to be very beneficial. Its ability to halt disease is well documented; aging pets with arthritis or joint problems are particularly responsive to colostrum. And most pets love the taste of colostrum.
It’s important for each one of us to take responsibility for our own health. Like the “Sovereign” in our company name, we believe in individuals taking “sovereign” charge of their health and well-being. If you are convinced by claims, testimonials, or even research stating that a product will stop disease, you must make certain that there is also supporting research showing that the product does not destroy body tissue, interact with other drugs or supplements, or create harmful side effects in the process. Colostrum-LD® is the only clinically proven substance which heals and prevents Leaky Gut Syndrome and does not cause harm to the body.
Effectiveness of Colostrum
This depends on its quality and how it is processed!
Research has shown that colostrum which is water-soluble is more easily assimilated. If you are taking colostrum which is only partially soluble, you will not get the full benefits. Colostrum which has been frozen cannot be made water soluble and it must be specially micronized in order to be soluble. Simply empty a capsule into a glass of water, cover and shake. It should dissolve quickly.
Tests on several different brands of colostrum have shown that colostrum processed with excessive heat will lose most of its biological activity. This is especially true of colostrum tablets. The heat generated when tablets are formed is so high that it severely compromises colostrum's efficacy.
Colostrum that comes from pasture fed herds, who eat healthy green grass produce better milk and colostrum than cows that are fed processed foods.
It is also very important that colostrum is standardized by taking it from large numbers of healthy cows. This insures the maximum possible amount of immune factors. Colostrum that is not standardized should be avoided.
Some colostrum is manipulated to boost immunoglobulin levels. Recent research, however, has shown that higher percentages of immunoglobulin actually diminish colostrum's effectiveness in combating infection. Therefore, our conclusion is that the most effective colostrum is that which is gently processed, but otherwise left with the balance of its immune and growth factors as nature intended.
Let the Buyer Beware!
Not all colostrum is processed in accordance with these strict guidelines.
Currently no standards exist for the collection and processing of colostrum. Some colostrum contains inexpensive "filler" products such as whey by-products, which severely reduce its effectiveness. Also, if the colostrum is not collected during the first 24 hours after the birth of the calf, it will be missing many of the important growth factors.
To help you assess different brands of colostrum, below is a summary of the standard you should look for in high quality colostrum:
It should be full water-soluble.
It should come only from certified healthy, grade A diary cows (after the needs of the calf are met).
It should be collected only from the first milking after the second birth, to ensure maximum biological activity.
It should come only from cows which are pasture-fed, and certified to be hormone, pesticide and antibiotic free.
It should be filtered and homogenized to break down the long-chain proteins (immunoglobulins) for better assimilation.
It should be mixed with the colostrum from thousands of other cows to standardize and maximize the immune factors.
It should be processed to remove excess, unwanted fat, and dried with added heat. This process is significantly more costly and time-consuming than regular high-temperature processing.
It should be laboratory tested for E.Coli, salmonella, pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, other pathogens, a verification of high platelet count (a sign of active "friendly" intestinal bacteria) and immunoglobulin content.
There are only a few producers of bovine colostrum which meet the above standards. Read labels carefully and investigate the company. Another way to find a high-quality colostrum is to contact the Center for Nutritional Research (CNR),, an independent, non-profit research organization. The CNR can provide, free of charge, a list of manufacturers whose colostrum meets our guidelines.
Benefits of Colostrum LD
Purpose: This is life's first food. It was designed by nature to bring perfect health. It was and is the most important GI health combination of powerful healing and immune components ever; or it would not have been your first meal.
Prevents and heals gut permeability (holes in our gut) caused by toxins, pathogens (bacteria), acidic drinks, pain medications and pharmaceuticals and environmental hazards. (The primary cause of chronic disease)
Helps prevent toxins from entering the body
Repairs, optimizes and activates immune function (especially in the GI tract)
Stimulates the repair and regeneration of all body tissue and enhances cellular communication and nutritional intake
Increases energy and stamina, lean muscle mass, activates fat metabolism, and returns our body to vibrant health
The most important food for health and healing or your first meal would have been something else!
Fountain Of Youth
The New England Journal of Medicine (the most prestigious medical journal in the world) reported that the most effective means to stop or slow the aging process would be to replace the hormonal factors that cause us to grow normal cellular structures in the body. After maturity (between the ages of 16-20), the level of growth hormone that our body naturally produces dwindles. We notice this as gravity, unmercifully, takes its toll. Our bodies lose muscle tone and elasticity of the skin, causing us to sag and wrinkle. We lose bone mass and shrink, while our hands, feet, nose and ears get larger. We would all do almost anything to stop this aging process but we may want to think twice before we consider isolated hormone replacement sources and are not identical to the hormones made by the body. Synthesized and isolated hormones can produce body imbalances and side effects that can be life threatening!
There is another answer. A natural answer. Colostrum's perfectly balanced combination of immune and growth factors, administered in human clinical trials with aged subjects, safely increases lgF-1 to pre-puberty levels, producing increased muscle weight and strength. IfF-1 and GH in colostrum also has been shown to tone muscles, melt body fat, return elasticity to the skin and increase bone density. Colostrum, life's first food, has given those of use that are growing older, real hope that there may be a Fountain of Youth after all!
Everything in life springs forth from DNA - flesh, bones, hormones, nervous system, a baby's first word, the euphoria that comes with first love, the ability to learn to speak a foreign language. All of this originates from DNA. This silent intelligence of life, DNA, attracts the chemicals it needs to form new DNA which is an essential part of cell division. DNA is also able to manufacture RNA, which is nearly identical to DNA and participates as its active counterpart. RNA (the active intelligence) is the traveler sent to produce the proteins needed to build and repair the body. Dr. Benjamin Frank, whose research on youth and aging, showed RNA to be one of our most critical anti-aging factors. His research showed that lgf-1 (found naturally in colostrum) is one of the only substances known to stimulate the growth and repair of these key nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.
Colostrum has been shown to help maintain blood glucose levels to serve the brain. Also, IgF-1 and GF, some of the smallest particles known, have been shown to cross the blood brain barrier to help with nerve synapses in the brain, enhancing mental acuity and increasing serotonin levels, to brighten our moods. And just possibly, as we age, this might be one of the most important reasons to take a serious look at colostrum.
The aging process is accelerated if our natural immune defenses are depleted through infection and toxic assault. Colostrum can help by strengthening and modulating our immune function. Colostrum’s unique immune and growth factors cannot be obtained through an other source. It is unequaled in stimulating cellular growth and repair and promoting optimal immune function. It can best be summed up by a statement about colostrum from the world’s leading medical anthropologist and New York Times best selling medical author: Robert Heinerman, PhD “No greater promise of health can be made for a natural product so beloved as this. It can be truthfully said that colostrum nicely maintains the physical elegance of life, which believe it or not, also happens to be its meaning as well.”
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories, LLC The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Vanilla Powder - 12 oz. (340 grams)
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Powder - 12 oz. (340 grams)
12 oz. colostrum powder
Colostrum-LD® is the only substance clinically proven to heal and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Most physicians agree that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a primary cause of chronic disease.
The LD Difference: Colostrum-LD® remains biologically active at the cellular level with maximal effectiveness (up to 4X more effective than regular colostrum).
Colostrum-LD® is the only colostrum certified to contain a minimum of 25-30% Immunoglobulins, 1.5% Lactoferrin, 1.5% Growth Factors and 4.5-5% PRPs (colostrum’s most powerful bioactive component).
Sovereign Laboratories takes a great product (colostrum) and makes it a superior product (Colostrum-LD®). Our proprietary in-house Liposomal Delivery (LD) system is an applied coating which allows colostrum to readily dissolve in liquids and ensures the colostrum will bypass digestion; will be transported through the bowel wall; will circulate throughout the body; will reach the organs and cells; and remain bioavailable at the cellular level. “Liposomal Delivery makes colostrum (and other nutrients) up to 1,500 % more bioavailable” (Robert R. Milne, MD); this makes Colostrum-LD® the most effective colostrum available. Without LD, colostrum loses most of its effectiveness. The LD Difference means that colostrum products from Sovereign Laboratories do what they say. Sovereign Laboratories stands behind its money back guarantee.
Expect Results:
Colostrum does not oxidize in storage.
Colostrum is not digested (digestion destroys colostrum’s bioactivity).
Colostrum components are delivered through the bowel wall into the blood stream to reach all organs and cells wherever needed.
Colostrum components transport through the cell wall to assist in RNA and DNA repair; stem cell initiation and differentiation; facilitation of cellular growth and repair; infection prevention; and identification of damaged and diseased cells.
COLOSTRUM-LD® has been shown to help:
Boost, balance, and maintain unsurpassed immune function
Eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infection
Prevent and eliminate diarrhea from infectious causes
Suppress over-reactivity to environmental pathogens and toxins
Protect and heal GI and stomach lining (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
Increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity
Increase muscle strength and stamina; speed recovery after exercise or injury; burn fat; and maintain blood glucose homeostasis
Provide anti-aging benefits
Effective Use
Colostrum is a food, not a drug or medicine. It is safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic and has no side effects.
Bovine Colostrum is safe, non-toxic and can be consumed in any quantity without side effects or drug interactions. It contains special enzymes that prevent its immune and growth factors from being digested. An article written by Robert Preston, ND, President of the International Institute of Nutritional Research, states, "Bovine colostrum is safe. Colostrum contains an unprecedented combination of nutritional factors with which to fortify the immune system. It is so harmless, it has been prepared by Nature as the first food for infants, intended as their total diet for the first 24 hours." He further states, "It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than colostrum. It is safe for internal consumption by children, adults and animals."
How much should be taken and how often?
You should take enough colostrum to obtain results you desire; this amount varies from person to person. If you are not seeing results with colostrum, you are not taking enough. For healthy adults who want to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, 2 capsules (or 1 teaspoon powder) twice daily are recommended. For anyone whose has compromised health situation, GI or digestive health issues, auto-immune conditions, inflammatory conditions, cancer, heart disease, is recovering from an injury, wants to get rid of allergies, or detects a cold or flu coming on, 4 capsules (1 tablespoon powder) twice a day are recommended. For athletic use and anti-aging, 10-20 grams daily optimizes growth hormone levels which translates to 2 heaping tablespoons of powder twice a day.
The dosage can then be lessened to a maintenance level as long as it continues to produce results. Colostrum has a sixteen hour half-life. It should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Colostrum's benefits are cumulative. The longer and more consistent the use, the greater the benefits.
Most people feel better right away, yet about one in five first-time users experience a detox event or "healing crisis," consisting of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headache coughing up phlegm, skin rashes and low-grade fever. These are called Herxheimer reactions and typically last only a couple of days. The body is ridding itself of long-accumulated toxins, locked in the body's tissues and fat deposits that have suppressed the immune system and encouraged disease. This is normal, and not a reason to stop taking colostrum. You should reduce your dosage to a minimum amount (one capsule per day, or 1/2 teaspoon) until the body adjusts, and then increase your dosage as desired to achieve optimal results.
Colostrum is not just for adults, and remarkable results have been observed in infants and children. Colostrum's test is in the undeniable health of children who receive colostrum and breast milk from their mothers. These children experience less illness, increased mental acuity and have stronger, more vibrant growth. If infants are not breastfed or not breastfed for at least two years, colostrum supplementation is an option. Because children have a tendency to catch colds and illness from peers in daycare and school, colostrum supplementation in these situations will help immensely. Colostrum powder tastes great and is advisable for children who are unable to swallow colostrum capsules.
We can't forget our beloved pets. Veterinary use of bovine colostrum with aging and/or ailing animals (mammals) has proven to be very beneficial. Its ability to halt disease is well documented; aging pets with arthritis or joint problems are particularly responsive to colostrum. And most pets love the taste of colostrum.
It’s important for each one of us to take responsibility for our own health. Like the “Sovereign” in our company name, we believe in individuals taking “sovereign” charge of their health and well-being. If you are convinced by claims, testimonials, or even research stating that a product will stop disease, you must make certain that there is also supporting research showing that the product does not destroy body tissue, interact with other drugs or supplements, or create harmful side effects in the process. Colostrum-LD® is the only clinically proven substance which heals and prevents Leaky Gut Syndrome and does not cause harm to the body.
Effectiveness of Colostrum
This depends on its quality and how it is processed!
Research has shown that colostrum which is water-soluble is more easily assimilated. If you are taking colostrum which is only partially soluble, you will not get the full benefits. Colostrum which has been frozen cannot be made water soluble and it must be specially micronized in order to be soluble. Simply empty a capsule into a glass of water, cover and shake. It should dissolve quickly.
Tests on several different brands of colostrum have shown that colostrum processed with excessive heat will lose most of its biological activity. This is especially true of colostrum tablets. The heat generated when tablets are formed is so high that it severely compromises colostrum's efficacy.
Colostrum that comes from pasture fed herds, who eat healthy green grass produce better milk and colostrum than cows that are fed processed foods.
It is also very important that colostrum is standardized by taking it from large numbers of healthy cows. This insures the maximum possible amount of immune factors. Colostrum that is not standardized should be avoided.
Some colostrum is manipulated to boost immunoglobulin levels. Recent research, however, has shown that higher percentages of immunoglobulin actually diminish colostrum's effectiveness in combating infection. Therefore, our conclusion is that the most effective colostrum is that which is gently processed, but otherwise left with the balance of its immune and growth factors as nature intended.
Let the Buyer Beware!
Not all colostrum is processed in accordance with these strict guidelines.
Currently no standards exist for the collection and processing of colostrum. Some colostrum contains inexpensive "filler" products such as whey by-products, which severely reduce its effectiveness. Also, if the colostrum is not collected during the first 24 hours after the birth of the calf, it will be missing many of the important growth factors.
To help you assess different brands of colostrum, below is a summary of the standard you should look for in high quality colostrum:
It should be full water-soluble.
It should come only from certified healthy, grade A diary cows (after the needs of the calf are met).
It should be collected only from the first milking after the second birth, to ensure maximum biological activity.
It should come only from cows which are pasture-fed, and certified to be hormone, pesticide and antibiotic free.
It should be filtered and homogenized to break down the long-chain proteins (immunoglobulins) for better assimilation.
It should be mixed with the colostrum from thousands of other cows to standardize and maximize the immune factors.
It should be processed to remove excess, unwanted fat, and dried with added heat. This process is significantly more costly and time-consuming than regular high-temperature processing.
It should be laboratory tested for E.Coli, salmonella, pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, other pathogens, a verification of high platelet count (a sign of active "friendly" intestinal bacteria) and immunoglobulin content.
There are only a few producers of bovine colostrum which meet the above standards. Read labels carefully and investigate the company. Another way to find a high-quality colostrum is to contact the Center for Nutritional Research (CNR),, an independent, non-profit research organization. The CNR can provide, free of charge, a list of manufacturers whose colostrum meets our guidelines.
Benefits of Colostrum LD
Purpose: This is life's first food. It was designed by nature to bring perfect health. It was and is the most important GI health combination of powerful healing and immune components ever; or it would not have been your first meal.
Prevents and heals gut permeability (holes in our gut) caused by toxins, pathogens (bacteria), acidic drinks, pain medications and pharmaceuticals and environmental hazards. (The primary cause of chronic disease)
Helps prevent toxins from entering the body
Repairs, optimizes and activates immune function (especially in the GI tract)
Stimulates the repair and regeneration of all body tissue and enhances cellular communication and nutritional intake
Increases energy and stamina, lean muscle mass, activates fat metabolism, and returns our body to vibrant health
The most important food for health and healing or your first meal would have been something else!
Fountain Of Youth
The New England Journal of Medicine (the most prestigious medical journal in the world) reported that the most effective means to stop or slow the aging process would be to replace the hormonal factors that cause us to grow normal cellular structures in the body. After maturity (between the ages of 16-20), the level of growth hormone that our body naturally produces dwindles. We notice this as gravity, unmercifully, takes its toll. Our bodies lose muscle tone and elasticity of the skin, causing us to sag and wrinkle. We lose bone mass and shrink, while our hands, feet, nose and ears get larger. We would all do almost anything to stop this aging process but we may want to think twice before we consider isolated hormone replacement sources and are not identical to the hormones made by the body. Synthesized and isolated hormones can produce body imbalances and side effects that can be life threatening!
There is another answer. A natural answer. Colostrum's perfectly balanced combination of immune and growth factors, administered in human clinical trials with aged subjects, safely increases lgF-1 to pre-puberty levels, producing increased muscle weight and strength. IfF-1 and GH in colostrum also has been shown to tone muscles, melt body fat, return elasticity to the skin and increase bone density. Colostrum, life's first food, has given those of use that are growing older, real hope that there may be a Fountain of Youth after all!
Everything in life springs forth from DNA - flesh, bones, hormones, nervous system, a baby's first word, the euphoria that comes with first love, the ability to learn to speak a foreign language. All of this originates from DNA. This silent intelligence of life, DNA, attracts the chemicals it needs to form new DNA which is an essential part of cell division. DNA is also able to manufacture RNA, which is nearly identical to DNA and participates as its active counterpart. RNA (the active intelligence) is the traveler sent to produce the proteins needed to build and repair the body. Dr. Benjamin Frank, whose research on youth and aging, showed RNA to be one of our most critical anti-aging factors. His research showed that lgf-1 (found naturally in colostrum) is one of the only substances known to stimulate the growth and repair of these key nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.
Colostrum has been shown to help maintain blood glucose levels to serve the brain. Also, IgF-1 and GF, some of the smallest particles known, have been shown to cross the blood brain barrier to help with nerve synapses in the brain, enhancing mental acuity and increasing serotonin levels, to brighten our moods. And just possibly, as we age, this might be one of the most important reasons to take a serious look at colostrum.
The aging process is accelerated if our natural immune defenses are depleted through infection and toxic assault. Colostrum can help by strengthening and modulating our immune function. Colostrum’s unique immune and growth factors cannot be obtained through an other source. It is unequaled in stimulating cellular growth and repair and promoting optimal immune function. It can best be summed up by a statement about colostrum from the world’s leading medical anthropologist and New York Times best selling medical author: Robert Heinerman, PhD “No greater promise of health can be made for a natural product so beloved as this. It can be truthfully said that colostrum nicely maintains the physical elegance of life, which believe it or not, also happens to be its meaning as well.”
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories, LLC The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs Gastro Defense™ StomachArmour 502mg 60 caps
GastroDefense® STOMACH ARMOR™
GastroDefense® STOMACH ARMOR™ is a superior formula for bowel and immune health designed for individuals who take pain meds, antibiotics, corticosteroids, and other medications that damage the G.I. lining. GastroDefense® STOMACH ARMOR helps repair stomach and G.I. damage; restore and maintain overall G.I. health; promote regularity; increase nutrient absorption, and helps inhibit colonization of pathogenic gut bacteria. Colostrum-LD® serves as the base ingredient along with six probiotics, zinc carnosine, calcium, and Hidrox® for maximum protection.
Additional Details:
Count: 60Serving Size: 1 capsuleServings Per Container: 60UPC: 855724006230Code: GASTROARMOR_60
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories, LLC The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - Pro Vital C-LD™ (120caps) 520mg each (vitamin C)
Sovereign Laboratories VitaC-LD™
Liposomal Delivery makes nutrients up to 1,500% more bioavailable. Robert R. Milne, M.D.
Liposomal vitamin C ‘supercharges’ the immune system. Dr. Thomas Levy, M.D.
My clinical opinion is that one gram of properly-produced and orally-ingested liposome-encapsulated vitamin C is as or more effective than 5 to 10 grams of vitamin C given intravenously, for an acute viral syndrome. When someone is ill, my advice is still to use as many forms of vitamin C as available, and dosed as highly as is feasible. Dr Thomas Levy, M.D.
Liposomal Delivery has the potential to redefine the way we deliver natural substances for superior effectiveness. VItaC-LD® comes from a world-leading quality manufacturer with over a quarter century of experience and innovative delivery technologies. Douglas A. Wyatt, Founder and CEO, Sovereign Laboratories, LLC.
Sovereign Laboratories VitaC-LD™ delivering up to 15 times more vitamin C than other brands without Liposomal Delivery. Two capsules is equivalent to taking up to 15,600 mg of vitamin C. One bottle of 120 caps lasts 60 days.
VitaC-LD™Get More C from Your Supplement with LD
VitaC-LD™ was developed to prolong the biological activity and beneficial biochemical functions that are vitamin C-dependent, target multiple metabolic areas and promote valuable benefits in human health.
VitaC-LD is a proprietary preparation of ascorbic acid with citrus bioflavonoids and lipid metabolites from natural vegetable sources (Liposomal Delivery). Liposomal Delivery is important to the bioavailability of the Vitamin C, and increases it up to 1500% versus vitamin C without Liposomal Delivery. Liposomal delivery is essential for the vitamin C to travel intact through the stomach and into the intestines by which the specific lipid metabolites contained in VitaC-LD enhance its entry into the cells.
Lipid metabolites are vital components of cell membranes and are pivotal in the regulation and control of cellular function.
The lipid metabolites in VitaC-LD act as ascorbic acid carriers to increase intestinal absorption, tissue distribution of vitamin C and enhance cellular uptake kinetics which allows ascorbic acid to enter cells more quickly in a safe and effective manner.
The citrus bioflavonoids in VitaC-LD increase the antioxidant capabilities and support protection against chronic inflammatory diseases and oxidative stress.
The VitaC-LD differs from other vitamin C products in that it is:
100% natural.
Contains vitamin C-lipid metabolites.
An innovative and effective form of vitamin C.
Has superior uptake, bioavailability and retention due to its unique liposomal delivery system.
Protects the immune system more rapidly.
Promotes wound healing more rapidly.
Stimulates healthy neurons more rapidly.
Associated with greater reduction of plasma levels of C-reactive protein and oxidized LDL.
Safe and stomach friendly.
GMO-free and allergen-free.
Certified Kosher and Halal.
Supported by comparative research studies in vitro and in humans.
If Linus Pauling Only Knew About Liposomal Delivery
When Linus Pauling advocated taking 10,000 mg of vitamin C daily, he knew that only 1% of it was actually absorbed by the body, hence the large dose. The other 99% was expended, or degraded, during intestinal transit. Because liposomal delivery protects the vitamin C from being degraded, a much smaller quantity is needed for maximum delivery to the cells which ensures higher bioavailability to those cells which need it. Additionally, taking very high doses of traditional oral vitamin C can cause intestinal discomfort in sensitive individuals; Liposomal Delivery protects against this side effect. Liposomal Delivery also makes oral vitamin C supplementation a more practical, effective, and economical choice compared to intravenous (I.V.) administration.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Powder - 6 oz. (170 grams)
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Powder - 6 oz. (170 grams)
12 oz. colostrum powder
Colostrum-LD® is the only substance clinically proven to heal and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Most physicians agree that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a primary cause of chronic disease.
The LD Difference: Colostrum-LD® remains biologically active at the cellular level with maximal effectiveness (up to 4X more effective than regular colostrum).
Colostrum-LD® is the only colostrum certified to contain a minimum of 25-30% Immunoglobulins, 1.5% Lactoferrin, 1.5% Growth Factors and 4.5-5% PRPs (colostrum’s most powerful bioactive component).
Sovereign Laboratories takes a great product (colostrum) and makes it a superior product (Colostrum-LD®). Our proprietary in-house Liposomal Delivery (LD) system is an applied coating which allows colostrum to readily dissolve in liquids and ensures the colostrum will bypass digestion; will be transported through the bowel wall; will circulate throughout the body; will reach the organs and cells; and remain bioavailable at the cellular level. “Liposomal Delivery makes colostrum (and other nutrients) up to 1,500 % more bioavailable” (Robert R. Milne, MD); this makes Colostrum-LD® the most effective colostrum available. Without LD, colostrum loses most of its effectiveness. The LD Difference means that colostrum products from Sovereign Laboratories do what they say. Sovereign Laboratories stands behind its money back guarantee.
Expect Results:
Colostrum does not oxidize in storage.
Colostrum is not digested (digestion destroys colostrum’s bioactivity).
Colostrum components are delivered through the bowel wall into the blood stream to reach all organs and cells wherever needed.
Colostrum components transport through the cell wall to assist in RNA and DNA repair; stem cell initiation and differentiation; facilitation of cellular growth and repair; infection prevention; and identification of damaged and diseased cells.
COLOSTRUM-LD® has been shown to help:
Boost, balance, and maintain unsurpassed immune function
Eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infection
Prevent and eliminate diarrhea from infectious causes
Suppress over-reactivity to environmental pathogens and toxins
Protect and heal GI and stomach lining (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
Increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity
Increase muscle strength and stamina; speed recovery after exercise or injury; burn fat; and maintain blood glucose homeostasis
Provide anti-aging benefits
Effective Use
Colostrum is a food, not a drug or medicine. It is safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic and has no side effects.
Bovine Colostrum is safe, non-toxic and can be consumed in any quantity without side effects or drug interactions. It contains special enzymes that prevent its immune and growth factors from being digested. An article written by Robert Preston, ND, President of the International Institute of Nutritional Research, states, "Bovine colostrum is safe. Colostrum contains an unprecedented combination of nutritional factors with which to fortify the immune system. It is so harmless, it has been prepared by Nature as the first food for infants, intended as their total diet for the first 24 hours." He further states, "It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than colostrum. It is safe for internal consumption by children, adults and animals."
How much should be taken and how often?
You should take enough colostrum to obtain results you desire; this amount varies from person to person. If you are not seeing results with colostrum, you are not taking enough. For healthy adults who want to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, 2 capsules (or 1 teaspoon powder) twice daily are recommended. For anyone whose has compromised health situation, GI or digestive health issues, auto-immune conditions, inflammatory conditions, cancer, heart disease, is recovering from an injury, wants to get rid of allergies, or detects a cold or flu coming on, 4 capsules (1 tablespoon powder) twice a day are recommended. For athletic use and anti-aging, 10-20 grams daily optimizes growth hormone levels which translates to 2 heaping tablespoons of powder twice a day.
The dosage can then be lessened to a maintenance level as long as it continues to produce results. Colostrum has a sixteen hour half-life. It should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Colostrum's benefits are cumulative. The longer and more consistent the use, the greater the benefits.
Most people feel better right away, yet about one in five first-time users experience a detox event or "healing crisis," consisting of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headache coughing up phlegm, skin rashes and low-grade fever. These are called Herxheimer reactions and typically last only a couple of days. The body is ridding itself of long-accumulated toxins, locked in the body's tissues and fat deposits that have suppressed the immune system and encouraged disease. This is normal, and not a reason to stop taking colostrum. You should reduce your dosage to a minimum amount (one capsule per day, or 1/2 teaspoon) until the body adjusts, and then increase your dosage as desired to achieve optimal results.
Colostrum is not just for adults, and remarkable results have been observed in infants and children. Colostrum's test is in the undeniable health of children who receive colostrum and breast milk from their mothers. These children experience less illness, increased mental acuity and have stronger, more vibrant growth. If infants are not breastfed or not breastfed for at least two years, colostrum supplementation is an option. Because children have a tendency to catch colds and illness from peers in daycare and school, colostrum supplementation in these situations will help immensely. Colostrum powder tastes great and is advisable for children who are unable to swallow colostrum capsules.
We can't forget our beloved pets. Veterinary use of bovine colostrum with aging and/or ailing animals (mammals) has proven to be very beneficial. Its ability to halt disease is well documented; aging pets with arthritis or joint problems are particularly responsive to colostrum. And most pets love the taste of colostrum.
It’s important for each one of us to take responsibility for our own health. Like the “Sovereign” in our company name, we believe in individuals taking “sovereign” charge of their health and well-being. If you are convinced by claims, testimonials, or even research stating that a product will stop disease, you must make certain that there is also supporting research showing that the product does not destroy body tissue, interact with other drugs or supplements, or create harmful side effects in the process. Colostrum-LD® is the only clinically proven substance which heals and prevents Leaky Gut Syndrome and does not cause harm to the body.
Effectiveness of Colostrum
This depends on its quality and how it is processed!
Research has shown that colostrum which is water-soluble is more easily assimilated. If you are taking colostrum which is only partially soluble, you will not get the full benefits. Colostrum which has been frozen cannot be made water soluble and it must be specially micronized in order to be soluble. Simply empty a capsule into a glass of water, cover and shake. It should dissolve quickly.
Tests on several different brands of colostrum have shown that colostrum processed with excessive heat will lose most of its biological activity. This is especially true of colostrum tablets. The heat generated when tablets are formed is so high that it severely compromises colostrum's efficacy.
Colostrum that comes from pasture fed herds, who eat healthy green grass produce better milk and colostrum than cows that are fed processed foods.
It is also very important that colostrum is standardized by taking it from large numbers of healthy cows. This insures the maximum possible amount of immune factors. Colostrum that is not standardized should be avoided.
Some colostrum is manipulated to boost immunoglobulin levels. Recent research, however, has shown that higher percentages of immunoglobulin actually diminish colostrum's effectiveness in combating infection. Therefore, our conclusion is that the most effective colostrum is that which is gently processed, but otherwise left with the balance of its immune and growth factors as nature intended.
Let the Buyer Beware!
Not all colostrum is processed in accordance with these strict guidelines.
Currently no standards exist for the collection and processing of colostrum. Some colostrum contains inexpensive "filler" products such as whey by-products, which severely reduce its effectiveness. Also, if the colostrum is not collected during the first 24 hours after the birth of the calf, it will be missing many of the important growth factors.
To help you assess different brands of colostrum, below is a summary of the standard you should look for in high quality colostrum:
It should be full water-soluble.
It should come only from certified healthy, grade A diary cows (after the needs of the calf are met).
It should be collected only from the first milking after the second birth, to ensure maximum biological activity.
It should come only from cows which are pasture-fed, and certified to be hormone, pesticide and antibiotic free.
It should be filtered and homogenized to break down the long-chain proteins (immunoglobulins) for better assimilation.
It should be mixed with the colostrum from thousands of other cows to standardize and maximize the immune factors.
It should be processed to remove excess, unwanted fat, and dried with added heat. This process is significantly more costly and time-consuming than regular high-temperature processing.
It should be laboratory tested for E.Coli, salmonella, pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, other pathogens, a verification of high platelet count (a sign of active "friendly" intestinal bacteria) and immunoglobulin content.
There are only a few producers of bovine colostrum which meet the above standards. Read labels carefully and investigate the company. Another way to find a high-quality colostrum is to contact the Center for Nutritional Research (CNR),, an independent, non-profit research organization. The CNR can provide, free of charge, a list of manufacturers whose colostrum meets our guidelines.
Benefits of Colostrum LD
Purpose: This is life's first food. It was designed by nature to bring perfect health. It was and is the most important GI health combination of powerful healing and immune components ever; or it would not have been your first meal.
Prevents and heals gut permeability (holes in our gut) caused by toxins, pathogens (bacteria), acidic drinks, pain medications and pharmaceuticals and environmental hazards. (The primary cause of chronic disease)
Helps prevent toxins from entering the body
Repairs, optimizes and activates immune function (especially in the GI tract)
Stimulates the repair and regeneration of all body tissue and enhances cellular communication and nutritional intake
Increases energy and stamina, lean muscle mass, activates fat metabolism, and returns our body to vibrant health
The most important food for health and healing or your first meal would have been something else!
Fountain Of Youth
The New England Journal of Medicine (the most prestigious medical journal in the world) reported that the most effective means to stop or slow the aging process would be to replace the hormonal factors that cause us to grow normal cellular structures in the body. After maturity (between the ages of 16-20), the level of growth hormone that our body naturally produces dwindles. We notice this as gravity, unmercifully, takes its toll. Our bodies lose muscle tone and elasticity of the skin, causing us to sag and wrinkle. We lose bone mass and shrink, while our hands, feet, nose and ears get larger. We would all do almost anything to stop this aging process but we may want to think twice before we consider isolated hormone replacement sources and are not identical to the hormones made by the body. Synthesized and isolated hormones can produce body imbalances and side effects that can be life threatening!
There is another answer. A natural answer. Colostrum's perfectly balanced combination of immune and growth factors, administered in human clinical trials with aged subjects, safely increases lgF-1 to pre-puberty levels, producing increased muscle weight and strength. IfF-1 and GH in colostrum also has been shown to tone muscles, melt body fat, return elasticity to the skin and increase bone density. Colostrum, life's first food, has given those of use that are growing older, real hope that there may be a Fountain of Youth after all!
Everything in life springs forth from DNA - flesh, bones, hormones, nervous system, a baby's first word, the euphoria that comes with first love, the ability to learn to speak a foreign language. All of this originates from DNA. This silent intelligence of life, DNA, attracts the chemicals it needs to form new DNA which is an essential part of cell division. DNA is also able to manufacture RNA, which is nearly identical to DNA and participates as its active counterpart. RNA (the active intelligence) is the traveler sent to produce the proteins needed to build and repair the body. Dr. Benjamin Frank, whose research on youth and aging, showed RNA to be one of our most critical anti-aging factors. His research showed that lgf-1 (found naturally in colostrum) is one of the only substances known to stimulate the growth and repair of these key nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.
Colostrum has been shown to help maintain blood glucose levels to serve the brain. Also, IgF-1 and GF, some of the smallest particles known, have been shown to cross the blood brain barrier to help with nerve synapses in the brain, enhancing mental acuity and increasing serotonin levels, to brighten our moods. And just possibly, as we age, this might be one of the most important reasons to take a serious look at colostrum.
The aging process is accelerated if our natural immune defenses are depleted through infection and toxic assault. Colostrum can help by strengthening and modulating our immune function. Colostrum’s unique immune and growth factors cannot be obtained through an other source. It is unequaled in stimulating cellular growth and repair and promoting optimal immune function. It can best be summed up by a statement about colostrum from the world’s leading medical anthropologist and New York Times best selling medical author: Robert Heinerman, PhD “No greater promise of health can be made for a natural product so beloved as this. It can be truthfully said that colostrum nicely maintains the physical elegance of life, which believe it or not, also happens to be its meaning as well.”
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories, LLC The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Powder - 50g Sample bag
Colostrum powder
Colostrum-LD® is the only substance clinically proven to heal and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Most physicians agree that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a primary cause of chronic disease.
The LD Difference: Colostrum-LD® remains biologically active at the cellular level with maximal effectiveness (up to 4X more effective than regular colostrum).
Colostrum-LD® is the only colostrum certified to contain a minimum of 25-30% Immunoglobulins, 1.5% Lactoferrin, 1.5% Growth Factors and 4.5-5% PRPs (colostrum’s most powerful bioactive component).
Sovereign Laboratories takes a great product (colostrum) and makes it a superior product (Colostrum-LD®). Our proprietary in-house Liposomal Delivery (LD) system is an applied coating which allows colostrum to readily dissolve in liquids and ensures the colostrum will bypass digestion; will be transported through the bowel wall; will circulate throughout the body; will reach the organs and cells; and remain bioavailable at the cellular level. “Liposomal Delivery makes colostrum (and other nutrients) up to 1,500 % more bioavailable” (Robert R. Milne, MD); this makes Colostrum-LD® the most effective colostrum available. Without LD, colostrum loses most of its effectiveness. The LD Difference means that colostrum products from Sovereign Laboratories do what they say. Sovereign Laboratories stands behind its money back guarantee.
Expect Results:
Colostrum does not oxidize in storage.
Colostrum is not digested (digestion destroys colostrum’s bioactivity).
Colostrum components are delivered through the bowel wall into the blood stream to reach all organs and cells wherever needed.
Colostrum components transport through the cell wall to assist in RNA and DNA repair; stem cell initiation and differentiation; facilitation of cellular growth and repair; infection prevention; and identification of damaged and diseased cells.
COLOSTRUM-LD® has been shown to help:
Boost, balance, and maintain unsurpassed immune function
Eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infection
Prevent and eliminate diarrhea from infectious causes
Suppress over-reactivity to environmental pathogens and toxins
Protect and heal GI and stomach lining (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
Increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity
Increase muscle strength and stamina; speed recovery after exercise or injury; burn fat; and maintain blood glucose homeostasis
Provide anti-aging benefits
Effective Use
Colostrum is a food, not a drug or medicine. It is safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic and has no side effects.
Bovine Colostrum is safe, non-toxic and can be consumed in any quantity without side effects or drug interactions. It contains special enzymes that prevent its immune and growth factors from being digested. An article written by Robert Preston, ND, President of the International Institute of Nutritional Research, states, "Bovine colostrum is safe. Colostrum contains an unprecedented combination of nutritional factors with which to fortify the immune system. It is so harmless, it has been prepared by Nature as the first food for infants, intended as their total diet for the first 24 hours." He further states, "It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than colostrum. It is safe for internal consumption by children, adults and animals."
How much should be taken and how often?
You should take enough colostrum to obtain results you desire; this amount varies from person to person. If you are not seeing results with colostrum, you are not taking enough. For healthy adults who want to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, 2 capsules (or 1 teaspoon powder) twice daily are recommended. For anyone whose has compromised health situation, GI or digestive health issues, auto-immune conditions, inflammatory conditions, cancer, heart disease, is recovering from an injury, wants to get rid of allergies, or detects a cold or flu coming on, 4 capsules (1 tablespoon powder) twice a day are recommended. For athletic use and anti-aging, 10-20 grams daily optimizes growth hormone levels which translates to 2 heaping tablespoons of powder twice a day.
The dosage can then be lessened to a maintenance level as long as it continues to produce results. Colostrum has a sixteen hour half-life. It should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Colostrum's benefits are cumulative. The longer and more consistent the use, the greater the benefits.
Most people feel better right away, yet about one in five first-time users experience a detox event or "healing crisis," consisting of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headache coughing up phlegm, skin rashes and low-grade fever. These are called Herxheimer reactions and typically last only a couple of days. The body is ridding itself of long-accumulated toxins, locked in the body's tissues and fat deposits that have suppressed the immune system and encouraged disease. This is normal, and not a reason to stop taking colostrum. You should reduce your dosage to a minimum amount (one capsule per day, or 1/2 teaspoon) until the body adjusts, and then increase your dosage as desired to achieve optimal results.
Colostrum is not just for adults, and remarkable results have been observed in infants and children. Colostrum's test is in the undeniable health of children who receive colostrum and breast milk from their mothers. These children experience less illness, increased mental acuity and have stronger, more vibrant growth. If infants are not breastfed or not breastfed for at least two years, colostrum supplementation is an option. Because children have a tendency to catch colds and illness from peers in daycare and school, colostrum supplementation in these situations will help immensely. Colostrum powder tastes great and is advisable for children who are unable to swallow colostrum capsules.
We can't forget our beloved pets. Veterinary use of bovine colostrum with aging and/or ailing animals (mammals) has proven to be very beneficial. Its ability to halt disease is well documented; aging pets with arthritis or joint problems are particularly responsive to colostrum. And most pets love the taste of colostrum.
It’s important for each one of us to take responsibility for our own health. Like the “Sovereign” in our company name, we believe in individuals taking “sovereign” charge of their health and well-being. If you are convinced by claims, testimonials, or even research stating that a product will stop disease, you must make certain that there is also supporting research showing that the product does not destroy body tissue, interact with other drugs or supplements, or create harmful side effects in the process. Colostrum-LD® is the only clinically proven substance which heals and prevents Leaky Gut Syndrome and does not cause harm to the body.
Effectiveness of Colostrum
This depends on its quality and how it is processed!
Research has shown that colostrum which is water-soluble is more easily assimilated. If you are taking colostrum which is only partially soluble, you will not get the full benefits. Colostrum which has been frozen cannot be made water soluble and it must be specially micronized in order to be soluble. Simply empty a capsule into a glass of water, cover and shake. It should dissolve quickly.
Tests on several different brands of colostrum have shown that colostrum processed with excessive heat will lose most of its biological activity. This is especially true of colostrum tablets. The heat generated when tablets are formed is so high that it severely compromises colostrum's efficacy.
Colostrum that comes from pasture fed herds, who eat healthy green grass produce better milk and colostrum than cows that are fed processed foods.
It is also very important that colostrum is standardized by taking it from large numbers of healthy cows. This insures the maximum possible amount of immune factors. Colostrum that is not standardized should be avoided.
Some colostrum is manipulated to boost immunoglobulin levels. Recent research, however, has shown that higher percentages of immunoglobulin actually diminish colostrum's effectiveness in combating infection. Therefore, our conclusion is that the most effective colostrum is that which is gently processed, but otherwise left with the balance of its immune and growth factors as nature intended.
Let the Buyer Beware!
Not all colostrum is processed in accordance with these strict guidelines.
Currently no standards exist for the collection and processing of colostrum. Some colostrum contains inexpensive "filler" products such as whey by-products, which severely reduce its effectiveness. Also, if the colostrum is not collected during the first 24 hours after the birth of the calf, it will be missing many of the important growth factors.
To help you assess different brands of colostrum, below is a summary of the standard you should look for in high quality colostrum:
It should be full water-soluble.
It should come only from certified healthy, grade A diary cows (after the needs of the calf are met).
It should be collected only from the first milking after the second birth, to ensure maximum biological activity.
It should come only from cows which are pasture-fed, and certified to be hormone, pesticide and antibiotic free.
It should be filtered and homogenized to break down the long-chain proteins (immunoglobulins) for better assimilation.
It should be mixed with the colostrum from thousands of other cows to standardize and maximize the immune factors.
It should be processed to remove excess, unwanted fat, and dried with added heat. This process is significantly more costly and time-consuming than regular high-temperature processing.
It should be laboratory tested for E.Coli, salmonella, pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, other pathogens, a verification of high platelet count (a sign of active "friendly" intestinal bacteria) and immunoglobulin content.
There are only a few producers of bovine colostrum which meet the above standards. Read labels carefully and investigate the company. Another way to find a high-quality colostrum is to contact the Center for Nutritional Research (CNR),, an independent, non-profit research organization. The CNR can provide, free of charge, a list of manufacturers whose colostrum meets our guidelines.
Benefits of Colostrum LD
Purpose: This is life's first food. It was designed by nature to bring perfect health. It was and is the most important GI health combination of powerful healing and immune components ever; or it would not have been your first meal.
Prevents and heals gut permeability (holes in our gut) caused by toxins, pathogens (bacteria), acidic drinks, pain medications and pharmaceuticals and environmental hazards. (The primary cause of chronic disease)
Helps prevent toxins from entering the body
Repairs, optimizes and activates immune function (especially in the GI tract)
Stimulates the repair and regeneration of all body tissue and enhances cellular communication and nutritional intake
Increases energy and stamina, lean muscle mass, activates fat metabolism, and returns our body to vibrant health
The most important food for health and healing or your first meal would have been something else!
Fountain Of Youth
The New England Journal of Medicine (the most prestigious medical journal in the world) reported that the most effective means to stop or slow the aging process would be to replace the hormonal factors that cause us to grow normal cellular structures in the body. After maturity (between the ages of 16-20), the level of growth hormone that our body naturally produces dwindles. We notice this as gravity, unmercifully, takes its toll. Our bodies lose muscle tone and elasticity of the skin, causing us to sag and wrinkle. We lose bone mass and shrink, while our hands, feet, nose and ears get larger. We would all do almost anything to stop this aging process but we may want to think twice before we consider isolated hormone replacement sources and are not identical to the hormones made by the body. Synthesized and isolated hormones can produce body imbalances and side effects that can be life threatening!
There is another answer. A natural answer. Colostrum's perfectly balanced combination of immune and growth factors, administered in human clinical trials with aged subjects, safely increases lgF-1 to pre-puberty levels, producing increased muscle weight and strength. IfF-1 and GH in colostrum also has been shown to tone muscles, melt body fat, return elasticity to the skin and increase bone density. Colostrum, life's first food, has given those of use that are growing older, real hope that there may be a Fountain of Youth after all!
Everything in life springs forth from DNA - flesh, bones, hormones, nervous system, a baby's first word, the euphoria that comes with first love, the ability to learn to speak a foreign language. All of this originates from DNA. This silent intelligence of life, DNA, attracts the chemicals it needs to form new DNA which is an essential part of cell division. DNA is also able to manufacture RNA, which is nearly identical to DNA and participates as its active counterpart. RNA (the active intelligence) is the traveler sent to produce the proteins needed to build and repair the body. Dr. Benjamin Frank, whose research on youth and aging, showed RNA to be one of our most critical anti-aging factors. His research showed that lgf-1 (found naturally in colostrum) is one of the only substances known to stimulate the growth and repair of these key nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.
Colostrum has been shown to help maintain blood glucose levels to serve the brain. Also, IgF-1 and GF, some of the smallest particles known, have been shown to cross the blood brain barrier to help with nerve synapses in the brain, enhancing mental acuity and increasing serotonin levels, to brighten our moods. And just possibly, as we age, this might be one of the most important reasons to take a serious look at colostrum.
The aging process is accelerated if our natural immune defenses are depleted through infection and toxic assault. Colostrum can help by strengthening and modulating our immune function. Colostrum’s unique immune and growth factors cannot be obtained through an other source. It is unequaled in stimulating cellular growth and repair and promoting optimal immune function. It can best be summed up by a statement about colostrum from the world’s leading medical anthropologist and New York Times best selling medical author: Robert Heinerman, PhD “No greater promise of health can be made for a natural product so beloved as this. It can be truthfully said that colostrum nicely maintains the physical elegance of life, which believe it or not, also happens to be its meaning as well.”
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories, LLC The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Vanilla Powder - 6 oz. (170 grams)
Sovereign Labs - Colostrum LD® Vanilla Powder - 6 oz. (170 grams)
12 oz. colostrum powder
Colostrum-LD® is the only substance clinically proven to heal and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Most physicians agree that Leaky Gut Syndrome is a primary cause of chronic disease.
The LD Difference: Colostrum-LD® remains biologically active at the cellular level with maximal effectiveness (up to 4X more effective than regular colostrum).
Colostrum-LD® is the only colostrum certified to contain a minimum of 25-30% Immunoglobulins, 1.5% Lactoferrin, 1.5% Growth Factors and 4.5-5% PRPs (colostrum’s most powerful bioactive component).
Sovereign Laboratories takes a great product (colostrum) and makes it a superior product (Colostrum-LD®). Our proprietary in-house Liposomal Delivery (LD) system is an applied coating which allows colostrum to readily dissolve in liquids and ensures the colostrum will bypass digestion; will be transported through the bowel wall; will circulate throughout the body; will reach the organs and cells; and remain bioavailable at the cellular level. “Liposomal Delivery makes colostrum (and other nutrients) up to 1,500 % more bioavailable” (Robert R. Milne, MD); this makes Colostrum-LD® the most effective colostrum available. Without LD, colostrum loses most of its effectiveness. The LD Difference means that colostrum products from Sovereign Laboratories do what they say. Sovereign Laboratories stands behind its money back guarantee.
Expect Results:
Colostrum does not oxidize in storage.
Colostrum is not digested (digestion destroys colostrum’s bioactivity).
Colostrum components are delivered through the bowel wall into the blood stream to reach all organs and cells wherever needed.
Colostrum components transport through the cell wall to assist in RNA and DNA repair; stem cell initiation and differentiation; facilitation of cellular growth and repair; infection prevention; and identification of damaged and diseased cells.
COLOSTRUM-LD® has been shown to help:
Boost, balance, and maintain unsurpassed immune function
Eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infection
Prevent and eliminate diarrhea from infectious causes
Suppress over-reactivity to environmental pathogens and toxins
Protect and heal GI and stomach lining (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
Increase Natural Killer (NK) cell activity
Increase muscle strength and stamina; speed recovery after exercise or injury; burn fat; and maintain blood glucose homeostasis
Provide anti-aging benefits
Effective Use
Colostrum is a food, not a drug or medicine. It is safe, non-toxic, non-allergenic and has no side effects.
Bovine Colostrum is safe, non-toxic and can be consumed in any quantity without side effects or drug interactions. It contains special enzymes that prevent its immune and growth factors from being digested. An article written by Robert Preston, ND, President of the International Institute of Nutritional Research, states, "Bovine colostrum is safe. Colostrum contains an unprecedented combination of nutritional factors with which to fortify the immune system. It is so harmless, it has been prepared by Nature as the first food for infants, intended as their total diet for the first 24 hours." He further states, "It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial than colostrum. It is safe for internal consumption by children, adults and animals."
How much should be taken and how often?
You should take enough colostrum to obtain results you desire; this amount varies from person to person. If you are not seeing results with colostrum, you are not taking enough. For healthy adults who want to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, 2 capsules (or 1 teaspoon powder) twice daily are recommended. For anyone whose has compromised health situation, GI or digestive health issues, auto-immune conditions, inflammatory conditions, cancer, heart disease, is recovering from an injury, wants to get rid of allergies, or detects a cold or flu coming on, 4 capsules (1 tablespoon powder) twice a day are recommended. For athletic use and anti-aging, 10-20 grams daily optimizes growth hormone levels which translates to 2 heaping tablespoons of powder twice a day.
The dosage can then be lessened to a maintenance level as long as it continues to produce results. Colostrum has a sixteen hour half-life. It should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Colostrum's benefits are cumulative. The longer and more consistent the use, the greater the benefits.
Most people feel better right away, yet about one in five first-time users experience a detox event or "healing crisis," consisting of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headache coughing up phlegm, skin rashes and low-grade fever. These are called Herxheimer reactions and typically last only a couple of days. The body is ridding itself of long-accumulated toxins, locked in the body's tissues and fat deposits that have suppressed the immune system and encouraged disease. This is normal, and not a reason to stop taking colostrum. You should reduce your dosage to a minimum amount (one capsule per day, or 1/2 teaspoon) until the body adjusts, and then increase your dosage as desired to achieve optimal results.
Colostrum is not just for adults, and remarkable results have been observed in infants and children. Colostrum's test is in the undeniable health of children who receive colostrum and breast milk from their mothers. These children experience less illness, increased mental acuity and have stronger, more vibrant growth. If infants are not breastfed or not breastfed for at least two years, colostrum supplementation is an option. Because children have a tendency to catch colds and illness from peers in daycare and school, colostrum supplementation in these situations will help immensely. Colostrum powder tastes great and is advisable for children who are unable to swallow colostrum capsules.
We can't forget our beloved pets. Veterinary use of bovine colostrum with aging and/or ailing animals (mammals) has proven to be very beneficial. Its ability to halt disease is well documented; aging pets with arthritis or joint problems are particularly responsive to colostrum. And most pets love the taste of colostrum.
It’s important for each one of us to take responsibility for our own health. Like the “Sovereign” in our company name, we believe in individuals taking “sovereign” charge of their health and well-being. If you are convinced by claims, testimonials, or even research stating that a product will stop disease, you must make certain that there is also supporting research showing that the product does not destroy body tissue, interact with other drugs or supplements, or create harmful side effects in the process. Colostrum-LD® is the only clinically proven substance which heals and prevents Leaky Gut Syndrome and does not cause harm to the body.
Effectiveness of Colostrum
This depends on its quality and how it is processed!
Research has shown that colostrum which is water-soluble is more easily assimilated. If you are taking colostrum which is only partially soluble, you will not get the full benefits. Colostrum which has been frozen cannot be made water soluble and it must be specially micronized in order to be soluble. Simply empty a capsule into a glass of water, cover and shake. It should dissolve quickly.
Tests on several different brands of colostrum have shown that colostrum processed with excessive heat will lose most of its biological activity. This is especially true of colostrum tablets. The heat generated when tablets are formed is so high that it severely compromises colostrum's efficacy.
Colostrum that comes from pasture fed herds, who eat healthy green grass produce better milk and colostrum than cows that are fed processed foods.
It is also very important that colostrum is standardized by taking it from large numbers of healthy cows. This insures the maximum possible amount of immune factors. Colostrum that is not standardized should be avoided.
Some colostrum is manipulated to boost immunoglobulin levels. Recent research, however, has shown that higher percentages of immunoglobulin actually diminish colostrum's effectiveness in combating infection. Therefore, our conclusion is that the most effective colostrum is that which is gently processed, but otherwise left with the balance of its immune and growth factors as nature intended.
Let the Buyer Beware!
Not all colostrum is processed in accordance with these strict guidelines.
Currently no standards exist for the collection and processing of colostrum. Some colostrum contains inexpensive "filler" products such as whey by-products, which severely reduce its effectiveness. Also, if the colostrum is not collected during the first 24 hours after the birth of the calf, it will be missing many of the important growth factors.
To help you assess different brands of colostrum, below is a summary of the standard you should look for in high quality colostrum:
It should be full water-soluble.
It should come only from certified healthy, grade A diary cows (after the needs of the calf are met).
It should be collected only from the first milking after the second birth, to ensure maximum biological activity.
It should come only from cows which are pasture-fed, and certified to be hormone, pesticide and antibiotic free.
It should be filtered and homogenized to break down the long-chain proteins (immunoglobulins) for better assimilation.
It should be mixed with the colostrum from thousands of other cows to standardize and maximize the immune factors.
It should be processed to remove excess, unwanted fat, and dried with added heat. This process is significantly more costly and time-consuming than regular high-temperature processing.
It should be laboratory tested for E.Coli, salmonella, pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics, other pathogens, a verification of high platelet count (a sign of active "friendly" intestinal bacteria) and immunoglobulin content.
There are only a few producers of bovine colostrum which meet the above standards. Read labels carefully and investigate the company. Another way to find a high-quality colostrum is to contact the Center for Nutritional Research (CNR),, an independent, non-profit research organization. The CNR can provide, free of charge, a list of manufacturers whose colostrum meets our guidelines.
Benefits of Colostrum LD
Purpose: This is life's first food. It was designed by nature to bring perfect health. It was and is the most important GI health combination of powerful healing and immune components ever; or it would not have been your first meal.
Prevents and heals gut permeability (holes in our gut) caused by toxins, pathogens (bacteria), acidic drinks, pain medications and pharmaceuticals and environmental hazards. (The primary cause of chronic disease)
Helps prevent toxins from entering the body
Repairs, optimizes and activates immune function (especially in the GI tract)
Stimulates the repair and regeneration of all body tissue and enhances cellular communication and nutritional intake
Increases energy and stamina, lean muscle mass, activates fat metabolism, and returns our body to vibrant health
The most important food for health and healing or your first meal would have been something else!
Fountain Of Youth
The New England Journal of Medicine (the most prestigious medical journal in the world) reported that the most effective means to stop or slow the aging process would be to replace the hormonal factors that cause us to grow normal cellular structures in the body. After maturity (between the ages of 16-20), the level of growth hormone that our body naturally produces dwindles. We notice this as gravity, unmercifully, takes its toll. Our bodies lose muscle tone and elasticity of the skin, causing us to sag and wrinkle. We lose bone mass and shrink, while our hands, feet, nose and ears get larger. We would all do almost anything to stop this aging process but we may want to think twice before we consider isolated hormone replacement sources and are not identical to the hormones made by the body. Synthesized and isolated hormones can produce body imbalances and side effects that can be life threatening!
There is another answer. A natural answer. Colostrum's perfectly balanced combination of immune and growth factors, administered in human clinical trials with aged subjects, safely increases lgF-1 to pre-puberty levels, producing increased muscle weight and strength. IfF-1 and GH in colostrum also has been shown to tone muscles, melt body fat, return elasticity to the skin and increase bone density. Colostrum, life's first food, has given those of use that are growing older, real hope that there may be a Fountain of Youth after all!
Everything in life springs forth from DNA - flesh, bones, hormones, nervous system, a baby's first word, the euphoria that comes with first love, the ability to learn to speak a foreign language. All of this originates from DNA. This silent intelligence of life, DNA, attracts the chemicals it needs to form new DNA which is an essential part of cell division. DNA is also able to manufacture RNA, which is nearly identical to DNA and participates as its active counterpart. RNA (the active intelligence) is the traveler sent to produce the proteins needed to build and repair the body. Dr. Benjamin Frank, whose research on youth and aging, showed RNA to be one of our most critical anti-aging factors. His research showed that lgf-1 (found naturally in colostrum) is one of the only substances known to stimulate the growth and repair of these key nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.
Colostrum has been shown to help maintain blood glucose levels to serve the brain. Also, IgF-1 and GF, some of the smallest particles known, have been shown to cross the blood brain barrier to help with nerve synapses in the brain, enhancing mental acuity and increasing serotonin levels, to brighten our moods. And just possibly, as we age, this might be one of the most important reasons to take a serious look at colostrum.
The aging process is accelerated if our natural immune defenses are depleted through infection and toxic assault. Colostrum can help by strengthening and modulating our immune function. Colostrum’s unique immune and growth factors cannot be obtained through an other source. It is unequaled in stimulating cellular growth and repair and promoting optimal immune function. It can best be summed up by a statement about colostrum from the world’s leading medical anthropologist and New York Times best selling medical author: Robert Heinerman, PhD “No greater promise of health can be made for a natural product so beloved as this. It can be truthfully said that colostrum nicely maintains the physical elegance of life, which believe it or not, also happens to be its meaning as well.”
Disclaimer: is an independent distributor for Sovereign Laboratories, LLC The statements contained in this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements contained herein are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or qualified health care practitioner. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before taking these or any nutritional supplements.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Laboratories Infant & Toddler Colostrum-LD 12oz
Infant & Toddler Colostrum-LD®
Liposomal Lipid-coated Superfood for Your Precious One100% Pure Bovine Colostrum with High Potency Immunoglobulins
Provides a concentrated source of antibodies
Promotes a healthy immune system
Aids in normal childhood development
Helps build strong muscle, bone, and connective tissues
Offers a healthy alternative when breastfeeding isn’t possible
Nature’s First Food
Since the dawn of time, mothers’ colostrum (“first milk”) has sustained and nurtured their newborns. This rich source of immunoglobulins, peptides (lactoferrin & lactoperoxidase), signaling molecules (cytokines, proline-rich polypeptides), beneficial bacteria, and growth factors jumpstart the newborn’s immune system and heal the leaky gut. Pediatric experts agree that colostrum is “liquid gold.” Along with extended breastfeeding, colostrum puts precious little ones on the path to a healthy future.
Optimal Growth, Development & Immune Resilience
Unfortunately, not all babies receive the benefits of colostrum. The good news is that bovine (cow) colostrum is biologically compatible, plentiful, and a natural substitute if mom is unable to breastfeed. Living in today’s world requires a healthy immune system, and this is why Infant & Toddler Colostrum-LD® is the ideal product to fortify your infant or toddler’s nutritional needs.
Good Health is a Lifelong Endeavor
Healthy children are more likely to become healthy adults. Sovereign Laboratories encourages all parents to fortify their child’s daily nutrition with Colostrum-LD® and give them the foundation for a healthy life. Colostrum is an important part of childhood development, yet not just for little ones. We recommend Colostrum-LD® for all family members to maintain immune resilience and overall well-being… whether you’re two hours old or 102 years old.
Recommended Usage
Mix colostrum in 4 ounces freshly purified water (not bottled water), formula, or filtered apple juice and provide twice a day. If solid foods are appropriate, add colostrum to yogurt, applesauce, or vegetable puree. Upon taking colostrum for the first time, some infants experience mild sensitivity which may result in changes to stool color or consistency (loose stools or diarrhea). This is a normal reaction, so begin with ¼ teaspoon for the first few feedings and gradually increase to ½ teaspoon. If symptoms persist, contact your pediatrician for further advice.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs - Regenacol Artisanal Colostrum Infused Goat Milk Soap (Non-Scented)(3oz)
1 Bar ~3 oz. – Size of bar = 2 1/2" x 3" x 3/4"
Artisanal Colostrum-Infused Goat Milk Soap
Combining the best of science with the best of nature, Artisanal Colostrum-Infused Goat Milk Soap offers gentle cleansing with added support for a healthy skin microbiome.
Artisanal Colostrum-Infused Goat Milk Soap is a unique combination of goat’s milk and bovine (cow) colostrum that is hand-crafted into a bar soap. Goat’s milk and bovine colostrum offer a superior way to cleanse and support delicate skin. Use daily to help retain skin’s natural moisture, to promote a healthy skin microbiome, and to gently exfoliate for renewed and radiant-looking skin.
All-natural, premium ingredients
Rich in nourishing, healthy fats – goat milk contains an abundance of fatty acids which also comprise the membrane of skin cells. If the membrane lacks sufficient fatty acids, the skin may become dry or irritated.
Goat milk contains fat-soluble vitamin A which provides anti-aging benefits; the mineral selenium helps support the membrane of skin cells.
Contains skin-enhancing growth factors – bovine colostrum contains epithelial (skin) growth factors which promote healthy skin.
Contains lactic acid – goat’s milk soap contains lactic acid (a very gentle type of alpha-hydroxy acid) which helps exfoliate dead skin cells within the top skin layer; this promotes a healthy and youthful-looking complexion and may be beneficial for certain skin conditions.
Supports the skin microbiome – because of its mild cleansing properties, goat soap is less likely to perturb the bacteria living on the skin’s surface or strip away natural lipids which help maintain the skin’s natural barrier function. Both goat’s milk and bovine colostrum naturally contain Lactobacillus, a probiotic necessary for lactic acid production.
Hand-crafted in small batches from USA-sourced goat milk and bovine colostrum.
Sovereign Labs
Sovereign Labs Curcumin LD 500mg 60 caps
Curcumin-LD™ utilizes a proven delivery mechanism which assists that curcuminoids in reaching and entering the target cells.
Made from the only organic turmeric with liposomal delivery standardizes to 95% curcuminoids. Curcumin has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties which support total health. Used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to support the immune system; improve digestive function; enhance circulatory and heart health; provide neuro-protection; and ease arthritic pain. Curcumin-LD™ utilizes liposomal delivery technology to enchance the body's absorption of health-enhancing curcuminoids.