BetterYou Better You Magnesium Oil (original) 100ml
Rating:   (1) 5 out of 5 stars
Transdermal magnesium therapy represents the fastest and most absorbable way of supplementing this essential mineral. Magnesium is absorbed directly into the skin tissue, entering the cells immediately, bathing and feeding them. Magnesium Oil efficiently replaces magnesium lost through modern diet and pressured lifestyles, helping to tackle the problem of magnesium deficiency. BetterYou™ Magnesium Oil uses a super saturated magnesium chloride, solutioned mined in Northern Europe from the ancient Zechstein sea mineral deposits, 250 million years old and one mile below ground. Other sources of magnesium chloride are farmed from open seas and unfortunately contain a growing amount of heavy metals, toxins and pollutants absorbed from over one hundred years of industrialisation. Zechstein Inside® Magnesium Chloride has remained protected from man-made pollutants and is considered the benchmark for pharmaceutical grade magnesium. This is why we are proud to supply notable health institutions and practitioners worldwide.Magnesium Oil Original spray is non-greasy and quickly absorbed to give fast acting relief. Each bottle contains up to 800 individual sprays. Suitable for vegetarians, vegans, coeliacs and diabetics. Why we need magnesium A recent Gallup pole reported that 72% of Americans were magnesium deficient. With modern Western diets containing only 60% of this essential nutrient it’s easy to see why. “Magnesium is the central and most basic nutrient mineral required for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It is responsible for our ability to heal, skin integrity, cardiac health, pain management, calms the nervous system and muscles, promotes sleep improvement and helps to lower blood pressure. A magnesium rich body will encourage a tougher immune system, more easily fighting infections”. Dr Mark Sircus. Ac.,OMD BetterYou™ Magnesium Oil provides our bodies with the most absorbable source of natural, elemental magnesium known. Body pains can be eliminated quickly through direct application to the skin and re-mineralisation time is dramatically improved. Transdermal application of magnesium is actually superior to oral supplements. Its salt structure is the most soluble source available allowing the mineral to penetrate directly into the circulation where it can reach the body tissue without loss. The magnesium is absorbed quickly and efficiently with no fear of the body overdosing. BetterYou™ Magnesium Oil is sourced one mile beneath the earth from the mineral deposits of the ancient Zechstein Sea in Northern Europe. Naturally filtered over millions of years it represents the purest source of magnesium chloride known. A natural muscle relaxant. Eases muscle cramping and spasms and relaxes blood vessels when applied directly. Wonderful for muscle aches and pains, aiding repair and relief after strenuous exercise and also from period pains. Calms over excited nerves that can lead to migraines, leg cramps and discomfort from nervous disorders. Joint pain can be dramatically reduced with regular direct application. For healthy teeth and bones. Magnesium is essential for the body to absorb calcium. Without it calcium builds up around our joints, soft tissue, muscles and skin, slowly stiffening and seizing-up our bodies. Promotes skin health. Tests have consistently shown magnesium chloride’s exceptional contribution to skin health with the salt cleansing imperfections and the magnesium healing them. Effectively reduces inflammation, improves skin barrier function and enhances skin hydration. Aids sleep patterns. A natural relaxant it also helps regulate melatonin, essential for normal, healthy sleep. Dramatically faster and more efficient cellular absorption than oral supplements. This chloride form is the most absorbable form of any of the magnesium sources. The Magnesium/Calcium connectionMagnesium and calcium are designed to work together. Without adequate magnesium (which is also a natural calcium-channel blocker) too much calcium gets inside the cell, resulting in muscle cramping, blood-vessel constriction, migraine headaches, and even feelings of anxiety. During Paleolithic times, when our bodies formed into the how they are today, the ratio of calcium to magnesium was 1:1. In today’s Western diets it is in excess of 5:1. Magnesium keeps calcium dissolved in the bloodstream. Too little magnesium allows calcium to seep out of bone and into soft tissue, slowly calcifying our bodies. In fact, taking calcium without magnesium for osteoporosis can actually promote kidney stone formation. Calcium excess in the blood will also promote muscle spasms, fibromyalgia and hardening of the arteries. Magnesium deficiency on the riseIn 1997, the National Academy of Sciences found that over 70% of Americans are deficient in magnesium. There are a number of reasons for this: Food processing depletes magnesium, and the vast majority of us eat mostly processed foods. When wheat is refined into white flour, 80 percent of the magnesium in the grain is lost; 98 percent is lost when molasses is refined into sugar. Similarly, magnesium is leached out of vegetables that are boiled, transported over long distances or rest on store shelves for days on end. Modern intensive farming practices: Magnesium and other minerals have been depleted from much of the soil that we grow today’s produce in. Similarly fertilizer is often magnesium poor yet calcium rich. Medications and Additives: Many drugs – including birth-control pills, asthmatic medicine, cortisone, phosphates from fizzy drinks and sweeteners like aspartame – cause the body to waste magnesium by binding with the magnesium molecules. Nature's most absorbable sourceNo matter what form of magnesium you ingest, your body will have to convert it to a chloride form before it can be effectively absorbed. BetterYou magnesium Oil already provides magnesium in its chloride form allowing fast and effective body absorption. Ingredients: Supersaturated concentration of ancient Zechstien seabed mineral deposits. Contains 31% magnesium chloride. Magnesium chloride is the most absorbable form of magnesium as it is the form the body turns all magnesium into once ingested. BetterYou Magnesium Oil uses a source of magnesium chloride mined only in the North of Holland, over a mile below the ground and over 250 million years old. Unlike salt sources from open seas this source is completely uncontaminated by toxins from modern industrialization and man-made pollutants. Drained and replenished three times during its life, this ancient sea has some of the purest sources of magnesium chloride deposits known. When mineral sources are quoted as being rich it is often used to indicate the presence of a variety of other minerals in significant quantities. BetterYou Magnesium Oil uses only the purest source of magnesium chloride, with only a trace presence of other minerals. Only BetterYou are allowed to use this Zechstien source of magnesium chloride. The process of mining this precious mineral utilizes unobtrusive drilling pipes which dissolve the seam in spring water and then pump it to the surface. A chemical ‘fingerprint’ is then taken to ensure a consistency of purity and a certificate of pharmaceutical quality is granted for every approved batch. Only through this process can BetterYou provide its Magnesium Oil spray. Re-mineralisation and health maintenance: Apply 5, increasing to 10 sprays morning and night. Apply directly to the skin ideally after a shower and gently massage in. Can be left to dry naturally. Will not stain. Always start slowly and build up dosage. Ideally add to your daily bathroom routine and apply on clean skin, ideally after showering. Dosages can be safely increased. 20 daily sprays is equivalent to 360mg* of pure, natural and absorbable elemental magnesium. (*120% RDA). For muscular and joint pains: Apply to problem area, ensuring skin is thoroughly saturated. Gently massage in and keep area warm. Repeat regularly. Relief should start to be felt almost immediately, with more severe pain types taking longer. Ideal for aching joints and muscles and for muscle cramping and spasms. Apply after showering. Application Suggestions: Applying BetterYou™ Magnesium Oil after a shower is an addictive pleasure that is both stimulating and beneficial. Applying directly to the skin is the most efficient way for the body to be supplied this essential mineral. Some people however will find that initial applications ‘tingle’. The salt structure of the mineral seeks out any imperfections in the skin tissue and immediately cleans, purifies and heals them. This process is fast and can cause irritation for some skin conditions but passes as the skin is healed. Can be sprayed directly onto gum area to enhance oral hygiene and help strengthen teeth and reduce gum disease. Can also be added to mouthwash. If you suffer from sensitive or broken skin apply directly onto wet skin initially to reduce tingling. Alternatively decant half the contents of the bottle and dilute the remaining spray with water (bottled preferably). If you wish, try adding 20ml of carrier oil to the spray. This acts as a buffer and is wonderful for self or partner massage. Re-mineralisation should be seen as a long-term process so experiment and find what’s right for you, then increase the concentration, as you feel comfortable. Ron Callaghan – IT Consultant. “For a number of years I’ve been suffering severe joint pain in my fingers, knees, and elbows and was told it was the result of a build-up of calcium. I have also suffered from eczema to my lower legs since I can remember but this spread to my upper arms as I got older. I began using Magnesium Oil about 2-3 months ago. I am now virtually eczema free. I can definitely say that it has helped my eczema condition beyond all expectations and the pain I was suffering in my joints has also improved.” Rachel Temple – Parkside Health, Kent “I saw the client that first introduced me to Magnesium Oil yesterday.   She has pretty serious health issues, but finds the oil is the one thing that stops her pain.   I believe that one of the benefits is that the magnesium is in the chloride form, which is a very simple ion compared to the chelates used orally.   I think this is what helps drag the magnesium into the cells so effectively.” Nicole Arumugam – November 2008 “I have recently bought two magnesium oil sprays, one for my mother who has "restless" legs and one for my 6 year old son who had developed quite a bad head twitch and is a bed wetter. It’s coming up to two weeks now and the improvement has been amazing. The head twitching nearly stopped over night and the bed wetting has really improved, my mother has also reported great relief. So thank you, thank you.” Victoria Health – September 2008 Newsletter“Because we are mostly magnesium deficient, Shabir is recommending that everybody in the world should be spraying themselves with Magnesium Oil and he hasn’t stopped talking about its merits for at least six weeks……. It really is fabulous stuff and it represents the biochemistry for youth, so get spraying.” This is not an enquiry - just a 'thank you'! For over 40 years I have suffered from severe and recurring headaches. Since starting to use your magnesium spray about 4 months ago, I haven't had any, and if I ever find that one is threatening, I simply apply the spray and it never comes to anything. This has wonderfully transformed my life. I'll be ordering more in a few weeks.
BetterYou Better You Magnesium Original Flakes 5kg
Rating:   (2) 5 out of 5 stars
Magnesium Flakes deliver the highest concentration of magnesium, delivered directly through the skin for whole body health and relaxation. Zechstein Inside® products: the purest natural magnesium chloride in the world. During the Zechstein era, 250 million years ago, the oceans were subject to considerable evaporation. The remains of this crystallised ‘Zechstein Sea', containing many types of mineral salts, is situated under large parts of northern Europe. The world's purest natural deposits of magnesium chloride can be mined one mile beneath Veendam in the Netherlands. Zechstein Inside® has been formulated primarily for topical use. Essential magnesium is absorbed directly into the skin tissue, entering the cells immediately. Magnesium Flakes efficiently replace magnesium lost through modern diet and pressured lifestyles. BetterYouTM Magnesium Flakes are simply the crystal form of the super saturated magnesium chloride, solution-mined in Northern Europe from the ancient Zechstein sea mineral deposits, one mile below the surface of the earth. These flakes are then used to produce our other Magnesium products so these are the purest form available.... anywhere. Zechstein Inside® Magnesium Chloride has remained protected from man-made pollutants and is considered the benchmark for pharmaceutical grade magnesium. This is why we are proud to supply notable health institutions and practitioners worldwide. Contains 2 body soaks / 4 foot soaks. It is recommended to take 2 magnesium-rich body or bath soaks per week. Gentle and essential. Suitable for children, during pregnancy and for those with skin complaints. Magnesium Oil Original Flakes provide you with the most relaxing and therapeutic body or foot bath you have ever experienced. Each 1kg bag contains a staggering 120 grams of the purest elemental magnesium. Magnesium Flakes deliver this essential mineral in its most absorbable form. Skin HealthAn excellent and essential mineral to enhance skin integrity. Softens skin and repairs skin structure, strength and etasticity. Suitable for all skin disorders including exzema, psoriasis and acne. Ideal for both foot and body baths both Magnesium Flakes and magnesium Soak deliver the most pure natural source of magnesium chloride, Zechstein Inside®.  Used by a growing number of medical institutions, including Great Ormond Street Hospital and The University College London Hospitals, this form has been proven to increase the body's magnesium levels, relaxing muscles and aiding skin health. Available in liquid and dry crystal form these have been launched to compliment the successful range of BetterYouTM Magnesium Oil body sprays. By creating a more diluted solution of magnesium chloride greater areas of the body can be exposed for longer periods of time, allowing a more gentle absorption of the mineral. The efficiency of magnesium absorption depends upon the relationship between the strength of the mineral concentration, the surface area of the body exposed and the length of time the two are in contact. This method is ideal for overall muscle relaxation and skin health. BetterYou™ Magnesium Flakes contain only Zechstein Inside® magnesium chloride hexahydrate MgCl2 6H2O). The purest natural form magnesium chloride available in the world. Zechstein Inside Magnesium Flakes deliver magnesium chloride in its highest concentration, 47%, and is exactly how the solution arrives after mining. The quantities to be dissolved should not be compared to the ‘conventional' tablespoon of bath salts. The Flakes will deliver exceptional levels of elemental magnesium once dissolved within the bath water. As a body bath soak: For a normal sized bath: 250g-500g per bath for effective muscle relaxation and normal health maintenance. For a more concentrated therapy a full 1kg bag may be used. The key to effective absorption is the balance between concentration, surface area exposed and length of exposure. The longer you relax in the bath the more magnesium your body will naturally absorb. Footbath: Because the surface of a footbath is clearly much smaller than that of a regular bath, the minimum concentration suggested is around 4 per cent. This means for a 5-litre foot bath: 250 grams of magnesium chloride crystals (1/4 of a 1kg bag). As with the Soak, it is acceptable to re-use footbaths 2-3 times.
BetterYou Better You Magnesium Original Flakes 1kg
Magnesium Flakes deliver the highest concentration of magnesium, delivered directly through the skin for whole body health and relaxation. Zechstein Inside® products: the purest natural magnesium chloride in the world. During the Zechstein era, 250 million years ago, the oceans were subject to considerable evaporation. The remains of this crystallised ‘Zechstein Sea', containing many types of mineral salts, is situated under large parts of northern Europe. The world's purest natural deposits of magnesium chloride can be mined one mile beneath Veendam in the Netherlands. Zechstein Inside® has been formulated primarily for topical use. Essential magnesium is absorbed directly into the skin tissue, entering the cells immediately. Magnesium Flakes efficiently replace magnesium lost through modern diet and pressured lifestyles. BetterYouTM Magnesium Flakes are simply the crystal form of the super saturated magnesium chloride, solution-mined in Northern Europe from the ancient Zechstein sea mineral deposits, one mile below the surface of the earth. These flakes are then used to produce our other Magnesium products so these are the purest form available.... anywhere. Zechstein Inside® Magnesium Chloride has remained protected from man-made pollutants and is considered the benchmark for pharmaceutical grade magnesium. This is why we are proud to supply notable health institutions and practitioners worldwide. Contains 2 body soaks / 4 foot soaks. It is recommended to take 2 magnesium-rich body or bath soaks per week. Gentle and essential. Suitable for children, during pregnancy and for those with skin complaints. Magnesium Oil Original Flakes provide you with the most relaxing and therapeutic body or foot bath you have ever experienced. Each 1kg bag contains a staggering 120 grams of the purest elemental magnesium. Magnesium Flakes deliver this essential mineral in its most absorbable form. Skin HealthAn excellent and essential mineral to enhance skin integrity. Softens skin and repairs skin structure, strength and etasticity. Suitable for all skin disorders including exzema, psoriasis and acne. Ideal for both foot and body baths both Magnesium Flakes and magnesium Soak deliver the most pure natural source of magnesium chloride, Zechstein Inside®.  Used by a growing number of medical institutions, including Great Ormond Street Hospital and The University College London Hospitals, this form has been proven to increase the body's magnesium levels, relaxing muscles and aiding skin health. Available in liquid and dry crystal form these have been launched to compliment the successful range of BetterYouTM Magnesium Oil body sprays. By creating a more diluted solution of magnesium chloride greater areas of the body can be exposed for longer periods of time, allowing a more gentle absorption of the mineral. The efficiency of magnesium absorption depends upon the relationship between the strength of the mineral concentration, the surface area of the body exposed and the length of time the two are in contact. This method is ideal for overall muscle relaxation and skin health. BetterYou™ Magnesium Flakes contain only Zechstein Inside® magnesium chloride hexahydrate MgCl2 6H2O). The purest natural form magnesium chloride available in the world. Zechstein Inside Magnesium Flakes deliver magnesium chloride in its highest concentration, 47%, and is exactly how the solution arrives after mining. The quantities to be dissolved should not be compared to the ‘conventional' tablespoon of bath salts. The Flakes will deliver exceptional levels of elemental magnesium once dissolved within the bath water. As a body bath soak: For a normal sized bath: 250g-500g per bath for effective muscle relaxation and normal health maintenance. For a more concentrated therapy a full 1kg bag may be used. The key to effective absorption is the balance between concentration, surface area exposed and length of exposure. The longer you relax in the bath the more magnesium your body will naturally absorb. Footbath: Because the surface of a footbath is clearly much smaller than that of a regular bath, the minimum concentration suggested is around 4 per cent. This means for a 5-litre foot bath: 250 grams of magnesium chloride crystals (1/4 of a 1kg bag). As with the Soak, it is acceptable to re-use footbaths 2-3 times.
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BetterYou Better You DluxPlus Vitamin K2+D3 Daily Oral Spray 12ml
BetterYou™ DLux+ Vitamin D+K2 Oral Spray is an optimum strength spray delivering 3000iu of vitamin D alongside 75μg of vitamin K2. Expertly formulated oral spray to deliver vitamin D and vitamin K directly into the bloodstream, providing superior absorption compared to tablets and capsules. BetterYou DLux Vitamin D & K2 Daily Spray - 12ml Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 work synergistically with each other to ensure that calcium is directed out of the arteries and into the bones where it helps improve bone density. Without enough vitamin K2 calcification within the arteries can occur, increasing the risk of heart disease. BetterYou have sourced a bioavailable and stable form of K2 MK-7 which can be easily utilised by the body. The form of K2 has been derived from flowers and we can guarantee purity of the active form of K2. The vitamin D and K spray produces a plume of micro-droplets that permeate the soft-tissue of the inner cheek, delivering essential nutrients into the rich vein system below. Micro-emulsified to product optimal droplet size and plume delivery, ensuring effective absorption and a convenience, speed and effectiveness other vitamin supplements can’t.  3 sprays deliver 3000IU (75μg) of vitamin D plus 75μg of vitamin K2 Optimal support for bone health K2 supports normal blood clotting Better absorption than tablets, guaranteed Natural peppermint flavour Directions: Take 3 sprays daily or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Do not take if currently using blood thinner medication. Always consult your doctor if you are unsure.. Shake well before every use. Depress the pump 3 times to prime and carefully spray 3 times against the inner cheek. Research has found this to be the most absorbent area. Not suitable for children under 3. Replace the cap after use. Once opened use within 6 months. Does not have to be taken with food or at a set time of day, find a time that fits best with your daily routine. Ingredients: Purified water, xylitol, acacia gum, menaquinone-7 (vitamin K2), sunflower lecithin, citric acid, preservative: potassium sorbate, peppermint oil, cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), DL-atocopheryl acetate (vitamin E). The source of vitamin D3 is Lanolin. This has been sourced from the wool of sheep living in Australia. The D3 is completely extracted from the Lanolin and while it is suitable for vegetarians (approved by the vegetarian society) it may not be suitable for those wishing to follow a strict vegan diet.
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BetterYou Better You D Lux 3000 oral vitamin D3 spray by Jan de Vries
BetterYouTM D Lux 3000 oral vitamin D3 spray by Jan de Vries.100 sprays 3 months supply It was reported to the Department of Health this year that "more than 50% of the adult population have insufficient levels of vitamin D". Research clearly shows that only a small proportion of our essential vitamin D requirement is satisfied by our diet and fewer and fewer of us are managing the recommended 2-3 hours of unprotected direct sunlight each week.  By unprotected we mean not covered with clothes, no sun creams or moisturisers with UV protection, not under glass.... difficult isn't it! Developed under the expert guidance of healthcare pioneer Jan de Vries, D Lux 1000 is of particular importance to children, the elderly, during pregnancy and those with dark skin. Vitamin D aids calcium absorption and is fundamental for maintaining healthy teeth and bones. D Lux 1000 is the market's first daily sub lingual vitamin D3 spray with a great natural sweet lemon taste so children will never complain when they have to take it! It's not only kind to teeth, it helps to strengthen them! The formula is micro emulsified for optimal uptake and utilisation and  enters directly into the blood supply rather than being processed by the digestive system. Each measured spray delivers 1000iu, the optimal single dose recommended by the Food Standards Agency. It's suitable for vegetarians and strongly recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
BetterYou Better You B12 Boost Energy Spray
A highly effective and completely natural daily oral spray to help increase daily energy and concentration levels. Containing an optimum level of vitamin B12 together with Chromium and Green Tea extract, the combination is delivered orally under the tongue, quickly entering the bloodstream for the ultimate in bio-availability and convenience. Delivering 1,200mcg of vitamin B12 per dose the bottle lasts an impressive 40 days. Ideal for those with an active lifestyle, if you're feeling increasingly tired or for those who travel. Suitable for everyone on a vegetarian and vegan diet. Natural apricot flavour.  Benefits: 100% natural ingredients with great tasting apricot flavourA natural aid to reducing fatigue and helping to feel energizedPromotes cognitive health Excellent for those with vitamin B12 deficiency Recommended for 12 years plus Suitable throughout pregnancy and breastfeedingSuitable for those on vegetarian, vegan and celiac diet  How Does It Work? B12 is a notoriously difficult nutrient to absorb in the gut. At most only 1% of our intake can be absorbed by the body, and that relies on digestive efficiency and the presence of a chemical called intrinsic factor. Tiredness, stress, ill-health, poor diet will all reduce this ability further. BetterYou uses the most bio-available form of B12 (methylcobalamin) which is active in human metabolism. When sprayed under the tongue the vitamin enters the bloodstream directly. This avoids over-reliance on our inefficient digestive system. Absorption commences immediately. It's fast, it's convenient and it tastes great. 100% natural ingredients  Purified Water, Xylitol, Natural Apricot, Flavour, Citric Acid, Methylcobalamin (B12), Preservative: Potassium Sorbate, Green Tea Extract, Chromium Chloride. Every 4 sprays of Boost contains:Vitamin B12 (1200ug) Chromium (40ug) Green Tea Extract (16mg)  Directions: 160 sprays in every bottle - up to 40 days supplyFour sprays daily under tongue or as advised by your healthcare specialist. This product must not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
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BetterYou Better You Magnesium Oil (Original Soak) 1 litre
Zechstein Inside® products: the purest natural magnesium chloride in the world. During the Zechstein era, 250 million years ago, the oceans were subject to considerable evaporation. The remains of this crystallised ‘Zechstein Sea', containing many types of mineral salts, is situated under large parts of northern Europe and Russia. The world's purest natural deposits of magnesium chloride can be mined one mile beneath Veendam in the Netherlands. Zechstein Inside® has been formulated primarily for topical use. Essential magnesium is absorbed directly into the skin tissue, entering the cells immediately. Magnesium Oil efficiently replaces magnesium lost through modern diet and pressured lifestyles. Zechstein Inside® Magnesium Chloride has remained protected from man-made pollutants and is considered the benchmark for pharmaceutical grade magnesium. This is why we are proud to supply notable health institutions and practitioners worldwide Contains 10 x 100ml doses. It is recommended to take 2 magnesium-rich body or foot soaks per week. Gentle and essential. Suitable for children, during pregnancy and for those with skin complaints. Magnesium Oil Original Soak provides you with the most relaxing and therapeutic body or foot bath you have ever experienced. Each 100ml dose delivers 14 grams of the purest elemental magnesium. Magnesium Oil delivers this essential mineral in its most absorbable form. An excellent and essential mineral to enhance skin integrity. Softens skin and repairs skin structure, strength and etasticity. Suitable for all skin disorders including exzema, psoriasis and acne. Magnesium occurs in various compounds in nature. This mineral plays a major role in our energy balance and in more than 350 enzymatic processes. In a similar way as the human body uses water, it naturally consumes magnesium every day while it does not have a system for buffering this material. The therapeutic effect of magnesium chloride in skin disorders such as psoriasis has been known for many years. There is a growing realisation that today's food contains too little magnesium and that this must be complemented, as many medical complaints appear to be connected with magnesium deficiency. Zechstein Inside® productsthe purest natural magnesium chloride in the world During the Zechstein era, 250 million years ago, the oceans were subject to considerable evaporation. The remains of this crystallised ‘Zechstein Sea', containing many types of mineral salts, is situated under large parts of northern Europe and Russia. The world's purest natural deposits of magnesium chloride can be mined at slightly deeper than 1500 metre beneath Veendam in the Netherlands. The purest natural magnesium chloride can easily be distinguished from various other mineral salts from the subterranean Zechstein strata by the Zechstein Inside® quality mark. Zechstein Inside® is a guarantee of the origin from the purest source at Veendam by means of a scientifically established procedure. By creating a more diluted solution of magnesium chloride greater areas of the body can be exposed for longer periods of time, allowing a more gentle absorption of the mineral. The efficiency of magnesium absorption depends upon the relationship between the strength of the mineral concentration, the surface area of the body exposed and the length of time the two are in contact. This method is ideal for overall muscle relaxation and skin health. Zechstein Inside® productsthe purest natural magnesium chloride in the world During the Zechstein era, 250 million years ago, the oceans were subject to considerable evaporation. The remains of this crystallised ‘Zechstein Sea', containing many types of mineral salts, is situated under large parts of northern Europe and Russia. The world's purest natural deposits of magnesium chloride can be mined at slightly deeper than 1500 metre beneath Veendam in the Netherlands. The purest natural magnesium chloride can easily be distinguished from various other mineral salts from the subterranean Zechstein strata by the Zechstein Inside® quality mark. Contains a saturated concentration of Zechstein seabed magnesium chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2 6H2O) to a level of 31%. 100% natural and uncontaminated by man-made pollutants as found in mineral sources from open-water. BetterYouTM Magnesium oil is not actually oil but is referred to as such because it feels so smooth. It is actually the highest concentrated liquid form of pure natural magnesium chloride. It is easily absorbed by the skin, from where magnesium ions are spread both locally and throughout the body. The larger surface area exposed to the mineral source allows a more gentle absorption process, ideal for those with sensitive skin or those who want to relax their entire body. As a bath or footbath soakAdd 100ml to a foot bath or 100-200ml to a body bath and relax for 20-30 minutes. The magnesium will be drawn into the body through the skin. As this represents a weaker concentration it is an ideal application for those with sensitive skin and as an addition supplementation to body spraying for those with additional needs (such as sportsmen/women). This is also a useful therapy for those with psoriasis and other skin disorders. Each 100ml dosage will deliver a staggering 14 grammes of elemental magnesium, in its most absorbable form. It is recommended to take a magnesium rich body or foot bath 2-3 times each week.
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BetterYou Better You Magnesium Oil (Sport Spray) 100ml
Magnesium is the single most important mineral to sports nutrition that no serious athlete can afford to overlook. Used by international athletes and sports teams around the world BetterYou Magnesium Oil provides elemental magnesium in its most absorbable form together with essential oils. Formulated for topical use, essential magnesium is absorbed directly into the skin tissue, entering the cells immediately. Magnesium Oil efficiently replaces magnesium lost through the increased metabolism of exercise regimes and pressured lifestyles. Developed by sports trainers and sports injury experts the combination of magnesium and aggressive oils stimulate circulation and enhance muscle recovery. Developed and trialed at Euro 2008 and now used  by international sportsmen and women worldwide. We are proud to be involved in helping teams in the 2010 World Cup. Apply BEFORE training to aid warm-up and stretching.Apply DURING training in natural breaks to replenish magnesium and keep muscles supple.Apply AFTER session to aid repair and speed recover to avoid cramping and stiffness. Muscle Recovery and Lactic Acid Removal Magnesium helps draw lactic acid and other toxins out of the muscles and joints, helping to enhance the repair process. Energy Production and Reduced Fatigue Magnesium is responsible for the production of ATP, our bodys most important and efficient energy phosphate compound. Bone StrengthMagnesium is fundamental in the process of ensuring calcium is absorbed by the body to enter the bone. Magnesium deficiency can reduce calcium solubility and so restrict bone entry. Magensium Oil Sport is an instant body spray formulation and quickly absorbed to give fast acting relief. Each bottle contains up to 800 individual sprays. Suitable for vegetarians, vegans, coeliacs and diabetics. BetterYou is against animal testing. Please note: due to the supersaturated nature of this mineral formulation you may experience a tingling or itching when first using the spray. This is completely natural and is caused by the large, crystaline magnesium molecules being drawn quickly through the pores. As you remineralise this process is less aggressive and you will simply feel a slight warmth on the area of application. This is an essential process in the stimulation of blood flow and muscle detoxification. Massive amounts of magnesium are lost through sweat and the accelerated metabolism of strenuous exercise. Magnesium Oil provides high levels of magnesium, delivered with optimal absorption directly into the skin tissue, entering the cells with immediate effect. Magnesium facilitates oxygen delivery to working muscle tissue, improving performance and speeding recovery time. Essential oils calm overexcited nerves and quickly soothe muscle groups providing an exhilarating muscle and joint rub. Mined from European sea deposits over 250 million years old and one mile underground, the natural process of filtering and condensing produces a magnesium supply essential for aerobic energy production, muscle performance and skeletal strength. Magnesium Oil’s salt structure provides the most absorbable source of elemental magnesium, naturally purified and uncontaminated by pollution. Magnesium is essential for so many athletic requirements: Optimum energy production Magnesium is responsible, together with calcium, for the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), our most important high-energy phosphate compound. In addition, good magnesium levels are needed for optimal muscle contraction and to sustain the high oxygen consumption necessary for athletic performance. Research indicates that magnesium facilitates oxygen delivery to working muscle tissue, without it muscle fatigue and cramp are quickly experienced. Heart Health Subjects who have a higher risk of coronary artery disease also have lower red blood cell magnesium levels suggesting that magnesium may be the main factor affecting their increased risk. For over thirty years it has been known that magnesium deficiency predisposes to high cholesterol levels and supplementing magnesium decreases the particular risk factors for coronary artery disease. Skeletal strength It is magnesium that helps to make the calcium within our bodies soluble. Without it calcium is not absorb into our skeltal structure and settles around our joints and within our soft tissue and muscles, slowly and surely calcifying our bodies. As a general rule, the softer our body structure the more we need calcium, while the more rigid and inflexible it is, the less calcium and the more magnesium we need. Magnesium can prevent and reverse the degenerative calcification of our body structure and with this help to increase skeletal strength and ease movement. Aqua, Zechstein source Magnesium Chloride, essential oils (Grape Seed, Lemon, Camphor, Black Pepper), Trace Minerals Magnesium chloride is the most absorbable form of magnesium as it is the form the body turns all magnesium into once ingested. BetterYou Magnesium Oil uses a source of magnesium chloride mined only in the North of Holland, over a mile below the ground and over 250 million years old. Unlike salt sources from open seas this source is completely uncontaminated by toxins from modern industrialization and man-made pollutants. Drained and replenished three times during its life, this ancient sea has some of the purest sources of magnesium chloride deposits known. When mineral sources are quoted as being rich it is often used to indicate the presence of a variety of other minerals in significant quantities. BetterYou Magnesium Oil uses only the purest source of magnesium chloride, with only a trace presence of other minerals. The process of mining this precious mineral utilizes unobtrusive drilling pipes which dissolve the seam in spring water and then pump it to the surface. A chemical ‘fingerprint’ is then taken to ensure a consistency of purity and a certificate of pharmaceutical quality is granted for every approved batch. Only through this process can BetterYou provide its Magnesium Oil spray. Grape Seed extract, Lemon, Black Pepper and Camphor oils are added to complete this exhilerating and regenerative combination. This formula has been trialled used with great success for muscle relaxing, detoxing and the treatment of joint and skeletal conditions. Can be sprayed anywhere on the body. Ideally apply before exercise and after showering and make it part of your daily bathroom routine. For Training Support - Apply a minimum of 5 – 10 sprays, morning and night to help restore magnesium levels. Massage into muscle area and leave to dry naturally. Can be sprayed anywhere on the body. Increase dosage during intense training. For Muscle Detox and Recovery - Saturate muscle area and thoroughly massage into skin. Repeat as often as required and keep area warm. Massage – for the ultimate in relaxing and detoxing tissue therapy rubs. 10 sprays deliver 150mg (50% RDA) of optimally absorbable elemental magnesium. Contains up to 800 sprays. Avoid contact with eyes. A warm, tingling sensation may be felt as the magnesium purifies and heals skin flaws. This will pass as skin is repaired. If undue redness or stinging is experienced dilute by half or apply to wet skin. Never tested on animals. 100% natural source. Trial report: Romanian National Football Team - Euro 2008"Now, after six months of using BetterYou™ Magnesium Oil spray that was tested in different therapeutic associations, we are able to communicate the clinical studies on its effect upon 100 cases, both sportsmen and non-sportsmen. Its effect is beneficial to 90% of the cases: • Relaxing massage on the back and legs, in 5-10 sessions : very good effect; • Muscle cramps (miocramps) while playing (very good effect) and while not playing (good effect): 26 cases; • Injuries (fibrilar breaks), used only after 48 hours, after bleeding ceases (the hematoma) for 20 days : good effect: 30 cases; • Old muscle calcified injuries (breaks) with permanent muscle cramp, used daily for two months : very good effect 16 football players; • Backbone diseases with paravertebral contractions used once a day for 20 days: 14 cases : good effect; • Torticolis of the cervical spine , used two times a day , for six days, on 12 patients: good effect; Conclusion: Medasso Clinic, more exactly, the doctor of the Romanian National Football team, Dr. Pompiliu Popescu, tested this product at Euro 2008, having very good clinical results for all the above mentioned cases and mainly for the football players recovery after effort. So, having had this experiment made we strongly recommend this product for further usage in other sports and teams. Congratulations!"01.10.2008 Dr. Pompiliu Popescu Physician of Romanian National Team Andy Wilds – Britain’s Toughest Fireman. World Firefighters Games 2008 Not a man to let seven broken ribs, a punctured lung and a dislocated shoulder stand in the way of his success, Andy is now back in training for the ‘Toughest Firefighter Alive’, part of the World Firefighters Games this year. “The competition is one of the toughest in the world… so my training has to be too. BetterYou™ Magnesium Oil allows my joints and muscles to quickly repair ensuring I’m relaxed and pain-free for an uninterrupted training schedule.” A few words about Magnesium Oil... I am a 47 year old amateur racing cyclist. I have been racing since I was 18. In 2002 I suffered from tiredness, lethargy, severe loss of form and muscle twitching. The twitching became so bad that muscles all over my body twitched involuntarily, including my legs, chest and face. I saw a locum at my local doctor's surgery who recommended a private clinic. I was tested for magnesium defficiency. The doctor at the clinic whom I saw after the test results was surprised I could get out of bed in the morning never mind attempting to race. I was prescribed a course of twelve magnesium injections. To say these were painful was an understatement. As the course progressed I found the injections became less painful. What was interesting was talking to the nurses about Magnesium I relaised they knew so little about its relationship to (for example) asthma. The injections brought my magnesium level up to the "lower end of normal". I was advised that I would probably never get it any higher. I was able to race again and have since enjoyed some success. I noticed that after training and racing, or if I am ill, my leg muscles would twitch involuntarily. I have been taking Magnesium EAP2 (from Biocare) since 2002 and deliberately eating magnesium rich foods. It has been a bit of a rocky path as I have suffered Fibromyalgia and have odd bouts of unexplained illness. I have no idea why I had such a problem in 2002, but looking back I believe low magnesium had been a problem to me since I was about 25. Last year I was looking for something to help me sleep at night as I was sleeping poorly at the time. Searching on the internet I found Magnesium  Oil. Goodnight Spray. I bought it for its potential to help me sleep. I noted that it claimed more magnesium was absorbed through the skin, but was somewhat sceptical of this. I started using it at night and it was a few days before I realised that my legs were no longer hurting after training sessions. I started using it more and then bought the Sport Spray to use after training. The results have been dramatic. My recovery from training has greatly improved. I don't suffer that terrible feeling of craving sugar on Mondays after the weekend's racing. I haven't suffered the odd unexplained bouts of illness. I just wish I had known about this stuff years ago.
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BetterYou Better You Magnesium Oil (Sleep Spray) 100ml
Rating:   (2) 5 out of 5 stars
Magnesium Oil Goodnight Spray is a unique combination of magnesium and essential oils to help promote deep muscle relaxation, a sense of wellbeing and promote a peaceful sleep. Formulated for topical use, essential magnesium is absorbed directly into the skin tissue, entering the cells immediately. Magnesium Oil efficiently replaces magnesium lost through modern diet and pressured lifestyles. No morning-after grogginessDue to the purity of the supply and the simplicity of the formulation there is no nasty morning-after effect. You simply feel relaxed and refresh. BetterYou™ Magnesium Oil uses a super saturated magnesium chloride, solutioned mined in Northern Europe from the ancient Zechstein sea mineral deposits, one mile below the surface of the earth. Other sources of magnesium chloride are farmed from open seas and unfortunately contain a growing amount of heavy metals, toxins and pollutants absorbed from over one hundred years of industrialisation. Zechstein Inside® Magnesium Chloride has remained protected for over 250 million years and is considered the benchmark for pharmaceutical grade magnesium. This is why we are proud to supply notable institutions such as Great Ormond Street Hospital and The Royal London Hospitals as well as GPs and practitioners worldwide Each bottle contains up to 800 individual sprays The purest and most absorbable source of this essential mineral. Mined from European sea deposits over 250 million years old and one mile underground, the natural process of filtering and condensing produces a magnesium supply essential for brain health, skin integrity, muscle relaxation, and which helps to regulate blood pressure. The pure salt form is quickly absorbed relaxing and calming muscles and nerves and helping to regulate melatonin, the hormone essential for normal sleep cycles. Magnesium Oil’s high absorption rate is due to magnesium chloride’s high solubility. In fact it is the form the human body finds most soluble as it is the form our bodies turn all magnesium compounds into. When a magnesium compound is ingested, the hydrochloric acid in the digestive system converts it into magnesium chloride. Magnesium Oil starts with magnesium in this form. This is an important factor because our digestive enzymes lessen with age. When applied to the skin the body absobs the mineral directly into the lymphatic system and directly into the cell structure. The unique blend of oils calms, soothes and promotes relaxation. • Ideal for regular disrupted sleep • Helps restore normal restorative sleep patterns • Relaxes nerves and muscles • No morning-after drowsiness. Magnesium is known as 'nature's tranquilizer'. It allows muscles to relax, opening blood vessels and arteries and promting normalised blood flow and pressure. It is an essential element in over 300 bio-chemical reactions within our bodies and many of these involve chemical reactions within the brain, particularly those involved in the production of seratonin and melatonin, responsible for regular sleep patterns. The Magnesium/Calcium ConnectionMagnesium and calcium are designed to work together. Without adequate magnesium (which is also a natural calcium-channel blocker) too much calcium gets inside the cell, resulting in muscle cramping, blood-vessel constriction, migraine headaches, and even feelings of anxiety. During Paleolithic times, when our bodies formed into the how they are today, the ratio of calcium to magnesium was 1:1. In today’s Western diets it is in excess of 5:1. Magnesium keeps calcium dissolved in the bloodstream. Too little magnesium will impede the body's ability to absorb calcium. Aqua, Zechstein source Magnesium Chloride, essential oils (Grape Seed, Bergamot, Chamomile, Clary Sage), Trace Minerals Magnesium chloride is the most absorbable form of magnesium as it is the form the body turns all magnesium into once ingested. BetterYou uses a source of magnesium chloride mined only in the North of Holland, over a mile below the ground and over 250 million years old. Unlike salt sources from open seas this source is completely uncontaminated by toxins from modern industrialization and man-made pollutants. This ancient sea, known as the Zechstein Sea, has been drained and replenished three times during its life, and contains some of the purest natural sources of magnesium chloride deposits known to science. When mineral sources are quoted as being ‘rich’ it is often used to indicate the presence of a variety of other minerals in significant quantities. BetterYou Magnesium Oil uses only the purest source of magnesium chloride, with only a trace presence of other minerals. The process of mining this precious mineral utilises unobtrusive drilling pipes which dissolve the seam in spring water and then pump the solution to the surface. A chemical ‘fingerprint’ is then taken to ensure a consistency of purity and a certificate of pharmaceutical quality is granted for every approved batch. Only through this process can BetterYou provide its Magnesium Oil spray. In addition to this pure source we have added a formulation of essential oils to aid muscle relaxation allow for immediate massage therapy. Grape Seed has been used for its ease of absorption and skin smoothing qualities. Bergamot, Chamomile and Clary Sage are notable for their refreshing, muscle relaxing and calming qualities and are used extensively for stress, insomnia and digestive conditions. Finally a carrier oil of Grape Seed is added to make the application an absolute joy. Can be sprayed anywhere on the body for health maintenance, relaxation of nerves and to aid muscle and joint pain relief. Apply 10-20 minutes before retiring. Ideally apply after showering and make it part of your bathroom routine. 10 sprays deliver up to 150mg (50% RDA) of optimally absorbable elemental magnesium. For Health Maintenance - Apply a minimum of 5 – 10 sprays, morning and night to help restore magnesium levels to normal. Massage into skin and leave to dry naturally. Can be sprayed anywhere on the body. Aids muscle and nerve relaxation. Halve dosage for children under 12 years old. For Nerve and Muscle Spasms - Saturate muscle area and thoroughly massage into skin. Repeat as often as required and keep area warm. For Insomnia - Apply 10-20 minutes before retiring to promote better sleep. Massage – for the ultimate in relaxing tissue therapy rubs. Avoid contact with eyes. Promotes skin integrity but may sting if applied to open wounds. For sensitive skin a tingling sensation may be experienced as the magnesium purifies and heals skin flaws. This will pass as skin is repaired. If undue redness or stinging is experienced dilute by half or apply to wet skin. Contains up to 800 sprays. Nicole Arumugam – November 2008 “I have recently bought two magnesium oil sprays, one for my mother and one for my 6 year old son who had developed quite a bad head twitch and is a bed wetter. It’s coming up to two weeks now and the improvement has been amazing. The head twitching nearly stopped over night and the bed wetting has really improved, my mother has also reported great relief. So thank you, thank you.” Margaret Dennison – February 2008 “I’ve suffered tremendously from poor sleep and aching muscles for a number of years now, suffering particularly at night. I was advised to try BetterYou™ Magnesium Oil by my gym instructor. Within the first week of using it I was sleeping right through the night, with such a wonderfully deep sleep” Ian Cleverly - Cycling Weekly. 5th June 2008 “Our insomniac tester certainly slept more comfortably over the two weeks of the trial and found he suffered far less than expected after heavy training sessions….. It is effective”
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BetterYou Better You Magnesium Oil (Joint Spray) 100ml
BetterYouTM Magnesium Oil Joint Spray is the latest addition to the Magnesium Oil range and contains the addition of glucosamine sulphate together with the cooling and calming effect of menthol and wintergreen oil. Glucosamine suphate is responsible for the production of connective tissue and stimulates cells that encourage the formation of cartilage. Easy to apply and wonderful to use. 800 sprays in every bottle. Magnesium is required by the body to aid muscle relaxation and is essential to help the body better absorb calcium. Magnesium chloride is created when sea water is evaporated. However sources from open water are increasingly exposed to toxins and heavy metals from over 100 years of industrialisation. BetterYou's Zechstein Inside® magnesium is solution mined from one mile underground from a source over 250 million years old. This has protected the magnesium source form the man-made pollutants delivering the most naturally pure source of magnesium known. Zechstein Inside® magnesium is exclusive to BetterYou and is the only approved pharmaceutical grade magnesium chloride. This is why we are proud to supply respected health institutions and practitioners worldwide. Magnesium Oil Joint spray is simply the most efficient way of tackling joint and muscle problems. Every spray delivers essential magnesium and glucosamine in their most absorbable form. Magnesium chloride, glusosamine sulphate and wintergreen all have the power to subdue pain, greater than that of ibuprofane! Easily absorbed it can be applied anywhere on the body and absorbed immediately. You wont believe it until you try it for yourself! Magnesium is the most versatile mineral in the body and essential for the absorption of calcium. With a declining magnesium content available from the typical Western diet it is estimated that over 75% of the population are now magnesium deficient. With a greater and greater intake of calcium and less and less magnesium in our diet we are prematurely clacifying. This excess calcium is simply not absorbed within our bone and settles with mucle and soft tissue around our joints.Muscles and joints: Magnesium is a natural and effective muscle relaxant, helping to reduce tension, tightness and pain related to muscle and joint strain.  In addition, glucosamine sulphate is a naturally ocuring amino sugar, responsible for the production of connective tissue within the body and aids in the formation of cartilage. Wintergreen is a wonderful pain-reliever and has been known as 'liquid aspirin' for that very reason. In fact it is made almost entirely of methyl salicylate, a precursor to common aspirin. Calcification: Magnesium is essential to help the body better absorb calcium. Without magnesium calcium is simply not as soluble within the blood and can settle is soft tissue around joints, within muscles and collect around old fractures and stress points, building into calcium spurs. Ingredients: A concentrated source of ancient Zechstein seabed mineral salts delivers magnesium directly into the skin tissue, entering the cells immediately. Over 250 million years old and mined one mile below ground, this unique source is the most soluble and pure known, completely protected from man-made pollutants. Please not that our glucosamine sulphate is extracted from shellfish so it is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans. Water, Magnesium Chloride (15% concentration). Glucosamine Sulphate, Menthol Oil, Wintergreen Oil. Each spray delivers 10mg of optimally absorbable elemental magnesium. 10 sprays deliver 30% of your RDA. Each bottle contains up to 800 individual sprays (6-8 weeks). Directions:Spray 5-10 sprays directly to joint or muscle area and massage in. Will fully absorb. Apply to wet or dry skin. Concentrate on muscle areas to aid stretching and warm-up and to avoid post exercise cramping. Can be sprayed anywhere on the body, avoiding eyes. There is no upper limit but start any new health regime gradually.  
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BetterYou Better You D Lux 1000 oral vitamin D3 spray by Jan de Vries
BetterYouTM D Lux 1000 oral vitamin D3 spray by Jan de Vries.100 sprays 3 months supply It was reported to the Department of Health this year that "more than 50% of the adult population have insufficient levels of vitamin D". Research clearly shows that only a small proportion of our essential vitamin D requirement is satisfied by our diet and fewer and fewer of us are managing the recommended 2-3 hours of unprotected direct sunlight each week.  By unprotected we mean not covered with clothes, no sun creams or moisturisers with UV protection, not under glass.... difficult isn't it! Developed under the expert guidance of healthcare pioneer Jan de Vries, D Lux 1000 is of particular importance to children, the elderly, during pregnancy and those with dark skin. Vitamin D aids calcium absorption and is fundamental for maintaining healthy teeth and bones. D Lux 1000 is the market's first daily sub lingual vitamin D3 spray with a great natural sweet lemon taste so children will never complain when they have to take it! It's not only kind to teeth, it helps to strengthen them! The formula is micro emulsified for optimal uptake and utilisation and  enters directly into the blood supply rather than being processed by the digestive system. Each measured spray delivers 1000iu, the optimal single dose recommended by the Food Standards Agency. It's suitable for vegetarians and strongly recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.