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Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Black Walnut Protein Powder 30g (Single Serving pouch)
BLACK WALNUT PROTEIN POWDER-1LBSurthrival Black Walnut Protein Powder comes from 100% USA wild-grown, sustainably foraged & processed black walnuts. We use a modern, ultra-clean CO2 extraction to draw out this powerful source of clean, plant-based protein — with 17g of protein per serving!The healthiest, most sustainable, and most ethically-sourced protein powder ever developed! Get ready for 17 grams of wild, plant-based protein per scoop in this clean CO2-extracted powder that is the first of its kind!Surthrival is proud to be the exclusive distributor of this product.This protein powder comes from wild-grown, North American native black walnut trees. Unlike other proteins, black walnut is habitat-friendly — no agricultural land is used, since these trees aren’t “grown” like other crops. No fertilizer, no irrigation, no toxic chemical applications. Just wholesome, healthy, wild nature. Ripe black walnuts fall to the ground and are gathered by volunteer foragers — individuals and families — who bring these nuts to hulling stations around the midwest, where they’re paid by the pound for their harvest. Using a sophisticated, ultra-clean CO2 extraction, the nutmeats are turned into this exquisite, high-quality, fully-absorbable protein powder. Perfect for smoothies and blended drinks and even to fortify baked goods and confections, you can use this protein to up-level your diet in any way you can imagine.Key Elements: 100% Wild-foraged Ethically and sustainably harvested 100% USA-sourced Your only source of CO2-extracted Black Walnut Protein Powder Vegan and vegetarian Paleo-friendly Gluten-free When you use Surthrival’s Black Walnut Protein Powder you’re voting for wild lands and wild species. For fair wages paid to eager volunteers foragers. You're supporting a healthy habitat and native species being on the landscape.Surthrival Black Walnut Protein Powder. Wild nutrition you can feel great about!Simply blend 1/4 cup packed to your smoothie or anywhere else for an added 17 grams of high-quality, wild plant protein!Ingredients: Black Walnut PowderContains: Tree Nuts (Walnuts)
Ancestral Supplements Ancestral Supplements - Grass Fed Placenta 180caps 500mg
NOURISH YOUR WAY TO HEALTH & HAPPINESS WITH GRASS FED PLACENTA * For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) the things we needed for strength, health, and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth — always grounded... always connected. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our nutritional needs to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where our fertility, hormone, immune, skin, and post partum health is ailing. The solution is to address the root cause with dietary, lifestyle, and behavioral choices while nourishing and supporting our bodies and brains with proven anthropological ways that are backed by modern science... this includes the consumption of Grass Fed Beef Placenta. WE EVOLVED EATING ALL PARTS OF THE ANIMAL  Our ancestors intuitively knew where to find good medicine. They were in constant connection with the animal and plant kingdoms. They were able to deeply understand the transformative cycles of birth, growth, and death through observation and their own inner knowing. They could sense something profoundly rejuvenating within the placenta that would lead even herbivorous animals to consume their own afterbirth. It’s no wonder that our early ancestors were also consuming this nourishing super-organ when they had access to it. Dietary, medicinal, and spiritual uses of both animal and human placenta in prehistoric civilizations was already well established as early as the ancient Egyptians. (1) Hmmm.. considering that these guys invented the pyramids, writing (yeah that's right, they were the first people to develop their language into a codified form of writing), and the calendar, maybe they were onto something. Starting in the 16th century, primitive Comanche mastered abandoned Spanish horses to hunt buffalo. Either by lances, arrows, or driven over a cliff, elite Comanche hunters efficiently took down stampeding buffalo from horseback and ate the best organs themselves. Comanche women did all the skilled labor required to break down, cook, dry, and process every other part of these 800-2000 lb sacred animals. Then they loaded an incredible variety of life-giving products, literally from nose-to-tail, onto 400-lb sleds and hauled them back to camp. As they worked, they chewed on fresh organ meats, including the placenta of fetal buffalo calves. When Comanche and other Great Plains tribes brought home a pregnant heifer buffalo, a special stew was prepared from the fetal calf along with the placenta. It was probably similar to modern Menudo and used the buffalo stomach as a stockpot. We know from our ancestors’ belief that “like supports like,” this nutritious stew would have been potent medicine given to expectant and nursing mothers. As late as the 19th century, when the Bureau of Indian Affairs cataloged all of the ways a Plains Indian woman would use cattle, the fetal calf and placenta stew was cataloged. (2)  “Our Ancestors not only knew the nutritional value of the placenta but they recognized its spiritual value as well… The placenta brings new life into the world and is the active interface of the most biologically intimate connection between two living organisms. Our ancestors believed the placenta represented part of the new child’s soul. Many native people worldwide ritually bury their infant’s placenta to fertilize a new sapling, which acts as a guardian spirit for the child as they grow together. In one of America’s earliest gender-reveal ceremonies, women of the Cheyenne tribe would sew the placenta with medicine herbs into a pouch, shaped like a long-lived turtle for baby girls and a regenerating lizard for boys. The Sioux had a similar practice...they kept this amulet with them their whole lives and it was their most powerful protective charm, often sewn into clothing by their mother. The Arikara tribe hang these navel amulets from the sacred buffaloberry bushes dotting the Dakota’s Great Plains to bless their babies. Natives believed that their placenta was a helpful ancestor or spirit-twin, and they gave the placenta another purpose instead of simply discarding it as a medical waste product. There is now some thought being given to bringing back the widespread ancient custom of ritual placenta disposal and consumption, which has been totally dismissed and disrespected in our modern hospitals. “The Cheyenne said that a child who did not have a navel amulet would always be looking for his or her soul.”  BENEFITS OF GRASS FED PLACENTA  Made up of the fetal membranes, amniotic sack, and umbilicus, the placenta supports the growth of a fertilized egg into a fully-formed infant. A fertilized egg emerges from the fallopian tube as a group of rapidly dividing cells called the embryo. When the embryo reaches the uterine wall several of these cells embed themselves into mother’s tissue. These cells will grow into the placenta, while the cells that remain inside the uterus will become the fetus. (3) Technically, the placenta does not belong to the mother. Her body may create it, but it is part of the developing child... it is made up of 50 percent genetic material from the father. Created from just sperm and egg, the placenta develops without any nerve cells… that means that the placenta functions on its own without being controlled by the mother’s brain... Incredible! In order to support the growing baby the placenta is able to perform the tasks of multiple organs. It can essentially function as the baby's lungs to supply oxygen, kidneys to filter out waste, and as the gastrointestinal and immune systems by delivering nutrients and antibodies. It also functions as the baby's endocrine system, secreting hormones including estrogen, progesterone, and growth factors (IGF-1). These hormones and endorphins also help to keep the mother’s stress level in balance. With such an elegant design in form, function and fitness, it's clear as day that we need to bring this wise tradition (i.e. consuming placenta) back home. The placenta supports both mother and child during pregnancy and postpartum as well. During birth, a mother will lose about 10% of her body’s blood supply (blood loss during cesarean section births can be significantly more). Consuming placenta benefits a new mother by supplying her with heme iron, amino acids, essential fats, stem cells and growth factors. Our functional healthcare practitioners have reported that mothers who consume placenta after birth bleed significantly less, have an elevated mood, and more energy. Nutritional support for after birth Postpartum support: mood, milk production, energy Nursing mothers Menopause Dry skin / skin elasticity Contrary to the immediate cord cutting that takes place in modern medical facilities, leaving the placenta attached to the newborn for some time after birth allows more nutrients, vitamins, minerals, & antimicrobial peptides to travel through the umbilical cord to nurture the infant. Many women also believe that leaving the placenta attached for a few hours up to a few days after birth, allows the infant more time to transition into this world while still attached to its womb mother. ANCESTRAL WISDOM BACKED BY SCIENCE [NUTRITION]  Organs and glandulars were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.*(4) Placenta is rich in heme iron, vitamins D3, B6, B12, E, selenium, stem cells, growth factors, cytokines, and hormone cofactors. The daily requirements for these essential vitamins and minerals increase during pregnancy, and each plays an important role in speeding postpartum healing, stimulating lactation, and supporting overall health. HEME IRON  Grassfed Placenta is a rich source of bioavailable heme iron. For women, there is a clear link between low iron status and poor pregnancy outcomes... such as low birth weight, preterm birth, and miscarriages. Iron requirements during pregnancy are considerably higher than usual; yet, over 20% of women in developed countries enter pregnancy with extremely low iron stores, with figures in developing countries likely even higher. Depending on whether we are female or male, we have about 2-4 grams of iron in our bodies. Iron comes in two forms: heme and non-heme. More than 95% of functional iron in the human body is in the form of heme. Heme iron is only found in animal food sources (muscle meat, organs, blood, etc.). Non-heme iron is found in plant foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and leafy greens. Heme iron is more bioavailable (absorbed more efficiently) than non-heme iron, thus the body is more likely to absorb iron from animal products than iron derived from plant foods. If you are interested in learning more about heme iron supplementation, be sure to check out our Blood Vitality page and read the section titled Iron Management. VITAMIN D Other than the skin, liver, and kidneys, the only other organ which metabolizes vitamin D is the placenta, where it is synthesized into the active metabolites involved in bone growth and fetal development. For pregnant women and those planning to become pregnant, vitamin D is of particular importance as it helps to mitigate glucose regulation, develop healthy bones and even helps to tone the uterus – helping the uterus to contract properly during labor. For women suffering from polycystic ovarian disease, vitamin D is helpful as it offers beneficial effects on insulin resistance. For the good of your placenta and growing baby too, get your daily dose of midday sunshine and enjoy vitamin D-rich foods like Wild Caught Fish Eggs, pastured animal fats (including our Pure Marrow, and Tallow) and raw grass-fed dairy. One tablespoon of fish eggs supplies even more Vitamin D3 than a midday dose of daily sunshine! This is the vitamin D3 boost that the Inuit and traditional mountain-dwelling tribes of South America used to feed children, pregnant women, and their elders when sunlight was not a readily available option. B VITAMINS Several B-vitamins help the body metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. They also help the nervous system function properly and are necessary for a healthy liver, skin, hair, and eyes. Grass Fed Placenta is a whole food supplement that is rich in B vitamins, which support fundamental health, positive mental outlook, iron status, immune function, and cardiovascular health.(5) B6 (pyridoxal) Grass fed beef organs, including liver and placenta, are some of the richest sources of bioavailable vitamin B6, which is an important catalyst for over 100 different reactions in your body. (6) Pregnant women with low levels of B6 are at high risk to suffer preeclampsia or eclampsia, which is usually also associated with folate and vitamin D deficiency.(7) Vitamin B6 is also an ingredient for all three of the important neurotransmitters in the brain: dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Imbalances of these neurotransmitters are connected with specific symptoms of major depressive disorder and may also contribute to postpartum depression.(8) The human body neither produces nor stores vitamin B6 so it is essential to get enough in your diet every day by eating grass fed beef liver, pasture-raised poultry, wild-caught seafood, and whole food supplements like Grass Fed Placenta. B12 (cobalamin) Vitamin B12 works synergistically with folate to synthesize DNA and red blood cells. It assists in the production of myelin, which protects your nerve cells (neurons) and regulates nerve impulse transmission.(9) Vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy is associated with neural tube defect (NTD) and preterm delivery. That said, many other B12 deficiency symptoms that can occur in anyone including anemia, cognitive decline, memory loss, brain fog, depression, cardiovascular problems, peripheral neuropathy (numbness, tingling, burning in the hands, legs, and feet), impaired immune function, infertility, developmental and learning disabilities. Unfortunately, B12 deficiency is often missed by physicians and diagnosed as Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis. A common myth among vegetarians and vegans is that it’s possible to get B12 from plant sources like seaweed, fermented soy, spirulina, and brewer’s yeast. The truth is, there are almost no vegan sources of vitamin B12. Nearly all seaweed tested has been revealed to contain vitamin B12 analogs (that is, chemically similar) called cobamides that actually block the intake of—and increase the need for—true B12.(10) B12 is also known as Cobalamin because it contains the trace element cobalt. Cobalamin is produced in the gut of animals and is found almost exclusively in animal foods. Some of the best sources of B12 are liver, clams, oysters, mussels, fish eggs, octopus, crab, lobster, beef, lamb, cheese, and eggs. We can avoid all forms of anemia, cognitive decline, cardiovascular and immune issues simply by consuming the foods of our ancestors. SELENIUM Selenium deficiency is a modern health issue...common in people worldwide who are dependent on food grown in low-selenium soil, and also those with digestive disorders, HIV, or who are undergoing dialysis. A high serum level of selenium has been shown to decrease the risk of breast cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, and prostate cancer.(11) So you don’t want to mess around with not getting enough. Due to farming practices, soil conditions, and climate, plant-based sources of this essential mineral are notoriously random, with the actual amount of selenium ranging from 11% to 288% of the recommended daily amount in one study of Brazil nuts.(12) Even in deficient environments, all animals have homeostatic systems to regulate the amount of selenium and other micronutrients in their organs.(13) Grassfed Placenta is an ideal candidate for a bioavailable whole food dietary source of selenium. PLACENTAL OPIOD-ENHANCING FACTOR (POEF) The ingestion of placenta produces pain-relieving effects in mammals. According to a recent study, this is due to the ‘Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor’ (POEF) which is present in the placenta of humans and related species. To be fair, the native inhabitants of North and South America and Ancient Egyptians would not be very impressed with these “modern medical breakthroughs.” Whether the molecular mechanism was perfectly understood is purely academic, our ancestors knew all about the pain-relieving qualities of high-quality animal placenta for thousands of years. CORTICOTROPIN-RELEASING HORMONE (CRH) CRH is secreted by the hypothalamus and placenta to release hormones and endorphins which work together to reduce stress and elevate mood. The hypothalamus in the brain is the only source of CRH for most women and all men. During pregnancy, however, the placenta begins to release large amounts of a special kind of CRH to keep the expectant mother’s stress hormones in balance. The placenta increases CRH production three-fold during the late stages of pregnancy.(14) Following childbirth, the placenta retains a large amount of CRH, however, the mother’s level now drops to below normal.(15) This is important because CRH stimulates the production of both cortisol and β-endorphin, the latter binds with opioid receptors to elevate mood and relieve stress. Cortisol releases stored glucose, stimulates fat metabolism from adipose tissue and modulates the immune system to maximize the healing response. CRH seems like a good candidate for why consuming placenta may have a positive effect on postpartum depression and stimulating healing after childbirth.(16) VITAMIN E Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that is essential for the production and maintenance of healthy skin. Consuming Vitamin E rich foods provides our sebum with the raw materials to hydrate and nourish our skin. It's interesting to note that topically applying nourishing fats, like Pure Marrow, can also supply the skin with specific vitamin E forms that we don't absorb when we eat them. According to the National Institutes of Health, Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that may help reduce free radical damage and slow the aging process of your cells. Vitamin E can also absorb the energy from ultraviolet (UV) light. It plays an important role in photoprotection, preventing UV-induced free radical damage to skin.  LIVER - THE ULTIMATE SUPERFOOD Grass fed liver holds the nutritional keys to overall health as it is particularly rich in vitamin A, B12, K2, choline, folate, riboflavin and many other powerful nutrients that most people are deficient in. Vitamin A is one of several fat-soluble activators necessary for the assimilation of minerals in the diet and its many functions include forming and maintaining healthy teeth, skin, mucous membranes, skeletal and soft tissues. Vitamin A also plays a key role in the function of the unborn child’s immune system and is vital for the healthy development of the unborn child's vision, in addition to other organs and the fetal skeleton. VITAMIN K2 is one of the fat-soluble activators, a super nutrient that enables our bodies to absorb and utilize all of the minerals from the foods we eat. Unsurprisingly then, Vitamin K2 is essential for conception, fetal development and hormone production. "It is possible to starve for minerals that are abundant in the foods eaten because they cannot be utilized without an adequate quantity of the fat-soluble activators.” - Weston A. Price. Choline plays a crucial role in placental development and exponential fetal organ growth. Choline also supports tooth development, as well as brain development, and significantly decreases the chances of cognitive dysfunction. High quality desiccated beef liver supports our fertility as well as our connective tissue systems (skin, hair, gums, ligaments, tendons, etc.), energy metabolism, immune, hormone, heart, and brain health. Whether from grass fed beef, bison, or lamb, grass fed liver is one of the most nutrient-dense, health promoting foods you could possibly eat. Our genome has evolved with the nourishment of liver since the beginning of time… Hunters all over the world, for uncounted thousands of years, would first eat the raw livers of the animals they killed. Lions and other predatory animals will also eat the liver first. Pasture Raised In New Zealand Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents 100% Freeze Dried & Non-Defatted Third Party Tested For Purity Allergen Free New Zealand — Our product is 100% sourced in New Zealand. In agricultural circles and fisheries, it's known that the clean air and water, green pastures, and animal husbandry is at a higher level  Ultra Pure — Our product is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc) — Freeze Dried — Our product is 100% freeze dried in contrast to the heat processed varieties. This means that you get more of the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors that make organ meats so incredibly nourishing — Safety — There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance programme is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring — CONSIDER THE SOURCE New Zealand seems like it was made for raising healthy animals. Its location and climate produce pristine conditions for cattle, sheep, and fish. The farmers and fishers have uncanny expertise handed down for generations. New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate so the grass in the pastures grows fresh and grows green year-round which means the cows and sheep can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year.  Our nose-to-tail product line is always from grassfed, inspected animals born and raised without the use of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Health of livestock used for manufacturing in New Zealand is closely monitored by a world leading biosecurity system that is second to none, and is a global exemplar. Strict government licensing, auditing and certification procedures mean that our genuine New Zealand freeze dried products can be used with complete confidence in their origin, safety and efficacy. Freeze-drying preserves the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors of components leaving the nutrients in the same balance as found in nature. We care deeply about each and every aspect of our "seed to supplement" way of life... great love and gratitude goes out to the souls of our animal brethren, such beautiful creatures that were sacrificed so that we could be nourished. * Our product line is 100% additive-free. Absolutely no stearates, lubricants, binders, fillers or flow agents... except with our Bone Marrow (see Other Ingredients) * SUPPLEMENT FACTS Serving Size: 6 Capsules Servings Per Container: 30 AMOUNT PER SERVING New Zealand Grass Fed Placenta (Bovine) 1500MG New Zealand Grass Fed Liver (Bovine) 1500MG  OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin Capsules SUGGESTED USE: Six capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. MANUFACTURED IN THE USA: ANCESTRAL SUPPLEMENTS, LLC * FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. — Based on the ancestral wisdom that "like supports like," consuming Placenta may support postpartum recovery, positive mood & a healthy response to stress.* — — Provides all the building blocks... bioactive and nutritionally intact with specific vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and stem cells to support women who are nursing, postpartum healing, menopause, and skin elasticity. — — Includes liver that provides the fundemental support needed for detoxification and methylation pathways* — GRASS FED PLACENTA CONTAINS... Heme Iron, Zinc & Copper B-Vitamins: B6 (pyridoxal) & B12 (cobalamin) Vitamin D3 Essential Trace Minerals Selenium & Calcium Hormone-Releasing Neuropeptides, Cofactors & Precursors Placenta Specific Proteins, Stem Cells & Hormones (Prolactin and Oxytocin) Molecular Biodirectors — DNA Blueprints To Build and Repair Healthy Tissue GRASS FED PLACENTA SUPPORTS...  Nursing and Postpartum Health* Positive Mental Outlook & Mood* Immune System, Asthma, Eczema & Allergies* Hormone Health & Menopause* Pain Management Nervous System & Cognitive Functions NOTE: For intensive support, consider the combination of Placenta, Fish Eggs, Beef Brain, and Bone Marrow to support fundamental health, neurological function, and fertility.* SUGGESTED USE (6 CAPSULES PER DAY) Our Grass Fed Placenta is a whole food dietary supplement that provides 100% pure grass fed bovine placenta and liver. The suggested use of this supplement is to take 6 capsules per day (even though it technically is food) or as directed by a healthcare professional — for added support, the dose can be doubled. If consuming more than six capsules at once, the doses should be separated by at least three hours to improve tolerability. POTENTIAL ISSUES (DETOX REACTION) Most customers tolerate our supplements without incident; however, approximately 5 to 10% of customers (usually with an autoimmune condition) may experience a detoxification reaction. Detoxification reactions go by many different names including healing reactions, healing crises, cleansing reactions (or) Herxheimer reactions with hallmark symptoms of nausea, headache, lethargy, dizziness and other flu-like symptoms. In this instance, detoxification reactions are generally an indication that detoxification pathways in the body are back online... cells suddenly have an opportunity to release an even greater than normal quantity of stored toxins, metabolic wastes, pathogens and unwanted material.  A detoxification reaction is more likely to occur when starting with the full suggested serving size of 6 capsules per day. If you know that you are sensitive to supplements and/or you have an autoimmune condition, you may wish to start slow when adding this product to your current regimen. Tolerability can be greatly improved by starting with just 1 (or) 2 capsules a day and increasing by just 1 capsule every couple of days — this method may take a full two weeks to achieve the desired serving size of 6 capsules per day. For customers that are highly sensitive to supplements and/or have an autoimmune and/or methylation SNPs, I suggest that you "play it safe" by introducing just one new capsule per week. In other words, just 1 capsule during the 1st week... 2 capsules during the 2nd week... 3 capsules during the 3rd week and so on... yes, this will take some time to reach the suggested dosages but this greatly helps to ensure tolerability of this deep nourishment so that it has a chance to do good.  
Ancestral Supplements Ancestral Supplements - Ancestral Protein Powder 744g Chocolate
Unlock the strongest version of yourself with our new protein powder, crafted from the purest and most potent ingredients nature has to offer. Each serving delivers 20g of high-quality protein and only 90–100 calories, ensuring you get the most out of every scoop. First of its kind all-in-one protein powder made from grass-fed, pasture-raised beef bone broth and packed with 12 superfoods Made without dairy, gluten, or legumes so it’s easy on the digestive system Contains collagen types I and III, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, chondroitin, and essential amino acids Ancestral Protein Powder Contains… Beef Bone Broth Protein: Pure, concentrated bone broth rich in protein and gut-supportive nutrients 100% Grass Fed Organs Blend: Liver, kidney, heart, pancreas, and spleen Regenerative Organic Certified® Adaptogenic Mushrooms: Reishi, chaga, cordyceps, and lion’s mane mushroom Celtic Sea Minerals: A rich source of essential trace minerals and electrolytes Bovine MCHA: A highly bioavailable form of calcium that supports bone density and overall skeletal health Ancestral Protein Powder Is… 100% Grass-Fed Beef Organs Regenerative Organic Certified® Adaptogenic Mushrooms Free of Any Fillers or Flow Agents Third-Party Tested for Quality & Purity Free of Artificial Flavors or Sweeteners Seed Oil- and Allergen-Free Non-GMO Nourishment In our relentless pursuit of robust health, we look to the wisdom of our "hunter-gatherer" ancestors. They intuitively knew that consuming the whole animal along with select plants, like adaptogenic mushrooms, provided strength, vitality, and the perpetuation of the tribe. We believe that there is a time and a place for the best of what the animal and plant kingdoms have to offer. Which is why we've painstakingly selected these nourishing foods and provided them all in the convenience of a single scoop. Ultra Pure Our organs blend is 100% sourced in New Zealand and Australia. In agricultural circles, these countries are known for their unparalleled clean air, green pastures, and animal welfare practices. New Zealand and Australia provide the world's most pristine conditions for raising cattle. Easily digestable Ancestral Protein is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc.). New Zealand & Australia For the vast majority of people, Ancestral Protein is much easier to digest, thanks to its bone broth protein isolate, versus other powders that include dairy- or legume-based proteins — like whey and pea protein powder.
Ancestral Supplements Ancestral Supplements - Ancestral Protein Powder 711g Vanilla
Unlock the strongest version of yourself with our new protein powder, crafted from the purest and most potent ingredients nature has to offer. Each serving delivers 20g of high-quality protein and only 90–100 calories, ensuring you get the most out of every scoop. First of its kind all-in-one protein powder made from grass-fed, pasture-raised beef bone broth and packed with 12 superfoods Made without dairy, gluten, or legumes so it’s easy on the digestive system Contains collagen types I and III, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, chondroitin, and essential amino acids Ancestral Protein Powder Contains… Beef Bone Broth Protein: Pure, concentrated bone broth rich in protein and gut-supportive nutrients 100% Grass Fed Organs Blend: Liver, kidney, heart, pancreas, and spleen Regenerative Organic Certified® Adaptogenic Mushrooms: Reishi, chaga, cordyceps, and lion’s mane mushroom Celtic Sea Minerals: A rich source of essential trace minerals and electrolytes Bovine MCHA: A highly bioavailable form of calcium that supports bone density and overall skeletal health Ancestral Protein Powder Is… 100% Grass-Fed Beef Organs Regenerative Organic Certified® Adaptogenic Mushrooms Free of Any Fillers or Flow Agents Third-Party Tested for Quality & Purity Free of Artificial Flavors or Sweeteners Seed Oil- and Allergen-Free Non-GMO Nourishment In our relentless pursuit of robust health, we look to the wisdom of our "hunter-gatherer" ancestors. They intuitively knew that consuming the whole animal along with select plants, like adaptogenic mushrooms, provided strength, vitality, and the perpetuation of the tribe. We believe that there is a time and a place for the best of what the animal and plant kingdoms have to offer. Which is why we've painstakingly selected these nourishing foods and provided them all in the convenience of a single scoop. Ultra Pure Our organs blend is 100% sourced in New Zealand and Australia. In agricultural circles, these countries are known for their unparalleled clean air, green pastures, and animal welfare practices. New Zealand and Australia provide the world's most pristine conditions for raising cattle. Easily digestable Ancestral Protein is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc.). New Zealand & Australia For the vast majority of people, Ancestral Protein is much easier to digest, thanks to its bone broth protein isolate, versus other powders that include dairy- or legume-based proteins — like whey and pea protein powder.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Goat Placenta 60caps (500mg)
TreasuresJing, Qi and BloodTreasure Rating*****Atmospheric EnergyWarmTasteSweet and SaltyOrgan Meridian SystemsKidney, Heart and LungPart Used and FormCleaned, boiled New Zealand Goat PlacentaPrimary FunctionsTo tonify Yang and nourish Yin Jing, to build Qi and BloodQualitiesGoat Placenta is the quintessential Jing restorative tonic.JingTo appreciate placenta, you have to understand Jing, our fundamental life force. Jing is the primary energy of life. It is closely associated with the aging process. The quantity of Jing determines both our lifespan and the ultimate vitality of our life. We are given a certain amount of Jing by our parents when we are born. We deplete our Jing through our living. When we run low on Jing, we die. Because of its original role of nurturing new life, placenta is considered to be the most profound substance for replenishing Jing. At conception, Jing of the mother and father merge and become one in the womb. This united essence creates an energy which forms the foundation of the new human being’s life. It is called pre-natal Jing. During pregnancy, the fetus relies upon the mother to nurture and protect the pre-natal Jing. The placenta is the source of this nourishment. Taking Goat Placenta as a deep Jing restorative supplement is like plugging yourself into the wall socket and recharging your life battery. Goat Placenta provides certain substances that have been shown to have a profound positive influence on the aging process.Goat Placenta Placenta is an embryonic tissue formed during pregnancy from the cells of the fetus. The unique biological compounds in placenta ensure that the fetus is supplied with the necessary nutrients and oxygen needed for successful growth. Chinese anti-aging and restorative formulations have often relied upon placenta as a primary ingredient in formulations designed to rejuvenate the body. Goat Placenta has been accepted as the premier source of placenta. Goat is considered to be a “higher order” animal, and Goat Placenta very closely resembles human placenta chemically. It is extraordinarily nourishing and is completely safe to consume.IGF-1 and Hyaluronic AcidIGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1) is a protein that promotes tissue growth, organ health, and healthy blood sugar levels. Almost every cell in the human body is affected by IGF-1, especially cells in muscle, cartilage, bone, liver, kidney, nerves, skin, and lungs. In addition to the beneficial insulin-like effects, IGF-1 can also regulate cell growth and development, especially in nerve cells, as well as cellular DNA synthesis. IGF-1 mediates most of the growth-promoting and metabolic effects of growth hormone. Our body’s demand for IGF-1 never decreases, but aging is accompanied by a loss of IGF-1. As our IGF-1 levels decrease, the physical exuberance and vitality that accompany youthfulness also recede. IGF-1 is a natural constituent of goat placenta. It is assumed that the Goat Placenta IGF-1, being a very large molecule, when consumed orally, is digested in the small intestines and broken down into amino acids and other components. The complete set of components provided by Goat Placenta of the IGF-1 may be used to enhance innate IGF-1 production. Goat Placenta’s complete amino acid profile is extraordinarily close to that of humans. And Goat Placenta is rich in hyaluronic acid, an essential component in many tissues of the body. Hyalunronic acid helps to support healthy skin, eyesight, and joint function. A 150 pound man has roughly half an ounce of hyaluronic acid in his body, one third of which is turned over (degraded and must be re-supplied or re-made) every day.NEW ZEALAND, a Di Tao source of goat placentaNew Zealand is free from the major animal diseases found throughout the world. These diseases include “Mad Cow” disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), foot and mouth disease, rabies, chronic wasting disease, etc. Dragon Herbs regards New Zealand to be a Di Tao source of Goat Placenta. Its pristine environment contributes greatly to the health and vitality of New Zealand goat. We only use placenta that has been certified by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry of Australian government for pharmaceutical purposes.*Suggested UseAs a restorative, as a dietary supplement, take Goat Placenta for 100 days, 2 capsules 2 times a day. Once or twice a year, as a dietary supplement, take Goat Placenta for 30 days, 2 capsules 2 times a day.Each bottle contains 60 vegetarian capsules, 500 milligrams each.. This is a concentrated product. New Zealand Goat Placenta is a 20:1 extract.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Super Jing 100caps (500mg)
Super Jing Super potent Jing restoration and maintenance Deer Placenta, Cordyceps, Dendrobium stems, Eucommia bark and 8 other superb tonic herbs Helps restore lost Jing Supports healthy stress response Made with top quality herbs Supports Taoist yoga practice Quick acting Jing tonification Product DescriptionSuper Jing is a powerful primal essence formulation suitable for those who require maximum restoration of Jing. Super Jing tonifies Kidney essence (Yin and Yang), builds blood and tonifies Qi. This formula contains most of the major Jing tonic herbs. It also contains powerful yet gentle Qi tonics that enhance vitality. Super Jing Formulation is thus a blend of Yin and Yang tonics designed to build the entire system up from the roots. It is suitable for those who seek maximum restoration of Jing.*Ingredients: Cordyceps mycelium powder, Deer Placenta powder, Dendrobium stem, Chinese Asparagus root, Raw Rehmannia root, Astragalus root, Eucommia bark, Prepared Rehmannia root, Cornus fruit, Codonopsis root, Ophiopogon tuber, Phellodendron bark.Traditional FunctionTonifies Kidney essence (Yin and Yang), builds blood, tonifies Qi.* Neutral in temperature formula that enters the interior primarily through Kidney and Liver channels.Who can use it?It is suitable for adults who seek maximum restoration of JingSpecifications100 Capsules, 500mg eachOther IngredientsPullulan polysaccharide, Rice powder, Bamboo extract powder, Rice Extract Blend.DosageTake 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Strength Builder 100caps 500mg
Real strength comes from the Three Treasures. These are the fundamental energies of life. All strength is rooted in Jing, the primal energy of life. When Jing is abundant, the body has the root power it needs to work and play vigorously and to live a long, successful life. Strength Builder is designed to build and preserve Jing. Strength Builder can be used to strengthen the skeletal and muscular systems and is particularly useful as a tonic for those who use both their brains and their physical strength to succeed.* Morinda root is an excellent Yang Jing tonic. Morinda root is an empowering herb, whose name in ancient times was “Strength Builder.” Morinda root is widely believed in China to increase mental power as well as physical strength. The Qi tonics in Strength Builder strengthen our assimilation and our respiration so that we can produce Qi and use it in our body. Qi tonics are valuable because they build immediate and lasting strength. This formula may be used by men and women wishing to increase athletic and/or sexual power, and by those interested in becoming generally more vital. Strength-building herbs headed by the herb Morinda Root – “the Strength Builder” Promotes vitality Increases inner and outer power (Jing and Qi) Helps strengthen muscle, bones and joints Made with superior grade tonic herbs Ingredients: Morinda root, Astragalus root, Prepared He Shou Wu root, Eucommia bark, Goji berries, Achyranthes root, Dipsacus asper root, Dang Gui root, Chinese Yam rhizome, Cornus fruit, Chinese White Peony root, Chinese Licorice root. Traditional Function Tonifies Yang Jing, Yin Jing and Blood * Enters the Kidney, Lungs, Spleen and Liver channels. Dual direction, both toward the core and exterior channels and collaterals. Sightly warming in temperature. Who can use it? Adults Concentration 8:1 Specifications 100 Capsules, 500mg each Other Ingredients Pullulan polysaccharide, Rice powder, Bamboo extract powder, Rice Extract Blend. Dosage Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Deer Placenta 60caps 500mg
Deer Placenta The quintessential Jing tonic   Placenta is an embryonic tissue formed during pregnancy from the cells of the fetus. The unique biological compounds in placenta ensure that the fetus is supplied with the necessary nutrients and oxygen needed for successful growth. Chinese antiaging and restorative formulations have often relied upon placenta as a primary ingredient in formulations designed to rejuvenate the body. Deer placenta has been accepted as the premier source of placenta. Deer is considered to be a “higher order” animal, and deer placenta very closely resembles human placenta chemically. It is extraordinarily nourishing and is completely safe to consume.     Jing and Placenta   To appreciate placenta, you have to understand Jing, our fundamental life force. Jing is the primal energy of life. It is closely associated with our genetic potential, and thus is intimately associated with the aging process. The quantity of Jing determines both our lifespan and the ultimate vitality of our life. We are given a certain amount of Jing by our parents when we are born. We deplete our Jing through our living. When we run low on Jing, we show the signs of aging, and when we run out of Jing, we die. Because of its original role of nurturing new life, placenta is considered to be the most profound substance for replenishing Jing. At conception, Jing of the mother and father merge and become one within the new fetal cell and this new life takes up residence in the womb.  This united essence creates an energy which forms the foundation of the new human being's life.  It is called pre-natal Jing.  During pregnancy, the fetus relies upon the mother to nurture and protect the pre-natal Jing.  The placenta is the source of this nourishment. Taking deer placenta as a deep Jing restorative supplement is like plugging yourself into the wall socket and recharging your life battery. Deer placenta provides certain substances that have been shown to have a profound positive influence on the aging process.   IGF-1 and Hyaluronic Acid IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1) is a protein that promotes tissue growth, organ health, and healthy blood sugar levels. Almost every cell in the human body is affected by IGF-1, especially cells in muscle, cartilage, bone, liver, kidney, nerves, skin, and lungs. In addition to the beneficial insulin-like effects, IGF-1 can also regulate cell growth and development, especially in nerve cells, as well as cellular DNA synthesis. IGF1 mediates most of the growth-promoting and metabolic effects of growth hormone. Our body's demand for IGF-1 never decreases, but aging is accompanied by a loss of IGF-1. As our IGF-1 levels decrease, the physical exuberance and vitality that accompany youthfulness also recede. IGF-1 is a natural constituent of deer placenta, where it is found in high levels (IGF-1 is also found in deer antler). It is assumed that the deer placenta IGF-1, being a very large molecule, when consumed orally, is digested in the small intestines and broken down into amino acids and other components. The complete set of components provided by deer placenta of the IGF-1 may be used by the body to enhance innate IGF-1 production. Deer placenta’s complete amino acid profile is extraordinarily close to that of humans. And deer placenta is rich in hyaluronic acid, an essential component in many tissues of the body. Hyaluronic acid helps to support healthy skin, eyesight and joint function. A 150 pound man has roughly half an ounce of hyaluronic acid in his body, one third of which is turned over (degraded and must be re-supplied or re-made) every day.     NEW ZEALAND, a Di Tao™ source of deer placenta New Zealand is free from the major animal diseases found throughout the world. These diseases include “Mad Cow” disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), foot and mouth disease, rabies, chronic wasting disease, etc. Dragon Herbs regards New Zealand to be a Di Tao™ source of deer placenta. Its pristine environment contributes greatly to the health and vitality of New Zealand deer. We only use placenta that has been certified by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry of Australian government for pharmaceutical purposes.   Traditional Function: Tonifies Yin Jing, Yang Jing, Blood and Qi    Who can use it? Adults   Concentration: 20:1 extract   Specifications: 60 capsules 500 mg each   Precautions: If you are under a doctor’s care for any pre-existing medical condition, consult your physician before using this or any dietary supplement   Ingredients: New Zealand Deer Placenta (Cervus Elephus placenta)   Other Ingredients: Rice powder   Usage As a restorative: As a dietary supplement, take Deer Placenta for 100 days, 2-3 capsules 2 times a day. Once or twice a year: As a dietary supplement, take Deer Placenta for 30 days, 2-3 capsules 2 times a day.   Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word –Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.”
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EHC Sport EHC Sport - Creatine Monohydrate Micronized 500g
  Discover the edge you've been looking for with our premium 100% Ultra Micronized Creatine Monohydrate supplement, offering 60 servings in a convenient 500g pack. Ideal for athletes, gym enthusiasts, and anyone looking to support their physical endeavors with a quality nutritional supplement. Ultra Micronized for Optimal Usability: Our Creatine Monohydrate is crafted with an ultra-micronized formula for seamless mixing and optimal usability. Designed to support your fitness routine, our advanced approach aims to complement your commitment to wellness and physical activity. Focused on Supporting Your Fitness Goals: Creatine Monohydrate is known for its role in supporting physical efforts. Our product is designed to be a part of your comprehensive workout regimen, assisting you as you push towards your fitness objectives. A Companion for Your Mental and Physical Journey: This supplement is chosen by those looking to support their overall wellness journey. While it's a popular choice in the fitness community, we encourage it to be used as part of a balanced and active lifestyle. Supporting Endurance and Training: Our goal is to provide a product that fits into your training schedule, supporting your dedication to an active lifestyle and helping you move towards your personal fitness milestones. A Nutritional Approach to Fitness: Creatine Monohydrate is part of a holistic approach to wellness, aiming to support your fitness and health journey. It's an addition to a lifestyle that values balanced nutrition and regular physical activity. Invest in Your Fitness Journey: Selecting our Ultra Micronized Creatine Monohydrate supplement is a step towards supporting your fitness and wellness goals. Embrace the support it offers to your training regimen and overall well-being. Experience the support our Creatine Monohydrate can offer. It's designed for those committed to enhancing their fitness journey, providing a quality addition to your nutritional plan.
Jing Herbs (tincture) Jing Herbs Deer Antler Essence 2 Fl. Oz. Liquid Extract
Our Deer Antler Essence is a full spectrum extraction of one of the most profound substances in the anti-aging and longevity category. We source only antler from New Zealand due to its unsurpassed quality and the total dedication of the New Zealand Game Industry Board to the absolutely humane treatment of the animals during the harvesting process. Deer Antler is truly one of nature’s miraculous examples of regeneration and sustainability. In the spring antlers naturally grow at an astounding rate of almost 2 cm daily. At approximately day 60 of the growing cycle, the deer are gathered together from the free range, and the antlers are harvested under the auspices of licensed and trained veterinarians. After a few days, when it has been determined that the animals are all in good health, they are returned the free range for the remainder of the year. After harvesting the antlers are freeze dried and then sliced into thin wafers. It is these thin slices that Jing Herbs then takes delivery of and processes into our potent and full spectrum Deer Antler Essence. We only do full spectrum extractions because we believe nature constructs the products to a state of perfection in relation to active ingredients. When you take a natural product like deer antler, and try to spike the levels of one or two of the ‘active ingredients’, you may be getting the intelligence of the product, but you may be leaving behind the wisdom. We give you the product the way nature intended, in its potent, nutrient rich, non-toxic, full spectrum glory. Let’s now talk about the phenomenal makeup of deer antler. On analysis, antler was found to contain all of these life enhancing and longevity promoting components. Minerals and Trace Minerals Calcium(Ca)- provides structure for healthy bones and teeth, it is also an essential element for nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and blood clotting. It is also interesting to note in the Taoist tradition that this mineral has a calming effect on the spirit. Copper(Cu)-necessary for the production of red blood cells, bones and nerves. Iron(Fe)- essential for the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen to every cell in the body. Manganese(Mn)- essential for the production and development of bones and connective tissue, and for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Magnesium(Mg)- very important in making calcium bio-available and essential in metabolic reactions and the storing and releasing of energy in the cells. Phosphorus(P)- another element of bones and teeth, and is a component of the vast majority of metabolic reactions. Potassium(K)- essential to all nerve and muscle functions. Selenium(Se)-one of the bodies’ most powerful antioxidants and essential to a strong immune system. Sodium(Na)- essential in osmotic pressure regulation and nerve and muscle function. Sulfur(S)- an essential component of hormones, vitamins, proteins , amino acids and insulin. Zinc(Zn)- an important mineral in optimal immune function also part of the enzymes involved in digestion and respiration and it is necessary for normal wound healing and healthy skin. Proteins There are several proteins found in deer antler, but the major one is Collagen in the forms of Type I,II,III,IV,VI and X. This protein is a major component of bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. You can see why Deer Antler Essence would be a perfect addition to an athletic regimen. Amino Acids Amino acids are the building blocks the body uses to construct proteins and are the structural materials in the cell. They are directly involved in the growth and repair of all tissue in the body. Deer antler contains both essential and non-essential amino acids, they are: Alanine, Asparagine, Aspartic acid, Arginine, Cysteine, Glutamine, Glycine, Glutamic acid, Histidine, Isoleucine, Lysine, Leucine, Phenylalanine, Methionine, Orthinine, Serine, Proline, Taurine, Tryptophan, Threonine, Tyrosine and Valine. Growth Factors When we are young, the concentration of growth factors is relatively high which promotes lean muscle mass and low body fat. But as we age, the production of growth factors slowly begins to decline and the muscles begin to atrophy and body fat begins to be deposited especially for inactive individuals. The growth factors found in deer antler are the following: Insulin-like Growth Factor 1(IGF-1) and Factor 2 (IGF-2). Has an anabolic effect on muscle mass, helps maintain normal fat distribution, helps promote bone health and nerve health. Insulin-like growth factors are also involved in the metabolism of glucose. Epidermal Growth Factor(EGF). Have an effect on the growth and maintenance of bones, promoting protein and fat metabolism, stimulating cartilage growth, and thickening and lengthening bones in children. EGFs also have growth promoting action on the skin. Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF). This growth factor is responsible for priming the cell to enter the cycle of cell division; it also assists other growth factors to stimulate and regulate the re-growth of blood vessels to wound sites and damaged bone. Interleukins These endogenous pyrogens belong to a family of chemical messengers called cytokines. Cytokines stimulate the immune response and activate the phagocyte cells. Interleukin 1- T cell activation by macrophages, fever induction, inflammation promotion. Interleukin 2- T and B cell differentiation and mitosis. Interleukin 6- Stimulates the proliferation and killing activities of T cells. Interleukin 12- promotes the proliferation of Natural Killer cells and promotes cell-mediated. Some of the therapeutic benefits you may encounter when taking Jing Herbs Deer Antler Essence. Improved athletic performance. Anti-inflammatory properties. Accelerated wound healing. Improved lean muscle mass. Increased production of red blood cells. Improved mental facility and acuity. Anabolic and growth stimulating properties. Healthy libido and sexual function. Increased sense of well being. Support for the whole endocrine system. Support of the cardio vascular system. Improvement in arthritic conditions. Slow the deteriorating effect of ageing. One of the things that our clients have come to rely on is the fact that Jing Herbs will not produce products that violate the law of balance. We go to great pains to assure that our formulas protect, nourish and balance the Three Treasures. Our Deer Antler Essence is no exception to this rule. Since deer antler is essentially a very potent yang tonic, we have included two of the most famous yin tonics to bring balance to the formula. With the addition of Lycium and He Shou Wu this formula takes on a whole new dimension of being a COMPLETE Kidney Essence tonic. Jing Herbs is confident that once you add our Deer Antler Essence to your herbal program you will be one step closer to the best health ever! Our Deer Antler Essence is a full spectrum extraction of one of the most profound substances in the anti-aging and longevity category. We source only antler from New Zealand due to its unsurpassed quality and the total dedication of the New Zealand Game Industry Board to the absolutely humane treatment of the animals during the harvesting process.   Deer Antler is truly one of nature’s miraculous examples of regeneration and sustainability. In the spring antlers naturally grow at an astounding rate of almost 2 cm daily. At approximately day 60 of the growing cycle, the deer are gathered together from the free range, and the antlers are harvested under the auspices of licensed and trained veterinarians. After a few days, when it has been determined that the animals are all in good health, they are returned the free range for the remainder of the year. After harvesting the antlers are freeze dried and then sliced into thin wafers. It is these thin slices that Jing Herbs then takes delivery of and processes into our potent and full spectrum Deer Antler Essence. We only do full spectrum extractions because we believe nature constructs the products to a state of perfection in relation to active ingredients. When you take a natural product like deer antler, and try to spike the levels of one or two of the ‘active ingredients’, you may be getting the intelligence of the product, but you may be leaving behind the wisdom. We give you the product the way nature intended, in its potent, nutrient rich, non-toxic, full spectrum glory. Let’s now talk about the phenomenal makeup of deer antler. On analysis, antler was found to contain all of these life enhancing and longevity promoting components. Minerals and Trace Minerals Calcium(Ca)- provides structure for healthy bones and teeth, it is also an essential element for nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and blood clotting. It is also interesting to note in the Taoist tradition that this mineral has a calming effect on the spirit. Copper(Cu)-necessary for the production of red blood cells, bones and nerves. Iron(Fe)- essential for the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen to every cell in the body. Manganese(Mn)- essential for the production and development of bones and connective tissue, and for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Magnesium(Mg)- very important in making calcium bio-available and essential in metabolic reactions and the storing and releasing of energy in the cells. Phosphorus(P)- another element of bones and teeth, and is a component of the vast majority of metabolic reactions. Potassium(K)- essential to all nerve and muscle functions. Selenium(Se)-one of the bodies’ most powerful antioxidants and essential to a strong immune system. Sodium(Na)- essential in osmotic pressure regulation and nerve and muscle function. Sulfur(S)- an essential component of hormones, vitamins, proteins , amino acids and insulin. Zinc(Zn)- an important mineral in optimal immune function also part of the enzymes involved in digestion and respiration and it is necessary for normal wound healing and healthy skin. Proteins There are several proteins found in deer antler, but the major one is Collagen in the forms of Type I,II,III,IV,VI and X. This protein is a major component of bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. You can see why Deer Antler Essence would be a perfect addition to an athletic regimen. Amino Acids Amino acids are the building blocks the body uses to construct proteins and are the structural materials in the cell. They are directly involved in the growth and repair of all tissue in the body. Deer antler contains both essential and non-essential amino acids, they are: Alanine, Asparagine, Aspartic acid, Arginine, Cysteine, Glutamine, Glycine, Glutamic acid, Histidine, Isoleucine, Lysine, Leucine, Phenylalanine, Methionine, Orthinine, Serine, Proline, Taurine, Tryptophan, Threonine, Tyrosine and Valine. Growth Factors When we are young, the concentration of growth factors is relatively high which promotes lean muscle mass and low body fat. But as we age, the production of growth factors slowly begins to decline and the muscles begin to atrophy and body fat begins to be deposited especially for inactive individuals. The growth factors found in deer antler are the following: Insulin-like Growth Factor 1(IGF-1) and Factor 2 (IGF-2). Has an anabolic effect on muscle mass, helps maintain normal fat distribution, helps promote bone health and nerve health. Insulin-like growth factors are also involved in the metabolism of glucose. Epidermal Growth Factor(EGF). Have an effect on the growth and maintenance of bones, promoting protein and fat metabolism, stimulating cartilage growth, and thickening and lengthening bones in children. EGFs also have growth promoting action on the skin. Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF). This growth factor is responsible for priming the cell to enter the cycle of cell division; it also assists other growth factors to stimulate and regulate the re-growth of blood vessels to wound sites and damaged bone. Interleukins These endogenous pyrogens belong to a family of chemical messengers called cytokines. Cytokines stimulate the immune response and activate the phagocyte cells. Interleukin 1- T cell activation by macrophages, fever induction, inflammation promotion. Interleukin 2- T and B cell differentiation and mitosis. Interleukin 6- Stimulates the proliferation and killing activities of T cells. Interleukin 12- promotes the proliferation of Natural Killer cells and promotes cell-mediated. Some of the therapeutic benefits you may encounter when taking Jing Herbs Deer Antler Essence. Improved athletic performance. Anti-inflammatory properties. Accelerated wound healing. Improved lean muscle mass. Increased production of red blood cells. Improved mental facility and acuity. Anabolic and growth stimulating properties. Healthy libido and sexual function. Increased sense of well being. Support for the whole endocrine system. Support of the cardio vascular system. Improvement in arthritic conditions. Slow the deteriorating effect of ageing. One of the things that our clients have come to rely on is the fact that Jing Herbs will not produce products that violate the law of balance. We go to great pains to assure that our formulas protect, nourish and balance the Three Treasures. Our Deer Antler Essence is no exception to this rule. Since deer antler is essentially a very potent yang tonic, we have included two of the most famous yin tonics to bring balance to the formula. With the addition of Lycium and He Shou Wu this formula takes on a whole new dimension of being a COMPLETE Kidney Essence tonic. Jing Herbs is confident that once you add our Deer Antler Essence to your herbal program you will be one step closer to the best health ever! 2 Fl. Oz. Liquid Extract 80 Squirts per bottle Ultimate Jing Tonic Builds sexual energy Kidney Yang and Yin Tonic Builds blood and nourishes marrow Ingredients: New Zealand Deer Antler Tips, Lycium fruit, Polygonum multiflorum (prepared) root
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Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Jing 100caps 500mg
A primal Jing restorative Helps restore lost reserve energy For men and women Supports healthy stress response Made with top quality herbs, including Dendrobium orchid stems, Chinese asparagus root, Eucommia bark, Ophiopogon tuber and Raw Rehmannia , plus 5 other herbs Product Description Jing Formulation is a powerful primal Jing formulation. It is excellent for men and women who wish to replenish their Jing. It is suitable for those who require maximum restoration of Jing after an acute or extreme life challenge, prolonged stress, hard living or due to advancing age. Jing Formulation tonifies Kidney Jing (both Yin and Yang), builds Blood, and tonifies Qi. Jing Formulation contains no animal-sourced constituents. The energy known as “Jing” is synonymous with life itself. Jing Formulation is especially suited as a Jing tonic formulation for those who exhibit moderate general false fire. Jing is the bodily energy that supports and protects our youthfulness. Superior grade Di Tao herbs are used to make Jing Formulation.Ingredients: Dendrobium stem, Chinese Asparagus root, Raw Rehmannia root, Astragalus root, Eucommia bark, Prepared Rehmannia root, Cornus fruit, Codonopsis root, Ophiopogon tuber, Phellodendron bark. Traditional FunctionTonifies Yin Jing, Qi and Yang* Enters deep into the core through multiple channels, but mainly through the Kidneys. Cold in temperature.Who can use it?Adults who wish to restore spent Jing and recover primal reservesConcentration8:1Specifications100 Capsules, 500mg eachOther IngredientsPullulan polysaccharide, Rice powder, Bamboo extract powder, Rice Extract Blend.DosageTake 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs - Cultured Cordyceps Mini Drops 0.25oz (7.5ml)
Dragon Herbs - Cultured Cordyceps Drops™ A Potent Cordyceps Extract for Vitality and Wellness Cultured Cordyceps Drops™ delivers the remarkable benefits of Cordyceps mushroom in a highly potent, delicious extract. Crafted from the Cordyceps militaris species, this cultured variety is grown in a pristine environment on a base of brown rice and other grains, offering a 100% vegan option with exceptional herbal potency. Enhanced by Dragon Herbs’ proprietary extraction techniques, this rich, savoury mushroom extract is designed for everyone—from those new to tonic herbs to experienced herbal enthusiasts. Key Benefits: Enhances Vitality and Jing Energy: Supports inner power, bone marrow, and overall strength for men and women. Supports Immune and Brain Health: Acts as a major immune tonic and brain support herb. Promotes Lung and Respiratory Health: Revered for its benefits to respiratory function and oxygen utilisation. High Cordycepin Content: Features a higher concentration of cordycepin than wild Cordyceps, maximising its potency. Convenient and Affordable: Delivers the benefits of wild Cordyceps at a fraction of the cost, making it accessible to all. A Superior Tonic for All Cultured Cordyceps Drops™ is perfect for anyone seeking to incorporate a powerful, versatile mushroom tonic into their wellness routine. Its rich, satisfying flavour makes it an ideal addition to elixirs, smoothies, or teas. Whether you're a beginner exploring tonic herbs or a seasoned user, this extract is an essential addition to your home herb collection. Savour the Power of Cordyceps in Every Drop.
Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Will Strengthener (formerly Will Power) 100 Capsules (500mg)
Will Strengthener  a.k.a. Will Power   It is said in the Far East that “will power” is the fourth Treasure – the first three Treasures being Jing (Essence and Life Force), Qi (Vitality and Protection), and Shen (Spirit and Mind). This ranking as a “Treasure” is of profound importance to those of us who desire to evolve. With will power, we can achieve even superhuman power. With will power, we can resist the temptations that drag us down and slow down or block our progress to enlightenment.   The understanding of will power as a superior human trait goes back to the dawn of mankind. The development of will power has been made part of the Taoist and Buddhist practices for over two thousand years. Long, long ago, Taoists incorporated herbs into their Taoist Path programs. Herbs, primarily tonic herbs, play a key role in the promotion of radiant health and clear state of mind required for Taoist training. Certain herbs became known to promote different mental capabilities. Several herbs specifically became known to promote a sense of purpose and to be able to foster will power. Thus formulations composed of these herbs were created and passed on from teacher to student over hundreds and thousands of years. Dragon Herbs Will Strengthener is one of these ancient formulas.   Will Strengthener is based on a wonderful tonic herb now called Polygala. Polygala is combined with herbs that strengthen Qi and Shen, helping us to remain "centered" during stress and thus allowing us to persevere through difficulties. Will Strengthener can be used by anyone wishing to build will power in order to achieve new heights and to break old habits, no matter how deeply engrained. *   Will Strengthener opens the Penetrating Vessel, also known as the Central Channel or Chong Mei. The Penetrating Vessel is an energy channel that runs inside the body from the perineum (a point between the legs) to the crown of the head, in front of the spine and through the brain. All of the major energy centers of the body are located along its route. These are known in Chinese as the Dantian (and in India as the Chakras). All in all, there are ten Dantian. Three of the Dantian are considered so major that they are the primary fields of energy focused upon by adepts to attain enlightenment and “immortality.”   Will Strengthener opens the Penetrating Vessel and helps to connect the various energy centers. In particular, it helps to connect the lower Dantian in the abdomen, associated with the Kidneys, with the Middle Dantian associated with the Heart. This opening helps to reconnect primordial healthy union of Heart and Kidney, uniting physical love with emotional love and helping to regulate Heart and Kidney, Water and Fire.   A similar formula was traditionally used in Chinese Taoist and Buddhist monasteries. When new monks entered the monastery they were given this formula to help them let go of old habits, attachments and addictions. It also provided the energy and focus necessary to take on the many new disciplines and challenges associated with spiritual practice. This is a very effective and practical formula.   Will Strengthener is one of the most useful “tools” in all of herbalism. All spiritual practice centers around the ability to “let go” and to form healthy, natural, harmonious patterns. This formula dramatically supports this process.   Some individuals may notice significant attitude and habit-related changes immediately, while others may need up to several weeks or even months. Eventually, when the energy centers are reconnected, the individual will begin to notice that they have eliminated bad habits.   This formula may cause abundant dreaming in some individual at the beginning or when it really starts working. These dreams will always prove valuable in the individual’s growth and are not to be feared or overlooked.  Will Strengthener should always be used with other tonic herbs to build and regulate the Three Treasures, and may be used with remedial herbs to correct overt imbalances. This formula is a “Shen stabilizing” formula and may be used by those experiencing emotional upheaval.   The Herbs in Will Strengthener   Polygala Root   Polygala is one of the truly extraordinary tonic herbs in the entire Asian tonic herbal system. This herb first attained wide use in Taoist circles because it was believed to have powerful mind and spirit-developing power. In fact, Polygala root was believed to be an empowering substance in the class with wild Ginseng and Ganoderma in this regard. This root is traditionally used as a Shen tonic to relax the mind, and calm the emotions. However, it does not relax the mind in entirely the same manner as many Shen stabilizing herbs --- Dragon Bone and Polygonum stem for example.    Instead, many people claim that it enhances dreaming and aids in creative thinking. And it not only aids creative thinking, but the ability to manifest our ideas. The “Will Strengthener” is believed to have the ability to support that part of the psyche which we call the “Will.” Taoists have long recommended using Polygala to support the focusing of the mind and to empower our thoughts so that they may be made real. The Taoists taught that our creative visualization, which they call Yi, could be brought to reality by the Will. Thus the Will had to be strengthened. In fact, the Will is considered to by the fourth Treasure in what otherwise is called the Three Treasures system. Thus Polygala, as a Will-strengthening herb, ranked extremely highly on the list of important herbs in the Taoist pharmacopoeia.    It supports our Will to do new things, to achieve new heights. It supports our Will so that we can start to work on a new project, to start exercising, to start and continue whatever we need to do to grow, to become a great human being. That is the magic of Polygala, the “Will Strengthener.”     The Love Herb   Polygala has another unique quality that sets it apart from most other herbs, including the tonic herbs. It has the ability to connect the Kidney (sexual) energy with the Heart (love) energy. It does this by opening the energy flow between the Heart and Kidney known as the Penetrating Vessel. The Penetrating Vessel is one of the energy channels that regulate the functions of the body-mind. It is called a “psychic channel” by the Taoists. It is called a psychic channel because the flow of energy in this channel can be controlled by those who are adept in “inner alchemy” (the yogic and tantric arts).   Commonly, this vessel is blocked, resulting in a de-linking of our sexual power and our emotional feelings. It is essential for our true health and well being that feelings of love and the functions of sex are united. Consuming Polygala for a period of time will have this result. Polygala, the main ingredient in Dragon Herbs Will Strengthener, provides a unique power to deepen our experience and our feelings, and to bring new levels of happiness into our lives.    Spirit Poria   Spirit Poria is a very powerful Shen stabilizing herb that calms the mind and heart. It is the mycelium of a fungus known as Poria cocos that grows on the deep roots of old pine trees. Spirit Poria is specifically the center of the fungal mass, where the host wood root runs. The pine root is allowed to remain and represents about 20% of each slice of Spirit Poria. The chemistry and the energy of the wood is changed by the mushroom and is no longer simply pine root.   This ancient fungus is used to stabilize Shen and calm the mind, to support the Spleen and transform dampness. It is tonic to Shen and Qi associated with the Heart, Spleen and Kidney functions. Spirit Poria is a very good Shen tonic herb. It was used by Taoists and has been held in the highest esteem by spiritual seekers in Asia. It is believed by the Taoists to have a very special power to lift Shen and to help develop the Spirit. It has acquired a special reputation for its overall emotional balancing benefits.   By stabilizing the emotions, the true mind is able to develop fully, unhindered by emotional distraction. Spirit Poria has the ability to move water and support the immune functions.   Dragon Bone   Dragon Bone is the fossilized bones of prehistoric animals such as mastodon, wooly rhinoceros, hipparion, deer, oxen, etc. Most Dragon Bone is chunks of white mineralized vertebral or extremities bone. We believe that most of the Dragon Bone obtained by Dragon Herbs is derived from hairy rhinoceros, and its authenticity as fossilized bone has been determined by laboratories specializing in this analysis in China. This is NOT an animal product. It is a mineral supplement.   Dragon Bone is an extremely useful "herbal" substance. Dragon Bone, being a mineral, is rich in calcium and other trace minerals that can benefit the body in many ways. It is used to relieve irritability, anger, tension and dizziness caused by hyperactivity of Yang. Dragon Bone has wonderful benefits for those experiencing mental and emotional agitation and anxiety.    Taoists practitioners and Chinese Buddhists often used Dragon Bone at the initial stages of their training in order to calm the mind so that they could make quick progress in their meditation practices. Since agitation was considered to be anathema to a Taoist, Dragon Bone provided a powerful tool in gaining a grip on one’s emotions. Of course, the Taoists combined the consumption of Shen stabilizing herbs with mind training, and the results were quick and profound.   Dragon Bone's calming effect can be just as useful in our modern, generally hectic society. In fact, Dragon Bone is one of the most useful and effective substances in Chinese herbalism. This rich source of minerals has excellent relaxing effects on the nerves and muscles.   Astragalus Root, Codonopsis Root, Eleuthero Root (Siberian Ginseng) and Licorice Root are very powerful Qi tonic herbs. Dragon Bone is extremely effective at restraining night sweats in weakened individuals, especially when taken with Jing and Qi tonic herbs such as Codonopsis Root, Eleuthero Root (Siberian Ginseng), Licorice Root and Astragalus Root – as it is in Will Strengthener.  Because Will Strengthener contains these four powerful adaptogenic tonic herbs, it has long term anti-stress activity and is a powerful protector. It is very beneficial to the digestive system and to the production of energy from the food we eat. It supports our capacity to breathe deeply and to extract Qi from the air we inhale.   Aged Citrus Peel and Licorice Root are Qi regulators that aid in the digestion and assimilation of these herbs.     Ophiopogon Tuber moistens the lungs and cools the Heart. Asparagus Root (Tuber) nurtures the lungs, Stomach and Kidney and provides Yin. Asparagus Root is an excellent heart tonic that allows Shen to flourish. It does this by cooling the Heart in the same manner that Ophiopogon does.   Schizandra Berry is a powerful tonic herb. It is a staple in tonic formulations used by those who are trying to transform their lives on mental, psychic and emotional levels. Schizandra has been found to support memory and mental processes. Ophiopogon, Asparagus Root and Schizandra all give support to the Lungs. They support deep breathing. They also improve the absorption of Qi from the air we breathe.   White Peony Root cools and purifies the blood.   Conclusion   All together, these herbs open all eight “psychic channels,” especially the Central Channel, fortify Shen, build Jing and Qi, and adjust the bodily and psychic energy, resulting in more focused Will Power.*   Who can use it? Anyone   Concentration: 10:1   Specifications: 100 Capsules 500 mg each   Ingredients Polygala root, Dragon bone, Eleuthero root, Ophiopogon tuber, Chinese Asparagus root, Schizandra fruit, Spirit Poria sclerotium, Astragalus root, Codonopsis root, Chinese White Peony root, Chinese Licorice root, Aged Tangerine rind.   Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsules**, Tapioca Powder, Rice Hull Extract, calcium stearate.   Usage: Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.   Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word – Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.”   **Pullulan caps 100% natural, water- soluble polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process; vegetable origin; non-GMO; no starch, preservatives or chemical modifications; gluten free.
Raw Sport Raw Sport - Elite Repair Plant Protein And BCAA 1kg (chocolate and vanilla)
Take your recovery to the next level With Raw Sport’s Elite Protein. The Elite range has been extensively researched and developed to deliver a protein powder that stands alone in the world market. Our dedicated team of nutritional therapists have left no stone unturned in the development of a range that embodies the advances in sports science and nutrition. Raw Sport Elite Protein is a leading professional sports nutrition protein that can enhance performance and recovery. Much more than an average protein powder, Raw Sport Protein is a cutting edge product that incorporates science and nature. £1.12p per serving (31 servings in a bag). Raw sport plant protein has gained the informed sport certification. It is used daily by Olympic athletes, professional footballers, professionals boxers, gym enthusiasts and celebrities across the globe.Elite Repair is ideal for those who wish to improve athletic performance, enhance recovery time or simply increases nutritional intake with the added bonus of it tasting great. The customer feedback on raw sport elite is comprehensively positive. Ranging from excellent taste, mixing well, smooth texture, good value for money, the stand-alone positive is the quality of the ingredient profile and how good it makes people feel after exercise. Every 30g serving provides 25g of protein. Elite Repair has a complete amino acid profile that includes 7 grams Of BCAAs per serving to support optimal muscle mass, lean muscle and enhanced recovery. We have selected a combination of the highest quality plant proteins from bio fermented pea protein, quinoa protein and vegan BCAAs. We use an Instantised 2:1:1 BCAA, derived from vegan fermented sunflowers. Instantised differ from standard BCAAs due to their water solubility, making them far more applicable in the sports beverage market. Elite repair mixes well, has a smooth texture and tastes fantastic. The product is free from allergens. It is Dairy free, Soya free, gluten free and suitable for vegans. We select the finest ingredients from around the globe, using organically grown ingredients we independently test for pesticides and heavy metals. Raw Sport Protein range embodies every aspect of sports nutrition. One serving provides 25g of quality proteins with additional superfoods, added to deliver antioxidant, micro nutrients and anti inflammatory compounds.We value the digestion and absorption process as equally as important to the food consumed. You no longer have to worry about taking protein and having digestive complaints. We have selected digestive aids that work together to support optimal digestion. We have added a premium 5 billion per serving probiotic with the super food Baobab powder, acting as a prebiotic. Konjac fibre, digestive enzymes and piperine extract are additional digestive components that ensure every nutrient from each scoop is fully digested and assimilated. The addition of coconut water powder and grey sea salt help replenish lost electrolytes from physical exercise. Botswellic acid, the anti inflammatory compound from frankincense has been added to repair free radical oxidative stress. The addition of super foods provides an array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. For best results add one heaped scoop (approx 33g) & mix well in blender or Raw Sport Protein Shaker with 300ml of oat, almond, coconut or hemp milk. Get creative and add one scoop to you favourite recipes. Raw Sport ELITE Repair is best taken within 30 minutes post workout. Can also be taken as a pre-workout, 90 minutes before. This product can also be used as a daily protein source. We use a selection of natural ingredients in each protein to enhance the taste and flavour of our protein powders. Across the five flavours we use:  Freeze Dried Strawberry Powder (Added to Wild Berry Elite proteins) Strawberry powder adds a natural fruity strawberry taste to the wild berry protein. Strawberries are abundant in nutrients to support performance and recovery. It is a quality carbohydrate to help replenish glycogen stores after intense exercise. Strawberries are rich in vitamins minerals and antioxidants to help recovery of muscle cells damaged by training Raw Cacao Powder (Added to the vanilla chocolate protein) Cacao, much in the same vein as coffee has stimulatory properties that can help enhance physical performance. Cacao stimulates a range of neuro chemicals that promote a feeling's of wellness. Like coffee it can make the perception of pain feel less when training Ceylon Cinnamon (Added to the vanilla cinnamon protein) Cinnamon powder adds a subtle hint of cinnamon flavour. Cinnamon supports athletic recovery due to it’s high antioxidant content. Cinnamon helps to curb inflammation and helps regulate blood sugar balance. Raw Banana Powder (Added to the Raw Banana Protein) Raw Banana powder gives the banana protein its rich banana flavour. We select non hybrid young banana due to their superior quality. Banana’s are rich in potassium and fibre. Potassium helps muscle and nerve cells to respond to stimulation. Banana is a quality carbohydrate to help replenish glycogen stores after intense exercise BIO FERMENTED PEA PROTEIN. Pea protein is the leading plant based protein source. Loaded with essential amino acids and providing 78grams of protein per 100grams. Our pea protein goes through a fermentation process to enhance the bioavailability within the body and solubility of the protein when mixed with water. Our Pea is organically grown with no heat or chemicals used during the isolation process. QUINOA PROTEIN. Quinoa protein contains of all essential amino acids and provides 65g of protein per 100grams. Water and the enzyme amylase are used to isolate the protein and deliver a toxin free healthy protein source. INSTANTISED 2:1:1 BCAA. Our Instantised 2:1:1 BCAAs have been scientifically proven to accelerate recovery. BCAAs Reduce muscle soreness and improve the use of fat for energy during exercise. We have selected a 2:1:1 ratio as foods from nature has this exact balance. We use an instantised 2:1:1 BCAA derived from vegan fermented sunflower. Instantised differ from standard BCAAs due to their water solubility. Making them far more applicable in the sports beverage market. COCONUT WATER POWDER. Coconut water is bursting with electrolytes in the perfect ratio for instant hydration. The addition of electrolytes within protein powder is unique within the market place and contributes towards faster recovery periods post workout. LUCUMA POWDER. Lucuma is a South American fruit added for its high nutritional values. It is renowned for helping balance blood sugars and is rich in Vitamin A. B3 Iron Zinc Calcium and is a good protein source. MACA POWDER. Maca is a super food widely used to enhance athletic performance. Maca contains a range of plant sterols that boost energy strength and performance. It is classified as an adatogen. Adaptogens are defined as natural substances that help the body adapt to stress. Maca can help regulate the endocrine system and restore hormonal balance. BAOBAB POWDER. Baobab powder is the fruit pulp from the ancient African Baobab tree. Loaded with essential nutrients. Baobab is a nutritional powerhouse for people of all ages. We have selected Baobab as it is extremely beneficial for the digestive system. It provides soluble and insoluble fibre that act as probiotics. Meaning it feeds probiotics to enhance digestion and absorption of every nutrient within raw sport elite. RAW CACAO POWDER. We use natural Chocolate to enhance the chocolate flavour. Cacao is a super food with vast beenfits for athletes. KONJAC FIBRE. Konjac Fibre is a natural water soluble dietary fibre. It is used to help the solubility and smoothness of each protein shake. It helps the digestion process acting as a prebiotic to the probiotics within each blend. It has a very low calorie content and takes up space in the stomach therefore promoting a feeling of fullness. GREY SEA SALT. Salt is an essential electrolyte that is lost through physical excursion. It is added to support sodium balance within the body throughout the toughest workouts. Balance of the cellular sodium potassium pump is essential to maintaining performance levels and avoid cramping and fatigue. BOTSWELLIC ACID 65%. Boswellic acid has been selected due to its potent anti inflammatory activity. Curbing the inflammatory response post training is essential for optimal recovery. The addition of anti inflammatory compound are a key feature of raw sports elite protein. Boswellic acid is the anti inflammatory compound found in frankincense. It is well studied and has been found to be effective against pain and may prevent the loss of cartilage. Bowellic's acids mechanism of action is related to components of the immune system. It inhibits production of an enzyme called 5 lipoxgenase which when generated by the body in excessive amounts gives rise to a whole cascade of dangerous pro inflammatory reactions. GINGER EXTRACT. Ginger has very good digestive benefits. It contains the enzyme zingibain which helps break down proteins. PEPPERMINT LEAF. Peppermint is an excellent digestive tonic. It helps digest and absorb nutrients within the gut. PAPAIN. Papain is another proteolytic enzyme. Meaning it helps break amino acids down into smaller strings of protein. FENNEL SEED. Fennel seed Fennel seed is a potent digestive enzyme that helps to alleviate gas and bloating. LACTO ACIDOPHILUS. Raw sport selects the finest probiotics on the market. The company we work with have more than 30 years of experience and research in the probiotics industry. They have 12 clinical studies that support the efficacy and effectiveness of their product. LACTO RHAMNOSUS.Each serving provides 5 billion probiotics. Probiotics when consumed in adequate amounts have a beneficial effect on health. BIFIDO ANIMALIS SUBSP LACTIS. Our range of pro and prebiotics makes raw sport elite unique on the market. The addition of our comprehensive digestive support maximises the efficacy of each ingredient we have selected. BIFIDO BIFIDUM. Probiotics are very beneficial for athletes. Studies have shown probiotics to support immunity to reduce the risk of infection. Probiotics improve the health of the gut lining reducing the risk of leakage of bad bacteria into the bloodstream that can trigger inflammation. NATURAL FLAVOUR .We use a tiny amount of natural flavouring to enhance the taste of the product. Natural flavours are naturally processed non synthetic and are derived from food sources. STEVIA EXTRACT. We use a tiny amount of stevia extract to enhance the flavour. Stevia is a herb from South America that is 200 times sweeter than sugar. Unlike sugar it has zero calories and doesn’t cause a spike in blood sugars. Stevia is a superior sweetener that doesn’t have a negative effect on gut bacteria. PIPERINE EXTRACT (95% PIPERINE) Piperine is added in a very tiny amount to enhance the bioavailability of every ingredient present. Studies have shown piperine to enhance the absorption of curcumin by 2000%. We have added piperine at 1% as high doses can cause side effects. The nutritional information across all flavours is very similar. Nutritional information  Per 33g serving (approx 30 servings) ENERGY 530kj / 125kcal PROTEIN  24g FAT  1.8g OF WHICH SATURATES  0.5g CARBOHYDRATES  2.4g OF WHICH SUGARS  0.1g SALT 0.23g AMINO ACID PROFILE (per 31g serving)ASPARTIC ACID 2650mg SERINE 1406mg GLUTAMIC ACID 4026mg GLYCINE 947mg HISTIDINE 541mg ARGININE 1865mg THREONINE 888mg ALANINE 1046mg PROLINE 1006mg CYSTEINE 211mg TYROSINE 898mg VALINE 2327mg METHIONINE 264mg LYSINE 1713mg ISO LEUCINE 1861mg LEUCINE 3465mg PHENYLALANINE 1218mg TRYPTOPHAN 321mg