Vimergy herbs - Vegan EPA/DHA 90caps
Heard about the importance of getting omega 3 fatty acids? Quality and source matters when it comes to making a choice about which omega 3 supplement to take. Vimergy Vegan EPA DHA is an algae-based supplement (fish-free) that supports brain health, eye health and cardiovascular health. It’s also free of carrageenan, citric acid, natural flavors and artificial flavors, which are commonly present in other brands.
If you’re looking for a high quality, fish-free EPA DHA, we’ve got you covered! Vimergy Vegan EPA DHA contains 163mg of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), 326mg of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), and is also high in the antioxidant vitamin E. No more worrying about whether you’re getting your omega 3s–simply take a few capsules and keep going with your day!
Vegan EPA / DHA:
EPA and DHA support cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) health
EPA and DHA support brain health
EPA and DHA support eye health
Every serving contains 163mg of EPA and 326mg of DHA
High in the antioxidant vitamin E
Fish-Free, Gluten-Free, Natural and Artificial Flavors-Free, Carrageenan-Free, Citric Acid-Free, Gelatin-Free
Easy to take in capsule form (avoid having to take foul-tasting omega 3 liquids!)
Non-GMO, Kosher, Vegan, Paleo
How to Use
Serving: As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules daily.Storage: Store in a cool, dark place.Contraindications:Consult your physician before use if you are pregnant, lactating, have a medical condition, or are taking any medication. Immediately discontinue use and consult your doctor if you experience any adverse reaction to this product.
WAM Essentials (Dr Wong)
Zinc Citrate 60 Capsules (WAM Essentials)
Zinc is an essential mineral, necessary for sustaining all life. It is estimated that 3,000 of the hundreds of thousands of proteins in the human body contain zinc..... Zinc ions are now considered neurotransmitters. Cells in the salivary gland, prostate, immune system and intestine are other types of tissues that highly need zinc.
The below information is from Read the full text with references at:
Role of Zinc in Human Nutrition
Zinc is involved in well over one hundred metabolic process and body functions,
Normal growth and development
Maintaining healthy skin and bones
Essential in various metabolic processes
Healing and immune functions
Physiologically, zinc is vital for growth and developments, sexual maturation and reproduction, dark vision adaptation, olfactory and gustatory activity, insulin storage and release and for a variety of host immune defenses, among other things. Zinc deficiency can result in growth retardation, immune dysfunction, increased incidence of infections, hypogonadism, oligospermia, anorexia, diarrhea, weight loss, delayed wound healing, neural tube defects of the fetus, increased risk for abortion, alopecia, mental lethargy and skin changes.
Zinc may have immunomodulatory activity. It may also have antioxidant activity. Zinc has putative antiviral, fertility- enhancing and retinoprotective activities.
Effects of Zinc Deficiency
Even borderline zinc deficiency or disturbances in zinc metabolism can have profound adverse health effects. Those at greatest risk of such deficiencies and disturbances include infants, children, the elderly and pregnant women. Due to conditions that can limit the bioavailability of zinc, even when there is adequate zinc intake, zinc deficiency may affect still larger population.
Among diseases and conditions associated with zinc deficiency are alcoholism, malabsorption syndromes, acrodermatitis enteropathica, anorexia nervosa, thermal burns and total parenteral nutrition without zinc supplementation.
Zinc Supplementation as Zinc Citrate
Supplemental zinc may be helpful in some of the foregoing, in some conditions of immune impairment, in some complications of pregnancy, in the prevention of some cases of fetal neural tube defects, diarrhea, oligospermia, delayed wound healing and some cognitive disorders. It may also help against some inflammatory disorders.
Zinc is essential for proper formation and maturation of spermatozoa. There is some evidence that zinc can promote and accelerate wound healing in some circumstances. Zinc is also very important to the newborn when breast milk may be its only source of Zinc.
Zinc Citrate represents a totally reacted and nutritionally functional Chelate of Zinc and the naturally occurring citrate in the human body.
Zinc citrate caters to the need of "optimal mineral nutrition" with respect to zinc by delivering it in a more bio-available, energy rich, tolerant and safe form.
Additional information: Adapted from Wikipedia. Read the full text with references at:
"Zinc deficiency results from inadequate intake of zinc, or inadequate absorption of zinc into the body. Signs of zinc deficiency include hair loss, skin lesions, diarrhea, prostate swelling, delayed wound healing (epithelial tissue won't heal as well or as fast as it should in a zinc deficient state), wasting of body tissues and white spots on the nails. Eyesight, taste, smell and memory are also connected with zinc. A deficiency in zinc can cause malfunctions of these organs and functions. Congenital abnormalities causing zinc deficiency may lead to a disease called Acrodermatitis enteropathica (Caution: the linked-to website has some rather graphic pictures of infants afflicted with acrodermatitis enteropathica).
Obtaining a sufficient zinc intake during pregnancy and in young children is a very real problem, especially among those who cannot afford a good and varied diet. Brain development is stunted by zinc insufficiency in the womb and in youth. It is widely recognized that lack of zinc can contribute to acne.
When asked his opinion, here's what Dr. Wong had to say about Zinc Citrate:
"This warrants repeating: 'Zinc is the most essential mineral for sexual function' and Zinc Citrate is the best absorbed zinc! Why? Because most zinc supplements are very, very poorly absorbed. The oxides are mostly excreted. Those Zincs that are chelated to amino acids need to further bond to a lipid (fat) to be transported across the intestinal wall. Zincs that are chelated to sugars (gluconates) don’t get in well either. But, anything bonded to anything in the Vit. C family such as citric acid, Vit. C, ascorbates, etc. are taken in instantly and almost completely! That is why, despite all the sales hype to the contrary, calcium citrate, magnesium citrate and zinc citrate are the best absorbed minerals of their kind."
Dragon Herbs
Dragon Herbs Heaven Mountain Goji Berries 227g
Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries, the only Goji berries that are snack-grade delicious™
Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries are plump, juicy, naturally sweet, and absolutely delicious. Unlike other Gojis on the market, Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries are sweeter, fleshier and have less seeds. They have a much higher moisture level which contributes to their texture as plump and juicy. Most Gojis on the market are rock hard. This is not without a reason. All the Gojis sold in the US come from China, whether they are labeled as Himalayan, Tibetan, or Wild. That translates to a very long transit time from the growing regions to the hands of the consumers. Typically, the berries reach the consumers at least 4-6 months after they are harvested. To stay shelf stable, most Goji farmers dry their Goji until the berries are very bone dry and very hard. After years of research and development, Dragon Herbs has developed a special handling process and a custom designed packaging that allows the berries’ natural moisture level to be retained while satisfying the shelf stability required in commercial trade nowadays. In a test conducted by an independent lab, Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries are shown to be twice as juicy as a competitor’s.
What makes Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries so special?
Simply put, Heaven Mountain. Heaven Mountain is a remote mountain range in the northern region of Xin Jiang Province, China. In a more sophisticated way, the concept of Di Dao used in the world of herbalism can best describe the relationship between the geographical and geological features of the region and the phyto chemical profile of Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries.
The “Di Tao” of Herbs
There’s a great concept in China known as Di Tao. The literal translation of Di Tao is “Earth Tao,” or “the Way of the Earth.” The Chinese dictionary definition of Di Tao is “from the place noted for the product ~ genuine, authentic, not from an inferior or counterfeit source.” According to the regulations of the Chinese Pharmacopeia, all herbal products manufactured and sold in China must utilize herbs that are Di Tao - that is, the herbs must come from a source that is considered legitimate and genuine. All plants are the product of their growing environment and conditions. Different regions have their distinctive make-up of water, soil, sunshine, climate, and biological distribution. The varying methodologies adopted by different regions in their cultivation, collection, and final preparation of the herbs further differentiate the herbs from different sources. The Di Tao source of an herb is gradually established through the historical use of the herbs. By documenting how herbs from different origins differ in their pharmacological effects on the human body, the regions or sources that produce the most desired results have slowly come to be recognized as the authentic genuine source, Di Tao, both by common knowledge among the practicing herbalists as well as by government supported official recognition in the materia medica. Heaven Mountain® Goji Berries is one such example. The water, the soil, the sunshine and the weather have the precise qualities necessary for producing the best, richest, tastiest, most potent Goji berries on Earth. As a result, they have an extraordinary and balanced phyto-nutrient profile.
As part of the enormous Gobi Desert that covers southern Mongolia and northern China, Xin Jiang receives little to no rain each year. Every drop of water in the growing fields is derived from the melted snow and glacial runoff from the pristine Heaven Mountain. This water is pure and structured – it is nature’s ultimate irrigation system.
Millions of people throughout Asia consume Goji berries every day for both their unique, satisfying flavor, and for their health benefits. In China’s first herbal encyclopedia, Shen Nong’s Materia Medica, written in the 1st century B.C., Goji was classified as a “superior tonic,” a class of herbs that people should take on an on-going basis to preserve youth and to promote general well being of life. Goji’s superior tonic classification has stood the test of time. Two thousand years later, Goji berries are still being consumed regularly throughout Asian civilizations for those purported reasons. We now know that Goji berries are a “high-ORAC” antioxidant-rich superfruit featuring important phytochemicals such a beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, betaine, polysaccharides (LBPs), trace minerals and vitamins.
The virgin land of the Gobi Desert has little vegetation. It has a very high content of alkaline minerals. The pH level of the soil can be as high as 8.7 (17 times more alkaline than neutral) and the soil salt content can reach 1%. Few plants can survive in this kind of harsh environment. Goji, however, being an extremely adaptable plant, thrives here.
Daylight Duration
Xin Jiang province has the longest daylight duration among all provinces in China (Tibet included). It averages 2550 to 3300 hours of sunshine per year. The intensive sun light allows for much more productive photosynthesis in the Goji plants, leading to more flesh, sweeter taste, and naturally, higher content of active ingredients such as Lycium Polysaccharides (LBP).
Precipitous Daily Temperature Fluctuation
Another unique weather characteristic of Xin Jiang is the precipitous temperature fluctuation between day and night, usually as much as 36 to 45 °F within a single day. The locals joke that in Xin Jiang, no traveling is necessary in order to experience the four seasons within one day. It is quite common that you start the day with a winter jacket, strip down to a silk shirt at noon, then at night, you can enjoy their famous watermelons, next to a bonfire, that is. It is Heaven Mountain Goji’s superb adaptability that makes it a highly revered adaptogenic, stressfighting tonic herb. The Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China has officially certified Heaven Mountain goji berries as Di Tao.
Dragon Herbs
Dragon Herbs Eagle Vision (100caps 500mg)
Eagle Vision
According to tradition Chinese health theory, the “Liver” opens into the eyes and controls vision. The Chinese version of the Liver is a complex organ system. Its functions include not only those of the liver as we know it physiologically in the West, but also includes a number of other organic structures and functions that might seem unrelated at first glance, but are in fact closely related functionally – such as the control of the peripheral nervous system and, in particular,our vision. The eyes are a part of the peripheral nervous system, and are therefore controlled by the Liver. Both visual acuity and the condition of the eyes itself are under the influence of the Liver.
The Liver “prefers to remain cool.” Yin tonifying herbs provide the natural coolness that supports healthy eye tissue and functioning.
Goji, Chrysanthemum, Dendrobium, Peony and Cassia tora nurture Liver Yin.
Goji berry is famed for its benefit to the eyes as well as to the system as a whole. Goji is a Liver and blood tonic. Goji berries contain carotenoids that promote vitamin A production and provide important eye nutrients, including zeathanthin, a carotenoid that protects the health of the retina, the pigment that coats the retina (the back wall of the eye).
An herb that is highly reputed for its benefits to the eyes is the small Oriental Chrysanthemum Flower. This flower is used in Chinese herbalism to directly and quickly benefit the eyes and vision by clearing obstructions and allowing energy to flow freely through the eyes. It is a cooling herb which clears heat away from the eyes. This herb can help relieve temporary mild eye strain, eye redness and eye congestion due to fatigue and temporary dryness resulting from environmental conditions. Anger and toxic substances will cause the eyes to become red, as will a lack of sleep. If your eyes are chronically fatigued, red or congested, or become so due to a condition such as hay fever, see a physician as this may indicate a serious condition.
Cornus is another tonic fruit that has powerful effects on the “Kidneys” and “Liver.” It is traditionally believed to be a valuable eye tonic. Astragalus and Dioscorea supplement Qi and strengthen the body. Vitex rotundifolia supports clear vision. Ligusticumstimulates the smooth flow of Qi and blood. Tribulus tonifies the Kidney and Liver. Cassia tora cools the eyes.
Tonic herbs are not to be used for the purposes of curing, preventing or treating any disease of the eyes (for that, you should consult a physician before using any herbs or supplements). This formula is used to promote the proper energy balance in the eyes so that the eyes remain healthy. As a Yin tonic, it also promotes healthy fluid balance of the eyes. Again, if you are experiencing significant eye inflammation or what appears to be an eye infection or any other disease of the eye, you should consult a physician.*
Traditional Function: Tonifies Liver, nourishes blood and benefits the eyes and vision*
Concentration: 7:1
Specifications: 100 Capsules 500 mg each
Goji berry, Dendrobium stem, Senna obtusifolia seed, Chrysanthemum flower, Astragalus seed, Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome, Tribulus seed, Chinese Yam rhizome, Cornus officinalis fruit, Vitex rotundifolia fruit, Chinese White Peony root.
Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsules**, rice powder.
Usage: Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word – Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.”
**Pullulan caps 100% natural, water-soluble polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process; vegetable origin; non-GMO; no starch, preservatives or chemical modifications; gluten free.
Living Libations
Living Libations Open Sky Eye Serum 10ml
Living Libations Open Sky Eye Serum 30ml
Living Libations Open Sky Eye Serum is a cool, rejuvenating dew that soothes the pineal gland, eyes, and brows. Frankincense, rose otto, and cape chamomile essential oils are blended with peppermint, virgin coconut and blue tansy to create a firming fluid that revitalizes eyes with just a few drops.
Open Sky Eye Serum soothes the delicate tissue around the eyes while it firms and rejuvenates. This refreshing elixir is highly recommended for dark circles, inflammation, and sagging skin that needs tonifying. It is best used in combination with All Seeing Eye Cream or any of our serums, which provide your skin with the extra nourishment it so desperately needs. Effective on all areas of the face and neck, this elixir is just begging you to immerse yourself in the cooling, firming universe of Open Sky Eye Serum. Recommended for both men and women.
All Pure Organic/and or Wild Crafted Ingredients:
Frankincense Essential Oil – Frankincense Oil is an eternal offering of crystalline-clarity from the sap of the frankincense tree. Liquid pearls from the tree of life, Frankincense Oil, or Boswellia carterii, is hydro-distilled from the ‘tears’ or ‘pearls’ of the tree’s resin. Astringent and anti-inflammatory, frankincense is traditionally used to treat scar tissue and skin ulcers. It nourishes dry and prematurely aging skin, and is an excellent immuno-stimulant. Frankincense is also an anti-depressant. Its' euphoric qualities are used in aromatherapy to treat anxiety and nervous tension.
Rose Otto Essential Oil – Our Rose Otto Oil is pink quartz-champagne-poetry! Rose Otto is an elegant and precious essence, with up to 60 roses folded into every drop of oil! One of the most medicinally valued extracts in the world, Rose Otto adds resiliency and elasticity to the skin. It is a vulnerary, meaning that it speeds up the healing process with its potent antiseptic properties. Rose Otto also has the ability to regenerate connective tissues and tonify the skin. Broken blood vessels, capillaries, varicose veins and spider veins can all benefit from Rose Otto Oil, which also treats sun-damaged skin.
Peppermint Essential Oil - Bursting with minty freshness and powerful antibacterial properties, Peppermint Oil neutralizes excessive oil, moisturizes dry skin, treats fungal infections, and exudes cooling soothing anti-inflammatory benefits.
Blue Tansy Essential Oil - This beautiful, deep-blue oil enhances relaxation while soothing inflamed or damaged skin. It also eases tension and calms histamine reactions. Blue Tansy is known for its blueberry-like aroma, its power to calm an inflamed respiratory system, and its ability to heal damaged, burnt, or bruised skin. Sore muscles and an underactive Thymus gland will also benefit greatly from our Blue Tansy Essential Oil.
Cape Chamomile Essential Oil - Cape Chamomile Essential Oil is comprised of radiant, wild azure-blue drops, which calm the mind and soothe inflamed adrenal glands. Cape Chamomile, with its nourishing Azulene compounds, heals all manner of skin imbalances while exuding an uplifting fine-fruit fragrance.
Tamanu Oil - Nutty, earthy, and fragrant, our Tamanu Oil is extracted from the berries and leaves of the Tamanu tree. This potent, pure oil is incredibly healing due to its’ high lipid content (92%) and easy absorption by the skin. Indonesians have used tamanu for centuries to soothe the puffy, inflamed skin around the eyes.
Golden Jojoba Oil – Our Golden Jojoba Oil gives our Open Sky Eye Serum its’ soft, silky feel, and provides long-lasting conditioning effects on the skin. It contains all forms of the natural antioxidant Vitamin E.
Virgin Coconut Oil – Virgin Coconut Oil practically melts into the skin, reduces wrinkles and fine lines, provides intense moisture, and promotes elasticity. It protects the skin from the harmful aging effects of free radicals.
Instant relief in a bottle!
This product you'll feel working immedeately when you apply it. Lovely fresh, 'green' and delicately sweet scent. It freshens, cools, rejuvenates and firms the skin. Perfect for dull, damp, polluted or warm environments ... it will instantly take you to the green freshness and cooling breeze of the forest least that's how it feels to me :-) It feels so soothing and calming on the eye, brow and temple area. If you're a type that gets easily overheated, agited or angry - or if you easily get headaches, you might wanna try the Open Sky Eye Serum for a treat.
Bright, alert eyes - Refreshing, enlightening, firming
I do believe this has helped lighten up the former dark circles under my eyes, and helped with the puffiness - my eye area just overall looks better! It's just one of those things that happens gradually, and then suddenly you notice the new beauty progress that catches your eye in the mirror :) I love putting this all over my face, not just the eye area. It is very firming, and clear, and I have gotten compliments on how good my skin looks with this on. Very clarifying, and I love how refreshing this feels because of the mint in conjunction with all the other wonderful ingredients. When I want to feel expansive, enlightened, and aware, I put this on. Indeed, during application, it is best not to put it too close to the eye line, otherwise the eyes can start watering. However, sometimes I actually enjoy the bit of tearing up this provides, because it 'washes' my eyes into a brighter green colour - like aromatherapy for the eyes! Still, just putting it along the eye socket bone is nice enough :) Eye area looks great with this on - so bright and alert. A little definitely goes a long way, half a drop then spreading it onto eye areas fulfills its use perfectly. Massaging it between the brows and onto forehead temple also feels exceptionally relaxing. Nadine is such an awesome creator. Looking and feeling truly beautiful. Thank you
Lovely...but am I using it wrong?
I received my order yesterday and am in love with the true fragrance. The oil feels good and I can already see some improvement in my dark circles and puffiness. It does burn the eyes a bit. Will I adjust? [Libations comment: use this lovely serum around the eyes, but not on eyes or eyelids; it is potent and a little goes a long way]
hollowness under the eyes
I'm writing to thank you, Nadine, for yet another incredibly effective product -- Open Sky Eye Serum. I had contacted you personally about the hollows or sagginess I was noticing under my eyes and you suggested this product to me. It works! The skin under my eyes has most definitely pulled up or grown collegen or somehow regenerated because I no longer have the sagging definition that I had before using the product. I would tell anyone who is aging and losing some of the fullness underneath their eyes to try this serum. I've been using it for probably two months and the results are noticeable and incredible. Natural plant essences rock!! Thanks Nadine. P.S. I'm surprised no one else has reviewed this product. People try this, you'll be happy you did.
so many uses in one bottle
this is an amazing product. it really heals skin around the eyes. I love it. I use it everyday and the smell is divine. I even mix it with best skin ever and a wonderful overall moisturizer. thank you
next day eyes
oh dear. i used this one the day of my sister's wedding. the night before was late and rowdy and i woke up with puffy eyes. within 10 minutes of using open eye, the skin around my eyes was not puffy anymore. the pictures looked amazing. it is my secret weapon after a long late night! thank you, thank you, thank you.
smells great
love this product. so natural, so fresh, so gentle. i use it everyday.
helps after a day of computer work
hi there, i wanted to write a review of this product. thank you so much. i work in a dark office, under florescent lights and by a computer all day long, every day. At the end of the day, my eyes feel strained and bloodshot. I come home and use open eye sky serum and my eyes feel the relief they crave all day. Thanks a lot.
My Eyes Look Amazing!
I am currently wearing the Open Sky eye Serum, my eyes have been puffy and dry lately, they look and feel amazing! (I just got it in the post this morning) I've never been a fan or addicted to beauty products such as Lancome, Clinique, etc...but this is it. I've found my product. How can anyone feel guilty about putting 100% natural products on their body? I feel like you create magic!
WOW * WoW * wow!
I wanted to write to let you know that I ordered your "Open Sky Eye Serum" with my last order & all I can think of to say is that it is AMAZING! I actually intended to place my 'regular' order for dewdab & hand cream - but the Open Sky Eye Serum seemed to be 'calling' to I 'splurged' & included a bottle of it in my order... I've been using it for about 1 week & WOW * WoW * wow! I LOVE it, I just use a drop or two to gently massage around my eyes-both in the morning & at night...strangely I find it both 'awakens' me in the morning & 'calms' or soothes me at night - perhaps that has to do with its effects on the pineal gland(?) Whatever the reason - I will not be without this amazing serum again! Thank you+*+*+*+ for the gifts you share with the world ~ Becky
Living Libations
Living Libations Raven Maven Mascara 10ml
Vamp the volume of your lashes and dramatize your eyes with our juicy, jet-black maven mascara. Many consider mascara a must-have, and we re-imagined this synthetic cosmetic with our compelling cosmoetic: a creation from the cosmos. Created with nature’s numinous nourishment, Raven Maven Mascara is long lash haven, formulated with pure ebonizing earth-pigments, length-perfecting peptides, eye-enhancing Frankincense, and natural volume-boosting waxes mixed with resins and opulent oils for sheen and conditioning that keep lashes glistening.This onyx paste comes glass tube encased with a svelte silicone wand that sculpts and evenly spreads to thread each lash as it builds up to long-lasting, lash-fluttering lengths.DetailsWe’re waxing poetic about what makes this maven mascara magnetic. The heart and soul of creating a lash-loving classic, besides pitch perfect charcoal, is how it hugs the lashes. Here the wax is key so that the mascara sets and is smudge free. To create this, wondrous waxes were mixed, melted, poured, and adored to find the golden ratio that would provide a silky sheath around each lash that seamlessly stays from dusk to dawn. In formulating, we found that by combining the varying melting points of a talented trio of waxes we could achieve a holy trinity of iconic lash effects: a lengthening effect with the high melting point of Carnauba’s hard wax, the more malleable medium melting point of Beeswax that creates a curling-lift effect, and the low melting point of Bayberry Fruit’s creamy, thicker textured wax for natural volume. To this trilogy, Cacao butter adds conditioning and cancels clumping. Frankincense and coniferous resins keep lashes glistening, and a cache of Kaolin clay keeps it thick. Plus, a measure of peptides further nurture future lash longevity — all fused in the obsidian hues of iron oxides to create this Renegade Beauty cosmoetic classic.Typically, modern mascaras use coal tar for color, film-forming polymers and shellac derived from the bleached exudate of the lac insect for texture and set, plastic and nylon to make a lengthening gel, parabens as preservatives, and ammonium methacrylate, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and polyethylene derived from petroleum for stability and emulsion, Yet, when the cosmos provides such exquisite and effective elements to lengthen, strengthen, and darken our lashes, it is amazing that petroleum products and plastics are used instead.Directions: Apply with sweeping strokes to the eyelashes. Focus on one lash-line at a time. Repeat, slowly sweeping brush through the lashes from root to tip before it sets. One dip can be layered multiple times onto lashes before it sets to build depth and density. The back of the top lashes can be coated too. It will wash away with water, yet a little oil will make the cleanup quicker and conditions lashes further. Use our Goodnight Oil, Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever Cleansing Balm, Chocolate Mocha Lip Balm (yes!), or your fave Best Skin Ever on a damp cotton pad, and whisk it away.Tip: Avoid pumping the wand and keep the lid on tight to keep air out and moisture in.INGREDIENTS: Water/Aqua/Eau, Iron Oxides (CI 77499), Beeswax, Stearic Acid, *Copernicia cerifera (Carnauba) Wax, Arginine, Pullulan, Propanediol, Methyl Hydrogenated Rosinate, Glyceryl Stearate, Pisum sativum (Pea) Peptide, Pentylene Glycol, Kaolin, Caprylyl Glycol, 1,2-Hexanediol, Xanthum Gum, *Theobroma cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Myrica cerifera (Bayberry) Fruit Wax, Boswellia carterii (Frankincense) Extract, Sodium Phytate, Glycerin, Leuconostoc/Radish Root Ferment Filtrate, *Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Tropolone, Eucalyptol, Beta-Caryophyllene, Limonene, Linalool, Camphor, Carvone, Alpha-Pinene, Beta-Pinene. *Certified Organic.We wanted to formulate the cleanest mascara possible that is ophthalmologist approved, safe for contact lens wearers, and safe for sensitive eyes. After much research and experimentation, it was established that these two green beauty approved, eye-safe, and earth-safe synthetics (1,2-Hexanediol and Tropolone) make a clean and safe mascara worth wearing. Here’s why: the mascara wand is brushed through non-sterile eye lashes and then put back into the container over and over again, which creates a unique microbial challenge and very real safety concerns that must have absolute answers. And using a fresh wand for every application would waste so much mascara that it isn't a viable solution.These two extraordinarily effective ingredients are imperfect in that they are synthetic, yet they are heavily tested and established as harmless. Also, both Tropolone and 1,2-Hexanediol meet the clean beauty standards for the Environmental Working Group as well as the higher green beauty standards of the Detox Market and Credo Beauty.
Ophthalmologist Approved
Safe for Contact Lenses
Safe for Sensitive Eyes
Long Lasting
Volumizing + Lengthening
Filtered, deionized water is the non-allergenic fluid foundation that keeps all of the ingredients properly swished and swirled together.
Iron Oxide Black
This naturally occurring mineral provides the non-irritating, perfectly-pitched, pure pigment to our mascara for the most naturally tinted lashes.
Typically, carbon black is used to pigment cosmetics, and it is produced in the combustion of carbon products like tar. It is reportedly linked to incidence of organ and endocrine disruption.
This wonderful wax is such a special gift from the hives of healthy bees, giving vital viscosity to our lusciously thick mascara, so it coats, lifts, and protects lashes.
Beeswax replaces paraffin, polyethylene, vegan soy wax, or a synthetic wax.
Carnauba Wax (Copernicia cerifera)
This breezy Brazilian palm tree lends its leaf wax to our formula for lavish lash-lengthening body with a nice, soft gloss. It also adds emollience for smooth, moisturized eye lashes.
Carnauba wax replaces polymers, paraffin, polyethylene, and synthetic waxes.
Bayberry Fruit Wax (Myrica cerifera)
This silky wax is water extracted from organically grown berries of the Southern Bayberry Myrtle. It contributes to the creamy, rich texture of the mascara and gives the lashes a lustrous coat of a porous, protective plant layer.
Film-forming polymers, such as acrylates copolymer, ammonium methacrylate, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and polyethylene, derived from petroleum, are commonly used in lieu of Bayberry Fruit Wax.
Methyl Hydrogenated Rosinate
Conifer sap resin is steam purified and combined with hydrogen to create a shelf-stable liquid that helps the mascara stay coated on your lashes while adding a dash of gloss.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone is typically used in this role as a fixative in mascara. It is a synthetic ingredient derived from petroleum.
Frankincense Resin (Boswellia carterii)
Inspired by Frankincense used as the ingredient of an early cosmetic — ancient Egyptian Kohl — this fragrant and flawless extract furnishes soothing, smoothing properties to our formula. This radiant resin is key to our formula’s tenacity and texture.
In synthetic mascaras one will often find shellac on the ingredient list instead. Shellac is made from the exudate of the lac insect. The exudate is then bleached or decolorized to make it cosmetic grade.
Stearic Acid
This magnificent multi-tasker is a natural, plant-based long chain fatty acid that stabilizes the solution and makes the mascara silky smooth.
Triethanolamine (TEA) is frequently used in lieu of stearic acid, for the long chain fatty acid. It is created in a reaction of ammonia with ethylene oxide from the petroleum industry.
Plant-derived propanediol is a trusty texturizer and non-irritating fluid that assists in keeping the ingredients wet and well blended.
Typically, polyethylene glycol (PEG) is used in this role as a wetting agent, and it can trigger allergies and irritations. A vast number of people (maybe as high as 72%), have developed anti-PEG antibodies that can cause hypersensitivity reactions when exposed.
Glyceryl Stearate
This plant-based emulsifier, conditioner, and body builder is created in a process super similar to DIY soap making. This process produces magnificent molecules that are both water and fat soluble, which helps to keep our mascara ingredients all mixed together.
Triethanolamine plays a similar role here in replacing stearic acid, and is also frequently used in lieu of glyceryl stearate.
A lash-care essential! Arginine is an essential amino acid for building keratin, a fibrous protein that structures and protects hair. It also moisturizes each lash to keep them long and strong.
Pullulan (Aureobasidium pullulans)
This mighty microorganism produces this edible cellulose that acts and feels similar to gelatin. Pullulan helps our mascara lavish each lash with a sheen that stays all day yet magically washes away with water.
Typically, plastic or nylon reinforced cellulose are in mascara used to create the gel-like feel in mascara. Both plastic and nylon are made from petroleum.
Pentylene Glycol
This sustainably produced, plant derived organic alcohol works synergistically with organic Rosemary Leaf Extract to preserve and protect our mascara from mutant microbes. It is also a silky humectant that protects lashes from drying out.
Pentylene glycol replaces polyethylene glycol (PEG), which functions in many types of mascara as a humectant and preservative. A vast number of people (maybe as high as 72%) have developed anti-PEG antibodies which can lead to hypersensitivity reactions when exposed.
Silica rich Kaolin clay is an ancient haircare preparation that imparts opulent density to our finished formula.
Typically, polymer opacifiers are used instead to thicken and make the formula opaque. Synthetic polymers may be irritating and inflammatory.
Caprylyl Glycol
Soft, flexible lashes are less apt to break, and this moisture magnifier keeps your lashes lush and long. Caprylyl glycol is a non-irritating, non-drying alcohol derived from the caprylic fatty acid found in coconut oil.
Xanthum Gum
Widely used in the organic food industry and a pantry staple for gluten free baking, this gel is a natural exudate of Xanthomonas campestris. It is an excellent thickener!
We used Xantham Gum instead of hydroxyethylcellulose, which is a synthetic polymer that is made using 1,4 dioxane, a substance that can contribute to some cancers.
Cacao Butter (Theobroma cacao)
Expeller-pressed from raw cacao beans, velvety cacao butter delivers antioxidants and conditioning to keep lashes nourished from follicle to tip.
Sorbitan sesquioleate is commonly used in mascara for added moisture, and it is increasingly considered an irritant.
Sodium Phytate
This simple salt of phytic acid derived from plant tissues acts as an all-natural super stabilizer for our ebonizing pigments so that our mascara looks and feels the same, day after day.
Sodium phytate replaces sodium EDTA to manage the minerals in the mascara. Sodium EDTA may cause redness and rashes to those with sensitive eyes and skin.
Lash-plumping and moisture-maintaining Glycerin acts as a water-binding humectant in our formula. This pure, non-GMO glycerin is made from palm oil extracted from Elaeis guineensis trees grown sustainably and ethically harvested in the tropics.
Glycerin is best avoided for skin care as it can lead in the long term to water loss and imbalanced skin cells, yet a bit of Glycerin when combined with other moisturizers and humectants is benign in mascara. Glycerin is safe for eye lashes because hair is made of non-living cells.
Pea Peptides (Pisum Sativum)
This pea peptide is a plant protein multi-tasker concentrated in lysine. It hydrates, strengthens, and fortifies lusher lash density overtime. The texture of the peptide also pumps up voluminous volume for thick, long lashes.
Our peptide is lavishly laced with radish root filtrate that has been fermented with Leuconostoc, the same lactic acid bacteria that is used to make kimchi and sourdough bread. This pale-yellow liquid is a natural bacteria-balancer, and its moisturizing properties make it superbly smoothing and conditioning to the lashes and follicles.
Rosemary Leaf Extract (Rosmarinus officinalis)
This steadfast and super potent supercritical extract is a favorite of ours, acting as a replenishing tonic for lashes, roots, and follicles and keeps the mascara fragrant and fresh.
Typically, butylparaben, ethylparaben, and propylparaben are used as preservatives, and they are known endocrine disruptors. Imidazolidinyl urea may also be found on mascara ingredient lists as an antimicrobial, and it is a formaldehyde releaser.
Though synthetic, it has been heavily tested to be harmless, 1,2-Hexandediol only differs molecularly from Caprylyl Glycol in that it has six carbons in the carbon chain while Caprylyl Glycol has eight. 1,2-Hexandediol is both water and lipid loving, and thus it helps hold the ingredients together and disperse pigments more evenly.
This conditioning agent helps to keep our mascara flake-free, and acts as a clean beauty preservative. When combined with 1,2-Hexanediol and Caprylyl Glycol, Tropolone provides essential full-spectrum microbe-management to protect the mascara from contamination after every application.
While this compound is synthesized, Tropolone is skin safe and also occurs in plants, especially in the Cypress and Lily families, and essential oils are good sources of Tropolone derivatives.
Yellows Classic Collection NIGHT (Black regular)
Protect your eyes from artificial light...
...with a pair of YELLOWS.
Good light
Light is one of the most important factors in our environment. We actually create energy from light not just food and it is is a vital nutrient for our health.
Every cell in our body is light sensitive and the quality of light we expose ourselves to affects us.
Sunlight is fabulous! It contains perfectly balanced amounts of red and blue light and our bodies have evolved to thrive in it.
Red light is great for us, it regenerates the cells in our bodies - increasing energy levels, stimulating DNA synthesis, activating the lymphatic system, lowering oxidative stress, increasing blood flow/circulation and reducing inflammation.
Our eyes contain by far the highest number of light-sensative mitochondria in the body and junk light effects our body primarily through our eyes. Skin is also vulnerable to junk light.
Junk light
"Junk light is as bad as junk food" Dave Asprey
Blue light is also known as High Energy Visible light (HEV) because it has the highest energy in the light spectrum. In sunshine it plays an important role helping boost alertness, memory and improve mood a well as playing a vital role in the bodies circadian rhythm.
When taken out of its balanced spectrum, it's damaging, causing degeneration. In sunlight, blue light exposure is repaired by the regenerating red light.
In modern lighting the red light isn't present and the damaging blue light is in much greater intensity than our bodies are made to cope with. This results in degeneration.
Blue light is becoming so common and used in high doeses. Exposure comes from computers, smartphones, TV and LEDs.
We used to use incandescent lights which did a good job of replicating sunlight. Whilst these light bulbs weren't energy efficient, as much of the energy was converted to heat, the effects on our vision and health are serious. By 2020 it is predicted that 90% of our lighting will come from LEDs. It is law, in Guernsey and the UK, that, for any new build, lighting comes from LEDs.
Scientists are predicting a rise in cases Macular Degeneration because of the way we use lighting and screens. Macular Degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss in the Western world and currently its effects are irreversible.
Our eyes are much more vulnerable to blue light than they are to UV light. The cornea and lens of the eyes are very effective at blocking UV rays from the sun, less than one percent reaches the retina. However, virtually all visible blue light passes through the cornea and lens and reaches the retina.
Blue light penetrates into the eye deeply and can reach the retina where the macular is found. Without the presence of regenerating red light, this can result in degeneration.
The conclusions from a peer-reviewed 2018 study are quoted
"In summary, retinal photodamage caused by a conventional light source can become chronic if exposure is high and long enough. In contrast, the use of blue-blocking filters can significantly alleviate the functional loss of retinal photosensitive cells. Therefore, these filters might be an effective mechanism to protect us from ocular pathologies." The study can be here.
Sleep and jet-lag
Blue light interferes with the production of melatonin, tricking the brain into thinking its daytime. This disrupts sleep which affects every aspect of body and brain function.
Wearing Night YELLOWS in the hours before bedtime when using lights, TV's, phones, tablets, computers and e-readers should help to reduce sleep disruption.
The overhead lights on airplanes are harsh bringing your hormones down. Wearing YELLOWS on a plane with a baseball cap and when you land before the bedtime in your new time zone should help to reduce jet lag caused by junk light and time zone changes.
Wellbeing, energy, weight loss and anti-aging
When exposed to junk light, the body is in a stressed environment and needs more energy to process it. This results in reduced energy and concentration, poor decision making and performance. Protecting your eyes should support energy and a general feeling of wellbeing as well as preventing sore eyes and blurred vision associated with digital eye strain.
Wearing YELLOWS around screens, may also protect the delicate skin around eyes from signs of ageing caused by the increased oxidative stress.
Blue light stimulates hunger via Leptin, a light sensitive hormone. It peaks at night and signals to our brains how much fat storage we have. Some research suggests that light exposure could be important in weight loss. One study can be seen here.
Other major effects on our health
Conditions that are made worse by modern light include nearly all the diseases that are starting to dominate our health systems:
Degenerative diseases - using blue light after dark causes a reduction in the production of melatonin. Melatonin is crucial in lowering the risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Fertility and hormonal problems - blue light interferes with core hormones that make you what and who you are. We are seeing an increase in hormonal imbalances, infertility, birth defects and autism and it is believed that bad light plays a role in this.
Mental health - melatonin is responsible for reducing inflammation in the brain and blue light increases oxidative cell stress. These both have an affect mental health.
Skin cancer - the flicker of LEDs causes an increase in oxidative stress on the cell membrane in the skin, as well as the eyes, which is believed to lead to an increased risk of skin cancer. Studies have shown that there is a huge increase in recent years in the occurrence of melanoma in those that work indoors under artificial lighting.
There are a number of other environmental issues that effect these issues, however light is far more important than ever previously understood.
When to wear YELLOWS
Around artificial lighting at any time of the day when there is limited or no sunlight. This includes at home and in public places! (Classrooms, shops and shopping centres, cinemas, restaurants all have strong artificial lights)
In front of TV's and screens. It is advised to wear Yellows even if your screen has a blue light filter.
In the hours before bedtime.
When travelling, to protect against artificial lights and also help prevent jet-lag.
When suffering from an illness, they will protect against added oxidative stress, so your body can conserve energy needed for healing.
You don't need to wear YELLOWS outside in the day or around artificial light from incandescent or halogen sources in the day.
Day and Night explained
Research shows that blue light between 400 and 460nm causes retina damage and that blue light between 450 and 470nm suppresses the production of melatonin.
Our Day YELLOWS have a yellow lens and block 85% of blue light which has been shown to be the optimal level in the day in our extensive market research. A small amount of blue light during the day is important.
At night it is important to protect your melatonin levels to the max. Night YELLOWS have an orange lens and block over 95% of blue light. Wearing Night YELLOWS after sunset can help your body to wind down naturally and improve sleep quality.
Kids at risk
Children are especially sensitive to HEV light. It is able to penetrate more efficiently and directly into a child’s retina.
As we age, the lens starts to yellow, which then acts to block out some of the blue light.
Our generation of children are being exposed to a far higher quantities of intense HEV light than any generation before. It is so important to protect their eyes at a young age to prevent the health issues mentioned here.
A pair of YELLOWS makes a great Birthday or Christmas present with a lifetime of rewards! Or introduce them to your school.
YELLOWS help to protect against damaging modern lights but they are not a replacement for natural light. For children's eye health, it is really important to spend at least an hour a day outside in sunlight.
Adults most at risk
Office, factory and shop workers spend whole days working under junk light and/or in front of screens. Important decisions are made in board rooms with bad lighting. Help to influence energy, productivity, health and well being with Day YELLOWS in your workplace.
Shiftworkers - Light at night has shown to be highly associated with risk of hormone specific cancers. Shiftworkers need to pay special attention to preserving energy and looking after their biology.
Breast Feeding Mothers - Babies don’t produce their own melatonin, so they rely on the mother’s hormones. When the mother has healthy levels of melatonin, they are transmitted via breast milk to set their infants “master clock”, resulting in better sleep at night for you and your baby.
Over 60's - Once we reach 60, the body produces very little melatonin so we need to protect the production as much as possible.
Everyone else! Anyone will benefit from wearing YELLOWS.
Wearing blue light filters is more important than ever to protect you and your kids health.
“Wearing blue-blocking lenses in artificial light is like wearing sunscreen in the sunshine: it's a general health precaution for everyone.” Dr Mercola, alternative medicine expert and physician.
Other ways to protect against junk light
As well as wearing YELLOWS around artificial light and screens there are other ways you can and should protect yourself, especially at home and in your office:
For Screens:
Download a programme to reduce the blue light. We recommend Iris which has some excellent settings. These apps control the temperature of the screen which is beneficial for your eyes. They still omit high energy light which enters your eye so and it is recommended to wear YELLOWS when using such programs.
Use Night Shift on apple devices, this can be found in Settings/Display & Brightness.
Try to decrease the amount of time spent in front of these screens and/or take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest. And use sparingly at night.
For lighting:
Change the lights you use most to incandescent light bulbs or DC low voltage halogens. This is especially important for lights used at night or in rooms that contain no sunlight, for example your bedside lamp, reading light or home office light.
Use as few lights as possible at night - amber and red lighting are the best at night.
If you do use LEDs, use the highest CRI (R9) Index available, the nearer to 100 the better. The CRI tells us about light spectrum. And choose LEDs with the highest flicker rate, greater than 2,000 flickers per second are considered less damaging.
Keep your room at night as dark as possible. If you aren't able to do this, use an eye mask at night.
Cover your skin by wearing long sleeves around artificial light.
Outside the home, you have little control of the environment - wear YELLOWS!
There are many supplements that include high potency antioxidant nutrients that support your eye health. Two excellent ones are Cytoplan’s ‘Eye-Cyt' and Bulletproof’s ‘Eye Armour’.
The majority of adults will find that the Regular size is the best fit. The Small Adults/Teens is only a fraction smaller so these should be suitable for most adults. However, check your current glasses by measuring or looking inside the temple arms where the size is often marked.
As a general rule kids under the age of 7 will find the Small size the best fit and for older children the Regular size will be best.
Lens Height
Kids - Small
Kids - Regular
Small Adults/Teens
Adults - Regular
Adults - Large
Optometrists or eyewear stores can make minor adjustments to your frame if needed to customise the fit or if the glasses are bent out of shape. Most will do this for a small charge or for free.
If you find that the leg isn't quite long enough, it's easy to rectify. You can adjust the 'elbow' of the legs by straightening it and making it less-pronounced until the desired fit is reached. You can even make the legs completely straight if you need, and this won't break or damage the strong skeleton. This is how an optician would handle the very same issue.
If you or your child does wear glasses you can add a blue light protection tint onto the prescription lenses. The protection from clear lenses is much lower and be aware that if the glasses are worn at all times, you will be blocking out some blue light from the sun, which is essential for good health. The best solution is to have two pairs of glasses, one without blue light filters for outside and one with for inside.
What our customers are saying
"Comfortable, stylish and safe."
"For the cost of a plastic toy, knowing that my childs sight is being protected is a no brainer. My kids also love wearing these glasses."
"They take getting used to, but after a few days my eyes crave them when I am at my computer."
"We have a pair in every room!"
"My jet lag was definitely milder after wearing these my entire journey. I also find that I fall asleep more easily at night."
"It eases my mind when my daughter is wearing her glasses when she is on her iPad."
"I no longer struggling to fall asleep after working on my computer in the evenings, now I use Night Yellows."
Yellows Classic Collection NIGHT (Tortoiseshell regular)
Protect your eyes from artificial light...
...with a pair of YELLOWS.
Good light
Light is one of the most important factors in our environment. We actually create energy from light not just food and it is is a vital nutrient for our health.
Every cell in our body is light sensitive and the quality of light we expose ourselves to affects us.
Sunlight is fabulous! It contains perfectly balanced amounts of red and blue light and our bodies have evolved to thrive in it.
Red light is great for us, it regenerates the cells in our bodies - increasing energy levels, stimulating DNA synthesis, activating the lymphatic system, lowering oxidative stress, increasing blood flow/circulation and reducing inflammation.
Our eyes contain by far the highest number of light-sensative mitochondria in the body and junk light effects our body primarily through our eyes. Skin is also vulnerable to junk light.
Junk light
"Junk light is as bad as junk food" Dave Asprey
Blue light is also known as High Energy Visible light (HEV) because it has the highest energy in the light spectrum. In sunshine it plays an important role helping boost alertness, memory and improve mood a well as playing a vital role in the bodies circadian rhythm.
When taken out of its balanced spectrum, it's damaging, causing degeneration. In sunlight, blue light exposure is repaired by the regenerating red light.
In modern lighting the red light isn't present and the damaging blue light is in much greater intensity than our bodies are made to cope with. This results in degeneration.
Blue light is becoming so common and used in high doeses. Exposure comes from computers, smartphones, TV and LEDs.
We used to use incandescent lights which did a good job of replicating sunlight. Whilst these light bulbs weren't energy efficient, as much of the energy was converted to heat, the effects on our vision and health are serious. By 2020 it is predicted that 90% of our lighting will come from LEDs. It is law, in Guernsey and the UK, that, for any new build, lighting comes from LEDs.
Scientists are predicting a rise in cases Macular Degeneration because of the way we use lighting and screens. Macular Degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss in the Western world and currently its effects are irreversible.
Our eyes are much more vulnerable to blue light than they are to UV light. The cornea and lens of the eyes are very effective at blocking UV rays from the sun, less than one percent reaches the retina. However, virtually all visible blue light passes through the cornea and lens and reaches the retina.
Blue light penetrates into the eye deeply and can reach the retina where the macular is found. Without the presence of regenerating red light, this can result in degeneration.
The conclusions from a peer-reviewed 2018 study are quoted
"In summary, retinal photodamage caused by a conventional light source can become chronic if exposure is high and long enough. In contrast, the use of blue-blocking filters can significantly alleviate the functional loss of retinal photosensitive cells. Therefore, these filters might be an effective mechanism to protect us from ocular pathologies." The study can be here.
Sleep and jet-lag
Blue light interferes with the production of melatonin, tricking the brain into thinking its daytime. This disrupts sleep which affects every aspect of body and brain function.
Wearing Night YELLOWS in the hours before bedtime when using lights, TV's, phones, tablets, computers and e-readers should help to reduce sleep disruption.
The overhead lights on airplanes are harsh bringing your hormones down. Wearing YELLOWS on a plane with a baseball cap and when you land before the bedtime in your new time zone should help to reduce jet lag caused by junk light and time zone changes.
Wellbeing, energy, weight loss and anti-aging
When exposed to junk light, the body is in a stressed environment and needs more energy to process it. This results in reduced energy and concentration, poor decision making and performance. Protecting your eyes should support energy and a general feeling of wellbeing as well as preventing sore eyes and blurred vision associated with digital eye strain.
Wearing YELLOWS around screens, may also protect the delicate skin around eyes from signs of ageing caused by the increased oxidative stress.
Blue light stimulates hunger via Leptin, a light sensitive hormone. It peaks at night and signals to our brains how much fat storage we have. Some research suggests that light exposure could be important in weight loss. One study can be seen here.
Other major effects on our health
Conditions that are made worse by modern light include nearly all the diseases that are starting to dominate our health systems:
Degenerative diseases - using blue light after dark causes a reduction in the production of melatonin. Melatonin is crucial in lowering the risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Fertility and hormonal problems - blue light interferes with core hormones that make you what and who you are. We are seeing an increase in hormonal imbalances, infertility, birth defects and autism and it is believed that bad light plays a role in this.
Mental health - melatonin is responsible for reducing inflammation in the brain and blue light increases oxidative cell stress. These both have an affect mental health.
Skin cancer - the flicker of LEDs causes an increase in oxidative stress on the cell membrane in the skin, as well as the eyes, which is believed to lead to an increased risk of skin cancer. Studies have shown that there is a huge increase in recent years in the occurrence of melanoma in those that work indoors under artificial lighting.
There are a number of other environmental issues that effect these issues, however light is far more important than ever previously understood.
When to wear YELLOWS
Around artificial lighting at any time of the day when there is limited or no sunlight. This includes at home and in public places! (Classrooms, shops and shopping centres, cinemas, restaurants all have strong artificial lights)
In front of TV's and screens. It is advised to wear Yellows even if your screen has a blue light filter.
In the hours before bedtime.
When travelling, to protect against artificial lights and also help prevent jet-lag.
When suffering from an illness, they will protect against added oxidative stress, so your body can conserve energy needed for healing.
You don't need to wear YELLOWS outside in the day or around artificial light from incandescent or halogen sources in the day.
Day and Night explained
Research shows that blue light between 400 and 460nm causes retina damage and that blue light between 450 and 470nm suppresses the production of melatonin.
Our Day YELLOWS have a yellow lens and block 85% of blue light which has been shown to be the optimal level in the day in our extensive market research. A small amount of blue light during the day is important.
At night it is important to protect your melatonin levels to the max. Night YELLOWS have an orange lens and block over 95% of blue light. Wearing Night YELLOWS after sunset can help your body to wind down naturally and improve sleep quality.
Kids at risk
Children are especially sensitive to HEV light. It is able to penetrate more efficiently and directly into a child’s retina.
As we age, the lens starts to yellow, which then acts to block out some of the blue light.
Our generation of children are being exposed to a far higher quantities of intense HEV light than any generation before. It is so important to protect their eyes at a young age to prevent the health issues mentioned here.
A pair of YELLOWS makes a great Birthday or Christmas present with a lifetime of rewards! Or introduce them to your school.
YELLOWS help to protect against damaging modern lights but they are not a replacement for natural light. For children's eye health, it is really important to spend at least an hour a day outside in sunlight.
Adults most at risk
Office, factory and shop workers spend whole days working under junk light and/or in front of screens. Important decisions are made in board rooms with bad lighting. Help to influence energy, productivity, health and well being with Day YELLOWS in your workplace.
Shiftworkers - Light at night has shown to be highly associated with risk of hormone specific cancers. Shiftworkers need to pay special attention to preserving energy and looking after their biology.
Breast Feeding Mothers - Babies don’t produce their own melatonin, so they rely on the mother’s hormones. When the mother has healthy levels of melatonin, they are transmitted via breast milk to set their infants “master clock”, resulting in better sleep at night for you and your baby.
Over 60's - Once we reach 60, the body produces very little melatonin so we need to protect the production as much as possible.
Everyone else! Anyone will benefit from wearing YELLOWS.
Wearing blue light filters is more important than ever to protect you and your kids health.
“Wearing blue-blocking lenses in artificial light is like wearing sunscreen in the sunshine: it's a general health precaution for everyone.” Dr Mercola, alternative medicine expert and physician.
Other ways to protect against junk light
As well as wearing YELLOWS around artificial light and screens there are other ways you can and should protect yourself, especially at home and in your office:
For Screens:
Download a programme to reduce the blue light. We recommend Iris which has some excellent settings. These apps control the temperature of the screen which is beneficial for your eyes. They still omit high energy light which enters your eye so and it is recommended to wear YELLOWS when using such programs.
Use Night Shift on apple devices, this can be found in Settings/Display & Brightness.
Try to decrease the amount of time spent in front of these screens and/or take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest. And use sparingly at night.
For lighting:
Change the lights you use most to incandescent light bulbs or DC low voltage halogens. This is especially important for lights used at night or in rooms that contain no sunlight, for example your bedside lamp, reading light or home office light.
Use as few lights as possible at night - amber and red lighting are the best at night.
If you do use LEDs, use the highest CRI (R9) Index available, the nearer to 100 the better. The CRI tells us about light spectrum. And choose LEDs with the highest flicker rate, greater than 2,000 flickers per second are considered less damaging.
Keep your room at night as dark as possible. If you aren't able to do this, use an eye mask at night.
Cover your skin by wearing long sleeves around artificial light.
Outside the home, you have little control of the environment - wear YELLOWS!
There are many supplements that include high potency antioxidant nutrients that support your eye health. Two excellent ones are Cytoplan’s ‘Eye-Cyt' and Bulletproof’s ‘Eye Armour’.
The majority of adults will find that the Regular size is the best fit. The Small Adults/Teens is only a fraction smaller so these should be suitable for most adults. However, check your current glasses by measuring or looking inside the temple arms where the size is often marked.
As a general rule kids under the age of 7 will find the Small size the best fit and for older children the Regular size will be best.
Lens Height
Kids - Small
Kids - Regular
Small Adults/Teens
Adults - Regular
Adults - Large
Optometrists or eyewear stores can make minor adjustments to your frame if needed to customise the fit or if the glasses are bent out of shape. Most will do this for a small charge or for free.
If you find that the leg isn't quite long enough, it's easy to rectify. You can adjust the 'elbow' of the legs by straightening it and making it less-pronounced until the desired fit is reached. You can even make the legs completely straight if you need, and this won't break or damage the strong skeleton. This is how an optician would handle the very same issue.
If you or your child does wear glasses you can add a blue light protection tint onto the prescription lenses. The protection from clear lenses is much lower and be aware that if the glasses are worn at all times, you will be blocking out some blue light from the sun, which is essential for good health. The best solution is to have two pairs of glasses, one without blue light filters for outside and one with for inside.
What our customers are saying
"Comfortable, stylish and safe."
"For the cost of a plastic toy, knowing that my childs sight is being protected is a no brainer. My kids also love wearing these glasses."
"They take getting used to, but after a few days my eyes crave them when I am at my computer."
"We have a pair in every room!"
"My jet lag was definitely milder after wearing these my entire journey. I also find that I fall asleep more easily at night."
"It eases my mind when my daughter is wearing her glasses when she is on her iPad."
"I no longer struggling to fall asleep after working on my computer in the evenings, now I use Night Yellows."
Feel Younger
Feel Younger - Krill Oil Omega 3 500mg 30caps
Do you suffer from any of the following issues?
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Joint pain
Rheumatoid arthritis
Skin disorders (e.g. psoriasis, dermatitis)
AMD (age-related macular degeneration)
Heart disease
Liver disease
Chronic inflammation
Struggles to concentrate
If so, then Krill Oil Omega-3 could be one of the essential supplements to improve your overall health.How can Krill Oil Omega-3 help you with this?The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends every person consume around two portions of fish each week, as the omega-3s found in fish and other sea creatures are a key ingredient in living a healthy, balanced lifestyle. If you’re vegetarian, vegan, or simply don’t eat seafood, then you should receive your weekly intake of omega-3 through a natural supplement.The omega-3 nutrients found in marine life are an important source of energy and have been scientifically proven to support your immune system. These nutrients are present in every cell wall in the body, and therefore play an important role in building and maintaining your natural defense systems.One of the key health benefits of Krill Oil Omega-3 is that it reduces inflammation. Inflammation is our natural response to fighting infections and healing injuries. However, chronic inflammation is associated with numerous health disorders, including asthma, obesity, depression, and heart disease. By reducing inflammation, we can alleviate symptoms of these diseases. Krill Oil Omega-3 has also been known to improve risk factors surrounding heart disease. Several decades ago, researchers noticed that fish-eating communities had unusually low rates of heart diseases and strokes. Since then, omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to numerous benefits for heart health, such as reducing triglycerides, lowering blood pressure, raising "good" HDL cholesterol levels, and clearing plaque from the walls of your arteries.What are other benefits of Krill Oil Omega-3?Krill Oil Omega-3 can be considered one of the fundamental supplements, in that it can be used to manage a wide range of health conditions. Some additional proven health benefits of krill oil include:
Improve eyesight
Improve brain health
Skin health
Reduce symptoms of ADHD
Stronger immune system
Emotional and mental wellbeing
Lower levels of liver fat
Alleviate menstrual pain
What is Krill Oil Omega-3?Omega-3 fish oils are an effective health supplement containing the natural fats extracted from fish tissue. It is typically taken from oily fish such as tuna, anchovies, herring and mackerel. However, it’s also sometimes produced from the livers of other fish — for example, cod liver oil.Over the past years, Krill Oil has rapidly gained popularity as an alternative to fish oil. It is made from krill, a small crustacean consumed by whales, penguins and other sea animals. Similar to fish oil, Krill Oil Omega-3 is a strong source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and astaxanthin, natural omega-3 fats only found in marine life.Many consider Krill Oil superior to Fish Oil because it contains astaxanthin. In addition to being a powerful antioxidant, astaxanthin is also a natural preservative. This prevents the omega-3 fish oil from turning rancid, which is a common problem with other fish oils.How is our Krill Oil Omega-3 supplement better than others you may have tried?Omega-3 is a popular health supplement on the market, but certain manufacturers do not adhere to the same high standards of quality as Feel Younger. There are several reasons why our Krill Oil Omega-3 supplements are superior to similar products.To begin with, our supplement has a higher concentration of the active ingredients EPA and DHA. These two key nutrients present in fish and marine life oils play an essential role in improving your immune system and counteracting the effects of ageing. Although many Omega-3 supplements advertise 1000mg of fatty oils on the front of their containers, if you look at the list of ingredients on the back, you’ll notice they often contain as little as 320mg of EPA and DHA. On the other hand, Feel Younger’s Krill Oil Omega-3 supplements have a 500mg portion of EPA and DHA, promising you the healthy, recommended intake of these two nutrients.Our Krill Oil Omega-3 supplements also contain another key nutrient: astaxanthin. Studies have shown that astaxanthin activates the white blood cells in your body, improving your immune system. It has also been known to help protect your skin from UV damage.Feel Younger’s Krill Oil Omega-3 supplements also come in softgel capsules. As a result, they're easily absorbed into the body and don’t have the unpleasant fishy taste of similar supplements. As is the case with all our dietary supplements, the Feel Younger krill oil capsules are gluten-free and made from all natural ingredients.How do you take Krill Oil Omega-3?As a dietary supplement, it’s recommended you take one (1) softgel capsule twice a day. For the best results, take your dose 20-30 minutes before a meal with an 8oz. glass of water or as directed by your healthcare professional.Are there any cautions?Though omega-3 supplements are generally considered safe, you should check with a healthcare professional before taking them. If you are allergic to fish or shellfish, seek advice from your healthcare professional first.Fish oil is likely safe for most people in doses of 5 grams or less dailyFish oil might slow blood clotting. Taking fish oil along with medications that also slow blood clotting might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding.Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should also consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.
Scientific References:
Yellows Classic Collection NIGHT (Black LARGE)
Protect your eyes from artificial light...
...with a pair of YELLOWS.
Good light
Light is one of the most important factors in our environment. We actually create energy from light not just food and it is is a vital nutrient for our health.
Every cell in our body is light sensitive and the quality of light we expose ourselves to affects us.
Sunlight is fabulous! It contains perfectly balanced amounts of red and blue light and our bodies have evolved to thrive in it.
Red light is great for us, it regenerates the cells in our bodies - increasing energy levels, stimulating DNA synthesis, activating the lymphatic system, lowering oxidative stress, increasing blood flow/circulation and reducing inflammation.
Our eyes contain by far the highest number of light-sensative mitochondria in the body and junk light effects our body primarily through our eyes. Skin is also vulnerable to junk light.
Junk light
"Junk light is as bad as junk food" Dave Asprey
Blue light is also known as High Energy Visible light (HEV) because it has the highest energy in the light spectrum. In sunshine it plays an important role helping boost alertness, memory and improve mood a well as playing a vital role in the bodies circadian rhythm.
When taken out of its balanced spectrum, it's damaging, causing degeneration. In sunlight, blue light exposure is repaired by the regenerating red light.
In modern lighting the red light isn't present and the damaging blue light is in much greater intensity than our bodies are made to cope with. This results in degeneration.
Blue light is becoming so common and used in high doeses. Exposure comes from computers, smartphones, TV and LEDs.
We used to use incandescent lights which did a good job of replicating sunlight. Whilst these light bulbs weren't energy efficient, as much of the energy was converted to heat, the effects on our vision and health are serious. By 2020 it is predicted that 90% of our lighting will come from LEDs. It is law, in Guernsey and the UK, that, for any new build, lighting comes from LEDs.
Scientists are predicting a rise in cases Macular Degeneration because of the way we use lighting and screens. Macular Degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss in the Western world and currently its effects are irreversible.
Our eyes are much more vulnerable to blue light than they are to UV light. The cornea and lens of the eyes are very effective at blocking UV rays from the sun, less than one percent reaches the retina. However, virtually all visible blue light passes through the cornea and lens and reaches the retina.
Blue light penetrates into the eye deeply and can reach the retina where the macular is found. Without the presence of regenerating red light, this can result in degeneration.
The conclusions from a peer-reviewed 2018 study are quoted
"In summary, retinal photodamage caused by a conventional light source can become chronic if exposure is high and long enough. In contrast, the use of blue-blocking filters can significantly alleviate the functional loss of retinal photosensitive cells. Therefore, these filters might be an effective mechanism to protect us from ocular pathologies." The study can be here.
Sleep and jet-lag
Blue light interferes with the production of melatonin, tricking the brain into thinking its daytime. This disrupts sleep which affects every aspect of body and brain function.
Wearing Night YELLOWS in the hours before bedtime when using lights, TV's, phones, tablets, computers and e-readers should help to reduce sleep disruption.
The overhead lights on airplanes are harsh bringing your hormones down. Wearing YELLOWS on a plane with a baseball cap and when you land before the bedtime in your new time zone should help to reduce jet lag caused by junk light and time zone changes.
Wellbeing, energy, weight loss and anti-aging
When exposed to junk light, the body is in a stressed environment and needs more energy to process it. This results in reduced energy and concentration, poor decision making and performance. Protecting your eyes should support energy and a general feeling of wellbeing as well as preventing sore eyes and blurred vision associated with digital eye strain.
Wearing YELLOWS around screens, may also protect the delicate skin around eyes from signs of ageing caused by the increased oxidative stress.
Blue light stimulates hunger via Leptin, a light sensitive hormone. It peaks at night and signals to our brains how much fat storage we have. Some research suggests that light exposure could be important in weight loss. One study can be seen here.
Other major effects on our health
Conditions that are made worse by modern light include nearly all the diseases that are starting to dominate our health systems:
Degenerative diseases - using blue light after dark causes a reduction in the production of melatonin. Melatonin is crucial in lowering the risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Fertility and hormonal problems - blue light interferes with core hormones that make you what and who you are. We are seeing an increase in hormonal imbalances, infertility, birth defects and autism and it is believed that bad light plays a role in this.
Mental health - melatonin is responsible for reducing inflammation in the brain and blue light increases oxidative cell stress. These both have an affect mental health.
Skin cancer - the flicker of LEDs causes an increase in oxidative stress on the cell membrane in the skin, as well as the eyes, which is believed to lead to an increased risk of skin cancer. Studies have shown that there is a huge increase in recent years in the occurrence of melanoma in those that work indoors under artificial lighting.
There are a number of other environmental issues that effect these issues, however light is far more important than ever previously understood.
When to wear YELLOWS
Around artificial lighting at any time of the day when there is limited or no sunlight. This includes at home and in public places! (Classrooms, shops and shopping centres, cinemas, restaurants all have strong artificial lights)
In front of TV's and screens. It is advised to wear Yellows even if your screen has a blue light filter.
In the hours before bedtime.
When travelling, to protect against artificial lights and also help prevent jet-lag.
When suffering from an illness, they will protect against added oxidative stress, so your body can conserve energy needed for healing.
You don't need to wear YELLOWS outside in the day or around artificial light from incandescent or halogen sources in the day.
Day and Night explained
Research shows that blue light between 400 and 460nm causes retina damage and that blue light between 450 and 470nm suppresses the production of melatonin.
Our Day YELLOWS have a yellow lens and block 85% of blue light which has been shown to be the optimal level in the day in our extensive market research. A small amount of blue light during the day is important.
At night it is important to protect your melatonin levels to the max. Night YELLOWS have an orange lens and block over 95% of blue light. Wearing Night YELLOWS after sunset can help your body to wind down naturally and improve sleep quality.
Kids at risk
Children are especially sensitive to HEV light. It is able to penetrate more efficiently and directly into a child’s retina.
As we age, the lens starts to yellow, which then acts to block out some of the blue light.
Our generation of children are being exposed to a far higher quantities of intense HEV light than any generation before. It is so important to protect their eyes at a young age to prevent the health issues mentioned here.
A pair of YELLOWS makes a great Birthday or Christmas present with a lifetime of rewards! Or introduce them to your school.
YELLOWS help to protect against damaging modern lights but they are not a replacement for natural light. For children's eye health, it is really important to spend at least an hour a day outside in sunlight.
Adults most at risk
Office, factory and shop workers spend whole days working under junk light and/or in front of screens. Important decisions are made in board rooms with bad lighting. Help to influence energy, productivity, health and well being with Day YELLOWS in your workplace.
Shiftworkers - Light at night has shown to be highly associated with risk of hormone specific cancers. Shiftworkers need to pay special attention to preserving energy and looking after their biology.
Breast Feeding Mothers - Babies don’t produce their own melatonin, so they rely on the mother’s hormones. When the mother has healthy levels of melatonin, they are transmitted via breast milk to set their infants “master clock”, resulting in better sleep at night for you and your baby.
Over 60's - Once we reach 60, the body produces very little melatonin so we need to protect the production as much as possible.
Everyone else! Anyone will benefit from wearing YELLOWS.
Wearing blue light filters is more important than ever to protect you and your kids health.
“Wearing blue-blocking lenses in artificial light is like wearing sunscreen in the sunshine: it's a general health precaution for everyone.” Dr Mercola, alternative medicine expert and physician.
Other ways to protect against junk light
As well as wearing YELLOWS around artificial light and screens there are other ways you can and should protect yourself, especially at home and in your office:
For Screens:
Download a programme to reduce the blue light. We recommend Iris which has some excellent settings. These apps control the temperature of the screen which is beneficial for your eyes. They still omit high energy light which enters your eye so and it is recommended to wear YELLOWS when using such programs.
Use Night Shift on apple devices, this can be found in Settings/Display & Brightness.
Try to decrease the amount of time spent in front of these screens and/or take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest. And use sparingly at night.
For lighting:
Change the lights you use most to incandescent light bulbs or DC low voltage halogens. This is especially important for lights used at night or in rooms that contain no sunlight, for example your bedside lamp, reading light or home office light.
Use as few lights as possible at night - amber and red lighting are the best at night.
If you do use LEDs, use the highest CRI (R9) Index available, the nearer to 100 the better. The CRI tells us about light spectrum. And choose LEDs with the highest flicker rate, greater than 2,000 flickers per second are considered less damaging.
Keep your room at night as dark as possible. If you aren't able to do this, use an eye mask at night.
Cover your skin by wearing long sleeves around artificial light.
Outside the home, you have little control of the environment - wear YELLOWS!
There are many supplements that include high potency antioxidant nutrients that support your eye health. Two excellent ones are Cytoplan’s ‘Eye-Cyt' and Bulletproof’s ‘Eye Armour’.
The majority of adults will find that the Regular size is the best fit. The Small Adults/Teens is only a fraction smaller so these should be suitable for most adults. However, check your current glasses by measuring or looking inside the temple arms where the size is often marked.
As a general rule kids under the age of 7 will find the Small size the best fit and for older children the Regular size will be best.
Lens Height
Kids - Small
Kids - Regular
Small Adults/Teens
Adults - Regular
Adults - Large
Optometrists or eyewear stores can make minor adjustments to your frame if needed to customise the fit or if the glasses are bent out of shape. Most will do this for a small charge or for free.
If you find that the leg isn't quite long enough, it's easy to rectify. You can adjust the 'elbow' of the legs by straightening it and making it less-pronounced until the desired fit is reached. You can even make the legs completely straight if you need, and this won't break or damage the strong skeleton. This is how an optician would handle the very same issue.
If you or your child does wear glasses you can add a blue light protection tint onto the prescription lenses. The protection from clear lenses is much lower and be aware that if the glasses are worn at all times, you will be blocking out some blue light from the sun, which is essential for good health. The best solution is to have two pairs of glasses, one without blue light filters for outside and one with for inside.
What our customers are saying
"Comfortable, stylish and safe."
"For the cost of a plastic toy, knowing that my childs sight is being protected is a no brainer. My kids also love wearing these glasses."
"They take getting used to, but after a few days my eyes crave them when I am at my computer."
"We have a pair in every room!"
"My jet lag was definitely milder after wearing these my entire journey. I also find that I fall asleep more easily at night."
"It eases my mind when my daughter is wearing her glasses when she is on her iPad."
"I no longer struggling to fall asleep after working on my computer in the evenings, now I use Night Yellows."
Yellows Classic Collection NIGHT (Navy regular)
Protect your eyes from artificial light...
...with a pair of YELLOWS.
Good light
Light is one of the most important factors in our environment. We actually create energy from light not just food and it is is a vital nutrient for our health.
Every cell in our body is light sensitive and the quality of light we expose ourselves to affects us.
Sunlight is fabulous! It contains perfectly balanced amounts of red and blue light and our bodies have evolved to thrive in it.
Red light is great for us, it regenerates the cells in our bodies - increasing energy levels, stimulating DNA synthesis, activating the lymphatic system, lowering oxidative stress, increasing blood flow/circulation and reducing inflammation.
Our eyes contain by far the highest number of light-sensative mitochondria in the body and junk light effects our body primarily through our eyes. Skin is also vulnerable to junk light.
Junk light
"Junk light is as bad as junk food" Dave Asprey
Blue light is also known as High Energy Visible light (HEV) because it has the highest energy in the light spectrum. In sunshine it plays an important role helping boost alertness, memory and improve mood a well as playing a vital role in the bodies circadian rhythm.
When taken out of its balanced spectrum, it's damaging, causing degeneration. In sunlight, blue light exposure is repaired by the regenerating red light.
In modern lighting the red light isn't present and the damaging blue light is in much greater intensity than our bodies are made to cope with. This results in degeneration.
Blue light is becoming so common and used in high doeses. Exposure comes from computers, smartphones, TV and LEDs.
We used to use incandescent lights which did a good job of replicating sunlight. Whilst these light bulbs weren't energy efficient, as much of the energy was converted to heat, the effects on our vision and health are serious. By 2020 it is predicted that 90% of our lighting will come from LEDs. It is law, in Guernsey and the UK, that, for any new build, lighting comes from LEDs.
Scientists are predicting a rise in cases Macular Degeneration because of the way we use lighting and screens. Macular Degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss in the Western world and currently its effects are irreversible.
Our eyes are much more vulnerable to blue light than they are to UV light. The cornea and lens of the eyes are very effective at blocking UV rays from the sun, less than one percent reaches the retina. However, virtually all visible blue light passes through the cornea and lens and reaches the retina.
Blue light penetrates into the eye deeply and can reach the retina where the macular is found. Without the presence of regenerating red light, this can result in degeneration.
The conclusions from a peer-reviewed 2018 study are quoted
"In summary, retinal photodamage caused by a conventional light source can become chronic if exposure is high and long enough. In contrast, the use of blue-blocking filters can significantly alleviate the functional loss of retinal photosensitive cells. Therefore, these filters might be an effective mechanism to protect us from ocular pathologies." The study can be here.
Sleep and jet-lag
Blue light interferes with the production of melatonin, tricking the brain into thinking its daytime. This disrupts sleep which affects every aspect of body and brain function.
Wearing Night YELLOWS in the hours before bedtime when using lights, TV's, phones, tablets, computers and e-readers should help to reduce sleep disruption.
The overhead lights on airplanes are harsh bringing your hormones down. Wearing YELLOWS on a plane with a baseball cap and when you land before the bedtime in your new time zone should help to reduce jet lag caused by junk light and time zone changes.
Wellbeing, energy, weight loss and anti-aging
When exposed to junk light, the body is in a stressed environment and needs more energy to process it. This results in reduced energy and concentration, poor decision making and performance. Protecting your eyes should support energy and a general feeling of wellbeing as well as preventing sore eyes and blurred vision associated with digital eye strain.
Wearing YELLOWS around screens, may also protect the delicate skin around eyes from signs of ageing caused by the increased oxidative stress.
Blue light stimulates hunger via Leptin, a light sensitive hormone. It peaks at night and signals to our brains how much fat storage we have. Some research suggests that light exposure could be important in weight loss. One study can be seen here.
Other major effects on our health
Conditions that are made worse by modern light include nearly all the diseases that are starting to dominate our health systems:
Degenerative diseases - using blue light after dark causes a reduction in the production of melatonin. Melatonin is crucial in lowering the risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Fertility and hormonal problems - blue light interferes with core hormones that make you what and who you are. We are seeing an increase in hormonal imbalances, infertility, birth defects and autism and it is believed that bad light plays a role in this.
Mental health - melatonin is responsible for reducing inflammation in the brain and blue light increases oxidative cell stress. These both have an affect mental health.
Skin cancer - the flicker of LEDs causes an increase in oxidative stress on the cell membrane in the skin, as well as the eyes, which is believed to lead to an increased risk of skin cancer. Studies have shown that there is a huge increase in recent years in the occurrence of melanoma in those that work indoors under artificial lighting.
There are a number of other environmental issues that effect these issues, however light is far more important than ever previously understood.
When to wear YELLOWS
Around artificial lighting at any time of the day when there is limited or no sunlight. This includes at home and in public places! (Classrooms, shops and shopping centres, cinemas, restaurants all have strong artificial lights)
In front of TV's and screens. It is advised to wear Yellows even if your screen has a blue light filter.
In the hours before bedtime.
When travelling, to protect against artificial lights and also help prevent jet-lag.
When suffering from an illness, they will protect against added oxidative stress, so your body can conserve energy needed for healing.
You don't need to wear YELLOWS outside in the day or around artificial light from incandescent or halogen sources in the day.
Day and Night explained
Research shows that blue light between 400 and 460nm causes retina damage and that blue light between 450 and 470nm suppresses the production of melatonin.
Our Day YELLOWS have a yellow lens and block 85% of blue light which has been shown to be the optimal level in the day in our extensive market research. A small amount of blue light during the day is important.
At night it is important to protect your melatonin levels to the max. Night YELLOWS have an orange lens and block over 95% of blue light. Wearing Night YELLOWS after sunset can help your body to wind down naturally and improve sleep quality.
Kids at risk
Children are especially sensitive to HEV light. It is able to penetrate more efficiently and directly into a child’s retina.
As we age, the lens starts to yellow, which then acts to block out some of the blue light.
Our generation of children are being exposed to a far higher quantities of intense HEV light than any generation before. It is so important to protect their eyes at a young age to prevent the health issues mentioned here.
A pair of YELLOWS makes a great Birthday or Christmas present with a lifetime of rewards! Or introduce them to your school.
YELLOWS help to protect against damaging modern lights but they are not a replacement for natural light. For children's eye health, it is really important to spend at least an hour a day outside in sunlight.
Adults most at risk
Office, factory and shop workers spend whole days working under junk light and/or in front of screens. Important decisions are made in board rooms with bad lighting. Help to influence energy, productivity, health and well being with Day YELLOWS in your workplace.
Shiftworkers - Light at night has shown to be highly associated with risk of hormone specific cancers. Shiftworkers need to pay special attention to preserving energy and looking after their biology.
Breast Feeding Mothers - Babies don’t produce their own melatonin, so they rely on the mother’s hormones. When the mother has healthy levels of melatonin, they are transmitted via breast milk to set their infants “master clock”, resulting in better sleep at night for you and your baby.
Over 60's - Once we reach 60, the body produces very little melatonin so we need to protect the production as much as possible.
Everyone else! Anyone will benefit from wearing YELLOWS.
Wearing blue light filters is more important than ever to protect you and your kids health.
“Wearing blue-blocking lenses in artificial light is like wearing sunscreen in the sunshine: it's a general health precaution for everyone.” Dr Mercola, alternative medicine expert and physician.
Other ways to protect against junk light
As well as wearing YELLOWS around artificial light and screens there are other ways you can and should protect yourself, especially at home and in your office:
For Screens:
Download a programme to reduce the blue light. We recommend Iris which has some excellent settings. These apps control the temperature of the screen which is beneficial for your eyes. They still omit high energy light which enters your eye so and it is recommended to wear YELLOWS when using such programs.
Use Night Shift on apple devices, this can be found in Settings/Display & Brightness.
Try to decrease the amount of time spent in front of these screens and/or take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest. And use sparingly at night.
For lighting:
Change the lights you use most to incandescent light bulbs or DC low voltage halogens. This is especially important for lights used at night or in rooms that contain no sunlight, for example your bedside lamp, reading light or home office light.
Use as few lights as possible at night - amber and red lighting are the best at night.
If you do use LEDs, use the highest CRI (R9) Index available, the nearer to 100 the better. The CRI tells us about light spectrum. And choose LEDs with the highest flicker rate, greater than 2,000 flickers per second are considered less damaging.
Keep your room at night as dark as possible. If you aren't able to do this, use an eye mask at night.
Cover your skin by wearing long sleeves around artificial light.
Outside the home, you have little control of the environment - wear YELLOWS!
There are many supplements that include high potency antioxidant nutrients that support your eye health. Two excellent ones are Cytoplan’s ‘Eye-Cyt' and Bulletproof’s ‘Eye Armour’.
The majority of adults will find that the Regular size is the best fit. The Small Adults/Teens is only a fraction smaller so these should be suitable for most adults. However, check your current glasses by measuring or looking inside the temple arms where the size is often marked.
As a general rule kids under the age of 7 will find the Small size the best fit and for older children the Regular size will be best.
Lens Height
Kids - Small
Kids - Regular
Small Adults/Teens
Adults - Regular
Adults - Large
Optometrists or eyewear stores can make minor adjustments to your frame if needed to customise the fit or if the glasses are bent out of shape. Most will do this for a small charge or for free.
If you find that the leg isn't quite long enough, it's easy to rectify. You can adjust the 'elbow' of the legs by straightening it and making it less-pronounced until the desired fit is reached. You can even make the legs completely straight if you need, and this won't break or damage the strong skeleton. This is how an optician would handle the very same issue.
If you or your child does wear glasses you can add a blue light protection tint onto the prescription lenses. The protection from clear lenses is much lower and be aware that if the glasses are worn at all times, you will be blocking out some blue light from the sun, which is essential for good health. The best solution is to have two pairs of glasses, one without blue light filters for outside and one with for inside.
What our customers are saying
"Comfortable, stylish and safe."
"For the cost of a plastic toy, knowing that my childs sight is being protected is a no brainer. My kids also love wearing these glasses."
"They take getting used to, but after a few days my eyes crave them when I am at my computer."
"We have a pair in every room!"
"My jet lag was definitely milder after wearing these my entire journey. I also find that I fall asleep more easily at night."
"It eases my mind when my daughter is wearing her glasses when she is on her iPad."
"I no longer struggling to fall asleep after working on my computer in the evenings, now I use Night Yellows."
Yellows Classic Collection DAY (Black LARGE)
Protect your eyes from artificial light...
...with a pair of YELLOWS.
Good light
Light is one of the most important factors in our environment. We actually create energy from light not just food and it is is a vital nutrient for our health.
Every cell in our body is light sensitive and the quality of light we expose ourselves to affects us.
Sunlight is fabulous! It contains perfectly balanced amounts of red and blue light and our bodies have evolved to thrive in it.
Red light is great for us, it regenerates the cells in our bodies - increasing energy levels, stimulating DNA synthesis, activating the lymphatic system, lowering oxidative stress, increasing blood flow/circulation and reducing inflammation.
Our eyes contain by far the highest number of light-sensative mitochondria in the body and junk light effects our body primarily through our eyes. Skin is also vulnerable to junk light.
Junk light
"Junk light is as bad as junk food" Dave Asprey
Blue light is also known as High Energy Visible light (HEV) because it has the highest energy in the light spectrum. In sunshine it plays an important role helping boost alertness, memory and improve mood a well as playing a vital role in the bodies circadian rhythm.
When taken out of its balanced spectrum, it's damaging, causing degeneration. In sunlight, blue light exposure is repaired by the regenerating red light.
In modern lighting the red light isn't present and the damaging blue light is in much greater intensity than our bodies are made to cope with. This results in degeneration.
Blue light is becoming so common and used in high doeses. Exposure comes from computers, smartphones, TV and LEDs.
We used to use incandescent lights which did a good job of replicating sunlight. Whilst these light bulbs weren't energy efficient, as much of the energy was converted to heat, the effects on our vision and health are serious. By 2020 it is predicted that 90% of our lighting will come from LEDs. It is law, in Guernsey and the UK, that, for any new build, lighting comes from LEDs.
Scientists are predicting a rise in cases Macular Degeneration because of the way we use lighting and screens. Macular Degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss in the Western world and currently its effects are irreversible.
Our eyes are much more vulnerable to blue light than they are to UV light. The cornea and lens of the eyes are very effective at blocking UV rays from the sun, less than one percent reaches the retina. However, virtually all visible blue light passes through the cornea and lens and reaches the retina.
Blue light penetrates into the eye deeply and can reach the retina where the macular is found. Without the presence of regenerating red light, this can result in degeneration.
The conclusions from a peer-reviewed 2018 study are quoted
"In summary, retinal photodamage caused by a conventional light source can become chronic if exposure is high and long enough. In contrast, the use of blue-blocking filters can significantly alleviate the functional loss of retinal photosensitive cells. Therefore, these filters might be an effective mechanism to protect us from ocular pathologies." The study can be here.
Sleep and jet-lag
Blue light interferes with the production of melatonin, tricking the brain into thinking its daytime. This disrupts sleep which affects every aspect of body and brain function.
Wearing Night YELLOWS in the hours before bedtime when using lights, TV's, phones, tablets, computers and e-readers should help to reduce sleep disruption.
The overhead lights on airplanes are harsh bringing your hormones down. Wearing YELLOWS on a plane with a baseball cap and when you land before the bedtime in your new time zone should help to reduce jet lag caused by junk light and time zone changes.
Wellbeing, energy, weight loss and anti-aging
When exposed to junk light, the body is in a stressed environment and needs more energy to process it. This results in reduced energy and concentration, poor decision making and performance. Protecting your eyes should support energy and a general feeling of wellbeing as well as preventing sore eyes and blurred vision associated with digital eye strain.
Wearing YELLOWS around screens, may also protect the delicate skin around eyes from signs of ageing caused by the increased oxidative stress.
Blue light stimulates hunger via Leptin, a light sensitive hormone. It peaks at night and signals to our brains how much fat storage we have. Some research suggests that light exposure could be important in weight loss. One study can be seen here.
Other major effects on our health
Conditions that are made worse by modern light include nearly all the diseases that are starting to dominate our health systems:
Degenerative diseases - using blue light after dark causes a reduction in the production of melatonin. Melatonin is crucial in lowering the risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Fertility and hormonal problems - blue light interferes with core hormones that make you what and who you are. We are seeing an increase in hormonal imbalances, infertility, birth defects and autism and it is believed that bad light plays a role in this.
Mental health - melatonin is responsible for reducing inflammation in the brain and blue light increases oxidative cell stress. These both have an affect mental health.
Skin cancer - the flicker of LEDs causes an increase in oxidative stress on the cell membrane in the skin, as well as the eyes, which is believed to lead to an increased risk of skin cancer. Studies have shown that there is a huge increase in recent years in the occurrence of melanoma in those that work indoors under artificial lighting.
There are a number of other environmental issues that effect these issues, however light is far more important than ever previously understood.
When to wear YELLOWS
Around artificial lighting at any time of the day when there is limited or no sunlight. This includes at home and in public places! (Classrooms, shops and shopping centres, cinemas, restaurants all have strong artificial lights)
In front of TV's and screens. It is advised to wear Yellows even if your screen has a blue light filter.
In the hours before bedtime.
When travelling, to protect against artificial lights and also help prevent jet-lag.
When suffering from an illness, they will protect against added oxidative stress, so your body can conserve energy needed for healing.
You don't need to wear YELLOWS outside in the day or around artificial light from incandescent or halogen sources in the day.
Day and Night explained
Research shows that blue light between 400 and 460nm causes retina damage and that blue light between 450 and 470nm suppresses the production of melatonin.
Our Day YELLOWS have a yellow lens and block 85% of blue light which has been shown to be the optimal level in the day in our extensive market research. A small amount of blue light during the day is important.
At night it is important to protect your melatonin levels to the max. Night YELLOWS have an orange lens and block over 95% of blue light. Wearing Night YELLOWS after sunset can help your body to wind down naturally and improve sleep quality.
Kids at risk
Children are especially sensitive to HEV light. It is able to penetrate more efficiently and directly into a child’s retina.
As we age, the lens starts to yellow, which then acts to block out some of the blue light.
Our generation of children are being exposed to a far higher quantities of intense HEV light than any generation before. It is so important to protect their eyes at a young age to prevent the health issues mentioned here.
A pair of YELLOWS makes a great Birthday or Christmas present with a lifetime of rewards! Or introduce them to your school.
YELLOWS help to protect against damaging modern lights but they are not a replacement for natural light. For children's eye health, it is really important to spend at least an hour a day outside in sunlight.
Adults most at risk
Office, factory and shop workers spend whole days working under junk light and/or in front of screens. Important decisions are made in board rooms with bad lighting. Help to influence energy, productivity, health and well being with Day YELLOWS in your workplace.
Shiftworkers - Light at night has shown to be highly associated with risk of hormone specific cancers. Shiftworkers need to pay special attention to preserving energy and looking after their biology.
Breast Feeding Mothers - Babies don’t produce their own melatonin, so they rely on the mother’s hormones. When the mother has healthy levels of melatonin, they are transmitted via breast milk to set their infants “master clock”, resulting in better sleep at night for you and your baby.
Over 60's - Once we reach 60, the body produces very little melatonin so we need to protect the production as much as possible.
Everyone else! Anyone will benefit from wearing YELLOWS.
Wearing blue light filters is more important than ever to protect you and your kids health.
“Wearing blue-blocking lenses in artificial light is like wearing sunscreen in the sunshine: it's a general health precaution for everyone.” Dr Mercola, alternative medicine expert and physician.
Other ways to protect against junk light
As well as wearing YELLOWS around artificial light and screens there are other ways you can and should protect yourself, especially at home and in your office:
For Screens:
Download a programme to reduce the blue light. We recommend Iris which has some excellent settings. These apps control the temperature of the screen which is beneficial for your eyes. They still omit high energy light which enters your eye so and it is recommended to wear YELLOWS when using such programs.
Use Night Shift on apple devices, this can be found in Settings/Display & Brightness.
Try to decrease the amount of time spent in front of these screens and/or take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest. And use sparingly at night.
For lighting:
Change the lights you use most to incandescent light bulbs or DC low voltage halogens. This is especially important for lights used at night or in rooms that contain no sunlight, for example your bedside lamp, reading light or home office light.
Use as few lights as possible at night - amber and red lighting are the best at night.
If you do use LEDs, use the highest CRI (R9) Index available, the nearer to 100 the better. The CRI tells us about light spectrum. And choose LEDs with the highest flicker rate, greater than 2,000 flickers per second are considered less damaging.
Keep your room at night as dark as possible. If you aren't able to do this, use an eye mask at night.
Cover your skin by wearing long sleeves around artificial light.
Outside the home, you have little control of the environment - wear YELLOWS!
There are many supplements that include high potency antioxidant nutrients that support your eye health. Two excellent ones are Cytoplan’s ‘Eye-Cyt' and Bulletproof’s ‘Eye Armour’.
The majority of adults will find that the Regular size is the best fit. The Small Adults/Teens is only a fraction smaller so these should be suitable for most adults. However, check your current glasses by measuring or looking inside the temple arms where the size is often marked.
As a general rule kids under the age of 7 will find the Small size the best fit and for older children the Regular size will be best.
Lens Height
Kids - Small
Kids - Regular
Small Adults/Teens
Adults - Regular
Adults - Large
Optometrists or eyewear stores can make minor adjustments to your frame if needed to customise the fit or if the glasses are bent out of shape. Most will do this for a small charge or for free.
If you find that the leg isn't quite long enough, it's easy to rectify. You can adjust the 'elbow' of the legs by straightening it and making it less-pronounced until the desired fit is reached. You can even make the legs completely straight if you need, and this won't break or damage the strong skeleton. This is how an optician would handle the very same issue.
If you or your child does wear glasses you can add a blue light protection tint onto the prescription lenses. The protection from clear lenses is much lower and be aware that if the glasses are worn at all times, you will be blocking out some blue light from the sun, which is essential for good health. The best solution is to have two pairs of glasses, one without blue light filters for outside and one with for inside.
What our customers are saying
"Comfortable, stylish and safe."
"For the cost of a plastic toy, knowing that my childs sight is being protected is a no brainer. My kids also love wearing these glasses."
"They take getting used to, but after a few days my eyes crave them when I am at my computer."
"We have a pair in every room!"
"My jet lag was definitely milder after wearing these my entire journey. I also find that I fall asleep more easily at night."
"It eases my mind when my daughter is wearing her glasses when she is on her iPad."
"I no longer struggling to fall asleep after working on my computer in the evenings, now I use Night Yellows."
Yellows Classic Collection DAY (Tortoiseshell regular)
Protect your eyes from artificial light...
...with a pair of YELLOWS.
Good light
Light is one of the most important factors in our environment. We actually create energy from light not just food and it is is a vital nutrient for our health.
Every cell in our body is light sensitive and the quality of light we expose ourselves to affects us.
Sunlight is fabulous! It contains perfectly balanced amounts of red and blue light and our bodies have evolved to thrive in it.
Red light is great for us, it regenerates the cells in our bodies - increasing energy levels, stimulating DNA synthesis, activating the lymphatic system, lowering oxidative stress, increasing blood flow/circulation and reducing inflammation.
Our eyes contain by far the highest number of light-sensative mitochondria in the body and junk light effects our body primarily through our eyes. Skin is also vulnerable to junk light.
Junk light
"Junk light is as bad as junk food" Dave Asprey
Blue light is also known as High Energy Visible light (HEV) because it has the highest energy in the light spectrum. In sunshine it plays an important role helping boost alertness, memory and improve mood a well as playing a vital role in the bodies circadian rhythm.
When taken out of its balanced spectrum, it's damaging, causing degeneration. In sunlight, blue light exposure is repaired by the regenerating red light.
In modern lighting the red light isn't present and the damaging blue light is in much greater intensity than our bodies are made to cope with. This results in degeneration.
Blue light is becoming so common and used in high doeses. Exposure comes from computers, smartphones, TV and LEDs.
We used to use incandescent lights which did a good job of replicating sunlight. Whilst these light bulbs weren't energy efficient, as much of the energy was converted to heat, the effects on our vision and health are serious. By 2020 it is predicted that 90% of our lighting will come from LEDs. It is law, in Guernsey and the UK, that, for any new build, lighting comes from LEDs.
Scientists are predicting a rise in cases Macular Degeneration because of the way we use lighting and screens. Macular Degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss in the Western world and currently its effects are irreversible.
Our eyes are much more vulnerable to blue light than they are to UV light. The cornea and lens of the eyes are very effective at blocking UV rays from the sun, less than one percent reaches the retina. However, virtually all visible blue light passes through the cornea and lens and reaches the retina.
Blue light penetrates into the eye deeply and can reach the retina where the macular is found. Without the presence of regenerating red light, this can result in degeneration.
The conclusions from a peer-reviewed 2018 study are quoted
"In summary, retinal photodamage caused by a conventional light source can become chronic if exposure is high and long enough. In contrast, the use of blue-blocking filters can significantly alleviate the functional loss of retinal photosensitive cells. Therefore, these filters might be an effective mechanism to protect us from ocular pathologies." The study can be here.
Sleep and jet-lag
Blue light interferes with the production of melatonin, tricking the brain into thinking its daytime. This disrupts sleep which affects every aspect of body and brain function.
Wearing Night YELLOWS in the hours before bedtime when using lights, TV's, phones, tablets, computers and e-readers should help to reduce sleep disruption.
The overhead lights on airplanes are harsh bringing your hormones down. Wearing YELLOWS on a plane with a baseball cap and when you land before the bedtime in your new time zone should help to reduce jet lag caused by junk light and time zone changes.
Wellbeing, energy, weight loss and anti-aging
When exposed to junk light, the body is in a stressed environment and needs more energy to process it. This results in reduced energy and concentration, poor decision making and performance. Protecting your eyes should support energy and a general feeling of wellbeing as well as preventing sore eyes and blurred vision associated with digital eye strain.
Wearing YELLOWS around screens, may also protect the delicate skin around eyes from signs of ageing caused by the increased oxidative stress.
Blue light stimulates hunger via Leptin, a light sensitive hormone. It peaks at night and signals to our brains how much fat storage we have. Some research suggests that light exposure could be important in weight loss. One study can be seen here.
Other major effects on our health
Conditions that are made worse by modern light include nearly all the diseases that are starting to dominate our health systems:
Degenerative diseases - using blue light after dark causes a reduction in the production of melatonin. Melatonin is crucial in lowering the risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
Fertility and hormonal problems - blue light interferes with core hormones that make you what and who you are. We are seeing an increase in hormonal imbalances, infertility, birth defects and autism and it is believed that bad light plays a role in this.
Mental health - melatonin is responsible for reducing inflammation in the brain and blue light increases oxidative cell stress. These both have an affect mental health.
Skin cancer - the flicker of LEDs causes an increase in oxidative stress on the cell membrane in the skin, as well as the eyes, which is believed to lead to an increased risk of skin cancer. Studies have shown that there is a huge increase in recent years in the occurrence of melanoma in those that work indoors under artificial lighting.
There are a number of other environmental issues that effect these issues, however light is far more important than ever previously understood.
When to wear YELLOWS
Around artificial lighting at any time of the day when there is limited or no sunlight. This includes at home and in public places! (Classrooms, shops and shopping centres, cinemas, restaurants all have strong artificial lights)
In front of TV's and screens. It is advised to wear Yellows even if your screen has a blue light filter.
In the hours before bedtime.
When travelling, to protect against artificial lights and also help prevent jet-lag.
When suffering from an illness, they will protect against added oxidative stress, so your body can conserve energy needed for healing.
You don't need to wear YELLOWS outside in the day or around artificial light from incandescent or halogen sources in the day.
Day and Night explained
Research shows that blue light between 400 and 460nm causes retina damage and that blue light between 450 and 470nm suppresses the production of melatonin.
Our Day YELLOWS have a yellow lens and block 85% of blue light which has been shown to be the optimal level in the day in our extensive market research. A small amount of blue light during the day is important.
At night it is important to protect your melatonin levels to the max. Night YELLOWS have an orange lens and block over 95% of blue light. Wearing Night YELLOWS after sunset can help your body to wind down naturally and improve sleep quality.
Kids at risk
Children are especially sensitive to HEV light. It is able to penetrate more efficiently and directly into a child’s retina.
As we age, the lens starts to yellow, which then acts to block out some of the blue light.
Our generation of children are being exposed to a far higher quantities of intense HEV light than any generation before. It is so important to protect their eyes at a young age to prevent the health issues mentioned here.
A pair of YELLOWS makes a great Birthday or Christmas present with a lifetime of rewards! Or introduce them to your school.
YELLOWS help to protect against damaging modern lights but they are not a replacement for natural light. For children's eye health, it is really important to spend at least an hour a day outside in sunlight.
Adults most at risk
Office, factory and shop workers spend whole days working under junk light and/or in front of screens. Important decisions are made in board rooms with bad lighting. Help to influence energy, productivity, health and well being with Day YELLOWS in your workplace.
Shiftworkers - Light at night has shown to be highly associated with risk of hormone specific cancers. Shiftworkers need to pay special attention to preserving energy and looking after their biology.
Breast Feeding Mothers - Babies don’t produce their own melatonin, so they rely on the mother’s hormones. When the mother has healthy levels of melatonin, they are transmitted via breast milk to set their infants “master clock”, resulting in better sleep at night for you and your baby.
Over 60's - Once we reach 60, the body produces very little melatonin so we need to protect the production as much as possible.
Everyone else! Anyone will benefit from wearing YELLOWS.
Wearing blue light filters is more important than ever to protect you and your kids health.
“Wearing blue-blocking lenses in artificial light is like wearing sunscreen in the sunshine: it's a general health precaution for everyone.” Dr Mercola, alternative medicine expert and physician.
Other ways to protect against junk light
As well as wearing YELLOWS around artificial light and screens there are other ways you can and should protect yourself, especially at home and in your office:
For Screens:
Download a programme to reduce the blue light. We recommend Iris which has some excellent settings. These apps control the temperature of the screen which is beneficial for your eyes. They still omit high energy light which enters your eye so and it is recommended to wear YELLOWS when using such programs.
Use Night Shift on apple devices, this can be found in Settings/Display & Brightness.
Try to decrease the amount of time spent in front of these screens and/or take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest. And use sparingly at night.
For lighting:
Change the lights you use most to incandescent light bulbs or DC low voltage halogens. This is especially important for lights used at night or in rooms that contain no sunlight, for example your bedside lamp, reading light or home office light.
Use as few lights as possible at night - amber and red lighting are the best at night.
If you do use LEDs, use the highest CRI (R9) Index available, the nearer to 100 the better. The CRI tells us about light spectrum. And choose LEDs with the highest flicker rate, greater than 2,000 flickers per second are considered less damaging.
Keep your room at night as dark as possible. If you aren't able to do this, use an eye mask at night.
Cover your skin by wearing long sleeves around artificial light.
Outside the home, you have little control of the environment - wear YELLOWS!
There are many supplements that include high potency antioxidant nutrients that support your eye health. Two excellent ones are Cytoplan’s ‘Eye-Cyt' and Bulletproof’s ‘Eye Armour’.
The majority of adults will find that the Regular size is the best fit. The Small Adults/Teens is only a fraction smaller so these should be suitable for most adults. However, check your current glasses by measuring or looking inside the temple arms where the size is often marked.
As a general rule kids under the age of 7 will find the Small size the best fit and for older children the Regular size will be best.
Lens Height
Kids - Small
Kids - Regular
Small Adults/Teens
Adults - Regular
Adults - Large
Optometrists or eyewear stores can make minor adjustments to your frame if needed to customise the fit or if the glasses are bent out of shape. Most will do this for a small charge or for free.
If you find that the leg isn't quite long enough, it's easy to rectify. You can adjust the 'elbow' of the legs by straightening it and making it less-pronounced until the desired fit is reached. You can even make the legs completely straight if you need, and this won't break or damage the strong skeleton. This is how an optician would handle the very same issue.
If you or your child does wear glasses you can add a blue light protection tint onto the prescription lenses. The protection from clear lenses is much lower and be aware that if the glasses are worn at all times, you will be blocking out some blue light from the sun, which is essential for good health. The best solution is to have two pairs of glasses, one without blue light filters for outside and one with for inside.
What our customers are saying
"Comfortable, stylish and safe."
"For the cost of a plastic toy, knowing that my childs sight is being protected is a no brainer. My kids also love wearing these glasses."
"They take getting used to, but after a few days my eyes crave them when I am at my computer."
"We have a pair in every room!"
"My jet lag was definitely milder after wearing these my entire journey. I also find that I fall asleep more easily at night."
"It eases my mind when my daughter is wearing her glasses when she is on her iPad."
"I no longer struggling to fall asleep after working on my computer in the evenings, now I use Night Yellows."
Feel Younger
Feel Younger - NutriVision Plus 60caps
If You’d Like…
Improved Visual Function
Improved Night Vision
Protection from Macular Degeneration
Reduced Eye Fatigue
Reduced Glare Impairment
Enhanced Sharpness of Vision
Enhanced Protection from Sunlight Damage for your Eyes…
Then Nutrivision Plus Vision Support may be what you’re looking for.Why do your eyes need Nutritional Support?Did you know that your eyes are technically an extension of your brain?The health of your eyes is incredibly important, and many of the nutrients and plant extracts that support the eyes are also excellent for supporting the brain and the whole nervous system, as well as reducing inflammation and free radical damage.Factors that may be responsible for your eyes aging prematurely include:
Smoking or exposure to other environmental toxins [1]
Excessive Exposure to Sunlight [2]
Excessive Exposure to Screens (phones, computer, TV etc) [3]
Not enough sleep [4]
High Blood Pressure [5]
Obesity [6]
And, of course, Sub Optimal Levels of certain key nutrients. Optimal levels of these nutrients can not only keep the eyes healthy, they can even protect the eyes, to some degree, from some of the risk factors above.How to Improve the Health of your Eyes:To keep your eyes healthy, it’s advisable to:
Make sure you are getting enough sleep, which is 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night, for most people. If this is an issue for you, check out our Sleep Aid Ultra page.
Reduce or remove as much toxic exposure as possible, especially smoking as it reduces blood flow to the extremities, which includes your eyes
Minimize the amount of time you’re staring at a screen every day, and, if you can’t reduce it enough because you need to use screens regularly for work etc, then at least take a 5 minute break from screens every 30 minutes.
Staring at any one thing too long tends to be detrimental to the eyes, balance this out by regularly looking into the distance, as often as possible e.g. look at the clouds or the stars in the sky. Also, expanding your vision into a more panoramic view for at least a few minutes several times a day has been shown to be very beneficial for the eyes and the whole nervous system.
Work on reducing your Blood Pressure as this will increase the blood flow of oxygen and other nutrients to your eyes. If this is an area you’re working on, find out more here about how to support your Circulation.
Work on reducing Inflammation as this has a negative impact on all areas of the body, including the eyes. If you know this is an issue for you and you have other signs of excessive inflammation, like aches and pains, consider our Turmeric Products.
And last but not least…
Support your Eyes with the Building Blocks they need to function optimally, for as long as possible. Here’s a list of the most important Nutritional Building Blocks for healthy vision:
Vitamin AVitamin A has the crucial role of maintaining a clear cornea, which is the outer covering of your eye.Vitamin A is also a building block of rhodopsin, a protein in your eyes that allows you to see in low light conditions [7].Some studies suggest that diets high in vitamin A may be associated with a reduced risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) [8].Vitamin EMany eye conditions are believed to be associated with oxidative stress, which is caused by a lack of antioxidants and an excess of free radicals in your body [9].Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that helps protect your cells — including your eye cells — from damage by free radicals, which are harmful, unstable molecules [10].Vitamin CLike vitamin E, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can protect your eyes against damaging free radicals [11].Plus, vitamin C is required to make collagen, a protein that provides structure to your eye, particularly in the cornea and sclera [12].Several observational studies suggest that vitamin C may help lower your risk of developing cataracts, a condition that causes your eye to become cloudy and impairs vision [13].One study found that regular vitamin C supplements may reduce the risk of cataracts by 45% [14].Vitamin B2, RiboflavinAs an antioxidant, riboflavin may protect against damaging free radicals in your eyes. Diets high in riboflavin have been associated with a reduced risk of developing cataracts [15].Vitamin B3, NiacinThe main function of niacin (vitamin B3) in your body is to help convert food into energy. It can also act as an antioxidant [16].Recently, studies have suggested that niacin may play a role in the prevention of glaucoma, a condition in which the optic nerve of your eye becomes damaged [17].Lutein and ZeaxanthinLutein and Zeaxanthin are part of the carotenoid family. They naturally exist in the macula and retina of your eyes, where they help filter potentially harmful blue light, thus protecting your eyes from damage [18].Several studies suggest that these plant compounds may prevent cataracts and prevent or slow the progression of AMD [19].LycopeneAnother Carotenoid, Lycopene, may prevent or delay the formation of cataracts and reduce your risk of macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in older adults [20].Bilberry Fruit ExtractOne 2-year study on people with glaucoma, a condition that leads to a gradual loss of sight, found that taking 120 mg of bilberry anthocyanins daily improved visual function by around 30%, whereas the placebo group experienced worsened visual function [21].Other studies suggest that supplementing with 160–480 mg of powdered bilberry extract daily may reduce eye dryness and other symptoms of eye fatigue caused by working with video display terminals [22].And many more…You may have noticed a theme here - most of these ingredients, other than being essential nutrients, are antioxidants, and this is the primary mechanism that science understands whereby they can protect and benefit your eyes.Additional Nutrients that we feel are worth taking to optimize the health of the eyes include:The minerals: Zinc [23], Copper [24], Magnesium [25], Chromium [26] and Calcium [27].Vitamins: B1 [28], B12 [29], and Biotin (B7).The Amino Acids: N Acetyl Cysteine [30], and L- Taurine [31].The Plant sourced Antioxidants: Eyebright [32], Grape Seed Extract [33], Quercetin [34] and Rutin [35]And lastly the very powerful Antioxidant Alpha Lipoic Acid [36], which occurs naturally in the body, and which is often used for detoxification, Blood Sugar Balance and Liver Support, as well as Eye Health.Each of the ingredients we’ve talked about are fascinating and special, we haven’t gone into too much detail here, but advise you to do your own research if you’re at all interested.Of course, while you can get most of these nutrients in a healthy diet, for most people this is difficult and impractical (see ‘Do we need Supplements’ article for an in depth look at why we often need supplementation in the 21st Century.So, if you’re someone who wants to support the optimal health and function of your eyes, we’ve tried to make it as easy as possible for you to get all of these ingredients, in good forms, in good quantities (not too little to be effective, but also not much), and so we created…Introducing Nutrivision Plus Vision SupportContaining every nutrient that has any scientific evidence supporting its use for optimal eye health and vision support.Feel Younger® Nutrivision Plus Vision Support is the perfect, all in one formula for those serious about supporting their eye health.Feel Younger® Nutrivision Plus Vision Support is Antibiotic Free, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Hormone Free, Lactose Free, Contains No Binders, and is made in the USA, in a GMP certified facility, to the highest possible standards.We firmly believe Feel Younger® Nutrivision Plus Vision Support is the best Eye Health Supporting Dietary Supplement available, but just because it’s a premium product, we didn’t want to charge you a premium!We’ve kept the cost of Feel Younger® Nutrivision Plus Vision Support as low as possible, and additional discounts are available by purchasing several bottles at a time, and/or by signing up for a monthly or quarterly subscription - this is totally optional, you can choose which option you prefer above.How to take Nutrivision Plus Vision SupportTake 2 capsules once a day, with water, preferably before a meal for maximum absorption.Any cautions?Always check with your healthcare practitioner before making health or lifestyle changes, especially if on any medications.
Scientific References: