indiumease INDIUMEASE - The Silver Bullet 1/2-Oz. Eyedropper Glass Bottles
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All-Natural Liquid TRACE MINERAL Element #49 Original Patented 99.9% Pure INDIUM . . . the Missing-Link 1 mg. Pure INDIUM Per Drop, 60-90 Days Supply After 25 years of research & development by Schroeder and Bonadio and thousands of personal reports from satisfied users, for the first time in history 99.9% pure Liquid Indium advanced-food is available at the advent of the 21st century. ~~ INDIUMEASE ~ THE Silver Bullet ~~~ You can live without INDIUM, but you may not achieve Optimum Longevity without it ~ The 7th-rarest Mineral # 49 on the Periodic Table, INDIUM, until now was not bioavailable, therefore all plants & animals are 99% deficient. INDIUM is the "Missing Link" unifying two major Mineral groups, for the first time in history INDIUM is made bioavailable by the patented process #6,007,847 for an evolutionary feeling of easy living. What does rare INDIUM do, besides raising average Mineral uptake 60 to 694% ? INDIUM (In) is a soft silvery supermetal discovered in 1850 .05 ppm. in earth ores, insoluble in water so only traces are taken up in the food chain and present in fauna or anima on autopsy. Indium was first tested in 200 mice compared to 200 controls by Dartmouth Medical School's Dr. Henry A. Schroeder, J.J. Balassa, Marian Mitchner, M. Kanisawa, A.P. Nason, and W.H. Vinton in 1964-68; who reported that INDIUM improved average Mineral absorption in the glands 142%; raised Chromium in all organs average 333%, enhancing Insulin that regulates muscle-building Protein and Carbohydrate energy in mammals. SAFETY:  Indium is among the safest of trace elements, safer than Selenium & most minerals;  there has never been a case of human poisoning from industrial use of Indium.  Indium-sulfate was granted F.D.A. “Generally Recognized As Safe” G.R.A.S. status.  Begin slowly, and Reduce Amount if under severe stress or multiple trauma to avoid too-speedy rejuvenation.  Take in moderation, not excess.  The recommended Patented INDIUM DAILY AMOUNT is 1 Drop per 50 lb. of body weight, containing 1 mg. 99.9% pure INDIUM as Indium-sulfate per drop.  Swallow Drops on back of tongue on an empty stomach upon arising (7-10 hours after last food);  & wait 10 minutes before eating.  Begin taking one drop per day the first week, raising by 1 drop per day each successive week, to normal amount. NOTE:  Indium has not been tested by any government agency, nor been approved to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  The above science and testimony abstracts are true, accurate and complete to best knowledge at this time, spoken freely for education and research purpose only, but not intended as medical advice nor implied to give results for anyone anywhere similar to those summarized.  The best-known evidences to date result from objective scientific studies on animals, doctors’ reports, and citizens’ personal testimonies of proper IndiumEase usage of our advanced formula.  Be sure to consult a qualified physician for any health problem(s) you may have. INDIUMEASE  Tastes Terrifically Tart (like Blackberry or Pomegranate) & Works Wonderfully Well.   INDIUM Increases NUTRIENT MINERALS In VITAL ORGANS INDIUM Increases NUTRIENT MINERALS In VITAL ORGANS IN LIVER IN LUNGS IN HEART IN KIDNEYS IN SPLEEN INDIUM Increases Chromium Glandular Uptake Average 433%, or 333% more 1.66 = 332% 3.91 = 212% 24.32 = 636% 14.22 = 794% 7.65 = 190% .50 1.84 3.82 1.79 4.03 INDIUM Increases Copper Glandular Uptake Average 161%, or 61% more 25.3 = 128% 26.3 = 136% 47.6 = 146% 38.9 = 209% 44.8 = 188% 19.8 19.4 32.5 18.6 23.8 INDIUM Increases Manganese Glandular Uptake Average 194%, or 94% more 4.99 = 115% 5.16 = 190% 5.37 = 136% 8.29 = 225% 12.46 = 305% 4.34 2.71 3.95 3.68 4.08 INDIUM Increases Zinc Glandular Uptake Average 179%, or 79% more 202 = 138% 187 = 187% 152 = 146% 252 = 252% 268 = 172% 146 100 104 100 156   The implication is that the absorption and use of many mineral elements is, and always has been, poor; the "Limiting Factor" to optimal health, because there is no significant amount of soluble Indium in the biosphere. Indium is not "essential for life," or humans and animals would have died out; but Indium appears to be "essential for optimal health," or Level-2 of Nutrition, that wasn't available before Bonadio's Indium discovery. Of interest is that high Cadmium intake is often toxic, but Indium (In) being next heavier, may displace some of the toxicity of excess Cadmium. Indium is an inexpensive, preferred supplement for all types of animals, pets, and humans. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. REPORTS FROM INDIUM USERS The following are seven notarized statements prepared for the Comissioner of Patents: From a security policeman at a local hospital:   From sluggishness and no pep I changed into a feeling of happiness inside. People now tell me that I talk more friendly and smile easier. My sex drive has improved remarkably, for my 50 years of age, to like it was when I was 25. I have less anxiety, able to sit without being anxious to get up and move, with a clearness to my mind. From a financial trustee of a local synagogue:   I was down in the dumps at 76, but now feel radiant, more like living. I don't need as many hours of sleep, and I'm not as tired anymore when I get up; and more interested in daily affairs. Previously I did not want to get out of bed. From a doctor, possibly with cancer:   I have a little more energy ... less rawness in right chest ... improved energy and appetite ... totally free of irritations in the right chest for the first time in several months. Off of Indium for three days, now ... discomfort again in right chest. On Indium again, no rawness in chest. Vitality much improved. From an investment counselor:   I am sleeping about two hours less per night, and just as rested. I am more ambitious, with more drive, clearing up what I never touched before. I have such a sense of well-being that I could run back from lunch instead of walking. Mentally I am more organized, more clear. My mind is busy all the time. From a retired electrical contractor:   Indium has cleared my thinking up. Before I had to stop and sit down to collect my thoughts. Now I can think on the move. From a registered nurse, possibly with cancer:   The symptoms I had yesterday, in a haze and forgetful, with some numbness around mouth and tongue, have disappeared. I have more energy today, and feel better generally. I sleep very well, did not wake during the night as I usually do. I woke 1.5 hours before normal time, and felt relaxed. I lost three pounds of overweight, and still feel much better than two weeks ago (before Indium), and I'm doing more things. From a retired clergyman:   On Indium I find an improvement in rest so that I awaken a full hour before the alarm, and I am completely rested. A very definite libido improvement. (The above copyright by George A. H. Bonadio, 2000).     (The Testimonies below are from Indium users in 2003) (Female age-65) Last week I used the weed-wacker, and didn't need a nap afterwards ... I am sleeping better . . . not as   exhausted after mowing the lawn, and worked outside longer than usual after mowing. Indium works very gradually and gently. Amazing stuff !!  My daughter and I power-washed and stained both sides of my 6-foot cedar fence . . . using two sprayers   . . . and I didn't get tired. The prep work and clean-up was hard and grueling ... in 110 degree temps. In the past 7-8 years I have suffered mitral valve palpitations that would last from 2-4 hours . . . leaving me   feeling tired and weak for days. When I was younger the attacks would last only 5 minutes. Well, you can imagine how happy and surprised I was when this attack lasted only 10 minutes. Amazing, it had to be the Indium, as I can't attribute it to anything else. I was so grateful I started praising and thanking God out loud. I got up, had another drink of water, and went back outside to finish the front of the house, watered the flowers, and hosed down the front walk and driveway with no problems since !!! Today I vacuumed four rooms and cleaned the bathroom. I started getting a little tired, which slowly disappeared. Most nights I sleep well, very deep and restful. I have been feeling great ! Really wonderful and energetic. Couldn't really put my finger on it, but I would imagine this is what people feel like when they're on a "high" on drugs. Of course it's better for there's no "coming down." I cooked a big dinner Saturday, made some homemade coconut ice cream earlier in the week, baked a   birthday cake and had my daughter, her husband, and his 93-year-old grandmother over to celebrate her birthday. I had energy galore, and felt like  I did when I was fixing dinner in my 40's. Never tired all day. What a wonderful feeling !! I don't ever want   to be without Indium. My son-in-law has a sense of well-being and calmness on the Indium, in a much better mood, and more   relaxed at work. Red-faced, he told me how much the Indium has increased his sex drive, and that he wants his wife to start taking it so she can keep up with him. About 1-2 years ago I began noticing an ache in my lower back kick in every morning while brushing my   teeth. Just last week I noticed it was only present some mornings, and recently it disappeared completely after a month on Indium. This stuff is sure amazing. Hey, maybe some morning we'll wake up and find ourselves 25 again and all gorgeous and handsome !!! I did food shopping in the morning, mowed the lawn and hosed down the patio just in the nick of time   before thunder and rain came, showered, fixed dinner and never got tired until bedtime at 11 p.m. I was amazed. You were right when you said it delays the tiredness. I did what I needed to do when I needed to do it. (Female age-32) I have been able to get less sleep, and still have a decent energy level. Also my cycle has decreased from   42 days to 31 days. I have been operating on 4-6 hours of sleep a night, with tremendously busy days and little rest. Have gone   to bed after 1 a.m. the last three nights, and have to get up with my husband at 5 a.m. because the days have been so jam-packed, and very stressful. I need the extra oomph. Could you get another bottle of Indium to me? (Mother age-39 with a 12-year-old) My daughter, her friend and friend's mother, and I went camping to New Hampshire for the weekend. If it   wasn't for the Indium, I probably would not make it. The Indium is really great for energy and I am grateful to have it. (Female, early 40's, overweight, had ovarian cancer, on thyroid drugs for 15 years) Did I tell you how the Indium is working? I've been taking the Thyodine with it for the Iodine faithfully, and   cutting down on my thyroid meds. After 3 weeks, I'm only on the Indium and Thyodine now. Initially I was getting some shakes, so I did it slowly, and I was able to wean off my thyroid meds in 11 days and I feel terrific. No tiredness or anything. This stuff is fantastic. My husband also seems to have more energy. (Doctor, female, age-65) I think the Indium has really perked me up. Ever since my birthday party, when I got up at 5:20 to start   cleaning house preparing for it - and was up until 10:30 with friends, I seem to be forgetting my afternon naps. I can't imagine naturally having more energy just because I turned 65 !! I have tons of energy on Indium. Now I can keep up with my young husband ! Ha ha! (Female musician age-49) The Indium is giving me more energy. I had started to get a cold and seemed to shake it off faster. All in   all, I would say better on all fronts! Thanks! (Female librarian, age-45) I keep forgetting to use the Indium, only intermittent use for several months. I used to get an annoying eye   tick for as long as I can remember, which started when I least expected it, and would last for hours, sometimes days. I hated it. Ever since I've been taking the Indium, it hasn't happened. If Indium only did that for me. it's spectacular. I'll keep you informed. (Female, after using 1 bottle of Indium) I love IndiumEase. Please send me a 12-pack. (Female with a history of miscarriage) This lady was pregnant and bleeding heavily. After going on Indium for several weeks, the bleeding   stopped, and she is so happy expecting to go full term birthing a healthy baby. We'll keep you posted.    
indiumease INDIUM Book 88 pages
New Mineral Discovery of the 21 st Century Author: Joseph B. Marion Indium! Raising the amount of minerals a gland can absorb is a nutritional breakthrough in glandular performance. Combining Science and Nature with graphs and years of experience with Indium, the 7th rarest mineral All-Natural Liquid TRACE MINERAL Element #49 Original Patented 99.9% Pure INDIUM . . . the Missing-Link 1 mg. Pure INDIUM Per Drop, 60-90 Days Supply After 25 years of research & development by Schroeder and Bonadio and thousands of personal reports from satisfied users, for the first time in history 99.9% pure Liquid Indium advanced-food is available at the advent of the 21st century. ~~ INDIUMEASE ~ THE Silver Bullet ~~~ You can live without INDIUM, but you may not achieve Optimum Longevity without it ~ The 7th-rarest Mineral # 49 on the Periodic Table, INDIUM, until now was not bioavailable, therefore all plants & animals are 99% deficient. INDIUM is the "Missing Link" unifying two major Mineral groups, for the first time in history INDIUM is made bioavailable by the patented process #6,007,847 for an evolutionary feeling of easy living. What does rare INDIUM do, besides raising average Mineral uptake 60 to 694% ? INDIUM (In) is a soft silvery supermetal discovered in 1850 .05 ppm. in earth ores, insoluble in water so only traces are taken up in the food chain and present in fauna or anima on autopsy. Indium was first tested in 200 mice compared to 200 controls by Dartmouth Medical School's Dr. Henry A. Schroeder, J.J. Balassa, Marian Mitchner, M. Kanisawa, A.P. Nason, and W.H. Vinton in 1964-68; who reported that INDIUM improved average Mineral absorption in the glands 142%; raised Chromium in all organs average 333%, enhancing Insulin that regulates muscle-building Protein and Carbohydrate energy in mammals.SAFETY:  Indium is among the safest of trace elements, safer than Selenium & most minerals;  there has never been a case of human poisoning from industrial use of Indium.  Indium-sulfate was granted F.D.A. “Generally Recognized As Safe” G.R.A.S. status.  Begin slowly, and Reduce Amount if under severe stress or multiple trauma to avoid too-speedy rejuvenation.  Take in moderation, not excess.  The recommended Patented INDIUM DAILY AMOUNT is 1 Drop per 50 lb. of body weight, containing 1 mg. 99.9% pure INDIUM as Indium-sulfate per drop.  Swallow Drops on back of tongue on an empty stomach upon arising (7-10 hours after last food);  & wait 10 minutes before eating.  Begin taking one drop per day the first week, raising by 1 drop per day each successive week, to normal amount. NOTE:  Indium has not been tested by any government agency, nor been approved to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  The above science and testimony abstracts are true, accurate and complete to best knowledge at this time, spoken freely for education and research purpose only, but not intended as medical advice nor implied to give results for anyone anywhere similar to those summarized.  The best-known evidences to date result from objective scientific studies on animals, doctors’ reports, and citizens’ personal testimonies of proper IndiumEase usage of our advanced formula.  Be sure to consult a qualified physician for any health problem(s) you may have. INDIUMEASE  Tastes Terrifically Tart (like Blackberry or Pomegranate) & Works Wonderfully Well.   INDIUM Increases NUTRIENT MINERALS In VITAL ORGANS INDIUM Increases NUTRIENT MINERALS In VITAL ORGANS IN LIVER IN LUNGS IN HEART IN KIDNEYS IN SPLEEN INDIUM Increases Chromium Glandular Uptake Average 433%, or 333% more 1.66 = 332% 3.91 = 212% 24.32 = 636% 14.22 = 794% 7.65 = 190% .50 1.84 3.82 1.79 4.03 INDIUM Increases Copper Glandular Uptake Average 161%, or 61% more 25.3 = 128% 26.3 = 136% 47.6 = 146% 38.9 = 209% 44.8 = 188% 19.8 19.4 32.5 18.6 23.8 INDIUM Increases Manganese Glandular Uptake Average 194%, or 94% more 4.99 = 115% 5.16 = 190% 5.37 = 136% 8.29 = 225% 12.46 = 305% 4.34 2.71 3.95 3.68 4.08 INDIUM Increases Zinc Glandular Uptake Average 179%, or 79% more 202 = 138% 187 = 187% 152 = 146% 252 = 252% 268 = 172% 146 100 104 100 156   The implication is that the absorption and use of many mineral elements is, and always has been, poor; the "Limiting Factor" to optimal health, because there is no significant amount of soluble Indium in the biosphere. Indium is not "essential for life," or humans and animals would have died out; but Indium appears to be "essential for optimal health," or Level-2 of Nutrition, that wasn't available before Bonadio's Indium discovery. Of interest is that high Cadmium intake is often toxic, but Indium (In) being next heavier, may displace some of the toxicity of excess Cadmium. Indium is an inexpensive, preferred supplement for all types of animals, pets, and humans. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. REPORTS FROM INDIUM USERS The following are seven notarized statements prepared for the Comissioner of Patents: From a security policeman at a local hospital:   From sluggishness and no pep I changed into a feeling of happiness inside. People now tell me that I talk more friendly and smile easier. My sex drive has improved remarkably, for my 50 years of age, to like it was when I was 25. I have less anxiety, able to sit without being anxious to get up and move, with a clearness to my mind. From a financial trustee of a local synagogue:   I was down in the dumps at 76, but now feel radiant, more like living. I don't need as many hours of sleep, and I'm not as tired anymore when I get up; and more interested in daily affairs. Previously I did not want to get out of bed. From a doctor, possibly with cancer:   I have a little more energy ... less rawness in right chest ... improved energy and appetite ... totally free of irritations in the right chest for the first time in several months. Off of Indium for three days, now ... discomfort again in right chest. On Indium again, no rawness in chest. Vitality much improved. From an investment counselor:   I am sleeping about two hours less per night, and just as rested. I am more ambitious, with more drive, clearing up what I never touched before. I have such a sense of well-being that I could run back from lunch instead of walking. Mentally I am more organized, more clear. My mind is busy all the time. From a retired electrical contractor:   Indium has cleared my thinking up. Before I had to stop and sit down to collect my thoughts. Now I can think on the move. From a registered nurse, possibly with cancer:   The symptoms I had yesterday, in a haze and forgetful, with some numbness around mouth and tongue, have disappeared. I have more energy today, and feel better generally. I sleep very well, did not wake during the night as I usually do. I woke 1.5 hours before normal time, and felt relaxed. I lost three pounds of overweight, and still feel much better than two weeks ago (before Indium), and I'm doing more things. From a retired clergyman:   On Indium I find an improvement in rest so that I awaken a full hour before the alarm, and I am completely rested. A very definite libido improvement. (The above copyright by George A. H. Bonadio, 2000).     (The Testimonies below are from Indium users in 2003) (Female age-65) Last week I used the weed-wacker, and didn't need a nap afterwards ... I am sleeping better . . . not as   exhausted after mowing the lawn, and worked outside longer than usual after mowing. Indium works very gradually and gently. Amazing stuff !!  My daughter and I power-washed and stained both sides of my 6-foot cedar fence . . . using two sprayers   . . . and I didn't get tired. The prep work and clean-up was hard and grueling ... in 110 degree temps. In the past 7-8 years I have suffered mitral valve palpitations that would last from 2-4 hours . . . leaving me   feeling tired and weak for days. When I was younger the attacks would last only 5 minutes. Well, you can imagine how happy and surprised I was when this attack lasted only 10 minutes. Amazing, it had to be the Indium, as I can't attribute it to anything else. I was so grateful I started praising and thanking God out loud. I got up, had another drink of water, and went back outside to finish the front of the house, watered the flowers, and hosed down the front walk and driveway with no problems since !!! Today I vacuumed four rooms and cleaned the bathroom. I started getting a little tired, which slowly disappeared. Most nights I sleep well, very deep and restful. I have been feeling great ! Really wonderful and energetic. Couldn't really put my finger on it, but I would imagine this is what people feel like when they're on a "high" on drugs. Of course it's better for there's no "coming down." I cooked a big dinner Saturday, made some homemade coconut ice cream earlier in the week, baked a   birthday cake and had my daughter, her husband, and his 93-year-old grandmother over to celebrate her birthday. I had energy galore, and felt like  I did when I was fixing dinner in my 40's. Never tired all day. What a wonderful feeling !! I don't ever want   to be without Indium. My son-in-law has a sense of well-being and calmness on the Indium, in a much better mood, and more   relaxed at work. Red-faced, he told me how much the Indium has increased his sex drive, and that he wants his wife to start taking it so she can keep up with him. About 1-2 years ago I began noticing an ache in my lower back kick in every morning while brushing my   teeth. Just last week I noticed it was only present some mornings, and recently it disappeared completely after a month on Indium. This stuff is sure amazing. Hey, maybe some morning we'll wake up and find ourselves 25 again and all gorgeous and handsome !!! I did food shopping in the morning, mowed the lawn and hosed down the patio just in the nick of time   before thunder and rain came, showered, fixed dinner and never got tired until bedtime at 11 p.m. I was amazed. You were right when you said it delays the tiredness. I did what I needed to do when I needed to do it. (Female age-32) I have been able to get less sleep, and still have a decent energy level. Also my cycle has decreased from   42 days to 31 days. I have been operating on 4-6 hours of sleep a night, with tremendously busy days and little rest. Have gone   to bed after 1 a.m. the last three nights, and have to get up with my husband at 5 a.m. because the days have been so jam-packed, and very stressful. I need the extra oomph. Could you get another bottle of Indium to me? (Mother age-39 with a 12-year-old) My daughter, her friend and friend's mother, and I went camping to New Hampshire for the weekend. If it   wasn't for the Indium, I probably would not make it. The Indium is really great for energy and I am grateful to have it. (Female, early 40's, overweight, had ovarian cancer, on thyroid drugs for 15 years) Did I tell you how the Indium is working? I've been taking the Thyodine with it for the Iodine faithfully, and   cutting down on my thyroid meds. After 3 weeks, I'm only on the Indium and Thyodine now. Initially I was getting some shakes, so I did it slowly, and I was able to wean off my thyroid meds in 11 days and I feel terrific. No tiredness or anything. This stuff is fantastic. My husband also seems to have more energy. (Doctor, female, age-65) I think the Indium has really perked me up. Ever since my birthday party, when I got up at 5:20 to start   cleaning house preparing for it - and was up until 10:30 with friends, I seem to be forgetting my afternon naps. I can't imagine naturally having more energy just because I turned 65 !! I have tons of energy on Indium. Now I can keep up with my young husband ! Ha ha! (Female musician age-49) The Indium is giving me more energy. I had started to get a cold and seemed to shake it off faster. All in   all, I would say better on all fronts! Thanks! (Female librarian, age-45) I keep forgetting to use the Indium, only intermittent use for several months. I used to get an annoying eye   tick for as long as I can remember, which started when I least expected it, and would last for hours, sometimes days. I hated it. Ever since I've been taking the Indium, it hasn't happened. If Indium only did that for me. it's spectacular. I'll keep you informed. (Female, after using 1 bottle of Indium) I love IndiumEase. Please send me a 12-pack. (Female with a history of miscarriage) This lady was pregnant and bleeding heavily. After going on Indium for several weeks, the bleeding   stopped, and she is so happy expecting to go full term birthing a healthy baby. We'll keep you posted.