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Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Black Walnut Protein Powder 30g (Single Serving pouch)
BLACK WALNUT PROTEIN POWDER-1LBSurthrival Black Walnut Protein Powder comes from 100% USA wild-grown, sustainably foraged & processed black walnuts. We use a modern, ultra-clean CO2 extraction to draw out this powerful source of clean, plant-based protein — with 17g of protein per serving!The healthiest, most sustainable, and most ethically-sourced protein powder ever developed! Get ready for 17 grams of wild, plant-based protein per scoop in this clean CO2-extracted powder that is the first of its kind!Surthrival is proud to be the exclusive distributor of this product.This protein powder comes from wild-grown, North American native black walnut trees. Unlike other proteins, black walnut is habitat-friendly — no agricultural land is used, since these trees aren’t “grown” like other crops. No fertilizer, no irrigation, no toxic chemical applications. Just wholesome, healthy, wild nature. Ripe black walnuts fall to the ground and are gathered by volunteer foragers — individuals and families — who bring these nuts to hulling stations around the midwest, where they’re paid by the pound for their harvest. Using a sophisticated, ultra-clean CO2 extraction, the nutmeats are turned into this exquisite, high-quality, fully-absorbable protein powder. Perfect for smoothies and blended drinks and even to fortify baked goods and confections, you can use this protein to up-level your diet in any way you can imagine.Key Elements: 100% Wild-foraged Ethically and sustainably harvested 100% USA-sourced Your only source of CO2-extracted Black Walnut Protein Powder Vegan and vegetarian Paleo-friendly Gluten-free When you use Surthrival’s Black Walnut Protein Powder you’re voting for wild lands and wild species. For fair wages paid to eager volunteers foragers. You're supporting a healthy habitat and native species being on the landscape.Surthrival Black Walnut Protein Powder. Wild nutrition you can feel great about!Simply blend 1/4 cup packed to your smoothie or anywhere else for an added 17 grams of high-quality, wild plant protein!Ingredients: Black Walnut PowderContains: Tree Nuts (Walnuts)
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Pine Pollen Powder 48g
  WARNING: DO NOT CONSUME IF YOU HAVE AN ALLERGY TO POLLEN The gold standard in nutrient-dense meta-foods. Perpetual Youth Pine Pollen is the perfect foundation for elite nutrition. Harvested in the richest soil of Mongolia, this super-charged elixir contains over 200 bioactive nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that help unlock peak physical and mental health. Pine Pollen has been a staple in Chinese and Korean medicine for more than 2,000 years and has been shown to restore energy, eliminate signs of aging, battle fatigue, and build a strong immune system. Surthrival Pine Pollen can be consumed daily to help restore a healthy endocrine system and balance androgen and estrogen levels. WHAT IS PINE POLLEN? Surthrival selects the highest quality Pine Pollen in the world. Our cell-wall-broken pollen comes from the masson pine (Pinus massoniana) Lamb Pine. We harvest only the finest cones from trees that are planted in the richest soil. Pine pollen is rarely contaminated by insects and is therefore pollution-free, poison-free and contains no side effects. Through the handpicking process, the resulting pine pollen is guaranteed to come from a pure flower source and be of a high quality. Pollens are picked at the perfect time within 3-5 days each Spring to ensure high-quality potency of the Pollen. Our Perpetual Youth Pine Pollen is 100% pure and natural, straight from the tree and contains no sugars, artificial colors, or preservatives. A BRIEF HISTORY Ancient Chinese secret, huh? Well... yes and no. Pine Pollen has been used in traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years as a health restorative, longevity tonic, and anti-aging nutrient. The oldest mention of Pine Pollen is in the classic pharmacology text “The Pandect Of Materia Medica” by Shen Nong, who wrote about it during the Han dynasty. In traditional Chinese medicine physicians prescribe it for: Moistening the lungs Relieving rheumatic pain Relieving fatigue Increasing Endurance Strengthening the immune system Improving the skin Strengthening the heart Strengthening the GI tract and stomach Increasing mental agility Prostate problems Increasing agility Decreasing weight THE SURTHRIVAL DIFFERENCE CELL-WALL-BROKEN POLLEN We distribute cell-wall-broken pine pollen, which provides up to a 20% increase in digestibility. During the manufacturing process, a low-temperature, high-speed airflow pulverization process is used to break up about 99% of the cellular material and, according to research, makes the pollen more easily digestible. Additional Surthrival Advantages Include: Processing in a GMP-certified facility Organic Grape Alcohol tincture No Fillers (ie. Magnesium Stearate) Bottled in Miron Glass and Tinted Containers DISCOVER THE HEALTH BENEFITS: Pine pollen is a remarkable option to help build a healthy immune system. Today, many drugs come from conventional medicine and break down the immune system. That’s just how they work–You treat cancer by killing it. You treat infections by killing them. The problem is that those drugs and procedures are not highly targeted mechanisms, and come with many unwanted side effects. Pine Pollen helps to rebuild your immune system, amongst other immediate benefits. Benefits of proper nutrition through consuming Pine Pollen: Restore hormone levels in Andropause and Menopause Regulate and strengthen the immune system Reduce cholesterol Relieve rheumatic pain Enhance metabolic function of the skin and nourish the hair at its roots Adjust the endocrine system and raise immunity power of the organs Improve endurance for high efficiency and quick pace Protect the cardiovascular system and increase superoxide dismutase levels (potent antioxidant) in the heart, blood, liver, and brain Improve metabolism and regulate weight Accelerate activity of the liver cells and regulate bile secretion Regulate prostate function Common cold preventative Restore androgen and estrogen balance Improve metabolism and regulate weight (safe and toxic-free fat-lowering supplement) Nourish the brain Stimulate liver regeneration Increase free testosterone levels in the blood Dramatically improves your vitality and stamina NUTRITION Our Pine Pollen is the gold-standard in nutrient-dense meta-foods. In addition to its high amino acid content, pine pollen contains a complete array of vitamins, minerals, hormones and phyto-nutrients.       Over 20 Amino Acids and 8 Essential Amino Acids Making Pine Pollen A Complete Protein: Alanine • Arginine • Aspartic • Cysteine • Glutamic • Acid • Glycin • Histidine • Isoleucine • Leucine • Lysine • Methionine • Phenylalanie • Proline • Serine • Threonine • Tryptophan • Tyrosine • Valine Amazingly, Pine Pollen also contains these important compounds: Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) • Androstenedione • Androsterone • Antioxidants • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) • Fiber • Flavonoids • Lignin • Living Coenzymes • Living Enzymes • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) • Monosaccharides • Nucleic Acids • Oleic acid • Polysaccharides • Superoxide dismutase (SOD) • Testosterone • Unsaturated Fatty Acids Vitamins: Vitamin A B-Carotene • Vitamin B1 • Vitamin B2 • Vitamin B3 • Vitamin B6 • Folic Acid • Vitamin D • Vitamin E MINERALS: Calcium • Copper • Iron • Manganese • Magnesium • Molybdenum • Phosphor • Potassium • Selenium • Silicon • Sodium • Zinc FAQ (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS)   What is the shelf life of Surthrival Pine Pollen? Shelf life of Pine Pollen Tincture and dry pine pollen is indefinite. *Always store in a cool dry place and use fresh Pine Pollen to maximize potency. Use the pollen within two months after opening to prohibit any moisture from accumulating in the pollen. How long should I take Pine Pollen? In order to maximize the results of your health throughout your life we recommend that you use Surthrival Pine Pollen indefinitely. What is the difference between the powder, tincture, and capsules? The raw pine pollen is more of a food, and will be targeting the entire system, whereas the tincture is bypasses the GI tract, more effectively raising androgen levels. What are the health benefits of Pine Pollen? [See above- “DISCOVER THE HEALTH BENEFITS”] Is pine pollen for men and women? The short answer…both. For building energy and vitality, in men and women, especially at menopause/andropause, pine pollen is fantastic.   Are there any side effects? Although uncommon, a small percentage of people are allergic to pine pollen (about 1.5%-10% of the population depending on location). Allergies are generally mild ranging from rhinoconjunctivitis to mild asthma in extremely susceptible people. If you have any previous sensitivity to pollens, you may want to begin slowly with pine pollen, beginning with a tiny doses, until you are positive that there is no sensitivity. What are the recommended dosages for Pine Pollen? To Raise androgen levels: Tincture: Full dropper 3x daily or as desired (30 drops, 1.5 ml, or 3/8 tsp 3x daily). Hold in the mouth for a minute, and then swallow. This allows more contact with the mucous membranes of the throat and esophagus and increases the amount that is taken into the blood stream. *Because the pollen, when taken as pill or powder, must travel through the GI tract and its digestive processes, it is much less effective or raising androgen levels than the tincture. As tonic, nutritive, and adaptogen: Capsules: 2-3 capsules, 2-3x daily—or the equivalent of powder, in other words: 4.5-9 grams daily (Approx 1.5 to 3 tsp daily). Are there any potential risks with other herb/drug interactions? There are no listings in anecdotal reports of Pine Pollen powder or tincture interaction, positive or negative. However because it is a powerful phytoandrogen, those who are already consuming a pharmaceutical testosterone or DHT should avoid intake prior to consulting a medical professional for advice.   *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT OR PREVENT DISEASE. WARNING: DO NOT CONSUME IF YOU HAVE AN ALLERGY TO POLLEN
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Colostrum 1kg
Surthrival True 6 Hour Colostrum. Third Party Verified True 6 Hour Colostrum - Mother Nature's Most Complete Superfood. Colostrum is 3X more effective against Swine Flu than Vaccines! The following information referenced was originally written by Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith. SurThrivalists!  You already knew Colostrum is the most absorbable, most nutrient dense, and complete food in nature, but did you know that Colostrum is 3X more effective against Swine Flu than vaccines?  But remember, not all Colostrum is created equal.  In fact, nearly all Colostrum on the market is actually nothing more than "transitional milk".  True Colostrum must be harvested within 6 hours from the birth of the calf.  Our Colostrum is the only independent 3rd party verified true "6 hour" Colostrum.    The following is the summary of a clinical study on the prevention of Influenza with Colostrum compared against Flu Vaccination: The efficacy of a 2-month treatment with oral Colostrum in the prevention of flu episodes compared with anti-influenza vaccination was evaluated. Groups included healthy subjects without prophylaxis and those receiving both vaccination and Colostrum. After 3 months of follow-up, the number of days with flu was 3 times higher in the non-Colostrum subjects. The Colostrum group had 13 episodes versus 14 in the Colostrum + vaccination group, 41 in the group without prophylaxis, and 57 in nontreated subjects. Part 2 of the study had a similar protocol with 65 very high-risk cardiovascular subjects, all of whom had prophylaxis. The incidence of complications and hospital admission was higher in the group that received only a vaccination compared with the Colostrum groups. Colostrum, both in healthy subjects and high-risk cardiovascular patients, is at least 3 times more effective than vaccination to prevent flu and is very cost-effective. PMID: 17456621 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] More about Colostrum.... Colostrum is the "immune milk" produced by all mammals for only the first few hours before and after birth. Supercharged with 97 immune factors and 87 growth factors, Colostrum is nature's "first food". It's adaptogenic properties enhance rejuvination and regeneration while strengthening the immune system, allowing your body to thrive under any circumstance. With potent anti-aging benefits, and broad spectrum probiotics in their whole food forms - Colostrum delivers youth, health, and vitality! This Colostrum is from organically raised cows and only harvested after the newborn calves get their share. This is true 6 hour Colostrum, verified by a 3rd party. Colostrum is an amazing material that, like many other things in nature, reflects the evolutionary development of a unique composition that will serve the needs of the offspring for which it is intended. The most unique of the Colostrums from mammalian species occurs in bovines, where transfer of biological substances across the placenta to the developing fetus does not occur and everything required for the development of a healthy, productive offspring is provided in the Colostrum. As such, bovine Colostrum provides a specialized resource that offers the broadest possible spectrum of biologically active substances that can promote the development of a sound body mass, assure effective and efficient metabolism and support the activation and maintenance of a fully functional immune system capable of combating potential insults from microorganisms and other deleterious sources. Bovine Colostrum is also compatible with almost any species and can readily convey its full benefits to humans by routine dietary supplementation without any significant adverse effects.
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Pine Pollen PURE POTENCY, 1.69 fl oz (50 mL)
WARNING: DO NOT CONSUME IF YOU HAVE AN ALLERGY TO POLLEN The gold standard in nutrient-dense meta-foods. Surthrival presents Pine Pollen Pure Potency, our most advanced phyto-androgenic formula to date. The testosterone-bearing properties of pine pollen & the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) blocking properties of nettle root are brought together to maximize free testosterone. Endocrine function (HPA Axis) is supported by the adaptogenic effects of eleuthero root, in an organic ethanol delivery system.  This product is the outgrowth of a year of working with the Pine Pollen on its own. We eventually realized that having some support herbs could really increase its effectiveness. How It Works The Pine Pollen contains testosterone, DHEA, and other androgens. The Nettle Root blocks the binding of these androgens by SHBG, which tends to make them unavailable. The Eleuthero Root supports the overall function of the Pituitary and Hypothalamus, where androgens are produced. This makes it the greatest androgenic herbal formula on the market. It is a hormone balancer and up-regulator. Additionally the Pine Pollen increases Glutithione levels and Super Oxide Dismutase. These open the detoxification pathways and increase the enzymatic repair of damaged DNA from radiation and other pollutants. The Eleuthero Root is a supreme adaptogen, as is PP, so this formula is an overall energy modulator and increaser. Did we mention it tastes really good? That is due to the Orange, Clove, and Vanilla, which is a bit like a creamcicle. We chose the double sized bottle, which is a 2 month supply, because most herbs really start working best at 6 weeks, and we feel the smaller bottle is sometimes a disservice to the client. * These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Perpetual Youth Pine Pollen is the perfect foundation for elite nutrition. Harvested in the richest soil of Mongolia, this super-charged elixir contains over 200 bioactive nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that help unlock peak physical and mental health. Pine Pollen has been a staple in Chinese and Korean medicine for more than 2,000 years and has been shown to restore energy, eliminate signs of aging, battle fatigue, and build a strong immune system. Surthrival Pine Pollen can be consumed daily to help restore a healthy endocrine system and balance androgen and estrogen levels. WHAT IS PINE POLLEN? Surthrival selects the highest quality Pine Pollen in the world. Our cell-wall-broken pollen comes from the masson pine (Pinus massoniana) Lamb Pine. We harvest only the finest cones from trees that are planted in the richest soil. Pine pollen is rarely contaminated by insects and is therefore pollution-free, poison-free and contains no side effects. Through the handpicking process, the resulting pine pollen is guaranteed to come from a pure flower source and be of a high quality. Pollens are picked at the perfect time within 3-5 days each Spring to ensure high-quality potency of the Pollen. Our Perpetual Youth Pine Pollen is 100% pure and natural, straight from the tree and contains no sugars, artificial colors, or preservatives. A BRIEF HISTORY Ancient Chinese secret, huh? Well... yes and no. Pine Pollen has been used in traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years as a health restorative, longevity tonic, and anti-aging nutrient. The oldest mention of Pine Pollen is in the classic pharmacology text “The Pandect Of Materia Medica” by Shen Nong, who wrote about it during the Han dynasty. In traditional Chinese medicine physicians prescribe it for: Moistening the lungs Relieving rheumatic pain Relieving fatigue Increasing Endurance Strengthening the immune system Improving the skin Strengthening the heart Strengthening the GI tract and stomach Increasing mental agility Prostate problems Increasing agility Decreasing weight THE SURTHRIVAL DIFFERENCE CELL-WALL-BROKEN POLLEN We distribute cell-wall-broken pine pollen, which provides up to a 20% increase in digestibility. During the manufacturing process, a low-temperature, high-speed airflow pulverization process is used to break up about 99% of the cellular material and, according to research, makes the pollen more easily digestible. Additional Surthrival Advantages Include: Processing in a GMP-certified facility Organic Grape Alcohol tincture No Fillers (ie. Magnesium Stearate) Bottled in Miron Glass and Tinted Containers DISCOVER THE HEALTH BENEFITS: Pine pollen is a remarkable option to help build a healthy immune system. Today, many drugs come from conventional medicine and break down the immune system. That’s just how they work–You treat cancer by killing it. You treat infections by killing them. The problem is that those drugs and procedures are not highly targeted mechanisms, and come with many unwanted side effects. Pine Pollen helps to rebuild your immune system, amongst other immediate benefits. Benefits of proper nutrition through consuming Pine Pollen: Restore hormone levels in Andropause and Menopause Regulate and strengthen the immune system Reduce cholesterol Relieve rheumatic pain Enhance metabolic function of the skin and nourish the hair at its roots Adjust the endocrine system and raise immunity power of the organs Improve endurance for high efficiency and quick pace Protect the cardiovascular system and increase superoxide dismutase levels (potent antioxidant) in the heart, blood, liver, and brain Improve metabolism and regulate weight Accelerate activity of the liver cells and regulate bile secretion Regulate prostate function Common cold preventative Restore androgen and estrogen balance Improve metabolism and regulate weight (safe and toxic-free fat-lowering supplement) Nourish the brain Stimulate liver regeneration Increase free testosterone levels in the blood Dramatically improves your vitality and stamina NUTRITION Our Pine Pollen is the gold-standard in nutrient-dense meta-foods. In addition to its high amino acid content, pine pollen contains a complete array of vitamins, minerals, hormones and phyto-nutrients. Over 20 Amino Acids and 8 Essential Amino Acids Making Pine Pollen A Complete Protein: Alanine • Arginine • Aspartic • Cysteine • Glutamic • Acid • Glycin • Histidine • Isoleucine • Leucine • Lysine • Methionine • Phenylalanie • Proline • Serine • Threonine • Tryptophan • Tyrosine • Valine Amazingly, Pine Pollen also contains these important compounds: Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) • Androstenedione • Androsterone • Antioxidants • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) • Fiber • Flavonoids • Lignin • Living Coenzymes • Living Enzymes • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) • Monosaccharides • Nucleic Acids • Oleic acid • Polysaccharides • Superoxide dismutase (SOD) • Testosterone • Unsaturated Fatty Acids Vitamins: Vitamin A B-Carotene • Vitamin B1 • Vitamin B2 • Vitamin B3 • Vitamin B6 • Folic Acid • Vitamin D • Vitamin E MINERALS: Calcium • Copper • Iron • Manganese • Magnesium • Molybdenum • Phosphor • Potassium • Selenium • Silicon • Sodium • Zinc   FAQ (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) What is the shelf life of Surthrival Pine Pollen? Shelf life of Pine Pollen Tincture and dry pine pollen is indefinite. *Always store in a cool dry place and use fresh Pine Pollen to maximize potency. Use the pollen within two months after opening to prohibit any moisture from accumulating in the pollen. How long should I take Pine Pollen? In order to maximize the results of your health throughout your life we recommend that you use Surthrival Pine Pollen indefinitely. What is the difference between the powder, tincture, and capsules? The raw pine pollen is more of a food, and will be targeting the entire system, whereas the tincture is bypasses the GI tract, more effectively raising androgen levels. What are the health benefits of Pine Pollen? [See above- “DISCOVER THE HEALTH BENEFITS”] Is pine pollen for men and women? The short answer…both. For building energy and vitality, in men and women, especially at menopause/andropause, pine pollen is fantastic. Are there any side effects? Although uncommon, a small percentage of people are allergic to pine pollen (about 1.5%-10% of the population depending on location). Allergies are generally mild ranging from rhinoconjunctivitis to mild asthma in extremely susceptible people. If you have any previous sensitivity to pollens, you may want to begin slowly with pine pollen, beginning with a tiny doses, until you are positive that there is no sensitivity. What are the recommended dosages for Pine Pollen? To Raise androgen levels: Tincture: Full dropper 3x daily or as desired (30 drops, 1.5 ml, or 3/8 tsp 3x daily). Hold in the mouth for a minute, and then swallow. This allows more contact with the mucous membranes of the throat and esophagus and increases the amount that is taken into the blood stream. *Because the pollen, when taken as pill or powder, must travel through the GI tract and its digestive processes, it is much less effective or raising androgen levels than the tincture. As tonic, nutritive, and adaptogen: Capsules: 2-3 capsules, 2-3x daily—or the equivalent of powder, in other words: 4.5-9 grams daily (Approx 1.5 to 3 tsp daily). Are there any potential risks with other herb/drug interactions? There are no listings in anecdotal reports of Pine Pollen powder or tincture interaction, positive or negative. However because it is a powerful phytoandrogen, those who are already consuming a pharmaceutical testosterone or DHT should avoid intake prior to consulting a medical professional for advice. *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT OR PREVENT DISEASE.
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Colostrum 180caps 500mg
Surthrival True 6 Hour Colostrum. Third Party Verified True 6 Hour Colostrum - Mother Nature's Most Complete Superfood. Colostrum is 3X more effective against Swine Flu than Vaccines! The following information referenced was originally written by Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith. SurThrivalists!  You already knew Colostrum is the most absorbable, most nutrient dense, and complete food in nature, but did you know that Colostrum is 3X more effective against Swine Flu than vaccines?  But remember, not all Colostrum is created equal.  In fact, nearly all Colostrum on the market is actually nothing more than "transitional milk".  True Colostrum must be harvested within 6 hours from the birth of the calf.  Our Colostrum is the only independent 3rd party verified true "6 hour" Colostrum.    The following is the summary of a clinical study on the prevention of Influenza with Colostrum compared against Flu Vaccination: The efficacy of a 2-month treatment with oral Colostrum in the prevention of flu episodes compared with anti-influenza vaccination was evaluated. Groups included healthy subjects without prophylaxis and those receiving both vaccination and Colostrum. After 3 months of follow-up, the number of days with flu was 3 times higher in the non-Colostrum subjects. The Colostrum group had 13 episodes versus 14 in the Colostrum + vaccination group, 41 in the group without prophylaxis, and 57 in nontreated subjects. Part 2 of the study had a similar protocol with 65 very high-risk cardiovascular subjects, all of whom had prophylaxis. The incidence of complications and hospital admission was higher in the group that received only a vaccination compared with the Colostrum groups. Colostrum, both in healthy subjects and high-risk cardiovascular patients, is at least 3 times more effective than vaccination to prevent flu and is very cost-effective. PMID: 17456621 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] More about Colostrum.... Colostrum is the "immune milk" produced by all mammals for only the first few hours before and after birth. Supercharged with 97 immune factors and 87 growth factors, Colostrum is nature's "first food". It's adaptogenic properties enhance rejuvination and regeneration while strengthening the immune system, allowing your body to thrive under any circumstance. With potent anti-aging benefits, and broad spectrum probiotics in their whole food forms - Colostrum delivers youth, health, and vitality! This Colostrum is from organically raised cows and only harvested after the newborn calves get their share. This is true 6 hour Colostrum, verified by a 3rd party. Colostrum is an amazing material that, like many other things in nature, reflects the evolutionary development of a unique composition that will serve the needs of the offspring for which it is intended. The most unique of the Colostrums from mammalian species occurs in bovines, where transfer of biological substances across the placenta to the developing fetus does not occur and everything required for the development of a healthy, productive offspring is provided in the Colostrum. As such, bovine Colostrum provides a specialized resource that offers the broadest possible spectrum of biologically active substances that can promote the development of a sound body mass, assure effective and efficient metabolism and support the activation and maintenance of a fully functional immune system capable of combating potential insults from microorganisms and other deleterious sources. Bovine Colostrum is also compatible with almost any species and can readily convey its full benefits to humans by routine dietary supplementation without any significant adverse effects.
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Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Perpetual Youth Pine Pollen (Gold - Mega Nutrition Elixir 1 FL OZ)
WARNING: DO NOT CONSUME IF YOU HAVE AN ALLERGY TO POLLEN The gold standard in nutrient-dense meta-foods. Perpetual Youth Pine Pollen is the perfect foundation for elite nutrition. Harvested in the richest soil of Mongolia, this super-charged elixir contains over 200 bioactive nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that help unlock peak physical and mental health. Pine Pollen has been a staple in Chinese and Korean medicine for more than 2,000 years and has been shown to restore energy, eliminate signs of aging, battle fatigue, and build a strong immune system. Surthrival Pine Pollen can be consumed daily to help restore a healthy endocrine system and balance androgen and estrogen levels. WHAT IS PINE POLLEN? Surthrival selects the highest quality Pine Pollen in the world. Our cell-wall-broken pollen comes from the masson pine (Pinus massoniana) Lamb Pine. We harvest only the finest cones from trees that are planted in the richest soil. Pine pollen is rarely contaminated by insects and is therefore pollution-free, poison-free and contains no side effects. Through the handpicking process, the resulting pine pollen is guaranteed to come from a pure flower source and be of a high quality. Pollens are picked at the perfect time within 3-5 days each Spring to ensure high-quality potency of the Pollen. Our Perpetual Youth Pine Pollen is 100% pure and natural, straight from the tree and contains no sugars, artificial colors, or preservatives. A BRIEF HISTORY Ancient Chinese secret, huh? Well... yes and no. Pine Pollen has been used in traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years as a health restorative, longevity tonic, and anti-aging nutrient. The oldest mention of Pine Pollen is in the classic pharmacology text “The Pandect Of Materia Medica” by Shen Nong, who wrote about it during the Han dynasty. In traditional Chinese medicine physicians prescribe it for: Moistening the lungs Relieving rheumatic pain Relieving fatigue Increasing Endurance Strengthening the immune system Improving the skin Strengthening the heart Strengthening the GI tract and stomach Increasing mental agility Prostate problems Increasing agility Decreasing weight THE SURTHRIVAL DIFFERENCE CELL-WALL-BROKEN POLLEN We distribute cell-wall-broken pine pollen, which provides up to a 20% increase in digestibility. During the manufacturing process, a low-temperature, high-speed airflow pulverization process is used to break up about 99% of the cellular material and, according to research, makes the pollen more easily digestible. Additional Surthrival Advantages Include: Processing in a GMP-certified facility Organic Grape Alcohol tincture No Fillers (ie. Magnesium Stearate) Bottled in Miron Glass and Tinted Containers DISCOVER THE HEALTH BENEFITS: Pine pollen is a remarkable option to help build a healthy immune system. Today, many drugs come from conventional medicine and break down the immune system. That’s just how they work–You treat cancer by killing it. You treat infections by killing them. The problem is that those drugs and procedures are not highly targeted mechanisms, and come with many unwanted side effects. Pine Pollen helps to rebuild your immune system, amongst other immediate benefits. Benefits of proper nutrition through consuming Pine Pollen: Restore hormone levels in Andropause and Menopause Regulate and strengthen the immune system Reduce cholesterol Relieve rheumatic pain Enhance metabolic function of the skin and nourish the hair at its roots Adjust the endocrine system and raise immunity power of the organs Improve endurance for high efficiency and quick pace Protect the cardiovascular system and increase superoxide dismutase levels (potent antioxidant) in the heart, blood, liver, and brain Improve metabolism and regulate weight Accelerate activity of the liver cells and regulate bile secretion Regulate prostate function Common cold preventative Restore androgen and estrogen balance Improve metabolism and regulate weight (safe and toxic-free fat-lowering supplement) Nourish the brain Stimulate liver regeneration Increase free testosterone levels in the blood Dramatically improves your vitality and stamina NUTRITION Our Pine Pollen is the gold-standard in nutrient-dense meta-foods. In addition to its high amino acid content, pine pollen contains a complete array of vitamins, minerals, hormones and phyto-nutrients.       Over 20 Amino Acids and 8 Essential Amino Acids Making Pine Pollen A Complete Protein: Alanine • Arginine • Aspartic • Cysteine • Glutamic • Acid • Glycin • Histidine • Isoleucine • Leucine • Lysine • Methionine • Phenylalanie • Proline • Serine • Threonine • Tryptophan • Tyrosine • Valine Amazingly, Pine Pollen also contains these important compounds: Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) • Androstenedione • Androsterone • Antioxidants • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) • Fiber • Flavonoids • Lignin • Living Coenzymes • Living Enzymes • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) • Monosaccharides • Nucleic Acids • Oleic acid • Polysaccharides • Superoxide dismutase (SOD) • Testosterone • Unsaturated Fatty Acids Vitamins: Vitamin A B-Carotene • Vitamin B1 • Vitamin B2 • Vitamin B3 • Vitamin B6 • Folic Acid • Vitamin D • Vitamin E MINERALS: Calcium • Copper • Iron • Manganese • Magnesium • Molybdenum • Phosphor • Potassium • Selenium • Silicon • Sodium • Zinc FAQ (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS)   What is the shelf life of Surthrival Pine Pollen? Shelf life of Pine Pollen Tincture and dry pine pollen is indefinite. *Always store in a cool dry place and use fresh Pine Pollen to maximize potency. Use the pollen within two months after opening to prohibit any moisture from accumulating in the pollen. How long should I take Pine Pollen? In order to maximize the results of your health throughout your life we recommend that you use Surthrival Pine Pollen indefinitely. What is the difference between the powder, tincture, and capsules? The raw pine pollen is more of a food, and will be targeting the entire system, whereas the tincture is bypasses the GI tract, more effectively raising androgen levels. What are the health benefits of Pine Pollen? [See above- “DISCOVER THE HEALTH BENEFITS”] Is pine pollen for men and women? The short answer…both. For building energy and vitality, in men and women, especially at menopause/andropause, pine pollen is fantastic.   Are there any side effects? Although uncommon, a small percentage of people are allergic to pine pollen (about 1.5%-10% of the population depending on location). Allergies are generally mild ranging from rhinoconjunctivitis to mild asthma in extremely susceptible people. If you have any previous sensitivity to pollens, you may want to begin slowly with pine pollen, beginning with a tiny doses, until you are positive that there is no sensitivity. What are the recommended dosages for Pine Pollen? To Raise androgen levels: Tincture: Full dropper 3x daily or as desired (30 drops, 1.5 ml, or 3/8 tsp 3x daily). Hold in the mouth for a minute, and then swallow. This allows more contact with the mucous membranes of the throat and esophagus and increases the amount that is taken into the blood stream. *Because the pollen, when taken as pill or powder, must travel through the GI tract and its digestive processes, it is much less effective or raising androgen levels than the tincture. As tonic, nutritive, and adaptogen: Capsules: 2-3 capsules, 2-3x daily—or the equivalent of powder, in other words: 4.5-9 grams daily (Approx 1.5 to 3 tsp daily). Are there any potential risks with other herb/drug interactions? There are no listings in anecdotal reports of Pine Pollen powder or tincture interaction, positive or negative. However because it is a powerful phytoandrogen, those who are already consuming a pharmaceutical testosterone or DHT should avoid intake prior to consulting a medical professional for advice.   *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT OR PREVENT DISEASE.
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival K2+D3 Daylight Concentrate 15 ML
What if you could bottle sunlight and all the health benefits that come from healthy sun exposure? SurThrival’s DayLight Concentrate is the perfect coupling of Vitamin D3 — a master-nutrient required for hundreds of bodily functions — together with Vitamin K2, it’s a perfect match. Together they ensure that calcium is not just properly absorbed, but delivered where it needs to go. We’ve sourced our D3 from lanolin, and our K2 from natto (a traditional Japanese fermented food) to bring you this powerful bone, immune system, and cardiovascular health supplement.  Suggested Use: Orally, take 2 drops daily. Swallow afterward. For best results, use with meals containing fats. Key Elements:Supports calcium absorption and deliveryProvides support for bones and teethProtects against arterial calcificationSupports healthy immune functionCrucial general-health support for the young and elderly Product Features:4833 IU D3 per serving63 mcg K2 per servingNon-GMOManufactured in a FDA certified facilitySourced from natural ingredientsPerfectly balanced ratio of synergistic nutrientsTake just two great tasting drops per day
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Colostrum 6.5oz
Surthrival True 6 Hour Colostrum. Third Party Verified True 6 Hour Colostrum - Mother Nature's Most Complete Superfood. Colostrum is 3X more effective against Swine Flu than Vaccines! The following information referenced was originally written by Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith. SurThrivalists!  You already knew Colostrum is the most absorbable, most nutrient dense, and complete food in nature, but did you know that Colostrum is 3X more effective against Swine Flu than vaccines?  But remember, not all Colostrum is created equal.  In fact, nearly all Colostrum on the market is actually nothing more than "transitional milk".  True Colostrum must be harvested within 6 hours from the birth of the calf.  Our Colostrum is the only independent 3rd party verified true "6 hour" Colostrum.    The following is the summary of a clinical study on the prevention of Influenza with Colostrum compared against Flu Vaccination: The efficacy of a 2-month treatment with oral Colostrum in the prevention of flu episodes compared with anti-influenza vaccination was evaluated. Groups included healthy subjects without prophylaxis and those receiving both vaccination and Colostrum. After 3 months of follow-up, the number of days with flu was 3 times higher in the non-Colostrum subjects. The Colostrum group had 13 episodes versus 14 in the Colostrum + vaccination group, 41 in the group without prophylaxis, and 57 in nontreated subjects. Part 2 of the study had a similar protocol with 65 very high-risk cardiovascular subjects, all of whom had prophylaxis. The incidence of complications and hospital admission was higher in the group that received only a vaccination compared with the Colostrum groups. Colostrum, both in healthy subjects and high-risk cardiovascular patients, is at least 3 times more effective than vaccination to prevent flu and is very cost-effective. PMID: 17456621 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] More about Colostrum.... Colostrum is the "immune milk" produced by all mammals for only the first few hours before and after birth. Supercharged with 97 immune factors and 87 growth factors, Colostrum is nature's "first food". It's adaptogenic properties enhance rejuvination and regeneration while strengthening the immune system, allowing your body to thrive under any circumstance. With potent anti-aging benefits, and broad spectrum probiotics in their whole food forms - Colostrum delivers youth, health, and vitality! This Colostrum is from organically raised cows and only harvested after the newborn calves get their share. This is true 6 hour Colostrum, verified by a 3rd party. Colostrum is an amazing material that, like many other things in nature, reflects the evolutionary development of a unique composition that will serve the needs of the offspring for which it is intended. The most unique of the Colostrums from mammalian species occurs in bovines, where transfer of biological substances across the placenta to the developing fetus does not occur and everything required for the development of a healthy, productive offspring is provided in the Colostrum. As such, bovine Colostrum provides a specialized resource that offers the broadest possible spectrum of biologically active substances that can promote the development of a sound body mass, assure effective and efficient metabolism and support the activation and maintenance of a fully functional immune system capable of combating potential insults from microorganisms and other deleterious sources. Bovine Colostrum is also compatible with almost any species and can readily convey its full benefits to humans by routine dietary supplementation without any significant adverse effects.
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Colostrum 2kg
Surthrival True 6 Hour Colostrum. Third Party Verified True 6 Hour Colostrum - Mother Nature's Most Complete Superfood. Colostrum is 3X more effective against Swine Flu than Vaccines! The following information referenced was originally written by Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith. SurThrivalists!  You already knew Colostrum is the most absorbable, most nutrient dense, and complete food in nature, but did you know that Colostrum is 3X more effective against Swine Flu than vaccines?  But remember, not all Colostrum is created equal.  In fact, nearly all Colostrum on the market is actually nothing more than "transitional milk".  True Colostrum must be harvested within 6 hours from the birth of the calf.  Our Colostrum is the only independent 3rd party verified true "6 hour" Colostrum.    The following is the summary of a clinical study on the prevention of Influenza with Colostrum compared against Flu Vaccination: The efficacy of a 2-month treatment with oral Colostrum in the prevention of flu episodes compared with anti-influenza vaccination was evaluated. Groups included healthy subjects without prophylaxis and those receiving both vaccination and Colostrum. After 3 months of follow-up, the number of days with flu was 3 times higher in the non-Colostrum subjects. The Colostrum group had 13 episodes versus 14 in the Colostrum + vaccination group, 41 in the group without prophylaxis, and 57 in nontreated subjects. Part 2 of the study had a similar protocol with 65 very high-risk cardiovascular subjects, all of whom had prophylaxis. The incidence of complications and hospital admission was higher in the group that received only a vaccination compared with the Colostrum groups. Colostrum, both in healthy subjects and high-risk cardiovascular patients, is at least 3 times more effective than vaccination to prevent flu and is very cost-effective. PMID: 17456621 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] More about Colostrum.... Colostrum is the "immune milk" produced by all mammals for only the first few hours before and after birth. Supercharged with 97 immune factors and 87 growth factors, Colostrum is nature's "first food". It's adaptogenic properties enhance rejuvination and regeneration while strengthening the immune system, allowing your body to thrive under any circumstance. With potent anti-aging benefits, and broad spectrum probiotics in their whole food forms - Colostrum delivers youth, health, and vitality! This Colostrum is from organically raised cows and only harvested after the newborn calves get their share. This is true 6 hour Colostrum, verified by a 3rd party. Colostrum is an amazing material that, like many other things in nature, reflects the evolutionary development of a unique composition that will serve the needs of the offspring for which it is intended. The most unique of the Colostrums from mammalian species occurs in bovines, where transfer of biological substances across the placenta to the developing fetus does not occur and everything required for the development of a healthy, productive offspring is provided in the Colostrum. As such, bovine Colostrum provides a specialized resource that offers the broadest possible spectrum of biologically active substances that can promote the development of a sound body mass, assure effective and efficient metabolism and support the activation and maintenance of a fully functional immune system capable of combating potential insults from microorganisms and other deleterious sources. Bovine Colostrum is also compatible with almost any species and can readily convey its full benefits to humans by routine dietary supplementation without any significant adverse effects.
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Immortal Velvet GOLD (elk antler velvet) 30ml
Introducing our Improved Immortal Velvet Gold now extracted exclusively in Organic Grape Alcohol and bottled in Miron Violet Glass.  
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Thriving Toothbrush
Our THRIVING TOOTHBRUSH is a 100% natural toothbrush with a handle made of sustainable bamboo and biodegradable polymer bristles that is gentle on teeth and gums to help remove surface stains for naturally whiter teeth. Surthrival recommends brushing teeth twice a day for 3-4 minutes using a non-flouride toothpaste or Surthrival Healthy Gums essential oil and rinsing your brush after each use. It’s important to also keep your toothbrush dry between uses to increase longevity. You should replace your Thriving Toothbrush every 2-3 months. Free of BPA100% natural and compostable *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease.
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Herbal Digestive Bitters 50ml
Herbal Digestive Bittersby SurthrivalFor A Happier Gut!We're proud to introduce you to our newest Surthrival formulation, Herbal Digestive Bitters. As with all of our products we've taken the guesswork away and procured the highest quality herbs available to create this great tasting, easy-to-use, bitters spray. Your new on-the-go Digestíf!Surthrival Herbal Digestive Bitters are perfectly balanced in flavor with Organic Orange, Lemon, and Grapefruit essential oils and infused with the perfect blend of bitter herbs in Organic alcohol. This one is sure to get your digestive juices flowing.The following hand-selected herbs make an appearance in ideal ratios in this very special bitters blend:Dandelion RootOrange PeelGentian RootOregon Grape RootFennel SeedYellow Dock RootGinger RootBlue Flag RootPrickly Ash BarkWe recommend 3 sprays either before or after meals to ignite your digestive tract and get those juices flowing to encourage healthy digestion. Housed in a 50ml Miron Violet Glass bottle to preserve freshness, and equipped with a spray nozzle to add convenience, you can toss this in your bag and assure yourself a happier gut at every meal.  Each bottle contains approximately 59 servings. No excuse to let a "food baby" from a high-fat meal get you down again. Efficient digestion, as we all know, is an integral part of maintaining a happy and healthy body. Jumpstart Your Digestion with Our Herbal Digestive Bitters! Healthy digestion is the cornerstone of nutrient assimilation, a critical pillar of good health. Bitter herbs have been used for centuries to stimulate the natural flow of digestive juices, helping to optimize nutrition and support the absorption of key nutrients. The incredible flavor of our digestive bitters comes from our blend of certified organic and wild-crafted bitter herbs and the delicious citrus notes of natural orange peel. Our Miron glass spray bottle delivers digestive stimulation directly to your palette, making them easy to use before or after eating. Develop strong, healthy digestion and make the most of your meals with SurThrival’s organic and wild-crafted herbal digestive bitters! Our Digestive Bitters Contain the Following Herbs: Dandelion Root- Certified Organic Orange Peel- Certified Organic Gentian Root- Certified Organic Oregon Grape Root- Wild Crafted  Fennel Seed- Certified Organic Yellow Dock Root- Wild Crafted Ginger Root- Certified Organic Blue Flag Root- Wild Crafted Prickly Ash Bark- Wild Crafted Suggested Use: 3 Sprays by Mouth Before or After Meals Key Elements: Wild & Organic Ingredients Infused with Bitter Herbs to Aid Healthy digestion Extracted in Organic Alcohol Refreshing Citrus Flavor Product Features: Convenient Spray Top for Easy Use Bottled in Superior Violet Miron Glass for Maximum Freshness, Stability, and Storability Small Batch Production * These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Immortal Velvet PLATINUM (elk antler velvet) 30ml
ELK ANTLER VELVET contains a powerful blend of growth factors in a naturally occurring matrix. These naturally occurring growth factors are involved in every cellular function in the human body, from metabolism to immune response. It provides a solution to the age-old quest for the fountain of youth, by giving us a naturally occurring concentration of anti-aging components that can turn back the hands of time. Clinical research shows that this proprietary IGF matrix supplement has a profound ability to produce more red blood cells that help deliver oxygen to your muscles therefore, dramatically aiding muscular endurance in addition to providing enhanced muscle and injury recovery. Clinical research also shows the ability for this extract to produce more immune system aiding white blood cells. These are essential for aiding in the combat of free radical cellular development which are the main proponents of muscle degeneration and wasted work out sessions.   Available in Platinum (1,500mg w/ Tribulus), Gold (1,000mg) & Silver (450mg). A word from our team: Since the early development of SurThrival’s Immortal Velvet, we have worked exclusively with Elk from the United States. While our products are in the “Deer Antler” category, we have chosen to work with domestic Elk populations because we do not support the New Zealand Deer Antler Industry or its practices. SurThrival’s Antler product is sourced exclusively from a single farm in Idaho, where our Elk free-range their entire lives on slaughter-free open ranch lands. Our antler harvesting process is pain and stress free for these beautiful and docile animals, and is done using a method that differs dramatically from those of the New Zealand Deer Antler industry. Recently videos and images depicting the methods used in the New Zealand industry have been made viral by individuals who have misled others to believe that these are our practices. They are not. The health and humane treatment of our Elk populations are paramount to our business model, its culture, and its ethics. Thanks for taking the time to read this, The SurThrival Team   Check out this interview with Daniel Vitalis, all about Elk Antler Velvet!   At SurThrival, our Focus is on Adaptation and Regeneration That’s why we’ve searched the globe for the most regenerative and adaptogenic substances available in nature. It didn’t take us long to discover that many advanced cultures around the world felt that the Antler Velvet of cervid mammals like Elk, Deer, and Moose contain what may just be natures most complex matrix of regenerative substances found in any ecosystem! But for us, and for our community, this knowledge wasn’t enough. We wanted to bring more than just the most potent deer Velvet Antler formula we could, but also the most vibrant, most ethical, and most local we could find!   ENTER IMMORTAL VELVET What we feel is the most concentrated Antler Formula to ever exist. Based on the “Russian Method”, the extraction style developed during the extensive medical studies conducted on Velvet Antler and then taken a step further. Not only do we work with free range, slaughter free Elk farms, where our strong animals live out healthy lives, but we harvest only the “living tips”, the growing portion of velvet antler. Just compare the vibrant, living pink color of our product to the dull browns and greys of competitors and the quality of Immortal Velvet will be immediately apparent!   New Immortal Velvet Platinum with Tribulus is without question the absolute strongest deer Antler Velvet extract we have ever seen. At 1500mg of our 43:1 “Living Tips” Velvet Elk Antler extract per bottle, it is now 50% more concentrated than Immortal Velvet Gold, the product that set the new standard for Velvet Antler potency. Additionally, our Platinum formula is made with Tribulus, whose saponins support healthy sex hormone production. This formula was also designed with your body’s internal antioxidant pathways in mind. This synergistic combination of Elk Antler Velvet and Tribulus supports the healthy production of Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione within the body. These are the body’s master antioxidants, and are critical for geneticrepair and system wide detoxification.   Tribulus Terrestris The super-herb known as Tribulus is reputed for its beneficial effects on Luteinizing Hormone (LH) supporting healthy levels of your body’s own natural sex hormones. Immortal Velvet Platinum is perfect for both men and women, people in andropause /menopause, people into athletics or just weekend warriors. Velvet Antler has been safely used throughout history by people of all ages and at all stages of life for maintaining and nurturing healthy energy levels and natural regeneration. Each dose delivers 50mg of Bulgarian Tribulus standardized to 60% steroidal saponins and 20% protodioscin. This is truly our connoisseur grade Elk Antler product, and a must have for those who are seeking the finest products the planet has to offer. Immortal Velvet Platinum is made exclusively with Organic Grape Alcohol and is always bottled in Miron Violet Glass for maximum shelf-life and potency. Our Velvet Antler is sourced from US free-range ranches, and are humanely harvested from slaughter-free facilities.   Immortal Velvet feature elements: Made exclusively from herds of free-range elk in the U.S. Humanely harvested, we never use “cutting rooms”, tourniquets, anesthetics, or tranquilizers on our elk Concentrated 43:1 before extraction, yielding the highest potency Extracted in orgranic grape ethanol for maximum quality and absorbability Bottled in superior Violet Miron Glass for maximum freshness, stability and storability Our organic grape alcohol delivery system ensures that growth factors are optimally absorbed Available in three strengths: Gold, Silver and Platinum with Tribulus. Same product, different concentrations   Differentiation of Concentrations All of our Immortal Velvet products are based on our proprietary 43:1 extract. Through sublimation we are able to concentrate our raw velvet antler material 43 times. This means that 43 pounds of raw velvet antler tips are concentrated down to just one pound of our dried extract. One and a half grams of this 43:1 extract goes into our 1 oz. bottle of Immortal Velvet Platinum, 1 gram of our 43:1 extract goes into every bottle of Immortal Velvet Gold and nearly a half gram goes into each 1 oz. bottle of Immortal Velvet Silver. Another way to say this, is that our Immortal Velvet Platinum contains 1,500mg of our 43:1 Elk Antler Velvet extract, our Immortal Velvet Gold contains 1,000mg of our 43:1 Elk Antler Velvet extract and our Immortal Velvet Silver contains 450mg of our 43:1 extract of Elk Antler Velvet. Because of the different amounts of our 43:1 extract in each formula, the amount of IGF-1 per bottle differs as well. The Immortal Velvet Platinum has 50mg of Antler Velvet per dose and yields 150mcg of IGF-1 per bottle. Our Immortal Velvet Gold has 33-36mg of Antler Velvet per dose, which yields 100mcg of IGF-1 per bottle. The Immortal Velvet Silver has 14-16mg of Antler Velvet per dose and yields 45mcg of IGF-1 per bottle.   What do growth factors do? Insulin-like Growth Factors 1 and 2 (IGF-1 and IGF-2) IGF-1 and IGF-2 increase lean body mass, reduce fat, build bone, muscle, and nerves while assisting in glucose metabolism. Research indicates that IGF-1 encourages the absorption of both chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate. Research also shows that a decline in IGF-1 levels is among the causes of bone disorder development. IGF-1 is considered by many scientists to be a marker in overall growth hormone status. IGF-1 looks and acts enough like insulin that your cell receptors may become suppressed, causing growth hormones to release stored fat. Through this mechanism, cells will use up fat rather than sugar or other carbohydrates. IGF-2 promotes tissue growth and is expressed primarily in embryonic and neonatal tissues.   Transforming Growth Factors A and B (TGF-A and TGF-B) TGF-A promotes normal wound healing through a concerted effort with Epidermal Growth Factor and Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF). Without TGF-A, wound healing would be nearly impossible. TFG-B has an anti-inflammatory response to cytokine production and mesenchymal (MHC) expression. This promotes wound healing in a concerted effort with TGF-A, EGF and PDG while inhibiting both macrophage and lymphocyte proliferation. Without TGF-B, wound healing would also be nearly impossible and an important “feedback loop” for cytokine anti-inflammatory production would not be in place. It is important to note that for normal tissue development to occur, whether it occurs through wound healing or regeneration, TGF A & B must be in a natural matrix of co-factors.   Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) EGF promotes healthy tissue development while impeding abnormal growth. EGF has also been shown to decrease gastric acid production. It promotes mesenchymal (lymphatic), glial (nerve), and epithelial (skin) cell proliferation. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Promotes venous, venule, artery, arteriole, and capillary health by providing the essential co-factors for repairing and restoring damaged vessels.   Neurotrophin Growth Factor (NGF) Works synergistically with nerve growth factor to promote neurite and nerve survival and development.   Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) Contains at least 19 different types, of which their prominent role is in the development of skeletal and nervous systems in mammals. FGF is also located in the central nervous system and in peripheral nerves, with less prominent effects including the regulation of both pituitary and ovarian cell function. FGF induces formation of new blood vessels and is used to heal pressure sores and venous ulcers in skin graft donor sites.   Interleukins Growth factors also include a unique family of cytokines. Cytokines stimulate the humoral and cellular immune responses, as well as the activation of phagocyte cells. Cytokines secreted from lymphocytes are called interleukins, of which the list grows continuously with the number of individual activities (now at 22). DARE TO COMPARE OUR Elk ANTLER VELVETHow does IMMORTAL VELVET’S growth factor matrix compare to HGH Products? Contains no growth hormones. HGH is released by the pituitary gland in your brain in response to hypothalamic pulses of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH). As the body ages it loses its natural ability to produce/release HGH. HGH products cannot include HGH unless they are regulated by the FDA and prescribed by a physician. Most HGH products are stimulator/releasers (otherwise known as secretagogue) that will stimulate the pituitary to unnaturally produce HGH. This HGH should then cause the production of the sought after growth factors. These products are attempting to jump start the same pituitary gland that is already showing indications of burning out. Considering the importance of this master gland, it does not seem wise to over-stimulate this gland. IMMORTAL VELVET™ is the safe and all-natural alternative that includes a full matrix of growth factors as well as IGF-1 in their final form (metabolite).IGF-1 ISOLATES   IMMORTAL VELVET is not isolated IGF-1. It is a natural concentrated portion of the proteins that contain the growth factors found in velvet antler. The risks related to IGF-1 are largely attributed to the body having a disproportionate amount of available IGF-1. IMMORTAL VELVET provides a matrix of growth factors (including IGF-1), as they are found in nature, in their proper balance. This natural balance helps keep IGF-1, as an isolate, in its safe ratio.   These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease. All Surthrival formulations are produced in GMP certified facilities within the United States.
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival Black Walnut Protein Powder 1lb (453g)
BLACK WALNUT PROTEIN POWDER-1LBSurthrival Black Walnut Protein Powder comes from 100% USA wild-grown, sustainably foraged & processed black walnuts. We use a modern, ultra-clean CO2 extraction to draw out this powerful source of clean, plant-based protein — with 17g of protein per serving!The healthiest, most sustainable, and most ethically-sourced protein powder ever developed! Get ready for 17 grams of wild, plant-based protein per scoop in this clean CO2-extracted powder that is the first of its kind!Surthrival is proud to be the exclusive distributor of this product.This protein powder comes from wild-grown, North American native black walnut trees. Unlike other proteins, black walnut is habitat-friendly — no agricultural land is used, since these trees aren’t “grown” like other crops. No fertilizer, no irrigation, no toxic chemical applications. Just wholesome, healthy, wild nature. Ripe black walnuts fall to the ground and are gathered by volunteer foragers — individuals and families — who bring these nuts to hulling stations around the midwest, where they’re paid by the pound for their harvest. Using a sophisticated, ultra-clean CO2 extraction, the nutmeats are turned into this exquisite, high-quality, fully-absorbable protein powder. Perfect for smoothies and blended drinks and even to fortify baked goods and confections, you can use this protein to up-level your diet in any way you can imagine.Key Elements: 100% Wild-foraged Ethically and sustainably harvested 100% USA-sourced Your only source of CO2-extracted Black Walnut Protein Powder Vegan and vegetarian Paleo-friendly Gluten-free When you use Surthrival’s Black Walnut Protein Powder you’re voting for wild lands and wild species. For fair wages paid to eager volunteers foragers. You're supporting a healthy habitat and native species being on the landscape.Surthrival Black Walnut Protein Powder. Wild nutrition you can feel great about!Simply blend 1/4 cup packed to your smoothie or anywhere else for an added 17 grams of high-quality, wild plant protein!Ingredients: Black Walnut PowderContains: Tree Nuts (Walnuts)
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Surthrival 6:1 Schizandra Concentrate — 2oz
  100% Organic American-grown Schizandra Berries freeze-dried at peak ripeness to lock in Maximum Antioxidant Potential. This renowned beautifying tonic berry makes an ultra refreshing functional beverage! Finally, a highly nutritious, great tasting, medicinal berry that is low in sugar! Grown here in the United States under strict Organic standards, and freeze dried to lock in all of its nutritive and adaptogenic properties! Fruits form an important part of our diet today just have they have all throughout our human ancestry. Unfortunately most of the fruits available to us today differ vastly from those we adapted to eat. Modern fruits have been bred to be much larger, are lower in nutrients and antioxidants, are far higher in fructose, and in many cases are sterile hybrids or genetic clones. That's why we are so excited to bring this Organic, concentrated Schizandra berry powder into the SurThrival line. It offers us a chance to consume a great tasting but low sugar berry whose medicinal phytochemistry is truly legendary, making one of the most celebrated tonic and adaptogenic substances in the Chinese system of medicinal herbalism. » Highest level longevity tonic » Balancing adaptogen » Contains all 5 tastes, 5 elements, 12 meridians and 3 treasures » Historical beauty tonic for luxurious skin and hair » Sharpens mind and improves coordination and memory » Improves sexual function, endurance and performance » Tonifies the kidney and liver » Rejuvenates and restores respiratory functionality, power and circulation » Purifies blood » Powerful cleansing, detoxification, and astringent properties Can One Herb do it All? Schizandra Berry is, hands-down, one of the most exciting herbs of all time. Named by the Chinese, “Wu Wei Zi”, directly translated as “Five Taste Fruit,” Schizandra embodies all five tastes, sour, bitter, sweet, pungent and salty, which accesses all five elements, 12 meridians, and tonifies all 3 treasures, Jing, Qi and Shen, and integrates with the human body with great harmony and balance. Maintaining intake of schizandra for prolonged amounts of time will bring you closer and closer to homeostasis. It has been said that after taking schizandra daily for 100 days, profound shifts, both internal and external, will take effect. Rich Historic Value Revered since as early as 2000 B.C. in ancient Chinese history as a quintessential herbal substance, Schizandra Berry has not only been used regularly by Chinese royalty, but has ranked highly in many herbal honors. Its primary uses have been focused around beauty and sex, pictured in ancient art as a symbol of longevity and immortality. Benefits! Exalted as one of the most powerful “youth tonics” of all time, Schizandra has held true to its reputation, rejuvenating skin, helping to maintain its moisture while also protecting it from environmental and external stress. With usage overtime, it has also been utilized to reduce and protect from wrinkles. The powerful astringent properties of Schizandra Berry make it one of he most transformational beauty supplements of all time. Schizandra enhances sex drive in both men and women, for men improving sexual function and endurance, and in woman, increasing water qi from the kidney (and other areas) while counter-acting vaginal discharge. As Schizandra also has been said to be a powerful aphrodisiac, this herb can be very complimentary to intimate relationships. Inside and Out Beyond the surface, Schizandra can be used to aid and balance internal fuctions. It strengthens your respiratory system and purifies your blood, as it increases circulation. Schizandra opens up the airways, allowing all this purified blood and oxygen travel throughout each of your organs. Naturally, this increased oxygen flow runs straight into your brain, making Schizandra an extremely effective mind tonic, increasing alertness without a stimulant effect- a wakeful focus. While also known to have a calming effect, you are able to experience best of both worlds. Also a tenacious anti-oxidant, schizandra’s cleansing and liver-tonifying properties rank with Reishi. In addition, schizandra can be used to balance your nervous system, refine coordination, improve memory, enhance vision, increase sensitivity and strengthen endurance. Schizandra and Mind Power Schizandra is one of the major herbs almost always used in Chinese mind tonic formulations. It has traditionally been used to treat mental and emotional illness, improve mental clarity, concentration, and coordination, reduce forgetfulness, irritability, nervous exhaustion, stress, depression, and anxiety.   Phase 1 and 2 Liver Detoxification For a substance to effectively cleanse the liver, two phases must be initiated and completed for the body to completely rid itself of any toxin or undesirable elements. Phase 1 – A substance goes into the body and binds with a toxin, releasing the toxin from the liver into the blood stream. This poses a problem however, because the toxin that is released is almost always more toxic as it is bio-activated and has the ability to reabsorb into the body. It is like tearing down a wall in your house to remove toxic mold and leaving the debris on the floor. If you don’t remove it from your house you will keep being exposed to the mold and reabsorbing it. Re-exposure to old toxins in their new bio-activated form can make you sick. Much of this material will end up back in the liver again, or stored in other tissues. Phase 2 - Which is often times missed in cleansing protocols, is where the bio-activated toxin is safely removed from the body. If phase 2 is absent, then all we are really doing is poisoning ourselves. There are many substances that go into the liver that release bio-activated toxins. What people often term as a “healing crisis” is often these bio-activated toxins being released and doing damage in the body. Schizandra has been demonstrated to be effective in activating all of ones phase 1 and phase 2 liver detoxification enzymes safely and efficiently. You can take schizandra on a daily basis and never throw yourself into a healing crisis, yet, you will gently cleanse your liver. This is a great way for us to detox our liver from the thousands of chemicals present in the environment we are exposed to on a daily basis and receive a whole host of other benefits at the same time. Never Heated!! No Chemicals Used in Extraction or the Growing Process!! Schizandra has been most commonly available as a dried herbal berry or as a powder, both of which have been oxidized, which is apparent through the brown color or tone that usually accompanies such products. However, we use organically grown fresh berries grown right here in the United States. The berry has been picked, and in its beautiful ripened glory, frozen for optimal freshness beyond its harvest. Then, using COLD extraction process, the berry is freeze-dried, then extracted into a CONCENTRATED powder. This stuff is hands-down, the most extraordinary expression of schizandra we have ever had. This extract is bright pink, not brown or tan, and full of all the wonderful dimensions of flavor this berry has to offer. Organic, fresh, delicious, dynamic and powerful- Lucidera’s Schizandra Berry Extract has preserved the full integrity of the fresh schizandra berry to supplement the human body with optimum, health, beauty, wellness, and vitality. Our 100% American grown Schizandra comes from a 50 acre farm in Massachusetts. Grown in pristine, mineral rich soil, our nutrient dense berries are processed immediately on site to preserve their integrity. The proprietary process allows us to preserve it's vibrant color, aromatic essentials, energetic signatures, and flavor profile. This American grown schizandra is truly a benchmark in the herbal product world and is quickly gaining international recognition. Our standards, that go beyond organic, are the absolute strictest in regards to purity and effectiveness. You will not find finer schizandra products anywhere in the world.