Vitalizer Vitalizer Plus Replacement Cartridge
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Vitalizer Plus Replacement Cartridge
Vitalizer Vitalizer Plus
VITALIZER PLUS - Awakens, Cleanses, Energizes & Revitalizes at the cellular level - where it counts!   The Vitalizer Plus incorporates basic principles utilized in Nature, to create a special life-enhancing water your body will love!   How does Nature create crystal clear living water?   It begins with the rain or snow which is naturally energized and often highly structured water. It uses movement - vortexes of energy and natural curves. It adds oxygen and minerals as water splashes and falls and it uses vital magnetic fields from the earth, and far infrared (FIR) energy from the sun. The end result? A highly energized, structured, mineralized, oxygenated and purified living water!    Now, you can create the same living water in your own home with the Vitalizer Plus!   Vitalizer Plus is scientifically documented to:   1. Structure water - powerful magnetic and infrared forces reduce the size of individual water clusters, creating Hexagonal Water for more rapid penetration into the cells of your body.   2. Increase Oxygen - turbulent forces create a visible vortex, increasing the amount of oxygen in your drinking water - up to 30%.   3. Add minerals - a mineral cube within the unit, releases structure-making minerals during the vitalizing process to help structure the water and increase alkalinity.   4. Add energy - the resulting energy in Vitalized water is enough to begin to balance the organs of your body - within minutes after drinking.   Vitalized Plus water is Hexagonal Water! Why does a snowflake always have six sides?    Water is a network of hydrogen-bonded molecules. It can form numerous structures, depending on how the individual molecules bond together. The most recent scientific findings indicate that biological organisms prefer the six-sided (hexagonal) ring-structure, found naturally in snow water. This Hexagonal Water forms a liquid crystalline lattice that is involved in cellular communication, intracellular water movement, enzyme function and many other metabolic processes. The amount of Hexagonal Water in the body has been correlated with aging. It has also been found to form the initial layer of water surrounding healthy cells. On the other hand, unorganized water, has been described surrounding diseased and abnormal cells.   Hexagonal Water is composed of six individual molecules of water, held together by common hydrogen bonds. This unique water structure is capable of rapid penetration within the cells of the body. Most tap water and bottled water is composed of large water conglomerates which are too large to move freely into the cells. It must be re-structured within the body to penetrate the cells (a time-consuming and energy-consuming process).   Hexagonal water has 6 apparent functions:    * Hydrates the cells * Helps transport nutrients to cells * Enhances waste removal from cells * Supports the immune system * Improves cellular communication * Enhances metabolic efficiency   Vitalizer Plus Advanced Water Technology Awakens Cleanses Energizes & Revitalizes at the cellular level!   A growing amount of evidence suggests that drinking hexagonal water has numerous health benefits.... so why not be able to drink all you want?   The Vitalizer Plus was designed to create an unlimited supply of hexagonal water for every day consumption - it's small enough to sit on your kitchen counter - durable enough to make all the hexagonal water you will ever need! The Vitalizer Plus incorporates basic principles utilized in nature to create the life-enhancing, hexagonally-structured water, your body craves!   Nature uses movement (swirling vortexes and natural curves), energy (magnetic fields from the earth and far infrared energy from the sun), minerals (naturally dissolved and ionized as water flows over mineral formations) and oxygen (incorporated as water splashes and falls). The Vitalizer Plus uses these same principles, to create vitalized water in your own home!   What is Vitalized Water?   Vitalized Water is hexagonally-structured - composed of six individual molecules of water, held together by common hydrogen bonds. This unique water structure is capable of rapid penetration within the cells of your body. Hexagonal water has been documented to improve hydration, nutrient delivery, waste removal, cellular communication and metabolic efficiency.   Vitalized Water contains more oxygen. The Vitalizer Plus creates a vortex of spinning water - incorporating oxygen just like it happens in nature. Vitalized water contains up to 30% more oxygen than normal water!   Vitalized water contains ionized, structure-making minerals - helpful in maintaining the stability of the hexagonal structure. These minerals alkalize the water - significantly raising the pH.   Vitalized water is highly energized. The energetic forces used in the Vitalizer Plus contribute to the creation of energized, electron-rich water, conducive to life and health.   The Vitalizer Plus - How it works   The Vitalizer Plus is similar to a blender - and about the same size. Simply plug it in, and 3 different time settings allow you to energize your water to a personal level of preference.   The Vitalizer Plus changes any good drinking water into a highly energetic, hexagonally-structured beverage to quench your thirst and much more! (not intended as a water purifier. Do not use chlorinated or fluoridated tap water in the Vitalizer Plus)   Vitalized water is wonderful for mixing with soups, juices and other preparations. You'll add vital energy to everything you make. And don't forget your pets and plants. All biological organisms prefer hexagonal water. It works for them just like it works for you.    It's Patented   The Technology and design of the Vitalizer Plus are unique. They are protected by US and foreign patents.   Durable Construction   The Vitalizer Plus is made from the finest, durable materials - 1 year repair/replacement guarantee.   We are living crystals. Leading edge science reveals that our bodies are a network of interconnected, fluid, crystalline structures. Collagen, elastin, and other components of connective tissue are literally liquid crystals. Crystals are transducers. They are capable of converting one form of energy into another. For example: quartz crystals convert vibrational energy into electrical energy; they can convert light energy into vibrational signals. The crystalline nature of our bodies also makes it possible for the transmission of this information at the speed of light. Signals cannot be efficiently conducted through a maze, but when there is organization in the medium, signals follow clear channels and arrive in a timely manner without distortion. In our bodies, it is the crystalline molecular structure of fluids that permits clear, crisp signaling and information transfer.   Structured water is an integral part of the liquid crystalline make-up of the body. It connects, supports, and helps create crystallinity in the tissues. And when water's crystalline structure deteriorates (with age and disease) the whole system is compromised. Ultimately, disorganization equals death.   Quantum physicists have concluded again and again, that the difference between life and death is found in the organization of the system. The greater the degree of organization, the greater the degree of life energy, and the slower the system deteriorates. In essence, life is not about which atoms and molecules are present or in what concentrations, life is about the degree to which those molecules are organized. As soon as crystalline-like order takes place, life is born; and the greater the number of crystalline components that are gathered together to function as a whole, the more complex the life form.   Is the liquid crystal known as hexagonal (structured) water alive?   So, what about water? Is the liquid crystal known as hexagonal (structured) water alive? Many of us are familiar with the term "living water." In some circles that term may have a spiritual connotation, but in scientific terms, "living water" simply refers to its crystalline structure. In many ways water is alive. Water responds to every energetic stimulus. Dr. Emoto's work even documents that water responds to the energy of our thoughts - with variations in the intricacy of its snowflake-like patterns.   Additionally, the degree to which water is organized influences its life-giving properties - especially within the human body. Multitudes of tests now verify that drinking hexagonal water improves, hydration, overall energy, mental clarity, and a host of symptoms related with those factors.   The Science Behind Hexagonal Water   Dr. Mu Shik Jhon is considered to be the world's leading authority on the structure of water. His research has identified Hexagonal Water as the preferred biological choice.   Dr. Jhon's book, The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, recently translated into English, summarizes his 40 years of research. It includes studies that show hexagonally-structured water has been associated with :   - Heightened immune function - Rapid hydration - The efficient removal of toxins - Longevity - Weight loss - Enzyme activation - Greater overall health   His work also shows the existence of Hexagonal Water in association with the healthy tissues of the body. Studies are presented showing the direct correlation between unstructured water (lacking the specific hexagonal structure) and a number of diseases.   Dr. Mu Shik Jhon's Molecular Water Environment Theory :   The Molecular Water Environment Theory, which was presented in 1986 states :   1. Aging is a loss of Hexagonal Water from organs, tissues and cells and an overall decrease in total body water. 2. Replenishing the Hexagonal Water in our bodies can increase vitality, slow the aging process and prevent disease.       What is hexagonal water?   Hexagonal Water is a specific arrangement of individual water molecules where 6 H2O units consistently link to form a ring-like structure. This unique arrangement is the basis of a more complex crystalline network that is formed when numerous hexagonal units join together.   All water contains a certain percentage of hexagonal units - some sources more than others. The percentage of hexagonal units appears to depend on a number of factors, including the energetic influences that water is exposed to. For example: chlorine, fluoride and many pollutants typically found in Municipal water sources reduce the number of hexagonal units. Tap water typically has a very low percentage of hexagonal structures.   How do we know when water is hexagonally structured?   Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is one of very few methods that can verify molecular size. NMR analysis shows that ordinary tap water is composed of large molecular units (between 12 and 20 individual H2O units). These unorganized molecular conglomerations must actually be metabolized (broken down) before they can enter the cell. Hexagonal water, on the other hand, easily penetrates the cellular membrane - many times faster than tap or bottled water.   Dr. Jhon has also found Hexagonal Water surrounding healthy DNA - a thin layer of highly structured water which appears to insulate, support and protect DNA from stresses which might cause malfunction or distortion. According to Dr. Jhon, "when the structure of the water near cells is compromised, the cells are more vulnerable to external stimuli. Ultimately, cells surrounded by less structured water are weaker and more prone to malfunction and genetic mutation."   Dr. Mu Shik Jhon has expressed personal gratification that his life's work is finally resulting in technology like the Vitalizer Plus a which hexagonally structures water and makes it easily available for regular consumption.   Hexagonal Water is a specific arrangement of individual water molecules where 6 H2O units consistently link to form a ring-like structure. This unique arrangement is the basis of a more complex crystalline network that is formed when numerous hexagonal units join together.   All water contains a certain percentage of hexagonal units - some sources more than others. The percentage of hexagonal units appears to depend on a number of factors, including the energetic influences that water is exposed to. For example: chlorine, fluoride and many pollutants typically found in Municipal water sources reduce the number of hexagonal units. Tap water typically has a very low percentage of hexagonal structures. On the other hand, there are a number of places throughout the world where the water has a high concentration of hexagonal structures. Many of these places are known as "healing springs." Others are known for producing inhabitants that live long and disease-free lives.   How do we know when water is hexagonally structured?   Nuclear Magnet Resonance (NMR) is one of very few methods that can verify molecular size. NMR analysis shows that ordinary tap water is composed of large molecular units (between 12 and 20 individual H2O units). These unorganized molecular conglomerations are not nearly as supportive of biological functions as Hexagonal Water is now being shown to be.   Hexagonal Water moves easily into the cellular environment   There is significant evidence that Hexagonal Water moves within biological organisms with greater ease. It appears to enhance nutrient absorption and the removal of metabolic wastes. (Many who consume Hexagonal Water report a cleansing reaction within days or weeks.) This may be due to the smaller size of the molecular unit and its ability to enter and exit the cellular environment with greater ease. It may also be due to the specific organization of the hexagonal network which appears to enhance cellular communication and to support other structures within biological organisms. For example: according to The Water Puzzle, Hexagonal Water is found surrounding healthy DNA, whereas unorganized water is found surrounding the DNA of diseased tissue.   Hexagonal Water enhances metabolic efficiency   There is also evidence that Hexagonal Water activates enzymes to a greater degree than ordinary water - and that it enhances metabolic efficiency. In The Water Puzzle, Dr. Jhon explains why Hexagonal Water is energetically more powerful and why it has the capacity to improve metabolic efficiency. According to his book, Hexagonal Water has the capacity to perform more work and to transfer a greater amount of energy within the body.   Hexagonal Water decreases as we age   We know that the total amount of water within the human body decreases as we age, but it is also being shown that the amount of Hexagonal Water decreases as well. In one significant study conducted in Japan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging was used to show that the amount of structured water in the body is directly correlated with age. This same study presents evidence that biological molecules require structured water in order to perform their functions. According to the paper, when biological molecules are found in unstructured water, they are just compounds - they have a decreased ability to perform their intended functions.   Hexagonal Water forms hexagonal crystals when frozen   Have you ever wondered why snowflakes are always six-sided? Although a snowflake is fundamentally different than Hexagonal Water (A snowflake contains billions of hexagonal water molecules) it is a reflection of the specific hexagonal structure that water assumes as it freezes. Snowflakes are formed as super-cooled water condenses around particulate matter in the atmosphere. Super-cooled water is nearly 100% hexagonally structured. It is able to maintain a liquid state, in the upper atmosphere - even at temperatures well below freezing. As this super-cooled Hexagonal Water freezes, it naturally assumes a shape which reflects the hexagonal unit from which it is made.   Dr. Masaru Emoto, in his well-known book, The Message From Water, shows how different energies effect water. The beautiful photos in his book are taken following "flash freezing." They provide a graphic representation of the degree to which water is hexagonally structured. His photos of tap water show very little crystallization. On the other hand, the water from some of the world's pristine springs, freezes to form beautiful snowflake-like crystals - the more intricate the six-sided crystal, the greater the amount of Hexagonal Water in the sample.   How much vitalized water should a person drink?   Because vitalized water has a smaller, more organized molecular structure than regular water, it moves within the cellular components of the body more rapidly. Therefore, it is wise to begin by drinking small amounts of vitalized water-gradually increasing to the recommended 8-10 glasses of water every day.   * If you are healthy, begin by drinking 8 ounces, twice a day. For those over 50 years of age, or those with health challenges, begin by drinking 2 ounces/day - gradually increasing over a period of weeks to the point where you drink 8-10 glasses of vitalized water every day. Since water supports every metabolic process including the removal of metabolic wastes, drinking too much vitalized water right away, may cause noticeable detoxification (often accompanied by symptoms of fatigue, headache, changes in bowel movements, excessive mucus discharges, etc.).   * It is important to continue drinking at least 8 glasses of regular water each day while you are increasing the amount of vitalized water.   How long will the oxygen remain in vitalized water?   Although the vortexing of the water in the Vitalizer Plus adds a significant amount of oxygen, dissolved oxygen testing reveals that oxygen levels begin to drop soon after the Vitalizer Plus stops. Within an hour, oxygen levels are reduced - but still higher than before vitalization. If you prefer water with a maximum amount of oxygen, simply turn on the Vitalizer Plus for 1 or 2 minutes to re-oxygenate your water each time you pour a drink.   Perhaps even more important than the amount of oxygen in the water, is the capacity for increased oxygen absorption by the body. Live blood analysis shows that within minutes after drinking hexagonal water produced in the Vitalizer Plus, blood cells are less prone to stick together. This improves oxygen absorption in the tissues as well as nutrient assimilation.   What kind of water should be used in the Vitalizer Plus?   The Vitalizer Plus will structure any good water # distilled water, RO water, bottled water, purified water, spring water and even well water if it comes from a pure source. Even though most water contains some vibrational pollution, the action of the vortex in the Vitalizer Plus will remove these frequencies from the water, leaving pure, undistorted, hexagonally-structured water. Many individuals can taste the difference. Because of the contaminants in tap water, it is not recommended that tap water be used.   Can other beverages or powders be mixed in the Vitalizer Plus?   It is not recommended that anything but water be placed in the Vitalizer Plus. Powders or juices may leave residues on or in the mineral basket which will affect the taste and color of subsequent batches. However, juices and powders may be mixed with vitalized water in a separate container.   What is the difference between the 3 time settings on the Vitalizer Plus?   The Vitalizer Plus makes it easy to energize your water to a preferred level of energy - the longer the cycle - the greater the energy of the water. (Hexagonal Water has a tremendous capacity to store and transfer energy - much more so than regular water.) It is recommended that everyone begin with 9 minutes. This is the level at which all of our laboratory testing has been performed. At 9 minutes, NMR spectroscopy verifies that the water is hexagonally-structured. Dissolved oxygen testing shows increases of up to 30% oxygen. pH tests show significant alkalization and Kirlian photography reveals substantial energy enhancements. As you become accustomed to drinking more vitalized water, you may want to use the 18 or 27-minute cycles.   How often should I replace the mineral cube/basket?   The Vitalizer Plus is equipped with a digital timer that records that amount of running time. After 4000 minutes (approx. 65 hours), "CC" will appear on the digital display, indicating that it is time to "Change the Cube." For a single person making one batch (.6 gallons) of 9-minute water every day, the mineral cube will last well over 1 year (15 months). Greater use will precipitate the replacement of the mineral basket more frequently. After replacing the mineral basket, simultaneously hold down both the "minutes" and the "start/stop" button for 3-4 seconds, with the power button on. This will clear the digital timer and you will notice that "CL" replaces the "CC" - ready for another 4000 minutes of operation.   Where can I learn more about hexagonal water?   There are two very good books that summarize the research on hexagonal water. The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, by world-renowned scientist, Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, outlines over 40 years of research on hexagonal water. Hexagonal Water - The Ultimate Solution is a shorter, more recent outline of the latest research validating hexagonal water. It includes a discussion of the role of hexagonal water as it relates to various health conditions in the human body. Both books can be purchased on this website.   Is it necessary to drink vitalized water, chilled?   Vitalized water can be consumed at room temperature or refrigerated - either way. Dr. Jhon explains in The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, that cold water naturally has a greater abundance of six-sided structures. However, the use minerals, magnetic energy and the action of the vortex in the Vitalizer Plus create highly stable, hexagonal water which does not require refrigeration! Vitalized water will maintain its hexagonal structure at room temperature on your countertop.   What is the significance of adding minerals to the water?   Certain minerals (especially calcium and sodium) actually help water to hold its structure. The addition of minerals, supplied by the mineral basket in the bottom of the Vitalizer Plus, not only help to stabilize the structure of the water, they also alkalize the water - often raising the pH from an acidic to an alkaline condition. One of the difficulties with both distilled and RO (reverse osmosis) water is that the pH is very acidic (often below 5.0). This can contribute to an acidic condition in the human body which has been linked to a number of degenerative diseases. The addition of tiny amounts (approx. 8-10 parts per million) of minerals is enough to help stabilize the structure of the water, raise the pH, and provide highly charged ionic minerals which are easily absorbed by the body.   Does vitalized water have a shelf life?   When kept at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, and away from strong electromagnetic fields, the water produced in the Vitalizer Plus will maintain a stable hexagonal structure for over 3 weeks. When refrigerated, the shelf life is much longer. Most people drink the amount they make every day.   What about pets and plants?   Hexagonal Water is actually preferred by all biological organisms. Both pets and plants can benefit from vitalized water. Try it-your pets and plants will thank you!   Why is Hexagonal Water so important?   Hexagonal water moves more rapidly into your cells providing superior hydration, enhanced nutrient absorption, and more efficient detoxification. In the recently translated book, The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key, Dr. Mu Shik Jhon explains that hexagonal water is the "functional" water unit within the body. According to his research, the hexagonal water structure surrounds healthy tissues, protects the DNA and supports a variety of metabolic functions. His research shows that both disease and aging are linked to a loss of hexagonal water in the body.   Can Vitalized Water be mixed with other foods and beverages?   One of the benefits of owning a Vitalizer Plus is that you can make all the hexagonal water you want. Vitalized water is great for mixing with soups, juices and other preparations. Many use it for washing vegetables and as a rinse before freezing foods. The more organized molecular structure of the water may support longer shelf life for vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator and its use with frozen foods has been a consideration in the frozen food industry for some time.   Is there any research on Vitalized Water?   Yes! A number of doctors and health professionals have conducted a variety of tests to verify the effectiveness of hexagonal water produced in the Vitalizer Plus. Recent testing performed by Shelton Educational Services in Phoenix, AZ, showed that one glass of vitalized water improved Heart Rate Variability (HRV) scores by an average of 29.4% - in just 10 minutes. Similar testing showed that point scores using Meridian Stress Analysis (MSA) also improved significantly (24.7%), in the same 10-minute period of time. Other methods, including live blood analysis, body composition analysis, and Kirlian photography show marked improvement after drinking vitalized water.