Mr Oxygen
Mr Oxygen's SUPER OxyFlush 120caps
NEW! Mr. Oxygen’s® SUPER OxyFlush!®
Years in Development byMr. Oxygen!THE Perfect Oxygenator.The MOST POTENT available.Move up to the Real Deal of Active Oxygen & Ozone POWER!
The FEELING is AMAZING!Perfectly formulated to be absolutely the best home supplement colon and body cell detoxifier and cleanser support!
70% of Your Body’s Immune Defense Is In Your Intestine. Do you want lots of Nature’s Oxygen in the intestines that your body can use to keep itself nice and clean and full of natural aerobic probiotics?
Of course you do, but be careful. There are lots of lesser colon cleansers out there, and although many may produce watery stools, and some may have oxygen, why settle for only loose stools when you can easily have so much more deep cell CLEANSING POWER going for you?
The most important thing I can tell you is that if your preferred choice of colon cleanser does not have lots and lots of ACTIVE oxygen and ozone in it, then you still do not yet understand the amazing benefits available to you with the cleansing action of active oxygen!
Less expensive cleansers without any (or just a little bit of) oxygen are no bargain.
Get it ALL out. Super OxyFlush is especially useful, not for just the colon, but ALL your cells and essential. Unlike other simple products, we know the stomach, small intestine, and colon (all three) must be clean for proper elimination of the toxins coming from the rest of the body.
If you don’t like having to taste powders, or cut lemons, then SUPER OxyFlush® in capsules is the answer. Perfect levels of active oxygen are consistently in this product!
Like our bloodstream uses iron, plants use a special Magnesium in Nature’s Chlorophyll to carry oxygen. Super OxyFlush is modeled after Nature’s wisdom, which uses Magnesium based oxides and special proprietary ozonides to store and release oxygen and active oxygen throughout the digestive system, through the intestines, and beyond, all the way through to the colon.
Same way a plant moves Oxygen around for delivery. This enables the body to have enough oxygen to flush away any accumulated toxins and mucous plugging up the cellular membranes and elimination systems.
You can regulate the harmless powerful cleansing action by varying the amount you take.
Super OxyFlush is not like other common old-fashioned chemical or herbal abrasives, salts, or irritating colon cleansers. A special form of natural Magnesium is the carrier, but it’s the body that uses the active oxygen – and the oxygen it delivers – to do all the natural cleansing work.
Not diarrhea, and don’t worry. Although the oxygen liquefies the waste, YOU control how liquid it gets, and there is no weakness with Super OxyFlush. Outdated cleansers like magnesia pull salts from the blood to cause a flushing in the colon. Your blood needs those salts. Unlike un-oxygenated mere herbal stimulants, or irritating, slightly toxic colon cleansers, the body uses SUPER OxyFlush delivered Active Oxygen not only to clean the blood and digestive organs, but the small intestine, the large intestine, and the colon as part of your body’s natural life process.
It does so by simply flooding the body fluids with ACTIVE forms of oxygen. The body uses active oxygen to oxidize its impacted fecal matter. This means the the body combines extra active oxygen with, and removes the hydrogen bonds in the toxins & stools, turning them into liquid waste.SUPER OxyFlush does NOT produce debilitating diarrhea. It simply helps the body turn solids into their base components and liquids and gasses ready for expulsion. There is no big electrolyte loss as with the other cleansers or illness. There has never been a case of dehydration or electrolyte imbalance as long as users drink plenty of spring water that you should be drinking anyway. Taking extra water and fluids will definitely further help improve your body’s cleanse. Be consistent with using it for best results.
Combine Mr. Oxygen’s® SUPER OxyFlush® with OxyLift® and OxyEarth® and OxySulfur™ for the most amazing simple and powerful complete wellness program ever invented. Mr. Oxygen’s® complete formulas address the most basic causes of deficiencies, the most basic human wellness impediments.
Take these four supplements every day without fail for months – and like others, you may find this is all you need. You may find that after a fair trial, everything else advertised out there is just so much hype.
For a real detox (you’ll quickly see what we mean), you can try taking more, and taking it more often. Our product is NOT habit forming.A one month supply (@ 4 700 mg. veggie caps per day) is very affordable and totally worth it.
Everybody is different, and because all results will always vary, we can’t say anything specific will happen for you, and we’re not implying it either. But, for educational purposes, we’ll repeat what one user had to say about his SUPER OxyFlush experience.
“I personally had a special experience with active oxygen carrying SUPER OxyFlush as follows; After the first few months of cleansing, whenever I occasionally went above the suggested daily servings of four caps (to double or triple that per day, spread out) while taking lots of water, I found my body cleaned out so well, that I filled with energy and suddenly felt, and remembered, the natural clean energetic feeling of my youth. Look how kids run around, clean cells. I felt years younger. I really felt it in my body and realized how without noticing it, that like everyone, I must have been slowly filling with mucous and toxins and sludge covering every cell without realizing it was happening. And that’s why I slowly “slowed down” more and more over the years while living here. And when that layer of slime covering ALL my cells was finally naturally oxy-bubbled and “scrubbed” away and flushed out by the body – I realized how easy it is to do a LOT of cleaning out. Then I understood and felt in my body what it was like to have lots of my original natural energy back through my body’s use of a good active oxygen intestinal supplement.” – Ed McCabe
SUPEROxyFlush, the special gentle, yet powerful, colon oxygenator/ozonator/cleanser in convenient take-along-anywhere capsules! 30 day supply.
Body Ecology
Body Ecology - Release Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser (60caps)(Discontinued Now BIOCLR see Description)
Discontinued - New Version
Biofilm cleansing with the help of Release Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser is the first and most crucial step in addressing gut imbalance, maintaining a healthy gut lining and a healthy inner ecosystem.Release Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser is a combination of complex ozone, peroxide and other important oxidants in combination with enzymes - all designed to disrupt the biofilm buildup created by unwanted pathogenic organisms. The result is a unique dietary supplement with powerful oxidative properties that keeps the gut lining clean from microbes and protects the healthy community inside the gut.Your gut's SWAT TEAM is here. Try our deep cleaning, powerful enzyme blend today.
Release Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser Highlights
Supports the immune system with the effects of ozone, peroxide and other beneficial oxidants*
Helps Restore gut balance by supporting the oxidative process in the digestive tract*
Research has shown that an oxygenated environment in your gut may help remove biofilms enzymatically*
Suggested Usage
1 capsule, twice a day
Product Facts
Form: Capsules
Serving Size: 1 capsule
Number of Servings: 60
Dietary Restrictions
Non-GMO, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Paleo, Nut-Free
Health Interests
Cellular Support, Antiviral, Autoimmune, Digestive Health
Everything you need to know about our powerful new enzyme blend: Release Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser.
In a nutshell: it’s like “spring cleaning” for your gut with a swat team.
Who is it for?
Release Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser is used as part of a protocol for people dealing with chronic dysbiosis and/or persistent infections in the gut, such as SIBO/SIFO or C.diff (often caused by antibiotic use).
What does it do?
In a nutshell, it breaks up biofilm layers that protect stubborn pathogens in the gut to help “reboot” your immune system and allow beneficial bacteria to thrive.
That’s where the 3 “Rs” come in:
To start repairing the microbiome, eliminate processed and toxic foods, gluten, and bad oils. Release Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser goes a step further to help detoxify biofilms where harmful pathogens like yeast, viruses, parasites, and bacteria are hiding.
Boost your inner ecosystem with nutrient-dense foods like cultured vegetables and Vitality SuperGreen. It’s formulated to help heal the gut lining, and is great in smoothies and broths too!
Here’s where we shine! Diversity is key. Our Probiotic Protein Shake, our starters, and our Probiotic Power Shots & Mixers, all nourish the good bacteria in your gut.
How should I use it?
Usage varies based on individual needs and the desired outcome, but in general, there are 3 main goals:
Seasonal Cleanse
Release Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser can be a powerful tool during an intestinal detox 2-3 times a year.
Every Day Use
Those looking for intestinal regularity and a heightened immune system may benefit from taking a maintenance dose of 1-2 capsules per day.
Immunity Booster
Taking a preventative dose of 2-3 capsules per day during cold and flu season may also be a good idea to strengthen the immune system. Enzymes bound with magnesium and ozone give it laxative properties. A cleaner colon means a heartier, more robust immune system!
Dosage Reminder - Start low, go slow. Personal dosage varies. Remember Body Ecology’s Principle of Uniqueness and adjust as necessary.
Magnesium + Oxygen = Your Go-To Daily Intestinal Maintenance
As always, it’s important to gauge your body’s sensitivity and never exceed the advised dosage on the bottle. Always check with your doctor or professional health care provider before taking starting any health plan or taking any supplements. The suggested dose for a 3-day or week-long cleanse is around 4-10 capsules per day, but please note: you may experience similar outcomes to a typical cleanse or enema.
Warning: If you are pregnant or nursing, please consult your healthcare professional before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.
*Information and statements regarding dietary supplements/products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
World Nutrition Inc.
PuraCell Systemic Cleanser 120 capsules
Product Description
PuraCell is designed to cleanse the whole body including the:
Gastrointestinal tract
Muscle tissue
Few other products provide such a comprehensive cleanse with such a gentle approach as PuraCell. PuraCell easily addresses two different customer needs because it can be completed either as a gentle daily cleanse or as a quick 30 day flush.
PuraCell contains:
Cracked Wall Chlorella is one of the best natural cleansers available and is widely known to gather all sorts of toxins like heavy metals, pesticides and chemicals and carry them out of the body through the intestines. What’s more, it doesn't bind with the important minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper which your body needs. It is also has antioxidant properties.Magnesium Oxide and Magnesium Citrate have been added for their ability to remove impacted food matter, heavy metals, and anaerobic pathogens without the pushing and scraping like psyllium. It is also rumored to be used by NASA to detoxify the digestive tracts of astronauts in preparation for space travel.Milk Thistle is well known and well researched for protecting the liver from harmful toxins and helping to remove these toxins from the liver cells. Milk thistle is also considered a natural antioxidant, helping to detoxify a wide range of potentially damaging contaminants, including drugs, alcohol, and a wide variety of chemicals.PuraCell Herbal Blend: Nettle, Dandelion Root, Cilantro, Grape Seed Extract, and Ginger Root. Their benefits include:• Helping to cleanse the urinary system.• Targeting waste in the liver, gall bladder and kidneys. • Helping to purify the blood.• Providing diuretic benefits without loss of potassium.• Supporting removal of heavy metals from the body and brain.• Supporting the body against viruses, allergens, and carcinogens.• Helping to cleanse the skin and protect skin cells.• Cleansing the colon and supporting healthy elasticity.PuraCell enzyme blend: Serrapeptase, Protease, Bromelain, Papain, and Nattokinase. These further help to support cleansing of the liver, blood and kidneys and also work to breakdown fibrin.Alpha Lipoic Acid, a potent antioxidant has also been added for its benefits in chelation therapy for Mercury and other metal removal. This antioxidant crosses the blood brain barrier and also can enter fat cells, and help to neutralize toxins which are stored there.N-Acetyl Cysteine is another potent antioxidant which also supports the liver by helping to increase glutathione. This helps the liver to neutralize toxins and free radicals. Zeolite helps with heavy metals in the body and is also believed to target radiation. It has a natural negative (-) charge. When ingested into the body positively charged (+) heavy metals, toxins, and harmful chemicals bond with the zeolite and are flushed out through the urine.Selenium helps to protect against mercury and is also an essential nutrient for helping your liver detox carcinogenic chemicals.
Lion Heart Herbs
Cleanse Instant Herbal Tea Blend 100g (lion heart herbs)
Cleanse tea, used to detoxify and cleanse the liver, decreases feelings of anger and increases passion, creativity and enthusiasm.Here is a list of the incredible ingredients you will find in your Cleanse Taoist Tonic Tea Blend, as well as just a small, relevant selection of their many, well researched, time proven benefits:
-Crucial Key ingredient
-Releases energy blockages, relieving muscular tension and allowing toxins to be dealt with, also restoring balance to whole meridian system
-Cools Liver relieving headaches and anger
-Cleans the Liver allowing it to return to optional functioning, improving circulation, fat absorption and efficiency of environmental toxin processing and removal
-Increases the ability of the Liver to clean the blood
-Beautifying, especially for the eyes and skin.
-Liver protective, shown to promote the regeneration of Liver tissue,
-Detoxifies the liver
-Hydrating to the skin, keeping it moist and supple, protected from the elements
-Assists the Liver in optimal functioning
Dang Gui
-Strong Blood builder, rebuilds red blood cells, and increases Blood volume
-Beautifies by detoxifying the skin, is effective for dermatitis, rosacea, eczema, alopecia, vitiligo etc.
-Effective to treat painful, irregular or absent menstruation
-Mildly sedative action, calms nervous disorders
White Peony
-Potent Blood purifier and cleanser
-Relaxes muscular tension, especially menstrual, foot and leg cramps
-Has a pain-relieving, antispasmodic and analgesic effect
-An anti aging herb, keeping you looking and feeling young for longer
Prepared Rehmannia
-Potent Blood builder
-Warming effect, balancing several of the other herbs
-Strong Blood builder
-Keeps energy levels high, so detoxification symptoms are -minimal
Ho She Wu
-Blood Cleanser
-Promotes the growth and development of red blood cells
-Increases Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) activity. SOD is one of the body’s most powerful antioxidant free radical scavenger
-Broad Spectrum detoxifier, proven to gently rid the body of over 1000 known toxins
-Harmoniser, Helps all other ingredients to work together more easily
-Delicious flavour takes away any ‘rough edges’, of any other ingredients
-Improves Blood Circulation, especially to extremities
-Disperses areas of blood, and therefore also Chi, stagnation
This is a small overview of just a few of the most relevant benefits. Books could, and have, been written extolling the virtues of each particular herb, and the sum of all of them combined in this perfectly balanced formula is greater than the individual herbs. If you’re interested I highly recommend you research and find out more, you will be fascinated and enthralled, as I am, by their amazingly diverse benefits and long history of effective use
Instant Herbal Tea Blend
These Taoist Tonic Herbs come in the form of an instant herbal tea blend, the ultimate in ease and convenience. None of the effort, all of the benefit.
How to make
The instant herbal tea blends couldn't be simpler to make. All you do is add half a teaspoon to a teaspoon of herbal extract powder to a cup or a mug, pour in (boiling) hot water, stir, add sweetener if required, (liquid stevia is perfect) and drink when it's cool enough. Easy.
Organixx - Detox 60caps (Liver & Kidney)
Supports liver and kidney health and enhances their ability to filter toxins*
Helps to eliminate pollutants that trigger itchy skin, food allergies, headaches, and more*
Unleashes abundant energy to your entire body*
Support regularity and promotes overall digestive health*
Calms the intestinal tract and helps relieve gas and cramps*
Promotes better quality sleep and improved digestion*
Blend of 13 safe and powerful detoxification herbs and plant extracts
Includes adaptogens to balance the body and reduce stress so you feel good while detoxing
Contains only pure, natural ingredients free from fillers, binders, and excipients
Unique 5-step fermentation process boosts effectiveness and potency of the herbal blend
Gentle but effective formula that won’t have you tied to the bathroom all day
Organic Celery Seed
Celery seed is another powerhouse of detoxification that has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine systems in the East. It cleanses uric acid out of the bloodstream, helping support healthy kidney function. Other traditional uses include lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and calming the nerves.
Organic Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is a superfood and ancient remedy known for its incredible support of the liver – your body’s central detoxifier. It contains silymarin, a phytonutrient shown to assist in flushing toxins, helping with autoimmune diseases, fatty liver disease, and heavy metal toxicity.
Organic Turmeric
Thousands of research studies show that turmeric helps curb harmful inflammation. This medicinal “Queen of Spices” is also known for its antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-carcinogenic properties. Recent studies are highlighting turmeric’s ability to scavenge heavy metals and other toxins to prevent liver damage.
Organic Ginger Root
Long used as a digestive remedy, ginger’s detoxifying abilities are tied to stimulating digestion and blood flow. Active components within the root provide anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and liver-protective benefits. Experimental studies have shown that ginger’s compounds exert anticancer activities against gastrointestinal (GI) cancer.
Artichoke Powder
In traditional European medicine, artichoke leaves were used as a diuretic and as a "choleretic" to stimulate the flow of bile from the liver and gall bladder. They contain two key compounds: cynarin is an antioxidant that helps the liver produce bile to expel toxins, while silymarin is a flavonoid that protects liver cells and cell membranes.
Organic Broccoli Seed
Broccoli seed is a powerhouse of detoxification. It contains a phytochemical called glucoraphanin that converts to sulforaphane – a known cancer-fighting compound that boosts the enzymes involved in phase 1 and 2 detoxification. A well-functioning detoxification system is vital for eliminating toxins and maintaining a strong immune system.
Organic Marshmallow Root
Long used to treat gut conditions including indigestion and diarrhea, marshmallow root works as a mucilage. It produces a thick, sticky substance that coats membranes and soothes the intestines. It also supports respiratory health and with its antifungal and immune-supporting properties is beneficial for gastroenteritis, peptic and duodenal ulcers, colitis, and enteritis.
Organic Burdock Root
Traditionally used as a diuretic and to induce sweating, burdock root is one of the oldest detoxification remedies in the world. It supports the liver, kidneys, and gallbladder by helping remove accumulated waste products from the body. It also contains several very powerful antioxidants, including phenolic aids, luteolin, and quercetin.
Organic Eleuthero Root
Also called Siberian ginseng, eleuthero is a favorite remedy in the traditional medicine systems of China, Japan, Korea, and Russia. It’s a member of that special group of herbs known as “adaptogens” that work in a systemic way to regulate mind and body systems and increase overall health. Eleuthero in particular helps promote relaxation and supports liver health in the process.
Organic Parsley Leaf
So much more than a garnish, parsley has powerful properties that help improve digestive function and decrease the risk of numerous degenerative diseases. It helps the body flush out excess fluid and supports healthy lymph flow. It’s also loaded with chlorophyll, a known chelating agent that helps remove toxic metals from the body.
Organic Sprouted Chia Seed
With their name translating as “strength” in the Mayan language, these tiny seeds were prized by ancient warriors for providing strength, energy, and stamina. Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and high in dietary fiber, protein, and minerals, including calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.
Organic Reishi Mushroom
Nicknamed "The Mushroom of Immortality", reishi has been used for over 2000 years in Asia for relaxing and fortifying both mind and body. In addition to supporting the immune system, other observed benefits include aiding the body in eliminating toxins more efficiently, countering free radicals that contribute to aging, and increasing the liver’s metabolic efficiency.
Organic Ashwagandha
A long-time staple in traditional medicine, ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogenic herb recommended by Ayurvedic doctors for almost any condition and every patient. Its many uses include preventing liver damage by free radicals and medication, supporting hormonal imbalance, improving cardiovascular endurance, and helping to relieve stress, pain, and fatigue.
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Fundamentals Stack (Beef Organs, Beef Liver, & Bone and Marrow - Supports energy, digestion, immune health, and detoxification)
Ancestral Supplements - Fundamentals Stack (Beef Organs, Beef Liver, Bone & Marrow)
Kickstart your wellness journey with Ancestral Supplements’ Fundamentals Stack, a carefully curated blend of nutrient-rich beef organs, liver, and bone marrow. This stack combines essential vitamins, minerals, and peptides from nature’s most nourishing sources to support vitality and overall wellness.
Grass Fed Beef Organs: A powerful blend of heart, kidney, liver, pancreas, and spleen for well-rounded nutrient support
Grass Fed Beef Liver: Packed with bioavailable vitamin A, B vitamins, iron, and essential amino acids
Grass Fed Bone & Marrow: Provides healthy fats, stem cells, and growth factors to support natural wellness
100% Grass-Fed: Sourced from pasture-raised, hormone-free New Zealand cattle for superior quality
Pure & Natural: Free from fillers, GMOs, and artificial additives for clean, potent supplementation
Who It’s For: Perfect for newcomers to organ-based supplements, the Fundamentals Stack is ideal for those looking to add nutrient-dense, whole-food ingredients into their daily routine to support energy, vitality, and overall well-being.
Venjenz - VENZEO | Detox
VENZEO harnesses the natural detoxifying properties of zeolites, specifically Clinoptilolite, to help purify the human body of various toxins from industrial, agricultural, pharmaceutical, and domestic sources. The advantage of natural zeolites, which have varied pore sizes ideal for trapping a diverse array of toxin sizes.
Benefits of Venzeo
Detoxifies the Body by Removing Toxins, Chemicals, Heavy Metals, Microplastics, Herbicides and Pesticides
VENZEO is designed to enhance the body's detoxification, targeting toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, and free radicals caused by pollution, diet, and lifestyle. It supports vital organ function and cellular health, preventing harmful accumulations that lead to health issues. Aids in post surgical recovery by safely and gently removing the harshest drugs/anesthetics in the world to help you recover more quickly and to remove any potential liver damage which may be a side effect of the anesthesia.
Supports Liver Function and Acts as an Antioxidant
It boosts liver health, crucial for processing and eliminating toxins. Its antioxidant properties protect against oxidative stress and support detox pathways, maintaining the body's defenses against toxins.
Restores pH Balance and Reduces Inflammation
VENZEO also restores pH balance, reducing inflammation and promoting a healthy internal environment, beneficial for those with inflammatory conditions by alleviating symptoms and aiding in healing.
Enhances Skin Health by Rejuvenating the Complexion
The supplement's detoxifying effect rejuvenates the skin, leading to a clearer, more vibrant complexion. It addresses skin issues like acne, dullness, and premature aging by removing toxins and offering antioxidant protection against oxidative damage.
Improves Overall Well-being by Aiding in Athletic Recovery and Normalizing Blood Pressure
Furthermore, VENZEO enhances overall well-being, aiding in athletic recovery, reducing muscle soreness, improving performance, and normalizing blood pressure. This contributes to cardiovascular health and overall wellness.
In summary, VENZEO offers a holistic approach to health, focusing on detoxification, liver function, pH balance, skin health, and well-being, making it a valuable supplement for those aiming to support their body's natural detox processes and promote a healthier lifestyle.
Toxin Exposure Changes
The challenge posed by environmental toxins highlights the need for proactive steps to reduce exposure to harmful substances. This includes advocating for cleaner industrial practices, opting for organic and minimally processed foods, using natural personal care products, and enhancing indoor air quality. It's essential to be informed about the sources and impacts of toxins to protect our health in an increasingly polluted world.
Toxins can enter our bodies through ingestion of contaminated food and water or medications. The use of pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture can leave residues on produce, while industrial activities can contaminate water with heavy metals like lead and mercury. Processed foods may also contain chemical additives that accumulate in our bodies, potentially leading to health problems.
Inhalation is another significant route of toxic exposure. Industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, and household dust can release harmful substances, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter, into the air. Poor indoor air quality, exacerbated by emissions from paint, furniture, and cleaning products, is linked to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
Dermal Absorption
Our skin can absorb toxins from personal care products, detergents, and clothing. People who work with pesticides or herbicides are at risk of direct skin exposure to toxins. Despite the skin's protective role, certain chemicals can breach this barrier, posing health risks.
Cumulative Effects and Vulnerabilities
The cumulative effects of long-term exposure to these toxins can cause a range of health issues, from skin irritation and allergies to serious conditions like cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. Vulnerable groups, such as children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions, are especially at risk from environmental toxins.
Key Ingredients & Benefits
Zeolite (Clinoptilolite): Detoxifying the Body Naturally
Zeolite, specifically the variety known as Clinoptilolite, is a naturally occurring mineral with a unique, microporous structure, making it highly effective at capturing and removing toxins from the body. This detoxifying agent works by trapping harmful heavy metals, chemicals, and other pollutants, facilitating their safe elimination. The use of Zeolite as a dietary supplement can support the body's natural detoxification processes, contribute to a healthier immune system, and promote overall well-being. Its ability to bind to toxins and help remove them efficiently makes Zeolite an invaluable tool for maintaining health in an increasingly polluted environment.
Removes Toxins: Efficiently binds and removes heavy metals, chemicals, and other pollutants from the body.
Supports Detoxification: Aids the body's natural detox processes, helping to cleanse the system of harmful substances.
Promotes Immune Health: By removing toxins, it contributes to a healthier immune system and better overall health.
Environmental Protection: Offers a natural way to combat the negative health effects of environmental pollution.
Dragon Herbs
Dragon Herbs Cellular Detox Support - Bupleurum & Rehmannia 500mg 100caps
Product Description
Cellular Detox Support™ is a very useful classical Chinese formulation used to support the normal detoxification processes required by the body to establish and maintain health. It is famous in the Orient for maintaining the cleanliness of the lymphatic system, which naturally removes toxins from deep within the body on an on-going basis. This classic formula has excellent skin cleansing effects. This formula has been used for over a thousand years, by many millions of people, and is still widely used today in Japan and China. Cellular Detox Support™ supports healthy liver and immune functions. It supports healthy normal bowel function.* It is made with superior quality herbs.Classical Name — Bupleurum & Rehmannia CombinationIngredients: Bupleurum root, Platycodon root, Chinese Licorice root, Mint leaf, Burdock fruit, Forsythia fruit, Trichosanthes root, Scutellaria root, Coptis rhizome, Phellodendron bark, Gardenia fruit, Dang Gui root, White Peony root, Prepared Rehmannia root, Ligusticum root, Siler root.
Traditional Function
Disperses wind-heat, improves physical condition, detoxifies the liver, cools blood.*
Who can use it?
100 Capsules, 500mg each
Other Ingredients
Vegetarian capsules, Rice powder, Bamboo extract powder, Rice extract blend
Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Body Ecology
Body Ecology BioCLR Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser (60 capsules)
BioCLR Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser(Previously named Release Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser - same great formula, new name!)
Looking for a gentle yet effective way to support gut health? BioCLR Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser helps break down harmful biofilms in the digestive tract, promoting a healthier microbiome. Ideal for anyone seeking better gut balance and relief from digestive discomfort.
In a nutshell: It’s like “spring cleaning” for your gut with a swat team.
Full Description
Everything you need to know about this powerful new enzyme blend: BioCLR Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser.
In a nutshell: It’s like “spring cleaning” for your gut with a swat team.
Who is it for?BioCLR Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser is used as part of a protocol for people dealing with chronic dysbiosis and/or persistent infections in the gut, such as SIBO/SIFO or C.diff (often caused by antibiotic use).
What does it do?In a nutshell, it breaks up biofilm layers that protect stubborn pathogens in the gut to help “reboot” your immune system and allow beneficial bacteria to thrive.
That’s where the 3 “Rs” come in:
Remove:To start repairing the microbiome, eliminate processed and toxic foods, gluten, and bad oils. BioCLR Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser goes a step further to help detoxify biofilms where harmful pathogens like yeast, viruses, parasites, and bacteria are hiding.
Repair:Boost your inner ecosystem with nutrient-dense foods like cultured vegetables and Vitality SuperGreen. It’s formulated to help heal the gut lining and is great in smoothies and broths too!
Repopulate:Here’s where we shine! Diversity is key. Our Probiotic Protein Shake, our starters, and our Probiotic Power Shots & Mixers all nourish the good bacteria in your gut.
Usage varies based on individual needs and the desired outcome, but in general, there are 3 main goals:
Seasonal CleanseBioCLR Intestinal BioFilm Cleanser can be a powerful tool during an intestinal detox 2-3 times a year.
Everyday UseThose looking for intestinal regularity and a heightened immune system may benefit from taking a maintenance dose of 1-2 capsules per day.
Immunity BoosterTaking a preventative dose of 2-3 capsules per day during cold and flu season may also be a good idea to strengthen the immune system. Enzymes bound with magnesium and ozone give it laxative properties. A cleaner colon means a heartier, more robust immune system!
Dosage Reminder – Start low, go slow. Personal dosage varies. Remember Body Ecology’s Principle of Uniqueness and adjust as necessary.
Magnesium + Oxygen = Your Go-To Daily Intestinal MaintenanceAs always, it’s important to gauge your body’s sensitivity and never exceed the advised dosage on the bottle. Always check with your doctor or professional healthcare provider before starting any health plan or taking any supplements. The suggested dose for a 3-day or week-long cleanse is around 4-10 capsules per day, but please note: you may experience similar outcomes to a typical cleanse or enema.
Product Highlights
Supports the immune system with the effects of ozone, peroxide, and other beneficial oxidants*
Helps restore gut balance by supporting the oxidative process in the digestive tract*
Research has shown that an oxygenated environment in your gut may help remove biofilms enzymatically*
Suggested Usage
1 capsule, twice per day
Form: Capsule
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Number of Servings: 60
Focus Areas
Warning: If you are pregnant or nursing, please consult your healthcare professional before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.
Information and statements regarding dietary supplements/products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Note: The information provided on this page is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Individual results may vary. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or herbal regimen, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition, or are taking any medications.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of children. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and consult a healthcare provider.
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Beef Liver & Beef Organs Bundle (Supports energy, digestion, detox, and whole body health)
Ancestral Supplements - Beef Liver & Beef Organs Bundle
Experience the natural power of nutrient-dense organ supplements with Ancestral Supplements’ Beef Liver & Beef Organs Bundle. Featuring grass-fed beef liver and a blend of vital organs, this bundle provides an array of bioavailable nutrients to naturally support energy, digestion, detoxification, and overall health.
Grass Fed Beef Liver: Packed with bioavailable iron, vitamin A, and B vitamins for natural vitality
Grass Fed Organ Blend: Includes heart, kidney, pancreas, and spleen for diverse nutrient support
Supports Whole Body Wellness: Delivers a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes
100% Grass-Fed: Sourced from pasture-raised, hormone-free New Zealand cattle
Pure & Natural: Free from fillers, GMOs, and artificial additives, ensuring premium quality
Who It’s For: Perfect for individuals seeking natural ways to support energy, digestion, and detoxification, this bundle is ideal for those who value nutrient-rich, organ-based supplements sourced from the finest grass-fed cattle. Whether starting your wellness journey or enhancing an existing routine, this bundle is a premium choice for whole-body nourishment.
Feel Younger
Feel Younger - Colon Sweep Intestinal Cleansing Formula 60caps
Would you like…
To Cleanse and Detox Your Colon and Intestines
Improved Digestive Health
Improved Gut Health
More Regular Bowel Movements and Constipation Relief
Reduced Symptoms and Occurrence of Diarrhea and Loose Stools
Reduced Severity of Bloating, Abdominal Pain and Gas
If so, you may want to give our Colon Sweep: Intestinal Cleansing Formula a try!This product can potentially give you a whole host of other benefits, such as:
Improved Skin Health
Heartburn Relief
Stronger Bones
Blood Pressure Regulation
Blood Sugar Regulation
Aiding Healthy Weight Loss
Boosted Immune System
Lower Cholesterol
Why is it Important to Cleanse Your Intestines?Your colon is the biggest part of your intestines, also called the large intestine. It is a tube that is connected to the anus at one end, and the small intestine at the other.The colon's job is to remove nutrients, electrolytes and water from partly digested food, and to send whatever waste is left (stool) to the rectum, where it eventually leaves the body through the anus.The cleansing of your colon is nothing new, in fact it’s based on the ancient theory Autointoxication that believes excess waste in the body can contribute to disease through “poisoning” [1].Because your intestines twist and turn, this can cause fecal matter to become trapped. Furthermore, abnormal stool consistency can have the same effect.Stools are waste (around 75% water) containing many things that the body cannot deal with and wants to get rid of, such as excess nutrients, undigested food, bacteria and more.The theory of autointoxication believes that foods and undigested meat can cause an excess of mucus to build up in the colon, which produces toxins that will eventually enter the bloodstream and thus will poison the body.Whether you believe the theory or not, the point still remains that excess fecal matter that is stuck to the colon walls cannot be a good thing. Think about your arteries - if they clog, it makes it harder for the blood to pass through, raising your blood pressure.This “clogging” of the colon can cause bloating, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain and swelling, irregular bowel movements, interruption to your sleep and more!Plus, although most people focus on colon cleansing, which has caused us to name the product after this, the latest research indicates it’s the small intestines that may benefit from cleansing most.The small intestine is 30 feet long with around 150 bends, so it makes sense that it could very easily get partially obstructed, and this could in turn cause a whole host of problems, including the contents rotting, which would make bacteria and other organisms proliferate (this is not good in the small intestine) and potentially leading to inflammation and intestinal permeability (leaky gut) where unprocessed pieces of food leak into the bloodstream, causing an immune response.What Causes Waste Matter to Get Stuck in the Intestines?In a healthy body, peristalsis, the process whereby the intestines move its contents through, and out, occurs at an appropriate pace.If it happens too quickly, this can lead to diarrhea, and subsequent discomfort and nutrient loss.Less embarrassing, but more problematic long term, is where the intestinal contents move through too slowly, due to a deficiency in peristalsis,There are many reasons for buildup of waste in the intestines, such as:
poor diet, including overeating, eating too frequently, and eating excessive processed foods.
Not drinking enough fluids
Lack of exercise
Ignoring bowel movements
Conditions such as hemorrhoids that cause pain and make the person not want to go… resulting in constipation
Overuse of laxatives
Bile duct obstruction/improper liver function
Lack of nutrients essential to maintain healthy peristalsis, for example Magnesium
Can You Test For Stuck Waste Matter in Your Colon and Small Intestine?A procedure called a Colonoscopy can be administered to look inside your colon.This test involves a flexible tube with a tiny camera attached to the top that is inserted into your rectum.This test will allow the doctors to check for any changes or abnormalities inside the colon.This test involves taking a powerful laxative before the camera is inserted.The fact that, when the camera is inserted, the colon is usually relatively empty has caused mainstream medicine to be skeptical of the validity of Colon Cleanses.However, for millennia people have been practicing these cleanses, especially recently, seeing a lot of extra waste matter come out, even whilst doing extensive fasting, and getting all kinds of health benefits from the practice.How do we reconcile the two? Our conclusion here at Feel Younger is that, while a Colon Cleanse will clear out the colon for some significant benefit, the main benefit is probably in clearing blocked waste out of the small intestine too.It’s extremely difficult to test this theory as the small intestine is very difficult to access, but a stool DNA test can give a reasonable idea of how healthy the full intestinal tract is. The Top 6 Ways to Reduce the Chances of Waste Matter Building Up in Your Colon and Small Intestine:Here’s 6 lifestyle tips you can apply to help get your peristalsis working in a more optimal way, keeping your intestines clear and healthy:
Eat a nutrient dense organic diet, with a good variety of nutrient dense foods. Foods containing high levels of Magnesium and Potassium are especially important, as is Choline to keep the bile flowing, which stimulates peristalsis. [2]
Drink plenty of water. At least 2 liters a day should help to soften your stools and keep them moving [3]
Get a colonic. Colonics can be a great way to help flush out the intestines and get rid of any fecal matter that has built up on the intestinal walls. It’s then theorized that this also then gets the small intestine to release more waste into the colon, once it’s been emptied, which clears away any intestinal backlog which may be present.
Exercise regularly. Around 150 minutes a week is recommended and exercise has been shown to increase the speed at which your stool passes through you [4].
Don’t ignore bowel movements. Never purposely ignore a bowel movement if you can help it, because it can lead to fecal retention and constipation [5].
Give your body the nutrients it needs to help cleanse your colon:
Bentonite Clay. On mice fed a high fat diet, bentonite has a prebiotic effect on the intestinal microbiota [6]. Bentonite is famously used for its ability to soak up, like a sponge, a wide variety of toxic materials, to prevent them being absorbed back into the bloodstream.Psyllium. Is known as a bulking agent. Once Bentonite Clay has soaked up the toxic waste, Psyllium is used, like a brush, to move through, and out, the waste that may be trapped in the intestines. Psyllium is also a prebiotic (compounds that help the growth of good bacteria in the gut).Rhubarb. Rich in fiber that can help to prevent constipation [7] by stimulating bile flow and thereby peristalsis.Lactobacillus Acidophilus. Known as L. Acidophilus is a probiotic that helps to reduce diarrhea [8] and maintain a healthy Microbiome by supporting good bacteria and reducing bad bacteria.Oat Straw. Contains many antioxidants which can help to reduce inflammation in the intestines [9].Alfalfa. Can help to reduce oxidative stress [10] and inflammation due to its antioxidant properties.We understand that it’s not always easy, nor practical to implement a variety of lifestyle changes - especially all at once.We’d advise that you make as many of the changes listed further up this page as possible, but to do so 1 or 2 at a time, make sure they stick and then move onto more.In the meantime, you can support your body with the essential nutrients and minerals it needs that can help support your colon.That’s why we’ve included the above ingredients in our Colon Sweep Formula, along with Gentian, Aloe Vera, Cascara Sagrada, Goldenseal and Buckthorn.By combining these ingredients into an easy to swallow capsule, we’ve taken the stress out of buying each of these ingredients separately, researching and experimenting how much of each you should take and then incorporating them into your diet/supplement regime.Here at Feel younger, we believe in providing strong doses at reasonable prices. Our Colon Sweep: Intestinal Cleansing Formula capsules provide a 1,400 mg daily dose, and will cost you no more than $29, with discounts available on multiple bottle and subscription purchases.How Do You Take Feel Younger® Colon Sweep: Intestinal Cleansing Formula?Take 2 capsules in the morning with your first meal.Monitor how you feel. If the first dose is well tolerated, take two capsules with your first meal and 2 capsules with your last meal.Do this daily until the capsules are gone.Any Cautions?In rare cases, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, reduced liver function,Pregnant people should avoid this product because of its alfalfa & oat straw content.Do not take this product if you have IBS or ulcers, intestinal blockages, kidney problems, appendicitis or stomach pain (with unknown cause) because of its cascara sagrada content.Do not continue taking if the first dose is not well tolerated.ALWAYS consult a healthcare professional before taking any new supplements.
Scientific References
Ancient Minerals
Bentonite Clay Bath - Toxin Detox Clay Bath Kit - 2.75kg
2.5kg Bentonite clay powderToxin Detox contains a blend of:
Arrowroot (Manihot esculenta)
Basil (Ocymum basilicum)
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)
Thyme (Thymus serphyllum)
Myrrh (Commimphora myrrha)
Paprika (Capsicum annuum)
Butchers Broom (Ruscus aculeatus)
20+ years of clay detox for pain, fatigue & healing
Every day, we’re exposed to environmental pollutants. On top of that, each of our cells creates waste. When waste by-products build up faster than we can clear them, our body can become toxic, sluggish, and sick.
Some common symptoms that may indicate the need for a deeper detox include:
Bloating and gas
Brain fog
Chronic indigestion/discomfort
Excess acidity
Stiff joints
Clay baths can be used in a series to promote relaxation and systematically release toxins. It’s also possible to experience symptoms like fatigue, headache, nausea, and light-headedness as toxins are eliminated. A dark or black residue, containing impurities, may be drawn to the bottom of the tub. These symptoms normally subside, leading to a stronger sense of wellbeing, within 4 to 12 baths.
For a long time, 100-percent raw clay detox baths have been used to address chronic health problems, environmental sensitivity, and aches, pains, and fatigue, as well as for long-term maintenance.
Relieve toxic radiation build-up in as little as 3 weeks
For more serious conditions, like heavy metal accumulation or radiation exposure, clay baths can be spaced 5 to 7 days apart with soaks lasting up to 15 minutes. Results vary depending on the person and the level of toxicity. But since clay works like a charged mineral, its negative electromagnetic energy may begin to bind to and flush toxic substances from the body within four baths, or about three weeks.
Acting as a catalyst, bentonite clay helps quicken chemical reactions. Soaking first to address any existing health problems, and then soaking up to twice a week for maintenance, increases the odds that environmental or ingested toxins will be absorbed before they hit the bloodstream. Easing the toxic burden supports the health of the liver and kidneys. It also keeps waste products from building up in the colon so we can take in more vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
Clays, like bentonite, can pull toxins through the pores. Regular clay baths help stimulate the lymphatic system and cleanse the skin, the largest detox organ in our body.
Supporting our body’s natural ability to detoxify matters because it can bring us back to our healthier, undisturbed state. Some doctors have hypothesised that our cells might be immortal, if only we could keep them nourished and protected against pollution. Releasing toxic overload improves our longevity, and a bentonite clay bath is one of the gentlest and most affordable ways to do it.
* Always consult your doctor if you are on prescription medication or have a heart condition, high blood pressure, or other special health concerns.
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD. “A Comprehensive Review of Heavy Metal Detoxification and Clinical Pearls from 30 Years of Medical Practice.” Accessed April 15, 2019
Moosavi M. Bentonite Clay as a Natural Remedy: A Brief Review. Iran J Public Health. 2017;46(9):1176–1183.
Gates WP, Bouazza A, Churchman GJ. Bentonite clay keeps pollutants at bay. Elements. 2009 Apr 1;5(2):105-10.
Carretero MI. Clay minerals and their beneficial effects upon human health. A review. Applied Clay Science. 2002; 21: 158.
Carrel A. ON THE PERMANENT LIFE OF TISSUES OUTSIDE OF THE ORGANISM. J Exp Med. 1912;15(5):516–528. doi:10.1084/jem.15.5.516.
• Duct tape (or another waterproof tape), electric kitchen blender, and surgical or dust mask
Common symptoms of detoxification
• A pulling sensation from parts of the body like the stomach, fatigue, headache, light-headedness and nausea.
Common benefits of detoxification
• Safely and effectively release years of accumulated toxic environmental pollutants in every bath.
• Greatly reduce toxic levels of metals and chemicals, confirmed through laboratory testing.
• Save hundreds of dollars compared to chelation therapy and other environmental detoxification programs, with no need for costly equipment.
• Get a private and convenient detox option within your own home, using 100-percent raw, untreated clay provided in its natural state.
A few words of caution
• Clay baths aren't for those who are pregnant or nursing.
• Always consult your doctor if you are on prescription medication or have a heart condition, high blood pressure, or other special health concerns.
• If you are elderly or extremely toxic, weak, or ill, you may wish to use less clay or stay in the bath for a shorter amount of time (or start with foot baths).
• Detoxification clay baths may also remove some minerals and electrolytes, so be sure to replenish.
• DO NOT take a clay bath after a heavy meal.
Quick and easy clay bath guidelines -
Start with the category that best matches your current personal health. It's recommended to begin your bath series with the least amount of clay and gradually build up to the maximum, especially for children.
For chronic conditions and environmental sensitivity: Use 125-250gm of clay formula per bath. Space your baths from 5 to 7 days apart. Stay in the tub for 10 to 15 minutes.
For minor ailments, fatigue and "not feeling up to par:" Use 250-500gm of clay formula per bath. Space your baths from 3 to 5 days apart. Stay in the tub for 15 to 20 minutes.
For long-term maintenance, average health and an active life: Use 250-750gm of clay formula per bath. Space your baths from 3 to 5 days apart. Stay in the tub for a full 20 minutes or longer.
For children:
• Children 10 to 50 lbs. (4.5 to 22.5 kg): 85gm for 10 to 20 minutes.
• Children 50 to 75 lbs. (22.5 to 34 kg): 125gm for 10 to 20 minutes.
• Children 75 to 100 lbs. (34 to 45 kg): 185gm for 10 to 20 minutes.
*Remember, clay is slippery when wet. Please take precautions to ensure safety when entering and exiting baths.
No reviews
Ancient Minerals
Bentonite Clay Bath - CLEAR ALL Detox kit 2.75kg
2.5kg Bentonite clay powderClear All Detox contains a blend of:
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Sage (Saliva officinalis)
Rosemary (Rasmarinum officinalis)
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Arrowroot (Manihot esculenta)
Thyme (Thymus serphyllum)
Ingredients: 2.5kg Bentonite clay powder
20+ years of clay detox for pain, fatigue & healing
Every day, we’re exposed to environmental pollutants. On top of that, each of our cells creates waste. When waste by-products build up faster than we can clear them, our body can become toxic, sluggish, and sick.
Some common symptoms that may indicate the need for a deeper detox include:
Bloating and gas
Brain fog
Chronic indigestion/discomfort
Excess acidity
Stiff joints
Clay baths can be used in a series to promote relaxation and systematically release toxins. It’s also possible to experience symptoms like fatigue, headache, nausea, and light-headedness as toxins are eliminated. A dark or black residue, containing impurities, may be drawn to the bottom of the tub. These symptoms normally subside, leading to a stronger sense of wellbeing, within 4 to 12 baths.
For a long time, 100-percent raw clay detox baths have been used to address chronic health problems, environmental sensitivity, and aches, pains, and fatigue, as well as for long-term maintenance.
Relieve toxic radiation build-up in as little as 3 weeks
For more serious conditions, like heavy metal accumulation or radiation exposure, clay baths can be spaced 5 to 7 days apart with soaks lasting up to 15 minutes. Results vary depending on the person and the level of toxicity. But since clay works like a charged mineral, its negative electromagnetic energy may begin to bind to and flush toxic substances from the body within four baths, or about three weeks.
Acting as a catalyst, bentonite clay helps quicken chemical reactions. Soaking first to address any existing health problems, and then soaking up to twice a week for maintenance, increases the odds that environmental or ingested toxins will be absorbed before they hit the bloodstream. Easing the toxic burden supports the health of the liver and kidneys. It also keeps waste products from building up in the colon so we can take in more vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
Clays, like bentonite, can pull toxins through the pores. Regular clay baths help stimulate the lymphatic system and cleanse the skin, the largest detox organ in our body.
Supporting our body’s natural ability to detoxify matters because it can bring us back to our healthier, undisturbed state. Some doctors have hypothesised that our cells might be immortal, if only we could keep them nourished and protected against pollution. Releasing toxic overload improves our longevity, and a bentonite clay bath is one of the gentlest and most affordable ways to do it.
* Always consult your doctor if you are on prescription medication or have a heart condition, high blood pressure, or other special health concerns.
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD. “A Comprehensive Review of Heavy Metal Detoxification and Clinical Pearls from 30 Years of Medical Practice.” Accessed April 15, 2019
Moosavi M. Bentonite Clay as a Natural Remedy: A Brief Review. Iran J Public Health. 2017;46(9):1176–1183.
Gates WP, Bouazza A, Churchman GJ. Bentonite clay keeps pollutants at bay. Elements. 2009 Apr 1;5(2):105-10.
Carretero MI. Clay minerals and their beneficial effects upon human health. A review. Applied Clay Science. 2002; 21: 158.
Carrel A. ON THE PERMANENT LIFE OF TISSUES OUTSIDE OF THE ORGANISM. J Exp Med. 1912;15(5):516–528. doi:10.1084/jem.15.5.516.
• Duct tape (or another waterproof tape), electric kitchen blender, and surgical or dust mask
Common symptoms of detoxification
• A pulling sensation from parts of the body like the stomach, fatigue, headache, light-headedness and nausea.
Common benefits of detoxification
• Safely and effectively release years of accumulated toxic environmental pollutants in every bath.
• Greatly reduce toxic levels of metals and chemicals, confirmed through laboratory testing.
• Save hundreds of dollars compared to chelation therapy and other environmental detoxification programs, with no need for costly equipment.
• Get a private and convenient detox option within your own home, using 100-percent raw, untreated clay provided in its natural state.
A few words of caution
• Clay baths aren't for those who are pregnant or nursing.
• Always consult your doctor if you are on prescription medication or have a heart condition, high blood pressure, or other special health concerns.
• If you are elderly or extremely toxic, weak, or ill, you may wish to use less clay or stay in the bath for a shorter amount of time (or start with foot baths).
• Detoxification clay baths may also remove some minerals and electrolytes, so be sure to replenish.
• DO NOT take a clay bath after a heavy meal.
Quick and easy clay bath guidelines -
Start with the category that best matches your current personal health. It's recommended to begin your bath series with the least amount of clay and gradually build up to the maximum, especially for children.
For chronic conditions and environmental sensitivity: Use 125-250gm of clay formula per bath. Space your baths from 5 to 7 days apart. Stay in the tub for 10 to 15 minutes.
For minor ailments, fatigue and "not feeling up to par:" Use 250-500gm of clay formula per bath. Space your baths from 3 to 5 days apart. Stay in the tub for 15 to 20 minutes.
For long-term maintenance, average health and an active life: Use 250-750gm of clay formula per bath. Space your baths from 3 to 5 days apart. Stay in the tub for a full 20 minutes or longer.
For children:
• Children 10 to 50 lbs. (4.5 to 22.5 kg): 85gm for 10 to 20 minutes.
• Children 50 to 75 lbs. (22.5 to 34 kg): 125gm for 10 to 20 minutes.
• Children 75 to 100 lbs. (34 to 45 kg): 185gm for 10 to 20 minutes.
*Remember, clay is slippery when wet. Please take precautions to ensure safety when entering and exiting baths.
No reviews
Revolution Foods
Revolution Foods - Ironise Herbal Cleanse 90 Caps 600mg (Kidney, Liver & Heart)
100% natural ingredients
Helps recovery from a hangover
Purifies blood cells
Supports a healthy digestive system
Anti bacterial
Anti fungal
Anti parasitic
Supports detoxification
Rich in essential vitamins and minerals
Vegan friendly capsules
Raw Sport Herbal Cleanse is to be used as a daily health supplement that is used for health maintenance. The herbs have vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory in abundance, and many more compounds that provide a platform to rejuvenate all bodily systems. The product supports a healthy liver and can be used as a detox supplement. The product is not recommended as a stand-alone Iron supplement but provides a good source of organic Iron phosphate, a key component of the circulatory, immune and respiratory systems. Many customers use Raw Sport Herbal Cleanse as a hangover tonic as it detoxifies the alcohol molecules and excretes via the liver.
Raw Sport Herbal Cleanse has been created primarily as a blood cleansing tonic. The circulatory and lymphatic systems are essential to transport nutrients to every cell of the body to perform it's various functions. In the same manner, the bloodstream does the same with toxins, potentially causing biological disruption. The herbs selected within Ironize have the capability to bind toxins in the bloodstream and eliminate them from the body. Ironize is a potent detoxification supplement and helps kill unwanted bacterias, parasites and viruses from the body and eliminates via urine, sweat and the bowels. Taking Ironize consistently will cleanse and nourish the circulatory and lymphatic systems and act as a potent anti inflammatory.
It's other reported health benefits include:
Reduces inflammation
Restores acid - alkaline P.H balance.
Helps to boost the immune system.
Promotes protein release in correct proportions.
Balances hormones.
Improves digestive metabolism.
Improves liver metabolism.
Improves skin tone, acne, boils, blemishes, spots, scaring.
Improves endurance.
Enhances detoxification.
Purifiers blood cells.
Kill parasites, fungus and viruses.
Aids in recovery from a hang over
Rumex crispus (Yellow Dock)
Arctium Lappa (Burdock Root)
Smilax Ornate (Sarsaparilla)
Picrasma Excel (Quassia Wood)
Verbena Officinalis (Vervain)
We use some of the highest quality plant-based ingredients for our products, to make sure they are the healthiest and most effective available. Check out what is inside.
We ensure all our suppliers are using the highest quality ingredients possible, we only work with suppliers, farmers and growers we know and trust.
Every product is batch tested and we use 3rd party lab testing to further validity the quality of our products.
Our supplements are tested for heavy metals, and use organic ingredients, also tested for herbicides and pesticides.
Our Approach is health first and performance driven, we would never build a product for profit, and value product quality that drives performance.
All our products are made in the UK, NONGMO, Gluten Free, Vegan Friendly, Soy Free & Dairy Free.
Our Values
And Lastly, we plant 1 tree for every supplement we sell. So if you buy 3 products from us, we will plant 3 trees. How Cool is that!
Raw Sport
Raw Sport Herbal Cleanse 90caps (600mg)
Raw Sport Herbal Cleanse is a formulation designed to optimise health and well being. Our blend of herbs are organically grown, shade dried and serve multi functional health purposes
Raw Sport Herbal Cleanse is to be used as a daily health supplement that is used for health maintenance. The herbs have vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory in abundance, and many more compounds that provide a platform to rejuvenate all bodily systems. The product supports a healthy liver and can be used as a detox supplement. The product is not recommended as a stand-alone Iron supplement but provides a good source of organic Iron phosphate, a key component of the circulatory, immune and respiratory systems. Many customers use Raw Sport Herbal Cleanse as a hangover tonic as it detoxifies the alcohol molecules and excretes via the liver.
Raw Sport Herbal Cleanse has been created primarily as a blood cleansing tonic. The circulatory and lymphatic systems are essential to transport nutrients to every cell of the body to perform it's various functions. In the same manner, the bloodstream does the same with toxins, potentially causing biological disruption. The herbs selected within Ironize have the capability to bind toxins in the bloodstream and eliminate them from the body. Ironize is a potent detoxification supplement and helps kill unwanted bacterias, parasites and viruses from the body and eliminates via urine, sweat and the bowels. Taking Ironize consistently will cleanse and nourish the circulatory and lymphatic systems and act as a potent anti inflammatory.
It's other reported health benefits include:
Reduces inflammation
Restores acid - alkaline P.H balance.
Helps to boost the immune system.
Promotes protein release in correct proportions.
Balances hormones.
Improves digestive metabolism.
Improves liver metabolism.
Improves skin tone, acne, boils, blemishes, spots, scaring.
Improves endurance.
Enhances detoxification.
Purifiers blood cells.
Kill parasites, fungus and viruses.
Aids in recovery from a hang over.
When to take?
Take three capsules at any point in the day. Can take at once or in intervals. If used as a hangover tonic, take three capsules before bed time and three upon waking.
How to take?
Take with water. Can take at once or in intervalsDisclaimer: Implied results may vary. Individuals will respond differently. Implied results assume an appropriate nutrition and training plan.