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Aggressive Health Aggressive Health by Mike Nash (book)
Aggressive Health by Mike Nash
Baseline Nutrionals Baseline Nutritionals - Lessons from the Miracle Doctors by Jon Barron (book)
While modern medicine has made remarkable advances in terms of treating and preventing many chronic illnesses — heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis—modern medicine has still failed. Each year we spend more on health care, with little to show for it. Revealed in Jon Barron’s health secrets book, there is an alternative. Holistic healers, herbalists, and renegade medical doctors throughout the world are performing miracles on a daily basis. Thousands of people have come to these "miracle doctors" certain they were terminally ill and have left perfectly healthy. And now the health secrets of these miracle doctors are revealed in a step-by-step program that allows you to take back control of your health and well-being. Finally, you will find these health secrets gathered in one health book—a program that integrates all of your body's biological systems into a cohesive whole. Outlined in “Lessons From The Miracle Doctors,” the Baseline of Health® Program is designed to empower your own body to throw off illness and keep it from returning. Health tips in Barron’s health book include: Detoxification and cleansing strategies Guidelines for healthy eating and supplementation Balancing the body's systems to optimize function and fight disease Specific treatments for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and many other illnesses It has often been said that the body you have is the only you will ever get, so it must last a lifetime—the only question is how long and healthy that lifetime will be. The simple fact is that you can live well into your seventies, eighties, and beyond, with great health and vitality—but you need to make the right decisions now. This remarkable book addresses the following topics and more: Learn how the modern medical paradigm steals your health Cleansing and detoxification programs Relief from catastrophic illness Understanding the myths about today’s plagues – diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s Probiotics benefits for the intestinal tract Revealing the truth about cardiovascular health Anti-aging tips for living a quality life How to naturally balance hormone levels Strengthen your immune system for natural cancer prevention Key concepts like energy, positive thinking, exercise and drinking pure water for long term health
Chi Health Enterprise Dr Chi's Herbal Formulas book (Chi-Health)
Paperback: 388 pages Publisher: Chi's Enterprise (2008) Language: English ISBN: 0-9657847-6-2 Dimensions: 8.12 x 5.44 x 0.81in   This book provides an in-depth discussion of how eastern and western medical practices are effectively combined in Chi’s herbal protocols for different health conditions. This updated edition covers a wider variety of conditions and organizes them into distinct categories. More scientific studies and more anecdotal reports are detailed in this latest edition. It even provides readers with a guide to using Chi herbal supplements with conventional medicine. This is a MUST-HAVE for healthcare professionals who use Chi products in their practices. Consumers, you will find a wealth of information about health conditions and what you can do to improve your health naturally.
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Chi Health Enterprise Dr Chi's Tongue And Finger Nail Analysis Book (Chi-Health)
Chi's Enterprise Fingernail and Tongue Analysis Book Comprehensive Fingernail and Tongue Analysis by Dr Chi In the past, it was standard for doctors to ask patients to stick their tongues out for examination. Over the years, the prevalence of this practice has faded with the emergence of new technological diagnostic equipment. What people don't realize is that the tongue as well as the fingernails provide an important insight into our health conditions. Dr. Tsu-Tsair Chi is a biochemist and Board Certified Naturopathic Physician, and the founder of Chi's Enterprise, Inc. Dr. Chi has worked in the fields of infectious disease, cancer, and artherosclerosis. He also consults worldwide. Dr. Chi developed an innovative diagnosis technique based on the observations and conditions of tens of thousand of cancer patients from the lunulae (half moon markings) of the fingernails and the teeth marks on the tongue to better combat the possibilities of disease in seemingly healthy people. Since Dr. Chi first published this book in 1997, thousands of doctors and patients have learned his method to self diagnose and detect illness early.  "Dr Chi's book on self diagnosis is the best Nail and Tongue analysis in English." - Dr. Jonathan WrightThis book aims to educate individuals on how to effectively use physical signs such as teeth marks and lunulae (moons on the fingernails) in determining the status of our health. You will be amazed at how accurate these physical signs are! Inside Chi's Enterprise Fingernail and Tongue Analysis, 267 pages  Section One: Fingernail Analysis An overview of fingernail diagnosis, including nail shape or growth change, color change, lunulae and mitochondrial function, ridges, bumps, spots and other nail markings, and nail analysis by condition. 6 chapters.  Section Two: Tongue Analysis An overview of tongue diagnosis, including tongue vitality, movement, and moisture, tongue color, coating, shape, size and length and other tongue markers, and tongue analysis by System. 7 chapters.  Section Three: Other Physical Markers Examining other physical markers, and using the Chi's Enterprise Preventative Diagnostic Kit (color wheel) for further diagnosis. 2 chapters Section Four: Fingernail, Tongue and Body Anlaysis: A comprehensive Look A complete fingernail, tongue and body analysis. 1 chapter (66 pages) Appendix, including diagrams and full color photos:  Appendix A: Quick guide to Fingernail and Tongue Analysis Appendix B: Herbal Formulas Appendix C: Fingernail and Body Diagrams Appendix D: Pictures of Fingernail, Tongue and Body Markers Dr. Chi has lectured extensively on the subject of Fingernail and Tongue analysis to healthcare professionals all over the United States, including:  • American College for Advancement in Medicine - Florida, May 1999 • Alaska Chiropractic Society Annual Convention (approved for 4 Continuing Education (CE) credits) - May 1999 • Parker Chiropractic College (approved in 48 states for 12 CE credits) - Texas, October 2003 • American Chiropractic Association Council on Nutrition (approved for 4 CE credits) - Texas, April 2005 About Chi's Enterprise, the company Eastern alternative medicine meets western science at Chi's Enterprise. Founded in 1986 by Dr. Tsu-Tsair Chi, Chi's Enterprise is a well-respected leader in Herbal Alternative Medicine, offering sound, research-based supplements to people worldwide. Dr. Chi received medical training in China and earned his PhD in Biochemistry from Rutgers University in 1978. He is also a Board Certified Naturopathic Physician. Dr. Chi's research background includes infectious disease research at Squibb, new cancer drug research and studies at Warner Lambert/Parke-Davis, as well as Omicron's lab director in the fields of cancer, vaccines and atherosclerosis.  Rest assured, Chi's product formulations are designed using both eastern and western healthcare methodologies, to help you achieve optimum health naturally.    In the past,it was standard for doctors to ask patients to stick their tongues out for examination. Over the years, the prevalence of this practice has faded with the emergence of new technological diagnostic equipment. What people don't realize is that the tongue as well as the fingernails provide an important insight into our health conditions. This book aims to educate individuals on how to effectively use physical signs such as teeth marks and lunulae (moons on the fingernails) in determining the status of our health. You will be amazed at how accurate these physical signs are! Dr. Chi has lectured extensively on the subject of Fingernail and Tongue analysis to healthcare professionals all over the United States. The following is a list of some organizations that sponsored his lectures: American College for Advancement in Medicine - Florida, May 1999 Alaska Chiropractic Society Annual Convention (approved for 4 Continuing Education (CE) credits) - May 1999 Parker Chiropractic College  approved in 48 states for 12 CE credits) - Texas, October 2003 American Chiropractic Association Council on Nutrition (approved for 4 CE credits) - Texas, April 2005
Lion Heart Herbs Easy Exhaustion Cure Book by Elwin Robinson
Are you sick of being tired and exhausted? Are you ready to totally transform your health and experience abundant energy every day? Are you ready to feel strong, empowered, energized and vibrant every day? Do you want a complete program that provides lasting results, is simple to understand, easy to implement, gives you fast-track knowledge, is personalized to your needs and guarantees incredible results? If you are truly ready to completely transform your health, and experience an abundance of energy for the rest of your life then this may be the most important book you will ever read....
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Living Libations Holistic Dental Care Book (Nadine Artemis founder of Living Libations)
A comprehensive guide to natural, do-it-yourself oral care, Holistic Dental Care introduces simple, at-home dental procedures that anyone can do. Highlighted with fifty-three full-color photos and illustrations, this book offers dental self-care strategies and practices that get to the core of the problems in our mouths--preventing issues from taking root and gently restoring dental health. Based on a "whole body approach" to oral care, Holistic Dental Care addresses the limits of the traditional approach that treats only the symptoms and not the source of body imbalances. Taking readers on a tour of the ecology of the mouth, dental health expert and author Nadine Artemis describes the physiology of the teeth and the sources of bacteria and decay. Revealing the truth about the artificial chemicals in many toothpastes and mouthwashes, Artemis also discusses the harmful effects of mercury fillings and the much safer ceramic filling options that are available. Covering topics that include healthy nutrition, oral care for children, and the benefits of botanical substances and plant extracts for maintaining oral health, Artemis introduces a comprehensive eight-step self-dentistry protocol that offers an effective way to prevent decay, illness, acidic saliva, plaque build-up, gum bleeding, inflammation, and more. About the Author Author and health expert NADINE ARTEMIS is the creator of Living Libations, an exquisite line of natural serums, elixirs, and essentials oils. She is a frequent commentator on health and beauty for media outlets and her products have received rave reviews in The New York Times, The National Post, and The Hollywood Reporter. Described by Alanis Morissette as "a true-sense visionary," Artemis has formulated a stunning collection of rare and special botanical compounds, including her dental serums developed after treating a cavity with plant extracts.  "Nadine Artemis's well-balanced, well-researched book credibly encourages readers to take control of their own dental health. Plenty to chew on in this stimulating dental compendium." —Kirkus Reviews“Achieving optimal oral health cannot be done exclusively in the dental office; oral hygiene and nutrition are key to preventing major dental work and the consequences it can have on the body. I have helped people at a professional level for thirty years and it is clear that we must give people tools to help themselves at home, for their everyday care. This book helps the dental profession and makes dental care more accessible.” —Lina Garcia, DDS, DMD“Nadine Artemis brings great clarity and insight to the mouth-body connection. Holistic Dental Care is filled with pearls of wisdom that make a difference.”—Stuart M. Nunnally, DDS
indiumease INDIUM Book 88 pages
New Mineral Discovery of the 21 st Century Author: Joseph B. Marion Indium! Raising the amount of minerals a gland can absorb is a nutritional breakthrough in glandular performance. Combining Science and Nature with graphs and years of experience with Indium, the 7th rarest mineral All-Natural Liquid TRACE MINERAL Element #49 Original Patented 99.9% Pure INDIUM . . . the Missing-Link 1 mg. Pure INDIUM Per Drop, 60-90 Days Supply After 25 years of research & development by Schroeder and Bonadio and thousands of personal reports from satisfied users, for the first time in history 99.9% pure Liquid Indium advanced-food is available at the advent of the 21st century. ~~ INDIUMEASE ~ THE Silver Bullet ~~~ You can live without INDIUM, but you may not achieve Optimum Longevity without it ~ The 7th-rarest Mineral # 49 on the Periodic Table, INDIUM, until now was not bioavailable, therefore all plants & animals are 99% deficient. INDIUM is the "Missing Link" unifying two major Mineral groups, for the first time in history INDIUM is made bioavailable by the patented process #6,007,847 for an evolutionary feeling of easy living. What does rare INDIUM do, besides raising average Mineral uptake 60 to 694% ? INDIUM (In) is a soft silvery supermetal discovered in 1850 .05 ppm. in earth ores, insoluble in water so only traces are taken up in the food chain and present in fauna or anima on autopsy. Indium was first tested in 200 mice compared to 200 controls by Dartmouth Medical School's Dr. Henry A. Schroeder, J.J. Balassa, Marian Mitchner, M. Kanisawa, A.P. Nason, and W.H. Vinton in 1964-68; who reported that INDIUM improved average Mineral absorption in the glands 142%; raised Chromium in all organs average 333%, enhancing Insulin that regulates muscle-building Protein and Carbohydrate energy in mammals.SAFETY:  Indium is among the safest of trace elements, safer than Selenium & most minerals;  there has never been a case of human poisoning from industrial use of Indium.  Indium-sulfate was granted F.D.A. “Generally Recognized As Safe” G.R.A.S. status.  Begin slowly, and Reduce Amount if under severe stress or multiple trauma to avoid too-speedy rejuvenation.  Take in moderation, not excess.  The recommended Patented INDIUM DAILY AMOUNT is 1 Drop per 50 lb. of body weight, containing 1 mg. 99.9% pure INDIUM as Indium-sulfate per drop.  Swallow Drops on back of tongue on an empty stomach upon arising (7-10 hours after last food);  & wait 10 minutes before eating.  Begin taking one drop per day the first week, raising by 1 drop per day each successive week, to normal amount. NOTE:  Indium has not been tested by any government agency, nor been approved to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  The above science and testimony abstracts are true, accurate and complete to best knowledge at this time, spoken freely for education and research purpose only, but not intended as medical advice nor implied to give results for anyone anywhere similar to those summarized.  The best-known evidences to date result from objective scientific studies on animals, doctors’ reports, and citizens’ personal testimonies of proper IndiumEase usage of our advanced formula.  Be sure to consult a qualified physician for any health problem(s) you may have. INDIUMEASE  Tastes Terrifically Tart (like Blackberry or Pomegranate) & Works Wonderfully Well.   INDIUM Increases NUTRIENT MINERALS In VITAL ORGANS INDIUM Increases NUTRIENT MINERALS In VITAL ORGANS IN LIVER IN LUNGS IN HEART IN KIDNEYS IN SPLEEN INDIUM Increases Chromium Glandular Uptake Average 433%, or 333% more 1.66 = 332% 3.91 = 212% 24.32 = 636% 14.22 = 794% 7.65 = 190% .50 1.84 3.82 1.79 4.03 INDIUM Increases Copper Glandular Uptake Average 161%, or 61% more 25.3 = 128% 26.3 = 136% 47.6 = 146% 38.9 = 209% 44.8 = 188% 19.8 19.4 32.5 18.6 23.8 INDIUM Increases Manganese Glandular Uptake Average 194%, or 94% more 4.99 = 115% 5.16 = 190% 5.37 = 136% 8.29 = 225% 12.46 = 305% 4.34 2.71 3.95 3.68 4.08 INDIUM Increases Zinc Glandular Uptake Average 179%, or 79% more 202 = 138% 187 = 187% 152 = 146% 252 = 252% 268 = 172% 146 100 104 100 156   The implication is that the absorption and use of many mineral elements is, and always has been, poor; the "Limiting Factor" to optimal health, because there is no significant amount of soluble Indium in the biosphere. Indium is not "essential for life," or humans and animals would have died out; but Indium appears to be "essential for optimal health," or Level-2 of Nutrition, that wasn't available before Bonadio's Indium discovery. Of interest is that high Cadmium intake is often toxic, but Indium (In) being next heavier, may displace some of the toxicity of excess Cadmium. Indium is an inexpensive, preferred supplement for all types of animals, pets, and humans. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. REPORTS FROM INDIUM USERS The following are seven notarized statements prepared for the Comissioner of Patents: From a security policeman at a local hospital:   From sluggishness and no pep I changed into a feeling of happiness inside. People now tell me that I talk more friendly and smile easier. My sex drive has improved remarkably, for my 50 years of age, to like it was when I was 25. I have less anxiety, able to sit without being anxious to get up and move, with a clearness to my mind. From a financial trustee of a local synagogue:   I was down in the dumps at 76, but now feel radiant, more like living. I don't need as many hours of sleep, and I'm not as tired anymore when I get up; and more interested in daily affairs. Previously I did not want to get out of bed. From a doctor, possibly with cancer:   I have a little more energy ... less rawness in right chest ... improved energy and appetite ... totally free of irritations in the right chest for the first time in several months. Off of Indium for three days, now ... discomfort again in right chest. On Indium again, no rawness in chest. Vitality much improved. From an investment counselor:   I am sleeping about two hours less per night, and just as rested. I am more ambitious, with more drive, clearing up what I never touched before. I have such a sense of well-being that I could run back from lunch instead of walking. Mentally I am more organized, more clear. My mind is busy all the time. From a retired electrical contractor:   Indium has cleared my thinking up. Before I had to stop and sit down to collect my thoughts. Now I can think on the move. From a registered nurse, possibly with cancer:   The symptoms I had yesterday, in a haze and forgetful, with some numbness around mouth and tongue, have disappeared. I have more energy today, and feel better generally. I sleep very well, did not wake during the night as I usually do. I woke 1.5 hours before normal time, and felt relaxed. I lost three pounds of overweight, and still feel much better than two weeks ago (before Indium), and I'm doing more things. From a retired clergyman:   On Indium I find an improvement in rest so that I awaken a full hour before the alarm, and I am completely rested. A very definite libido improvement. (The above copyright by George A. H. Bonadio, 2000).     (The Testimonies below are from Indium users in 2003) (Female age-65) Last week I used the weed-wacker, and didn't need a nap afterwards ... I am sleeping better . . . not as   exhausted after mowing the lawn, and worked outside longer than usual after mowing. Indium works very gradually and gently. Amazing stuff !!  My daughter and I power-washed and stained both sides of my 6-foot cedar fence . . . using two sprayers   . . . and I didn't get tired. The prep work and clean-up was hard and grueling ... in 110 degree temps. In the past 7-8 years I have suffered mitral valve palpitations that would last from 2-4 hours . . . leaving me   feeling tired and weak for days. When I was younger the attacks would last only 5 minutes. Well, you can imagine how happy and surprised I was when this attack lasted only 10 minutes. Amazing, it had to be the Indium, as I can't attribute it to anything else. I was so grateful I started praising and thanking God out loud. I got up, had another drink of water, and went back outside to finish the front of the house, watered the flowers, and hosed down the front walk and driveway with no problems since !!! Today I vacuumed four rooms and cleaned the bathroom. I started getting a little tired, which slowly disappeared. Most nights I sleep well, very deep and restful. I have been feeling great ! Really wonderful and energetic. Couldn't really put my finger on it, but I would imagine this is what people feel like when they're on a "high" on drugs. Of course it's better for there's no "coming down." I cooked a big dinner Saturday, made some homemade coconut ice cream earlier in the week, baked a   birthday cake and had my daughter, her husband, and his 93-year-old grandmother over to celebrate her birthday. I had energy galore, and felt like  I did when I was fixing dinner in my 40's. Never tired all day. What a wonderful feeling !! I don't ever want   to be without Indium. My son-in-law has a sense of well-being and calmness on the Indium, in a much better mood, and more   relaxed at work. Red-faced, he told me how much the Indium has increased his sex drive, and that he wants his wife to start taking it so she can keep up with him. About 1-2 years ago I began noticing an ache in my lower back kick in every morning while brushing my   teeth. Just last week I noticed it was only present some mornings, and recently it disappeared completely after a month on Indium. This stuff is sure amazing. Hey, maybe some morning we'll wake up and find ourselves 25 again and all gorgeous and handsome !!! I did food shopping in the morning, mowed the lawn and hosed down the patio just in the nick of time   before thunder and rain came, showered, fixed dinner and never got tired until bedtime at 11 p.m. I was amazed. You were right when you said it delays the tiredness. I did what I needed to do when I needed to do it. (Female age-32) I have been able to get less sleep, and still have a decent energy level. Also my cycle has decreased from   42 days to 31 days. I have been operating on 4-6 hours of sleep a night, with tremendously busy days and little rest. Have gone   to bed after 1 a.m. the last three nights, and have to get up with my husband at 5 a.m. because the days have been so jam-packed, and very stressful. I need the extra oomph. Could you get another bottle of Indium to me? (Mother age-39 with a 12-year-old) My daughter, her friend and friend's mother, and I went camping to New Hampshire for the weekend. If it   wasn't for the Indium, I probably would not make it. The Indium is really great for energy and I am grateful to have it. (Female, early 40's, overweight, had ovarian cancer, on thyroid drugs for 15 years) Did I tell you how the Indium is working? I've been taking the Thyodine with it for the Iodine faithfully, and   cutting down on my thyroid meds. After 3 weeks, I'm only on the Indium and Thyodine now. Initially I was getting some shakes, so I did it slowly, and I was able to wean off my thyroid meds in 11 days and I feel terrific. No tiredness or anything. This stuff is fantastic. My husband also seems to have more energy. (Doctor, female, age-65) I think the Indium has really perked me up. Ever since my birthday party, when I got up at 5:20 to start   cleaning house preparing for it - and was up until 10:30 with friends, I seem to be forgetting my afternon naps. I can't imagine naturally having more energy just because I turned 65 !! I have tons of energy on Indium. Now I can keep up with my young husband ! Ha ha! (Female musician age-49) The Indium is giving me more energy. I had started to get a cold and seemed to shake it off faster. All in   all, I would say better on all fronts! Thanks! (Female librarian, age-45) I keep forgetting to use the Indium, only intermittent use for several months. I used to get an annoying eye   tick for as long as I can remember, which started when I least expected it, and would last for hours, sometimes days. I hated it. Ever since I've been taking the Indium, it hasn't happened. If Indium only did that for me. it's spectacular. I'll keep you informed. (Female, after using 1 bottle of Indium) I love IndiumEase. Please send me a 12-pack. (Female with a history of miscarriage) This lady was pregnant and bleeding heavily. After going on Indium for several weeks, the bleeding   stopped, and she is so happy expecting to go full term birthing a healthy baby. We'll keep you posted.
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WAM Essentials (Dr Wong) Maximum Male Performance book (WAM Essentials)
Table of Contents:   Introduction: The size of the problem   Chapter 1: Freud's Question Answered     What Women Want and the Problems We Face Giving it to Them.   Chapter 2: Restoring Erection Size and Strength     A). Ability and Desire     B). Blood Flow or the Lack of It     C). Austin Powers in Denial   Chapter 3: Peyronies, The Bent Nail Syndrome     How you Get it: How you Fix it!   Chapter 4: It's a Muscle Not a Bone     Exercises to Increase Thickness and Hardness.   Chapter 5: Sex Needs More Than a Little Blue Pill     The real makers of long lasting erections.   Chapter 6: Where the "CHI" for Sex Comes From     What Chinese Medicine says is the root of Sexual Energy.   Chapter 7: Daily Feeding and Pro Sexual Nutrition     Making yourself 18 again.   Chapter 8: When All Else Fails - Pro-Sexual Drugs     Resurrecting the dead.   Chapter 9: Tying It All Together     Appendices   Appendix 1: What are Systemic Enzymes and What Do They Do?   Appendix 2: Soy: The Poison Seed   Appendix 3: Building Manly Men   Appendix 4: Junk Medical Science
Mushrooms 4 Life Medicinal Mushrooms - The Clinical Guide (Mushrooms 4 Life)
This beautifully illustrated and fully referenced new book based on the latest research covers 20 of the most common medicinal mushrooms, focusing on their therapeutic application and cross referencing them according to clinical conditions. In addition, there is a quick reference section with brief summaries of individual mushrooms’ main therapeutic application(s) and active constituents, and of the mushroom(s) commonly used for specific conditions with preferred dosage formats, as well as an appendix on the energetics of mushrooms in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for those practitioners trained in this approach. The author, Martin Powell (founder and formulator of Mushrooms4Life), is a biochemist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) who has been working with medicinal mushrooms since 1992. Martin is also co-editor of the Clinical Journal of Mycology from 1997-2009, editor for Mycology Press, and lectures internationally on medicinal mushrooms and herbal medicine.
Mushrooms 4 Life Medicinal Mushrooms – The Essential Guide (Mushrooms 4 Life)
Medicinal Mushrooms – The Essential Guide is a highly accessible introduction to the health benefits of the main medicinal mushrooms written by Martin Powell, author of Medicinal Mushrooms – A Clinical Guide. Covering the top ten medicinal mushrooms: Almond Mushroom (Sun Agaric – ABM), Chaga, Cordyceps, Coriolus, Lion’s Mane, Maitake, Mesima, Reishi, Shiitake and Snow Fungus, cross-referenced with common health conditions, including: Asthma, BPH, Cancer, Candida, CFS, Dementia, Diabetes, Erectile Dysfunction, Hayfever, Hepatitis, Herpes, Hypertension, HPV, Infertility, Insomnia, Anxiety, Menopausal Syndrome, Nerve Damage, PCOS, Psoriasis, Arthritis. This book is the ultimate guide for those interested in medicinal mushrooms for overall health.
RDT Formulas Raw Chi (book) by Rehmannia Dean Thomas
Rehmannia discusses his breakthrough combination of the raw food diet combined with tonic elixiirs to warm the digestion. This is an informative read for raw foodists and Chinese medicine practitioners, providing an equation to harmonmize these two modalities. He discusses: What is Chi? How is it used in metabolism? What is the organ/gland "meridian" that governs Chi? What is the value of the raw food diet? What are the potential drawbacks of the raw food diet? How do we use Tonic elixirs to assist the raw food diet and warm the metaboilism? How do Tonic elixirs support weight management? How does metabolism differ between men and women?   100 pages
Living Libations Renegade Beauty: Reveal and Revive Your Natural Radiance--Beauty Secrets, Solutions, and Preparations Book (Nadine Artemis founder of Living Libations)
Rethink conventional notions of beauty and wellness, abandon elaborate regimes and synthetic products, and reveal your renegade beauty. In this essential guide, Nadine Artemis introduces readers to the concept of renegade beauty -  the art of doing less and allowing the elements and the life force of nature to revive the body, skin, and soul so our natural radiance can shine through. Anyone stuck in perpetual loops of new products, facials, and dermatologist appointments will find answers as Artemis illustrates the energizing elements of sun, fresh air, water, the earth, and plants. This book is a comprehensive resource for anyone who wants to simplify their self-care, take their health into their own hands, and discover their own radiant beauty. What is beauty? We all feel that a redefinition is in order, but the pioneers in this shift may come from a surprising arena. That is the intersection of science and spirituality, a vanguard front of change that will transform us from the inside out leaving us feeling nurtured, whole, and finally comfortable in our own skin. Renegade Beauty is a guide to this new terrain, complete with a personal roadmap for your own experience of beauty from the practical to the etheric. More than simply a beauty book, this is one of the most comprehensive guides to the new paradigm of health and medicine including essential myth-busting and evidence-based tips for true health and wellness. A long-time fan and supporter of Nadine's alchemical creations, this text reminds us how to get exactly where we most desire to go - home to the web of wonder that is the natural world. This book has soared to the top of my list for awakened vitality and self-healing. —KELLY BROGAN MD, Holistic Psychiatrist and Author of The NY Times Bestseller, A Mind of Your Own “Renegade Beauty melted me into the revelation that my body will heal –– and beautify –– if I stop short-circuiting it's power with chemicals and quick fixes. The beauty industry is a disempowering (and toxic) industry. Nadine's type of knowledge is the lotion and potion we need to apply.” —DANIELLE LAPORTE, author of The Desire Map and White Hot Truth “Nadine Artemis has been my essential oil mentor since I was 19 years old. She is a savant alchemist whose teachings are on the front lines of the self-care movement. I recommend her products and her teachings of profound visionary service to any and all.” —ALANIS MORISSETTE “Renegade Beauty poetically demonstrates Nadine’s devotion to glorifying true beauty— our inner beauty— and explores the ways we can harmonize with nature’s healing gifts and natural rhythms. A beautiful and unique book that offers far more than the beauty routine you might expect!” —ANTHONY WILLIAM, Author of Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal  “Simply reading Renegade Beauty made me feel more beautiful. Nadine’s scientific and poetic style equals the lavish abundance of nature that she extols to restore. I loved reading about beauty from Nadine's perspective.” —CAROL ALT, health advocate, actor, Fox News host, supermodel and author of A Healthy You The truth will set you free. Seek and thou shall find… These are universal truths that stand the test of time. And these virtues, it seems to me, are at the heart of what these words Renegade Beauty mean. The pursuit of vitality is navigated through deep listening. We quickly burn through our youthful reserves, as few of us have been taught how to replenish. The loss of this vital energy is key as to whether we live an inspired life. (One must have stamina to pursue what one dares to imagine.) Nature has always been my teacher, so to turn to her divine intelligence as the source of my healing, renewed potency, and sustained power simply makes sense. All around us we see what is to become of us: old-age, illness, death… It is mimicked in nature all around us. No flower stays in full bloom forever. The wither comes for us all. Thank you, Nadine, for generously sharing your life’s passion with us. Guiding us and reminding us what we know is true. She ain’t called Mother Nature for nuthin’. She is what we are made of. Therefore, it is she that can heal us. The beauty one seeks IS the gift returned by the vitality lived in pursuit of these Truths. Stay thirsty - and let Them spill unto Thee. There is no way to peace; peace is the way. —LISA BONET ~ LILAKOI MOON  “Finally! The truth about beauty and skincare from someone I love and trust whose book will be a bible on the bookshelf for my three girls.  I am most excited that this book will positively impact the future generations of young girls and women who are becoming aware earlier and younger in their lives of the emphasis society places on appearance and beauty. Nadine's knowledge and her deep wisdom about the body and what TRULY creates beauty is obvious and will be a relief for women everywhere. And, young women will be armed with knowledge of what to avoid and what to embrace and all with the poetic beauty that springs forth from this magical woman's heart.” —MUNEEZA AHMED, Medical Intuitive, Nutrition & Emotional Wellness Coach  Paperback: 448 pages Publisher: North Atlantic Books (Nov. 14 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1583949690 ISBN-13: 978-1583949696 Product Dimensions: 15.5 x 2.3 x 23.1 cm Shipping Weight: 835 g Review(s) A must have for anyone interested in chemical free beauty. I wish I could give this book more stars. Nadine is incredible, I love her products and ethos. I have been looking forward to this book for a long time and it way exceeds expectations. A must have for anyone interested in chemical free beauty. From One of the best books on wellness and healthy, clean, non-toxic lifestyle therre is today. One of the best books on wellness and healthy, clean, non-toxic lifestyle there is today. Nadine is a fantastic researcher and at the same time her language is so poetic, in this book you will find a wealth of knowledge presented to you like a linguistic gift. Selfcare was never as sexy as it comes in this gem. The best beauty book I have ever had the pleasure of reading! The best beauty book I have ever had the pleasure of reading! Highly recommend to those wanting to get away from the chemical rubbish throw into all our products and use natural ways to keep ourselves healthy and happy! Poetically scientific - my new beauty bible I love everything about this book. The amount of scientific information is incredible but not at all overwhelming - Nadine has a way of turning it into poetry so it's beautiful as well as informative. I keep coming back to it, it's my new beauty and wellness bible! I can't wait to have some time to create some of the amazing recipes, Beach Breeze Hair Spray and Cleopatra Charcoal Mascara are top of my list! Every woman who cares about her beauty (inside and out) should own this book. This book is a dream! Get it! This book is an essential, must-have for anyone even remotely interested in wellness and natural healing. Nadine has poured her heart and soul and extensive wisdom in this gorgeous gem of a book. She has generously shared her knowledge on how to spark your own vitality from head to toe and inside and out. She covers so much and has a great index in back that you can easily search to continue using this book as the precious resource that it is - forever. Not only is it filled with great information, tips and resources, it is filled with gorgeous poetry and images throughout which make it even more of a pleasure to read and look things up in. With this fabulous book, we can learn so much more about how to care for ourselves and our loved ones with the beauty and gifts of Nature. This book is a dream! Get it! Feels like a meditation BIG thanks and-if possible-a hug to Nadine for her books and work... I have been for many many years ago happy about aromatherapy and participated in some courses in aroma massage ,.....using etheric oils on and off through all my life.... But when reading -first the "tooth book" and now the "beauty book" from Nadine- it feels like a meditation for me. I resonate so strongly with her words and messages /and the way she says it/ , that I really love and appreciate that. It´s far beyond the cognitive understanding of it...and this is, what feels like a present for me, being normally too much in my left hemisphere... ..Blessed be your products, your company and all of you over there I have been so thankful for this book “I think we must stop treating beauty as a thing or quality, and see it instead as a kind of communion.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I have been so thankful for this book as of late- returning to it over and over again for wisdom and affirmation. Especially within the past few days. Nadine’s view of beauty and life is poetic and makes my heart soar. We need more of this, for as I post more on here I also spend more time scrolling through images of others trying to create space for themselves, which can be inspiring and refreshing but can also be down right infuriating and disheartening. So many popular bloggers are posting about these expensive, luxurious beauty items and supplements and must dos and haves for self care and it's alarming. Women and men alike are getting the message that it's just ONE more item or ONE more to-do before they achieve full satisfaction with themselves; before they feel like they're caring adequately for themselves. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I understand betterment and I understand wishing to help others achieve this. However, I wish more people spoke about this communion as Nadine does; this communion of spirit, physicality, emotionality, and that which is external. Finding a place where we are in reckoning with all of these forces in our lives. This asks us to dive inside to find that beauty and satisfaction that we've been after... that which we thought would come with those new products or new diet. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ This kind of self-care, this kind of beauty-- it's available to anyone because it lies within each of us. “An unimagined beauty flows through you.” Through each of us. @livinglibations A must read I've always thought of witches as botanists. In my mind, the archetype of the witch is a powerful, wild and free woman living in the woods, with a vast knowledge of plants. Nadine Artemis of @livinglibations is the ultimate witch to me ❤️. Her book #renegadebeauty is a must read. Full of scientific information about gut health, safe sun exposure and truly natural beauty. A comprehensive manual for beauty Inspiring, engaging, informative! Reading this book is turning into a meditative soul enriching ritual; I looks forward to carving out time for whenever I can. Thank you for creating this! It is such a comprehensive manual for beauty ~ I am sharing with all the women in my life in hopes to spark their interest towards a greater quality of health, wellness and life. I recommend this brand if you are looking for high quality, natural products. I used @livinglibations years ago and it worked on my acne prone skin. I was crazy to not reorder it. Now my skin is out of control with all the drugstore products because I was too lazy to continue my natural routine. I have repurchased Nadine’s high quality products and also her second book. Chock full of amazing information, recipes, oh my gosh love it! Just want to say what a joy all your creations are! I have tried verve and tonic, sea buckthorn best skin ever, vanilla chocolate, rose best skin ever, breast massage oil, poetic pits pal santos, sea buckthorn shampoo, petal soother, and lover lips cocoa, moccasin flower perfume, and I have loved every product! Just placed another order and am trying trees please for my husband, best skin ever frankincense, poetic pits earth ( can’t recall full name) True Blue shampoo, and a sleep oil for face. I am sooo excited for them to get here. Alchemy at its finest. Purest products and they work! My daughter had some kind of major dry skin issue behind one ear for months and months... and caused her a lot of embarrassment because visually it was very very obvious. we tried prescription creams, pure tea tree, coconut oil, olive oil, a large amount of drug store creams, NOTHING WORKED! Put sea buckthorn best skin ever, cleared up in three days... ❤️❤️❤️ Also reading your book and am in awe of your wisdom! A Masterpiece! Wow! This book is dripping with gems on every page. This book is a treasure and is cherished by me and my daughters. Thank-you Love this book Love this book. I have also been a living libations fan and now having Nadine's wealth of knowledge in a book is fantastic. I really like the way she not only generously shares formulations she addresses "essential beauty" and the cultural context that influences our view of beauty. Working in the health field I really value her up to date research and the poetical language of the book. Much easier for me to absorb than a step by step how to manual. No matter what your age I think you will feel uplifted by how she writes and the book makes me feel more beautiful - Thank you!! Great to be able to step away from the beauty counter without feeling the need to give up on wanting to be beautiful. Review from I love it! I have been waiting for a book from Nadine Artemis. I have listened to her interviews in several podcasts and she has really a fantastic person who helps people to understand the problem with most beauty products and gives wonderful advise how you can make your own beauty products and how your beauty really comes from inside out. Review from Amazon. After reading this book, you will never shop department beauty counters again.... I have been a loyal Living Libations customer for a few years... I love their ethically sourced ingredients/products and the way my 55 year old skin has perked up by using them. Renegade Beauty is a gem... a wealth of information on beauty, botanicals and the science behind it. Nadine Artemis’ book could be considered a Botanical Beauty Bible... her knowledge is vast and backed by science in an easy to read, sometimes poetic, manner. I highly recommend this book for women (and men) of all ages who care about clean products that go in and on their bodies. Review from Amazon. Call me a renegade! Don’t let the pretty cover and all of the vibrant pictures fool you – Renegade Beauty is no fluff read. Artemis addresses every discipline that touches beauty. She starts with history and philosophy, moves to science, and ends with a mixture of botany and cosmetology...or maybe I should say cosmoetics. (When you read it you’ll understand.) There is a lot of science in here. She cites biology, dermatology, microbiology, and botany research studies to back up the assertions she makes in the book: why we need nature, why we really should toss most of our drug store and department store cosmetics, and why clean living and plant products are better alternatives. You don’t need a biology degree to understand these chapters either – her sense of humor and light-handed writing style are the spoon full of sugar that help the medicine go down (the pretty pictures help, too). And there is plenty of “how-to” for the DIY types like me. The last few chapters of the book are all about botanical recipes and tips for using plant oils – and, boy is it comprehensive! This goes way, way beyond fixing sags, bags, and wrinkles. From eye lashes to fingernails, pregnancy to perfume, and digestion to tooth brushing – it’s all in there. I bought the book because I am stepping back from commercialism and rethinking the ethics of the cosmetics industry, and Renegade Beauty is going to be my guide to a saner, natural, and more compassionate sense of beauty. Call me a renegade! I'm officially a fan. Review form Amazon Goddess, genius, this book is everything you need to know! Nadine, you have brought healing and guidance to my life when I needed it most. In a world where we are taught to look outwardly for healing and beauty, you guide the way back to self love and the heart. I’m so grateful every day for the knowledge, purity and integrity you bring to the world. Makes it pretty easy to dive into a beauty routine that involves nature’s gifts While we have never before experienced as much technology as we do today, this also means that we’ve never been so bombarded with ads and other people’s ideas of what would make us beautiful. In direct defiance of that, Nadine Artemis has encouraged women to embrace nature and the elements and to forgo the chemicals, products, facials, and so on. With a bevy of famous women as fans, it’s not hard to see why Artemis’s ideas, and her new tome Renegade Beauty, have a following. It also makes it pretty easy to dive into a beauty routine that involves nature’s gifts—as well as your own. Books That Bring Us Joy: November 2017 from Books for Better Living Learn from one of the most radiant women on the planet how to fall in love with yourself, one practical self-care tool at a time. In case you didn’t know, this legit goddess just dropped some deep wisdom in this gorgeous book about living a gorgeous life from the inside out. I loved every page. Get yours and learn from one of the most radiant women on the planet how to fall in love with yourself, one practical self-care tool at a time. From kellybroganmd on Instagram Her extensive knowledge of women's beauty and health never ceases to amaze me. So excited to have this book in my collection. It arrived today with some other goodies from @livinglibations that I will post about later. Nadine Artemis is my favourite beauty and women's wellness advocate. Her extensive knowledge of women's beauty and health never ceases to amaze me. She shares freely of her wisdom through interviews, podcasts and books. She also creates the most luxurious natural skincare on the market. I cannot wait to read these pages and discover the path to true inner and outer radiance through mindful practices. From wildheart.union on Instagram Get one if you haven't!! Lounging with my copy of Renegade Beauty by Nadine Artemis @livinglibations and loving each words, which I feel are imbued with divine femininity and natural beauty. I find Nadine balances a sense of urgency in abandoning synthetic cosmetics with easy bite sized suggestions on stepping into the world of botanical powers. As a reader, I understand the dire state that we find ourselves in now but without the sinking doomed helplessness that one sometimes get from awakening from what is the norm. The book makes me feel empowered and supported. It is also full of DIY tips for anything from acne to mental health issues.
RDT Formulas SHILAJIT -The Resin of Life - Rehmannia Dean thomas
In this first book of its kind, Rehmannia provides holistic and universal information on Shilajit, an enigmatic substance collected from high in the Alti Mountains at the Russia-Mongolia border. Shilajit is unrivalled in providing broad-spectrum health benefits, containing the necessary minerals and nutrients required by all living organisms. Anyone can benefit, even our pets and garden plants, thrive from the vital components found in high-quality shilajit. Shilajit was discovered 2 millennia ago when Himalayan villagers saw animals scaling dangerous crags to forage on a sticky black tar seeping from fissures. Humans eventually followed their lead, and shilajit quickly became known as “Conqueror of Mountains, Destroyer of Weakness”. But not all shilajit is the same; many products on the market are cut and diluted with cheap ingredients. This compelled Rehmannia to write the book, so we can know what we’re looking for, and how to find the best. Shilajit: The Resin of Life contains wonderful information from early Ayurvedic writings, and is written in simple, understandable language; Rehmannia feels shilajit is best understood from its holistic entirety than through reductionist scientific analysis. Contains color illustrations and pictures.
Body Ecology The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates
The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates Discover a transformative approach to food and wellness with The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates, a ground-breaking guide that introduces readers to a unique way of nourishing the body. This insightful book is designed to help you understand the relationship between diet and wellness while providing practical tools for enhancing balance in your daily life. Rooted in centuries of knowledge, it blends modern nutrition with ancient principles, making it accessible and easy to follow. Key Benefits: Balanced Nutrition: Learn how to nourish your body with a diet that focuses on whole, nutrient-rich foods for improved vitality. Digestive Harmony: The Body Ecology Diet emphasises proper food combining and digestive balance, helping to foster better digestion. Practical Recipes and Tips: Includes easy-to-follow recipes and practical lifestyle tips to help you implement the principles effortlessly. Holistic Approach: A comprehensive guide that integrates diet, lifestyle, and mindfulness to support overall wellness and long-term habits. Customisable: The flexible plan allows you to adapt the diet to your personal needs, making it suitable for various dietary preferences. Who is it for? The Body Ecology Diet is perfect for anyone looking to improve their relationship with food and cultivate a more balanced and mindful approach to nutrition. Whether you're seeking a structured diet plan or simply wish to explore new dietary principles, this book offers a comprehensive guide. It is especially suited to individuals interested in nourishing themselves through mindful food choices. How to use it: Start by reading through the foundational principles in the book, then gradually incorporate the recipes and suggestions into your daily routine. Whether you’re cooking at home or dining out, The Body Ecology Diet provides you with the tools and insights to make informed choices that align with your wellness goals. What leading experts are saying about the Body Ecology Diet: "No one has ever put together all that we need to know about recovering and enhancing immunity - until now. I am making it a must reading for all my patients with candidiasis, immune disorders and food allergies." - Keith W. Sehnert, M.D., author of Selfcare/Wellcare, Stress/Unstress, and coauthor of Beyond Antibiotics "The Body Ecology Diet is easy to understand and chock full of practical information. I recommend it!" - William G. Crook, M.D., author of The Yeast Connection and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Over 200,000 copies of The Body Ecology Diet have been sold ...mostly as a result of friends telling friends about it, not advertising. Why? It works! If you experience pain, discomfort, fatigue, or other symptoms that won't go away no matter what you do or how many doctors you see, chances are you're one of the 80 million Americans unknowingly suffering from candidiasis, the hidden invader. The result of an imbalance in the growth of a yeast naturally present in the body, candidiasis can be a key factor in: Food allergies Sensitivity to tobacco and odors Digestive problems Other immune-related disorders Headaches Depression Cancer AIDS Skin rashes Low sex drive Joint and muscle pain Menstrual irregularities "The Body Ecology Diet brings us into the era of whole-body therapy. I don't think the authors left anything out." Lendon H. Smith, M.D., author of Feed Your Kids Right, Feed Yourself Right, and coauthor of Beyond Antibiotics "The Body Ecology Diet takes the mystery out of the often confusing topic of eating for optimum health. Donna Gates' book combines recent scientific thought with proven traditional healing concepts and common sense..." - Michael A. Schmidt, M.D., author of Tired of Being Tired, Managing the Patient with Chronic Fatigue, and coauthor of Beyond Antibiotics Comments from happy customers of the Body Ecology Diet: "...The Body Ecology Diet (BED) is how I finally recovered from bulimia & binge eating – after 4 years on the path to recovery (and trying just about everything for longer than that). I am a big proponent for experimenting with things on the level of mind, body and spirit in recovery from addictions & eating disorders. The BED supports this because it honors the ability of the body to heal itself – step by step. That’s the key, it’s a process of taking actions, no matter how small, toward your health. ...speaking to Donna was like someone finally understood what my intuition was telling me. ...Donna is a visionary in treating the body as a system – connected inextricably with the mind." – From "For me, the courage to get well didn't come easily. Physically and emotionally I was very defeated, but I began to feel better within a few days of starting the diet. I can honestly say that I didn't know it was possible to feel as good as I do, and it gets easier each day. I know it sounds dramatic, but I tell people that it has saved my life. My family and I are very grateful." - N.V. Marietta, GA "I really think that the BED system of healing is a diet that can become a lifestyle, not just a short term program." - K.M. "The BED system of healing has revolutionized my life. Your book helped to diagnose my condition and with the help of my doctor, I am now 4 months into recovering my body, mind and spirit. This "insanity" which has been going on for years is finally under control and I am regaining my precious health. How can I thank you enough for writing the diet bible of this century." - N.N. Shelburne, VT "I am 69 and have been using probiotic foods for many yearsand I am in very good health. I never get flu shots or any other kind either. Diet is the best medicine." - Sharon Redding, CA "My son was diagnosed with Autism over two years ago. His body had lots of the wrong bacteria and it struggled to break down proteins adequately - no more. The Kefir breaks the protein down for him and gives him the bacteria and enzymes he needs to gain nutrients from his food. His ability to think and speak has improved remarkably. He was prone to panic attacks and had a compulsive obsessive disorder - this has also greatly improved. I am so grateful to you for making this possible." - Natasha, Sydney, NSW "The BED diet has saved my life! At the age of 51, I now havea clean and clear inner eco system. The diet has been excitingand difficult at the same time. But the results are the prize. Ifeel and look 35, as Donna promised. I tell everybody about thebook, and of course, you are going to be the best testimonial by the way you look to others. I always believed we are what we eat,but never to the degree of the principles of the BED diet, thank you Donna." - Jill, Waukesha, WI "I wanted to write and thank you for giving me the knowledge that has saved my life. In March 2001 I went to a holistically minded physician who was the first to tell me I had a "gut problem". Klebsiella pneumonia with zero good bacteria. In April started doing what she said and it really didn't help. I went through her regiment for 2 months. The end of May I started the Body Ecology Diet principles. When the end of July came I was"Cured" of about 90% of all of my lifelong problems. This lasted for a 2 month period of time. The reason is my wife had to have surgery which stopped the cooking and eating correctly. Then massive stress with many other life changes occurred. I knew Ihad to get back to it. I let it lapse for almost 3 years before going back to it. What a waste of 3 years. I feel much better now. Not quite where I need to be due to just starting again andI haven't fully implemented the total program. One thing I did learn is life is precious. Just because we have been use to living this way for our entire lives or a good portion of it doesn't mean we have to do it anymore. Blessings to all on the path of health. Thank you Donna and The Body Ecology Team. It was great seeing you at the Conference in Oct. " - Ken, Las Vegas, NV The Body Ecology Diet shows you how to restore and maintain the important "inner ecology" your body needs to function properly and to eliminate or control the symptoms that rob you of the joy of living. The Body Ecology Diet makes it easy for you to: Plan meals with dozens of delectable recipes, menus, and detailed shopping lists! Learn simple principles of proper eating and food combining to rebalance your internal ecology. Use effective cleansing methods to restore your system's harmony. Develop strategies for controlling your urge to snack and for dining away from home. Warning: If you are pregnant or nursing, please consult your healthcare professional before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children. *Information and statements regarding dietary supplements/products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Body Ecology The Body Ecology Living Cookbook by Donna Gates
The Body Ecology Living Cookbook by Donna Gates Discover a new way to approach food and wellness with The Body Ecology Living Cookbook by Donna Gates. Packed with delicious, nutrient-rich recipes, this cookbook introduces you to a world of tasty dshes that support a balanced lifestyle. Whether you’re looking to explore new culinary ideas or add more variety to your meals, Donna Gates provides easy-to-follow recipes that help you make better food choices for you and your family. Elevate your cooking and enjoy meals that are as satisfying as they are nourishing. Why You’ll Love The Body Ecology Living Cookbook: Nutrient-Rich Recipes: Enjoy delicious dishes designed with wholesome ingredients to add variety and flavour to your meals. Beginner-Friendly: Perfect for those new to the kitchen or looking to expand their repertoire, with clear, step-by-step instructions. Culinary Variety: From hearty mains to refreshing sides, this cookbook covers a wide range of meals, making meal planning a breeze. Creative Meal Solutions: Learn how to create delicious meals for different dietary preferences, offering flexibility for various tastes and lifestyles. Beautifully Illustrated: Filled with colourful, mouth-watering images to inspire you as you prepare nutritious meals for you and your family. Who Is This Cookbook For? The Body Ecology Living Cookbook is ideal for anyone looking to make smarter food choices, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned home cook. It's designed for those wanting to incorporate nutrient-dense recipes into their daily meals without compromising on flavour. Use it as a daily guide in your kitchen, following its step-by-step instructions to create tasty, wholesome meals with ease. Perfect for weekday dinners, family meals, or when entertaining guests, this cookbook offers something for everyone looking to add variety and satisfaction to their cooking routine.   Table of Contents: Smoothies Market Green Smoothie Good Morning Greens Smoothie Omega 3 Nutrient Boost Smoothie Coconut Milk Body Ecology Diet “Acidophilus Milk” Cultured Quinoa Milk Light, Fresh, and Lovely Green Smoothie Cheery Cherry Smoothie Pineapple Ginger Smoothie Brunch or Lunch Frittata with Asparagus and Fresh Dill Perfectly Poached Eggs Softly Scrambled Eggs Gluten-Free Pumpkin Flatcakes Spinach Latkes Little Dishes Easy Veggie Chips Earth Day Crackers Leek-Stuffed Squash Cups Red Bell Peppers Stuffed with Millet Artichoke Paté Roll Up Chicken in Lettuce Leaf Wraps Harvest Grains Zucchini Boats Leek, Quinoa, and Mushroom Packets Soups HIGH-PROTEIN SOUPS Asparagus Soup Salmon with Kale Soup Sea Bass Soup Seafood Donabe Fish Chowder NON-STARCHY VEGETABLE SOUPS Broccoli and Fresh Fennel Soup Cauliflower Carrot Soup Caramelized Onion Soup Oil-Free Cauliflower and Carrot Soup Creamy Dilled Cauliflower Soup A Medley of Greens Soup Vegetarian Egg Drop Soup Homemade Vegetable Stock Vegetable and Kelp Noodle Soup Gazpacho Spinach and Coconut Soup Raw Garden Veggie Soup Raw Cucumber Watercress Soup Spinach Jade Soup Watercress Soup STARCHY VEGETABLE SOUPS Basil Veggie Stew Butternut Squash Soup Curried Celery Soup Harvest Soup English Pea Soup Potato Corn Chowder Lima Bean Cilantro Soup Potato Leek Soup Gingery Acorn Squash Soup Summer Corn Stew Authentic Peruvian Quinoa Soup Salads Build Your Favorite Body Ecology Salad Asparagus, Green Bean, and Artichoke Salad Marinated Corn Salad The Great Side Salad Coleslaw Made Right! Zesty Zucchini Insalata Cool As A Cucumber Salad Grated Carrots with Olive and Coconut Oils Green Bean Salad with Corn and Basil Parboiled Salad Summer Spaghetti Salad Carrot Salad with Cumin Jicama Salad Spring Dragon Kelp Noodle Salad Summertime Curried Corn Salad Sweet Carrot “Gelatin” Salad Red Potato Salad in Red Onion Dressing Avocado and Grapefruit Salad HIGH PROTEIN SALADS Chunks of Chicken Salad Body Ecology’s Version of a Classic Chopped Salad Turkey Salad Grilled Ribeye Salad Tuna Niçoise Salad Salmon Salad with Dill Vinaigrette SALADS MADE WITH GRAIN-LIKE SEEDS Quinoa Curry Salad with Fermented Coconut and Turmeric Dressing Warm Quinoa and Veggie Salad Quinoa Tabouli Salad Quinoa and Cilantro Salad with Lemon and Garlic Millet Tabouli Salad with Garlic-Mint Dressing Salad Dressings The Body Ecology Diet Salad Dressing Classic Homemade Mayonnaise Almond Mayonnaise Apple Cider Vinaigrette Creamy Garlic Dressing Dyan’s Delicious Salad Dressing Ginger Dressing Milk Kefir Dressing Lemon Herb Dressing Green Onion Dressing Italian Dressing Jeannine’s Italian Dressing Dairy-Free Tzatziki Surprisingly Delicious Super Spirulina and Seaweed Salad Dressing Oil-Free Rosemary Dressing Lemon Rosemary Garlic Dressing Roasted Garlic Vinaigrette Mint Garlic Dressing Mustard Vinaigrette Champagne Vinaigrette Tangy Vinaigrette Watercress Dressing Sauces Brett’s Dipping Sauce Hot Sauce Cranberry Ginger Sauce Corn Chutney Presto Pesto with Pumpkin Seeds Curried Cauliflower Sauce Easy Béarnaise Sauce Luscious Lemon Butter Sauce Annmarie’s Gingery Carrot Sauce Pesto Mock Tomato Sauce Body Ecology’s Gluten-Free Gravy Warm Fennel Compote Vegetables NON-STARCHY VEGETABLES Swiss Chard with Lemon Broccoli and Sweet Pepper Sauté Cabbage and Collards Claire’s Classy Carrots Easy Collard Greens Garlicky Green Beans Roasted Asparagus Kale Sauté Red Slaw Dijon Roasted Brussels Sprouts Grilled Brussels Sprouts Sautéed Kale with Garlic Roasted Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts Stir-Fried Cabbage with Daikon and Carrots Savory Red Chard with Garlic Simmered Greens Spinach with Almonds Stir-fried Carrots with Lime and Cumin Turnips with Spinach and Garlic Yellow Squash with Carrots, Syrian Style Curry Cauliflower “Mashed Potatoes” Super Savoy Cabbage and Celery Stir-Fry Sweet and Sour Cabbage STARCHY VEGETABLES Gingery Quinoa and Potato Patties Curried Indian Potatoes and Cauliflower Butternut Squash and Potato Mash Potato-Stuffed Peppers (Bharwaan Mirchee) OCEAN VEGETABLES Cucumber, Wakame, and Red Pepper Salad Hijiki with Onions and Carrots Agar-Jelled Butternut Squash Sea Palm and Zucchini Salad Grain-Like Seeds Basic Amaranth—Pressure Cooked Basic Buckwheat Basic Millet Basic Quinoa Bill and Mike’s Waffles Heidi’s Onion Pie Heidi’s South of the Border Savory Crackers Steamed Amaranth Pudding Vegetarian Kasha “Meatloaf” Buckwheat Veggie Stew Buckwheat “Burgers” Holiday Millet and Amaranth with Herbs Millet and Sweet Vegetables Millet “Mashed Potatoes” Roasted Millet Ginger Fried Quinoa Tex-Mex Millet and Amaranth Corn Casserole Curried Quinoa Heavenly Quinoa Hash Quinoa Pilaf Quinoa Summer Salad Stuffed Red Peppers Royal Red Inca Quinoa Animal Protein Entrees Braised Lamb Shanks Beef and Broccoli with Shirataki Slow Cooker Vegetable Beef or Lamb Stew Turkey Lettuce Wraps Body Ecology Turkey Loaf Turkey Burgers with Sweet Mustard Sauce Zucchini Boats with Savory Turkey Stuffing Chicken Breasts Roasted in Fresh Garden Herbs Turkey Cabbage Rolls Quick and Easy Pan Roasted Chicken and Veggies Aromatic Roasted Game Hens Spicy Roasted Game Hens Grilled Tuna and Red Onions Red Trout with Asparagus Salmon Cakes on Spinach or Kale Shrimp Ceviche Spanish Shrimp Pepper-Grilled Salmon Steaks with Corn Salsa Cedar Plank Cod with Cilantro Sautéed Barramundi Bone Broth Fermented Foods and Probiotic Liquids Basic Recipe for Fermented Vegetables Our Favorite Beginners Fermented Veggie Recipes Spicy Red Blend Green Cabbage, Kale, Onion and Fennel Blend Dilly Green Blend Body Ecology’s Version of Classic Kimchi Quick and Easy Homemade Dill Pickles Young Coconut Kefir Coconut Kefir “Cheese” Easy Milk Kefir from Starter Culture Milk Kefir Cheese Making More Kefir from the Initial Starter Desserts Gingery Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free, All-Natural Coconut “Nice Cream” Carrot Dessert Soufflé Key Lime Ice Cream Coconut Vanilla Pudding Key Lime Pudding Chocolate Mousse Lemon Apple Yogurt Parfait Quick and Easy Granita Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Triple Berry Sorbet Strawberry Granita Warning: If you are pregnant or nursing, please consult your healthcare professional before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children. *Information and statements regarding dietary supplements/products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.