AST Enzymes Gluten Relief - (90 vegicaps)


AST Enzymes Gluten Relief - (90 vegicaps)


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Gluten Relief Optimal Digestion

The Problem of Gluten and Casein in Foods

Gluten digestion is challenging for many people. A significant portion of the population suffers from gluten intolerance, and some struggle with more severe conditions.

Celiac disease is a chronic digestive disorder characterized by an extreme sensitivity and allergic reaction to foods containing gluten, requiring individuals with the disease to follow a strict dieting regimen devoid of gluten-containing products. Disorders such as ADD/ADHD and autism have also been linked to improper digestion of gluten and casein. Some say the cognitive and social behaviors associated with these disorders may be influenced by gluten and casein proteins. Gluten is a starch-protein present in most grains and processed foods. Similarly, casein is a protein found in most dairy products which can be difficult to digest, causing discomfort.

Gluten and casein intolerances have been primarily treated through maintaining a Gluten-free and/or casein-free (GFCF) diet. However, trace amounts of these proteins can be found in many foods, making avoidance nearly impossible and allowing problems to persist. Foods with hidden gluten can be a serious problem for unsuspecting and discerning gluten-free dieters.

The underlying issue for people suffering from gluten and casein intolerance is their body’s inherent enzymes do not have the capacity to digest the offending substances. Incomplete digestion of these proteins damages the villi of the intestinal tract, causes inflammation and creates digestive discomfort. The villi of the small intestine are the site of most nutrient absorption and any damage to them can result in mal-absorption and nutrient deficiencies.

Scientists theorize that humans still have not caught up genetically with the introduction of grains to the diet that began nearly 10,000 years ago. Fortunately, advances in biotechnology are striving to bridge that gap.

Gluten Relief for Full-Spectrum Protein Digestion

Gluten Relief® is specially formulated to support the digestion of gluten, casein and other offending proteins hidden in today’s modern foods.

Gluten Relief contains DPP-IV (dipeptidyl peptidase IV), an enzyme complex which specifically breaks down gluten and casein. Our formula includes five additional proteases, each with a specific and unique digesting activity that complements DPP-IV for complete protein degradation. Amylases, lactase and lipase complete Gluten Relief for overall digestive ease.

Undigested proteins can enter the bloodstream through a ‘leaky gut’ or permeable mucus lining of the small intestine. Research indicates that a leaky gut invariably leads to autoimmune issues of many kinds.

Gluten Relief by AST Enzymes is designed with full-protease power to help digest proteins which cause trouble in the gastro-intestinal tract and throughout the body. DPP-IV and Gluten Relief’s five additional proteases help to breakdown gluten and undigested proteins.

Proteins like gluten and casein are large, complex molecules with thousands of amino acid sequences folded and coiled within the molecule, much like a ball of yarn. Without sufficient and specific enzymes to break them down, amino acid bonds within these large proteins can remain inaccessible to enzymes, ultimately resulting in a protein that is only partially degraded.  These smaller peptide strands are still long enough to cause problems with digestion: gas, bloating, occasional loose stools, constipation, fatigue, even severe gastro-intestinal inflammation.

Improper digestion of carbohydrates is often an issue associated with gluten intolerance. Gluten Relief addresses this issue with the inclusion of two types of amylase, as well as glucoamylase and cellulose for complete sugar and carbohydrate digestion. 

Avoiding gluten and casein in food and everyday products can be difficult. Even while maintaining a GFCF lifestyle, many products can be hidden sources of these proteins and cause problems. Gluten Relief can be used in conjunction with a GFCF diet to alleviate the stress caused by hidden gluten and casein, allowing these proteins to be properly broken down and absorbed in their digested state.  

Sources of Hidden Gluten You May Not Have Known

Blue cheese, bouillon cubes, caramel color or flavoring, commercial chocolate milk and drinks, curry powder, flavored instant tea or coffee, food colorings, gelatin starch, grain alcohol (such as beer, ale, rye, scotch, bourbon or grain vodka), gum base (such as in chewing gum), hydrolyzed vegetable protein, malt, marshmallows, modified food starch, monosodium glutamate, non-dairy creamers, packaged rice mixes, preservatives processed meats (such as sausages, hot dogs, or bologna), pudding, salad dressing, soy sauce, spices and spice mixtures, textured vegetable protein, vegetable starch and white or malt vinegar.

Gluten Relief Dosage

Take 1 or more capsules with each meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional


Compare AST Enzymes’ Digestive Enzyme Blends



Gluten Relief®


Protein Digestion



















Carbohydrate Digestion




















Fat Digestion






When choosing a digestive enzyme supplement, it is important to know the specific benefits of the product and how it meets your needs. Each of AST Enzymes’ digestive enzyme blends are specially designed to suit a variety of digestion concerns and issues.

DigeSEB®-GI is an all-encompassing digestive enzyme blend. Simply put – it has a little bit of everything. By including a variety of enzymes capable of digesting all food types, DigeSEB-GI is very versatile and can be taken with any meal to aid in the digestive process.

Gluten Relief® is specially formulated to assist with the digestion of gluten-rich foods. Products typically characterized by their gluten content such as breads and pasta are also carbohydrate heavy as well. To address this, additional carbohydrate-digesting enzymes are included in Gluten Relief to compliment the powerful DPP-IV activity.

Lacto-Relief has the same benefits of a general digestive enzyme blend; however its high concentration of lactase provides an added bonus to those who struggle with proper dairy and milk product digestion. By combining extra lactase with enzymes for all aspects of food digestion, Lacto-Relief acts as a “one-stop shop” for those seeking digestive relief from difficult-to-digest foods.


The proteolytic enzyme dipeptidyl dipeptidase IV (DPP IV) is contained within the cells that line the villi of the small intestine. Celiac disease research has included the investigation of the role of DPP IV in the digestion of the portion of the protein found in gluten that is recognized as an “offender” by the immune system, also called an epitope.

The particular epitopes of concern in gliadin are rich in the amino acid proline. Studies show that endopeptidases, or enzymes that break protein bonds from within the molecule rather than at the ends, that are normally released by the pancreas do not effectively digest the epitopes. This suggests that DPP IV digestion in the small intestine is critical. Research has also found that DPP IV activity in patients with celiac disease is low and that they may not have the capacity to digest the protein after a gluten-rich meal, contributing to the development of the disease.1,2,3

Autism research has included the investigation of the role of DPP IV in the digestion of the epitopes that can trigger an autoimmune response. These epitopes have also demonstrated the ability to pass, or permeate, through the lining of the intestines and travel through the blood to the brain where they interfere with normal cognitive processing.4

At this time, clinical studies relevant to gluten and casein functions in autism are limited to the removal of these factors from the diet rather than DPP IV supplementation to break them down. Proper maintenance of a gluten-free/casein-free diet is difficult, however, because many everyday foods and items are hidden sources. Researchers looked at supplementing with DPP IV, as well as other prolyl (proline-specific) endopeptidases in celiac disease. They found that supplementing with DPP IV can compensate for the slow protein digestion, and that supplementing with additional proteases like prolyl endopeptidase (PEP), in combination with DPP IV, may be useful in reducing or even eliminating the inflammatory response related to gluten.5,6

There is growing evidence that suggests that taking a combination of proteases for gluten digestion is more beneficial than a single enzyme. In one study, activity of X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (X-PDAP), a non-specific DPP enzyme, was measured alone and in combination with another enzyme, non-specific monoanimopeptidase (AP). When AP was combined with subtilisin (a serine-specific endopeptidase), gluten digestion was measured at 47%. Upon adding X-PDAP, activity increased to 64%, suggesting a synergism in breaking down proteins when these enzymes are taken as a complex.7 Another study looked at the possibilities of a combination enzyme therapy in treating celiac disease. Researchers concluded that by combining 2 enzymes with normal digestive activity it should be possible to increase the safe threshold of ingested gluten, reducing the need for a highly restricted diet for celiac patients.8

Enzyme Activity

Enzymes How it Works
Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP-IV)
DPP-IV is a blend of five powerful proteases that function in a wide pH range, enhancing protein digestion. DPP-IV specifically works on the proline component of gliadin (found in gluten) and casein proteins, and helps regulate the inflammatory response to gluten peptides.
Amylase I, II & Glucoamylase Break down carbohydrates, more specifically starch, into smaller dextrins and sugars; produced naturally by humans, microorganisms and plants.
Cellulase Digests cellulose, a complex polysaccharide found in all plant material, including plant fiber.
Hemicellulase and Xylanase,
Break down carbohydrates such as fiber and other plant polysaccharides such as hemicellulose, a major component of plant cell walls.
Alpha-Galactosidase Breaks down complex carbohydrates such as raffinose and stachyose commonly contained in legumes, cruciferous vegetables and grains.
Lactase Breaks down lactose, the difficult to digest disaccharide found in milk, into simple sugars for easier absorption.
Lipase Catalyzes the break-down of fats into essential fatty acids that are needed for healthy tissues and cells.


1.   Kozakova H, Steepankova R, Kolinska J, et al. Brush border enzyme activities in the small intestine after long-term gliadin feeding in animal models of human coeliac disease. Folia Microbiol (Praha). 1998; 43(5):497-500.

2.   Koch S, Anthonsen D, Skovbjerg H, Sjöström H. On the role of dipeptidyl peptidase IV in the digestion of an immunodominant epitope in celiac disease. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2003; 524:181-7.

3.   Detel D, Persic M, Varljen J. Serum and Intestinal Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP IV/CD26) Activity in Children With Celiac Disease. J Ped Gast Nutr. 2007; 45(1):65-70.

4.   Hemmins WA. The entry into the brain of large molecules derived from dietary protein. Proc Roy Soc London Ser B. 1978; 200:175-192.

5.   Marti T, Molberg O, Li Q, et al. Prolyl Endopeptidase-Mediated Destruction of T Cell Epitopes in Whole Gluten: Chemical and Immunological Characterization. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2005; 312(1):19-26.

6.   Hausch F, Shan L, Santiago NA, et al. Intestinal digestive resistance of immunodominant gliadin peptides. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2002; 283(4):G996-G1003.

7.   Resta-Lenert S, Barrett KE. Live probiotics prtect intestinal epithelial cells from the effects of infection with enterovasasive Escherichia coli (EIEC). Gut. 2003; 52:988-97.

8.   De Palma G, Cinova J, Stepankova R, et al. Pivotal Advance: Bifidobacteria and Gram-negative bacteria differentially influence immune responses in the proinflammatory milieu of celiac disease. J Leukocyte Biol. 2010; 87(5):765-78.


What is digestive enzyme therapy?

Digestive enzyme therapy is the use of plant or animal-based dietary supplements to aid in digestion and promote balanced metabolism. *All of our products are of plant origin, meaning they are 100% vegetarian/vegan.  Although the body is equipped with enzymes that perform digestive actions, certain conditions can affect their production and effectiveness. States of disease and aging are both factors affecting enzyme production and action.


What is a digestive proteolytic enzyme?

 Proteolytic enzymes break down proteins into their building-blocks, which are called amino acids. The body requires 20 different amino acids, 8 of which are referred to as essential amino acids because they cannot be synthesized by the human body. These essential amino acids must be obtained from the food we eat. Without sufficient proteolytic enzymes, the body is unable to break down and absorb these necessary nutrients. Failure to fully digest proteins can result in undesirable symptoms such as bloating, abdominal cramping, flatulence and diarrhea.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein that is present in wheat, barley and rye products. Gluten is often used in manufacturing food because it provides structural stability and elasticity to the product. Americans are increasingly reporting intolerance to gluten, manifesting as symptoms of gastrointestinal disruption in response to ingestion of offending foods. However, it is difficult to eliminate gluten completely from the diet, as there are several hidden sources.


How long should I take Gluten Relief before feeling results?

Gluten Relief should be taken 5-10 minutes prior to eating. The typical, recommended dose is 1 to 2 capsules per meal. There are several variables that may affect the required dosage, for example:

Content of meal

Size of meal

Severity of intolerance

Nutritional status

Depending on these variables, along with one’s individual response to digestive enzyme therapy, the dose can be as high as 4-5 capsules per meal. It is advisable to experiment with dosage, considering there is no upper limit or adverse effects in exceeding your supplement needs.


What if I miss a dose?

Since digestive enzymes aid in digestion of food that is otherwise difficult to tolerate, finding yourself without them may be tricky. If you want to avoid the symptoms that can accompany indigestion, then the best advice would be to avoid the offending foods altogether.  Unlike systemic enzymes, the effects of digestive enzymes can be seen quickly. Adjusting food content and finding an appropriate dosage is an important balance to acheive.


Why is it important to take Gluten Relief with food?

Since Gluten Relief aids in digestion, it is contraindicated to use the enzyme without eating. Although it is not harmful to take Gluten Relief on an empty stomach, it is simply a waste of money.  If you take digestive enzymes too soon before a meal, you risk the enzyme becoming inactive. The food and enzyme must be in the stomach together for proper results.


Are there any side effects involved with Gluten Relief?

Side effects with Gluten Relief are rare, but not impossible. Mild cramping may occur, as the intestinal lining begins to cleanse. Other rare, but reported side effects include minor gastrointestinal disturbances, like bloating or gas. Starting off at a low dose can minimize any possible side effects. Side effects should clear with regular use, after a tolerance is established.


What does “proprietary blend” mean?

Proprietary refers to a patent, or ownership. Applying this concept to our digestive enzyme blend it means that we alone own the rights to the specific blend of enzymes found in Gluten Relief, making our product different from similarly marketed digestive enzyme supplements. Gluten Relief encompasses an all-inclusive digestive aid product that assists in the digestion of several nutrients, not just gluten.


Can I take Gluten relief with other systemic or digestive enzymes?

Although digestive and systemic enzymes arenot contraindicated in terms of ingredients, they should not be taken at the same time. The purpose of digestive enzymes is to aid in digestion of specific foods, so taking them with food is an obvious recommendation. Because systemic enzymes require an empty stomach for maximum absorption, they must be taken separately from digestive enzymes. There are no adverse interactions between systemic and digestive enzymes, but they serve different purposes, and thus should be taken as directed for best results.


Can I open the capsule and pour it onto my food instead of swallowing the capsule?

If you find that you have trouble swallowing the capsules, pouring its contents onto food is definitely an option. You may also open the capsule into a glass of water, being sure to drink the entire glass. If you choose to take the enzymes this way, it is best to consume the entire content as soon as possible to ensure you are receiving the full benefits within your body (rather than on your plate).


Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 90

Amount Per Serving:                       % DV
SEB Gluten-Relief® Proprietary Blend:                                          300 mg *
Dippeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP-IV)
SEB-Pro GR™ (Protease I, Protease II,
Protease III, Protease IV, Protease V),
Amylase I, Amylase II, Glucoamylase,
Cellulase, HemiSEB® (Hemicellulase,
Alpha-Galactosidase, Xylanase),
Lactase, and Lipase
*Daily Value (DV) not established

Other ingredients:  Microcrystalline cellulose, and cellulose.

Directions: Take 1 capsule with each meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Store in cool, dry place with the lid tightly closed. Avoid excessive heat. Keep out of the reach of children.

Caution: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication or under medical supervision, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18.