Living Libations Living Libations Sweet Sleep Serum 5ml
Sweet Sleep Serum’s aroma speaks to the quiet darkness as you gather strength to meet the light of day. Let tension unravel as you fully, completely relax into a peaceful slumber. Be still as the lake does for the moon. Living Libations Sweet Sleep Serum’s aroma speaks to the quiet darkness, as you gather strength to meet the light of day. Let tension unravel as you finally relax and release the need to explain, rationalize, and determine. As your mind flows into the heart of your chest, allow yourself to enter into complete absorption. Sweet Sleep Serum disintegrates and integrates with sublime stirrings of lavender, vanilla, marjoram, thyme linalool, hemp-blossoms and spikenard. Dream deep as our Sweet Sleep Serum rejuvenates the body, mind and senses.   Apply this serum to wrists, temples, dab under nose, add a drop to your pillow or bedtime bath to experience a good night.   All Organic Ingredients of:   Lavender – Lavender lowers blood pressure and slows the heart rate, opening body and mind to all the possibilities of a restful night’s sleep. This fragrant flower has also been proven to increase the amount of time spent in slow-wave sleep, the period of the sleep cycle that improves memory.  Vanilla – Vanilla has been clinically proven to decrease anxiety and feelings of claustrophobia by up to 63%. In addition to aiding sleep and acting as a powerful aphrodisiac, vanilla inhibits the reflexes that cause feelings of edginess and agitation.   Marjoram – This nerve and heart tonic promotes a restful night’s sleep by regulating emotions, decreasing pain and increasing circulation. Packed with vitamins, ursolic acid and terpinen, Marjoram lifts depression, improves digestion, and alleviates insomnia.  Thyme linalool – Thyme linalool - also known as sweet thyme - improves sleep by regulating digestion, calming chronic coughs, relieving tension and dissipating depression. Thyme is fantastically clarifying and cleanses the body of toxins and bacteria. It also suppresses anxiety, eases intestinal spasms, improves circulation, and transforms mental exhaustion into restful slumber.  Hemp-blossoms – Distilled from the petals of the Cannabis sativa plant (yet containing no THC), hemp blossoms boast over 20 amino acids plus protein and antioxidants. These delicate buds lift the spirits, reduce anxiety, alleviate migraines, and lull the mind into serene, lasting slumber.  Spikenard – Spikenard regenerates and balances, promoting harmony between all of the body’s internal organs. This relaxing root melts away stress and tension, alleviates insomnia, reduces fevers, and nurses nausea. Review(s) Like opening a juicy tangerine This is an amazing oil, that as soon as you open it, it bursts of fresh, juicy tangerine.  If someone blindfolded me I would think it was the freshest tangerine ever.  Immediately uplifting!!!!!  Delight full & Giggly it works! ... i had a beautiful night sleep yesterday peaceful sleep This blend does work!  It gave me beautiful calm, peaceful sleep. I love this product, and it smells heavenly.  I keep this on my bedside table and look forward to using it every night.  
Living Libations Living Libations Feeling Good Today 5ml
This Rejoice Juice tonifys with a bountiful blend of Holy Basil, grapefruit and Greenland moss. Serving suggestions: anoint soles of feet, one drop in water, one drop in honey or oil, one drop under the tongue; one to three times in a day. Greenland moss is known in North American native herbology to be a liver and thyroid regenerator; basil, a royal oil with an affinity for the immune system and the ability to release uplifting peptides from the hypothalamus. Review(s) Energizer! Really gives you a jump start without any of the side effects that stimulants, such as caffeine, create. This has helped me be a lot more productive. (One drop in my morning water or one drop under the tongue). Super! Happy, feel good smiles "Placing this under the tongue and I could feel the happy molecules bubbling up...I just take a deeper breath, as if it fills me with new fresh oxygen, and voila. I bought this to help bring some happy sunshine feelings in during my depressed moments - and it is a great aid :). It also makes the breath smell pretty awesome, fresh stuff! Just the name itself brings a smile to my face - Feeling Good Today, yeah!! I feel energized and happy when including this in my regime, good way to start the morning. Love your creations that help serve our life needs, such important work you do Nadine- in deep gratitude and appreciation. Smiles :)" A new kinship with this rejoice juice "There is a strong sense of well being in this bottle!!!   My new daily addiction and a great way to wake up my glandular & immune system with the anointing of this oil my feet. A perfect way to start the day. Blessings to you for another divine creation!" happiness This blend makes me happy and hopeful, I take this every day in the afternoon. I had a hard month so I ordered this to see if something could uplift my spirits, and this helped immensely.  It gives me a peaceful happiness, the kind one has when the heart oepns. I know I love everything by Nadine, but it took me a long time to try the internal blends...why did I wait?  The feeling good, digest the best, and immune illume hotberry are essential now to my day!  
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Living Libations Living Libations Illume Classic Camphorous Balm 15ml (previously Immune Illume Breathing Balm)
Boost your body’s fortification force and start to breathe calm with Living Libations Illume Classic Camphorous Balm. This fortifying fusion of perfectly potent and clarifying-camphorous essences lubricates the alters of your airway, keeps the fluids flowing, ventilates your vitality, and argues your case against airborne aversions. We’ve conscripted a cavalry of verdant essences to comfort and calm, cleanse and clarify, eliminate and illuminate until your vibrancy and vitality are rebalanced and restored. Formerly, Illume Breathing Balm - new name yet the formula remains the same. This deep breather’s dream-balm is bottled apothecary. lllume Classic Camphorous Balm contains extra emollient Jojoba oil and happy Beeswax that glides your glad exhalations and relaxes red and tired tissues. They are blended with the emancipating essences of Hyssop, Thyme, Ravensara, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, and Oregano so that you may speak, sing, and sleep unwinded. Use: Anoint nostrils to lube during dry winter months and air travel. This balm is also the best for applying to the chest, soles of feet, and any skin that needs some liberating TLC. Jojoba - Simmondsia chinensis Glorious, golden Jojoba nourishes and lubes thirsty skin. Jojoba has unparalleled ability to create long-lasting conditioning effects that soften and soothe the skin. It is packed with peptides and lipids and contains the highest levels of phenolic compounds found in nature along with antioxidants and all soluble forms of vitamin E! Hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis decumbens Happy Hyssop is a practical and potent essence with a welcoming honey-herbal aroma. Steam distilled and organically harvested in France, this herb has been traditionally used to revive respiration and boost feelings of robustness. Thyme - Thymus vulgaris Thyme is on your side. Yes, it is! This heroic herb has a history of helping the body recover vitality and vibrancy. It is described as ‘perfume of the dawn in paradise’, a tendril of a plant that is herbaceous and sweet, and one of the most practical plant essences you will ever inhale. Always a favorite of herbalists throughout history, Thyme’s fragrant botanicalbiotics perfumes and purifies simultaneously. Ravensara - Ravensara aromatica Rare Ravensara revitalizes! Steam distilled in the lush rain forests of Madagascar, this oil contains high levels of limonene, linalool, alpha-pinene, delta careen, sabinene, and a host of other potent botanical compounds. We think of this essence as the echinacea of aromatherapy, whether you are feeling the first signs of fatigue, or are seeking to avert a bout of imbalances, reach for ravensara. It is an illuminating essence, refreshing clarity and purity. Rosemary - Rosemarinus officinalis Rosemary is for remembrance; and this oil will help you remember to breathe. This time-tested aromatherapy essence gives a blessing to bound-up breath. Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus globulus Eucalyptus gets the fluids flowing. For decades upon decades, this essence has unplugged pathways and inspired humans to breathe deeply by cleansing and clearing spaces, places, and faces. Oregano - Origanum vulgare Opulent Oregano is a classic botanical-biotic that illuminates ill-tempered instigators, eliminates airborne aversions, and stimulates clarity. Happy Beeswax - Cera alba Queen bees are protected by legions of devoted worker bees and, likewise, the wax from happy bees will guard your nose and airways from the elements. Beeswax forms a breathable layer on the skin to seal in moisture and protect the delicate skin from dryness.
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Living Libations Living Libations Salt Inhaler
Our Salt Inhaler is a positively purifying device that cleanses the entire respiratory system by flushing out allergens and impurities. The salt inhaler, also known as a salt pipe has been featured on the Dr. Oz show and named one of Alternative Medicine’s 2010 Best New Products. It is so simple and easy to use: Inhale deeply through the mouth and exhale through the nose for 10 to 20 minutes, making it a goal to use the inhaler on at least every other breath. Alternatively, you can practice alternate nostril breathing, holding the inhaler to each nostril and inhaling deeply, while exhaling through the other nostril. After doing some experimentation, we have found that the inhaler works wonders when the salt is combined with essential oils. When we first began, we added 10 drops of oil to each inhaler, and found that after two weeks, the aroma benefits were still active. The salt/essential oil combination helps to flush away impurities from your respiratory system in an amazing way. When you inhale through the mouthpiece, micron particles and beneficial essential oil molecules are absorbed from the salt and penetrate the entire respiratory system, cleansing the sinuses, nasal cavities, throat, and lungs. This inhaler comes with Himalayan Pink Salt, which is known for being incredibly pure and filled with beneficial minerals and bio-energetic properties. As you inhale a blend of purified salt and beautiful essential oils, smoke particulates, allergens, asthma triggers and respiratory irritants are flushed from the body.  The salt inhaler is also phenomenal for treating sinus issues and colds, and is great for purifying the breathing process during air travel. The salt inhaler works best when used in combination with essential oils known for their powers of respiratory restoration. We love adding peppermint, frankincense, inula and black spruce oils to our inhaler. You can also try eucalyptus, rosemary, Douglas fir, silver fir, white fir, balsam fir, Lungevity, Immune Illume and our Deep Breathing Blend. It is also fun to combine respiratory essential oils with a beautiful flower essential oil like neroli or cape chamomile then you can also inhale a world of fragrant blossoms. Salt Inhaler FAQs How much salt should I add to my inhaler? Your inhaler will come with a single bag of Himalayan Pink Salt. Add the entire contents of the bag to your inhaler. How often does the salt need to be replaced?The salt never needs to be replaced. Himalayan Pink Salt naturally replenishes and clarifies itself in order to stay clean. The essential oils may need to be refreshed as their aroma begins to fade. Feel free to keep adding oils to the salt in combination, or one at a time. Which essential oils should be added to the salt inhaler? Frankincense, Black Spruce, Immune Illume, Peppermint, Rosemary, and all of the fir oils are great choices for the inhaler because they support the immune and respiratory systems. Other elegant choices include: ylang, rose otto, cape chamomile, Roman chamomile, neroli, bergamot, lemon, lavender and marjoram. Sweet Sleep Serum may be used before bed. Bergamot and frankincense is cheery and fortifying for any anxiety. You can also feel free to play around with oils like sage and lemon to lift the spirits and improve focus. How much oil should be added to the inhaler? Start with a minimum of five drops and keep testing to see what strength you prefer. We’ve found that at least 10 drops of oil work best, yet it truly is a matter of personal preference. How do I add essential oils to the inhaler? At the bottom of the inhaler, you’ll see a small opening (it looks similar to the opening on the bottom of a piggy bank). The oils can be added to this opening. How do you use the salt inhaler? Hold the inhaler’s mouthpiece up to your mouth. Inhale deeply through the mouth and exhale through the nose. You can also bring the inhaler up to each nostril and perform alternate nostril breathing. Cover one nostril with your finger while inhaling deeply through the other nostril; switch and repeat, always exhaling through the nose. Since you will be placing the inhaler directly on the nose and mouth, it’s important that every person in your family has their own salt inhaler. How long should I use the inhaler? The most beneficial amount of time to use the inhaler is for a period of 5 to 10 minutes straight, where every one to two breaths are filtered through the inhaler. You can use the inhaler every day – think of it like a meditation or watch a fun film.Can I use the inhaler on my mouth and nose? Yes, but since you’ll be placing the inhaler directly on the nose and mouth, it’s important that every person in your family has their own salt inhaler. Why is this better/different than a Neti pot? Neti pots take more effort to prepare, can be messy, may be irritating to some people and really just focus on the nose and upper sinus area. Salt inhalers are mess-free, easy to use, quick to set-up, and great for travel. We recommend bringing the salt inhaler for easy use during car, train and air travel. Review(s) Breathing Life Hi you beautiful angels, First of all, I appreciate very much the speed at which I received my salt inhaler. I was heavily burdened with trying to breathe through a long-standing lung infection complicated with the return of asthma symptoms (after 6 years of respite ~ the panic was awful .. ). My little friend arrived and I immediately filled him to the brim with the pink wonderful salt, adding 10 drops of Lungevity. It was like breathing life ~ I can't tell you how much I appreciate this product and your willingness to shower us, your acolytes, with life-giving and supporting aids. He fits so nicely into my hand, and I can't imagine being without this sweet weight in my palm, taking the precious oil into my deepest being. Bless you, bless you, and thanking you profusely again, Phyllis Had to have for the whole family I started with one Salt Inhaler and it was so effective we each have one in our family of four. Our oil of choice - Immune Illume and/ frankinsence. My daughter uses her inhaler in residence at University at the first sign of a cold/flu. In many cases the flu is mild or doesn't come at all. If her sinuses are clogged, 15 minutes on the inhaler and 'all clear"! My son is a hockey player who breathes in the moldy arena air - the salt inhaler s the perfect antedote when allergies or asthma act up. I have recommended this along with the oils it to several people as we all agree it is a much healthier alternative to prescription steroid inhalers which can be terribly hard on many systems in the body. Cleansed, Refreshed, and Purified from the inside out! I purchased your Salt Inhaler with Lungevity Oil a few months ago and I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! It makes me feel cleansed, refreshed, and purified from the inside out...absolutely amazing. Since I love what it does for my lungs, my breathing, and my overall health I though I'd give your Salt Inhaler to my dad, mom, and brother for Christmas 2012. Well, they love it too!! My mom said "I feel so good right now. Like I could go swimming or do anything I want. I feel alive." :D My dad said "I couldn't breathe very well when I got up this morning but after a few minutes of the Salt Inhaler I feel so much better in my lungs. Really good gift." :D And my bro said "That oil smells really good - like a forest!" Best Christmas Presents to give EVER. ? :D Sweet dreamy Sandalwood A soft silken pillow that instantly forms to my head, singing through my every breath, chanting sacred ancient hymns of our collective soul reunification. Hello clear sinuses! Within ten minutes of my first inhalation gone were my stuffy sinuses and watery eyes, miraculous! Say good bye to needless allergy suffering, not just that but it invigorates my breathing opening up the inside of my face in a clear and wonderful way. I highly recommend this product. Great Tool! My husband, Dan, loves the inhaler. We use the longevity blend and he has been using it very regularly. I’m looking forward to my own.
Living Libations Living Libations Zippity Dew Dab 5ml
Rating:   (1) 5 out of 5 stars
Living Libations Zippity Dew Dab 5ml Zippity DewDab is a pure essential oil blend for those unstoppable, un-poppable blemishes. This extra potent spot treatment zaps zits in a zip! Pure Organic and/or Wildcrafted Ingredients: Pure, undiluted essential oils of Niaouli, Carrot Seed, Immortelle, Rosemary, Blue Tansy and Thyme Linalool. Zippity DewDab is an undiluted blend of the purest essential oils specifically designed to zap stubborn blemishes and acne. It's a spunky blend that invites acne and blemishes to transform into healthy and balanced skin. Zippity do! It may be applied neat (direct) one drop at a time or combined with any of these Libations: RoseGlow Serum, Grapefruit Cellular Renewal, Chocolate Karat Serum, the Best Skin Evers and our All Over Lotion Organic and/or Wildcrafted Ingredients: Niaouli, Melaleuca quinquenervia viridiflora - Brimming with gentle antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties, Niaouli is quite helpful for acne issues. Niaouli is astringent without being too drying and it supports healthy immune response. Niaouli, also known as MQV, is an endocrine tonic. As a milder alternative to Tea Tree, Niaouli is also related to the same family, Myrtaceae. Carrot Seed, Daucus carota- Queen Anne's lace lights skin and face. Wild Carrot Seed essence is a highly nutritious oil for the skin activates healing. It is regenerating and brings balance to both oily and dry skin. This' mildly sweet, green and woodsy aroma is inspiring. Immortelle­, Helichrysum italicum - This flower’s everlasting felicity revivifies every filament of your being. Also known as Everlasting or Helichrysum, Immortelle is truly a superior gem for skin care. It has unique properties that promote healing and cell rejuvenation while reducing inflammation. Immortelle protects new skin cells and is a free radical scavenger. It is particularly wonderful for reducing scars. Immortelle is soothing to the skin, clearing keloids and revivifying the skin at a deep cellular level. Rosemary, Rosmarinus verbenone - Rosemary is an herbaceous revive-alive-verve-tonic with a refreshing, penetrating aroma. This species of Rosemary is particularly suited to skin care with antiseptic, clarifying and lymph stimulating oil benefits. Rosemary helps with tissue and cell rejuvenation. Blue Tansy, Tanacetum annum - Blue Tansy lends its beautiful, deep indigo blue hue to Zippity DewDab. This is due to its high azulene content which offers significant antioxidant protection and extraordinary anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial support. Blue Tansy aids Couperose and has a deliciously sweet herbaceous aroma. Thyme Linalool, Thymus officinalis linalool - Thyme Linalool is a gentle, non-irritating species of Thyme. It is a potent antiseptic, anti-infectious and anti-microbial ally for the skin. Thyme Linalool stimulates skin healing and is tonifying. Review(s) This is an absolute life saver! I have been using Zippity Dew Dab for just over a month now and my skin has been transformed! I can't say enough about how much I LOVE this product. This, along with the Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever and Rose Glow Serum, has completely changed my skin. No more oily patches, no more dry spots, and NO more cystic pimples!!! I never had acne problems as a teen and just developed this in my 30's. Zippity Dew Dab makes even the tiniest bud of a pimple disappear right away! I use it morning and night and will not be without it from now on! These products have been an absolute life saver. And the best part is no icky chemicals on my face! Only pure, loving goodness. Best Blemish Zapper!! Zippity Dew Dab is an amazing blemish zapper product! I completely agree with all the previous or two drops on your blemishes and/or acne-prone areas and poof it is magically healed in the morning...and if you're consistent with it everyday, the lack of blemishes severely diminishes to non-existent. It is especially helpful with the hormonal skin issues that occur during that lovely time of the month. I am totally impressed and would recommend this product to anyone. I've tried the regular Dew Dab which is a wonderful product on it's own but for my skin, Zippity Dew Dab is the right one! Thank you so much for this fantastic product! AMAZING! Thank you so much for all of your amazing products- Zippity Dew Dab has managed to make those large, painful, downright ugly zits disappear overnight. I've seriously never seen anything like it! Please never stop making it! xo Instead of oozing with pus, my skin is now oozing with radiance! I have had cystic acne since age 12 (I am now in my mid-twenties) and I have tried every product that has ever been suggested to me. I have spent thousands of dollars on products and facial treatments, seen countless dermatologists and been on Accutane several times. For a couple of years now, I have started to use organic and raw products on my skin and I started using more naturopathic means to help clear my skin. Due to my belief that acne is a result your body’s systemic imbalances, I would not say that this product prevents acne from occurring, but it has tremendously helped to balance my skin. I strongly believe that this product has DRAMATICALLY helped speed up healing and reduced inflammation, which has also reduced my need to pop my pimples (yeah I know, it’s a bad habit). As a result, I have been able to end my previous love affair with my cover-up, because this product makes my skin radiantly beautiful. I can’t say enough amazing things about this product-it is everything you would want out of an acne-treating product. I use this product religiously every morning and night all over my face and I use a 15 ml bottle every month. You might think it is expensive – but I promise you it is more than worth it! Thanks Ron and Nadine for another amazing product! Healed my breakout Thank you for all the love and magic you put in your creations. Zippity dew dab healed me. I am a total fan now. Weird breakout on chin for 4 weeks since detox. 12 hours and it is disappearing there is magic in zippity dew dab for sure zippity doo daa its amazing! This product with Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever and rose glow serum has transformed my skin in as little as a few days! Its great for the hormonal acne which I have been struggling and no more patchy dry skin. I've also noticed my freckles have been lightening and my skin has this lit from within appearance. I too find no need for cover up and feel beautiful going au natural thanks to these products! note: always test a tiny portion of any product you purchase first to ensure it is right for you. Example: a dap on your wrist.
Wizard Sciences Wizard Sciences - ELIXIRX (24 servings)
ELIXIRX is made with a Caprylic Acid (C-8) Liposome developed by Ian Mitchell (Wizard Sciences founder) to enhance the distribution and absorption of fullerenes, resulting in increased bioavailability to the body that helps support cellular health. ELIXIRX uses certified organic coconut oil, a premium source of c8 mct oil, known for its mct oil benefits. Elixir is crafted using a highly refined and very bioavailable medium chain triglycerides derived from organic coconuts, known as coconut mct oil, which is terrific as a broad spectrum agent for reducing neural inflammation and is considered one of the best c8 mct oil formulations available. Shake well before use. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed recommended dose. Store in a cool, dry, dark place. Do not use if the safety seal is broken or damaged. Do not freeze. As one of the best supplements for inflammation, consult your medical doctor before taking this or any other dietary supplement if you are pregnant, may become pregnant, are breastfeeding, have or suspect to have a medical condition, or are taking medications. Do not exceed recommended dose. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet/lifestyle. Adults, take 2 teaspoons daily with or without food in the morning, aligning with an organic mct oil keto approach for those on ketogenic diets. Caprylic Acid Lipofullerene, a form of c60 supplement.
-26% sale
Surthrival (Daniel Vitalis) Best Before November 2024 - Surthrival Taboo Aphrodisia Elixir 30ml
£48.95 £65.95
Awaken your passion, seduce your senses and set your sensuality free! Introducing Taboo-aphrodisia, a sophisticated sexual tonic, sensually formulated to heighten desire, arousal, and ecstasy in the moment, and dynamic enough to stimulate enduring vitality, hormone-balance, and overall wellness.  With our proprietary blend of North American Elk Velvet, decadent single origin cacao, sensual vanilla, and an exquisite suite of aphrodisiac herbs infused in organic grape alcohol, Taboo inspires intimacy and fulfillment by nurturing a healthy libido.  It may just have you up all night and waking with a visible after-glow.  Single Origin Organic Cacao Organic Grape Alcohol Superior Miron Glass Bottle Luxurious Organic Vanilla Extract The rich decadence of a fine cordial Sexy time ;) A proprietary blend of Elk Velvet and Aphrodisiac herbs  
Living Libations Living Libations Sacred Sage Meditative Chrism 30ml
Living Libations Sacred Sage Meditative Chrism clears senses, sanctifies sacred spaces and purifies places with a reverent blend of Cedar Bark, Vetiver Roots, Sandalwood, Silver Fir, and Douglas Fir, setting a fragrant foundation for a gathering of sages from many nations: Kenyan leleshwa, South African Blue mountain Sage, Spanish sage, Desert Sage, and Canadian White Sage. Daily dawns, meditative moments and waxing moons commune to the sacred tune of this liquid sage-smudge in a bottle. Upon inhaling your senses will open to all that is, to all relations, to clarity, to scented-spirals wider than duality. Use: Anoint this meditative chrism under the nose, apply as an aroma upon hair and skin, diffuse for air care, use in salt inhaler or sanctify your bath with a couple of drops to revive with reverence. Sandalwood - Santalum album The sanctity of Sandalwood opens the heart and mind with luxuriant notes of nutty, full-bodied heartwood with an ethereal, creamy, sensual finish. This serene aroma serves as a fragrant foundation to the sacred sages. Vetiver - Vetiveria zizanioides Velvety Vetiver oil is an earthy, grounding essence distilled from tropical grass. Vetiver is a refreshing root that relieves troubles and melts away negative tension. It is a lullaby of loveliness that melts tension and primes the mind to move more deeply into meditation. Cedar - Cedrus atlantica Cedar Bark unleashes a sense of tranquil calm while energizing thought and eradicating worries. This aromatic bark encourages deep breathing, brings clarity to chaos and eases the decision-making process. Leleshwa - Tarchonanthus camphoratus Luminous Leleshwa is an illuminating and purifying essential oil also known as African Wild Sage, Wild Camphor Bush, Hottentot Tobacco, and Mikalambati in Swahili. This sagacious sage shrub is wild-crafted in Kenya and has been traditionally used as a folk remedy to deodorize and cleanse. Its clean, camphorous aroma clarifies thinking in an instant, opens the breath and clears the body of sluggishness. Spanish Sage - Salvia officinalis Sage is a jewel of nature that traditionally has been used to bring balance, clarify thinking, lift spirits, and alleviate negative tension. Sage is also frequently used to cleanse spaces and objects of residual energy. Douglas Fir - Pseudotsuga menziesi Our perfectly purifying Douglas Fir will calm your disposition and inspire meditative feelings while enhancing deep breathing. Douglas fir harnesses the majestic power of these tall trees. Fresh evergreen apple notes clear breathing, facilitating peace and creating communion with others. Silver Fir - Abies alba The notes of soft, sweet resin found in Silver Fir accent the sagacious scents in this sacred forest chrism. Silver fir aerates airways and and clarifies creativity. Blue Mountain Sage - Salvia stenophylla The clarifying power of Blue Mountain sage cleanses the body of stagnant emotions. This high altitude sage supports meditation by invoking a deep sense of peaceful calm. The fragrance is greener and earthier than the other sages, providing fresh notes of cleansing inspiration. Desert Sage - Artemisia tridentata Our wild Sage conjures images of camping out under the windblown stars, inhaling the sharp-clear aroma of an essence commonly known as “cowboy cologne.” This sacred plant is a powerful ally for approaching life with calmness and clarity. White Sage - Salvia Apiana Wondrous White Sage glows with gorgeous silvery-green leaves that are a fragrant favorite of honeybees, who are attracted to the naturally protective powers contained in them. Traditionally used as a purifying agent in spiritual ceremonies, white sage sanctifies the air while infusing the mind with peaceful thoughts. This invigorating herb also clears mental congestion and spurs creativity.
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Dragon Herbs Dragon Herbs Healer's Tea (7 Elixir Pouches)
Dragon Herbs Healer's TeaAn Energy Replenishment Elixir...This Taoist formula is used to quickly replace spent Jing and replenish Ying essence and spent fluids. Properties:  It has a powerful anti-aging and regenerative quality. It has traditionally been used by those in the healing arts to replenish the energy given up in the process of their work, especially by body workers and those who channel energy. Also known as Honeymooner's Tea, it was used by those engaged in highly active sexual activity to quickly replenish fluids and sexual energy. This formula has an excellent effect on the skin and lungs. Ingredients: Purified alkaline water, Dendrobrium, Lycium, Schizandra, Licorce Root, Great Salt Lake trace minerals, potassium glycerophosphate (an excellent source of potassium), and Guilin Sweetfruit.Serving Information: Box contains 7 Elixir Pouches. Serving Size: 1 pouch.Servings per box: 7
Living Libations Living Libations Be Dew Dab Ozonated Beauty Balm 6ml
Living Libations DewDab Ozonated Beauty Balm (6ml) A life-force infusion for restored, resilient skin. Cocoon your complexion with this ozonated, activated go-to dew that balances with fresh ozone and smooths, soothes, and regenerates with pure plant intelligence. Apply a dab of this luminating dew morning, noon, or night to capture a complexion that puts furrowed brows, tired skin, and blemishes in another dimension. DewDab Ozonated Beauty Balm infuses regenerating plant power with an O3 boost! Cocoon your complexion in this ozonated dew that diminishes the appearance of blemishes, scars, spots, melasma, and fine lines. This velvety, golden balm turns to a silky-soft gel above room temperature. Lovely Laurel wax and nourishing Jojoba meld and weld with the essential oils of skin-comforting Chamomile, restoring Rose Otto, fortifying Frankincense, elegantly-impelling Immortelle, skin-smoothing Lavender, and strengthening Cypress. Directions:After cleansing, apply directly to areas in need of ozonated dew. A little dab will do! Works well under eye makeup and as a lip gloss too! Our face and lip balms, butters, and crèmes may soften or liquefy when set in the sunshine or in warm spaces. Room temperature or cooler is best for the most luxurious texture and consistency. Pop in the fridge for swift solidification. Patch Test:When using a new product, patch test for sensitivity, by applying a dab inside the forearm or behind the ear, and watch the spot for a couple of days for any sensitivities. Size: 6.5ml Ingredients: Jojoba Oil - Simmondsia chinensis O3Jojoba is juiced with opulent ozone to supercharge skin! When ozone is added to wholesome Jojoba, a whole new level of abundance is achieved. Activated oxygen, ozone, is made by charging pure oxygen (two oxygen atoms - O2) to become pure ozone (with three oxygen atoms - O3). This freshly activated oxygen is then slowly infused into Jojoba. Bubbling ozone through Jojoba further fortifies the oil with a breath of fresh air, infusing life force right into the skin. Jojoba lubricates like oil but is actually a liquid plant wax, making it perfectly pitched to balance oily skin as it regulates sebum and purifies pores. Rich in vitamin E and other nutrients, Jojoba provides long-lasting moisture and replenishes elasticity. Laurel Wax - Myrica pubescensLovely laurel waxes poetic on your cheeks and balms a breathable, loving layer on your skin. This fine fruit wax is a blessing from the berry of an evergreen shrub that grows at high altitudes in the Andes. Chamomile - Anthemis nobilisComforting Chamomile essential oil is steam-distilled from the delicate petals of French chamomile flowers. Revered for its calming caress, Chamomile is rich in easing esters, making it the gentlest go-to oil to soothe unruly skin. German Chamomile - Matricaria chamomillaBeloved blue Chamomile essence is distilled from flowers in the daisy family, known for its potent calming benefits. High quantities of chamazulene and bisabolol make this oil perfect for relaxing redness and reducing the appearance of scars and fine lines. Cape Chamomile - Eriocephalus punctulatusCape Chamomile has a high content of rare ester and azulene compounds that impart a soothing teal-blue hue, balancing sebum and softening scars and spots. Rose Otto - Rosa damascenaRegal Rose Otto is steam-distilled from the roses of Bulgaria and is a key ally in dermal rejuvenation. It revives the skin with its elegant essence, balancing and adding elasticity, and helping to minimize scars and spots. Cypress - Cypress sempervirensStrengthening Cypress oil is a calming, fortifying tonic, ideal for sluggish skin. Frankincense - Boswellia carteriiFrankincense has been used for thousands of years to fortify skin, reduce scars, and minimize melasma. It promotes a smooth and even complexion. Immortelle - Helichrysum italicumThis divine fragrant oil is perfect for abating scars, spots, melasma, and fine lines. It’s uplifting for both the skin and spirit. Lavender - Lavandula angustifoliaLavender soothes the skin, fades scars, and evens skin tone. It also has a calming effect on the mind, reducing tension and restlessness. Reviews from Living Libations' Site: Sarah (Mar 29, 2023) - Redness gone overnight!"This stuff is absolutely amazing. The smell caught me off guard at first, but now I love it! This is my second time purchasing the dew dab and I can tell such a difference in my skin. I have red, sensitive skin and when I use this regularly it really helps even out my skin tone and make it look flawless. The container is small, but just a 'dab' goes a long way!" Emilia (Mar 29, 2023) - Amazing!!"I love this so much I use it every evening before bed and wake up with the smoothest clearest skin! I do tend to go through it pretty fast and wish it could also come in a bigger size." Tiffany (Mar 20, 2023) - ACTUAL MAGIC"I've read about the benefits of ozone so once I saw this on the LL website I had to buy it. I've had mysterious nonstop inflamed bumps on my hands constantly from December - March. They would even dry out my skin and cause my skin to split. So painful!! I went to the doctor and dermatologist and ran a bunch of tests, even autoimmune, and all came back normal. I used this balm overnight and, you won't believe it, my bumps cleared up in 1 WEEK. After 3 MONTHS of misery, when nothing else worked! It's healed the cut skin extremely fast, way faster than Aquaphor or castor oil was healing my skin. I can't believe my hands look almost normal now thanks to this magic! I'm seriously so grateful." Michelle (Aug 07, 2022) - Wow"A small container but this stuff is magic!! I was afraid it wouldn't last me long for the price, but using a little 'dab' is just enough and it's lasting me 2-3 months depending how much I use it. I suffer from breakouts and I put this on my problem areas before bed and wake up to calmer skin and reduced blemishes. Love this product!!"
Living Libations Living Libations Jewel Dab 5ml
The Crown Jewel of our DewDab family is JewelDab, a pure essential oil blend created to restore, revitalize, and reestablish radiance. Adorn your skin with precious, sparkling infusions of rockrose, sandalwood, myrrh, immortelle, Roman chamomile, palmarosa, carrot, and turmeric. Dab a single jewel-drop directly onto skin, dilute with organic jojoba to create a sumptuous serum, or combine with another DewDab to please rosacea, eczema, stretch marks, wounds, wrinkles, sagging skin, flaky skin, and fine lines. Living Libations JewelDab is the crowning accomplishment of our DewDabcollection. Comprised of some of the most precious “gems” in our essential oil anthology, JewelDab is a pure blend crafted to restore, revitalize, and strengthen the skin. This fortifying emollient quenches lackluster skin that has become dry, dull, flaky, or scaly. It is intended to improve elasticity, reduce the signs of aging, fade stretch marks, help old wounds, firm sagging skin, and clarify skin affected by rosacea.    JewelDab is created with rockrose for regeneration, sandalwood to soothe chapping, myrrh to minimize fines line, immortelle to love deep wounds and cuts, Roman chamomile to ease inflammation, palmarosa to dash rashes, carrot oil to enhance elasticity, and turmeric to even skin tone.    Dab a single, juicy jewel-drop of JewelDab on the area of the skin you wish treat. Alternatively, you can dilute with pure organic jojoba oil to create a nourishing serum for face and body. JewelDab can also be combined with Dew Dab, Zippity Dew Dab, or BeDew Dab for extra protection and revitalization.    All Organic Ingredients:   Rockrose, Cistus landiferus, is an antique elixir that dates back to Ancient Greece, where shepherds would drive their flocks through groves of rock rose in order to collect the rockrose resin that would stick to their wool. This beneficial resin is said to reduce inflammation, fade scars, heal wounds, regenerate skin cells, moisturize dry skin, and act as a powerful astringent.  Sandalwood, sumptuous Santalum album, is one of nature’s most magnificent moisturizing agents. This oil has been used throughout the world for over 4,000 years, particularly in India and the South Pacific. Sandalwood oil is said to ease eczema, moisturize dry skin, stimulate skin cells and sooth chapping.  Myrrh, Commiphora myrrha, has been used since Biblical times to eradicate wrinkles, treat deep wounds and cuts, clear eczema, moisturize dry skin, ease inflammation, and treat fungal infections. It has the added benefit of being a sacred oil said to detoxify both skin and spirit.  Immortelle, Helichrysum italicum, incredibly precious and rare, immortelle oil is infused with the vibrant, healing energy of its native Corsican countryside. Immortelle is used to treat deep wounds, cuts, bruises, burns, scars, boils, soft tissue injuries, and acne. It is also said to stimulate the growth of healthy skin cells, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, clear blemishes and rashes.  Roman Chamomile, Anthemis nobilis, soulfully soothing and calming, Roman chamomile is a powerful anti-inflammatory said to kill germs and ease irritation. This oil is traditionally used to bring soothing relief to some of the most irritating skin conditions out there, including diaper rash, cracked nipples, burns, frostbite, wounds, hemorrhoids, and bedsores.  Palmarosa, Cymbopogon martini, Precious palmarosa packs a healing punch! This known cell regenerator is said to bring balance to the skin, regulating the root causes of acne, fungal infections, varicose veins, and rashes. It is also a popular choice for treating sunspots, psoriasis, wrinkles, and eczema.    Carrot Seed, Daucus carota, our wild French carrot seed oil is a beneficial balancing agent used to bring oily and dry skin back into a state of homeostasis. Stimulating and regenerating, carrot oil is said to improve skin’s elasticity, prevent new wrinkles from taking hold, sooth sunburnt skin, clear rashes and cuddle collagen.  Turmeric, Curcuma longa, is a terrific anti-inflammatory known to activate over 12 different protective proteins within the skin cells. This protective action is accomplished with phytonutrients, which are said to be much more effective than antioxidant protection alone. The application of turmeric oil may also activate the skin’s protective transcription factors (NRF2), which have been shown to decrease pore size, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, improve skin tone and decrease discoloration.    The DewDabs – Topical Skin Tonics   Living Libations DewDab Collection is a carefully crafted quartet of topical tonics for spot-on nourishment. Each distinct version of our DewDab spot treatment holds the promise of unparalleled healing power for the skin. Choose from DewDab classic for rejuvenation, Zippity DewDab for clarification, BeDew Dab to soothe and cool, or JewelDab to strengthen and fortify.    Each of these elixirs is crafted with pure, organic and wild-crafted essential oils chosen for their amazing abilities to relieve, rejuvenate, revitalize and restore.    Evens Skin Tone - Use DewDab to spot-treat fine lines, blemishes, scars, bumps, rosacea, and discoloration. DewDab is incredibly regenerative and restorative for the skin. Use neat or blend with our RoseGlow Serum, Rose Best Skin Ever, Rose Cellular Renewal and RoseGlow Crème.    Clears Complexion - Use Zippity DewDab to eradicate acne, overnight blemishes, and stubborn zits that just won’t’ quit! Zippity DewDab is clarifying for congested skin. Use neat or blend with our Cell Serum, Grapefruit Cellular Renewal, Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever and Maverick Crème.   Calms, Cools and Sutures Skin - Use BeDew Dab to soothe inflamed skin, ease itching, and calm reactions. BeDew Dab is refreshing, cooling, and balancing. Use neat or combine with the Open Sky Eye Serum, All Seeing Eye Crème, and Frankincense Best Skin Ever.   Heals Dryness, Fortifies and Firms - Use JewelDab to improve elasticity, strengthen the skin, lock in moisture, give life to listless skin, soothe sagging surfaces, and reduce the signs of rosacea and aging. Use neat, blend with organic jojoba oil to create a succulent serum, or combine with Soothsayer Serum, Neroli Best Skin Ever and Sundew Crème.    All four treatments can be used neat by placing a single drop at a time directly on the affected area.   They can also be combined with each other, or in a carrier oil of pure organic jojoba oil to create a dynamic, potent healing tonic for your skin. Review(s) Fabulous All-round Product! This is a wonderful all-around product! It helps with eczema, athletes foot, stretch marks, wounds, you name it! FANTASTIC! I have pigmentation issues and decided to try this with dew dab. What a FANTASTIC combination! I am loving the glow from using these products together. As well I can see this will help me tackle my pigmentation problems, as I can already see some fading in the first week of use. Dew dab for years has helped me even out discoloration, but this combination is incredible. I am so grateful for Living Libations, every product is magical. A Miracle for my C-Section Scar I love this product! It has done wonders for my C-section scar- I highly recommend it. I will be purchasing a BIG bottle
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Living Libations Living Libations Frankincense First Friend (previously First Aid) 5ml
Living Libations Frankincense+FirstAid combines the most potent antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory oils into a concentrated chrism of potent healing power. This pure, organic, undiluted blend of frankincense, peppermint, lavender, oregano and wild thyme can tackle everything from cuts and burns to bug bites and rashes.    This First-Aid Friend is an essential oil medicine-cabinet in a bottle. Together at last, the fabulous-anti-fungal-five, making Frankincense+FirstAid one mighty medicinal blend! Apply a drop to cuts, burns, bites and rashes to resurrect the serenity of your skin and bring the body back into balance. Each essence in this mighty elixir has been hand-picked for its proven powers. Frankincense+FirstAid can be applied directly to the challenged area, or diluted with Frankincense Best Skin Ever, or one of our other Best Skin Ever’s. Dab neat onto the skin, add to our Salt Inhaler to improve respiration, or add a few drops to a steaming bath.    Organic Ingredients   Frankincense – Fortifying frankincense oil is commonly referred to as “liquid pearls from the tree of life.” This potent anti-inflammatory agent has been used for thousands of years to treat wounds, scars, wrinkles, dry skin, mature skin, skin ulcers, asthma, arthritis, and gum disease.  Peppermint – Cooling, acts like a drop of nice ice. Our pure, undiluted peppermint is renowned for its potent antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic properties. In addition to treating rashes and insect bites, peppermint is known to decrease inflammation, soothe itching, balance dry skin and clear blemishes.  Lavender – Famous for its relaxing, soothing properties, avender is also a wonderful topical treatment for the skin and body. Cuts, burns, sunburns, respiratory ailments, insect bites, and migraine headaches can all be addressed with lovely lavender.  Oregano – One of the most powerful antiseptics in our entire collection, oregano oil fights viruses, bacterium, fungi, and parasites. Oregano may also be effective in fighting colds, flu, respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis, digestive ailments and muscle aches.  Wild thyme – Thyme is not just of the essence, it is the essence! Powerfully antimicrobial and antifungal, pure wild thyme is known to eradicate infections, treat wounds, improve digestion, enhance circulation, and even combat hair loss. Review(s) So helpful A few days ago I had an accident with a food mandolin (oh! so that's what that little food-holder thing is for!) and my finger is not happy. I put a few drops of frank first aid on it and then braced for pain/sting... nothing. Water hurt like crazy but no pain at all with the Libation. Amazing. And it smells so good I walk around with my bandaged finger held up to my nose :) A wonderful bottle of magic "First day on the job and this little bottle has me amazed. My son and I took it in our kit bag to Forest School and first off I badly hurt my wrist, but after a couple of drops of this potion my wrist stopped throbbing and my fingers stopped being numb. Later it came to the aid of a child who was screaming inconsolably after burning his finger toasting marshmallows.  His father could not stop the boy screaming, nor could the teacher.  Feeling like Gandalf, I offered a couple of drops of this magic oil and the little boy held out his finger.  The tears stopped and the pain eased and within moments he was playing again, no longer begging to go home.  It works so fast! So thank you Nadine for another starry potion of wonder.  It smells wonderful, but most importantly it really is a First Aid Potion Extraordinaire.  I want a bottle for every bag I own, so I never leave home without it. Thank you"
Living Libations Living Libations Epiphany Elixir 5ml
Frankincense, fortifying the strength of crystalline clarity; a voyage to your inner sun-serum. This chrism is to muse upon brow, chest & tongue: golden rod, frankincense, and myrrh. Use for breathing, yoga, meditation and for waking-states of creation-clarification. Review(s) Stimulates my entire body, soul and spirit.  This glorious chrism immediately rooted itself into my creation rituals and has been a catalyst for some ancient sounds I have been channeling in the studio lately. A perfect blend of Frankincense, Myrrh, and Goldenrod, this elixir literally activates my intuitive senses, opening portals of creativity and playfully coaxing an abstract type of clarity that every artist, healer, and moon woman taps into when she is in complete alignment with the cosmos and her heart. I anoint myself with this oil around my forehead and crown chakra before I begin creating music and art, because it stimulates my entire body, soul and spirit.  Feeling it! I am feeling this elixir deep in my meditation and yoga practice. By the way the oils are beautiful. Your spreading some serious magic! In Love with Epiphany Elixir "I received my oil pouches! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I am in love with Epiphany Elixir. What an amazing product, the second it hit my tongue I felt lots of ideas, play and expression come to life. The lavender and frankincense smell divine. I am looking forward to the musings and intelligence that they will all bring to my life. ;) You're the best!!! ???, Laura" Putera Can I just say what a relief to find some one who actually knows what theyre talking about on the internet. You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people need to read this and understand this side of the story... you definitely have the gift.        
Living Libations Living Libations Bliss Tonic (10ml Roll-on)
Rating:   (1) 5 out of 5 stars
Now this is bliss! Slip into a hammock of happiness with Living Libations Bliss Tonic, a harmonious blend of organic, revitalizing essences that will enhance creativity and open the heart. Available in 10ml Now this is bliss! Slip into a hammock of happiness with Living Libations Bliss Tonic, a harmonious blend of organic, revitalizing essences that will enhance creativity and open the heart.   Product Description   Is it possible to roll-on reverie? To dab on a bit of delight? And what if you could kiss temples and wrists with the delicate whisper of pure, unbridled bliss?   Living Libations Bliss Tonic combines a harmonious mix of delectable, pure organic root essences into a portable, roll-on scent blend for body and soul. Lavender, spikenard, ylang, bergamot, geranium blood orange and alkanet root rejoice in heavenly reverie!    Slip into a hammock of happiness as your roll Bliss Tonic onto temples, wrists, the backs of your knees, the nape of your neck, anywhere you please! This Bliss ignites the senses, awakening the artist within and opening the spirit to communion with the self, with others, and with the divine.    Organic Ingredients:    Lavender – The fantastically calming effects of lavender have made it one of the most widely used oils in aromatherapy. Lavender is known to dissipate stress and tension, relax body and mind, alleviate headaches and migraines, and invite an all-pervasive sense of well-being.  Ylang – The fresh, floral scent of ylang ignites the senses and sends stress packing! This potent aphrodisiac is balancing, harmonizing, energizing, and endlessly life-affirming.  Bergamot – Sweet, citrusy bergamot is a powerful antidepressant that eases anxiety and invokes a sense of happy wonderment. Bergamot is also known to have wonderful benefits for the skin, making each dab of Bliss Tonic a kiss of healing bliss.  Roses over Geranium - The delicate scent of geranium and rose petals dances with delight to relax and ignite creativity.  Blood orange – The scent of happiness! Tangy tingles of joy uplift and increase confidence.  Spikenard – Precious spikenard was used throughout the ancient world for its delectable scent and power to soothe. Known as a mighty source of spiritual inspiration and balance, spikenard was a favorite oil of the Ancient Romans, Egyptians, and Mary Magdalene. Alkanet root – Pure, organic alkanet root gives our Bliss Tonic its ruby red kiss of color.  Jojoba – Jojoba is a skin super hero because it contains all soluble forms of Vitamin E, as well as high levels of tocopherols and phenolic compounds. This oil is very similar to our body’s own oils, making it a marvelous moisturizer that is effortlessly absorbed by the skin. Review(s) Lovely purchased this bliss tonic with my first order for living libations. When I first smelled the fragrance from the bottle I was a little disappointed as I felt it smelled a little too medicinal. However once I applied it to my skin the scent really opened up in to a harmonious blend of various sweet fragrances. Delightful and Uplifting. I wear it as my daily fragrance now.
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Living Libations Living Libations BeDew Dab 5ml
When the world has you razzled and your skin’s looking frazzled, just a dab of BeDew will do! Our BeDew Dab spot treatment is made with the most cooling, soothing oils in our collection. This pure essential oil blend is crafted with organic Frankincense, Blue Tansy, Sandalwood, Peppermint, Cypress making it our go-to elixir for skin that needs some suturing with cool-blue nourishment. Ease itching, cool inflammation, and calm reactions with just a dab of beautiful BeDew. Living Libations BeDew Dab is a refreshing, reassuring spot treatment for itchy, inflamed skin. Crafted with pure, undiluted, organic essential oils, BeDew Dab combines the healing motions of our collection's most calming, cooling potions.    Sacred Frankincense, tranquil Blue Tansy, soothing Sandalwood, pacifying Peppermint and strengthening cypress form a revitalizing elixir for wounds, itchy skin, scars, wrinkles, cellulite, inflammation, and more!    Use BeDew Dab neat by placing a single, powerful drop directly on the affected area, or combine BeDew with a Best Skin Ever or pure jojoba organic oil for a soothing, cooling, restorative blend.    All Organic Ingredients: Frankincense – Sacred frankincense is beautifully balsamic in nature, giving it the unparalleled power to heal wounds, fade scars, treat wrinkles, and reduce inflammation. This oil is an awesome astringent that has been used for thousands of years to nourish dry skin and fight the signs of aging.  Blue Tansy – Beautiful Blue Tansy is incredibly soothing and calming to the skin and the spirit. This azure oil rich in the botanical compound azulene is a dream to ease inflammatory flare-ups on the skin, soothe sunburns, heal damaged or broken skin, ease itching, help hives, remedy rashes, and drench dry skin.  Sandalwood – Soothing sandalwood, sacred for thousands of years, hastens skin repair skin and reduces scarring. Studies show that sandalwood helps cells protect themselves by fortifying their protective sheaths. Peppermint – Peppermint oil is fiercely antifungal, making it a fantastic remedy for fungal infections of the skin and nails. It is also used to stimulate and revitalize dull skin and bring balance to oily skin.  Cypress – Strengthening cypress oil is a cooling, fortifying tonic and astringent commonly used to treat hemorrhoids, cellulite, and oily skin. The antiseptic and hemostatic properties of cypress make it a wonderful treatment for wounds, while its sudorific properties encourage the skin to release pent up toxins.  The DewDabs – Topical Skin Tonics   Living Libations DewDab Collection is a carefully crafted quartet of topical tonics for spot-on nourishment. Each distinct version of our DewDab spot treatment holds the promise of unparalleled healing power for the skin. Choose from DewDab classic for rejuvenation, Zippity DewDab for clarification, BeDew Dab to soothe and cool, or JewelDab to strengthen and fortify.    Each of these elixirs is crafted with pure, organic and wild-crafted essential oils chosen for their amazing abilities to relieve, rejuvenate, revitalize and restore.    Evens Skin Tone - Use DewDab to spot-treat fine lines, blemishes, scars, bumps, rosacea, and discoloration. DewDab is incredibly regenerative and restorative for the skin. Use neat or blend with our RoseGlow Serum, Rose Best Skin Ever, Rose Cellular Renewal and RoseGlow Crème.    Clears Complexion - Use Zippity DewDab to eradicate acne, overnight blemishes, and stubborn zits that just won’t’ quit! Zippity DewDab is clarifying for congested skin. Use neat or blend with our Cell Serum, Grapefruit Cellular Renewal, Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever and Maverick Crème.   Calms, Cools and Sutures Skin - Use BeDew Dab to soothe inflamed skin, ease itching, and calm reactions. BeDew Dab is refreshing, cooling, and balancing. Use neat or combine with the Open Sky Eye Serum, All Seeing Eye Crème, and Frankincense Best Skin Ever.   Heals Dryness, Fortifies and Firms - Use JewelDab to improve elasticity, strengthen the skin, lock in moisture, give life to listless skin, soothe sagging surfaces, and reduce the signs of rosacea and aging. Use neat, blend with organic jojoba oil to create a succulent serum, or combine with Soothsayer Serum, Neroli Best Skin Ever and Sundew Crème.    All four treatments can be used neat by placing a single drop at a time directly on the affected area.   They can also be combined with each other, or in a carrier oil of pure organic jojoba oil to create a dynamic, potent healing tonic for your skin. Review(s) Youngest fan Just wanted to send some praise to Living Libations Land! Awhile back I had asked for recommendations for my son's chronically dry itchy skin and you suggested a combination of Frankincense BSE, the hand cream and BeDew Dab. I rubbed him down with this twice over a month ago and he has had ZERO complaints since. (This, after almost daily itching/ complaining for the last 3 years!!!) So thank you for the almost-instant skin fix from one of your youngest (6-year-old) LL fans! LOVE LOVE this product so much! I like to add a drop or two to masks and face oils if I need some “cooling action.” Repurchase? 100% yes and in the larger size  Grateful and impressed. Thank you so much for making such lovely products! My skin has become extremely reactive and sensitive, and I've tried everything to calm it down--I've finally had luck with your fantastic line of products. I knew my skin was red, itchy, and reactive, but I didn't realize how inflamed it was until I used BeDew Dab for about a week and the swelling went away. I'm so grateful and impressed. I love this stuff!! This is such a gentle solution to acne prone skin. It clears up hormonal blemishes rather quickly. I love the smell, it's medicinal and natural and it works great to get rid of redness and pimples without irritating or drying my skin. Cooling and soothing...  This blend feels so powerful. I like to mix it with my best skin ever (seabuckthorn), and apply to my entire face. It is very cooling. The only thing I'm not crazy about is the smell - it is very different, I but I am getting used to it! note: always test a tiny portion of any product you purchase first to ensure it is right for you. Example: a dap on your wrist.