Presence is a captivating unisex fragrance that manages to stimulate the senses without any harsh, synthetic chemicals or ingredients.
“My vision for Presence was a captivating unisex fragrance that mixes sensuality with familiarity, while adding a sexy twist with the addition of aphrodisiacs like smoky sandalwood, and the addictive ylang ylang. Getting a result that is better than you initially envisioned is an indescribably good feeling.”
– Andy Hnilo
It is widely believed that different essential oils on various parts of the body may enhance the body’s fragrance, not by stimulating production of pheromones, but by amplifying pheromones already secreted. When essential oils are smelled, they can have a powerful effect on the emotional body and can stimulate the production of neurotransmitters, increasing one’s attractiveness to others. Some plant oils even produce pheromones similar to human sexual pheromones. Get your very own Alitura Presence today and see how this fragrance can enhance your day.
Spray 4 times and then walk through the spray that is in the air
Alcohol Denate 40B (Certified Organic), Parfum, Water/Aqua
Bottled In Miron Glass- “Preserved by the bottle not by Toxins”
• Blocks Harmful x-rays.
• Only allows Infrared and Violet lights through, which enhance the effects of the product.
• No toxic preservatives in the formulation.
• Durable glass that protects bio-energy.