PhosChol is the Gold Standard in pharmaceutical grade PPC (polyenylphosphatidylcholine). It is the only 100 percent purified source of PPC and delivers the highest concentration of 1,2 DLPC. DLPC is the molecule that is both quantitatively and qualitatively responsible for the the superior therapeutic effects of PPC. No other products compare.
Doctor Recommended PhosChol is 100 percent pure polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC), with up to 52% DLPC. In fact, PhosChol delivers the highest available concentrated source of dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC). No other product can compare.
We encourage you to take the time to learn about PhosChol and discover why PhosChol may be just what your body needs.
We recommend speaking with your doctor about the many health benefits of PhosChol and to determine if PhosChol is right for you. If you are seeking a safe and proven alternative than PhosChol may be what you are looking for.
Your doctor may not know about PhosChol and how it may be able to help you. When speaking with your doctor about PhosChol, we recommend providing them with a copy of the PhosChol brochure. You can download a copy of the PhosChol brochure or request a brochure be sent to you.
Most doctors who learn about PhosChol, usually prescribe it to their patients!
Over 100 million daily doses have been sold worldwide, with no known side effects, contraindications, or interactions. PhosChol is trusted even with long-term use.
PhosChol is a 100 percent pure source of polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC) and an oral therapy for use as a membrane therapeutic. With its special ingredient 1,2-dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine (up to 52%), PPC is theoretically of importance in all disorders in which damaged membrane structures, reduced phospholipid levels and/or decreased membrane fluidity are present. This hypothesis is supported by experimental and clinical investigations on various membrane-associated disorders and illnesses.
Pharmacological investigations, a broad range of clinical trials, and other available data on PPC and its different modes of action, demonstrate that PPC acts primarily through its influence on membranes. As cell membrane changes and damages occur in many disorders, PPC�s therapeutic approach in man is a physiological and holistic one.
The Gold Standard
-PhosChol is the first and only 100% pure source of Polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC).
-PhosChol delivers 900mg of purified PPC per softgel capsule, and 3 grams of purified PPC per measured teaspoon of liquid concentrate.
-PhosChol delivers more than seven times the PPC content of any other store brand.
-PhosChol contains up to 52% DLPC.
-PhosChol may enhance cell membrane related physiological processes.
-PhosChol is bio-available (greater than 90% absorption), and contains no other phosphatides that compete for absorption.
-PhosChol is safe and clinically proven effective.
-PhosChol is trusted and recommended by doctors.
In numerous studies, purified polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC) has been shown to:
-Help sustain healthy cardiovascular levels
-Support hepatocyte protection
-Help maintain membrane fluidity
-Aid in Gastric Mucosal Protection (from NSAIDs damage)
-Provide neuronutrient support
-Boost the immune system and protect against opportunistic infections
-Improve Physical Performance
According to the intensity of exposure to noxae, malnutrition or viruses, liver damage may manifest itself as:
- -acute and chronic hepatitus
- -fatty liver
- -liver cirrhosis
- -others
PPC is a superior protectant against liver damage. Irrespective of the origin, damage to liver cell membranes and to their organelles is generally present in hepatopathies. Metabolic functions of the liver cell and the activity of enzymes bound to membranes are inhibited, thus causing the clinical picture of liver disorders.
- Zierenberg, O. and Grundy, S.M., J. Lipid. Res., 23:1136 (1982).
- Dargel R. et al., Z. Gastroenteral. 29 (Suppl. 2):18 (1991).
- Lekim, D. and Betzing, H., Arzneimit Forsch, 2: 1772 (1976).
- Indovina, J. et al., Epatologica, 27:261 (1981).
- Navder K. P. and Lieber C. S., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 291:1109 (2002).
- M�ting, D. et al., Verh. Dtsch. Ges. innere Med., 78:1389 (1972).
- Kuntz, H. D. it al., Med. Welt., 29:452 (1978).
- Chanussot, F. and Benaoel, L., Life Sciences 73:381 (2003).
- Saratikov A.S. and Vengerovskii A.I., Biull. Eksp. Biol. Med. 127:392 (1999).
- Alliet, J. et al., L�Quest Medical, 29:85 (1976).
- Holecek, M. et al., in: Liver and Drugs 1994 edt. by J. Holoman and J. Glasa. Progress in Hepato-Pharmacol. 1:202 (1995).
What is PhosChol?
PhosChol® is the first and only, all natural, soy-derived 100 percent pure source of polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC). PhosChol® is an oral therapy for use as a membrane therapeutic. With its special ingredient 1,2-dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine (up to 52%) it is theoretically of importance in all areas in which damaged membrane structures, reduced phospholipid levels and/or decreased membrane fluidity are present. This is a hypothesis, which is supported by experimental and clinical investigations on various membrane-associated disorders and illnesses.
What is a Phospholipid?
PhosChol™ is comprised of pure polyenylphosphatidylcholine, a phospholipid commonly found in soybean lecithin. Chemically speaking, phospholipids are the active component in lecithin. Compared to a typical fat or triglyceride (“Tri”meaning three fatty acids attached) phospholipids normally contain two fatty acids and in place of the third fatty acid they have a phosphorous containing head group. A phospholipid is unique because its fatty acid tails like oil and its head group likes water. When a phospholipid comes in contact with water, it spontaneously forms what is commonly referred to as a bilayer structure. The bilayer functions as the “skin” or “membrane” of living cells and organelles.Another crucial component of a phospholipid is the type of fatty acids attached to it. A phospholipid such as soy-derived polyenylphosphatidylcholine is rich in linoleic and linolenic acid, and polyunsaturated fatty acids that provide “fluidity” to the cell membrane. Maintaining membrane fluidity is crucial, as the membrane is central to the majority of cellular activities.
What is PhosChol most used for?
Pharmacological investigations, a broad range of clinical trials, and other available data on PPC and its different modes of action, demonstrate that PPC acts primarily through its influence on membranes. As cell membrane changes and damages occur in many disorders, PPC’s therapeutic approach in man is a physiological and holistic one.Purified PPC aids the body in many ways. It is important to remember that PPC is an essential nutrient comprising approximately (65%) of every cell membrane in your body.
PhosChol is often recommended to: (among other uses)
- Help manage and sustain healthy lipid levels
- Provide neuronutrient support
- Help to maintain and improve membrane fluidity
- Support hepatocyte protection, function and regeneration
- Aid in Gastric Mucosa Protection – “Leaky Gut Syndrome” brought on by the use of NSAIDs, Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs like Ibuprofen and Naproxen
- Boost immune system strength
Purified PPC is commonly used for:
Acute and chronic hepatitis; cirrhosis; intoxications; fatty degeneration of the liver of any origin; cholestasis; prophylaxis of gallstone formation; radiation syndrome; pre-and postoperative care, especially in liver/gallbladder surgery; dyslipoproteinemia (hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia and hypoalphalipoproteinemia); atherosclerosis; coronary, cerebral, and peripheral circulatory disturbances; angina pectoris; condition following myocardial infarction, and apoplexy; hypertension due to sclerosis; vascular diseases, especially in diabetes mellitus; nephritic syndrome; pre-operative treatment for the prevention of thrombo-embolism.Is PhosChol safe and are there any potential side effects?
From the toxicological investigations, from safety pharmacology, and from the general pharmacodynamic effects of PPC (the active substance in PhosChol) it is evident that this extract is safe and non-toxic.
In over fifty years of use, and in thousands of animal and clinical studies, PPC has been proven safe and reliable.
Over 30 million daily doses of PhosChol have been sold worldwide, and according to a rough estimation a total of 350 million daily doses of PPC (used in a similar European product) were sold in Germany between 1954 and 2000 and approximately 600 million daily doses globally.
No manifestations of intoxication or overdosing have been reported. There are neither contraindications nor precautions to be observed in the administration of the preparation.
What if I am taking other medications?
PhosChol is generally well tolerated and can be taken with other medications. If you are prescribed a medication while taking PhosChol or wish to take PhosChol while on another medication, it is always best, and we strongly recommend that you notify your physician.You can request a brochure to show to your Physician or you can have your physician or primary care giver contact us for any of their informational needs. We will be happy to assist them.
Doctors who learn about PhosChol usually recommend it.
How much PPC is one dose of PhosChol?
PhosChol has a PPC content of 900mg (~1 gram) per softgel capsule, and 3000mg (~3 grams) per teaspoon in the liquid concentrate.
Recommended Dosage and Administration
The recommended daily dose is 2-3 capsule – once daily, or 2/3 to a 1 full tsp. of liquid concentrate – once daily. To be swallowed whole during meals with a little liquid if required. (PhosChol may be taken on an empty stomach, no irritability has been reported)
Is PhosChol safe during Pregnancy?
PhosChol is often recommended during pregnancy and post pregnancy. As a nutritional supplement PhosChol is an aid to good health and guards against low blood choline levels. PhosChol provides a preferred source of highly bio-available choline.Because choline is so important in membrane development and repair, it is transported across the placenta from the mother to the fetus by a 1:14 ratio. Similarly, the choline concentration in mother's milk is over 100 times the level in the maternal bloodstream. Thus, the requirement for choline appears to be especially high in women during pregnancy and lactation. Because of the heightened requirement for choline, it is likely that both pregnant and lactating mothers, who are not taking choline supplements, have lower serum choline concentrations than non-pregnant women.
Given the role of choline in memory and cognitive function and the diversion of choline from the mother to the fetus, it is speculated that the periodic lapses in memory and mental acuity often experienced by pregnant and lactating mothers may be related to lowered choline levels.
Are There any Similar Products like PhosChol Available in the Market?
There are no similar products available in North America. PhosChol is the only 100% pure source of PPC available in North America. And, only PhosChol delivers up to 52% dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC). No other product can compare. A product similar to PhosChol has been used in Europe as a pharmaceutical (approved by the Bfarm) for over 50 years. During this time, millions of Europeans and Asians have enjoyed the healthy membrane therapeutic benefits of purified PPC. Discover why so many people have added all natural, 100% pure PhosChol to their daily supplement program.
I’ve heard choline in small and in large doses can cause fishy body order – can this happen with PhosChol?
PhosChol is an all natural, soy-derived 100% pure source of polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC). PhosChol provides the body with a preferred source of bio-available choline and will not cause fish body odor, even at extremely high doses.Other products are either phospholipid complexes or choline salts. The complexes contain only about a third of the PPC in PhosChol. And, the other phospholipids they contain compete with PPC for absorption.
Choline salts are processed differently by the body than PPC reducing the actual amount of pure choline available and often resulting in objectionable fishy body odor.
PhosChol is a natural alternative to synthetic choline salts and can fulfill the dietary reference or adequate intake (AI) for Choline. And, no energy consuming Polyenylphosphatidylcholine synthesis from choline is necessary.
Is PhosChol A Drug?
PhosChol® is not a drug. PhosChol is an all natural soy-derived dietary supplement. The United States Food and Drug Administration does not permit Nutrasal to make any claim “to…diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases,” and no such claim is being made.
Is PhosChol GMO Free?
The short answer is yes.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are designed to supplement a healthy diet and lifestyle, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using any dietary supplement, particularly if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a medical condition, or are taking medication. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of children. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and consult a healthcare provider.