Aging is a complex process that is now understood by gerontologists (aging scientists) to be driven by at least 10 key mechanisms. These include:
1. Mitochondrial dysfunction
2. Inflammation (“Inflammaging”) and disrupted cell communication
3. Cellular senesence (“zombie” cells that secrete pro-inflammatory molecules that damage neighboring cells)
4. Protein accumulation inside and outside of cells that hinders cell functions
5. Epigenetic dysregulation (dysfunctional signaling leading to non-optimal changes in which changes are switched on or off)
6. Oxidative damage
7. Dysfunctional DNA methylation
8. Suppressed autophagy and mitophagy (the quality control process of maintaining healthy cells and mitochondria)
9. Reduced stem cell proliferation
10. Telomere shortening
(And other mechanisms, like DNA damage, glycation of tissues, and more).
"When designing Longenesis, our goal was to create the world’s most comprehensive formula using science-backed ingredients proven to impact on these mechanisms of aging."
For example, there are ingredients in the formula like ca-AKG proven to act on several of these mechanisms like improving mitochondrial health, reducing inflammation, reducing oxidative damage, and altering epigenetic signaling (gene expression). Or spermidine, which powerfully stimulates autophagy to allow the body to recycle and repair damaged cell parts. Or fisetin, which has been shown to powerfully clear away senescent cells. Or glucosamine sulfate, which has been shown to transiently challenge mitochondria (like exercise for mitochondria), making them larger and increasing their energy producing capacity – and which has been shown to actually translate into the hard outcomes of increased lifespans in animal models, and has been strongly associated with longer lifespans in humans.
All of this is just scratching the surface of the powerful ingredients in Longenesis, and the dozens of mechanisms through which these ingredients are provent to slow down the rate of cellular aging. (A more in-depth examination of the ingredients and the science behind them is below).
In addition, there is an enormous focus on safety in our formula. While there are certain ingredients that may enhance longevity, there side effect profile is highly questionable. Things like rapamycin, C60, and metformin (and many other new synethic compounds) fall into this category. In Longenesis, we’ve included only ingredients which have extremely good safety profiles and virtually no risk of harm – and which are natural (rather than synthetic lab-made molecules).
To do this you must:
Reduce the oxidative stress and inflammation that drives mitochondrial damage and dysfunction
Improve your stem cell production and proliferation
Clear senescent cells more effectively
Build up your internal antioxidant and detoxification defense systems
Optimize your genetic expression through proper epigenetic signaling
Reduce or eliminate chronic low-grade inflammation
Protect your telomeres
Restore proper DNA methylation
Rebuild your mitochondria
This is what Longenesis has been designed to do.
As always, we operate with complete transparency with the ingredients in our formulas. No “proprietary blends” to hide miniscule dosages of ingredients (as most manufacturers do). We proudly list out all our ingredients and their actual dosages, with nothing to hide.
While most manufacturers list out an impressive list of ingredients, what they don’t tell you is that they are typically using 1/5th, 1/10th, or even 1/20th of the proper clinically effective dosages of those ingredients that were actually used in the studies and shown to have benefits. As always, the dose makes the medicine! Just as there is a big difference in workouts between walking 20 steps vs. running a marathon, there is a big difference between using the proper 1,000 mg dose of a compound vs. using only 50 mg. These do not and will not have remotely the same benefit.
We encourage you to compare the ingredients, and the dosages of each ingredient to any other longevity formula on the market. You’ll quickly see that our formula is radically more comprehensive in terms of ingredients, and simultaneously uses much larger doses – the clinically effective dosages that are actually used in studies and proven to have benefits.
Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is a key molecule in mitochondrial energy production that determines the overall rate of electron generation within the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. It is also essential for the function of several enzymes involved in gene expression and collagen synthesis. These unique roles have implicated AKG in healthy aging longevity [1].
In particular, AKG binds to the enzyme required for energy production (ATP synthase) and inhibits its function, thereby stressing mitochondria and causing adaptations that lead them to become more efficient energy producers [2]. It basically mimics energy restriction without dieting, causing delays in age-related diseases and increases in longevity.
Glycine is a conditionally essential amino acid that wears many hats. It is necessary for protein synthesis, particularly that of collagen (the most abundant protein in the body), and an essential component of several biologically important compounds like porphyrins and heme, creatine, glutathione, and purines. It is also an important signaling molecule within the nervous and immune systems.
Mice consuming a diet of 8% glycine, about 1 g/kg body weight for a human, from young adulthood onward experience a 4–6% increase in average lifespan [13], and rats consuming a diet of 8% glycine from adolescence onwards experience a 30% increase in both average and maximal lifespan [14].
Glucosamine is a naturally occurring component of crustacean exoskeletons and fungi. Best known for reducing joint pain and improving mobility, few know of its profound mitochondrial benefits and lifespan-extending effects [25].
Several studies have associated glucosamine supplementation with 10–32% reductions in dying from all causes, cancer, or diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems, even after taking into account several known risk factors, such as age, sex, smoking, alcohol, physical activity, and metabolic health [26–29].
AC-11 is a patented extract of Uncaria tomentosa, also known as cat’s claw, that enhances the body’s natural DNA repair mechanisms. DNA damage is a central feature of the aging process, and its reduction can help counteract virtually all age-related diseases [33].
Much of the DNA repair benefits are owed to the carboxy alkyl ester concentrates within AC-11, particularly quinic acid [34,35]. Supplementation of healthy men and women with 250 or 350 mg of AC-11 significantly increased DNA repair capacity by 12–15% [36].
Quercetin is a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral properties [41]. In particular, quercetin is able to inhibit the ability or respiratory viruses to enter cells and replicate, essentially reducing the risk of infection [42,43]. It also acts as a zinc ionophore, meaning that it carries zinc ions into cells so that the zinc can prevent viral replication [44].
Even in well-developed countries like the US, respiratory infections are still the 6th leading cause of death and 7th leading cause of lost life due to premature death — that’s more than diabetes, stroke, or breast cancer [45]. In 2020, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, respiratory infections became the 3rd leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer [46].
Fisetin is a naturally occurring flavonol found in fruits and vegetables best-known for its potent senolytic effects — it’s ability to kill off senescent cells that contribute to aging, disease, and dysfunction throughout the body.
Cellular senescence is a natural byproduct of aging. Senescent cells arise when damaged and dysfunctional cells resist removal by normal cell death processes and instead linger in a type of “zombie” state that harms neighboring normal cells.
Pterostilbene is a natural molecule found in fruits, vegetables, and nuts, the best source being blueberries, and is a structural cousin to resveratrol. In supplemental doses, it confers a variety of health benefits that delay the aging process.
Two of the most pronounced effects of pterostilbene are its ability to suppress oxidative stress and inflammation, which it does through activation of AMPK (master autophagy controller), activation of Nrf2 (master of the antioxidant response to oxidant exposure), and suppression of NF-kB (master inflammatory signal) [54]. These, in turn, manifest as protection against metabolic, cardiovascular, and neurological diseases of aging.
Lithium is a non-essential mineral found primarily in rocks. While best-known for its psychotropic effects and use as a psychiatric medication among those with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and depression, it can have a variety of anti-aging benefits when taken at much lower “microdoses”.
Through erosion, lithium can make its way into drinking water, where it correlates to longer lives and reduced premature mortality among those drinking it [103,104]. Other research has documented an increase in telomere-lengthening enzymes from lithium supplementation [105].
In mice, lithium helps offset diseases of aging [106], and psychiatric patients who take lithium show lesser signs of aging compared to those who don’t take it [107]. In older adults with mild cognitive impairment, using lithium for one year slowed the rate of cognitive decline and significantly reduced brain concentrations of tau proteins, a biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease [108].
Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids abundant in green leafy vegetables and egg yolk that preferentially accumulate in the retina and its supporting structures to protect the eyes against oxidative stress from light [61], which has massive implications for age-related vision loss.
Lutein and zeaxanthin protect the eyes in two ways [62–64]:
They situate themselves in front of delicate functional structures of the retina, such as photoreceptors, and directly absorb blue light (about 40%, on average) before it ever reaches the structures and has a chance to cause oxidative stress.
They are powerful antioxidant molecules that neutralize free radicals produced within the eye when blue light reacts with vitamin A derivatives, chromophores, and mitochondria.
There is strong evidence supporting lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation for the prevention and treatment of age-related eye diseases like macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.
Spermidine is a naturally occurring polyamine that we synthesize and obtain from food. It regulates a variety of biological processes such as cell growth and proliferation, tissue regeneration, DNA and RNA stabilization, enzymatic modulation, and regulation of translation, among others.
The primary mechanism of action of spermidine is its ability to engage molecular pathways that are stimulated through calorie restriction, particularly the promotion of autophagy (the cleanup of old and damaged cells) [85,86]. While we make enough spermidine to satisfy our requirements in young adulthood, our ability declines with age, thus requiring sufficient dietary intake [87].
Ergothioneine is a naturally occurring amino acid that humans cannot synthesize and instead obtain exclusively through their diet. After consumption, it accumulates throughout the body, where it plays a role in many age-related diseases [94]. While levels increase through young adulthood, they begin to decline in old age [95–97].
The American biochemist Bruce Ames has conducted numerous studies looking at how nutrient insufficiencies over the lifetime contribute to mitochondrial decay and degenerative diseases, coining the term Triage Theory as a result [98,99]. Essentially, when nutrients are scarce, the body will prioritize their use for survival rather than long-term health.
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