Candessence 227g (1/2 lb) (WAM Essentials)


Candessence 227g (1/2 lb) (WAM Essentials)


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It is beyond question that a properly balanced intestinal system has a beneficial, health promoting effect on the body.  As such, it is very important to help maintain a proper balance of good bacteria and yeast in the GI tract.

The good bacteria do various super important jobs from simple digestion and the enhancement of food absorption, to turning the colon into the largest organ of immunity in the body.   The intestinal wall, once well colonized with good bacteria, will turn out immunoglobulins by the tens of millions and help the body fight and avoid disease.* When the good bacteria and good yeasts die-off from antibiotic use or long term illness such as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, dysbiosis (the condition of having microbial imbalances within the body – specifically referencing the digestive tract here) can occur.* To fight the build up of  the bad bacteria and yeast as well as the alcohol they produce, different natural agents are blended together in Candessence® to cover the spectrum of 1) reducing candida, 2) providing the most survivable probiotic available, 3) ensuring a colonizing medium for the probiotic to flourish in and 4) including a mineral which short circuits candida’s production of alcohol thereby decreasing the instance of brain fog.  This is how Candessence® covers all the bases for returning the GI tract to an optimal state.

Cream of Tartar

Potassium bitartrate (cream of tartar), also known as potassium hydrogen tartrate, is a byproduct of winemaking. In cooking it is known as cream of tartar. It is obtained when tartaric acid is half neutralized with potassium hydroxide, transforming it into a salt. Grapes are the only significant natural source of tartaric acid, and cream of tartar is obtained from sediment produced in the process of aging wine. It is found on the insides of the wine barrels and sometimes at the bottom of bottles of wine. It crystallizes out as a hard crust in the barrels.

During Dr. Tommy Revis' practice he used Cream of Tartar was an integral part of his program to fight candida overgrowth.* And this is why we have included it in Candessence™. The cream of tartar is a must for supporting the body in the removal of the yeast from the intestines and/or any other place it could be hiding!*

Lactobacillus Sporogenes

Lactobacillus sporogenes is a lactobacillus / bifidus shielded by a spore. This spore "armours" the good bacteria against not only acid but also the other enemies of good bacteria such as heat, light and even antibiotics!* While in acid, the spore holds tight. When in the alkaline environment of the intestine the spore opens and releases the good bacteria. In Asia, savvy pharmaceutical companies are blending their antibiotics with Lactobacillus Sporogenes, to prevent the dysbiosis that happens with antibiotic use.* Smart! This is the only protected and survivable acidophilus.* So survivable it is measured not by how many good bacteria there are per gram but by how well it will re-colonize the intestines!*

Good bacteria (pro biotic) products abound in the US market. What makes the Lactobacillus Sporogenes different? Let’s look at the matter of survive-ability.

1) Most probiotic products have tens of millions of live bacteria at the moment they are packaged. Usually 15 to 30 billion per gram (1000 mg). Even though the good bacteria is freeze dried and put into suspended animation there is still a die off which starts while in the bottle. After sitting on the shelf for a while at the makers warehouse, the shippers and then at your local store by the time you buy the product and eat it, the count of good bacteria still alive is about half of what it was when it was made.

2) The great enemy of good bacteria is stomach acid which is usually between 2 and 4 pH. Fairly close to pure hydrochloric acid which has a pH of 1. Acid kills most of the good bacteria. By the time the good bacteria reaches the friendly environment of the intestines, its numbers have been greatly reduced to the point where only thousands continue to exist out of the billions the product started off with. That’s why you have to start off with billions and not mere millions. Will this work, yes we know it will but re-colonization of the gut with good bacteria this way will take quite a long time.

The lactobacillus sporogenes is a must for helping to recolonize the intestines with good bacteria.*

Chicory Inulin

Inulin's are a group of naturally occurring polysaccharides (several simple sugars linked together) produced by many types of plants.[1] They belong to a class of fibers known as fructans. It ranges from completely bland to subtly sweet and can be used to replace sugar, fat, and flour. This is particularly advantageous because inulin contains a third to a quarter of the food energy of sugar or other carbohydrates and a sixth to a ninth of the food energy of fat. Inulin may also increase calcium absorption[2] and possibly magnesium absorption[3], while promoting good intestinal bacteria and suppressing bad intestinal bacteria*. As normal digestion does not break inulin down into monosaccharides, it does not elevate blood sugar levels and may therefore be helpful in the management of blood-sugar related health conditions.*

Because Inulin is indigestible by the human enzymes ptyalin and amylase, it passes through much of the digestive system intact. It is only in the colon that bacteria metabolize inulin, with the release of significant quantities of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and/or methane. Inulin is considered a soluble fiber and as such should dissolve in water and when ingested may help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels.* As Inulin passes through the stomach and duodenum undigested, it is highly available to the gut bacterial flora. This contrasts with proprietary probiotic formulations based on Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in which the bacteria have to survive very challenging conditions through the gastrointestinal tract before they are able to colonize the gut. Many foods naturally high in inulin or fructo-oligosaccharides, such as chicory have been seen as "stimulants of good health" for centuries.[4]*

Inulin is a necessary ingredient in any program designed to build healthy intestinal flora because it gives the good bacteria (acidophilus) a colonizing medium from which to cling to and feed from.* It is also a must in any program to eliminate candida infections (systemic yeast infections) as it helps to force out yeast and bad bacteria while giving the good bacteria a home from which to multiply.*

Inulin has several actions:

  • It normalizes bowel moisture which can aid both constipation and diarrhea.*
  • Inulin clings to the bowel wall forming a colonizing medium for good bacteria to cling to and feed from.* This keeps the good bacteria from being passed out of the bowel before having its positive action in digestion and in colonizing the gut with good bacteria.*
  • Inulin may help stabilize blood sugar.*
  • It supprts the body in forcing out bad anaerobic yeast and bacteria.*
  • Has been used to help the body rid itself of H Pylori.*
  • Inulin may increase the body's uptake of calcium and magnesium.*
  • May help decrease iron anemia by improving the body's iron uptake from foods.*


1 Roberfroid M. "Introducing inulin-type fructans.". Br J Nutr 93 Suppl 1: S13-25. PMID 15877886.
2 Abrams S, Griffin I, Hawthorne K, Liang L, Gunn S, Darlington G, Ellis K (2005). "A combination of prebiotic short- and long-chain inulin-type fructans enhances calcium absorption and bone mineralization in young adolescents.". Am J Clin Nutr 82 (2): 471-6. PMID 16087995.
3 Coudray C, Demigné C, Rayssiguier Y (2003). "Effects of dietary fibers on magnesium absorption in animals and humans.". J Nutr 133 (1): 1-4. PMID 12514257.
4 Coussement P (1999). "Inulin and oligofructose: safe intakes and legal status.". J Nutr 129 (7 Suppl): 1412S-7S. PMID 10395609. Text)

Molybdenum Citrate

Molybdenum is an essential trace mineral in animal and human nutrition. It is found in several tissues of the human body and is required for the activity of some enzymes that are involved in catabolism, including the catabolism of purines and sulfur amino acids.*

It is also needed to build strong tooth enamel and it may help prevent dental decay.*

Molybdenum may help prevent molybdenum deficiency.* Molybdenum may have putative anti-carcinogenic activity.* As a component of various enzyme systems, molybdenum plays essential roles in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, amino acids that contain sulfur, iron, and genetic material.*

Yeast living in you eats the sugars and carbohydrates and urinates out 14% alcohol. This alcohol is responsible for the brain fog and general malaise that candida patients feel. Your basically a walking beer factory. Molybdenum is a mineral which when taken in by the yeast short circuits the alcohol production making it so the yeast urinates out water instead of alcohol.* Thus Molybdenum may help reduce the body's reaction to an overgrowth of yeast including brain fog and bloating.*

Molybdenum Citrate is the preferred form of the mineral as it is more highly absorbed and utilized than most any other form of molybdenum.* Where as it would take 500 mcg or more of molybdenum glycinate or gluconate to do the job of stopping alcohol production it only takes 120 mcg of the molybdenum citrate to do the same job.

The citrate of any mineral is the best absorbed form of that mineral. The glucinate form are minerals bonded to sugars: sugars slow down mineral absorption. The minerals bonded onto amino acids ignore the fact that proteins need to latch onto a lipid (fat) in order to be transported across the intestinal wall. Anything in the citric acid family, including Vitamin C, gets absorbed instantly with no need to catch a ride onto something else in order to get into the body.*


Note: In reality, there are approximately 163 scoops of Candessence in each "can". At 2 scoops per day, 1 "can" will last approximately 81 days. At 4 scoops per day, 1 "can" will last approximately 40 days.

We suggest those who wish to give themselves a quick and hard hitting colon recolonization should use 4 scoops a day for the first "can" and then begin 2 scoops a day until they attain their desired recolonizing. After desired results are had, 1 scoop per day can be used for maintenance.