Dragon Herbs PureTrans Resveratrol 60caps (500mg)


Dragon Herbs PureTrans Resveratrol 60caps (500mg)


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Super potency

PureTrans Resveratrol


  • 100 mg of greater than 99% pure trans-resveratrol (PureTrans™ Resveratrol) per capsule
  • No Polygonum cuspidatum residue - only pure trans-resveratrol and antioxidant-rich Muscadine grape skin (a superior source of natural trans-resveratrol and more than a dozen other major antioxidants)
  • Helps reduce low-grade inflammation without side effects. Helps support healthy immune, neurological and cardiovascular functions.*
  • Animal studies indicate that trans-resveratrol extends life in all animals tested to date.*
  • 100% vegetarian
  • Designed to be consumed for life!!




In an antioxidant-rich base of

Muscadine Grape Skin


Resveratrol is one of the premier antioxidants known to biological science. It helps reduce low-grade chronic inflammation, a primary cause of aging, by stimulating SIRT1, an enzyme that contributes to cellular regulation, improves response to stressors and may contribute to longevity. Muscadine grape skin is one of the richest sources of important antioxidants known to science. Besides resveratrol, Muscadine grape skin contains 11 potent antioxidants important for protecting human health and preventing the oxidative stress that can result in accelerated aging.


Made with 99% pure trans-resveratrol and pure organic Muscadine grape skins, Dragon Herbs PureTrans™ Resveratrolmay be safely consumed daily, with great potential benefit, for an entire lifetime.


For maximum benefit, consume 3 capsules (100 mg. trans-resveratrol) 4 times per day: upon awakening, before lunch, before dinner, at bedtime.



Dragon Herbs PureTrans™ Resveratrol is an extremely rich and reliable source of the new super-nutrient resveratrol.


Resveratrol is a phytochemical produced in grapes and other plants in response to stress, and in particular by microbial attack. Resveratrol possesses broad anti-inflammatory action. According to researchers, resveratrol appears to protect the liver, cardiovascular system and kidneys, as well as neurons in the brain, against oxidative stress and high cholesterol.



Dragon Herbs PureTrans™ Resveratrol Is Different from  Most Other Brands of Resveratrol


Most resveratrol is made is extracted from an herb called Polygonum cuspidatum. that's fine, since the resveratrol is just like that of grapes and other sources of resveratrol. Polygonum cuspidatum, is however a toxic herb when consumed over time by humans. In Asia, Polygonum cuspidatum is used as a medicinal herb for infections and snake bites. But it is not meant to be consumed for a prolonged period of time, and certainly not for a lifetime. It is NOT a tonic herb.


Unfortunately, most companies do not fully extract the resveratrol from the Polygonum cuspidatum. They leave half of their extracted powder as a Polygonum cuspidatum extract. Dragon Herbs extracts all of the resveratrol out of the Polygonum cuspidatum and leaves virtually no trace of the Polygonum cuspidatum in the resveratrol powder. Dragon HerbsPureTrans™ Resveratrol contains NO Polygonum cuspidatum. That makes a BIG DIFFERENCE.


Resveratrol is meant  to be consumed as a dietary supplement, not as a toxic medicine for infections or snake bites. It should be taken over a lifetime as a tonic. It is simply not good to take someplace between 30 and 400 mg of Polygonum cuspidatum every day. If you are taking a brand of resveratrol that uses resveratrol that is 50% Polygonum cuspidatum, then you are taking the same amount of Polygonum cuspidatum extract as you are resveratrol every day. That is not good.


Dragon Herbs PureTrans™ Resveratrol is pure trans-resveratrol, blended with the powdered skin of Muscadine grapes, itself a potent source of trans-resveratrol. Muscadine grapes skin is also a rich source of more than a dozen other MAJOR antioxidants.


Dragon Herbs PureTrans™ Resveratrol is rich in other very important phenolic compounds, including catechins and quercetin.


Catechins are a class of compounds generally associated with the tea plant. Catechins are potent antioxidants and have been found to have many health benefits. Catechins have strong anti-microbial action.


It is noteworthy to mention that muscadine grapes are resistant to many insects and diseases to which other grapes are susceptible, and this “immunity” is generally attributed to its extremely high antioxidant content, and in particular to its rich resveratrol, catechin and quercetin content.


Quercetin is a flavanol widely found throughout the plant kingdom. Flavanols are one form of the better-known bioflavonoids. It is a very potent antioxidant with many established health benefits. Quercetin is a powerful inhibitor of antigen-stimulated histamine release. It is the histamine and other allergic mediators that trigger the misery of allergic reaction: runny, itchy nose and sneezing; watery, itchy red eyes; tickling and itching in ears, nose and throat; skin rash; headache; asthma, etc. Quercetin has been extensively studied for its anticancer activity. 


The phenolic compounds resveratrol, catechins and quercetin, at nutritional doses and in combination, are being vigorously studied because of strong evidence that they may be involved in the prevention of the development of atherosclerosis through several indirect mechanisms.


Dragon Herbs PureTrans™ Resveratrol is also a rich source of ellagic acid, an antioxidant with a wide range of actions and benefits. Ellagic acid is the antioxidant that makes pomegranate and strawberries so healthy. PureTrans™ Resveratrol is high in an amazing range of powerful antioxidants, including lycopenegenisteindaidzeinpterostilbenegallic acidkaempherol,myrecetin and others. All of these antioxidant molecules have been shown to be beneficial to the human body.


Why Are These Other Antioxidants Important in this Formulation?


Evidence is rapidly building that various antioxidants act synergistically to protect the cells of the body and to benefit the healthy functioning of bodily tissues. Dragon Herbs’ Muscadinia™ provides this synergistic blend of naturally occurring antioxidant phytochemicals exactly the way nature meant them to be – and in a balanced and very concentrated form.


For example, a recent published study reported on the combined effects of two flavonols that are supplied by the muscadine grape. The study noted that “the consumption of vegetables containing the flavonols quercetin and kaempferol reduces the risk of cancer.” The researchers utilized human gut and breast cancer cells to show the synergistic effect of quercetin and kaempferol in reducing cell proliferation. A trend in reduction of total cell counts was seen following a single exposure, a 4-day exposure or a 14-day exposure to quercetin and kaempferol. The researchers concluded that “combined treatments with quercetin and kaempferol were more effective than the additive effects of each flavonol.


The muscadine grape is a rare superfood in which the sum of its components is even greater than the individual components – as great as they all are. Dragon Herbs’ Muscadinia™ takes full advantage of this extraordinary raw material.


The Potential Anti-Aging Benefits of Resveratrol


Resveratrol may provide the same benefits as strict caloric restriction in terms of retarding aging, but without the starving! Until recently, only a few practices have received recognition as effective for life extension by the scientific community. Among them are exercise and strict caloric restriction. 


Exercise has been shown to indisputably and significantly increase health and lifespan and lower the incidence of several diseases.


Strict caloric restriction is the practice of limiting dietary energy intake with the goal of improving health and retarding aging. A review has shown that practitioners of a caloric restriction diet had significantly better cardiovascular health. In human subjects, caloric restriction has been shown to lower cholesterol, fasting glucose, and blood pressure. Caloric restriction is capable of extending maximum lifespan by up to 50% in other animals. In caloric restriction, energy intake is minimized, but sufficient quantities of vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients (including phytochemicals from tonic herbs) must be eaten.


So how does caloric restriction work? There are many theories, but a prevalent one points at our genetic material for the answer. There is a gene in baker's yeast cells, Sir2 or "Silent Information Regulator 2, extends lifespan by suppressing DNA instability. In baker’s yeast the Sir2 enzyme is activated by caloric restriction, which leads to a 30% lifespan extension. An analogous gene in humans known as SIRT1 is responsive to caloric restriction - and to resveratrol.


However, caloric restriction comes into conflict with the high calorie needs of athletic humans or individuals in high stress circumstances, and may not provide adequate levels of energy or sufficient amino acids for repair. Caloric restriction by the masses would require a nearly impossible paradigm shift and is not considered feasible by nutritionists or sociologists. But the mechanics of caloric restriction may lead to other less daunting approaches to attaining longevity.


Harvard Medical School researchers led by David Sinclair, M.D. and Anthony Komaroff, M.D., have strongly touted the benefits of resveratrol as an anti-aging substance. Resveratrol activates a natural family of enzymes in the human body that seems to improve the health and survival of animals. Dr. Sinclair expressed the theory, and provides tantalizing support, that resveratrol provides the same benefits as caloric restriction, but without the “torture” of semi-starving oneself.


The studies supported and conducted by the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health and published in the prestigious journal Nature showed that resveratrol-fed mice on high-fat diets lived at least 15% longer than untreated animals. In addition the resveratrol fed animals seemed to be in better health than the untreated mice. In fact, mice on a high-calorie, high-fat diet  that were also given resveratrol developed none of the cardiovascular and metabolic complications experienced by mice fed the same diet, but not given resveratrol. In fact, they maintained the physiology of a lean mouse! In addition, these resveratrol-fed mice were physically more active than untreated and overfed mice on physical performance tests. “Most remarkably,” stated Dr. Sinclair in a Newsweek article, “resveratrol reduced the risk of death by 30 percent.”


In mammals the Sir2 gene is known as SIRT1. Dr. Sinclair showed that in mammals the SIRT1 gene is turned on by a calorie restrictive diet, and this protects cells from dying under stress. An article in the June 2004 issue of the journal Nature showed that SIRT1 releases fat from storage cells. Dr. Sinclair's lab reported that resveratrol activates Sir2/SIRT1 and extends the lifespan of yeast, nematode worms, fruit flies, and mice consuming a high caloric diet. An Italian group showed that resveratrol extends the lifespan of a vertebrate fish by 59%.


Since studies were first conducted, resveratrol and related compounds (sirtuin-activated compounds, or STACs) have “enhanced the vitality and increased the life span of every species they have been fed to,” according to Dr. Sinclair. STACs can produce the same benefits as severe diet restriction – a strategy for longevity that can slow aging and increase lifespan by up to 50%, and can dramatically protect the body against most age-related diseases, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s, the very diseases that reduce most people’s life span. And with STACs (resveratrol being the most potent known to date that is actually safe to consume), there is no need to starve oneself!


Studies have not yet been conducted on humans, and it is impossible to know for certain yet that resveratrol has any influence on human diseases. But the Newsweek article characterized the evidence supporting the health benefits of resveratrol as “tantalizing.”Perhaps an understatement.


Research suggests that lifespan is increased for an organism if it can remain lean and if it can avoid any excess accumulation of adipose tissue (body fat). A recent article published in Scientific American makes a compelling case for the fact that sugar and other simple carbohydrates such as are available from white rice, potatoes and white flour are a primary culprits in premature aging.


Though the science is still out on the mechanisms associated with aging and life extension, there seems little doubt that one’s diet plays a key role in longevity, with special emphasis on caloric moderation and the consumption of potent antioxidants that impact our utilization of nutrients.


Anti-inflammatory Activity


It has now been well established that inflammation plays a fundamental role in the process of aging and the development of degenerative disease. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant components present in vegetables and fruits, and in large quantities in tonic herbs and superfoods, have been clearly proven to benefit our health. Resveratrol has been found to have potent, safe anti-inflammatory activity - and it is safe enough to consume every day as a dietary supplement.

The research further noted that resveratrol most importantly "inhibited inflammatory mediator release from human airway epithelial cells."


Respiration, Aerobic Capacity and Performance Enhancement


A highly respected international research team, including researchers from the Department of Cell Biology at John Hopkins University School of Medicine, recently reported in the journal Cell that resveratrol-treated mice developed a greatly enhanced aerobic capacity, consuming oxygen more efficiently. And the mice cells contained far greater numbers of healthy mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy generating organelles in our cells. Among many functions, a process known as oxidative phosphorylation takes place in the mitochondria. Oxidative phosphorylation is the critical final process of cellular respiration. During oxidative phosphorylation electrons are transferred to molecular oxygen, via a series of protein complexes located in the inner mitochondrial membrane.


The Cell study states that “diminished mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and aerobic capacity are associated with reduced longevity.” They tested whether resveratrol, which, according to the authors of the study “is known to extend lifespan, impacts mitochondrial function and metabolic homeostasis.” The study concluded that the “treatment of mice with resveratrol significantly increased their aerobic capacity, as evidenced by their increased running time and consumption of oxygen in muscle fibers…. resveratrol treatment protected mice against diet-induced-obesity and insulin resistance.”


Dragon Herbs PureTrans™ Resveratrol 


Traditional Function: Blood tonic, benefits skin and eyes


Who can use it? Anyone


Concentration: Muscadine Grape skin powder, >99% pure trans-resveratrol


Specifications: 60 capsules 500 mg each 


Ingredients: Muscadine Grape (Vitis rotundifolia) skin powder, Resveratrol (>99% pure, 100 mg per capsule)


Other Ingredients: Rice powder 



2 ~ 4 capsules per day under normal conditions. 6 ~ 9 capsules per day during stressful, challenging circumstances.


Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word –Compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.

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