Greens For Life 300g


Greens For Life 300g

Average rating:  5   (votes: 11) Reviews (4)
Author:  Claire Davenport Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Date:  16.09.2024
Text:  This is the most delicious greens drink I've ever tasted and a lot although amazing for you, don't always taste amazing. I love greens for life, it's packed full of amazing bacterium and every beautiful fruit and green you can imagine   I'd highly recommend this drink to everyone and any one. I like to mix this and Elwins super greens . Best green drink on the market in my opinion! Love it , have it daily and feel amazing afterwards. 

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300g per Container (1 scoop per day will last 30 days approx).


1. Barley Grass extract

Organic Barley Grass powder (a powerful 10:1 extract of young barley leaves and the main ingredient of Greens for Life) is the most alkaline food that we know. It neutralized excess acid in the body, so it can be eliminated through the kidneys, restoring a healthy acid/alkaline balance and maintaining a neutral pH-value.

Barley Grass is a unique food source. It is harvested when it is only 8-10 inches high. It contains more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and anti-oxidants per gram than any other food source. Besides restoring the acid/alkaline balance of the body Barley Grass eliminates all deficiencies caused by bad eating habits and a poor diet. Barley Grass contains:

  • 260 times the vitamin A of leafy vegetables
  • 8 times the vitamin C of oranges
  • 128 times the folic acid of tomatoes
  • 16 times the protein of milk
  • 11 times the calcium of milk
  • 37 times the calcium of whole grains
  • 5 times the natural iron of spinach
  • 42 times the vitamin B6 of bananas

Barley Grass consists for 45% of light weight protein, 90% of which is absorbed by the body and contains more Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids than any other vegetable food source.

Barley Grass promotes a healthy bowel function. The high quantity of Chlorophyll it contains cleanses the bowels of undigested protein and other waste products. Barley Grass is an excellent food source for the intestinal flora that helps us digest our food.

The Chlorophyll in Barley Grass promotes the formation of blood cells in the body. When iron or chlorophyll is taken separately it has a very limited effect in fighting anemia, because other minerals (like natural copper) are needed to enable these substances to produce hemoglobin. A deficiency in natural iron or copper can easily result in anemia, especially among women. All necessary minerals for producing hemoglobin are present in Greens for Life.

Barley Grass helps restore the intestinal flora after it has been damaged by the use of penicillin or other antibiotics and pharmaceutical drugs. It also prevents the growth of harmful bacteria, yeast and fungal infections.

Barley Grass possesses great cleansing powers. It is especially effective in detoxifying the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. It improves the digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste products.

The enzymes in Barley Grass protect the body against free radicals and promote the formation of new cells. Especially the rare enzyme Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) plays an important role in this process. Barley Grass also contains a large amount of polypeptides (short-chain amino acids) which are indispensable as building blocks for new cells.

Greens for Life contains over 4000 mg of 10:1 Barley Grass powder per daily portion. That is far more than all the other Greens products.

The amount of Barley Grass in Greens for Life is not the only reason why it is such a superior product. Greens for Life contains a number of other ingredients that support the alkalizing and cleansing qualities of Barley Grass and contribute to a healthy body, a well functioning immune system and help fight and even reverse the ageing process.


2. Fruits & Greens™

Greens for Life contains the unique, patented Fruits & Greens formula. This 100:1 formula is a highly concentrated extract of 27 different fruits, vegetables and grains. Fruits & Greens contains as much vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients per gram as 100 gram of fresh fruit and vegetables! It supports the alkalizing and rejuvenating qualities of Barley Grass and provides the body with many additional nutrients and anti-oxidants from fruit and vegetables. The ingredients of Fruits & Greens work in synergy and are far more effective than the single components added to many other Greens.


3. Spirulina and chlorella

Greens for Life contains high quantities of spirulina and chlorella. These microscopic algae have gone a little out of fashion over the last years, which is wholly undeserved. Like Barley Grass they contain large quantities of chlorophyll (energy from sunlight), and nutrients that are important for the body, like amino acids, vitamin B-12 and organic iron. Chlorella is also a very effective detoxifier. Because of environmental pollution and the use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides, toxins collect in our bodies and are deposited in muscle and fatty tissue. Because of its cracked cell structure chlorella has the unique property to bind and eliminate these toxins from the body and cleanse the bloodstream, tissue and organs.


4. Enzyme complex

Enzymes are indispensable for our digestion. They split proteins, fats and carbohydrates and convert them into nutrients that the body can absorb. Enzymes like L-Glutathione are very effective anti-oxidants that prevent damage to the body by attacking and eliminating free radicals.

The enzyme complex in Greens for Life ensures that your metabolism and digestion can regain their proper function if they have been impaired by too much acidity, so the body can absorb more vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. The enzyme complex in Greens for Life also improves the absorption and effectiveness of all other supplements we use.


5. Combined soluble and non-soluble fiber complex.

One of the problems with our modern diet is that after our food has been refined and processed, it contains hardly any fibers. The food industry provides us with convenience foods and snacks that don't do much more than eliminate feelings of hunger. These convenience foods contain hardly any real nutrition and are in no relation to the healthy, fiber-rich foods people ate 50 years ago.

The lack of sufficient fibers in our foods results in a disrupted bowel function. As a result partly digested food remains behind in the intestines. This serves as a food source for harmful bacteria, yeast or fungi growth. Candida, which is a form of yeast we all carry our lower intestines, does no harm as long as we eat a balanced diet. If it becomes pathogenic because of a disturbed intestinal flora, it can cause very serious health problems throughout the body. Food waste that remains in the intestines for too long can also cause inflammation and intestinal tumors.

The combined soluble and non-soluble fiber complex in Greens for Life promotes the healthy functioning of the intestines, helps keep the bowels clean and prevents the formation of harmful yeast growth and fungi.


6. Lactospore™

Our intestinal tract contains beneficial as well as harmful bacteria. The beneficial bacteria help us digest our food. As long as they are in the majority your bowels are doing fine. But a one-sided diet, slightly spoiled or contaminated food and chronic acidity allows harmful bacteria to grow and cause intestinal problems, yeast infections, acute food poisoning and other health problems. To maintain a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria we often use lactobacillus cultures in the form of capsules or as an addition to functional foods like yogurts or Yakult. The problem with these supplements is that many have a very poor track record in surviving the acidity of a hostile stomach environment and have little or no effect after arriving in the intestines. The lactobacillus cultures you buy at the pharmacy or health food store often have already expired on the shelf, because they need to be stored in a refrigerated and dark place in order to spring to life in the intestines.

Greens for Life contains a so-called Lactospore™ culture that is capable of surviving hostile stomach acid. This is because it is not a full-grown culture, but a lactospore. Their naturally micro-encapsulated form protects them during their voyage through the stomach. In the intestines they develop into a full-blown lactobacillus culture. Once activated this culture attacks and eliminates harmful bacteria, improves the bowel function, fights diarrhea and food poisoning, repairs the intestinal flora after the use of antibiotics or other pharmaceutical drugs and helps restore a healthy pH-value of the intestines.


7. Policosanol

The policosanol in Greens for Life is a complex of fatty alcohols made from the wax of honey bees. It is very effective in lowering cholesterol levels by blocking the production of cholesterol in the liver. Clinical studies in which almost 30.000 people took part showed that daily use of Policosanol resulted in a measurable improvement of cholesterol levels within 6 to 8 weeks.

After 6 months a daily dosis of 15 mg Policosanol resulted in a lowering of the LDL-cholesterol of 20- 25%. In patients who received 30 mg the LDL-cholesterol levels where lowered by as much as 25-30%. The HDL-cholesterol levels (the good cholesterol) increased over the same period by an average of 14%. The Policosanol in Greens for Life is a very important nutrient for maintaining a healthy cholesterol level and cardiovascular health.


8. Green tea extract

Green tea is one of the most underrated beverages. Modern research has confirmed what the Chinese already knew thousands of years ago: Green Tea possesses a great number of preventive and healing qualities:

  • it plays an active role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease
  • it helps to lower cholesterol levels
  • it helps maintain a healthy blood pressure
  • it protects against ageing of the brain
  • it lowers the triglycideride count in the blood
  • it strengthens the immune system
  • it has anticarcinogenic qualities and protects against tumours
  • it helps maintain a healthy prostate
  • it contains very powerful anti-oxidants
  • it helps prevent tooth decay

Green tea contains many vitamins and minerals, but the most active substance in green tea are the polyphenols, especially a polyphenol called EGCG (epigallocathegin gallate). These polyphenols are very effective free radical scavengers and give green tea its antioxidant powers. Green tea also protects against bacteria that cause placque and tooth decay.


Greens for Life and your diet

Greens for Life makes a success of any diet. It provides the body with all the necessary nutrients, preventing any short-term deficiencies caused by the diet. It optimizes your metabolism, bowel function and digestion, making your diet more effective so you can loose weight faster.

Greens for Life contains high-quality, easily digestible proteins. One daily portion contains only 41 calories, 1.5gram of fat and 6.5gram of carbohydrates, so it will not interfere with weight loss. Because of its low carbohydrate content Greens for Life is especially well suited as an addition to any low carb diet.

Greens for Life also prevents constipation and guarantees a normal bowel function, which can get severely disrupted when you follow a low carb diet.


Greens for Life is a must for sports enthusiasts who use protein supplements

Many sports enthusiasts who want to achieve quick weight and muscle gain use supplements that contain large quantities of protein, like Whey Protein Concentrate or Meal Replacement Formulas. These supplements are highly acid-forming. Extensive use of these supplements will invariably result in high levels of acid in the body and a disturbed acid/alkaline balance. The Barley Grass in Greens for Life is the ideal supplement to alleviate this problem and restore a neutral pH-balance in the body. Greens for Life is an essential addition to any exercise or weight gain program that includes taking protein supplements.

Using Greens for Life will immediately result in more energy and stamina and less acidification of the muscles during heavy workouts.

Product info:

The most powerful, best tasting Greens available today. A 100% natural formula containing an abundance of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, amino acids and enzymes. 

  • contains over 4000 mg of Barley Juice Powder per serving! 
  • contains a powerful 100:1 Fruit & Greens extract 

The perfect supplement for any low-carb diet. One daily portion of Greens for Life contains less than 7 grams of carbohydrates but provides the nutrition of 5 to 6 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables. 

Greens for Life is an advanced, 100% natural formula containing an abundance of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, amino acids and enzymes. The main ingredient of this formula is organic Barley Juice Powder, one of the richest food sources on earth, containing very high concentrations of dozens of essential nutrients. Greens for Life also contains a powerful 100:1 Fruits & Greens™ extract, delivering the same nutritional value per 1000 mg as 100 grams of fresh fruit, grains and vegetables.

Greens for Life is a rich source of natural phyto-nutrients. Daily use of Greens for Life is the best defense against bad eating habits, insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables, too much stress or physical strain. Greens for Life is easily mixed with mineral water or your favourite fruit juice and has a pleasant flavour.

10 Reasons to Take Greens For Life Daily

1. No matter what type of diet you are on- low-carb, low-fat, blood type diet, calorie counting, or any other diet - Greens For Life provides the body with all the necessary nutrients, preventing any deficiencies that your diet might cause. Here are 10 healthy reasons to take Greens For Life every day:

2. A changing lifestyle and poor food quality increase the danger of vitamin deficiency-related health problems and premature aging. Depletion of the soil and processing methods in the food industry have stripped our food of vital nutrients. Because of a hurried lifestyle and an overabundance of fast food, many people eat far too many calories. At the same time, their bodies are starved of the nutrients needed to stay healthy. Greens For Life can help turn all of this around for you.

3. Greens For Life is the single richest source of nutrients for optimal health, more energy and a strong immune system. One daily portion of Greens For Life has the same nutritional value as up to six portions of fresh fruit and vegetables.

4. Greens For Life contains over 4200 mg of Barley Grass extract per serving! That is more than any other greens supplement! Barley Grass is the richest single food source on earth. It contains the highest concentration of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, chlorophyll and protein.

5. Greens For Life contains a highly concentrated 100:1 extract of 27 different fruits and vegetables. Fruits & Greens is a 100:1 extract that is made of 27 different sorts of fruits, vegetables and grains. Just one gram of Fruits & Greens equals one hundred grams of fresh fruit and vegetables!

6. Greens For Life contains high doses of Spirulina and Chlorella. Spirulina and Chlorella are natural multivitamins that contain over 50 essential nutrients. They also contain Chlorophyll, the end product of the photosynthesis of plants. It is pure energy from sunlight! Chlorella helps to eliminate heavy metals and other toxic pollutants from the body.

7. Greens For Life is rich in enzymes for optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients. The enzyme complex in Greens For Life promotes a healthy metabolism and digestion, increasing the bio-availability of nutrients.

8. Greens For Life contains a stomach acid-resistant Lactospore™ culture. Greens For Life contains a micro-encapsulated lactobacillus culture that survives the stomach acid and promotes intestinal health, improves digestion, and fights harmful bacteria.

9. Greens For Life contains Policosanol to promote a healthy cholesterol level and cardiovascular health. Policosanol plays an important role in supporting healthy cholesterol levels. Policosanol also promotes cardiovascular health.

10. Greens For Life contains soluble and non-soluble fibers for intestinal health and regular bowel movements. Greens For Life contains acacia fibre, wheat germ bran fibre, apple fibre and apple pectin for sustained intestinal health and a healthy cholesterol level.

Greens For Life fits perfectly into any diet.


Per daily serving of 9gram/1tbsp.

  • Barley Grass - Whole leave powder 13:1 extract 4220 mg
  • Fruits & Greens - 1:100 extract 1230 mgChlorella - (Alga Chlorella Powder) 300 mg
    • A concentrate of 27 different freshly extract fruits, vegetables and cereal grasse obtained from a proprietary process.
    • 1 grams of Fruits & Greens equals 100 grams of fresh fruits, vegetables, and cereal grasses.
  • Spirulina - (Algae Spiruline Powder) 700 mg. Pure powder of Algae Spiruline from blue algae
  • Concentrated Green Tea Extract 70 mg. Standardized powder extract from Camillia Sinensis. Minimum catechins: 40%
  • Enzyme Complex 40 mg (Amylase, Lactase, Protease, Lipase and Cellulase). Source: fermented rice starch
  • Policosanol Complex 40 mg. (Octacosalnol 5%, triacontanol, tetracosanol, hexacosanol)
  • Acerola - (extract from fruit) with 50% vitamin C 150 mg. Botanical name: Malphigia punicifolia
  • Probiotic Lactospore Culture 90mg/1.49 billion. Stomach acid resistant lactobacillus culture
  • Wheat Grain Fibre - (15% soluble / 85% insoluble) 700 mg. Micronized by a patented process, includes the germ
  • Apple Fibre - (20% soluble / 80% insoluble) 720 mg. Naturally extracted from apples of controlled origin
  • Acacia Fibre - (100% soluble) 700 mg
  • Natural Aroma - (from red fruits) 240 mg


Barley Grass extract

Barley Grass powder (a 13:1 extract of young barley leaves ) is the most alkaline food available.

Barley Grass contains more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and anti-oxidants per gram than any other food source on earth. Barley Grass contains:

  • 260 times the vitamin A of leafy vegetables
  • 8 times the vitamin C of oranges
  • 128 times the folic acid of tomatoes
  • 16 times the protein of milk
  • 11 times the calcium of milk
  • 37 times the calcium of whole grains
  • 5 times the natural iron of spinach
  • 42 times the vitamin B6 of bananas

Barley Grass:

  • has a light weight protein content of 45%;
  • contains more Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids than any other vegetable food source;
  • is a rich source of chlorophyll, promoting the formation of red blood cells in the body;
  • prevents anaemia by promoting the production of haemaglobin;
  • helps protect the intestinal flora from damaged by antibiotics;
  • helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, yeast and fungal infections;
  • helps detoxify the liver, kidneys and digestive tract;
  • improves the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients.

Greens for Life contains over 4200 mg of 13:1 Whole Leaf Barley Grass powder extract per daily portion. That is far more than most other Greens products available.

Fruits & Greens

Greens for Life contains the highly concentrated 100:1 Fruits & Greens formula. Per 1000 mg this formula offers the same nutritional value as 100 gram of fresh fruit and vegetables! Fruits & Greens contains large quantities of bioflavonoids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals derived from:

  • raspberries
  • grapes
  • rubini berries
  • cranberries
  • strawberries
  • bing cherries
  • wild blueberries
  • pineapples
  • apples
  • peaches
  • apricots
  • citrus fruits complex (lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit)
  • cereal grass complex (barley, wheat and rye)
  • cruciferous complex ( broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts and spinach)
  • tomatoes
  • rosemary leaves
  • celery stalks
  • carrots
Rating 5 out of 5 stars
Based on 11 ratings and 4 reviews
Review author:  Claire Davenport    Review date:  16.09.2024
Review rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Purchase date: 
Review text: 
This is the most delicious greens drink I've ever tasted and a lot although amazing for you, don't always taste amazing. I love greens for life, it's packed full of amazing bacterium and every beautiful fruit and green you can imagine   I'd highly recommend this drink to everyone and any one. I like to mix this and Elwins super greens . Best green drink on the market in my opinion! Love it , have it daily and feel amazing afterwards. 
Reply from:  Longevity Essentials (26.09.2024) Thanks again Claire! One of the very first products we ever sold and still going strong!
Review author:  Claire Davenport    Review date:  21.11.2023
Review rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Purchase date: 
Review text: 
This is my absolute all time favourite green drink. It's delicious which is rare in green drinks and it's just packed full of goodness. I love greens for life and I have one scoop every day and I also mix it with Elwins super greens from lion heart herbs. I love this product though most of all. 
Reply from:  Longevity Essentials (29.11.2023) Absolutely - hard to beat on taste! A great formula.
Review author:  Tom sheppard    Review date:  27.11.2023
Review rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Purchase date: 
Review text: 
Thank god for aggressive health as can’t find this anywhere else. Thought it had stopped been made. The best greens and genuine life changer. 
Reply from:  Longevity Essentials (29.11.2023) Thanks Tom! One of the first products we ever unleashed on our customers - love it!
Review author:  Linden Reeves    Review date:  20.04.2023
Review rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Purchase date: 
Review text: 
Yes, yes! So happy with Greens For Life. Taste good, enjoyable to drink and after one week I can feel the difference in my body and energy. Definitely will keep buying it!
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