Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Grass Fed Desiccated Beef Heart 180caps 550mg
Pasture Raised In New Zealand
Grass-fed & Grass-Finished
Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents
100% Freeze Dried & Non-Defatted
Third Party Tested For Purity
Allergen Free
Serving Size 3 to 6 Capsules
Servings Per Container 30 to 60
Freeze-Dried New Zealand Grassfed Beef Heart 1500MG to 3000MG
Grass Fed Heart (Bovine) 500mg
Grass Fed Liver (Bovine) 50mg
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Collagen (Beef Gelatin) Capsules
SUGGESTED USE: Three to six capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.
FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Proteins, Peptides, Enzymes & Cofactors Expressed In Heart Tissue
The Super Nutrient Coenzyme Q10 (also known as CoQ10)
Vitamin B12
Collagen And Elastin
Heart Health Based On "Like Supports Like"
Blood Pressure Health
Mitochondria Health (supports energy, endurance, stamina and immune health)
Athletic Performance
Connective Tissue Health
For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) the things we needed for strength, health and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. Up to 12% of the U.S. adult population has heart disease. Heart disease remains the leading cause of death for both men and women.
Whole food, nutrient dense organs and glands can provide great benefit for those seeking targeted support in harmony with nature — the old fashioned way, the way that our early ancestors did. Grassfed Beef Heart is a whole food dietary supplement that provides 100% pure bovine heart as it exists in nature. This whole food is the richest source of CoQ10 and also provides proteins, peptides, cofactors and enzymes exclusively expressed in heart tissue which may strengthen and support one's own heart.* Our mission is our purpose... putting back in, what the modern world has left out.
New Zealand
Our product is 100% sourced in New Zealand. In agricultural circles, it's known that the clean air, green pastures, and animal husbandry is at a higher level
Ultra Pure
Our product is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc)
Freeze Dried
Our product is 100% freeze dried in contrast to the heat processed varieties. This means that you get more of the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors that make organ meats so incredibly nourishing
New Zealand seems like it was made for raising healthy cattle. Its location and climate produce pristine conditions for cattle, and the farmers have uncanny expertise handed down for generations. New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate so the grass in the pastures grows fresh and grows green year-round which means the cows can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year.
Our nose-to-tail product line is always from grassfed, inspected animals born and raised without the use of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Health of livestock used for manufacturing in New Zealand is closely monitored by a world leading biosecurity system that is second to none, and is a global exemplar. Strict government licensing, auditing and certification procedures mean that our genuine New Zealand freeze dried products can be used with complete confidence in their origin, safety and efficacy. Freeze-drying preserves the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors of components leaving the nutrients in the same balance as found in nature.
Traditional peoples, Native Americans and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual. For instance, the traditional way of treating a person with a weak heart was to feed the person the heart of a healthy animal. Similarly, eating the kidneys of a healthy animal was believed to support urinary ailments and overall kidney health... Pancreas was fed to people with digestive problems... and spleen was fed to people with immune and blood deficiencies.
Organ meats were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND. Our early ancestors knew this, which is why their traditional diets included the frequent and nourishing consumption of nose-to-tail organ meats.
— Based on the ancient ancestral wisdom that "like supports like." Consuming heart may strengthen and support our own heart.*
— The richest source of naturally occurring coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Supports heart and blood pressure health and is a nutritional powerhouse for mitochondria.* —
— Provides proteins exclusively expressed in heart tissue along with nutrients, cofactors and enzymes that may support heart health and athletic performance.* —
[ NOTE: Eating the heart out of a freshly killed animal was tradition among some early ancestral societies. By doing so, they believed they could receive certain qualities of the animal, such as strength and stamina, and that blood and energy flows from one living creature to another. ]
Six capsules provides the equivalent of one ounce of fresh, raw whole bovine heart that you’d get from your local farmer (or) butcher. Our Grass Fed Beef Heart is a whole food dietary supplement that can be taken with (or) without food (even though it technically is food). The suggested use is 3 to 6 capsules a day which can be consumed all at once, or divided servings throughout the day.
Okay, you're convinced! You're going to start incorporating organ meats in your routine because, well... you're educated now... you understand, just as our early ancestors did, that they provide superlative health benefits that are missing in our modern diets. The next step is sourcing it. It's important that you source the highest quality because not all organ meats are created equal. Consider the source, and consider the following:
Should Come From An Unpolluted Geographical Region — Isolated, Healthy, Pristine Lands
Should Come From Pasture Raised Cows
Should Come From Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished Cows
Should Come From Cows That Are Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
Should Also Be Ultra Pure... Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents, No Allergens
Should Be Non-Defatted
Should Be 100% Freeze Dried... Freeze Drying Preserves Heat Sensitive Biological Activity
If you're going to pick just one ancestral supplement to start with, make it our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER... unless you need targeted support with another specific organ system (see below). If you are going to pick two supplements, our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER and our GRASS FED BEEF ORGANS provide complementary and synergistic nourishment. If you can add a third supplement, GRASS FED BONE MARROW fills fat soluble nutrition gaps and provides the fat soluble activators that nutrition giant Dr. Weston Price extensively wrote about.
Grass Fed Beef Liver
Grass Fed Beef Organs
Grass Fed Bone Marrow
On the other hand, if you're looking for targeted organ support, you may be interested in our GRASS FED BEEF HEART to support heart health (or) our GRASS FED THYROID to support a struggling thyroid (or) our GRASS FED SPLEEN to support spleen and immune health *... you get the picture. We have a nose-to-tail product line that can be found on our "Products" page. If you can't find what you're looking for (or) you're not sure what you're looking for, send us an email and we'll do everything we can to help.
Our genome has evolved with the nourishment of nose-to-tail dining since the beginning of time. Grassfed beef heart is especially rich in the supernutrient CoQ10, vitamin B12, collagen and elastin, and proteins, peptides, enzymes and cofactors that are exclusively expressed in heart tissue. The health and happiness effects of consuming beef heart include supporting one's own heart, blood pressure health and mitochondria health (the energy currency).*
Not all organ meats are the same. Look for a high quality beef heart that comes from pasture-raised, grass-fed cows that are hormone, pesticide and GMO free. If considering a supplement, look for one that is ultra pure (without binders, fillers (or) flow agents) and look for the freeze dried variety as these have been shown to optimally preserve nutritional factors and co-factors.
For those interested, beef heart that is freeze-dried does not flow very well into capsules. The solution... add a little bit of freeze-dried liver. This is why and how we developed the constituents of our Beef Heart supplement (500MG HEART With 50MG LIVER). I frequently field questions regarding the addition of our liver as it relates to safety concerns. This section should cover it.
High quality liver from pasture-raised, grass-fed cows is completely safe to consume. There is a common misconception about the liver being a storage depot for toxins which couldn't be further from fact. One of the many roles of liver is to filter toxins and send them to be expelled — usually in the urine via the kidney. In other words, the liver does not hold on to toxins, it expels them. The liver does act as a storage depot for vitamins, minerals and glycogen. Rest assured, liver from healthy animals is safe, nutritious and time-tested.
Need more assurance... Recall that liver is rich in choline, folate and B12. A diet rich in these nutrients supports methylation. Amongst other things, methylation is central to detoxification. What's more, is that without adequate choline (most Americans) fatty deposits may accumulate that contribute to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Downstream issues include compromised detoxification, high cholesterol and memory problems. The take home message is this... grass-fed, pasture-raised liver is not only safe to consume but one could say that its nutrients are required to support and optimize our own detoxification pathways. Enjoy!
Our early ancestors were regularly subjected to cold temperatures. It’s most likely why we humans have brown adipose tissue (BAT). BAT is especially abundant in newborns and in hibernating mammals. It is also present and metabolically active in adult humans and its primary function is thermoregulation. In the modern world though, we are rarely subjected to cold temperatures for any real duration... Let's face it, who likes that uncomfortable frigid feeling that comes with cold, especially when we have access to warmth 24/7. In modern times, we simply put on some clothes… turn up the heater… or we avoid the cold altogether by staying inside. Our potential for strength and health remains encoded in our DNA, and under certain conditions, we can genetically express the strongest, healthiest version of ourselves. Those "certain conditions" almost always have to do with nose-to-tail nutrition. In this instance, it has to do with getting cold.
— Improves blood circulation so the arteries work more efficiently at pumping blood, therefore boosting our overall heart health *
— Promotes “hardening,” which results in increased tolerance to stress and disease * —
— Upgrades the immune system by increasing glutathione (our master antioxidant) and decreasing inflammatory markers * —
Intentional cold exposures initiate adaptive processes and response mechanisms that are hardwired into our genes. We have 60,000 miles of blood vessels within us that are lined with smooth muscles that constrict (or) dilate based on our perception of temperature. This process of vasoconstriction and vasodilation is like exercise for your blood vessels.
Cold exposure benefits include boosting heart health through improved circulation and increased tolerance to stress, upgraded immunity, and enhanced metabolic flexibility. Rhonda Patrick, PHD writes “cold exposures increase cold shock proteins including one in the brain that repairs damaged synapses and in muscle prevents atrophy, how cold-induced norepinephrine lowers inflammation and pain by decreasing the levels of 3 inflammatory mediators…” This is very, very interesting stuff and it's grounded in evolutionary science.Give it a try. Start with cold / hot shower contrasts for 30 seconds at a time. At first, you'll down right hate me for it because it is down right uncomfortable. Continue the shower contrasts over a 30 day period. Take notice how you feel afterwards... it will keep you coming back for more. It gets easier and easier because the adaptive mechanisms, including the smooth muscles that line the blood vessels, adapt... they get stronger, faster and more efficient at doing what they were designed to do. You will notice that your ability to withstand cold will increase considerably after only a few days. Like any other stressor, we adapt… it gets easier… and it starts to feel amazing.You never know, cold exposures could easily be the missing link to the strength, energy and other health benefits that we are all after. Send me an email... let me know your thoughts... let me know your questions. I'd love to hear from you. Our mission is our purpose... putting back in, what the modern world has left out.
[ Stay positive... think about the wonderful things in your life that you're grateful for... eat like our early ancestors did... move around like our ancestors did... stay away from danger (think excessive wifi, dirty electricity, emfs)... slow down... go barefoot, connect to the earth... get sensible sun exposure... get cold... mind your magnesium... sleep like a rock... keep stress in check... and breathe like Wim Hoff. ]
Keep in mind that grass fed heart is the richest source of CoQ10 that exists in nature... that said, there's more to the story than "experts" recommending 100 to 200mg of exogenous CoQ10 per day. I hope that you will read this entire response so that you will know the importance of endogenous production and how to best support it in harmony with our biology. I promise you that it's worth the read.
A six capsule serving of our Grass Fed Beef Heart will supply approximately 10mg of CoQ10... Six capsules provides the equivalent of one ounce of fresh, raw whole bovine heart that you’d get from your local farmer (or) butcher. That said, even if you consumed a plateful of grass fed heart, say 6 ounces, you'd be getting approximately 60 mg of CoQ10.Like I said, there's obviously more to the story when it comes to managing your CoQ10 status at the tissue level (hint, hint: endogenous production is pretty important here). There is really nothing that exists in "nature" that would have regularly supplied "supra physiological" amounts of CoQ10 that are found in many CoQ10 supplements today. In fact, research points to us requiring up to 500 mg per day of CoQ10. If the average CoQ10 content of the western diet is only 5 mg per day, then food contributes only about 1 percent of daily CoQ10 requirements — the balance comes from endogenous production (within the body).Synthesis of CoQ10 indispensably requires the B vitamins (vitamins B2, B6, B12, folate, niacin and pantothenic acid) along with several trace elements, including selenium, which protects CoQ10 from oxidation. Deficiencies in any of these nutrients result in reduced synthesis of CoQ10 and cause many other adverse effects as well. So how do we manage our CoQ10 status at the tissue level... in our hearts, and in our livers and in our brains (not just in our blood)... Eat traditional foods that contain high amounts of CoQ10 such as grass fed liver, grass fed heart and grass fed brain. Don't do this for the CoQ10 content... Do this because these foods provide the vitamin and mineral content to support endogenous production of CoQ10.In summary, the vitamin and mineral content of foods is therefore of greater importance for maintaining CoQ10 status than their CoQ10 content. Remember just how smart nature is... Most of the foods that contain significant amounts of CoQ10 are also rich in many of the nutrients required for CoQ10 synthesis (heart, liver and brain). These foods were prized by our early ancestors for a reason which is why their traditional diets included the frequent and nourishing consumption of nose-to-tail organ meats.Send me an email... reply to the comment... let me know your thoughts... let me know your questions. I'd love to hear from you.— There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s, do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance program is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring —
Once again, cut the carbs, increase healthy fats (bone marrow, egg yolks, ghee, wild fish) and lose more weight.
Quarterly fasting (5-day water only fast)
Increase intake of beneficial minerals like potassium, magnesium, and natural calcium and hyaluronic acid (from whole egg shells)
Eat only grass-fed / grass-finished dairy products like yogurt, ghee, real butter and real cheese
Eat at least one pound of fatty fish per week
Increase NO2 (nitric oxide) by eating more beets, more mid-day sun and perform a nitric oxide dump as seen here.
Move more... it's just walking (30 mins in morning, 30 mins in afternoon, 30 minutes after dinner)
Sleep more, sleep better... see our Ancestral Guide To Better Sleep
Shut your mouth and perform deep diaphragmatic breathing. Slow breathing lowers blood pressure and enhances baroreflex sensitivity, a mechanism to control blood pressure via heart rate, in people with high blood pressure. This finding was so strong that researchers suggested slow breathing "appear[s] potentially beneficial in the management of hypertension." Google "Buteyko method" for more info.
Connect to the earth daily, especially when blood pressure seems out of control... Perhaps buy a pair of grounding sheets.
Cold showers are a must
Avoid stress
Supplements (see below)
NOTE: Nitric oxide is a potent vasodilator, which means it causes your blood vessels to expand and dilate, promoting blood flow and lowering blood pressure.
If high blood pressure is related to kidney health (or a rhabdo event), this is a must read Mercola article here.
If situational high blood pressure is a recurrent issue, try slowing your respiratory rate to just six breaths per minute for a period of five minutes. This practice has been shown to significantly reduce blood pressure and result in a small reduction in resting heart rate.
Are you on a calcium channel blocker (CCB)... is your body drawing calcium out of your bones and teeth to reach homeostasis in your blood and tissue... if so, consider consuming whole egg shells. Let me know if you need my recipe... my kids, wife and I take about 2 to 5 grams of egg shells daily and we also eat skin-on, bone-in sardines (along with wild fish eggs) on Wed and Sun.
Magnesium — topical and oral... I like Ancient Minerals and Trace Minerals respectively
Dr. Mercola's Krill Oil
Beet Juice
Hibiscus Tea
Vitamin A (preferably from grass fed liver)
Vtiamin D (preferably from sunshine)
Vitamin K (preferably from bone marrow and fermented foods)
Ancestral Supplements Lung (w/ Liver) - for fundamental support; for targeted arteriovascular support
Ancestral Supplements Bone Marrow - for fundamental support
Ancestral Supplements Heart - for CoQ10, mitochondrial health and for targeted heart support
OPTIONAL: Ancestral Supplements Kidney - for kidney support; if struggling kidney health is a root cause
If you're not going to eat farm fresh liver, seared heart steak strips and/or homemade bone broth, consider our Grass Fed Lung (w/ Liver), our Grass Fed Bone Marrow and our Grass Fed Heart. These are fundamental to our physiology and provided the targeted support that many of our functional healthcare practitioners consider in their own practices.
All animal cells contain nourishing cholesterol; therefore, all animal foods have it, including our supplements. Most of our nose-to-tail foods have less than 1/10th of just one gram of fat per capsule... this is hardly anything. There is approximately 4 mg of glandular derived cholesterol per capsule to nourish cell membranes, to support hormones (including the synthesis of vitamin D), to synthesize neurotransmitters and to support overall nerve function — just to name a few. Here are some simple, verifiable scientific facts...
Dietary cholesterol has little, or nothing, to do with blood cholesterol numbers.
Heart attacks occur more often in people with "normal" ldl cholesterol numbers.
Inflammation, triglycerides, fasting blood sugar and blood pressure are better predictors of heart health.
"High" cholesterol is a predictor of longevity.
Cholesterol level often reflects chronic inflammation in the body; the more inflammation you have, the higher your total cholesterol tends to be. Your body makes cholesterol to "patch up damages" from this ongoing inflammation. Cholesterol levels may also reflect the need to nourish other biological functions too... cell membranes, hormones, neurotransmitters, etc. For instance, when we're under a lot of stress (physical, mental and /or emotional), the body calls up its reserves of cholesterol to make corticoid hormones so that we can deal appropriately with the stress. Receptors for serotonin, the body's feel-good chemical, require cholesterol to work properly, which explains why low cholesterol is associated with depression, brain fog and other mood disorders.
Need more assurance.. Recall that foods like liver, bone marrow and other organs / glands give us the vital nourishment that we need for energy metabolism, a strong immune system, a properly functioning endocrine system and to heal and be healthy. When our biology works better, there's less need for our own liver to ramp up the manufacturing of more cholesterol. That's right, this is where most of our cholesterol comes from... our own liver makes it and sends it for repair purposes! The take home message is this... grass-fed, pasture-raised organs and glands are not only safe to consume but one could convincingly argue that these nutrients are required to support and optimize our own blood cholesterol and overall heart health. Enjoy!
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Female Enhancement Mixture (FEM) 180caps (500mg)
Ancestral Supplements Female Enhancement Formula – Nutrient-Dense Support for Women’s Health
Ancestral Supplements Female Enhancement Formula is a specially crafted blend of nutrient-rich organ meats, designed to support overall women’s health. This formula includes a selection of pasture-raised ovary, uterus, fallopian tubes, liver, and bone marrow to nourish the body with the nutrients traditionally consumed for reproductive and hormonal health.
Key Benefits:
This formula is formulated with organ meats known for their nutrient profile, providing the body with proteins, peptides, and enzymes that naturally support the systems associated with female health. The inclusion of Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin B12, and bioavailable iron offers important nutrients that are often required for maintaining energy and overall well-being. The presence of collagen, elastin, and glycosaminoglycans from bone marrow and cartilage aims to support healthy joints, skin, and connective tissue. Bone marrow is rich in important lipids that may help support the body's natural defence mechanisms. Packed with nutrients like Vitamin A, copper, folate, and choline, this formula helps provide a broad range of essential vitamins and minerals for daily support.
What’s Inside?
A blend of ovary, uterus, fallopian tubes, liver, and bone marrow—rich in proteins, peptides, and enzymes specific to female health. Super nutrients like CoQ10, Vitamin B12, collagen, elastin, and preformed Vitamin A (retinol) to provide essential nutrients for energy and skin health. Essential vitamins and minerals including choline, folate, copper, bioavailable heme iron, and glycosaminoglycans to support a balanced diet and healthy bodily functions. Bone matrix, bone marrow, and cartilage provide natural nourishment to help maintain healthy joints and connective tissues.
Why Choose Ancestral Supplements?
Sourced from New Zealand and Australia, ensuring high-quality, nutrient-dense organ meats from grass-fed animals. 100% freeze-dried, non-defatted, with no fillers, flow agents, or unnecessary additives. Each batch is third-party tested to ensure purity and quality.
Directions for Use:
Take as directed on the label or consult a healthcare professional for personalised guidance on how this supplement may fit into your daily regimen.
Ancestral Supplements Female Enhancement Formula offers a rich blend of nutrient-dense organ meats to nourish and support women’s health. With a focus on providing essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins traditionally consumed in ancestral diets, this supplement offers a natural way to support overall well-being without the use of fillers or additives.
Please Note: This product is designed to supplement a healthy diet and lifestyle, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using any dietary supplement, particularly if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a medical condition, or are taking medication. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of the reach of children. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and consult a healthcare provider.
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Grass Fed Beef Brain With Liver 180caps 500mg
Pasture Raised In New Zealand
Grass-fed & Grass-Finished
Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents
100% Freeze Dried & Non-Defatted
Third Party Tested For Purity
Allergen Free
Serving Size: 6 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30
Freeze-Dried New Zealand Grassfed Whole Brain Extract With Liver 500 MG
Grass Fed Whole Brain Extract (Bovine) 250 MG
Grass Fed Brain
Grass Fed Pituitary Gland
Grass Fed Hypothalamus Gland
Grass Fed Pineal Gland
Grass Fed Liver (Bovine) 250 MG
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Collagen (Beef Gelatin) Capsules
SUGGESTED USE: Six capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.
FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Proteins Exclusively Found And Expressed In Whole Brain Extract
Brain Derived Glandulars Including The Pituitary, Hypothalamus and Pineal Glands
Unique Peptides And Neurotrophic Factors Including Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)
Sphingomyelin — Found In High Concentrations In The Myelin Sheath.
Brain Cell Activators, Phosphatidylserine & Omega-3 Fats EPA and DHA
Optimal Brain Health Based On "Like Supports Like"
Memory, Mood And Cognitive Health
The Survival of Existing Neurons & Encourages The Growth and Differentiation Of New Neurons
Myelin Sheath, Signal Transduction & Apoptosis
For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) the things we needed for strength, health and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where neurodegenerative conditions, mood disorders and impaired brain functioning run amuck.
[ Compounds in whole bovine brain extract may reduce aspects of cellular atrophy, degeneration, decreases in tissue elasticity, and other negative aspects associated with aging.*[2] Brain glandulars contain "specific brain cell activators" [3] and have been advised for slowness of thought, loss of memory, uncontrolled mental activity and epilepsy.*[4,5]
Bovine-brain derived phosphatidylserine was found to improve both behavior and cognition in elderly people with cognitive decline.* [6] "...phosphatidylserine enhances the ability of enzymes in membranes of nerve cells to relay messages in and out of the cells. This product (bovine-brain phosphatidylserine) can improve memory in older adults, and can ameliorate symptoms of depression."*[7] Included in whole brain extract are neurotrophic factors that support the survival of existing neurons and encourages the growth of new neurons as well as sphingomyelin which plays a central role in the myelin sheath and cell signaling.*[9,11] ]
Whole food, nutrient dense organs and glands can provide great benefit for those seeking targeted support in harmony with nature — the old fashioned way, the way that our early ancestors did. Grass Fed Beef Brain is a whole brain extract and dietary supplement that provides 100% pure bovine brain with pituitary, hypothalamus and pineal gland in the same balance that exists in nature. Our mission is our purpose... putting back in, what the modern world has left out.
New Zealand
Our product is 100% sourced in New Zealand. In agricultural circles, it's known that the clean air, green pastures, and animal husbandry is at a higher level
Ultra Pure
Our product is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc)
Freeze Dried
Our product is 100% freeze dried in contrast to the heat processed varieties. This means that you get more of the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors that make organ meats so incredibly nourishing
There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s, do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance programme is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring
New Zealand seems like it was made for raising healthy animals. Its location and climate produce pristine conditions for cattle and sheep, and the farmers have uncanny expertise handed down for generations. New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate so the grass in the pastures grows fresh and grows green year-round which means the cows and sheep can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year.
Our nose-to-tail product line is always from grassfed, inspected animals born and raised without the use of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Health of livestock used for manufacturing in New Zealand is closely monitored by a world leading biosecurity system that is second to none, and is a global exemplar. Strict government licensing, auditing and certification procedures mean that our genuine New Zealand freeze dried products can be used with complete confidence in their origin, safety and efficacy. Freeze-drying preserves the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors of components leaving the nutrients in the same balance as found in nature.
Traditional peoples, Native Americans and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual. For instance, the traditional way of treating a person with a weak heart was to feed the person the heart of a healthy animal. Similarly, eating the kidneys of a healthy animal was believed to support urinary ailments and overall kidney health... Pancreas was fed to people with digestive and endocrine problems... and brain was frequently consumed raw and was thought to support clear thinking.*[1,13]
Whether from grassfed beef, bison, or lamb, grass fed liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods you could possibly eat. Hunters all over the world, for uncounted thousands of years, would eat the raw livers of the animals they killed. Lions and other predatory animals will also eat the liver first. Grass fed liver is particularly rich in B vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, magnesium, and many other nutrients. Grass fed liver also contains compounds that help the human liver function better. Other substances in liver reduce fatigue and improve brain function.*[1]
Organs and glandulars were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.*[10] Our early ancestors knew this, which is why their traditional diets included the frequent and nourishing consumption of nose-to-tail organs and glands.
— Based on the ancient ancestral wisdom that "like supports like." Consuming brain may strengthen and support our own brain
— Included in whole brain extract is sphingomyelin which plays a central role in the myelin sheath, cell signaling and apoptosis *[1] —
— Included in whole brain extract are neurotrophic factors such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) that support the survival of existing neurons and encourages the growth of new neurons * —
Six capsules provides the equivalent of one ounce of fresh, raw whole glandulars and organs that you’d get from your local farmer (or) butcher. Our Grass Fed Brain (with liver) is a whole food dietary supplement that provides whole brain extract — including pituitary, hypothalamus, pineal glands in the physiological amounts that exist in harmony with nature. This supplement can be taken with (or) without food (even though it technically is food). The suggested use is 6 capsules a day or as directed by a healthcare professional — for added support, the dose can be doubled. This supplement can be consumed all at once, or divided servings throughout the day.
Most customers tolerate our supplements without incident; however, approximately 5 to 10% of customers (usually with an autoimmune condition) may experience a detoxification reaction. Detoxification reactions go by many different names including healing reactions, healing crises, cleansing reactions (or) Herxheimer reactions with hallmark symptoms of nausea, headache, lethargy, dizziness and other flu like symptoms. In this instance, detoxification reactions are generally an indication that detoxification pathways in the body are back online... cells suddenly have an opportunity to release an even greater than normal quantity of stored toxins, metabolic wastes, pathogens and unwanted material.
A detoxification reaction is more likely to occur when starting with the full suggested serving size of 6 capsules per day. If you know that you are sensitive to supplements and/or you have an autoimmune condition, you may wish to start slow when adding this product to your current regimen. Tolerability can be greatly improved by starting with just 1 (or) 2 capsules a day and increasing by just 1 capsule every couple of days — this method may take a full two weeks to achieve the desired serving size of 6 capsules per day.
Okay, you're convinced! You're going to start incorporating organ meats in your routine because, well... you're educated now... you understand, just as our early ancestors did, that they provide superlative health benefits that are missing in our modern diets. The next step is sourcing it. It's important that you source the highest quality because not all organs and glands are created equal. Consider the source.
Should Come From An Unpolluted Geographical Region — Isolated, Healthy, Pristine Lands
Should Come From Pasture Raised Animals
Should Come From Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished Animals
Should Come From Animals That Are Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
Should Also Be Ultra Pure... Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents, No Allergens
Should Be Non-Defatted
Should Be 100% Freeze Dried... Freeze Drying Preserves Heat Sensitive Biological Activity
If you're going to pick just one ancestral supplement to start with, make it our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER... unless you need targeted support with another specific organ system (see below). If you are going to pick two supplements, our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER and our GRASS FED BEEF ORGANS provide complementary and synergistic nourishment. If you can add a third supplement, GRASS FED BONE MARROW fills fat soluble nutrition gaps and provides the fat soluble activators that nutrition giant Dr. Weston Price extensively wrote about.
Grass Fed Beef Liver
Grass Fed Beef Organs (liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, spleen)
Grass Fed Bone Marrow
On the other hand, if you're looking for targeted organ support, you may be interested in our GRASS FED BEEF HEART to support heart health (or) our GRASS FED THYROID to support a struggling thyroid (or) our GRASS FED THYMUS to support thymus function and immune health... you get the picture.* We have a nose-to-tail product line that can be found on our "Products" page. If you can't find what you're looking for (or) you're not sure what you're looking for, send us an email and we'll do everything we can to help.
Our genome has evolved with the nourishment of nose-to-tail dining since the beginning of time. Grassfed Beef Brain is a whole brain extract that provides brain cell activators, neurotrophic factors, brain derived glandulars and hundreds of other compounds exclusive to brain tissue that regulate memory, mood and cognitive functions.* Based on the concept of "like supports like," consuming brain may strengthen and support our own brain.* Bovine-brain derived phosphatidylserine has been shown to improve both behavior and cognition associated with cognitive decline.*[6]
Not all organs and glands are the same. Look for the highest quality brain glandular... It should come from pasture-raised, grass-fed calves that are hormone, pesticide and GMO free. If considering a supplement, look for one that is ultra pure (without binders, fillers (or) flow agents) and look for the freeze dried variety as these have been shown to optimally preserve nutritional factors, growth factors and co-factors.
[ FACT: There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s, do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance programme is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring. ]
NOTE: Desiccated brain (or) whole brain extract glandular can be found on the market by various names: whole brain, brain extract, desiccated brian, brain glandular, brain PMG belongs to Standard Process and then there's simply bovine brain.
As it relates to potential microbes and parasites, our product is 100% freeze dried in contrast to the heat processed varieties out there. This process preserves heat sensitive biological activity while removing 98 - 99% of the moisture content. This leaves virtually no moisture; since microbes (viruses, bacteria, parasites etc) can not survive without moisture, this allows for an ultra pure product profile with a very long shelf life — of course, with no need for additives or preservatives.
Additional quality controls include the following...
3rd party microbial testing before and after encapsulation
3rd party veterinarian health inspection is performed by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries — for 100% of our animal derived biologics
We exclusively harvest Brain, Bone Marrow and Thymus from young calves
There has never been a single case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease); scrapie and other known TSE’s, do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance program is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring.
I put the care, attention and quality assurance into my products as if I am giving them to my family... because I am! My young boys, my wife and I all take the Beef Liver, Beef Organs and Bone Marrow everyday.
Nutritional ketosis may have health benefits in conditions such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, MS, autism, traumatic brain injuries and much more.*[14] By now you've heard all the rage about ketosis, also known as the ketogenic diet. It's the new diet that everybody's doing, right! Actually, ketosis isn't new at all... it's been around for... well... since we (human beings) have been around. Ketones provided the energy substrate for our brains and bodies when glucose wasn't available, such as in times of famine which was a common occurrence for our early ancestors. Fortunately for us, biology figured out an elegant solution to the problem of inconsistent food sources and a large, hungry brain... ketosis.
— Ketosis certainly helps people with neurodegeneration conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, aging-related cognitive decline, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s disease * —
— An outpouring of anecdotes suggest that otherwise healthy people can experience cognitive benefits from brain utilization of ketones. Wife and I belong to this outpouring... love the upgraded mental performance! * —
— Ketosis upregulates mitochondrial biogenesis in the brain. It literally creates new power plants in the brain that are good at burning fat-derived fuel and mopping up brain fog * —
"People whose brains suffer from impaired glucose utilization see cognitive benefits from ketones. In Alzheimer’s disease, aging-related cognitive decline, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s disease, brain glucose uptake is depressed—even before any actual cognitive decline appears. Despite high glucose availability, the aging, epileptic, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s brain can’t utilize enough of it to handle cognition. Enter ketones. Ketones act as an alternative energy source for the glucose-starved brains. It’s no coincidence that ketogenic diets can improve symptoms (and in some cases abolish them) and cognitive function in all four conditions." [16]
For the record, unless there's a neurodegenerative, mood and/or memory condition on board, I don’t think we all need to be on a ketogenic diet, nor do we all need to remain in ketosis for extended periods of time; however, I do think we need to slip in and out of ketosis on a regular basis... just as our early ancestors would have done. After all, we seem to be purpose built for doing it and we derive massive health and happiness benefits from it. We know it seems to stave off neurodegeneration, as well as improve the brains of people already suffering from it.*[16]
[ NOTE: Ketosis is a high fat, moderate protein, low carbohydrate way of eating. Medium chain triglycerides (MCT oil), intermittent fasting (IF) and fasting all elevate ketone bodies. Have a look at what I eat (see below) but be careful with too much protein as this can kick you out of ketosis. A typical keto meal should consist of 70% to 75% healthy fats, 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates. The best book, that's also available on Audible, that I've read on ketosis is Keto Clarity. ]
For these reasons, my tribe (my family) and I follow seasonal eating patterns that allow us to slip in and out of ketosis. If we're feeling really good, we may stay in it a little longer. It helps us to think, to perform, and to produce. The following is an idea of how and what we eat... notice that we also go through periods of feast and famine with twenty-four hour fasts and huge refeeds where almost nothing that resembles primal food is off limits.
Wallaby Organic / Grass fed yogurt (2 cups or 150g)
NOW Brand MCT oil (1-2 tablespoons; up to 30g- dose to tolerability). NOTE: MCT always produces elevated ketones.
Organic raw virgin coconut oil or organic ghee (2 to 3 tablespoons or 30 to 45g)
Organic almond butter (2 tablespoons or 30g)
Organic unrefined red palm oil (1 tablespoon or 15g)
Grassfed Collagen / Gelatin (10-20g)
Himalayan sea salt -- 1/4 tsp (2g)
Organic cinnamon -- 2g
Organic / Grassfed vanilla protein powder (1 scoop) — I like Bluebonnet Grassfed Protein
Organic banana (optional when not doing strict keto or if sleep if affected by too low carb consumption)
Organic / Pasture raised raw eggs (4 to 6 large eggs)
Organic raw milk (1 cup or 150g)... raw is best but Whole Kalona Brand Milk is a good second option if you don't do raw milk
This shake takes me about 15 to 20 minutes to make... It's super convenient... and, it's down right delicious. If I don't make a shake, I will have a bunch of pasture-raised eggs (8 or so) that are smothered in butter with a side of avocado, nitrate-free, sugar-free bacon and a dollop of sour cream.
Homemade Bone Soup (simmered for two to three days with tons of marrow)
Serving or Kimchi
Organic Avocado
Grass fed butter or Ghee (2 tablespoons)
Organic unrefined red palm oil
Salad of dark leafy greens w/ 2 tablespoons of Organic, fresh pressed olive oil and sea salt (I get mine from Apollo Olive Oil)
Grass fed beef/organs (6 - 9 oz ground peleo and various organs)
Organic almond butter (2 tablespoons) mixed with organic raw coconut oil (2 tablespoons) and a tablespoon of Bluebonnet's grassfed vanilla protein
Organic banana with raw local honey (Optional when not doing strict keto or if sleep if affected by too low carb consumption)
100% Cacao block for dessert
We generally carb reload on the weekends with plenty of sweet potatoes, raw local honey, the occasional sorghum and various in-season fruits. We also do a twenty-four to thirty hour fast on Sundays... it's not as bad as it sounds. We eat an early dinner as we normally would on early Saturday evening... skip our first meal on Sunday, and eat an amazing fish-based dinner (usually wild caught sardines) with the entire tribe on Sunday. We also do heat and cold exposures together and we go on barefoot hikes every Sunday. Connecting to mother earth creates strong parasympathetic tone for enhanced recovery for the week to come. The basis of how our tribe lives is this... if our early ancestors did it, we do too... or at least we try to. See our most up-to-date tribe life on our "About Us" page.
Transdermal Magnesium Oil - We use magnesium oil every night.
Vitamin D3 - Only when we're not able to get adequate sun exposure (this is rare)
Vitamin K2 - Only when we're not regularly eating my kimchi (this is also rare)
Grass Fed Liver
Grass Fed Beef Organs
Grass Fed Bone Marrow
Keep in mind that my tribe and I eat a very nutrient dense diet. We consume the whole animal just as our ancestors did... That's right, we eat the liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, heart, thymus, bones, tendons, ligaments and more... and we eat this way every day (except on vacation we take Liver, Beef Organs and Bone Marrow supplements). We love our bone broth (this is my wife's specialty), and we eat tons of pastured eggs. Wife is awesome enough to sprout chickpeas for us. Then, she turns half of the batch into the best homemade hummus in the world. Super high in folate (NOT SYNTHETIC FOLIC ACID, big diff)!!
You never know, ketosis could easily be the missing link to the mood, memory and mental performance benefits that we are all after. Why not give it a try. Send me an email... let me know your thoughts... let me know your questions. I'd love to hear from you. Our mission is our purpose... putting back in, what the modern world has left out.
[ Stay positive... think about the wonderful things in your life that you're grateful for... eat like our early ancestors did... move around like our ancestors did... avoid danger like our ancestors did (think lions, trans fats, sugars, fluoride, excessive wifi, emfs, vaccines, mercury, etc)... slow down... go barefoot, connect to the earth... get sensible sun exposure... get cold (environmental conditioning)... mind your magnesium... sleep like a rock... keep stress in check... and breathe like Wim Hof. ]
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Grass Fed Intestines w/ Tripe (Stomach) 180caps 500mg
— Traditional peoples, Native Americans and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual.* [1] —
For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) the things we needed for strength, health and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where our health is not wholly ours... many leading experts believe that pervasive gut issues (dysbiosis, sibo, leaky gut) have a lot to do with the problem. The solution is to restore and rebuild our gut health with proven anthropological ways that are backed by modern science... this includes the use of intestine and tripe.
According to the great John (Fire) Lame Deer, the eating of guts evolved into a contest. “In the old days we used to eat the guts of the buffalo, making a contest of it, two fellows getting hold of a long piece of intestines from opposite ends, starting chewing toward the middle, seeing who can get there first; that’s eating. Those buffalo guts, full of half-fermented, half-digested grass and herbs, you didn’t need any pills and vitamins when you swallowed those.”2
Beverly Hungry Wolf describes the preparation and consumption of a cow in The Ways of My Grandmothers, noting that her grandmother prepared the cow “as she had learned to prepare buffalo when she was young.” The lungs were not cooked, just sliced and hung up to dry. Intestines were also dried. Sapotsis or Crow gut is a Blackfoot delicacy made from the main intestine which is stuffed with meat and roasted over coals. Tripe was prepared and eaten raw, roasted or boiled. 3
Intestines are a profound source of intestine-specific building blocks, collagen / gelatin, glutamine and some organ-derived probiotics which are key for stabilizing, repairing and rebuilding a leaky gut.4 If you're like my tribe and you're into making homemade, simmered-with-love-for-3-days bone soup, try adding some pieces of intestines and tripe. You and your gut will be glad you did. Recent research shows that extracts of intestines provide growth stimulators that are needed to repair the lining of the intestinal wall. 5
Tripe is the common term used to refer to the stomach of ruminating (grazing) animals including cows, buffalo and sheep. The Sioux of the Great Plains were known to boil buffalo meat and wild herbs with heated rocks in a buffalo paunch... afterwards, they ate the paunch too. Tripe was so revered in European culture that it spurred a tiff between William the Conqueror and Phillip I, the King of France. This is also a great source of gut-specific building blocks, micronutrients, collagen / gelatin, digestive enzymes and some organ-derived probiotics. 6,7 Many have reported that eating tripe has greatly improved their digestive system. 4,8
NOTE: Cows have these huge stomachs which are populated with billions upon billions of bacteria, which begin breaking down the cellulose in the cell walls of plant fibers. The first three stomachs, the rumen, reticulum, and omasum, are concerned with breaking down the plant fibers in preparation for digestion. The work is mainly done by bacteria. True digestion finally occurs in the fourth stomach, the abomasum. Glands produce hydrochloric acid, pepsin and lipase which finish breaking down the food into all its constituent nutrients.9
Whole food, nutrient dense organs and glands can provide great benefit for those seeking targeted support in harmony with nature — the old fashioned way, the way that our early ancestors did.* Grass Fed Intestines (w/ Tripe) is a whole food and dietary supplement that provides pure bovine intestine (w/ bovine tripe) that's teeming with gut-specific building blocks, gelatin, glutamine and of course, organ-derived probiotics to nourish and support our own gut and digestive health.*
Pasture Raised In New Zealand
Grass-fed & Grass-Finished
Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents
100% Freeze Dried & Non-Defatted
Third Party Tested For Purity
Allergen Free
New Zealand
— Our product is 100% sourced in New Zealand. In agricultural circles and fisheries, it's known that the clean air and water, green pastures, and animal husbandry is at a higher level —
Ultra Pure
— Our product is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc) —
Freeze Dried
— Our product is 100% freeze dried in contrast to the heat processed varieties. This means that you get more of the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors that make organ meats so incredibly nourishing —
— There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s, do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance programme is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring —
New Zealand seems like it was made for raising healthy animals. Its location and climate produce pristine conditions for cattle and sheep, and the farmers have uncanny expertise handed down for generations. New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate so the grass in the pastures grows fresh and grows green year-round which means the cows and sheep can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year.
Our nose-to-tail product line is always from grassfed, inspected animals born and raised without the use of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Health of livestock used for manufacturing in New Zealand is closely monitored by a world leading biosecurity system that is second to none, and is a global exemplar. Strict government licensing, auditing and certification procedures mean that our genuine New Zealand freeze dried products can be used with complete confidence in their origin, safety and efficacy. Freeze-drying preserves the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors of components leaving the nutrients in the same balance as found in nature.
* Our product line is 100% additive-free. Absolutely no stearates, lubricants, binders, fillers or flow agents... except with our Bone Marrow (see Other Ingredients) *
Serving Size: 6 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30
Freeze-Dried New Zealand Grassfed Intestine W/ Tripe
Grass Fed Intestines (Bovine) 250MG
Grass Fed Stomach / Tripe (Bovine) 250MG
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Collagen (Beef Gelatin) Capsules
SUGGESTED USE: Six capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.
* FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Traditional peoples, Native Americans and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual. For instance, the traditional way of treating a person with a weak heart was to feed the person the heart of a healthy animal. Similarly, eating the kidneys of a healthy animal was believed to nourish urinary ailments, boost vitality and support overall kidney health... Pancreas was fed to people with digestive and endocrine problems... spleen was fed to people with immune and blood deficiencies...1 intestines, stomach (tripe) and other gelatinous parts provided concentrated amounts of connective tissue, gelatin / collagen, probiotics and other gut-specific proteins that are now absent from the modern diet.
Dr. Royal Lee, and other early nutritional pioneers, believed the degenerative processes of a specific organ / gland could be reversed by ingesting the corresponding raw materials specific to that organ / gland.10
Whether from grassfed beef, bison, or lamb, grass fed liver is one of the most nutrient-dense, health promoting foods you could possibly eat. Hunters all over the world, for uncounted thousands of years, would eat the raw livers of the animals they killed. Lions and other predatory animals will also eat the liver first. Grass fed liver is particularly rich in vitamin B12, vitamin A, choline, folate and and many other powerful nutrients that most people are deficient in. Grass fed liver also contains compounds that help the human liver function better. Other substances in liver reduce fatigue, improve digestive health and support brain function.*1
Many people look to targeted support "like heals like" while neglecting the very fundamental nourishment that governs our biology, health and well-being. It's no wonder that so many people successfully support organ and glandular related health conditions (thyroid, adrenal and gut included) by just nourishing their bodies with the fundamentals — Liver and Bone Marrow.*
Organs and glandulars were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.*11 Our early ancestors knew this, which is why their traditional diets included the frequent and nourishing consumption of nose-to-tail nutrients.
— Based on the ancient ancestral wisdom that "like supports like." Consuming intestines and tripe may nourish and support our own gut health.* —
— Provides all the building blocks... gut specific proteins, peptides, enzymes & cofactors along with molecular biodirectors (DNA instructions) to code and/or express the building of healthy tissue.* —
— Vitality... rich in glandular derived gelatin, glutamine, probiotics, B12 and selenium to support gut health, energy, thyroid and immune health.* —
Healthy Gut Building Blocks... Gut Specific Proteins, Peptides, Enzymes & Cofactors
Molecular Biodirectors — DNA Blueprints To Build and Repair Healthy Tissue
Collagen / Gelatin, Glutamine, Animal Derived Probiotics
B12, Choline, Selenium, Zinc, Manganese & Phosphorus
NOTE: For intensive support, consider reviewing the life’s work of Dr. John F. Prudden... he showed that the use of bovine tracheal cartilage (BTC) had unique and powerful effects on healing, immune conditions and other life-threatening conditions considered to be treatment-resistant to conventional therapies.* Colostrum plays a significant role in gut health too.
Optimal Gut Health Based On "Like Supports Like" *
Leaky Gut, Digestive Issues, Gut Related Conditions *
Vitality, Energy & Thyroid Health * (high in B12 and selenium)
NOTE: Many First Nations butcher the moose at the slaughter site and return to camp with tokens for the tribe... the tokens returned to camp, came from the abdominal cavity, the heart and lower intestine, and two types of fat, called wiis. 12
Our Grass Fed Intestines (w/ Tripe) is a whole food dietary supplement that provides 100% pure bovine intestines with 100% pure bovine tripe. This supplement can be taken with (or) without food (even though it technically is food). The suggested use is 6 capsules a day or as directed by a healthcare professional — for added support, the dose can be doubled. If consuming more than six capsules at once, the doses should be separated by at least three hours to improve tolerability.
Most customers tolerate our supplements without incident; however, approximately 5 to 10% of customers (usually with an autoimmune condition) may experience a detoxification reaction. Detoxification reactions go by many different names including healing reactions, healing crises, cleansing reactions (or) Herxheimer reactions with hallmark symptoms of nausea, headache, lethargy, dizziness and other flu like symptoms. In this instance, detoxification reactions are generally an indication that detoxification pathways in the body are back online... cells suddenly have an opportunity to release an even greater than normal quantity of stored toxins, metabolic wastes, pathogens and unwanted material.
A detoxification reaction is more likely to occur when starting with the full suggested serving size of 6 capsules per day. If you know that you are sensitive to supplements and/or you have an autoimmune condition, you may wish to start slow when adding this product to your current regimen. Tolerability can be greatly improved by starting with just 1 (or) 2 capsules a day and increasing by just 1 capsule every couple of days — this method may take a full two weeks to achieve the desired serving size of 6 capsules per day.
For customers that are highly sensitive to supplements and/or have an autoimmune and/or methylation SNPs, I suggest that you "play it safe" by introducing just one new capsule per week. In other words, just 1 capsule during the 1st week... 2 capsules during the 2nd week... 3 capsules during the 3rd week and so on... yes, this will take some time to reach the suggested dosages but this greatly helps to ensure tolerability of this deep nourishment so that it has a chance to do good (all those gut health and digestion benefits).
Many gut and digestive issues have a deficiency characteristic such as low stomach acid (80% of Americans), low pancreatic enzymes, low bile and/or low liver function. I'm not saying that all do, just a lot!
Low Acid — Restrict liquids with meals... most Americans actually have LOW stomach acid so stop diluting it with water during dinner... if that's you, also consider adding Betaine HCL and/or Apple Cider Vinegar to produce adequate stomach acid to get the job done right (go here to learn more). A ketogenic / paleo / primal diet can help address the root cause.
Low Enzymes — Consider eating pancreas or supplementing with pancreatic enzymes to help... a struggling thyroid, heavy metal exposure and pancreatic insufficiency can all suppress enzymes. A ketogenic / paleo / primal diet can help address the root cause.
Low Bile — Our early ancestors used bile from the gallbladder... it was sprinkled on the meat and used as a condiment as we might use mustard today. Word has it that bile did a lot for the taste of liver. If you can't do this, consider supplementing with ox bile. A ketogenic / paleo / primal diet can help address the root cause.
Low Liver — Most Americans have non-alcoholic fatty liver that causes a sluggish liver and sluggish bile... supporting your own liver health with lots of choline from egg yolks and eating grass fed liver will do wonders. A ketogenic / paleo / primal diet can help address the root cause.
By now you know the theme... a standard, low-ish carb ketogenic / paleo / primal diet can fix most of these issues over time. For serious gut and digestive issues, a high fat, moderate protein, lowish-carb ketogenic / paleo / primal diet can be remarkably therapeutic (see below). Ketosis is a high fat, moderate protein, low carbohydrate way of eating. Have a look at what I eat but be careful with too much protein as this can kick you out of ketosis.
TYPICAL KETO — 75% healthy fats, 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates.
Wallaby Organic / Grass fed yogurt (2 cups or 150g)
NOW Brand MCT oil (1-2 tablespoons; up to 30g- dose to tolerability). NOTE: MCT always produces elevated ketones.
Organic raw virgin coconut oil or organic ghee (2 to 3 tablespoons or 30 to 45g)
Organic almond butter (2 tablespoons or 30g)
Organic unrefined red palm oil (1 tablespoon or 15g)
Grassfed Ancestral Collagen / Gelatin (10-20g)
Himalayan sea salt -- 1/4 tsp (2 to 3g)
Organic cinnamon -- 2g
Organic instant coffee -- 2g (only when seeking variety)
Organic / Grassfed vanilla protein powder (1 scoop) — I like Bluebonnet Grassfed Protein
Organic banana (optional when not doing strict keto or if sleep if affected by too low carb consumption)
Organic / Pasture raised raw eggs (4 to 6 large eggs)
Organic raw pastured-raised milk (1 cup or 150g)... raw is best but Whole Kalona Brand Milk is a good second option if you don't do raw milk. If you don't tolerate milk, find an alternative.
This shake takes me a whopping 15 minutes to make... It's super convenient... and, it's down right delicious. If I don't make a shake, I will have a bunch of pasture-raised eggs (8 or so) that are smothered in a massive amount of butter topped with crunchy sea salt, a side of avocado, nitrate-free, sugar-free bacon and a dollop of homemade sour cream. Are you kidding me... don't even try to tell me that your current breakfast is better in taste nor in health.
Homemade Bone Soup (simmered for two to three days with tons of marrow)
Serving or Kimchi
Organic Avocado (optional: top with fish eggs, lemon juice and sea salt)
Grass fed butter or Ghee (2 tablespoons)
Salad of dark leafy greens (when in season) w/ 2 tablespoons of organic, fresh pressed olive oil and sea salt (I get mine from Apollo Olive Oil)
Grass fed organs (6 - 9 oz of various animals, various organs)
Organic almond butter (2 tablespoons) mixed with organic raw coconut oil (2 tablespoons)
Organic banana with raw local honey (optional: when not doing strict keto or if sleep or gut if affected by too low carb consumption)
100% Cacao block for dessert
We generally carb reload on the weekends with plenty of sweet potatoes, raw local honey, the occasional sorghum and various in-season fruits. For gut / digestive repair, I don't suggest massive refeeds like we do... stay the course until you're better, then you can do this. We also do a twenty-four to thirty hour fast on Sundays... it's not as bad as it sounds. We eat an early dinner as we normally would on early Saturday evening... skip our first meal on Sunday, and eat an amazing fish-based dinner (usually wild caught sardines with wild caught fish eggs) with the entire tribe on Sunday. Once a quarter, we do a 5-day water only fast (adults only).
Magnesium... transdermal magnesium oil applied to feet before bed and oral magnesium.
Vitamin D3 - only when not able to get adequate sun exposure (nor) fish eggs
NOTE: About 75 percent of people with IBS have insufficient vitamin D, and about 70 percent see improvement when taking vitamin D 13
Vitamin K2 - only when not regularly eating my fermented veggies, sauerkraut, kimchi or natto
Grass Fed Intestines (w/ Tripe)
Grass Fed Liver (or) Bovine Tracheal Cartilage (w/ Liver)
Grass Fed Bone Marrow
UVEX Glasses
Honorable Mentions For Targeted Support - may use Thymus or Spleen for allergies or to boost immune system... Kidney for kidney and urinary support... Brain if the brain need a boost... Bovine Tracheal Cartilage to recover an injury or for intensive gut support... Thyroid in the winter when little to no carbs are available... Adrenal if adrenal support is required... you get the picture.
Keep in mind that my tribe and I eat a very nutrient dense diet. We consume the whole animal just as our ancestors did... That's right, we eat the liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, heart, thymus, bones, tendons, ligaments and more... and we eat this way every day (except on vacation we take extra Liver, Beef Organs and Bone Marrow supplements). We love our bone broth (this is my wife's specialty), and we eat tons of pastured eggs. Wife is awesome enough to sprout chickpeas for us. Then, she turns half of the batch into the best homemade hummus in the world. Super high in folate (NOT SYNTHETIC FOLIC ACID, big diff)!!
You never know, ancestral eating patterns (i.e. cycling back and forth between paleo, ketosis and fasting) could easily be the missing link to the energy, mood, memory and mental performance benefits that we are all after. This is how our early ancestors ate. Start eating like this to build your biological resilience.
If you'd like to know exactly how my tribe and I live to support optimal health, go to our "About Us" page and read the entire page.
Okay, you're convinced! You're going to start incorporating nose-to-tail nourishment in your routine because, well... you're educated now... you understand, just as our early ancestors did, that they provide superlative health benefits that are missing in our modern diets. The next step is sourcing it. It's important that you source the highest quality because not all organs, glands and cartilage are created equal. Consider the source.
Should Come From An Unpolluted Geographical Region — Isolated, Healthy, Pristine Lands
Should Come From Pasture Raised Animals
Should Come From Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished Animals
Should Come From Animals That Are Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
Should Also Be Ultra Pure... Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents, No Allergens
Should Be Non-Defatted
Should Be 100% Freeze Dried... Freeze Drying Preserves Heat Sensitive Biological Activity
If you're going to pick just one ancestral supplement to start with, make it our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER... unless you need targeted support with another specific organ system (see below). If you are going to pick two supplements, our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER and our GRASS FED BEEF ORGANS provide complementary and synergistic nourishment. If you can add a third supplement, GRASS FED BONE MARROW fills fat soluble nutrition gaps, provides stem cells, bovine cartilage, glycosaminoglycans and the fat soluble activators that nutrition giant Dr. Weston Price extensively wrote about.
Grass Fed Beef Liver
Grass Fed Beef Organs (liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, spleen)
Grass Fed Bone Marrow
On the other hand, if you're looking for targeted organ support, you may be interested in our GRASS FED BEEF HEART to support heart health (or) our GRASS FED THYROID to support a struggling thyroid (or) our GRASS FED THYMUS to support thymus function and immune health... you get the picture.* We have a nose-to-tail product line that can be found on our "Products" page. If you can't find what you're looking for (or) you're not sure what you're looking for, send us an email and we'll do everything we can to help.
Our genome has evolved with the nourishment of nose-to-tail dining since the beginning of time. Grass Fed Intestines (w/ Tripe) is a whole food and dietary supplement that provides 100% pure bovine intestines and 100% pure bovine tripe containing powerful building blocks and biodirectors along with high amounts of collagen / gelatin, glutamine, B12 and selenium. Based on the concept of "like supports like," Grass Fed Intestines (w/ Tripe) may nourish and support our own gut health.*
Not all organs and glands are the same. Look for the highest quality bovine intestines and tripe... It should come from pasture-raised, grass-fed and grass-finished animals that are hormone, pesticide and GMO free. If considering a supplement, look for one that is ultra pure (without binders, fillers (or) flow agents) and look for the freeze dried variety as these have been shown to optimally preserve nutritional factors, growth factors and co-factors.
[ FACT: There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s, do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance programme is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring. ]
We care deeply about each and every aspect of our "seed to supplement" way of life... great love and gratitude goes out to the souls of our animal brethren, such beautiful creatures that were sacrificed so that we could be nourished.
Certainly, not all organisms survive after being harvested, ground and freeze-dried... but some do! And yes, the longer the tripe is frozen, the more of them die off. And since many of these organisms are actually dependent on each other for survival by utilizing each other’s byproducts, the deaths cause a chain reaction and results in the death of more and more organisms. The take home message here is that our DNA evolved with this stuff... our early ancestors consumed intestines and stomach straight out of the carcass and we got our fair share of microbes from using these as cooking vessels too — some do survive!
There are all sorts of different types of microbes in the rumen, such as fungi, bacteria and single-celled eukaryotic organisms called protozoans. There are also some archaea, which are ancient microorganisms that live and survive in extreme cold and extreme heat environments.
If you need a good probiotic, you'd be better off doing what our tribe does... eat your fermented veggies like kimchi, sauerkraut or try some natto. If you need targeted support for gut health that's rich in gut-specific building blocks, collagen / gelatin, glutamine with some organ-derived probiotics, then our Grass Fed Intestines (w/ Tripe) sounds like the perfect match!
The second stomach was washed well and eaten raw, but certain parts were usually boiled or roasted and the rest dried. “Another delicacy is at the very end of the intestines—the last part of the colon. You wash this real good and tie one end shut. Then you stuff the piece with dried berries and a little water and you tie the other end shut. You boil this all day, until it is really tender and you have a Blackfoot Pudding.”
Samuel Hearne, an explorer writing in 1768, describes the preparation of caribou: “Of all the dishes cooked by the Indians, a beeatee, as it is called in their language, is certainly the most delicious that can be prepared from caribou only, without any other ingredient. It is a kind of haggis, made with the blood, a good quantity of fat shred small, some of the tenderest of the flesh, together with the heart and lungs cut, or more commonly torn into small shivers; all of which is put into the stomach and toasted by being suspended before the fire on a string. . . . it is certainly a most delicious morsel, even without pepper, salt or any other seasoning.”—
Sources and References
Fishman, Stanley A. "The Benefits of Organ Meats." Tender Grassfed Meat. N.p., 09 Dec. 2014. Web. 17 June 2017.
John (fire) Lame Deer and Richard Erdoes, Lame Deer Seeker of Visions, Simon and Schuster, 1972, page 122
"Spleen, 500mg, 180 Capsules." Dr. Ron's Ultra-Pure. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2017.
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements | Grass Fed Beef Trachea (180caps)
Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Trachea - 100% Pure Bovine Tracheal Cartilage with liver
Ancestral Supplements’ Grass Fed Beef Trachea is a high-quality whole food supplement designed to support a variety of health and wellness goals. Sourced from pasture-raised cattle in New Zealand and Australia, this 100% pure bovine tracheal cartilage is a natural, nutrient-dense product that is rich in essential compounds such as glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, chondroitin sulfates, and type II collagen.
Key Features:
Pure, Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished: Sourced from cattle that roam freely on lush pastures in New Zealand and Australia, ensuring a natural, hormone-free product.
No Fillers or Flow Agents: Free from unnecessary additives or artificial substances, allowing you to enjoy the purest form of bovine tracheal cartilage.
Freeze-Dried & Non-Defatted: Retains all the naturally occurring nutrients without any processing that could strip away essential components.
Allergen-Free: Suitable for a variety of dietary needs, with no gluten, dairy, or soy.
Supports a Range of Wellness Goals: Grass Fed Beef Trachea contains natural proteins and molecular biodirectors that are unique to bovine tracheal cartilage. These bioactive compounds work synergistically to support the body’s natural functions, promoting overall health and well-being. Whether it’s supporting the health of joints, connective tissue, or skin, this whole food supplement delivers a range of nutrients that help the body maintain its vitality.
What’s Inside:
Immunoregulators: Helps maintain balance within the body’s immune system.
Cartilage Building Blocks: Includes glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, chondroitin sulfates, and type II collagen, essential for joint and connective tissue health.
Powerful Molecular Biodirectors: Natural compounds that encourage the body’s healing processes and promote overall health.
The Ancestral Advantage: Ancestral Supplements prioritises purity and potency in every product. Grass Fed Beef Trachea is 100% freeze-dried to preserve the integrity of its beneficial nutrients, ensuring maximum bioavailability. With no added hormones, pesticides, or GMOs, it’s a safe and natural choice for those looking to supplement their diet with high-quality bovine cartilage.
Elevate your wellness routine with Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Trachea, a natural, whole food supplement designed to support your body from the inside out. Perfect for those seeking a pure and effective way to nourish their joints, skin, and overall health.
Order today and experience the benefits of Grass Fed Beef Trachea!
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Living Bone 180caps 1000mg
— “Bones represent an entirely different realm of nutritional content than basic muscle meat, being complex organs playing multiple roles in the body. You see, bone is living tissue, rather than inert structure. It is rigid, true, but it’s actually an organ, placing it squarely in the nutritional all-star camp of liver, heart, brain, kidney, and sweetbreads.” — Mark Sisson [1]
For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) the things we needed for strength, health, and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where our bone health is ailing. The solution is to address the root cause with dietary, lifestyle, and behavioral choices while nourishing and supporting our bodies with proven anthropological ways that are backed by modern science... this includes the use of Living Bone.
Throughout many cultures, bone has been honored as a sacred food that provides us with all of the nutritional building blocks we need to support our robust sapien structure. Our ancestors knew that consuming bones made us strong, resilient, and able to withstand the harsh conditions of our past.
Bones were highly prized by native people across the globe. Intuitively, our ancestors knew they had to eat bones to have strong bones. On every continent, there's evidence of traditional cultures grinding up little birds, small mammals, and fish to consume their calcium rich bones. For those cultures who did not have access to dairy, bones were their only true source of calcium.
Eskimos fermented their fish resulting in bones that were buttery soft. The natives of Africa made fermented bone paste from the bones of small birds and mammals. In Sweden, herring was roasted over the fire and eaten entirely from head to tail. In Cameroon, native people grill fish bones and eat them like chips.
Our ancestors did not struggle with osteoporosis. Broken bones were uncommon. Joint problems were almost nonexistent. Their dental health was perfect. In the modern world, we have lost this native wisdom. Our ancestors never threw away bones and they weren’t consuming dinners from a boneless skinless chicken that came out of a box. They were consuming the whole animal, nose to tail… bones included!
Can you imagine how strong we would be if we all remembered the wisdom of traditional diets? We are now part of a world where many people are encouraged to consume plant based diets. You’d have to choke down 8 cups of broccoli everyday to get the RDA for calcium, and most of it isn’t even bioavailable! You simply can’t get enough calcium from fruits and vegetables.
Whole food, nutrient dense organs, glands, and bones provide great benefit for those seeking fundamental support in harmony with nature — the old fashioned way, the way that our early ancestors did. Living Bone is a whole food dietary supplement that contains pure pasture raised New Zealand grass fed bovine bone. This nutrient-dense food is rich in calcium, phosphorous, type I collagen, essential trace minerals, and bone stimulating peptides (IGF I & II, TGF β, Osteocalcin) as well as proteins, cofactors and enzymes that nourish and support our whole body especially the strength, flexibility, and remineralization of our bones.*
Our Living Bone is a 100% natural microcrystalline calcium protein complex that supports optimal bone mineral composition and overall bone health. Living Bone is derived from the middle shaft section of the long leg bones (the radius, ulna, humerus, femur, tibia, fibula, & hubris) where the bone is most dense and strong with the maximum mineralization – its pure bone!!
Modern-day commercial bone products, like bone meal, are produced from extraneous meat flesh, joints, and bones from any part of the animal. As such, they are highly processed with high heat, degreasing agents, solvents, and acids, and end up being far removed from anything resembling the ancestral "living" bone that our DNA evolved with... these are the raw materials our DNA still expects today to express healthy bones.
Our Living Bone is processed with a low-temperature enzyme digest to remove the non-bone tissue proteins and marrow fat. The next step is vacuum drying over a 20-22hr period and then finally it is milled into a fine powder. Living Bone is teeming with bone stimulating peptides (IGF I & II, TGF β, Osteocalcin) and has the ideal physiological ratio of calcium and phosphorus (2:1) in a microcrystalline structure that enhances absorption and bioavailability. Unlike isolated commercial calcium supplements, our Living Bone is a source of naturally occurring growth factors and cytokines.
“Bone is living tissue, rather than inert structure. It is rigid, true, but it’s actually an organ, placing it squarely in the nutritional all-star camp of liver, heart, brain, kidney, and sweetbreads. Bone is also slightly elastic, owing to the collagen, which combines with the calcium phosphate to lend “elastic rigidity.” (If it weren’t for the collagen, bones would simply be hard with no give, and thus brittle.) Bone is full of minerals, mostly calcium and phosphorus (seeing as how the “bone” part of bone is calcium phosphate, this is no surprise), along with sodium, magnesium, and other trace minerals.” - Mark Sisson.
Consuming Living Bone supports optimal bone mineral density, bone strength & flexibility, absorption of calcium & phosphorus, as well as muscle maintenance & repair.
Organs and glandulars were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.*[2]
Bone has evolved over several hundred million years to become a remarkable tissue... a material that has the same strength as cast iron, yet as light as wood. The front leg of a horse can withstand the 1500 pound load generated while this robust animal travels at 30 miles per hour, while the seemingly weightless bird's upper arm is able to keep it aloft through entire migrations, sometimes over 10,000 miles without landing. Deer antlers used as weapons in territorial clashes with other deer, undergo tremendous impacts without fracturing, ready to fight another day.
We evolved with the same incredibly strong bones as our animal brethren. Unfortunately, our modern diet along with continuous stressful forces of impact (like running on concrete or carrying too much weight without enough muscle mass) have led to a decrease in our bone's strength and structure. Falling on the ice, car accidents, or a tumble down the stairs can cause our modern bones to fail. While fractures are painful and debilitating, our living bones instantly begin healing. Without question, bone is the ultimate biomaterial. It is light, strong, can adapt to its functional demands, and repair itself... given that it has the proper nutrition to do so.
Based on the concept of "like supports like," consuming Living Bone may strengthen and support our own living bones. This ancestral superfood is especially rich in calcium, phosphorus, essential trace minerals like boron, magnesium, strontium, & sodium, as well as type I collagen and bone stimulating peptides (IGF I & II, TGF β, Osteocalcin). These essential nutrients all work synergistically with each other in harmony with nature, and in harmony with the wisdom of our ancestors.
Calcium and Phosphorous in the ideal physiological ratio of 2:1
Living Bone contains calcium and phosphorus in the ideal physiological ratio of 2:1. This harmonious ratio allows the body to retain its optimal mineral balance. Supplementing with calcium alone can lead to mineral deficiencies and other health problems.
The main function of phosphorus is for the formation of strong bones and teeth. It is also necessary for the body to synthesize protein to support the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues. It even plays an important role in how the body uses carbohydrates and fats and is needed for proper absorption of calcium. Calcium plays a key role in supporting our living bones. It is essential for strengthening bones and teeth, regulating muscle function, blood clotting, the transmission of nervous system messages, and enzyme function.
Weston Price found that traditional cultures largely free from disease and tooth decay were consuming more calcium than the RDA (currently 1 gram). The people of the Outer Hebrides consumed 1.76 grams per day, the traditional people in the Swiss Alps consumed 1.76 grams per day, the natives of Canada’s far North consumed 2.3 grams per day, and Eskimos consumed 2.14 grams per day.
“All traditional cultures made use of animal bones in some way… even if they had dairy products, they still took the bones of small animals and ground them up or they made fermented bone paste...” - Sally Fallon
Our ancestors consumed at least 1-2 grams of calcium per day which you can get from a couple glasses of raw milk or several ounces of cheese. Most modern people have a lot of dairy products in their diet, so many of us don’t necessarily have to eat bones. For those of us who are allergic to dairy products, or avoid them for inflammatory reasons, we need bones in our diet.
The majority of nutrition experts insist that humans can get all the calcium they need from several servings of spinach, broccoli, or kale. This is only conditionally true and can be highly toxic.
Keep your bones strong, get plenty of calcium and phosphorus in your diet. Look to whole food animal sources of calcium rich foods like Grass Fed Living Bone, grass fed raw dairy and whole fish (including the bones!) like sardines.
Bone Stimulating Peptides (IGF I & II, TGF β, Osteocalcin)
Bone stimulating peptides are bioactive growth factors found in the protein fraction of "Living Bone" that play an important role in bone remodeling.
Peptides are tissue-specific information molecules, which influence gene expression, start the process of protein synthesis in cells, and regulate proper cellular functioning. Our organs, including our living bones, consistently produce an optimal amount of peptides, but as we age and are impacted by a number of different stressors (environmental toxins, poor nutrition, stress, etc.) our organs will naturally decrease protein synthesis and no longer be able to form new peptides. Deficiency of these nutrients results in cellular dysfunction, degenerative diseases, accelerated aging, and bone loss.
One of the most effective ways to counter this deficiency is the consumption of bone specific peptides. Consuming Living Bone supplies our bodies with peptides our body can recognize and use.
Mineral Reservoir for Essential Trace Minerals like Boron, Magnesium, Strontium & Sodium, as well as Type I Collagen
About ten percent of adult bone is made up of Type I Collagen, which is the most abundant protein in the body. Collagen is very strong but this component is what gives our bones flexibility. Consuming Type I Collagen helps us form strong bones and healthy skin.
In addition to its mechanical functions, bone is a reservoir for minerals like boron, magnesium, strontium and sodium. Bone stores 99% of the body's calcium and 85% of the phosphorus. In times of need or nutrient depletion (for example during pregnancy), calcium and other trace minerals can be removed from the bones. For this reason, it is very important to consume adequate amounts of calcium and trace minerals to ensure we are not removing the nutrients from our own bones making them weak and brittle.
Published scientific research on whole bone microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (MCHA), demonstrates its effectiveness at slowing loss of bone mineral density in post menopausal women, improving symptoms of bone pain in those with osteoporosis and slowing the progression of osteoporosis. [3]
Pasture Raised In New Zealand
Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents
100% Low-Temperature Vacuum Dried
Third Party Tested For Purity
Allergen Free
New Zealand seems like it was made for raising healthy animals. Its location and climate produce pristine conditions for cattle, sheep, and fish. The farmers and fishers have uncanny expertise handed down for generations. New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate so the grass in the pastures grows fresh and grows green year-round which means the cows and sheep can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year.
Our nose-to-tail product line is always from grassfed, inspected animals born and raised without the use of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Health of livestock used for manufacturing in New Zealand is closely monitored by a world leading biosecurity system that is second to none, and is a global exemplar. Strict government licensing, auditing and certification procedures mean that our genuine New Zealand freeze dried products can be used with complete confidence in their origin, safety and efficacy. Low-temp vacuum drying preserves the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors of components leaving the nutrients in the same balance as found in nature.
We care deeply about each and every aspect of our "seed to supplement" way of life... great love and gratitude goes out to the souls of our animal brethren, such beautiful creatures that were sacrificed so that we could be nourished.
* Our product line is 100% additive-free. Absolutely no stearates, lubricants, binders, fillers or flow agents... except with our Bone and Marrow (see Other Ingredients) *
Serving Size: 3 Capsules / 3000MG
Servings Per Container: 60
New Zealand Grass Fed Mid-Shaft Long Leg Bones (Bovine) 3000MG
Type I Collagen
Calcium (microcrystalline hydroxyapatite). 750MG
Phosphorous (microcrystalline hydroxyapatite) 300MG
Bone Stimulating Peptides
Trace Minerals
SUGGESTED USE: Three capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.
FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Calcium and Phosphorous in the ideal physiological ratio of 2:1
Essential Trace Minerals as well as Type I Collagen
Molecular Biodirectors — DNA Blueprints To Build and Repair Healthy Tissue
Bone Stimulating Proteins (IGF I & II, TGF β, Osteocalcin)
NOTE: One capsule of Living Bone contains 250mg of calcium. One bottle of Living Bone can support your calcium needs for 60 days!
Optimal Bone Mineral Density*
Bone Strength and Flexibility*
Absorption of Calcium and Phosphorous*
Muscle maintenance and repair*
NOTE: For intensive support, consider the combination of Living Bone, Pure Marrow, and Beef Liver to support fundamental health, bone strength, flexibility, and absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins.*
Our Living Bone is a whole food dietary supplement that provides 100% pure (microcrystalline hydroxyapatite) bovine bone. The suggested use of this supplement is to take 3 capsules per day (even though it technically is food) or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Note: Our functional healthcare practitioners don't recommend taking more than 3 capsules per day unless you are working closely with a practitioner that recommended you to do so.
Most customers tolerate our supplements without incident; however, approximately 5 to 10% of customers (usually with an autoimmune condition) may experience a detoxification reaction. Detoxification reactions go by many different names including healing reactions, healing crises, cleansing reactions (or) Herxheimer reactions with hallmark symptoms of nausea, headache, lethargy, dizziness and other flu-like symptoms. In this instance, detoxification reactions are generally an indication that detoxification pathways in the body are back online... cells suddenly have an opportunity to release an even greater than normal quantity of stored toxins, metabolic wastes, pathogens and unwanted material.
A detoxification reaction is more likely to occur when starting with the full suggested serving size of 3 capsules per day. If you know that you are sensitive to supplements and/or you have an autoimmune condition, you may wish to start slow when adding this product to your current regimen. Tolerability can be greatly improved by starting with just 1 capsule per day and increasing by just 1 capsule every couple of days — this method may take a week to achieve the desired serving size of 3 capsules per day.
For customers that are highly sensitive to supplements and/or have an autoimmune and/or methylation SNPs, I suggest that you "play it safe" by introducing just one new capsule per week. In other words, just 1 capsule during the 1st week... 2 capsules during the 2nd week... 3 capsules during the 3rd week and so on... yes, this will take some time to reach the suggested dosages but this greatly helps to ensure tolerability of this deep nourishment so that it has a chance to do good.
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Ancestral Minerals 180caps 756mg
Ancient Sea Salt Providing the Essential Electrolytes: Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium
Bee Pollen with Over 250 Different Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Flavonoids, and Adaptogens
Atlantic Kelp Rich in Marine Minerals Including Iodine and Zinc
Remineralization of all Tissues and Fluids*
Optimal Hydration and Exercise Performance*
Nerve Function and Brain Health*
Stomach Acid and Digestion*
"Untouched" Ancient Sea Salt
Wild Harvested Kelp from Unpolluted Waters
100% Raw Wildflower Bee Pollen
Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents
Third Party Tested For Purity
Ancestral Minerals is a whole food and dietary supplement that provides 100% pure Ancient Sea Salt, Wildflower Bee Pollen, Atlantic Kelp, and supplemental Magnesium and Potassium. Ancestral Minerals supports optimal hydration, athletic performance, digestion and remineralization.
To know more about the wise ways of our early ancestors, go to Ancestral Supplements (or) visit our page dedicated to all things Ancestral Minerals related.
* The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease.
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Grass Fed Beef Lung (w/ Liver) 180caps 500mg
— Traditional peoples, Native Americans and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual.* 1 —
For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) the things we needed for strength, health and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our lifestyle and nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and other upper respiratory conditions run amok. This product has been brought to market to help with conditions related to lungs as well as arteriovascular support (vascular malfunctions, varicose and spider veins, etc). I believe that the ultimate solution is a return to ancestral living (see About Us page).
Almost every anthropologist knows that animals in the wild instinctively go for the liver, lungs and the bone marrow first... these are the fundamental foods that provide the deepest nourishment in nature. It turns out, our early hominid ancestors also preferentially favored these parts. There are few historical facts about the origin of lung dishes. Some argue that the delicacy stems from ancient times after a hunt, when easily perishable parts of an animal were eaten instantly. Others claim that its origins go as far back to the Ancient Romans or even before at around the eighth century BC, as a lung recipe was alluded to in Book 20 of Homer’s Odyssey. 2
Samuel Hearne, a fur-trader and explorer writing in 1768, describes the preparation of caribou: “Of all the dishes cooked by the Indians, a beeatee, as it is called in their language, is certainly the most delicious that can be prepared from caribou only, without any other ingredient. It is a kind of haggis, made with the blood, a good quantity of fat shred, some of the tenderest of the flesh, together with the heart and lungs cut, or more commonly torn, into small slivers; all of which is put into the stomach and toasted by being suspended before the fire on a string. . . . it is certainly a most delicious morsel, even without pepper, salt or any other seasoning.” 3
Regardless of how it all began, it's clear that we evolved eating this stuff. Even Beverly Hungry Wolf describes the preparation and consumption of a cow in The Ways of My Grandmothers, noting that her grandmother prepared the cow “as she had learned to prepare wild buffalo when she was young.” If not immediately devoured, the lungs were sliced and hung up to dry. They would later be used in soups and stews.
While the heart represents an excellent source of large vessel tissue, the lung features a unique, remarkable density of widely differentiated blood vessels. The lung contains arteries, capillaries and veins in the approximate proportions that they exist throughout the body. Moreover, these tissues encompass the widely varied anatomy and physiology of the systemic circulatory system, including thickness, elasticity, muscularity and functions. Lung appears to be natures all-natural lung, respiratory and arteriovascular supplement. 4
Lung is also a source of lung-specific building blocks, peptides and enzymes. Lung tissue has historically been used by those with respiratory disorders (such as bronchitis, asthma, chronic coughs, chest colds), convalescent stages (of pneumonia, colds, flu), and pulmonary involvements (including accidents, industrial fumes and dust inhalation).* 5,6
Whole food, nutrient dense organs and glands can provide great benefit for those seeking targeted support in harmony with nature — the old fashioned way, the way that our early ancestors did.* Grass Fed Beef Lung (w/ Liver) is a whole food and dietary supplement that provides pure bovine lung and liver with arteriovascular and lung-specific building blocks, peptides and enzymes to nourish and support one's own circulatory and respiratory health.*
Pasture Raised In New Zealand
Grass-fed & Grass-Finished
Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents
100% Freeze Dried & Non-Defatted
Third Party Tested For Purity
Allergen Free
New Zealand
— Our product is 100% sourced in New Zealand. In agricultural circles and fisheries, it's known that the clean air and water, green pastures, and animal husbandry is at a higher level —
Ultra Pure
— Our product is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc) —
Freeze Dried
— Our product is 100% freeze dried in contrast to the heat processed varieties. This means that you get more of the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors that make organ meats so incredibly nourishing —
— There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s, do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance programme is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring —
New Zealand seems like it was made for raising healthy animals. Its location and climate produce pristine conditions for cattle and sheep, and the farmers have uncanny expertise handed down for generations. New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate so the grass in the pastures grows fresh and grows green year-round which means the cows and sheep can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year.
Our nose-to-tail product line is always from grassfed, inspected animals born and raised without the use of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Health of livestock used for manufacturing in New Zealand is closely monitored by a world leading biosecurity system that is second to none, and is a global exemplar. Strict government licensing, auditing and certification procedures mean that our genuine New Zealand freeze dried products can be used with complete confidence in their origin, safety and efficacy. Freeze-drying preserves the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors of components leaving the nutrients in the same balance as found in nature.
* Our product line is 100% additive-free. Absolutely no stearates, lubricants, binders, fillers or flow agents... except with our Bone Marrow (see Other Ingredients) *
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 180
Freeze-Dried New Zealand Grassfed Lung
Grass Fed Lung (Bovine) 250MG
Grass Fed Liver (Bovine) 250MG
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Collagen (Beef Gelatin) Capsules
SUGGESTED USE: One capsule with each meal or as directed by a healthcare professional.
* FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Traditional peoples, Native Americans and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual. For instance, the traditional way of treating a person with a weak heart was to feed the person the heart of a healthy animal. Similarly, eating the kidneys of a healthy animal was believed to nourish urinary ailments, boost vitality and support overall kidney health... Pancreas was fed to people with digestive and endocrine problems... spleen was fed to people with immune and blood deficiencies...1 lung tissue has historically been used by those with respiratory conditions (such as bronchitis, asthma, chronic coughs, chest colds and pneumonia).* 5,6 Modern day functional practitioners use lung glandular to support lung conditions as well as to support arteriovascular conditions related to arteriovascular support (vascular malfunctions, varicose and spider veins, etc)
Dr. Royal Lee, and other early nutritional pioneers, believed the degenerative processes of a specific organ / gland could be reversed by ingesting the corresponding raw materials specific to that organ / gland.7
Whether from grassfed beef, bison, or lamb, grass fed liver is one of the most nutrient-dense, health promoting foods you could possibly eat. Hunters all over the world, for uncounted thousands of years, would eat the raw livers of the animals they killed. Lions and other predatory animals will also eat the liver first. Grass fed liver is particularly rich in vitamin B12, vitamin A, choline, folate and and many other powerful nutrients that most people are deficient in. Grass fed liver also contains compounds that help the human liver function better. Other substances in liver reduce fatigue, improve digestive health and support brain function.*1
Many people look to targeted support "like heals like" while neglecting the very fundamental nourishment that governs our biology, health and well-being. It's no wonder that so many people successfully support organ and glandular related health conditions (thyroid, adrenal and gut included) by just nourishing their bodies with the fundamentals — Liver and Bone Marrow.*
Organs and glandulars were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.*8 Our early ancestors knew this, which is why their traditional diets included the frequent and nourishing consumption of nose-to-tail nutrients.
— Based on the ancient ancestral wisdom that "like supports like." Consuming lung may nourish and support our own lung and respiratory health.* —
— Based on the ancient ancestral wisdom that "like supports like." Lung tissue is rich in arteries, capillaries and veins which may nourish and support our own vascular and circulatory health.* —
— Provides all the building blocks... lung and vascular specific proteins, peptides, enzymes & cofactors along with molecular biodirectors (DNA instructions) to code and/or express the building of healthy tissue.* —
Arteriovascular and Lung-Specific Building Blocks, Peptides and Enzymes *
Remarkable Density of Widely Differentiated Blood Vessels (i.e. arteries, capillaries and veins in the approximate proportions that they exist throughout the body) *
Molecular Biodirectors — DNA Blueprints To Build and Repair Healthy Tissue
NOTE: For intensive support, consider reviewing the life’s work of Dr. John F. Prudden... he showed that the use of bovine tracheal cartilage (BTC) had unique and powerful effects on healing, immune conditions and other life threatening conditions considered to be treatment resistant to conventional therapies.*
Optimal Lung Health Based On "Like Supports Like" *
Optimal Arteriovascular Health Based On "Like Supports Like" *
Upper Respiratory Conditions
Arteriovascular Conditions (i.e. arteries, capillaries, veins)
NOTE: While the heart represents an excellent source of large vessel tissue, the lung features a unique, remarkable density of widely differentiated blood vessels. The lung contains arteries, capillaries and veins in the approximate proportions that they exist throughout the body. Moreover, these tissues encompass the widely varied anatomy and physiology of the systemic circulatory system, including thickness, elasticity, muscularity and functions. Lung appears to be natures all-natural lung, respiratory and arteriovascular supplement. 4
Our Grass Fed Lung (w/ Liver) is a whole food dietary supplement that provides 100% pure bovine lung with 100% pure bovine liver. This supplement should be taken with food. The suggested use is 1 capsule with each meal or as directed by a healthcare professional — for added support, the dose can be doubled. If consuming more than six capsules at once, the doses should be separated by at least three hours.
Most customers tolerate our supplements without incident; however, approximately 5 to 10% of customers (usually with an autoimmune condition) may experience a detoxification reaction. Detoxification reactions go by many different names including healing reactions, healing crises, cleansing reactions (or) Herxheimer reactions with hallmark symptoms of nausea, headache, lethargy, dizziness and other flu like symptoms. In this instance, detoxification reactions are generally an indication that detoxification pathways in the body are back online... cells suddenly have an opportunity to release an even greater than normal quantity of stored toxins, metabolic wastes, pathogens and unwanted material.
A detoxification reaction is more likely to occur when starting with more than the full suggested serving size of 1 capsule with each meal. If you know that you are sensitive to supplements and/or you have an autoimmune condition, you may wish to start slow when adding this product to your current regimen. Tolerability can be greatly improved by starting with just 1 capsule a day and increasing by just 1 capsule every couple of days — this method may take a full two weeks to achieve the desired serving size of 1 capsule with each meal (or) 3 capsules per day.
For customers that are highly sensitive to supplements and/or have an autoimmune and/or methylation SNPs, I suggest that you "play it safe" by introducing just one new capsule per week. In other words, just 1 capsule a day during the 1st week... 2 capsules a day during the 2nd week, and 3 capsules a day (1 with each meal) during the 3rd week. This will take some time to reach the suggested dosages but this greatly helps to ensure tolerability of this deep nourishment so that it has a chance to do good.
As we age, our respiratory function diminishes with each passing year... we lose elasticity and we have a less robust cough reflex to expel particulate debris (e.g. infectious agents, pollutants, irritants, etc), which in part, contributes to respiratory tract infections.
Our functional healthcare practitioner accounts commonly report a stronger, more frequent and more robust cough reflex in the initial weeks of commencing our Lung glandular. In this instance, coughing and/or detox reactions are generally an indication that the ciliary escalator is being nourished and now has new-found opportunity to release an even greater than normal quantity of particulate debris, including pollutants, stored toxins, metabolic waste, pathogens and other unwanted material.
A notable improvement in cough reflex (more frequent and stronger coughing) can sometimes be observed as early as the first dose. While this is generally considered a side benefit for most, it may pose as a nuisance for others. This can usually be remediated by decreasing the dosage to just 1/2 capsule per day (w/ a meal).
Lung function tends to peak around the age of 30, after which it starts to decline. The rate of decline varies depending on factors such as smoking, movement/ exercise, exposure to indoor and outdoor pollutants and diet. Anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid, have been shown to improve symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and help slow the gradual decline in lung health associated with aging. Recent research shows those in the highest quartile of anthocyanin intake, compared to those in the lowest quartile, had a significantly reduced annual decline in lung function measurements over time. Anthocyanins are found in red-blue plant pigments that give berries and other foods their red, blue and purple color. See list below...
Eat Like Our Early Ancestors Did - Think root cause. Many people resolve upper respiratory, lung, circulatory and arteriovascular issues simply by eating a ketogenic / paleo / primalish diet that's also rich in anthocyanins... see example below.
Remove Inflammatory Foods - Gluten's out... processed foods, and sugars are out... this can substantially improve everything.
Sleep Like Our Early Ancestors Did - On the hierarchy of health, sleep trumps almost everything else... see our "About Us" page for more on this.
Move Like Our Early Ancestors Did - Start walking more... 20 - 30 minutes in the AM, 20 - 30 minutes after lunch, 20 - 30 minutes after dinner.
For serious chronic and recurrent upper respiratory, lung, circulatory and arteriovascular issues, a high fat, moderate protein, lowish-carb ketogenic / paleo / primal diet can be remarkably therapeutic (see below). Ketosis is a high healthy fat (75%), moderate protein (20%), low carbohydrate (5%) way of eating. Have a look at what my tribe and I eat... our first meal is downright delicious and our second meal is way better than any restaurant food. For those that need comprehensive lung support, consider adding a handful of anthocyanins (strawberries, cherries, red cabbage, cranberries, plums, raspberries, blueberries, black currants, purple grapes, purple potatoes) with each meal. Don't worry, you'll still be paleo / primal and pretty darn close to keto.
Wallaby Organic / Grass fed yogurt (2 cups or 150g)
NOW Brand MCT oil (1-2 tablespoons; up to 30g- dose to tolerability). NOTE: MCT always produces elevated ketones.
Organic raw virgin coconut oil or organic ghee (2 to 3 tablespoons or 30 to 45g)
Organic almond butter (2 tablespoons or 30g)
Organic unrefined red palm oil (1 tablespoon or 15g)
Grassfed Ancestral Collagen / Gelatin (10-20g)
Himalayan sea salt -- 1/4 tsp (2 to 3g)
Organic cinnamon -- 2g
Organic instant coffee -- 2g (only when seeking variety)
Organic / Grassfed vanilla protein powder (1 scoop) — I like Bluebonnet Grassfed Protein
Organic banana (optional when not doing strict keto or if sleep if affected by too low carb consumption)
Organic / Pasture raised raw eggs (4 to 6 large eggs)
Organic raw pastured-raised milk (1 cup or 150g)... raw is best but Whole Kalona Brand Milk is a good second option if you don't do raw milk. If you don't tolerate milk, find an alternative.
Handful of anthocyanins: strawberries, cherries, red cabbage, cranberries, plums, raspberries, blueberries, black currants, purple grapes, purple potatoes
This shake takes me a whopping 15 minutes to make... It's super convenient... and, it's down right delicious. If I don't make a shake, I will have a bunch of pasture-raised eggs (8 or so) that are smothered in a massive amount of butter topped with crunchy sea salt, a side of avocado, nitrate-free, sugar-free bacon and a dollop of homemade sour cream. Are you kidding me... don't even try to tell me that your current breakfast is better in taste nor in health.
Homemade Bone Soup (simmered for two to three days with tons of marrow)
Serving or Kimchi
Organic Avocado (optional: top with fish eggs, lemon juice and sea salt)
Grass fed butter or Ghee (2 tablespoons)
Salad of dark leafy greens (when in season) w/ 2 tablespoons of organic, fresh pressed olive oil and sea salt (I get mine from Apollo Olive Oil)
Grass fed organs (6 - 9 oz of various animals, various organs)
Organic almond butter (2 tablespoons) mixed with organic raw coconut oil (2 tablespoons)
Organic banana with raw local honey (optional: when not doing strict keto or if sleep or gut if affected by too low carb consumption)
100% Cacao block for dessert
Handful of anthocyanins: strawberries, cherries, red cabbage, cranberries, plums, raspberries, blueberries, black currants, purple grapes, purple potatoes
We generally carb reload on the weekends with plenty of sweet potatoes, raw local honey, the occasional sorghum and various in-season fruits. We also do a twenty-four to thirty hour fast on Sundays... it's not as bad as it sounds. We eat an early dinner as we normally would on early Saturday evening... skip our first meal on Sunday, and eat an amazing fish-based dinner (usually wild caught sardines with wild caught fish eggs) with the entire tribe on Sunday. Once a quarter, we do a 5-day water only fast (adults only).
Grass Fed Organs
Grass Fed Bone Marrow
Magnesium... transdermal magnesium oil applied to feet before bed and oral magnesium
Vitamin D3 - only when not able to get adequate sun exposure (nor) fish eggs
Vitamin K2 - only when not regularly eating my fermented veggies, sauerkraut, kimchi or natto
UVEX Glasses - sleep is everything!
Grass Fed Lung (w/ Liver)
Grass Fed Thymus - immune booster
Honorable Mentions For Targeted Support - Spleen for allergies, Kidney for food born histamine intolerance, Bovine Tracheal Cartilage for recurrent and chronic conditions that seem otherwise treatment resistant.
Keep in mind that my tribe and I eat a very nutrient dense diet. We consume the whole animal just as our ancestors did... That's right, we eat the liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, heart, thymus, bones, tendons, ligaments and more... and we eat this way every day (except on vacation we take extra Liver, Beef Organs and Bone Marrow supplements). We love our bone broth (this is my wife's specialty), and we eat tons of pastured eggs. Wife is awesome enough to sprout chickpeas for us. Then, she turns half of the batch into the best homemade hummus in the world. Super high in folate (NOT SYNTHETIC FOLIC ACID, big diff)!!
You never know, ancestral eating patterns (i.e. cycling back and forth between paleo, ketosis and fasting) could easily be the missing link to the energy, mood, memory and mental performance benefits that we are all after. This is how our early ancestors ate. Start eating like this to build your biological resilience.
If you'd like to know exactly how my tribe and I live to support optimal health, go to our "About Us" page and read the entire page.
Okay, you're convinced! You're going to start incorporating nose-to-tail nourishment in your routine because, well... you're educated now... you understand, just as our early ancestors did, that they provide superlative health benefits that are missing in our modern diets. The next step is sourcing it. It's important that you source the highest quality because not all organs, glands and cartilage are created equal. Consider the source.
Should Come From An Unpolluted Geographical Region — Isolated, Healthy, Pristine Lands
Should Come From Pasture Raised Animals
Should Come From Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished Animals
Should Come From Animals That Are Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
Should Also Be Ultra Pure... Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents, No Allergens
Should Be Non-Defatted
Should Be 100% Freeze Dried... Freeze Drying Preserves Heat Sensitive Biological Activity
If you're going to pick just one ancestral supplement to start with, make it our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER... unless you need targeted support with another specific organ system (see below). If you are going to pick two supplements, our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER and our GRASS FED BEEF ORGANS provide complementary and synergistic nourishment. If you can add a third supplement, GRASS FED BONE MARROW fills fat soluble nutrition gaps, provides stem cells, bovine cartilage, glycosaminoglycans and the fat soluble activators that nutrition giant Dr. Weston Price extensively wrote about.
Grass Fed Beef Liver
Grass Fed Beef Organs (liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, spleen)
Grass Fed Bone Marrow
On the other hand, if you're looking for targeted organ support, you may be interested in our GRASS FED BEEF HEART to support heart health (or) our GRASS FED THYROID to support a struggling thyroid (or) our GRASS FED THYMUS to support thymus function and immune health... you get the picture.* We have a nose-to-tail product line that can be found on our "Products" page. If you can't find what you're looking for (or) you're not sure what you're looking for, send us an email and we'll do everything we can to help.
Our genome has evolved with the nourishment of nose-to-tail dining since the beginning of time. Grass Fed Lung (w/ Liver) is a whole food and dietary supplement that provides 100% pure bovine lung and 100% pure bovine liver. Lung tissue features a unique, remarkable density of widely differentiated blood vessels. The lung contains arteries, capillaries and veins in the approximate proportions that they exist throughout the body. Moreover, these tissues encompass the widely varied anatomy and physiology of the systemic circulatory system, including thickness, elasticity, muscularity and functions. Lung appears to be natures all-natural lung, respiratory and arteriovascular supplement.
Lung is also a source of lung-specific building blocks, peptides and enzymes. Lung tissue has historically been used by those with respiratory disorders (such as bronchitis, asthma, chronic coughs, chest colds), convalescent stages (of pneumonia, colds, flu), and pulmonary involvements (including accidents, industrial fumes and dust inhalation).* 5,6 Grass Fed Lung (w/ Liver) may nourish and support our own lung and arteriovascular and circulatory health.*
Not all organs and glands are the same. Look for the highest quality bovine lung and liver... It should come from pasture-raised, grass-fed and grass-finished animals that are hormone, pesticide and GMO free. If considering a supplement, look for one that is ultra pure (without binders, fillers (or) flow agents) and look for the freeze dried variety as these have been shown to optimally preserve nutritional factors, growth factors and co-factors.
[ FACT: There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s, do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance programme is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring. ]
We care deeply about each and every aspect of our "seed to supplement" way of life... great love and gratitude goes out to the souls of our animal brethren, such beautiful creatures that were sacrificed so that we could be nourished.
Sources and References
Fishman, Stanley A. "The Benefits of Organ Meats." Tender Grassfed Meat. N.p., 09 Dec. 2014. Web. 17 June 2017. united-kingdom/scotland /articles/history-scottish-haggis/ 38404/38404-h/38404-h.htm
Robert Thompson, MD With Wellness Consultant FoodResearch/drSimplyGlandulars.htm
Lee R. Pneumotrophin. In Product Bulletins, circa 1950 historical/ protomorphology-the-principles-of-cell-auto-regulation/
"Spleen, 500mg, 180 Capsules." Dr. Ron's Ultra-Pure. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2017.
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Animal-Based Greens 180caps 612mg
Animal-Based Greens is a unique fusion of "hunter-gatherer" nutrition, delivering nature's finest for optimal health and vitality.- The first-and-only blend of nutrient dense grass fed organs, organic superfood greens & reds, and powerful probiotics- Thoughtfully curated ingredients to bolster energy, fortify immunity, and optimize digestionAnimal-Based Greens Support…
Optimal Digestion
Powerful Immune Health
Improved Recovery
Less Bloating
Boosted Energy
Deeper Sleep
Overall Wellness, Vitality, & Longevity
Animal-Based Greens Contain…
100% Grass Fed Organs Blend: liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, spleen, thymus, lung, intestines, stomach
Organic Superfood Greens: chlorella, spirulina, barley grass, alfalfa, spinach, broccoli, oat grass
Organic Superfood Reds: goji berry, tart cherry, kiwi, acai, blueberry, pomegranate juice, cranberry juice, raspberry, strawberry juice
Probiotic Blend (4.2 billion CFU): inulin (prebiotic), Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum
Animal-Based Greens Supplements Are…
Organs From 100% Grass Fed Animals in New Zealand
Organic Superfood Greens & Reds
Hormone, Pesticide, & GMO Free
Absolutely No Fillers or Flow Agents
Third Party Tested For Purity
Allergen Free
NourishmentIn our relentless pursuit of robust health, we look to the wisdom of our "hunter-gatherer" ancestors. They intuitively knew that consuming the whole animal along with select plant and fruit medicinals provided strength, vitality, and the perpetuation of the tribe. We believe that there is a time and a place for the best of what the animal and plant kingdoms have to offer. Which is why we've painstakingly selected these nourishing foods and provided them all in the convenience of a capsule.New ZealandOur organs blend is 100% sourced in New Zealand. In agricultural circles, it's known that the clean air, green pastures, and animal husbandry in NZ create the world's most pristine conditions for raising cattle.Ultra PureOur product is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc.)Freeze DriedOur grass fed organs are 100% freeze-dried in contrast to the heat-processed varieties. This means that you get more of the heat-sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors that make organ meats so incredibly nourishing.
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Grass Fed Placenta 180caps 500mg
For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) the things we needed for strength, health, and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth — always grounded... always connected. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our nutritional needs to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where our fertility, hormone, immune, skin, and post partum health is ailing. The solution is to address the root cause with dietary, lifestyle, and behavioral choices while nourishing and supporting our bodies and brains with proven anthropological ways that are backed by modern science... this includes the consumption of Grass Fed Beef Placenta.
Our ancestors intuitively knew where to find good medicine. They were in constant connection with the animal and plant kingdoms. They were able to deeply understand the transformative cycles of birth, growth, and death through observation and their own inner knowing. They could sense something profoundly rejuvenating within the placenta that would lead even herbivorous animals to consume their own afterbirth. It’s no wonder that our early ancestors were also consuming this nourishing super-organ when they had access to it. Dietary, medicinal, and spiritual uses of both animal and human placenta in prehistoric civilizations was already well established as early as the ancient Egyptians. (1) Hmmm.. considering that these guys invented the pyramids, writing (yeah that's right, they were the first people to develop their language into a codified form of writing), and the calendar, maybe they were onto something.
Starting in the 16th century, primitive Comanche mastered abandoned Spanish horses to hunt buffalo. Either by lances, arrows, or driven over a cliff, elite Comanche hunters efficiently took down stampeding buffalo from horseback and ate the best organs themselves.
Comanche women did all the skilled labor required to break down, cook, dry, and process every other part of these 800-2000 lb sacred animals. Then they loaded an incredible variety of life-giving products, literally from nose-to-tail, onto 400-lb sleds and hauled them back to camp. As they worked, they chewed on fresh organ meats, including the placenta of fetal buffalo calves.
When Comanche and other Great Plains tribes brought home a pregnant heifer buffalo, a special stew was prepared from the fetal calf along with the placenta. It was probably similar to modern Menudo and used the buffalo stomach as a stockpot. We know from our ancestors’ belief that “like supports like,” this nutritious stew would have been potent medicine given to expectant and nursing mothers. As late as the 19th century, when the Bureau of Indian Affairs cataloged all of the ways a Plains Indian woman would use cattle, the fetal calf and placenta stew was cataloged. (2)
“Our Ancestors not only knew the nutritional value of the placenta but they recognized its spiritual value as well…
The placenta brings new life into the world and is the active interface of the most biologically intimate connection between two living organisms. Our ancestors believed the placenta represented part of the new child’s soul. Many native people worldwide ritually bury their infant’s placenta to fertilize a new sapling, which acts as a guardian spirit for the child as they grow together. In one of America’s earliest gender-reveal ceremonies, women of the Cheyenne tribe would sew the placenta with medicine herbs into a pouch, shaped like a long-lived turtle for baby girls and a regenerating lizard for boys. The Sioux had a similar practice...they kept this amulet with them their whole lives and it was their most powerful protective charm, often sewn into clothing by their mother. The Arikara tribe hang these navel amulets from the sacred buffaloberry bushes dotting the Dakota’s Great Plains to bless their babies.
Natives believed that their placenta was a helpful ancestor or spirit-twin, and they gave the placenta another purpose instead of simply discarding it as a medical waste product. There is now some thought being given to bringing back the widespread ancient custom of ritual placenta disposal and consumption, which has been totally dismissed and disrespected in our modern hospitals.
“The Cheyenne said that a child who did not have a navel amulet would always be looking for his or her soul.”
Made up of the fetal membranes, amniotic sack, and umbilicus, the placenta supports the growth of a fertilized egg into a fully-formed infant. A fertilized egg emerges from the fallopian tube as a group of rapidly dividing cells called the embryo. When the embryo reaches the uterine wall several of these cells embed themselves into mother’s tissue. These cells will grow into the placenta, while the cells that remain inside the uterus will become the fetus. (3)
Technically, the placenta does not belong to the mother. Her body may create it, but it is part of the developing child... it is made up of 50 percent genetic material from the father. Created from just sperm and egg, the placenta develops without any nerve cells… that means that the placenta functions on its own without being controlled by the mother’s brain... Incredible!
In order to support the growing baby the placenta is able to perform the tasks of multiple organs. It can essentially function as the baby's lungs to supply oxygen, kidneys to filter out waste, and as the gastrointestinal and immune systems by delivering nutrients and antibodies. It also functions as the baby's endocrine system, secreting hormones including estrogen, progesterone, and growth factors (IGF-1). These hormones and endorphins also help to keep the mother’s stress level in balance. With such an elegant design in form, function and fitness, it's clear as day that we need to bring this wise tradition (i.e. consuming placenta) back home.
The placenta supports both mother and child during pregnancy and postpartum as well. During birth, a mother will lose about 10% of her body’s blood supply (blood loss during cesarean section births can be significantly more). Consuming placenta benefits a new mother by supplying her with heme iron, amino acids, essential fats, stem cells and growth factors. Our functional healthcare practitioners have reported that mothers who consume placenta after birth bleed significantly less, have an elevated mood, and more energy.
Nutritional support for after birth
Postpartum support: mood, milk production, energy
Nursing mothers
Dry skin / skin elasticity
Contrary to the immediate cord cutting that takes place in modern medical facilities, leaving the placenta attached to the newborn for some time after birth allows more nutrients, vitamins, minerals, & antimicrobial peptides to travel through the umbilical cord to nurture the infant. Many women also believe that leaving the placenta attached for a few hours up to a few days after birth, allows the infant more time to transition into this world while still attached to its womb mother.
Organs and glandulars were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.*(4)
Placenta is rich in heme iron, vitamins D3, B6, B12, E, selenium, stem cells, growth factors, cytokines, and hormone cofactors. The daily requirements for these essential vitamins and minerals increase during pregnancy, and each plays an important role in speeding postpartum healing, stimulating lactation, and supporting overall health.
Grassfed Placenta is a rich source of bioavailable heme iron. For women, there is a clear link between low iron status and poor pregnancy outcomes... such as low birth weight, preterm birth, and miscarriages. Iron requirements during pregnancy are considerably higher than usual; yet, over 20% of women in developed countries enter pregnancy with extremely low iron stores, with figures in developing countries likely even higher.
Depending on whether we are female or male, we have about 2-4 grams of iron in our bodies. Iron comes in two forms: heme and non-heme. More than 95% of functional iron in the human body is in the form of heme. Heme iron is only found in animal food sources (muscle meat, organs, blood, etc.). Non-heme iron is found in plant foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and leafy greens. Heme iron is more bioavailable (absorbed more efficiently) than non-heme iron, thus the body is more likely to absorb iron from animal products than iron derived from plant foods.
If you are interested in learning more about heme iron supplementation, be sure to check out our Blood Vitality page and read the section titled Iron Management.
Other than the skin, liver, and kidneys, the only other organ which metabolizes vitamin D is the placenta, where it is synthesized into the active metabolites involved in bone growth and fetal development.
For pregnant women and those planning to become pregnant, vitamin D is of particular importance as it helps to mitigate glucose regulation, develop healthy bones and even helps to tone the uterus – helping the uterus to contract properly during labor. For women suffering from polycystic ovarian disease, vitamin D is helpful as it offers beneficial effects on insulin resistance.
For the good of your placenta and growing baby too, get your daily dose of midday sunshine and enjoy vitamin D-rich foods like Wild Caught Fish Eggs, pastured animal fats (including our Pure Marrow, and Tallow) and raw grass-fed dairy. One tablespoon of fish eggs supplies even more Vitamin D3 than a midday dose of daily sunshine! This is the vitamin D3 boost that the Inuit and traditional mountain-dwelling tribes of South America used to feed children, pregnant women, and their elders when sunlight was not a readily available option.
Several B-vitamins help the body metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. They also help the nervous system function properly and are necessary for a healthy liver, skin, hair, and eyes. Grass Fed Placenta is a whole food supplement that is rich in B vitamins, which support fundamental health, positive mental outlook, iron status, immune function, and cardiovascular health.(5)
B6 (pyridoxal)
Grass fed beef organs, including liver and placenta, are some of the richest sources of bioavailable vitamin B6, which is an important catalyst for over 100 different reactions in your body. (6) Pregnant women with low levels of B6 are at high risk to suffer preeclampsia or eclampsia, which is usually also associated with folate and vitamin D deficiency.(7) Vitamin B6 is also an ingredient for all three of the important neurotransmitters in the brain: dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Imbalances of these neurotransmitters are connected with specific symptoms of major depressive disorder and may also contribute to postpartum depression.(8) The human body neither produces nor stores vitamin B6 so it is essential to get enough in your diet every day by eating grass fed beef liver, pasture-raised poultry, wild-caught seafood, and whole food supplements like Grass Fed Placenta.
B12 (cobalamin)
Vitamin B12 works synergistically with folate to synthesize DNA and red blood cells. It assists in the production of myelin, which protects your nerve cells (neurons) and regulates nerve impulse transmission.(9) Vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy is associated with neural tube defect (NTD) and preterm delivery. That said, many other B12 deficiency symptoms that can occur in anyone including anemia, cognitive decline, memory loss, brain fog, depression, cardiovascular problems, peripheral neuropathy (numbness, tingling, burning in the hands, legs, and feet), impaired immune function, infertility, developmental and learning disabilities. Unfortunately, B12 deficiency is often missed by physicians and diagnosed as Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis.
A common myth among vegetarians and vegans is that it’s possible to get B12 from plant sources like seaweed, fermented soy, spirulina, and brewer’s yeast. The truth is, there are almost no vegan sources of vitamin B12. Nearly all seaweed tested has been revealed to contain vitamin B12 analogs (that is, chemically similar) called cobamides that actually block the intake of—and increase the need for—true B12.(10)
B12 is also known as Cobalamin because it contains the trace element cobalt. Cobalamin is produced in the gut of animals and is found almost exclusively in animal foods. Some of the best sources of B12 are liver, clams, oysters, mussels, fish eggs, octopus, crab, lobster, beef, lamb, cheese, and eggs. We can avoid all forms of anemia, cognitive decline, cardiovascular and immune issues simply by consuming the foods of our ancestors.
Selenium deficiency is a modern health issue...common in people worldwide who are dependent on food grown in low-selenium soil, and also those with digestive disorders, HIV, or who are undergoing dialysis. A high serum level of selenium has been shown to decrease the risk of breast cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, and prostate cancer.(11) So you don’t want to mess around with not getting enough.
Due to farming practices, soil conditions, and climate, plant-based sources of this essential mineral are notoriously random, with the actual amount of selenium ranging from 11% to 288% of the recommended daily amount in one study of Brazil nuts.(12) Even in deficient environments, all animals have homeostatic systems to regulate the amount of selenium and other micronutrients in their organs.(13) Grassfed Placenta is an ideal candidate for a bioavailable whole food dietary source of selenium.
The ingestion of placenta produces pain-relieving effects in mammals. According to a recent study, this is due to the ‘Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor’ (POEF) which is present in the placenta of humans and related species.
To be fair, the native inhabitants of North and South America and Ancient Egyptians would not be very impressed with these “modern medical breakthroughs.” Whether the molecular mechanism was perfectly understood is purely academic, our ancestors knew all about the pain-relieving qualities of high-quality animal placenta for thousands of years.
CRH is secreted by the hypothalamus and placenta to release hormones and endorphins which work together to reduce stress and elevate mood. The hypothalamus in the brain is the only source of CRH for most women and all men. During pregnancy, however, the placenta begins to release large amounts of a special kind of CRH to keep the expectant mother’s stress hormones in balance. The placenta increases CRH production three-fold during the late stages of pregnancy.(14) Following childbirth, the placenta retains a large amount of CRH, however, the mother’s level now drops to below normal.(15) This is important because CRH stimulates the production of both cortisol and β-endorphin, the latter binds with opioid receptors to elevate mood and relieve stress. Cortisol releases stored glucose, stimulates fat metabolism from adipose tissue and modulates the immune system to maximize the healing response. CRH seems like a good candidate for why consuming placenta may have a positive effect on postpartum depression and stimulating healing after childbirth.(16)
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that is essential for the production and maintenance of healthy skin. Consuming Vitamin E rich foods provides our sebum with the raw materials to hydrate and nourish our skin. It's interesting to note that topically applying nourishing fats, like Pure Marrow, can also supply the skin with specific vitamin E forms that we don't absorb when we eat them.
According to the National Institutes of Health, Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that may help reduce free radical damage and slow the aging process of your cells. Vitamin E can also absorb the energy from ultraviolet (UV) light. It plays an important role in photoprotection, preventing UV-induced free radical damage to skin.
Grass fed liver holds the nutritional keys to overall health as it is particularly rich in vitamin A, B12, K2, choline, folate, riboflavin and many other powerful nutrients that most people are deficient in.
Vitamin A is one of several fat-soluble activators necessary for the assimilation of minerals in the diet and its many functions include forming and maintaining healthy teeth, skin, mucous membranes, skeletal and soft tissues. Vitamin A also plays a key role in the function of the unborn child’s immune system and is vital for the healthy development of the unborn child's vision, in addition to other organs and the fetal skeleton.
VITAMIN K2 is one of the fat-soluble activators, a super nutrient that enables our bodies to absorb and utilize all of the minerals from the foods we eat. Unsurprisingly then, Vitamin K2 is essential for conception, fetal development and hormone production. "It is possible to starve for minerals that are abundant in the foods eaten because they cannot be utilized without an adequate quantity of the fat-soluble activators.” - Weston A. Price.
Choline plays a crucial role in placental development and exponential fetal organ growth. Choline also supports tooth development, as well as brain development, and significantly decreases the chances of cognitive dysfunction.
High quality desiccated beef liver supports our fertility as well as our connective tissue systems (skin, hair, gums, ligaments, tendons, etc.), energy metabolism, immune, hormone, heart, and brain health.
Whether from grass fed beef, bison, or lamb, grass fed liver is one of the most nutrient-dense, health promoting foods you could possibly eat. Our genome has evolved with the nourishment of liver since the beginning of time… Hunters all over the world, for uncounted thousands of years, would first eat the raw livers of the animals they killed. Lions and other predatory animals will also eat the liver first.
Pasture Raised In New Zealand
Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents
100% Freeze Dried & Non-Defatted
Third Party Tested For Purity
Allergen Free
New Zealand
— Our product is 100% sourced in New Zealand. In agricultural circles and fisheries, it's known that the clean air and water, green pastures, and animal husbandry is at a higher level
Ultra Pure
— Our product is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc) —
Freeze Dried
— Our product is 100% freeze dried in contrast to the heat processed varieties. This means that you get more of the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors that make organ meats so incredibly nourishing —
— There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance programme is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring —
New Zealand seems like it was made for raising healthy animals. Its location and climate produce pristine conditions for cattle, sheep, and fish. The farmers and fishers have uncanny expertise handed down for generations. New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate so the grass in the pastures grows fresh and grows green year-round which means the cows and sheep can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year.
Our nose-to-tail product line is always from grassfed, inspected animals born and raised without the use of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Health of livestock used for manufacturing in New Zealand is closely monitored by a world leading biosecurity system that is second to none, and is a global exemplar. Strict government licensing, auditing and certification procedures mean that our genuine New Zealand freeze dried products can be used with complete confidence in their origin, safety and efficacy. Freeze-drying preserves the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors of components leaving the nutrients in the same balance as found in nature.
We care deeply about each and every aspect of our "seed to supplement" way of life... great love and gratitude goes out to the souls of our animal brethren, such beautiful creatures that were sacrificed so that we could be nourished.
* Our product line is 100% additive-free. Absolutely no stearates, lubricants, binders, fillers or flow agents... except with our Bone Marrow (see Other Ingredients) *
Serving Size: 6 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30
New Zealand Grass Fed Placenta (Bovine) 1500MG
New Zealand Grass Fed Liver (Bovine) 1500MG
SUGGESTED USE: Six capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.
* FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
— Based on the ancestral wisdom that "like supports like," consuming Placenta may support postpartum recovery, positive mood & a healthy response to stress.* —
— Provides all the building blocks... bioactive and nutritionally intact with specific vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and stem cells to support women who are nursing, postpartum healing, menopause, and skin elasticity. —
— Includes liver that provides the fundemental support needed for detoxification and methylation pathways* —
Heme Iron, Zinc & Copper
B-Vitamins: B6 (pyridoxal) & B12 (cobalamin)
Vitamin D3
Essential Trace Minerals Selenium & Calcium
Hormone-Releasing Neuropeptides, Cofactors & Precursors
Placenta Specific Proteins, Stem Cells & Hormones (Prolactin and Oxytocin)
Molecular Biodirectors — DNA Blueprints To Build and Repair Healthy Tissue
Nursing and Postpartum Health*
Positive Mental Outlook & Mood*
Immune System, Asthma, Eczema & Allergies*
Hormone Health & Menopause*
Pain Management
Nervous System & Cognitive Functions
NOTE: For intensive support, consider the combination of Placenta, Fish Eggs, Beef Brain, and Bone Marrow to support fundamental health, neurological function, and fertility.*
Our Grass Fed Placenta is a whole food dietary supplement that provides 100% pure grass fed bovine placenta and liver. The suggested use of this supplement is to take 6 capsules per day (even though it technically is food) or as directed by a healthcare professional — for added support, the dose can be doubled. If consuming more than six capsules at once, the doses should be separated by at least three hours to improve tolerability.
Most customers tolerate our supplements without incident; however, approximately 5 to 10% of customers (usually with an autoimmune condition) may experience a detoxification reaction. Detoxification reactions go by many different names including healing reactions, healing crises, cleansing reactions (or) Herxheimer reactions with hallmark symptoms of nausea, headache, lethargy, dizziness and other flu-like symptoms. In this instance, detoxification reactions are generally an indication that detoxification pathways in the body are back online... cells suddenly have an opportunity to release an even greater than normal quantity of stored toxins, metabolic wastes, pathogens and unwanted material.
A detoxification reaction is more likely to occur when starting with the full suggested serving size of 6 capsules per day. If you know that you are sensitive to supplements and/or you have an autoimmune condition, you may wish to start slow when adding this product to your current regimen. Tolerability can be greatly improved by starting with just 1 (or) 2 capsules a day and increasing by just 1 capsule every couple of days — this method may take a full two weeks to achieve the desired serving size of 6 capsules per day.
For customers that are highly sensitive to supplements and/or have an autoimmune and/or methylation SNPs, I suggest that you "play it safe" by introducing just one new capsule per week. In other words, just 1 capsule during the 1st week... 2 capsules during the 2nd week... 3 capsules during the 3rd week and so on... yes, this will take some time to reach the suggested dosages but this greatly helps to ensure tolerability of this deep nourishment so that it has a chance to do good.
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Ancestral Protein Powder 744g Chocolate
Unlock the strongest version of yourself with our new protein powder, crafted from the purest and most potent ingredients nature has to offer. Each serving delivers 20g of high-quality protein and only 90–100 calories, ensuring you get the most out of every scoop.
First of its kind all-in-one protein powder made from grass-fed, pasture-raised beef bone broth and packed with 12 superfoods
Made without dairy, gluten, or legumes so it’s easy on the digestive system
Contains collagen types I and III, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, chondroitin, and essential amino acids
Ancestral Protein Powder Contains…
Beef Bone Broth Protein: Pure, concentrated bone broth rich in protein and gut-supportive nutrients
100% Grass Fed Organs Blend: Liver, kidney, heart, pancreas, and spleen
Regenerative Organic Certified® Adaptogenic Mushrooms: Reishi, chaga, cordyceps, and lion’s mane mushroom
Celtic Sea Minerals: A rich source of essential trace minerals and electrolytes
Bovine MCHA: A highly bioavailable form of calcium that supports bone density and overall skeletal health
Ancestral Protein Powder Is…
100% Grass-Fed Beef Organs
Regenerative Organic Certified® Adaptogenic Mushrooms
Free of Any Fillers or Flow Agents
Third-Party Tested for Quality & Purity
Free of Artificial Flavors or Sweeteners
Seed Oil- and Allergen-Free
In our relentless pursuit of robust health, we look to the wisdom of our "hunter-gatherer" ancestors. They intuitively knew that consuming the whole animal along with select plants, like adaptogenic mushrooms, provided strength, vitality, and the perpetuation of the tribe. We believe that there is a time and a place for the best of what the animal and plant kingdoms have to offer. Which is why we've painstakingly selected these nourishing foods and provided them all in the convenience of a single scoop.
Ultra Pure
Our organs blend is 100% sourced in New Zealand and Australia. In agricultural circles, these countries are known for their unparalleled clean air, green pastures, and animal welfare practices. New Zealand and Australia provide the world's most pristine conditions for raising cattle.
Easily digestable
Ancestral Protein is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc.).
New Zealand & Australia
For the vast majority of people, Ancestral Protein is much easier to digest, thanks to its bone broth protein isolate, versus other powders that include dairy- or legume-based proteins — like whey and pea protein powder.
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Grass Fed Prostate With Liver 180caps 500mg
— Traditional peoples, Native Americans and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual.* [1] —
For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) the things we needed for strength, health and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where our strength, our health and our happiness are not wholly ours anymore... but it doesn't have to be that way!
[ Organs and glandulars were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.*[2] Our early ancestors knew this, which is why their traditional diets included the frequent and nourishing consumption of nose-to-tail nutrients. ]
Whole food, nutrient dense organs and glands can provide great benefit for those seeking targeted support in harmony with nature — the old fashioned way, the way that our early ancestors did.* Grassfed Prostate is a whole food and dietary supplement that provides 100% pure bovine prostate (and liver) with prostate specific peptides, cofactors and enzymes to nourish and support one's own prostate.*
Pasture Raised In New Zealand
Grass-fed & Grass-Finished
Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents
100% Freeze Dried & Non-Defatted
Third Party Tested For Purity
Allergen Free
New Zealand
— Our product is 100% sourced in New Zealand. In agricultural circles and fisheries, it's known that the clean air and water, green pastures, and animal husbandry is at a higher level —
Ultra Pure
— Our product is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc) —
Freeze Dried
— Our product is 100% freeze dried in contrast to the heat processed varieties. This means that you get more of the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors that make organ meats so incredibly nourishing —
— There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s, do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance programme is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring —
New Zealand seems like it was made for raising healthy animals. Its location and climate produce pristine conditions for cattle and sheep, and the farmers have uncanny expertise handed down for generations. New Zealand is unique among meat-producing regions in the world because its climate is moderate so the grass in the pastures grows fresh and grows green year-round which means the cows and sheep can eat the food that’s healthiest for them every day of the year.
Our nose-to-tail product line is always from grassfed, inspected animals born and raised without the use of pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Health of livestock used for manufacturing in New Zealand is closely monitored by a world leading biosecurity system that is second to none, and is a global exemplar. Strict government licensing, auditing and certification procedures mean that our genuine New Zealand freeze dried products can be used with complete confidence in their origin, safety and efficacy. Freeze-drying preserves the heat sensitive vitamins, minerals and co-factors of components leaving the nutrients in the same balance as found in nature.
* Our product line is 100% additive-free. Absolutely no stearates, lubricants, binders, fillers or flow agents... except with our Bone Marrow (see Other Ingredients) *
Serving Size: 6 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30
Freeze-Dried New Zealand Grassfed Prostate With Liver 500 MG
Grass Fed Prostate (Bovine) 120 MG
Grass Fed Liver (Bovine) 380 MG
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Collagen (Beef Gelatin) Capsules
SUGGESTED USE: Six capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.
* FDA STATEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Traditional peoples, Native Americans and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual. For instance, the traditional way of treating a person with a weak heart was to feed the person the heart of a healthy animal. Similarly, eating the kidneys of a healthy animal was believed to support urinary ailments and overall kidney health... Pancreas was fed to people with digestive and endocrine problems...[1] bovine prostate provided prostate specific building blocks to nourish and support one's own prostate health.*
Dr. Royal Lee, and other early nutritional pioneers, believed the degenerative processes of a specific organ / gland could be reversed by ingesting the corresponding raw materials specific to that organ / gland.[3]
Whether from grassfed beef, bison, or lamb, grass fed liver is one of the most nutrient-dense, health promoting foods you could possibly eat. Hunters all over the world, for uncounted thousands of years, would eat the raw livers of the animals they killed. Lions and other predatory animals will also eat the liver first. Grass fed liver is particularly rich in vitamin B12, vitamin A, choline, folate and and many other powerful nutrients that most people are deficient in. Grass fed liver also contains compounds that help the human liver function better. Other substances in liver reduce fatigue and improve brain function.*[1]
Many people look to targeted support "like heals like" while neglecting the very fundamental nourishment that governs our biology, health and well-being. It's no wonder that so many people successfully support organ and glandular related health conditions (prostate, adrenal, thyroid, heart included) by just nourishing their bodies with Liver, Beef Organs and Bone Marrow.*
Organs and glandulars were a staple of our early ancestors' diets as the ultimate superfood, for good reason. It turns out, this nourishing tradition is backed by science... "Radioisotope labeling studies in animals have shown conclusively that, when eaten, organs and glands selectively travel to the corresponding organs and glands in high concentrations. This research, done at the University of Scotland in Edinburgh, lends credence to the ancient practice of eating animal organs to help ensure health in one’s corresponding organs..." - Dr. Ron Schmid, ND.*[2] Our early ancestors knew this, which is why their traditional diets included the frequent and nourishing consumption of nose-to-tail nutrients.
— Based on the ancient ancestral wisdom that "like supports like." Consuming prostate may nourish and support our own prostate.* —
— Provides healthy prostate building blocks... prostate specific proteins, peptides, enzymes & cofactors along with nourishment that is fundamental to human physiology, liver * —
— Contains molecular biodirectors (DNA instructions) to code and/or express the building of healthy tissue* —
Healthy Prostate Building Blocks... Prostate Specific Proteins, Peptides, Enzymes & Cofactors
Molecular Biodirectors — DNA Blueprints To Healthy Tissue
Methylation Raw Materials (folate, choline, B12, methyl donors)
[NOTE: For intensive support, consider reviewing the life’s work of Dr. John F. Prudden here... he showed that bovine tracheal cartilage (BTC) had unique and powerful effects on wound healing, immune conditions and other life threatening conditions related to the prostate considered to be treatment resistant to conventional therapies.*] [4]
Optimal Prostate Health Based On "Like Supports Like" *
Healthy Urine Flow
Fertility & Healthy PSA
Erectile Health
Methylation And Detoxification
[NOTE: Prostate erection nerves are responsible for erections. These nerves trigger the penis to swell and harden with extra blood flow into it, producing an erection. A healthy prostate plays a role in a healthy erection.] [5]
Our Grass Fed Prostate (with liver) is a whole food dietary supplement that provides bovine prostate with the ultimate superfood — liver. Liver fills nutrition gaps more completely than any other food. This supplement can be taken with (or) without food (even though it technically is food). The suggested use is 6 capsules a day or as directed by a healthcare professional — for added support, the dose can be doubled. If consuming more than six capsules at once, the doses should be separated by at least three hours to improve tolerability.
Most customers tolerate our supplements without incident; however, approximately 5 to 10% of customers (usually with an autoimmune condition) may experience a detoxification reaction. Detoxification reactions go by many different names including healing reactions, healing crises, cleansing reactions (or) Herxheimer reactions with hallmark symptoms of nausea, headache, lethargy, dizziness and other flu like symptoms. In this instance, detoxification reactions are generally an indication that detoxification pathways in the body are back online... cells suddenly have an opportunity to release an even greater than normal quantity of stored toxins, metabolic wastes, pathogens and unwanted material.
A detoxification reaction is more likely to occur when starting with the full suggested serving size of 6 capsules per day. If you know that you are sensitive to supplements and/or you have an autoimmune condition, you may wish to start slow when adding this product to your current regimen. Tolerability can be greatly improved by starting with just 1 (or) 2 capsules a day and increasing by just 1 capsule every couple of days — this method may take a full two weeks to achieve the desired serving size of 6 capsules per day.
For customers that are highly sensitive to supplements and/or have an autoimmune and/or methylation SNPs, I suggest that you "play it safe" by introducing just one new capsule per week. In other words, just 1 capsule of Prostate during the 1st week... 2 capsules during the 2nd week... 3 capsules during the 3rd week and so on... yes, this will take some time to reach the suggested dosages but this greatly helps to ensure tolerability of this deep nourishment so that it has a chance to do good.
The human organism is superbly adapted to an environment that no longer exists. Our modern world is totally inappropriate for the bodies we inhabit today. The vast majority of our health and happiness problems result from this mismatch. The solution is to find ways to recreate our ancestral environment in the modern world. You can see exactly how I've done this for my own tribe here. The information presented below is meant to provide you, descendant of the sole surviving species of genus Homo (the baddest mammalian predators that ever lived) insights to reclaim your strength, health and happiness in the modern world.
It's easy to see why so many kids and adults alike are walking around like zombies... low energy... sickly... brain fog... unhappy. The nourishing wisdom that allowed our early ancestors to live a vibrant, disease-free life has been tucked away for convenient, cheap, hyperpalatable food-like products that support big industry as opposed to our health. These products might appeal to taste, but they leave us hungry and stuffed because our bodies are still starving for true whole-food nourishment... the nourishment that's required for the health and healing of all of our organs / glands.
Look to liver for real, preformed vitamin A (retinol). If you're not consuming liver (or) desiccated liver, you're probably deficient... this is a fact. Retinol, and vitamin A derivatives, influence proper cell differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis (programmed cell death for cells that are misbehaving). Real retinol is obtained from animal foods (most notably, liver) in contrast to the beta carotene varieties that poorly convert to this wonder vitamin.[6] Obtaining the recommended Daily Value (RDV) of real vitamin A is fundamental for various biological functions, including dental health, embryonic development, tissue integrity and immune regulation.[7]
Eat like our early ancestor did... eat liver or a take our Grass Fed Liver and/or Prostate supplement on a regular basis.
Get sensible sun exposure... or, consider a vitamin D3 supplement. Being deficient in this vitamin increases the risk of death and cancer just about as much as smoking cigarettes.[8] According to Michael Holick, M.D., Ph.D., avoiding sun exposure to prevent skin cancer resulted in such a drop in vitamin D levels that for every life saved from skin cancer, 55 women died from breast cancer and 60 men died from prostate cancer. While this assertion is considered controversial, the research on vitamin D is not... it is clear that vitamin D deficiency dramatically increases risk of many cancers.[8]
A four-year placebo-controlled study that investigated the effects of 1,100 IU vitamin D3 and/or 1,400 mg calcium on cancer risk in 1,179 postmenopausal women over age 55 showed that vitamin D supplementation produced a dramatic 60% drop in the risk of developing any form of cancer.[8] I don't believe that to be an adequate dose of vitamin D but it's a massive step in the right direction.
Live like our early ancestors did... get sensible sunshine or take a vitamin D3 supplement (along with the other fat soluble vitamins A&K).
Eat your fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and natto... or, consider a vitamin K complex supplement. Studies of combination therapies have now provided strong evidence favoring vitamin K2 both in liver and prostate cancer. A group of US urologists studied the combination of vitamin K3, 50 mg per day, plus vitamin C at 5,000 mg per day in treating prostate cancer patients who had failed standard therapy.[9] They showed that treatment significantly decreased the speed of rise in PSA, the serum marker of disease, while increasing the time it took for PSA levels to double.[9]
Eat like our early ancestors did... eat fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and natto or take a vitamin K2 complex supplement.
Again, liver reigns supreme here providing 13.6 mcg (230% DV) of vitamin B12 per serving (6 capsules of our Grassfed Beef Liver). Vitamin B12 protects your prostate... that’s because it helps to minimize chromosomal breakage, reducing the risk of prostate cancer.[10] Vitamin B12, as well as other B vitamins, are essential for optimal methylation which greatly influences the expression of genes, also known as epigenetics. The B vitamins also provide the required cofactors to regulate healthy gene expression.
Eat like our early ancestor did... eat liver or a take our Grass Fed Liver and/or Prostate supplement on a regular basis.
The recurring theme here is liver but oysters and sardines will do too. Iron is essential for all cells but too little or too much could be potentially hazardous. This is mostly due to iron participation in oxidation-reduction reactions. The key is consume just the right amount... not too much, not too little. With that said, look to real nourishing foods like liver that provide a modest amount of heme iron (just 1 to 2 mg of iron per ounce which is about the same for a 6 capsule serving).[11] On the other hand, if one needs a lot more heme iron in the diet, look no further than the ultimate blood builder — Spleen. This has 5 X's more heme iron than liver and supports immune and digestive health too.
Eat like our early ancestor did... eat liver or a take our Grass Fed Liver and/or Prostate supplement on a regular basis.
Sea vegetables. Consider organic kelp granules to add in bone broth soup, sprinkle over salad or as a seasoning to all dishes. Clinical research has demonstrated that a sufficient intake of iodine can enhance breast and prostate health.* According to James Howenstine, MD, iodine deficiency is a recognized risk factor in the development of cancer of the breast and prostate.[12]
Eat like our early ancestors did... consume iodine rich foods such as kelp granules, wild caught fish and eggs from pastured, organic chickens.
It's virtually impossible to get enough magnesium from diet alone. Look for a transdermal magnesium oil. Apply to feet before bedtime and go to sleep. The prostate should be maintained with the most important mineral for muscle health... that's magnesium! The majority of the population is deficient in magnesium and the proactive potential of supplementing magnesium extends far beyond prostate health (think heart health, and magnesium shortage is also a primary root cause of high blood pressure, stroke and GERD). Magnesium deficiency is almost as common as the widespread shortages of zinc and selenium. It's estimated that 80% of us require more of this mineral.[13]
— Vitamins A, D, and K2 cooperate synergistically not only with each other, but also with essential minerals like magnesium and zinc, with dietary fat, and with key metabolic factors like thyroid hormone * —
— Vitamins A, D, and K2 interact synergistically to support energy metabolism, immune health, provide for adequate growth, support strong bones and teeth, and protect soft tissues from calcification * —
— Magnesium is required for the production of all proteins, including those that interact with vitamins A and D * —
Signs of deficiency include tension, heart irregularities, cramps, insomnia, seizures and high blood pressure. The problem with an advanced magnesium deficiency, which is typically evidenced by cramps, is that the stomach lining loses some of its capacity to absorb magnesium. In this instance, oral supplementation can be ineffective. Transdermal magnesium supplementation is an effective way to deliver magnesium directly through the skin.[13]
Consume magnesium rich foods and apply transdermal magnesium oil to feet before bed.
Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health found that men with higher levels of melatonin had a 75 percent reduced risk for developing advanced prostate cancer compared with men who had lower levels of melatonin. AACR in the News. Melatonin may lower prostate cancer risk.[14] On the hierarchy of health, sleep trumps almost everything else. It's the low hanging fruit that can affect health metrics more than just about anything else. It's the time when your body and your brain detox, recover, rebuild and restore. How amazing is your sleep? Here's what you need to do...
Get morning sun exposure (at the same time everyday) to regulate sleep / wake cycles.
Finish your last meal at least 3 to 4 hours before bedtime... trust me, you can do this.
Earthing... you can do it the old fashioned way or you can use grounding sheets like we do (Google it). We go on barefoot hikes all the time... we use an EMF meter to make sure there are no electrical fields around our bed... we turn off the wifi (actually don't have wifi but you do, so turn it off at night)... put your phone in airplane mode and make sure that there are no electronics (nor lights) anywhere near you.
Your sleep temperature should be between 64 and 68.
Use blackout curtains and blackout blinds... room needs to be pitch black. No battery lights, no night lights, nothing!
Use Himalayan salt lamps at sunset instead of regular lighting.
Wear UVEX safety goggles/glasses at least 2 hours before going to bed... this one is seriously a big deal. They cost $10 and they make all the difference. If you're not going to do anything else, do this!
Last but not least, sleep on the floor like our tribe does... why you ask... because our bodies were never meant to be in a cast, courtesy of your bed, all night. Why do you think you wake up feeling like a stiff Rick. Katy Bowman is a biomechanist and author of Move Your DNA. She sleeps on the floor. She got us sleeping on the floor.
If you're like most people reading this right now, there's little that you wouldn't do to reclaim these virtues. Turn off Netflix and start prioritizing your sleep! It's the single most influential thing you can do today (as in right now) to support your health journey. No, you don't have to go all in and start sleeping on the floor but you do have to do everything else.
Sleep like our early ancestors did... at least spend the $10 on the UVEX glasses to boost melatonin. Go buy them... here's the link.
Avoid danger like our ancestors did (think lions, well-done or charbroiled meat, processed meat, pesticides, heavy metals, food additives, trans fats, sugars, fluoride, excessive wifi, emfs, vaccines, non-native water, plastics, non-native clothing, non-native bedding, non-native eating and drinking containers, flame retardants, etc). Avoiding and limiting well-done and processed meats, milk and heavy metals is a start. If you want to support your body's ability to optimally heal and be healthy, avoid these dangers and all other non-native compounds.
Avoid dangers like our early ancestors did... think lions, well-done and processed meats, pesticides and all non-native compounds.
According to experts on the impact of the environment and diet on fetal development, we now live in an environment that can be viewed as “a virtual sea of estrogens.”[8] Increased exposure to environmental estrogens and other environmental pollutants during fetal development, as well as during the reproductive years, is suggested as a major reason for the tremendous rise in disorders of development and function of the male sexual system.[8] The following are common strong estrogenic compounds that greatly contribute to estrogen dominance... commercially-raised meat and dairy products, insecticide or pesticide residues, tap water, conventional toiletries (shampoos, lotions, soaps, toothpastes, cosmetics and other personal care products), soft plastics, artificial food additives and of course, soy.[15]
Avoid dangers like our early ancestors did... think commercially-raised meat and dairy, tap water and toiletries.
"Fasting can slow and even stop cancer progression and tumour growth, kill cancer cells and significantly improve chemotherapeutics and radiotherapy effectiveness. Fasting has also been shown to boost the immune system, de-fat the liver and pancreas and reduce chemotherapy side-effects. A five day water only fast is something to seriously consider. Leading cancer centres and experts such as Dr Valter Longo of University of Southern California, Professor Thomas Seyfried of Boston, Dr Dominic D´Agostino, Assistant Professor of Molecular Pharmacology, University of South Florida, and the Max-Plank Institute show that fasting can play an important therapeutic role in the treatment of cancer." — Chris Woollams,
While autophagy – the process by which cells “clean up” cellular “garbage” – has a complex relationship with cancer, it’s generally a positive process that protects cells from excessive oxidative stress. Fasting has been shown to induce “profound” neuronal autophagy, as well as general autophagy.
Take Away - Eat (and don't eat)... just like our early ancestors did.
A mismatch between our ancestral and modern environments in terms of physical activity and natural movement comes to mind as being almost as big a mismatch as is diet. Based on paleoanthropological evidence from hominid fossils, and from the study of individuals living in contemporary hunter-gatherer societies, humans moved around quite a bit and were very active. People in hunter-gatherer groups probably walked around 10,000 steps a day.
What you do with your body is just as important as what you put into it... in maintaining a "healthy level of movement," one develops a healthy approach to consumption, where instincts become far more identifiable and beneficial. The well-being that builds from balanced movement trumps the need for consumption based satisfaction, such as food, pain killers, alcohol, drugs etc. Don't believe me... try it! Try moving more... I'm not asking you to put forth much effort here. I'm just asking you to put one foot in front of the other. Get 10,000 steps a day (or) walk for 60 to 90 minutes.
Take Away - Move like our early ancestors did... aim to walk 90 minutes a day in divided doses.
It's not hard to see why liver is considered a nutritional powerhouse and included in our Grassfed Prostate supplement — liver fills nutrition gaps more completely than any other food. A whole food, nutrient dense diet provides the nourishment we need in order to express the strongest and healthiest version of ourselves... Food and ancestral living forms the basis of our health.
Our biology is truly remarkable as it relates to our ability to heal... we just need to create the right environment for healing to take place. Bruce Lipton's work regarding The Biology Of Belief demonstrates that we are indeed the architects of our experience. We can, and we do, create cell signals (perceptions) with our thoughts. So stay positive... think about the wonderful things in your life that you're grateful for... eat like our early ancestors did... get sensible sun exposure... move around like our ancestors did... sleep like our early ancestors did... mind your magnesium... and breathe like Wim Hof.
And yes, of course exercise is wonderful for us (because it's hormetic)... fasting is amazing for us (because it's hormetic)... cold and heat exposures (environmental conditioning) are incredible for us (because it's hormetic)... but these all require us to get uncomfortable. Just remember that comfort is not good for the organism. Push yourself a little to love yourself a lot.
Okay, you're convinced! You're going to start incorporating nose-to-tail nourishment in your routine because, well... you're educated now... you understand, just as our early ancestors did, that they provide superlative health benefits that are missing in our modern diets. The next step is sourcing it. It's important that you source the highest quality because not all organs, glands and cartilage are created equal. Consider the source.
Should Come From An Unpolluted Geographical Region — Isolated, Healthy, Pristine Lands
Should Come From Pasture Raised Animals
Should Come From Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished Animals
Should Come From Animals That Are Hormone, Pesticide & GMO Free
Should Also Be Ultra Pure... Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents, No Allergens
Should Be Non-Defatted
Should Be 100% Freeze Dried... Freeze Drying Preserves Heat Sensitive Biological Activity
If you're going to pick just one ancestral supplement to start with, make it our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER... unless you need targeted support with another specific organ system (see below). If you are going to pick two supplements, our GRASS FED BEEF LIVER and our GRASS FED BEEF ORGANS provide complementary and synergistic nourishment. If you can add a third supplement, GRASS FED BONE MARROW fills fat soluble nutrition gaps, provides stem cells, bovine cartilage, glycosaminoglycans and the fat soluble activators that nutrition giant Dr. Weston Price extensively wrote about.
Grass Fed Beef Liver
Grass Fed Beef Organs (liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, spleen)
Grass Fed Bone Marrow
On the other hand, if you're looking for targeted organ support, you may be interested in our GRASS FED BEEF HEART to support heart health (or) our GRASS FED THYROID to support a struggling thyroid (or) our GRASS FED THYMUS to support thymus function and immune health... you get the picture.* We have a nose-to-tail product line that can be found on our "Products" page. If you can't find what you're looking for (or) you're not sure what you're looking for, send us an email and we'll do everything we can to help.
Our genome has evolved with the nourishment of nose-to-tail dining since the beginning of time. Grassfed Prostate is a whole food and dietary supplement that provides 100% pure bovine prostate containing powerful building blocks and biodirectors along with the most nourishing super food in existence — liver. Based on the concept of "like supports like," bovine prostate (w/ liver) may nourish and support our own prostate.*
Not all organs and glands are the same. Look for the highest quality bovine prostate... It should come from pasture-raised, grass-fed and grass-finished animals that are hormone, pesticide and GMO free. If considering a supplement, look for one that is ultra pure (without binders, fillers (or) flow agents) and look for the freeze dried variety as these have been shown to optimally preserve nutritional factors, growth factors and co-factors.
[ FACT: There has never been a case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. BSE (mad cow disease), scrapie and other known TSE’s, do not occur in New Zealand. A national surveillance programme is in place to provide comprehensive monitoring. ]
We care deeply about each and every aspect of our "seed to supplement" way of life... great love and gratitude goes out to the souls of these beautiful creatures that sacrificed their lives so that we could be nourished.
NOTE: Bovine prostate can be found on the market by various names: prostate PMG, bovine prostate extract, prostate glandular, etc, ect.
Sources and References
Fishman, Stanley A. "The Benefits of Organ Meats." Tender Grassfed Meat. N.p., 09 Dec. 2014. Web. 17 June 2017.
"Spleen, 500mg, 180 Capsules." Dr. Ron's Ultra-Pure. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2017.
Lee R, Hanson W. Protomorphology: The Principles of Cell Auto-Regulation. Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, 1947
Murray, Michael T., Joseph E. Pizzorno, and Lara Pizzorno. The encyclopedia of healing foods. 3rd ed. Place of publication not identified: Time Warner International, 2006. Print.
Casper RC. Exercise and mood. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics 1993; 71: 115–143.–media/aacr-in-the-news.aspx?d=3260
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Ancestral Protein Powder 711g Vanilla
Unlock the strongest version of yourself with our new protein powder, crafted from the purest and most potent ingredients nature has to offer. Each serving delivers 20g of high-quality protein and only 90–100 calories, ensuring you get the most out of every scoop.
First of its kind all-in-one protein powder made from grass-fed, pasture-raised beef bone broth and packed with 12 superfoods
Made without dairy, gluten, or legumes so it’s easy on the digestive system
Contains collagen types I and III, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, chondroitin, and essential amino acids
Ancestral Protein Powder Contains…
Beef Bone Broth Protein: Pure, concentrated bone broth rich in protein and gut-supportive nutrients
100% Grass Fed Organs Blend: Liver, kidney, heart, pancreas, and spleen
Regenerative Organic Certified® Adaptogenic Mushrooms: Reishi, chaga, cordyceps, and lion’s mane mushroom
Celtic Sea Minerals: A rich source of essential trace minerals and electrolytes
Bovine MCHA: A highly bioavailable form of calcium that supports bone density and overall skeletal health
Ancestral Protein Powder Is…
100% Grass-Fed Beef Organs
Regenerative Organic Certified® Adaptogenic Mushrooms
Free of Any Fillers or Flow Agents
Third-Party Tested for Quality & Purity
Free of Artificial Flavors or Sweeteners
Seed Oil- and Allergen-Free
In our relentless pursuit of robust health, we look to the wisdom of our "hunter-gatherer" ancestors. They intuitively knew that consuming the whole animal along with select plants, like adaptogenic mushrooms, provided strength, vitality, and the perpetuation of the tribe. We believe that there is a time and a place for the best of what the animal and plant kingdoms have to offer. Which is why we've painstakingly selected these nourishing foods and provided them all in the convenience of a single scoop.
Ultra Pure
Our organs blend is 100% sourced in New Zealand and Australia. In agricultural circles, these countries are known for their unparalleled clean air, green pastures, and animal welfare practices. New Zealand and Australia provide the world's most pristine conditions for raising cattle.
Easily digestable
Ancestral Protein is 100% pure... This means that you won't see any of the extra stuff that most supplement companies include to save time and money (stearates, silica, etc.).
New Zealand & Australia
For the vast majority of people, Ancestral Protein is much easier to digest, thanks to its bone broth protein isolate, versus other powders that include dairy- or legume-based proteins — like whey and pea protein powder.
Ancestral Supplements
Ancestral Supplements - Digestive Enzymes (90 caps / 30 servings)
Ancestral Supplements' Digestive Enzymes (90 Caps / 30 Servings)
Discover the thoughtfully crafted Ancestral Supplements' Digestive Enzymes, combining a blend of enzymes, probiotics, and 100% grass-fed beef organs. Designed for those seeking a natural way to support their body's digestive processes, this supplement features high-quality ingredients for daily use.
Key Features:
Supports Digestive Processes: Contains enzymes such as amylase, lipase, and protease.
Convenient Blend: Includes a carefully selected combination of enzymes and probiotics.
Premium Ingredients: Features 100% grass-fed kidney, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, stomach, and duodenum.
Probiotic Support: Includes Bacillus subtilis to complement the enzyme blend.
High Quality Assurance: Non-GMO, allergen-free, and third-party tested for purity and quality.
Experience Ancestral Supplements' Digestive Enzymes, a straightforward and natural choice for your wellness journey.